I Hate You (Hunhan)

By TurtlezBoi

282K 15.5K 12.6K

Luhan and Sehun had hated each other ever since they first met. They don't know why they hate each other. The... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 29

8.5K 435 281
By TurtlezBoi

Nerves shot through Sehun throughout the whole school day. After school, he would meet Luhan's parents, something he'd been dreading since Luhan told him they would be visiting. While Sehun was really happy for Luhan, because Luhan hadn't seen his parents in forever, he was also terrified. What if they didn't accept them? Luhan didn't even know himself if they would. This stress piled up on him more and more as the day progressed. He needed to do something to get his mind off of it.

He knew he was already in trouble with the school already after skipping too many days, but Sehun just didn't give a fuck at that point, so he skipped study hall with his friends, finding an empty classroom to mess around in.

"The teachers won't find us right?" Minseok was slightly worried about getting caught.

"Nah, they could care less at this point. I think they've given up on Luhan and I." Sehun had more important things to worry about than getting in trouble at school.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Chanyeol spoke up.
"Truth or dare!"

"No, Kai, not again."

"Please." Kai gave Sehun the puppy dog eyes.

"Those don't work on me, stupid."

Jongdae chuckled. "Aw, c'mon Sehun. It couldn't hurt. We have nothing better to do anyway."

"Yeah, Sehun. Don't be a buzzkill." Kai whined.

"Ugh. You guys are annoying. Fine."

Not caring that the others were judging him intensely, Kai did a weird happy dance. "Ok, Luhan, truth or dare."

Luhan knew what he was going to ask, so he just let it happen. "Truth."

"Have you and Sehun fucked?"

Even when he did know the question was coming, Luhan still blushed. "Yes."

A chorus of wolf whistles sounded loudly in the empty room.

"Kai, I'll murder you one of these days. You just wait." A playful glare was sent Kai's way by a slightly blushing Sehun, who should've saw that question coming as well.

The game went on for quite a while, it succeeding in taking Sehun's mind off of what he would have to do later. He was reminded as the bell rung.

Sehun really didn't want to do this. It was his worst nightmare. If the parents didn't accept them, what would they do? Could they even keep dating? No. Sehun couldn't think like that. If Luhan's parents didn't accept them, they would keep dating no matter what, because there was no way Sehun was going to give up someone like Luhan. Never in a million years.

So, as he walked hand in hand with Luhan towards their house, Sehun relaxed a bit, knowing that Luhan would be forever his, no matter how this would turn out.

Luhan stopped the two right in front of his door, looking into Sehun's eyes.

"They'll love you. Stop stressing out so much. You've been tense and grumpy all day." Luhan smiled before pecking Sehun on the lips.

"If this goes wrong, we won't break up, right?" Sehun had to ask what was on his mind since he was told of Luhan's visiting parents.

"Darling," Luhan began, smiling optimistically. "I know this will go well, so don't worry."

Even though he didn't get a real answer to the question he asked, he was content with the one Luhan provided, soothing any nerves he had left over.

"You ready?" Luhan asked, putting his hand on the front door knob.

"As I'll ever be."

Luhan pushed it open, only to get attacked by hugs.

"Hi sweety!" His mother, a small woman that looked just like him, was removing Luhan's ability to breathe with how tight she hugged him. Luhan's father came over for a hug next, less aggressive, but still filled with the same love.

After being released, Luhan actually stepped inside his home, as he was attacked with hugs in the doorframe, and dragged Sehun in from behind him. Luhan's parents didn't even realize he was there until then, sending him an awkward smile before questioning Luhan.

"So, who's your friend?" His mom asked, excited that she got to meet one of Luhan's friends.

"He's not my friend. Mom, this is Sehun and he's my boyfriend." Sehun bowed after Luhan's introduction.

There was just silence, scaring Sehun slightly. It was like that for about twenty seconds before all of the negative feelings washed away as Luhan's mom flashed a large smile.

"Hello! It's so great to meet you! Sorry for the silence, but Luhan never told me he was gay!"

"Bisexual." Luhan mumbled.

Luhan's mom didn't hear her son's correction and continued on talking to Sehun.

"Come to the living room! Sit! We have much to discuss!"

After only a few seconds of talking to them, Sehun could conclude that Luhan's mom was loud and bubbly and Luhan's dad was serious and quiet. Sehun didn't think that Luhan's father was displeased with his son having a boyfriend, but it was hard to tell. He didn't display much emotion onto his countenance.

"So, Luhan, how long have you two been dating?" Luhan's mom started with the questions right as they sat down, a naturally curious woman.

"Um, around a month or so, I think." Luhan said, unsure.

In all honesty, Sehun a had no clue how long they had been dating either. Time went by so fast. So many things happened. They didn't have a enough time to keep track of time.

"Aw, adorable. Did you guys meet in school?"

"We originally met because of soccer, and noticed each other in school after that."

"Ah, speaking of school. How is he in school? How are you in school?"

At the mention of school, Luhan chuckled nervously.

"Sehun is great in school. He doesn't even have to pay attention and he gets good grades."

Luhan's mom knew that Luhan was steering the attention away from him. "That's very good! What about your grades?"

Luhan gulped and looked to Sehun for help, and, surprisingly, he was happy to oblige.

"Luhan's grades need some, uh, work, but I'm tutoring him in hopes that we can fix the problem."

Luhan looked at Sehun with a look in his eyes that seemed to say, "Thank you. You saved my ass!"

Sehun's mom was very happy. "Thank you so much, Sehun! Luhan has always had issues with school, so I'm glad you came into his life."

To Sehun, those words meant that he had the mother's approval. He was practically glowing with happiness.

Meeting Luhan's parents went really well. They talked about many things, mostly Luhan's mom catching up with her son. Luhan was even embarrassed by his parents a few times in the process.

"Luhan, darling, are still afraid of lightning and thunder? Oh god, I used to remember when you'd come crying into our room and we'd have to comfort you. Were you 13 at the time?"

"Mooom." Luhan whined, embarrassed that she would say those things in front of Sehun.

Sehun was greatly amused by this new piece of information he obtained from Luhan's mother. He almost wanted a thunderstorm to happen to see if Luhan really was still afraid of thunder and lightening.

Time flew by fast, and, soon, it was time for his parents to leave once more.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I wish I could stay here forever, but work keeps us from doing so. We'll try to visit more often, ok?" Luhan's mom was almost in tears as she hugged her son.

"Will you be able to call, mom?" Luhan asked hopefully.

"I'll try, darling. I'll try."

The parents turned to Sehun. What surprised the boy the most was that Luhan's father was the first to speak to him. It had to have been one of the only words he had spoken that while time.

"You take care of my son. Don't hurt him." He had a low gruff voice, the voice of a major company's boss, which is what he was.

"I would never hurt Luhan. You don't have to worry, sir. I'll take care of him."

Luhan's mom chimed in, "Yeah, also, can you make sure he cuts down on the energy drinks? I remember that drinking too many of those was always a bad habit of his."

Sehun chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I've been trying to do that already."

"Ok, good. Those things are seriously bad for you." Luhan's mom scolded, then smiled before kissing her son's forehead.

"Bye darling."

"Bye mom! Bye dad!"

Luhan's parents waved to the two boys as they left. Tears that he had been holding in fell down from Luhan's eyes after he closed the front door.

"I already miss them."

Sehun went over to Luhan and pulled him into an embrace, allowing the older one to cry into his shoulder.

"It's okay. You'll see them again someday. Look, I have to show you something." Sehun smiled warmly whilst guiding Luhan to the back door, in hopes he could make the older boy feel better.

As he entered his backyard, Luhan stood in awe at the sight before him. A beautiful sunset painted the sky with many different colors that blended together perfectly.

Sehun lead Luhan to the grass, where he sat down, patting the spot next to him to indicate that Luhan should follow suit. Luhan did so, still mesmerized by nature's wonder.

"Wow." Luhan breathed out.

"I saw it outside the window when talking to your parents. It was so beautiful." Sehun paused, looking over to Luhan who ripped his gaze away from the sunset to look back at Sehun. "It reminded me of you."

Luhan blushed really hard, hitting Sehun's arm.

"I hate you." Luhan giggled, moving his focus back to the sunset.

"You don't hate me. You love me."

There was a pause before Luhan smiled. "I do love you, Sehun. I love you a lot."

With that, Luhan forgot about the sunset, and connected his lips with Sehun's.

They wanted this moment to last forever, feeling the sparks that came with feeling the other's soft lips on theirs. Neither of them questioned how hate turned into love. They just lived in the moment, enjoying the fact that they ended up like this.

Life is weird, but the good kind of weird. The kind of weird that brought Sehun and Luhan together.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The kind of weird that turns "I hate you" into "I love you."


(A/N: THE END!!! Okay, well, not REALLY the end. There'll be an epilogue, but, after that, it's pretty much done! I'm sad and happy at the same time. I'm pretty proud of my first story. I mean, it's not the best, but it's better than I thought it'd be. M'kay, anyway, thank you to whoever reads this. I hope you enjoyed.)

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