Perfectly Imperfect 1

By raihanmoi

899K 6.2K 808

Book One of Perfectly Imperfect. [Opposites attract. Secrets kill.] Opposites attract; the oldest cliché in t... More

Authors Note
1- The Two Sides of Love
2- Kayla, meet Cal. Cal, Kayla.
3- Oh my god! It's Cal Cafferty!
4- Facebook-less?
5- Acting
6- Everybody's Brilliant
7- Slushie Time!
8- Running Away
9- I'm Elle
10- Returning Favours
11- Chocolates and Flowers
12- Barbra Streisand
14- Head Cheerleader
15- Mean Girl
16- Who Are You?
17- The Party
18- Hangover
19- You're Still My Friend
20- I Didn't Know
21- The Cafferty Residence
22- Dinner With the Thomas's
23- Hey, Dad
24- Tryouts
25- Aiden
26- Rituals
27- Kicking and Screaming
28- Confessions
29- May the Best Man Win
30- What Was What?
31- Kayla or Elle or Kell
32- The Announcement
33- Oh, Brother!
34- You Have a Brother, Cal
35- Will You Go To the Formals With Me?
36- Party at Cal's
37- You, My Darling, Were Just Jumpy
38- William Cafferty
39- The Thomas's
40- We're Going to America!
41- The McLean Hospital
42- MobileMe
43- She's Sick
44- Here Kitty Kitty
45- Evan Aiden Cafferty?
46- I'm Going to Find Cal. Again.
47- This is Reality... and Sometimes, Things Don't Go the Way They Should
48- No Way of Knowing
49- The Switch
50- Oh, Cal!
51- He's Just Lost
52- Deluded
53- His Name Isn't Even Aiden
54- Let's Forget About All This Madness
55- 3 Million More Dresses
56- The Little Blue Dress
57- Great, More Plotting
58- We're Going to Have So Much Fun!
59- So. Freaking. Embarrassing!
60- What Did He Say?
61- Our Prom Queen is...
62- Happy Birthday, Kiddo!
63- What Are You Talking About?
64- Miscommunication
65- Get Out Here. Now!
66- Partyin' partyin'
67- Drowned Rat
68- I'll Never Drink Again
69- Bowling
70- Tiffany's
71- Why Should You Have the Flashy Car?
72- Plans
73- Unpacking
74- The Dinner
75- Guest House?
76- The Masquerade Ball
77- The Importance of Maintaining Customs
78- Warwick High: A History
79- You Little Twit
80- Mix Up
81- The Hunt
82- The Haunted Mansion
83- Hush-a-bye
84- Aiden Again
85- You Only See What You Want To See
86- Leaving England
87- I, Elle Kayla Thomas, Am All Grown Up Now
88- Mr Callum Aiden Cafferty, the Valedictorian
EPILOGUE: Would It Be Happily-Never-After? Or Would It Be Perfectly Imperfect?
Authors' Note

13- The Race

10.8K 97 8
By raihanmoi


I sit up groggily, the voices getting louder.

“Dude! He’s probably asleep!”

“Shut up! He should be awake, he’s got school. Just one lap, come on!”

Racking my brain, I realise the voices belong to Kayla’s older brothers, Sean and Ivan. 

“And what if he does actually beat us, eh Sherlock?!” Ivan demands.

“He can’t! He’s too bloody perfect! No way somebody could be an ace at sports, academics and music! It’s bull! Let’s call his bluff!” Sean mutters.

A moment later, the door to the guest room flies open. I raise my eyebrows, the smirk already formed on my lips.

“Told you he’d be awake!” Sean mutters triumphantly, shoving Ivan.

“What’s up guys?” I ask.

“Ivan and I were just about to head off for a run. Wanna join us?” Sean offers, a challenge in his voice.

I grin at him and stand up, wincing as my sore shin aches. “Shoot,” I cuss softly.

“You can chill man. I told you he wouldn’t be up to it! He hurt his leg remember?” Ivan mutters, shoving Sean back.

Feeling reckless though, I shrug off the pain. “I’m up for it! Bet I could beat you guys!”

“Oh! You are so on!” Sean murmurs, grinning from ear to ear.

“What did you say?!” Kayla suddenly demands, walking into the room like the boss.

“Cal is going to do a lap with us,” Sean explains, looking excited.

“No way! He can’t! He hurt his leg!” she exclaims loudly.

“Geez, relax mum! I’ll be fine. Wanna join us?” I offer.

“No. E-Kayla doesn’t run!” Ivan teases, poking his sister.

I notice her turn a delicate shade of red before pushing him roughly. “He’s just kidding! I run. I’m a pro!” she gushes.

Yeah right! I can tell she doesn’t! This should be awesome!

Sean and Ivan stare at her incredulously, the both of them trying to hide their smirks.

“Okay, let’s go!” I murmur, gesturing out the door.

The boys high five while Kayla tries her best to look upbeat.

Ten minutes later, the four of us are warming up. My leg is aching, but it’s a minor thing. I’ve run with worse injuries.

“I have an idea! Loser has to piggy-back the winner!” I chuckle, staring straight at Kayla.

She gulps loudly and her brothers smirk in unison. There’s no doubt she’s going to be the last. The only question is who is she going to end up having to carry?

“I’m in!” Sean calls.

“Me too!” Ivan echoes.

Kayla pales a little, looking worried.

“If you’re scared, you don’t have to,” I mumble, shrugging. I think Kayla isn’t quite the sort of girl to back down on anything!

“No! No! I’m in,” she squeaks.

“Great! So here’s what we’ll do, on the count of three we start. First person to Tavern Row, wins!” I announce gleefully.

The guys agree quickly and Kayla nods her head, concentrating.

“1...2...3!” I call loudly.

Sean and Ivan sprint quickly and even Kayla’s pretty fast. I grin as I stretch my leg a little. Kayla throws a look back at me and sticks her tongue out at me.

I wave merrily before jogging down the other street. Poor Thomas kids! None of them know the shortcut to Tavern Row.

I jump over a small picket fence and another and another. The impact hurts my leg a little, but hey, I’ll get a piggy-back ride later, it’s all worth it.

In five minutes I reach Tavern Row and just as I had suspected, none of them are there yet. I grin to myself and sit down, huddled up in my jacket. If I’m not wrong, all of them would have taken the street that cuts through Jefferson. They must think it’s the fastest way! Poor suds don’t realise their house is literally two blocks from Tavern Row!

After an eon, Sean finally gets to me, panting heavily, all sweaty. He looks around himself and jumps up and down in joy. Guess he doesn’t notice me.

“Ahem,” I clear my throat, chuckling at his crestfallen expression.

“How in the world-” he begins but is cut off by Ivan turning down the street. He takes in my relaxed postures and guffaws at his brother.

“Shortcut,” I explain, grinning.

“That isn’t fair!” Sean accuses, stabbing a finger at me.

“Hey, I never said we all had to take the same route, nor did any of you ask me if there was a shortcut,” I defend, shrugging.

Sean narrows his eyes at me but sits on the pavement, trying to cool down.

Finally, nearly a full ten minutes after Sean and Ivan arrived, Kayla makes her appearance, sweating and gasping wildly.

She glares at me as she sits down, still panting.

“!” she manages to choke out.

“Are you gonna give me my piggy-back now or at school?” I ask, getting to my feet with some difficulty.

“You cannot be serious!” she exclaims, her face draining of its colour.

“A bet is a bet, sis,” Ivan murmurs, shrugging.

“There’s no way in hell that I can carry you!” she squeaks, going a little red again.

I shrug my shoulders at her. She sighs theatrically and bends down a little so I can climb on her back.

“Pfft! You don’t need to bend! You're short enough as it is!” I tease, wrapping my injured leg around her tiny little waist..

Her cheeks get even darker red then and I can’t help but chuckle. I unwrap my leg, doubled over in laughter!

“You should have seen your face!” I gasp, laughing wildly! “Obviously I wasn’t being serious!”

She stands still looking confused for a moment before glaring at me. Just as she’s about to protest, I have a mini-heart-attack when I see the time.

“We’re going to be so late for school!” I mutter.

Kayla whips out her cell phone and does a double take.

“Come on, I’ll drive you guys back,” I offer, brandishing my keys. There was a reason I suggested racing to Tavern Row. I had parked my car here yesterday.

The three of them follow me down the ominous alley until I pat my baby affectionately. Sean and Ivan stare open mouthed at my car.

“This is your car?” Ivan whistles lowly.

“Yeah. I got it when I turned 16,” I murmur, shrugging.

Sean, Ivan and Kayla exchange a look.

“Okay, I’m going to go ahead and say what’s on everyone’s mind: Spoilt brat!” Kayla giggles.

I glare at her and hold the door open for her. She slides in and I gently close it after her. Her brothers climb in at the back and in a moment, I gun the engine, easily doing 120. We arrive back at their place within record time.

“Go ahead and get dressed Kayla. I’ll drive you to school,” I offer, leaning back against the seat.

She nods her head and runs out of the car.

Sean and Ivan make no move to get out of the car. I watch as they wistfully admire the leather upholstery.

“Do you guys wanna take it for a spin?”

“What?! Dude, are you serious?! Don’t play with me!” Sean warns.

I chuckle lowly. “I’m serious! Go ahead. Let me just drive to school and after that you guys can take it. I only need it back once school ends,” I murmur nonchalantly.

“You’d just lend us your car?” Ivan asks, confused.

“Yeah. You guys can drive, right?” I tease, turning on the radio. Sean nods, still looking wistfully at my baby. “Then knock yourselves out!”


I pull up outside of the school gate and it takes Kayla a full minute to release her grip. I may have driven just a tad bit too fast.

“You okay?” I ask.

“You drive like a maniac!” she screeches hysterically! 

“Don’t be such a girl, Kayla!” Ivan teases.

I smile to myself. I wish my family was like hers. I pop the trunk and grab my schoolbag. Kayla and I walk into the school grounds together and I can feel a couple of stares on me.

Bring on the gossip!

“Are you really going to let my brothers drive your car?” she asks softly, dropping her gaze.

“Yeah... You okay? You seem a little different suddenly,” I remark. It’s true though...she was bubbly and cheerful this morning, but the moment she stepped through the gate she got all shy and awkward again.

She nods her head, biting on her bottom lip.

“Your brothers are really cool! You are really lucky! Actually, your entire family is brilliant!” I gush.

“Yeah, I guess so..." she said half-heartedly. "How about you, what’s your family like?” she asks, timidly again.

“I have a little sister who’s the biggest bitch on earth.. My step-mum is a home wrecker. My real mum is also a home-wrecker, only she wrecked my home. My dad is a business man who’s too busy with his mistresses to bother about his family and my older brother is dead,” I mumble, chocking up a little.

Kayla stares at me shocked. Her eyes are wide and compassionate, like she doesn’t know what to say.

“I guess you want to know how he died, huh?” I ask, squinting my eyes against the threatening tears. “Just ask anyone. Everyone here has their own version of how he died. Entertaining stuff. It’s heart warming to see how my brother’s death is a joke to some people,” I spit bitterly. “I’m uhh, gonna head off. See you,” I mumble, suddenly feeling myself about to lose it.

“Sexy! Wait up!” Amy screeches. I grimace and turn around to face her. She paws me inappropriately, pressing her body up against mine. “I miss you boyfriend!” she purrs.

I see Kayla over her shoulder staring at me with a pained look on her face, as if I just betrayed her.

“Kay-” I begin, trying to explain to her that Amy is my ex. But before I can, Amy leans in, her lips pressed up against mine. She grabs at me hungrily and it takes me a moment to pry her off me. But by that time Kayla’s disappeared.

Damn it!

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