
By GuineaPig99

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Best friends. Everyone's got them. Most people are just like their best friends, and like the same stuff. Oth... More

Chapter 1; New Divas Champion
Chapter 2; Playing some WWE '13
Chapter 3; Plane Ride To Smackdown
Chapter 4; Hanging out with a Monster
Chapter 5; Misheard
Chapter 6; Royal Rumble
Chapter 7; Wade and AJ's Alone Time
Chapter 8; I'm not crazy, my boat with the dead coke guy is
Chapter 9; The Tickets
Chapter 10; The Concert
Chapter 11; Pretty Good News and Really Bad News
Chapter 12; Fallout from the Bad News
Chapter 13; Mike's Secret
Chapter 14; Elimination Chamber
Chapter 15; Drama... This time around AJ
Interlude: AJ's Decision
Chapter 16; Two More Days...
Chapter 17; To Heal or To Not Heal
Chapter 18; -4 Days...
Chapter 19; My Best Friend's Doing
On hold
Chapter 21: Death :(
Chapter 22; Continuing Downhill
Chapter 23; So NOT Funny
Chapter 24; Future Endeavored?
Chapter 25; R.I.P. Blake and Marissa
Chapter 26; She Admits It!
Chapter 27; He Admits It!
Chapter 28; The Wrestlemania Winner
Chapter 29; Wrestlemania
One Shot; Blake and Marissa

Chapter 20; Wade Admits It

216 6 3
By GuineaPig99


Chapter 20

~~~AJ Point of View~~~

So I thought it'd be funny to pull a prank on my best friend Kaitlyn. I was going to let her find out on her own about a romantic storyline set between her crush and herself for after Wrestlemania. I thought it was pretty funny to see Kaitlyn's face after she found out about her storyline; both excitement and nervousness.

...Kaitlyn didn't.

I also thought it'd be funny to watch Wade try to explain it to her, too. As he explained it, he looked so uncomfortable and it was absolutely hilarious.

...Kaitlyn didn't see it that way.

"Kaitlyn," I beg for the six hundred twenty nineth time over the past week (I counted because i'm cool like that. Plus, i didn't have anything else to do because Kaitlyn wouldn't hang out with me) "Kaitlyn please stop giving me the silent treatment."

Kaitlyn bites her lip to stop herself from cracking.

"Kaitlyn if you dont stop giving me the silent treatment, I will slap you silly," I warn.

Kaitlyn doesn't even give me a second glance to check if i was joking or not. Too bad I wasn't.

My palm hits her left cheek and then my backhand hits her right cheek causing several red markings on her face until she finally speaks.

"Stop stop," Kaitlyn says lifting her hands up to deflect mine. "Fine, I'll stop giving you the silent treatment."

"Ok good," I say and skip off away from her. I can feel her confused look gazing into my back.

I skip around the corner and right into a tall, British man.

"Oh hey," Wade says with an evil glare.

"H-h-hey," I say and turn around to run away but Wade wraps his arms around my waist.

"Nope," Wade says. "You're coming with me."


Wade sets me down on a bench in a empty locker room.

"So... AJ," Wade says pacing back and forth.


"Do you know why you're here?"

I decide to play dumb. "Nooo...."

"Dont lie"

"I'm not"


I roll my eyes sarcastically.

"AJ why'd you do it?" Wade asks me getting up in my face. "Hmm?"

"Fine i just wanted to see a Waitlyn moment!"

Wade gives me a genuinely confused look. "What?"

"A Waitlyn moment!"

"Whats a Waitlyn?"

"Do you prefer Kade?" I ask. "Cuz i dont?

"What is a Waitlyn?" Wade asks. "What's a Kade?"

"It's your couple names!" I say giddily.

"MY couple names," Wade says, still confused.

"No," I correct him. "YOUR couple names. For both of you!"

"Both of us?" Wade asks. "Whos us?"

"You and Kaitlyn, silly," I say.

"But why would we have a couple name?" Wade asks. "We're not a couple."

"Is that so?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, thats so."

... I don't believe you," I say honestly.

"Well you should."

"I don't think so," I say.

"Me and Kaitlyn aren't a couple!" Wade protests.

"But you want to be," I say.

"I never said that," Wade defends.

"You did close enough," I smugly reply. He stares at me baffled.

"What would even make you think I like Kaitlyn?" 

"Would you like me to recite my list?" I ask him, pulling out my phone. "Because i can do that..."

"Please don't," Wade begs.

"Sorry," I say. "But you basically asked for it."

Wade groans.

"First off, you flirted with her constantly. Secondly, you were really worried when her career was in jeopardy, Third..." I read off my list.

"Those are friendly things," Wade says. "We're just friends."

"Do friends have trouble admitting a romantic storyline will occur soon because when Dolph said that we would be in a romantic storyline i was like oh cool but thats not how it worked last week now was it?" I ask. "Was it?"

"Umm..." Wade stutters but the sound of Miz entering the locker room prevents him from having to answer.

"Whats going on here?" Miz asks us. "AJ, did you kidnap him?"

"Actually he kidnapped me first!" I say pointing at Wade who is still blushing away.

"You actually wanted to be in a room alone with this girl?" Miz asks cuddling up to me. "Why would you endanger yourself like that?"

Wade frowns nervously so i speak up. "Do i tell him or you?"

"You can," Wade says.

"Just change few things," Miz says.

"Please," Wade adds.

"Okay," I start. "Well Wade was having doubt issues on his love for AJ and decided that he'd better ask me to..."

"AJ!!" Wade complains.

"Fine," I say rolling my eyes. "Wade wanted to know why i forced him to tell Kaitlyn about their upcoming storyline."

"You kept accusing me of liking her!" Wade says. "You forgot that part."

"But you do!"

"I DON'T!"

"Wait," Mze says. "I thought you told me you liked her."

"MIKE!" Wade gasps.

"Ha-ha," I say.

"Fine... I might kinda like Kaitlyn," Wade says, not daring to look into either Miz's or my amused eyes.

"That's all I needed to know," I say and skip my way out of the room with my boyfriend hot on my tracks.



Chris Jericho makes his way out to the ring and does his poses. The bell rings and i watch, along with Big E Langston, as Dolph and Chris fight in the ring. They brawl for a while until I hear Kaitlyn's music hit.

Kaitlyn comes out running to the ring and stops at ringside. I glare at her as she begins cheering on Chris. Kaitlyn keeps cheering so i run around to the other side of the ring and give her a huge shove. She falls to the ground. At first, she glares angrily at me but as she gets up her frown turns upside down.

"Crazy," Kaitlyn says and i overexaggerate my anger. I dive into the ring and accidentally get hit by a huge clothesline from Chris.

Winner by DQ, Dolph Ziggler (I guess they disqualify for attacking other people nowadays, I'm really pretty unaware of how things work.

Chris slides out of the ring and he runs backstage with angered Langston and Ziggler in trail. They leaves Kaitlyn to do her part. She gets into the ring and i sense her setting up for a spear. I lift myself up slowly and dramatically and prepare for the oncoming bump

"WHAT A SPEAR!" Jerry Lawler calls as Kaitlyn gets up from spearing me and makes her way backstage.

Even on my way backstage, I can't help but smile because i know what I'll hear.

I turn the corner on gorilla and instantly hear Vince's booming voice.

"Great job out there AJ! You and Kaitlyn are going to absolutely steal the show i just know it"

A/N: I have a lot to say but i'll start with none Chickbusters related stuff.

Completely non-Wattpad related stuff, Wrestlemania 29 was disappointing. First of all, Cena heel turn? NOPE! Dolph cash-in? NOPE! (well not until yesterday's Raw). Orton heel turn? NOPE! Kaitlyn vs. AJ? NOPE! Any Divas match at all to showcase ANY female talent? ALMOST, but still... NOPE! 

It's just too hard to talk about...

Secondly, that collab story i'm writing might not happen, or it might, i don't know. Maddman16 doesnt know this yet but i doubt we'd be able to get it done. One thing guarenteed is don't expect it soon or often when it comes out.

I'm sorry about that...

Thirdly, the story. Next episode is not a Friday because it will not involve SmackDown at all. Its going to be a huge cliffhanger but a short chapter. And by cliffhanger, I mean sad, painful cliffhanger that will cause many people to hate me more than they will ever hate anybody else in their lives.

I'm joking... I hope. But seriously, I'm sorry in advance. It'll be heartless, and probably not very well written to start with so...

Now onto something else besides the next chapter, I feel kinda sad. I've been looking over recent chapters and found less people have been reading than before by about five (a third of my fanbase though lol). I'm wondering if maybe it's because my writing is boring or at least just not appealing to the readers right now so i'm asking one thing:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT ME. Tell me what you like about the story, what i should attempt to improve on, what do you want more of... etc etc. Just talk to me because i'm not sure what you guys want.

Also....... why don't you just vote cuz you're already commenting so you might as well vote you know? ;)

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