Keep Up Player.⭐️

By g0lden_melanin

76.3K 2.5K 372

Tiana (@vendimia_) is a very shy person with low self-esteem because of her friend jasmine (@forever_dezjah)... More

Crying falls
Take it slow
My girl❤️
My Love
The pressure.
The Letter❤️
New Friend
2nd session.
The Pressure'
|Knocked Off|
+ €harged Up -
Back To It!
|Wait for it to mend!|
Chp /30/
Title Change!
Last Chapter [48]
The Sequel

Stop Lights!

1.6K 58 1
By g0lden_melanin

Me and Jay walk back into the lunchroom!

But instead of him going back to the table with ...... Yall know who! We go outside with Kehlani!

" Hey cuzo..." Jay says

" Hey " Kehlani says

" Yall cousins???" I ask

" Yep!" Jay says

" Why you didn't tell me? " I say

" Because you probably wouldn't wanna talk to me then!" She says

" Truee." I say laughing

We finish lunch and go to our next class!


Me and Jay have science! And he's siting right next to me being annoying!

" Baby!" He says but I just ignore him.

" Baby!" He says again

" Tianaaaaa" he says stretching out my name!

" What Jay!" I say seriously

" Calm your nerves!! I was just asking you for a pencil!" He says frowning

" Im sorry babe! I'm just trying to focus!" I say sincerely, giving him a pencil.

" Ik I won't bother you again!" He says grabbing the pencil and turning his head.

" No Jay don't be like that! I'm sorry I've just been stressed about everything!" I say feeling bad.

" Me too, your not the only one!" He says a little mad.

" Ok Jay, let's just focus on our work!" I say feeling really bad, knowing I'm the one who caused it!

My classes fly by and school is over!
I get my stuff out my locker and meet up with Kehlani and Jay.

" hey!" I say

" Hello!" Kay (Kehlani) says and Jay doesn't say nothing.

" What you gonna today?" I ask Kay

" Umm... Nun just work on homework" she answers.

" Would you mind if I join you!" I say

" Nah that would be fine! Jay I don't need a ride, Tiana gonna take me home!" She says

Jay just leaves.

" What's his problem!" She asks

" Idk... in science we had a lil moment! And he just snapped!"I says sadly

" Oh well he'll come around! He may be a just tired!" She says

" Ok, let's go!" I say forgetting about this.

We get in the car and drive over to Kehlani's house!

(Kehlani House)

We walk in her house and go upstairs! She has a really pretty room!

" Your rooms nice!" I say looking around

" Thx!" She say putting her bag down

I walk over to a picture on the wall of her and Jay when they were younger!

" You and my little tinker butt were so cute!" I say laughing

" I know rite." She says laughing also

I walk over to her bed and sit on it next to her!

" Do you ever think sometimes that you cause all the relationship problems!" I say asking

" Yea! No trust me I know my cousin! I'm pretty sure all the problems are because if you!" She says

" Oh..... yea I forgot to ask you! Do you got a bf?" I ask

" I used to have one! We didn't really work out!" She says staring at the floor.

" aww....." I say sadly

" Yea I dumped dat nigga" she says laughing

" Oh damn." I say giggling

" yea ill tell later! Let's do our homework!" She says

Were doing our homework until I get a txt message from Jay!

Babyy💘🙈💍: Im sorry how I acted this afternoon! I guess I was just tired and stressed!

PrincessTi👑💓: No it's fine babe I get it! I was the one acting like a jerk!

Babyy💘🙈💍: Nah I was the one actin like and ass! I understand we both have has a lot on our minds!

PrincessTi👑💓: Yea we do! But don't worry we have sessions on Friday after school! ❤️

Babyy💘🙈💍: I'm lookin forward to that!

PrincessTi👑💓: Me too! Well me and Kay gotta finish this homework! Ttyl bye love you😘❤️

Babyy💘🙈💍: Bye baby love you too👐🏽😊🌹

I turn off my phone and go back to doing my hw!

We finally finish and I head home!

When I get there I put my purse and my keys on my dresser!

I change my clothes and put my phone on the charger! I get in bed and swiftly fall to sleep.....


Is Kay a good friend to Tiana???

Is stress becoming a big part in this relationship???

Will it last???


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