I Am the Name that's Under Yo...

By loserxwithxdreams

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By loserxwithxdreams

Mandy's POV

The next day

I woke up, confused by my surroundings. I was covered with a SpongeBob blanket and was laying on a couch.

I slowly recognized my surroundings more and more. I was at Ryan's. What happened to Chris picking me up?

I looked down at my phone to see what time it was. It's dead. Of fucking course...

I got up off of the couch and stretched. I walked down the hall to the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom door, I saw a naked Ryan.

I fell backward and awkwardly ran.

It's too damn early in the morning to see nude people.

I went back into the living room and sat back down on the couch.

A few moments later, Ryan came out in only his boxers.

We both awkwardly looked away from each other.

"I'm sorry that you had to see my dick" he said.

"It's fine" I replied quietly.

"So... Did you like what you saw?" He asked, smirking.

"Fuck no. I am mentally scarred. I am merely a child. I have never before in my life have seen something so heinous" I told him, completely serious.

"Ouch. I would have thought you would have liked seeing your first dick" he laughed. He doesn't think I'm serious? Because I am.

"I would have enjoyed it slightly more if it weren't for the fact that I fucking hate you" I told him.

"Why do you hate me so fucking much? I'm just trying to have fun with you but you're so uptight that you won't even smile" he asked.

"You're not trying to have fun with me. You're just trying to be an annoying and mean asshole. I hate you because I think you're annoying. You must have a fucked up definition of fun since you seem to think that taking the piss out of me is 'fun'." I spat.

"I wanna be your friend, if I were being mean to you, you would know. I wouldn't have let you sleep here and covered you up when you passed out last night. Yeah, I am so mean" he snapped.

"Just fucking call Chris. I wanna go home" I requested. He rolled his eyes and got up.


Eventually Chris got here. He's gonna be in for a really long speech when we get in the car.

"You ready to go, kiddo?" Chris asked. I nodded. He said bye to Ryan and we walked out the door.

"Ryan said you were being an asshole" he said.

"He was being a dick. So naturally, I was being a bitch. He got pissed at me because I said I would have preferred being chained up outside like a dog than to spend any amount of time with him" I told him.

"Amanda... You need to learn how to try to ignore him when he's being an ass. I want you two to get along, that doesn't mean you guys have to like each other, I just want you to tolerate each other and not constantly bicker. He's just as guilty as you are, he's twenty-four and you're nineteen, you guys are both adults and you guys need to act like it" he lectured. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady" he said sternly.

"But-" I started before he cut me off.

"You may be an adult and I may not be your father, but I raised you as my own and you still live with me, you will treat me with respect. I don't like having to go all fatherly on you but if you're gonna be a brat, I'll ground you and force you to stay with Ryan" he said.

"Dad, please don't..." I begged.

"I will if I have to, let it be a lesson for you to not be a brat" he told me.

"I feel bad for any kids you have in the future- speaking of which, how was your date last night?" I asked.

"Great. I almost got it in but her baby daddy called" he said.

"She has kids?" I asked.

"She has two, but they live in Colorado. Since she lives in a different state and her baby daddy has a stable job, he gets full custody of them except for Christmas break" he said.

"How old are they?" I asked.

"She said that her daughter is five and her son is nine" he said.

"So, did she believe you when you said that you have a nineteen year old?" I asked.

"No, but then I explained that I took you in and think of you as my daughter and you think of me as a father" he said.

"So are you gonna go on anymore dates with her?" I asked.

"Yeah, this Saturday we're going to the carnival. Enough about my love life when is my young one gonna get her love life started, not that I'm looking forward to kicking the asses of guys who hurt my baby" he asked. I chuckled.

"I don't know, I don't really know anybody aside from you, the band and the crew. I'd prefer to stay single. I have never been in a relationship nor do I plan to anytime soon" I told him.

"My little girl actually has a brain!" He squealed as we pulled into our driveway.

"Did you check on Fred this morning?" I asked.

"You named your cactus?" He asked.

"He's my pet. We can't have a hamster, or a guinea pig or cat or a dog, so a cactus is my pet" I told him.

"What if we got an algae covered fish tank and got you an algae eater. You wouldn't have to feed it and it keeps its tank clean" he said. I laughed as we got out of the car.

"Was sex the reason why you didn't get me last night?" I asked.

"No, Ryan called me and said that you were sleeping and that you wouldn't budge. So he said just to leave you because you were sleeping so peacefully" he told me.

"I accidentally saw him naked this morning" I said. Chris froze and glared at me.

"You saw my band member's weiner?!" He growled.

"Yeah, not purposely, I had just woken up and I had to pee" I told him.

"How long did you stare at it?" He asked.

"Not even half a second, I fell and ran back to the living room. Then he came out in just his underwear and teased me about it" I said.

"So Ryan thought it was funny that he mentally scarred my daughter with his penis?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm gonna kill him" he said as we went into the house.

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