Waiting For You (WWE FanFic)

By holl-ade

339K 7.8K 1.9K

"No matter where you are. No matter where you go. I'll be right here waiting for you." °°°°° Ava Lee is WWE's... More

(Prolouge) Chapter 1• Debut
Chapter 2• Debut Part 2
Chapter 3• The Shield
Chapter 4• Encounter
Chapter 5• Kyles and I love you's
Chapter 6• Another 'I Love You' and 1 Gts
Chapter 7• GTS
Chapter 8•Another Save
Chapter 9• 2 Month Anniversary
Chapter 10• Hometown Love
Chapter 11• Family Reunion
Chapter 12• A Deal
Chapter 13• Silent Treatment
Chapter 14• Breakups & Heartbreaks
Chapter 15• Apologies
Chapter 16• Couples and Bray Wyatts
Chapter 17• Secret Revealed
Chapter 18• Introducing Reby Sky & Leighla Schultz
Chapter 19• Do You Wanna Start a War?
Chapter 20• Ongoing Fued
Chapter 21• A Match for TLC
Chapter 22• The Incident
Chapter 23• TLC
Chapter 24• TLC Part 2
Chapter 25• Surprises
Chapter 26• Memory Loss
Chapter 27• The Engagment & Good News
Chapter 28•Never Giving Up On You
Chapter 29• Payback and The Return
Chapter 30: Explanations
Chapter 31: Game Plan
Chapter 32: Oppurtunities
Chapter 33: Strike 1
Author's Note (PLZ READ)
Chapter 34: Wedding Arrangements
Chapter 35: Rack Attack
Chapter 36: Strike 2
Chapter 37: Without You
Chapter 38: The Gift
Chapter 39: Rehearsal
Chapter 40: Wedding Bells
Chapter 41: Strike Three
Chapter 42: Final Decision
Chapter 43: Alone
Chapter 44: A New Me
Chapter 45: Getting Along
Chapter 46: Me and My Broken Heart
Chapter 47: Missing Him....
Chapter 48: Regrets...
Chapter 49: One Last Time
Chapter 50: Thinking About You
Chapter 51::Tensions Rising.
Chapter 52:: Consequences
Chapter 53:: Mind Games
Chapter 54:: Trust Is A Bitch
Chapter 55:: Stipulations
Chapter 56:: Mother Knows Best
Chapter 57:: The Unexpected
Chapter 58:: Don't Fight This Alone
Chapter 59:: The Final Battle (Pt.1)
(Epilogue) Ch.62: Waiting For You
×Author's Note×
I'm With You
thank you

Chapter 60: The Final Battle(Pt.2)

3.3K 88 33
By holl-ade

I am so sorry for how long this chapter took. School has started so updates will be slow..

Extreme Rules


"And here we go!" Michael exclaimed.

The four of us all stared at each other. Ava was on my left, while Nikki was on my right. Nikki walked over and sided with Reby.

How predictable. I thought.

"And it looks like Nikki and Reby are going to side with each other." Jerry said.

"That was a good choice." JBL stated.

I sensed Ava moving closer to me, I guess taking my side. I stepped forward, but a sharp pain to the back of my head stopped me from doing so.

"What a blow from Ava!" Michael shouted.

"Well that was unexpected." Jerry muttered.

Yes, Jerry. That was very unexpected.

I actually understood this aggressiveness from my sister. She wants to win and keep her job. If she wins, she'll get the Championship, but I don't think she cares about that at the moment. I want to win too. But I don't want Ava to lose her job. She doesn't deserve that.

I rolled out of the ring to recover from the blow. Ava did say to NOT go easy on her. As much as I don't want to, I have to. If Ava wants to go, then let's go. I'm not afraid to kick my little sister's a** anyways.


Reby and Nikki stared at me in shock as they watched AJ roll out of the ring. I knew that if I played the role of unpredictability, I could have a bigger chance of winning. As much as it pained me to hit my sister, and take her out of the picture for awhile, I had to take risks. I had to win.

"That is not what Mom meant when she said family comes first!" Viviana's voice yelled.

I stared at Reby and Nikki with narrowed eyes. The both slowly backed up, away from me.

"It looks like Nikki and Reby are shocked by Ava's actions." Jerry said.

"That might have ruined Reby and Nikki's game plan." Michael stated.

I stared at the two women for awhile. I stepped forward and Nikki automatically charged at me, knocking she and myself down.

Nikki repeatedly bounced my head up and down against the canvas. I kicked her off of me and jumped to my feet. I turned around and delivered a clothesline to the Bella. I sensed someone coming up behind me, so I quickly turned around and catched Reby with an arm drag. By then, Nikki was already up on her feet, ready to charge. She ran at me but I stepped out of the way and pushed her into the ropes.

Nikki grunted as I ran forward and hit her with a clothesline. I stepped out of the way once again as Reby charged at me. Reby ended up in the corner with Nikki. I ran to the opposite corner of the ring and ran back, delivering a dropkick to the both of them.

"Ava Lee is on fire!" Jerry commented.

"Come on Reby!" JBL shouted. "Come on Nikki!"

"Come on!" I yelled raising my arms up. The crowd cheered, putting a smile on my face.

I ran back to the opposite corner and gave them another dropkick. I did this a few more times before throwing Reby and Nikki out of the ring. I rolled out of the ring, following Reby and Nikki. But before I could even lay a finger on any of them, AJ came flying out of nowhere hitting me with a suicide dive.

"And AJ Lee is back in the equation!" Michael exclaimed.

Okay, so I kind of deserved that suicide dive. AJ started throwing her arms around, hitting me with lefts and rights. I somehow managed to crawl away from my sister and sit near the steel steps. Once I did, I immediately regretted it.

Before I could even react, my head bounced off the hard, cold steel.

"Oh my god! What a knee from AJ!"Jerry exclaimed.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but," JBL said. "AJ, beat your sister up!"

I slumped down to my side, clutching the back of my head. I was able to have a little breather after AJ attacked me. AJ immediately went after Reby and Nikki.

I crawled away from the steel steps to avoid getting hit again.

Gosh. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Come on, Ava!" A voice called out. That voice sounded awfully familiar.

I tilted my head up to some angle and sighed when I saw my sister jumping up and down, out of her seat. Mom and Dad were looking at me with concern written on their faces. Viviana, on the other hand, enjoyed herself. She definitely wasn't afraid to cause a scene.

Come on, Ava. Woman up. You got this.

I stood up on my two feet, using the ropes as an advantage. I lifted the apron up, and started taking chairs and kendo sticks out. I chucked them into the ring, carelessly, not minding if I hit someone.

"What the hell is Ava Lee doing?" JBL shrieked.

"It's not just a fatal four way, John. It's a no DQ as well." Cole pointed out.

Reby and Nikki, who were already in the ring, stared at me in disbelief. AJ, who somehow magically appeared at my side, followed my lead and threw some chairs in, keeping one for herself. I picked up a kendo stick from the ground and stared at it. I snapped my head up and looked at Reby and Nikki, a mad grin on my face. I looked to my right, where AJ was, and she too was smiling like a derranged little girl.

"Uh-oh. This is going to get ugly!" Jerry said with a slight chuckle.

"Those two belong to an asylum!" JBL stated. "Run Reby! Run Nikki!"

"I call dibs on the twin!" I said and began to chase after Nikki.

Nikki yelped in surprise and ran out of the ring and up the stage. I groaned as she walked behind the curtain. I reluctantly followed her, swinging my kendo stick around. Surprisingly, the camera guys followed us.

I greeted my boys with a slight smirk as I went through the curtain. In return I earned a few chuckles.

"Nikki!" I yelled. "Where are you?!"

I caught a glimpse of long, brown hair to my right and just assumed that it was her. A flashback came to mind as I remembered the time Nikki betrayed me.


Meanwhile, I was in the middle of the ring as I locked in the Black Widow onto Aj. She winced in pain as I tightened my hold. All of a sudden I was being attacked from behind. I let go of Aj as I tried to protect myself. The bell had already rung. I got up and backed up into a corner. I realized that Nikki had attacked me.

"What the hell?!" I screeched at her. I stormed over at her and got up all in her face. Big mistake. Nikki tackled me to the ground as she banged my head onto the canvas numerous of times.

I kicked her off of me and stood up, but I was met with a nasty clothesline. I fell onto the canvas and held my head. Nikki put me on her shoulders and set me up for the Rack Attack.

"I'm sorry." I heard her whisper.

She dropped down to the floor and I fell off. Nikki hovered above me with a look of shame on her face. Stephanie joined her as they looked down at me.

"You should've listened." Nikki whispered as she knelt down beside me.

Stephanie cackled and she and Nikki left the ring, leaving me in the dust.


All the anger and all the pain made me want to kill Nikki. But of course, killing is illegal. I watched as Nikki hid behind a crate, pulling her knees up to her chest.

I chuckled silently to myself and made my way over there. I peeked my head to the side of the crate and smiled widely.



As soon as Ava took off after Nikki, I ran inside the ring, trying to get ahold of Reby.

God, I wanted to hurt her. She put Ava through too much. And she's going to pay. I'm doing this for Ava and myself.

"How dangerous can AJ Lee be?" JBL muttered hesitantly. "She's a small girl, carrying a step chair."

I finally took ahold of Reby's hair and yanked her down onto the canvas. I flipped her over so she was on her stomach. I raised the chair and smacked her mercilessly.

"That was for stealing Ava's Championship." I muttered.

Another chair shot.

"That was for putting Ava through hell at TLC."

Another chair shot.

"That was for putting Ava in a deadly coma."

Another chair shot.

"That was for having Ava wake up, not knowing what the hell happened and who the hell we were."

Another shot.

"That was for making Ava join your stupid Authority."

Another chair shot.

"That was for stealing Ava's Championship shot."

Another chair shot.

"That was for being the stupid b*tch that you are!"

One last chair shot.

"And that. That was for me."

I threw the practically broken chair aside and started beating Reby up manually.

"AJ Lee broke the steel chair!" Cole exclaimed.

"I don't know about you, JBL. But I think AJ is pretty dangerous to me." Jerry mumbled.

JBL stayed silent.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Ava skipping down the ramp, practically dragging Nikki with her by the hair.

Seeing her skip down the ramp with a crazy grin on her face made my heart beat. I felt like a proud mama.

Ava waved at me with her crazy smile on her face. I waved back, imitating her smile.

"These two are psychos!" Cole yelled.


I was actually quite enjoying myself right now. After beating Nikki up mercilessly, I had decided to go back to the ring. Skipping, I placed a crazy grin on my fave. After waving at my sister, I threw Nikki into the barricade, laughing maniacally.

Sometimes I wonder who the real bad guy is right now.

I picked Nikki up by the hair and sent her straight into the steel post.

"YES! Come on Ava!" Viviana's voice screamed.

I grabbed Nikki again and delivered a sharp chop to her chest, making the crowd 'ooh'. I gave Nikki another chop-Again an 'ooh' from the crowd.-
I gave her one last chop before throwing her into the barricade once again.

"Those chops looked painful." Jerry said.

I grabbed Nikki's hair and began dragging her back to the ring. I pushed her back in and followed in afterwards.

"First pin of the match!" Michael exclaimed.



"And Nikki was just able to kick out at two and a half." Cole stated.

I stood up and was about to grab Nikki, but I received a hard kick to the side of the head.

"Reby Sky is back! And what a mean kick!" Michael said.

I fell over, clutching my temple. Reby picked me up and threw me into the ropes, delivering a clothesline afterwards, turning me inside out.

I didn't know that was possible for me!

"Ouch! That's got to hurt!" Jerry mentioned.

Reby rolled me over and pinned me.


I was just able to kick out before the second count.

If Reby is here.....WHERE IS AJ?

I started to panic not knowing where my sister is. I knew I shouldn't be worrying considering that I'm in a middle of a beat down, but I have to worry about my sister sometimes! I couldn't hear her either. Nikki was passed out on the mat outside the ring, but still no AJ.

Stop thinking about it, Ava! Just focus on Reby for now!

And that is what I did. Reby was about to clothesline me, but I ducked under her arm at the last moment. I bounced off against the ropes and came right back at her, delivering a dropkick. I jumped to my feet and picked Reby up by the hair, then repeatedly started to hit her with uppercuts.

"Ooh that's got to hurt." Michael commented.

I threw Reby out of the ring and put my hands up.

"Come on!" I exclaimed, getting the crowd pumped up.

I bounced off against the ropes and dove through the ropes. All of a sudden, I felt a splitting pain on the bridge of my nose. I screamed in pain and fell to the mat.

"What an elbow from the Divas Champ!" JBL praised.

"I think Ava might have a broken nose!" Jerry exclaimed worriedly.

I placed my hand against the bridge of my nose. I sighed in relief when I felt that it wasn't out of place. But it was still bleeding pretty badly. A doctor came over to me, holding a cloth towel and a water bottle.

"I don't think you should continue, Ava. It's busted up pretty badly." He said.

"I'm fine." I muttered.


"I said I'm fine!" I scolded, sitting up.

The doctor looked at me reluctantly but eventually got up and left me alone.

"It looks like Ava Lee refused to receive medical treatment." Michael pointed out.

I wiped the blood away from my nose with the back of hand. I slowly got on my hands and knees, pushing myself up from the mat. The blood was still dripping down my nose so I constantly had to wipe it away on my way to the ring.

"Ava Lee is back on her feet!" Jerry said.

Meanwhile in the ring, AJ had magically appeared and began to beat down on Nikki. Reby, on the other hand, was looking under the apron. The pain in my nose was hurting like hell, but I sucked it up and walked to the edge of the ring. I flipped the apron over and searched under the ring. I threw a couple chairs out, a few kendo sticks, and a table.

The crowd cheered uncontrollably once the saw that table.

"OH! Ava Lee is bringing out the table!" Michael Cole exclaimed.

I flipped the table over and quickly set it up, right in front of commentary.

"And we get a front row view!" Jerry cheered.

Reby had made her way into the ring swinging a kendo stick around. She managed to hit Nikki in the face with it, knocking her down. While as for AJ, my sister was dodging Reby's swings like a pro.

I quickly grabbed a chair and slid in the ring. I stood behind Reby and sized her up before bringing my chair down onto her head, knocking her out cold.

"Oh my god!" JBL screeched.

AJ stared at me, her mouth slightly ajar. She looked down at Reby with a tiny smirk.

"Reby Sky is out, guys." Michael pointed out.

"Ava Lee is dangerous with chairs!" Jerry exclaimed.

"Ava Lee and AJ Lee are both dangerous! Someone should put them in straight jackets!" JBL said.

AJ finally pried her eyes off of Reby and looked up at me. Her eyes flicked to the chair that was held securely in my hand. I held it up and examined the dent that magically appeared. I looked at AJ and chucked the chair aside and it spilt out onto the mat outside.

AJ and I locked up without further delay. Me being having the splitting pain from my badly busted up nose, was overpowered and was now in the corner. AJ threw left and rights at my face in an never ending speed. I managed to block a few of her punches but not a lot.

I shoved AJ away, creating some space between us. AJ charged at me right away but ran into my elbow. As she stumbled back, I ran at her, knocking AJ down with a clothesline.

"What a clothesline from Ava!" Jerry commented.

I stayed right on AJ and delivered a snap suplex. I was quickly crawled into the cover.

"Ava looking to put away her sister!" Michael stated.



"And AJ kicks out right after two!" Michael said.

I got off of AJ, picked her up and positioned her for Dirty Deeds. AJ instinctively pushed me away, making me bounce off of the ropes.

I came back and delivered a high knee to her jaw.

Sorry sis. I thought.

"What a knee!"

I looked at AJ for two seconds before making my way to a corner. I began climbing to the top rope.

"Ava Lee going up top." Michael pointed out.

"You're going to kill yourself Ava!" JBL screeched.

I positioned myself to perform a corkscrew moonsault. As I did so, flashbacks from WrestleMania came back to mind.


"What is Ava gonna do now? She's got nothing left to do. Might as well, give up." JBL said.

This is my chance. I thought.

I climbed up to the top rope and turned my head to look at Nikki. She was still lying on the mat, still as a mouse.

"Ava going up high..." Cole said.

I took a deep breath, blocking out all the noise and distractions. Right now I had to focus.

You can do this Ava...

I pushed off, twisting my body, then landing right on Nikki.

"A corkscrew moonsault?! That was beautiful!" Jerry exclaimed.

The crowd was cheering and out of their seats as I covered Nikki.




Everyone was out of their seats cheering me on. The ref raised my hand in victory.

I just won my first Wrestlemania match. I thought.


I took a deep breath and exhaled, taking in my surroundings. Just as I was about to push off, something caught my eye.

"Nikki Bella is back into the equation!" JBL cheered.

Nikki climbed to the top rope where I was and began delivering punches to my face. I too began to return some punches.
"You are not going to win that Championship Ava." Nikki muttered.

Enraged, I began to throw my punches a little faster and harder. Nikki grabbed my hair and pushed me forward, but I grabbed onto the rope for support. Nikki tried again to push me, more forcefully this time. I turned my head a little and saw why Nikki wanted to push me off so badly.

The table.

I guess the crowd figured out why too because they were out of their seats chanting 'Break the table!' 'Break the table!'

"This is a very dangerous position for both these Divas." Jerry explained.

"You're right King. There's a table set up right in front of us." Michael agreed.

"Will you two shut up?" JBL snapped. "Ava is about to fall and I'm going to miss it unless you two stop yapping about."

I was about to smack Nikki away but suddenly I felt her fall into me roughly making me lose my balance and let go of the rope. Next thing I know, I'm falling through the air. I hear a loud crack, bringing me to the realization that I had just broken a table.

"Reby Sky is back!" Michael exclaimed.

"And she just pushed her own Authority member off the ropes." JBL sighed.

"It's a fatal four way John. Every Diva for herself. " Jerry pointed out.

I looked to my side and saw Nikki lying beside me in the broken table pieces. I tried moving but the pain was unbearable.


Eventually I was back on my feet and I was currently trying to beat the living sh*t out of Reby, while AJ was working on Nikki.

I had a chair in hand and was practically chasing Reby around with it.

Ridiculous. I know.

Reby slid into the ring and I was right on her tail. She crawled to a corner, her back facing me, and she sat there, very still.

"What the hell are you doing Reby?" I muttered.

I made my way towards Reby and raised my chair but she turned around and sprayed me in the face with something.

What the hell was that!? I thought.

The irritation that was swelling in my eyes answered my question.

Oh god. Not the hairspray!

I quickly wiped the substance away from my eyes, trying to reduce the pain.


"Where's Reby?" I asked them.

They all exchanged glances then gave me a shrug. I sighed and turned around.....

"Wait, Ava don'-" Dean tried to warn me.

Just as I turned around I was blind sighted by this spray substance.

"Is that hair spray?" Jerry pondered.

My eyes were stinging in pain. Before I knew it I was knocked down to the canvas, making the pain in my eyes even worse.

"Who's side are you on, Ava!?" Reby yelled down at me and left with Randy, Kane, and Big Show.

I had my eyes shut as I tried to reduce the pain. I felt several presences kneeling beside me.

"Are you okay?" Dean's concerned voice said.

I shook my head. "I can't see."

The burning sensation in my eyes got even worse. I winced in pain and kept my eyes closed. I swear, I thought I was going to go blind. Several referees and doctors came over and started to crowd me.

"Is she allergic to anything?" A doctor asked AJ.

"I don't-" AJ started but I interrupted her.

"Hairspray." I said quietly. "They give me rashes."

"We should get her to the medic right away." The referee suggested.

I felt strong, muscular arms picking me up from the canvas and up the ramp.

"You're going to be okay, Princess." Dean's voice said reassuringly. I smiled to myself a little bit as I heard that name.


I forced my eyes open as the doctor dropped some eye drops in both of my eyes. I blinked a few times as my vision started to come back. Every thing was still a little bit blurry.

"How are feeling now?" The doctor asked.

I closed my eyes and opened them a few times before answering.

"I think I'm okay." I replied blinking.

"Wonderful. I suggest hanging out here for a little bit just until your eye sight is back to normal. Don't want you bumping into crates."

I forced a smile and started to blink a couple more times. Every thing was still a blur. I jumped when I heard the door open and close.

"How are you doing, Princess? "

"Every thing is a blur. I can't even make out your figure." I said with a small laugh.

Dean laughed and walked over to me. He opened my eye wide open before staring at me.

"What are you do-?" I tried asking but Dean already had blew into my eye.

"There. All better." He said with a pleased smile on his face.

I opened my eye and surprisingly everything was turning back to normal. The first thing I saw was Dean smirking at me, arms crossed.

"How the hell did you do that?" I asked obviously surprised.

Dean shrugged and smiled. "I have my ways."


Oh how much I need you now Dean. I thought.

I got on all fours, attempting to push myself up, but a piercing pain to my back sent me down the mat.

"And it looks like Reby Sky is trying to put away Ava with that chair." Jerry said.

1 chair shot. I counted to myself.

I tried getting up again but Reby brought the chair down to my back.

2 chair shots.

I tried getting up, Reby brought down the chair.

3 chair shots.

I kept on doing this until we got to ten chair shots. By ten my back was on fire. It's like I could already feel the welts forming. I heard the chair land outside the ring, making me relax just a bit.

Just as I thought Reby was finished, I felt a sharp pain to the side of my head.

"Reby isn't done yet!" Michael said.

"Kendo stick time!" JBL cackled.

"I think Reby wants to kill Ava." Jerry mumbled.

"That's good!" JBL cheered.

I rolled to my back and clutched my head. Reby took advantage of this and began smacking the kendo stick to my stomach.

I screamed out in pain for every kendo stick shot. She probably went up to thirty shots by the time Reby threw the stick away. I just laid on the canvas, completely motionless.

Rebg cackled manically before picking me up. Out of instinct, I grabbed her head and caught her in a roll up.



"And Reby just kicks out at two and a half." Michael said.

I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the splitting pain in my back and stomach. I ran at Reby and hit her with a clothesline. She came back and again I hit her with a clothesline. I bounced off against the ropes and delivered a dropkick to her jaw.

"Come on!" I yelled, getting the crowd pumped up.

Reby wobbled to her feet and I charged at her.

"Spear!" Michael Cole exclaimed excitedly.

I got off of Reby and sized her up, waiting in the corner. It took a while but Reby got on all fours, pushing herself up. I pushed myself out of the corner and placed my foot on Reby's head, pushing it to the canvas.

"And a Curbstomp!" Jerry cheered.

I pulled Reby up and positioned her for Dirty Deeds. I smiled innocently to the camera before planting her head into the canvas once again.

"Dirty Deeds!" Michael stated. "That's it!"

"First a Spear, then a Curbstomp, and now Dirty Deeds!" Jerry praised. "Come on Ava pin her!"

I tuned Reby around so that she was flat on her back. I got on my knees to pin her.
A pained cry rang in my ears, making me stop and turn around.


Nikki and I were battling it out at ringside while Ava and Reby took the ring. I tried avoiding the pieces of broken table not wanting to slip on the them, and also not wanting to end up like them.

Nikki threw me into the barricade and charged at me. I slipped away and pushed her into the padding. I stayed right on her and began to attack her with left and rights.

I got off of her after a while and began skipping around Nikki with a crazy smile.

The crowd cheered and I blew them a kiss. I saw my family I waved at them. Viviana, being the fangirl she is, squealed excitedly. I rolled my eyes playfully and picked up Nikki.

I was caught off guard when she pushed me into the steel post. I fell down in pain, clutching the small of my back.

"That's right!" Nikki taunted. She blew me a kiss and began doing her stupid Bella Booty dance or whatever.

Nikki picked me up and put me on her shoulders. I wiggled out of her grip and pushed her right into the barricade once again. I grabbed her hair and swung her into the commentary table. She laid flat on top of the table.

A twisted smile came on my face and I began to climb to the top rope. Nikki laid still as a mouse. I took a demo breath and launched at Nikki.

Shockingly, Nikki moved out if the way and I landed a little at the edge of the commentary table. The table wobbled to the side a bit, threatening to turn over. Nikki probably saw this because she pushed at the table making it fall.

Right on my arm.

I screamed out in pain as I felt the weight of the table on my arm.


I saw AJ on the ground so desperately trying to get up. I got on my feet to get a better look. That's when I noticed the commentary table was flipped to the side. And poor AJ was underneath it. I sucked in a breath and looked at Reby. She was still lying on the canvas. Pale and lifeless. I turned towards AJ and the commentary table. AJ was basically crying in pain right now. A doctor and a ref was with AJ trying to lift the damn table up.

"What is Ava doing? Pin her already!" Michael said.

I looked at Reby once again then back at AJ.

"F*ck." I cursed and slid out of the ring.

"Ava what are you doing!" JBL exclaimed. "Are you that stupid?!"

I knelt down beside AJ and the officials. AJ was still crying in pain as I saw her tears.

"AJ I'm here." I said trying to soothe her.

AJ bit down on her lip and turned to look at me. She grabbed my hand with her free arm.

"Are you alright?" I asked glancing back at the ring.

"No." She breathed out. "A table is on my arm. Probably crushing it."

I forced out a smile and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Wait." AJ said. "What are you doing here! The match is still on!"

"You're hurt AJ." I explained.

"Don't mind me! You have a match to win!" She exclaimed pulling her hand away.

"AJ, I can't." I protested.

"What do you mean you can't!" AJ pressed.

"AJ please don't move." The ref said.

I looked at the ring as the crowd began to boo. Nikki had found her way to the ring and is now propping Reby on her shoulders.

"Ava go!" Aj's voice said but it sounded distant.

All I could focus on was Reby and Nikki. Nikki dropped down on her knees and crawled into the pin.




That's it.

The bell rung signalling the match was over.

"And the winner of this match, and NEW WWE Divas Champion, Nikki Bella!"

I turned away as the ref handed Nikki the title. Instead I helped the officials lift the table off of AJ. AJ quickly pulled her arm out when the table was lifted high enough.

AJ glanced at the ring and at me. I didn't meet her eyes.

"Ava." AJ said, her voice barely a whisper. "What did you do?"

I didn't answer.

"You gave up your chance just to help me."

I didn't say anything.


I finally looked up and met my sister's gaze.

"Family always comes first."

Aj stared at me.

"It took me a while to understand that. AJ I couldn't win without knowing you're okay. You're my sister. That Championship comes and goes but you don't. You're human AJ. For all you know, we could have had to amputate your arm. That Championship doesn't mean anything to compared to you."

AJ pulled me into a hug. I was fighting back the tears when The Authority's music came on.

Everything was silent.

Stephanie and Hunter walked down the ring with smug smiles. They entered the ring and looked down at me.

"Wow." Hunter said. "That was an amazing match ladies."

"I agree." Stephanie smiled. "I mean you guys broke a table, bodies flew every where, chairs, kendo sticks. All just for the Divas Championship.

"But just like all Championship matches, only one can prevail."

"And that one is no other than Nikki Bella!" Hunter applauded.

Nikki raised her title in the air proudly.

Stephanie looked at me and smiled. "You know Ava, Hunter and I actually thought you had this match won."

Triple H nodded in agreement.

"I mean, a Spear, a Curbstomp, and a Dirty Deeds. How can someone not win with all those three finishers." Stephanie shrugged.

"But apparently, in this case, it only takes just one Rack Attack to win." Hunter said.

"Poor little Ava chose to help her sister instead of winning." Steph chuckled. "What is this anyways? 'Family comes first'?"

I stayed silent and AJ and I sat, our backs against the barricade.

Stephanie and Hunter exchanged looks.

"We told you Ava. If you win the Championship, you keep your job. I thought we made it very clear." Hunter sighed.

"But you lost." Nikki called at me.

"As much as it pains me to say this," Stephanie said and paused.

A wicked smiled came on her face. "You know, this doesn't pain me at all! Ava Lee,



The next chapter is the last chapter.

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