Perfectly Imperfect 1

By raihanmoi

899K 6.2K 808

Book One of Perfectly Imperfect. [Opposites attract. Secrets kill.] Opposites attract; the oldest cliché in t... More

Authors Note
1- The Two Sides of Love
2- Kayla, meet Cal. Cal, Kayla.
3- Oh my god! It's Cal Cafferty!
4- Facebook-less?
5- Acting
6- Everybody's Brilliant
7- Slushie Time!
8- Running Away
9- I'm Elle
10- Returning Favours
11- Chocolates and Flowers
12- Barbra Streisand
13- The Race
14- Head Cheerleader
15- Mean Girl
16- Who Are You?
17- The Party
18- Hangover
19- You're Still My Friend
20- I Didn't Know
21- The Cafferty Residence
22- Dinner With the Thomas's
23- Hey, Dad
24- Tryouts
25- Aiden
26- Rituals
27- Kicking and Screaming
28- Confessions
29- May the Best Man Win
30- What Was What?
31- Kayla or Elle or Kell
32- The Announcement
33- Oh, Brother!
34- You Have a Brother, Cal
35- Will You Go To the Formals With Me?
36- Party at Cal's
37- You, My Darling, Were Just Jumpy
38- William Cafferty
39- The Thomas's
40- We're Going to America!
41- The McLean Hospital
42- MobileMe
43- She's Sick
44- Here Kitty Kitty
45- Evan Aiden Cafferty?
46- I'm Going to Find Cal. Again.
47- This is Reality... and Sometimes, Things Don't Go the Way They Should
48- No Way of Knowing
49- The Switch
51- He's Just Lost
52- Deluded
53- His Name Isn't Even Aiden
54- Let's Forget About All This Madness
55- 3 Million More Dresses
56- The Little Blue Dress
57- Great, More Plotting
58- We're Going to Have So Much Fun!
59- So. Freaking. Embarrassing!
60- What Did He Say?
61- Our Prom Queen is...
62- Happy Birthday, Kiddo!
63- What Are You Talking About?
64- Miscommunication
65- Get Out Here. Now!
66- Partyin' partyin'
67- Drowned Rat
68- I'll Never Drink Again
69- Bowling
70- Tiffany's
71- Why Should You Have the Flashy Car?
72- Plans
73- Unpacking
74- The Dinner
75- Guest House?
76- The Masquerade Ball
77- The Importance of Maintaining Customs
78- Warwick High: A History
79- You Little Twit
80- Mix Up
81- The Hunt
82- The Haunted Mansion
83- Hush-a-bye
84- Aiden Again
85- You Only See What You Want To See
86- Leaving England
87- I, Elle Kayla Thomas, Am All Grown Up Now
88- Mr Callum Aiden Cafferty, the Valedictorian
EPILOGUE: Would It Be Happily-Never-After? Or Would It Be Perfectly Imperfect?
Authors' Note

50- Oh, Cal!

8.8K 54 6
By raihanmoi


I swiped my screen, brushing away the last few tears from my cheeks.

He sounded like Cal... But then again, we were talking about Cal's brother, weren't we? But then again, the doctor told us that Cal was in a coma. And so did the inspector.

What the heck was going on?!

Suddenly, I felt arms enveloping me from behind. Shocked, I jerked my elbows backwards, jabbing the person in his spleen.

"Ouch! What the heck, Kayla?!"

I gasped, looking at Ivan's pained face.

"I'm sorry, Ivan!"

"What's wrong with you anyway? We get it that you're upset, all of us are, but why'd you have to be on full attack mode?"

"I- Oh, Ivan, listen to me. Cal just called me."

Ivan scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Way to apologize, Kayla."

"No, I'm serious! He told me that there was a mixup, that the guy downstairs is Evan."

"That's impossible. How is that possible anyway?"

"I don't know, but this... Cal guy told me to be careful."

"Of what? Cal, or whoever he claims that guy downstairs is, won't wake up. At least for now," he quickly added. "Wait a minute, Kayla. You're not actually buying it, are you?"

I bit my lip.

"God, Kayla! You are such a magnet for trouble! What, I expect this Cal guy has an injured leg or something so he can't walk over to see you and you probably have to go over to see him?"


Now that he put it that way.

Ivan ran his fingers through his hair.

"Kayla, I'm sorry, but we've just got to acce-"

He was broken off by loud police sirens screeching towards the hospital building. Behind the two police cars, an ambulance followed closely, its lights flashing.

"What the...?" I hear Ivan mumbling, but my attention was not on him anymore. My eyes fearfully follows the procession as they stopped right in front of the hospital doors. My heart began to beat faster. Could it be possible...?

The door sprang open and Inspector Hugh jumped out, his face red as he stormed towards the building. Not once did he spare a look at Ivan and I, who were gaping stupidly as his uniform flapped by.

"What's happening?" Ivan asked hoarsely, as two more inspectors tailed him, their jaws set. But I didn't answer Ivan; my eyes were fixed on the ambulance that was pulling over gently.

"Ivan...?" I whispered, still not taking my eyes of the ambulance, but he was gone, rushing in after the police officers. I took a step forward, as if an invisible magnet was drawing me towards the ambulance.

Don't get your hopes up, Kayla. You have no idea what's happening. Even though he may look like Cal... It might still be Evan. Maybe Evan looks a lot like his dad, just like Cal does.

The ambulance doors were opening. I inhaled a sharp breath, trying to steady my heart.

A paramedic stumbled out of the ambulance, the doors flying open behind him. He looked terribly flustered, and his pale face was splotched with embarrassment.

"You bloody well don't know what you're doing, don't you?"

My heart fluttered; I would know that voice, that temper anywhere. Still, I forced myself to stay calm, to not run towards the ambulance. I didn't want to get my hopes up.

"Sir, I'm sorry!"

 "You ruddy well will be! Now get me out of here!"

The poor paramedic jumped into the ambulance again.


"But, sir-"

I had almost reached the ambulance doors, tears pouring from my eyes again. I really didn't- couldn't afford to get my hopes up, but the person in the ambulance sounded so much like Cal...

"Oh, forget it! I'm getting off by myself," he hissed, the exact same time I stepped in front of the ambulance doors.

"Oof!" he cried out as he knocked over me, both of us tumbling to the ground, him underneath me. It happened so quickly- one moment I was holding my breath, the next moment, I was looking down at a pair of grey eyes.


I inhaled a sharp gasp of breath.

 "Kayla! It's me, Cal!"

I shook my head, my tears falling on Cal's shirt.

"No, no, it's not true. Cal's downstairs, he's hurt," I whimpered, not allowing myself to believe what I was seeing.

"Kayla, its me, Cal! I'm serious!"

I let out a ragged breath, my face crumpling.

"Please don't do this to me, Evan. Please, I've been through enough already," I whispered, pleading, the tears falling faster from my eyes.

"Kayla!" That guy, whoever he was seemed genuinely shocked- not to mention hurt by my reaction. Instead of relishing in his concern, the way his eyes betrayed a look of sadness, I shook my head even faster, the tears blurring my vision.

"Baby, its me!" he said, trying to push himself up. "Please, Kayla. You've got to believe me! Listen, I can tell you everything you want to know to prove it. I love root beer float so much, my password reminder is that... I'm a spoilt brat and you love to take the mickey out of it. I'm jealous and I couldn't bear to see you flirt with... that brunette guy at the tryouts. I have a horrible voice, and I sang Colbie's song during out road trip together... My mum's a certified beach, just like my little sister... And, most importantly, I'm in love with this girl called Kayla, who sometimes goes by the name Elle, who, at this moment, won't believe that it's me she's talking to, and that's breaking my heart," he whispered, his lips trembling, his eyes looking into mine beseechingly.

"Kayla, baby, it really is me!"

 "Are- are you sure? Please, don't play with me, I'm tired, I really am!"

The guy pulled me into a tight hug, stroking my hair as I bawled into his jacket.

"It's me, Kayla, I promise!"

I hugged the guy back tightly, breathing in the familiar spicy scent.

"Cal?" I whispered, still not daring to believe that it was him. That my Cal, the guy I thought was as good as dead was here, in my arms.

"Yes, baby?" he asked, his tone relieved.

"I want to go back."


"Talk to me, Cal," I whispered, clutching on to his hands tightly. Cal winced in pain; his broken leg was being set in cast, and every so often, he swore out loud. I didn't care; I just wanted to know that he was real, that I wasn't just dreaming.

"I- Ow! Don't know what you want to hear- Dammit!"

"How did you get switched, Cal?"

Immediately, his eyes flashed dangerously.

"We, that is to say, that psycho and I, were fighting each other, when- DAMN, WILL YOU PLEASE BE CAREFUL?!"

Cal took a deep breath.

"The police came. The room was dark, and at that moment, the psycho was pinned under me, so I suppose they thought..."

 "So you didn't get to see who he was?"

Cal shook his head glumly, kissing my cheek.

"No, baby. But I suppose they'll let us-"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and before anybody could say anything, my entire family trooped in, their eyes wide with concern and relief.

 "Cal, you're fine!"

"You're okay!"

"How you feeling, dude?"

"Oh, this is such a relief!"

Cal smiled graciously as hands reached out to pat and hug him. In fact, he looked quite touched by all the attention he was receiving, but not once did he let go of my hands. I was glad; I felt as if I needed to hold on to him forever.


"For the last time, Mr. Cafferty, we would really like to apologize for the mix up we made."

Inspector Hugh was sitting in the hospital room, wringing his hands nervously. It was early morning, and Cal and I were sitting up on the single bed, having had shared it last night. It was pretty uncomfortable, since Cal's casted leg meant that he could not move around easily- resulting in many painful shoulder jabs last night- but neither of us minded. We didn't really sleep after all, and the whole night we spent talking and embracing. Just listening to each other's heartbeats, thankful that we were both okay.

So it was quite disgruntling when the inspector walked into our room begging for Cal's forgiveness.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Cal muttered moodily. The inspector flinched.

"Mr. Cafferty, you have every right to be angry, but if you realize how similar you both look, especially in the dark, then-"

 "Wait, what? He's here?"

"Yes, of course, Mr. Cafferty. He's unconscious, but-"

"I want to see him."


Both the inspector and I were looking at Cal in shock. He wanted to see the psycho who almost killed him?! And me?! And made my life a living hell for 24 hours?!

Cal looked at me pleadingly.

"I'm sorry, baby. I understand if you don't want to accompany me, but... I just have to," he whispered. "He's still my brother, and I-"

Cal swallowed.

"At least it'll give me closure," he continued, fingering his sheets.

"But... Cal! He almost tried to kill you!"

"I know-"

"And? Doesn't that mean anything to you? Don't tell me that if he ends up not remembering anything, you're gonna forgive him and try to forge a brotherly relationship and-"

I broke off, looking at Cal's expression in horror.

"Oh, god, Cal! Please, don't tell me you're serious!" I gasped.

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