Magical (Niam AU)

Da Potter_Who_1D

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I don't know how to start this. My name? Liam James Payne. Where I am? Geez, stalker thoughts much? But, Engl... Altro

Magical (Niam AU)
Chapter 2: Lads, Lady and Liam (Niall's POV)
Chapter 3: Oh Hot Daym, Look at That Wizard Body Move (Niall and Zayn's POV)
Chapter 4: The Voice of an Angel (Liam's POV)
Chapter 5: Naughty Hazza (Louis' POV) {Larry}
Chapter 6: Fish, Fish, Fishy Fish! (Niall's POV)
Chapter 7: Yummy Naked Nialler and Backtracking (Liam's POV)
Chapter 8: Cleodora (Niall's POV)
Chapter 9: Kiss Me Slowly (Niall's POV)
Chapter 10: Hunting (May's POV)
Chapter 11: The Weekend With a Kiss (Niall's POV)
Chapter 12: He Loves Me Not (Liam's POV)
Chapter 13: He Loves Me (Niall's POV)
Chapter 14: Start of Something Good (Liam's POV)
Chapter 15: Love & Compassion (Harry's POV) {Larry}
Chapter 17: Calm Before the Storm (Liam's POV)
Chapter 18: Name it (Niall's POV)
Chapter 19: Plan it out (Liam's POV)
Chapter 20: Draw Away the Pain (May's POV)
Chapter 21: 34 Cousins (Niall's POV)
Chapter 22: A Mating Ball (Louis' POV) {Larry}
Chapter 23
Chapter 23: A Dinner With a Threat (Liam's POV)
Chapter 24: I Love You (Part 1) (Niall's POV)
Chapter 25: Okay (Liam's POV) (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Camp (Niall's POV)
Chapter 27: Magic (Liam's POV)
Q&A and Character Asks
Yo ho bros

Chapter 16: If I'm Gonna Fall In Love (Liam's POV)

8.2K 232 61
Da Potter_Who_1D

Two chapters in two days, impressed? I am. Whoa, ok. i hope this chapter is better. Dedicared to BreathingInMusic since, during the day, she was the only who joined the contest, but that's fine. I really liked her ideas, and I'll probably end up using all three of them, but probably as later dates. Thanks for the ideas love! 

Lucy xox 

-Liam’s POV-

                As fast as we ran, the only people people who made it on time were Harry, Louis and Zayn. Harry has extra strength and speed, even as a human, Louis had changed into an easgle, and Zayn’s a Vampire. Enoough said. Plus, Louis’ and Harry classroom was closer than ours.

                All three of us stopped in front of the door, just looking at it. We had Geometry, and the guy who taugt it, hated it when we were late.

                “Who’s going in first?” May asked, still looking at the door.

                “Not me.” Niall said quickly, and May did the same.

                I groaned slightly, and pushed open the door, hoping to sneak into the back. Yeah, no luck there.

                “You’re late Payne, Horan and Bennett.” He said, glaring over at us.

                The three of us froze, and looked down. “Sorry sir.”

                He waved us of, getting back to the lesson. “You’ll have detention at lunch.”

                We nodded, going to the back where Zayn was smirking, until May hit him over the head. “I suggest you stop smirking unless you want a bed of iron crosses.”

                He only laughed, writing some stuff down that was one the board. “I heard something.” Zayn whispered over to us a little later in the lesson.

                I looked up from my notes, “What?”

                “Apparently, there’s gonna be a big bonfire tonight, in the woods.” He said, chewing on the end of his pencil slightly.

                May nodded. “Yeah, I heard rumors about that yesterday. I meant to ask Lee, since she always seems to know these things.”

                “Yeah, well I heard it’s a for sure, and also to bring your own booze.” Zayn added, grumbling the last bit. Obviously someone wanted to steal some booze. I personally didn’t drink because of two reasons. One, I only had one kidney, so I had to stay in the best shape possible, which meant no drinking, or drugs. Two, I was seriously light-weighted, and did the stupidest stuff when I was drunk.

                May rolled her eyes and laughed softly. “You can have some of mine, pouty.”

                I looked over at her, eyes wide. I didn’t know she kept alchol in her room! “May.”

                “Yes, father, I have this thing called booze, and on nights, I get drunk off my ass.” She grinned. Little shit’s taunting me.

                “I’m in if there’s booze. The Irish in me lives off that.” Niall cut in, grinning as well.

                I rolled my eyes slightly, leaning back in my chair. “You realise it’s a Thrusday, right? And that you’ll all be hung-over tomorrow.”

                May snorted. “You think I’m gonna get drunk off my ass on a school night?” I shot her a look. She had done it before. “One time.” May held up a finger, not a very nice one either. “Anyways, we have Friday off, remember? That’s the day that we’re going to town.” The school gave us the days off to go into town on a school day, since on the weekends, there were more people out, and they didn’t want to risk anything. It may not be too big of a town, but people still came to it. Usually to see the castle from afar, since no one but students and staff could get on the grounds. Not only was it warred with magic, but also a giant brick wall. Yeah, have fun getting over that.

                “Are you not going into town tomorrow then?” Usually, she went into town. May loved the vintage stores they had there, and adored looking through all the stuff. I can say that I do have some things from those stores, they aren’t too bad. Some of the stuff is actually pretty nice. May’s the best with it, though. She can take just about anything, and make it work. Like, her outfit today. As a top, May had a tucked-in yellow shirt, with thin black strips and for her bottoms, a gray-ish shkirt with buttons on the front. Her shoes were defintetly something else, a bright yellow pair of heels. May liked to be the person who would walk into the room confidently, and have everyone look at her. She didn’t like to blend in with the crowd, so May made her outfits pop.

                “Oh, I’m definitely going tomorrow. I need to check out the shops.” She said, playing with a piece of her hair.

                Zayn looked at her oddly. “Shops? The only shops there are like, thrift shops or whatever.”

                May nodded slowly, as if the point was obvious, and he was just too slow to get it. “Yeah… That’s where I shop.” She gestured to her outfit, “You think I got this at a hipster store?” She snorted. “Yeah, right.”

                “That doesn’t look like it was from one of those stores. Not that I’ve been in one.” He added the ending a little too quickly to not be suspicious.

                She rolled her eyes, “The skirts from there, I got the top as a gift. The shows took me forever to find, but I found them at some mall during the summer with Lee.”

                Zayn nodded awkwardly, “So, are you gonna come to the bonfire Liam?”

                “Yeah,” I said, “I’m going to have to. If May goes, I have to go to make sure she doesn’t do anything to stupid.”

                She hit my arm roughly. For such a tiny girl, May sure hit hard. It was probably the training. I rubbed the spot she hit, as May talked. “I’m not that stupid.”

                Zayn grinned and snorted. “You sure.” He quickly moved any bodyparts of his away from May, so she wouldn’t hit him, but that didn’t stop her from glaring at him.

                “You’re an asshole.”      

                “That you find irresistible.” He grinned mechiviously, and her jaw dropped.

                “You’re a piece of shit.”

                He smirked. “Someone shouldn’t leave their diary out when guests are over.”

                May’s glare hardened. “It wasn’t laying out. Someone went under my freaking mattress! Who the hell does that!?”

                “Zayn.” Niall filled in, grinning with a slightly cheek, but then using me as a meat shield from May. “Don’t hurt me! I’m too innocent and perfect to hurt!”

                She snorted. “You’re about as innocent as my Internet history.”

                “Which,” I added, seeing their raised eyebrows, “isn’t very innocent.”

                She shrugged. “So I read gay porn. Problem?”

                Niall’s and Zayn’s eyes went wide and Zayn coughed awkwardly. I already knew this. I had found her laptop, and was going through her history to try and hack her facebook when I found it. There was a whole boatload of it too. Damn girl needs both a boyfriend (Zayn) and a life.


                During the afternoon, we were back in Atlantis, and Niall couldn’t keep himself off of me. Before we had gotten into the water, he mumbled something to me, something about hormones, and I guess this was it. The heat must come through stronger when he was in the water.     

                We were sitting in one of his class, I think it was something to do with politics, and the desk were double desk, kind of. So, naturally, we were sitting Zayn and May, Louis and Harry and Niall and I. It was nearly the end of the lesson, when Niall started to get a litt out of control, the thing was though, I really didn’t mind. The entire lesson we had our bodies touching, knees lightly feathering, that sort of thing. At about 10 minutes left to class, Niall placed his hand on the inside of my leg, just by my knee. It really wasn’t bad, nice actually (I finally had something else to focus on other than his bare, sexy chest. Damn that boy and his chest. And the tattoos he got underwater? I think my heart actually stops when I look at them.). Then, he moved it upwards slowly, so slowly, at firt I hadn’t noticed it, I just thought it he was rubbing his hand in circle, comforting me.

                Niall’s hand moved up slowly, a small smirk on his face as he felt my leg (and maybe something else) harden slightly. I was tense up. There was no way I was going to let him let me get hard. Not here. I mean, come on! With my luck, I can actually get hard in cold-ish water. You know, I expected the water to be a lot colder and it to be darker down here. The water was soft, almost, caressing your skin and keeping it cool enough that it’s like jumping into a non-heated pool on a hot day, but warm enough that you don’t start shivering. Look at me here, going on about the water, when Niall’s hand is right beside my dick.

                Yeah. His hand was less than an inch away from my friend, and his smirk had grown. The hand on my leg was still rubbing in circles, getting close enough to get my a little excited that I might get touched, but then going, leaving me disappointed. What the hell was this boy doing to me!? I was a virgin, but I wanted nothing more than to jump him right here, right now, and get in him. I mean… Yeah. I really needed less friends, and perferabled ones who didn’t give me gay porn to read. Yes, May gave me links to some of the stuff she had read, and yes, I actually read it. I’m male, I’m allowed to be horny, and want to be in a guy, or to have one in me. Though, personally, I’m more of a top kind of guy. I’d be the one fucking my partner into obviation, not him into me.

                Enough about my fanstsies, though (I get enough of those at night. I’ve had to start taking a cold shower every morning, they’ve gotten that bad. Stupid hormones. I swear, Niall isn’t the only one in heat.) Niall’s hand was still on my theigh, bugging me that he wouldn’t actually touch me.

                I leant over to him, letting my lips brush his ear as I talked. “If you’re gonna go that close, you might as well touch it.” I bite lghtly down on his earlobe, sucking it for a few seconds, before leaing back, watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down. Payback’s a right bitch.


                Later that night, the 6 of us went our seprat ways, all planning to get ready then go down to the bonfire. I also need a shower. I still had a semi from Niall, and I had been dying to get rid of it. Everytime I looked at Niall, all I wanted to do was jump him! This was beginning to get redcilous!

                When I finally climbed out of the ahower, I saw it was already 9:47PM, way later than I thought it would’ve been. “Shit, shit shit.” I mumbled, already thinking of all the stupid things May might’ve already done.

                I’d always been so protective of her, not wanting her to get in trouble (though she would never admit it, May was also scared of getting in trouble. People had always expected so much of her, and she never wanted to let anyone down.) or something along those lines. I might as well be her older brother, though, technically, May was 3 months older than me.

                I pulled on some loose jeans, a plaid top and a jacket, just incase it got a little on the colder side, dince it was slowly turning into fall, and ran out the door. May had texted me the basic idea of where the bonfire was, so I made it there in fair time. Really, I just had to follow the smell of campfire, and the sound of people laughing.

                A bunch of people were crowded around someone singing and playing gutair, I could tell it was a girl from the softness of her voice. I pushed my way in slightly were Niall was, and got the shock of my life when I saw it was May-Eve who was singing and playing.

                “I didn’t know she could sing!” I whisper-shouted to Niall, who nodded, and offered me a sip from his beer, which I denied.

                “Yee, she does!” He said, his accent coming on thicker than usual from the beer.

Hey hey
All I need is a whole whole
Lot of you everyday day's
A holiday ain't nothing we can't do baby
“Hey hey
All I need is a whole whole
Lot of you everyday day's
A holiday ain't nothing we can't do
Now all I need baby
Is a little time
And a whole lot of you

“That's all I need baby
Is a whole lot of you, and me, all night, let's get it right

“Nobody wanna be alone
Some come on, take me home

“Nobody wanna be alone, be alone baby
And no, you don't, wanna be alone, tonight”
May finished off the song grinning, and handing the guitar back to Niall. “Thanks Irish buuuuddddyyyyy” She half slurred.

                I went over to her, putting my hand on my hip (God, I need male friends, and ones that aren’t as sassy as Lou.), looking at her. “Well?”

                “What?” May asked, taking a sip from a beer as Zayn came up behind her and hugged her.

                “You were great. But I thought you couldn’t sing.” He said, and I nodded.

                “That’s what I was going to ask.”

                She shrugged. “I can’t sing in front of people, unless I’m drunk. And that’s only half of what I am now, BRING ON THE SHOTS!” May laughed as she called the ending out loudly, and people cheered.

                I rolled my eyes, going over to where Niall was sitting with a bunch of the non-drinkers, or, at least, I’m-not-much-of-a-drinker type of people. He had the gutair set up on his lap, and was just beginning to play a song I didn’t recognise when I sat down in an empty seat beside him.

I'm gonna take my time 
making sure that the feeling's right
Instead of staying up all night
Wondering where you are
Miles and miles away
In a own in another state
I wanna know if you just can take
The thought of us apart

“If I'm gonna fall in love 
There's gotta be more than just enough
I gotta get that old feeling
I gotta get that old high

“I come from an empty town
Far away from the city sound
I'd lie to settle down someday
And I need to know your plans
Something that'll take you back
I want a girl like that someday

“If I'm gonna fall in love 
There's gotta be more than just enough
I gotta get that old feeling
I gotta get that old high

“You got a love to own
Gotta live life like a rolling stone
I gotta get that old feeling
I gotta get that old high

“If I'm gonna fall in love

“I can't stop wondering why
They take us to a longer time
Maybe I should just let go
But baby all I know
is I'm gonna fall in love
Someday, someway you'll show up
I'm gonna get that old feeling
I'm gonna get that old high

“If I'm gonna fall in love 
There's gotta be more than just enough
I gotta get that old feeling
I gotta get that old high

“You got a love to own
Gotta live life like a rolling stone
I gotta get that old feeling
I gotta get that old high

“If I'm gonna fall in love

“I gotta get that old high
I gotta get that old high

“If I'm gonna fall in love”
Niall looked over at me, simling slightly as he sung the last line and I smiled softly back.


                A little later that night, Niall was on his third beer, claiming that if I wasn’t going to drink, that I would at leats have someone around who was partially sober (“And ye need me awake on our date tomorrow.” He blushed). Some random person had the gutair (it ends up it was his all along) and was playing some song softly, and Niall’s head was resting on my shoulder as he gave a small shiver.

                “You cold?” I whispered softly.

                He shrugged, “I’ll be fine.”

                I shook my head, and gently moved him so I could take off my jacket. “Here, take it.”

                Niall shook his head. “You’ll be cold then.”

                “I have a long sleeve tee-shirt and a human to cuddle with.” I grinned, “I’ll be fine. Take it.”

                He took it, putting it on and zipping it up slightly. It was a little big on him, since I had more muscule then he did. “Thanks.”

                I smiled at him and shrugged slightly as he cuddled into me. “It’s nothing. I think you look better in my clothes then I do, actually.” I laughed slightly, as did he.

                “They smell good. Like you. And whatever colane you use.” Niall said, thinking slightly. Probably about what colane I use.

                “Axe.” I filled in for him, and he nodded.


                I looked at Niall oddly. “For what? All I did was tell you what colane I wear.” I laughed.

                He shook his head. “Not for that. Just for… I don’t know, being you?”

                I laughed again, giving him an Eskimo kiss. “Thank you for being you as well, Ni. You’re great.”

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