By magentashawty

156K 3.8K 1.2K

Rain big fan of bl manhwa but still virgin with dirty thoughts. Phayu a king of one night stand but will fall... More

Chapter 1: Let's Start
chapter 2: Stop hiding
chapter 3: Losing it
chapter 4: Boyfriend-ish
chapter 5: Unfolding
chapter 6: Mine
chapter 7: can't get enough you
Chapter 8: Can't be apart
chapter 9 : Give rain what he wants
chapter 10: Welcome gift
chapter 11 : Road to the past
chapter 12 : You're perfect
chapter 13 : My sexy boyfriend
chapter 14 : the best rider
chapter 15 : you're my everything
chapter 16: horny after being angry
chapter 17: Rain's dark side
chapter 18 : Life changing
chapter 19 : Rain's insecurities
chapter 20 : Never gonna leave you
chapter 21: birthday boy
chapter 22: I'm your birthday gift
chapter 23 : Rain is always needy
chapter 24 : Five Shades of rain
chapter 25 : The proposal
chapter 26 : Drunk with phayu's cock
chapter 27: Talking about the future
chapter 28 : Paradisiac vacation
chapter 29 : Sex under the stars
chapter 30 : Together we can
chapter 31 : It's for life
chapter 32 : Wedding night
chapter 33 : Jealousy and fight
Chapter 34: Complete family (The End)
2- Special Chapter End

1- Special Chapter

1.1K 55 23
By magentashawty


I wanted to thank everyone for giving this story so much love 🥺 when I started writing this I wasn't really confident asking myself if I can do it, I've read a lot of fanfic and books still I didn't think once I'll reach this number thank you so much🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

To celebrate I'll give you a gift a special chapter of their life with their children with a little naughtiness 🤭

The soft glow of dawn filtered through the curtains, the alarm clock blared insistently, punctuating the quietude of the room. Rain rolled over and squinted at the time-6:30 AM. He stirred from sleep, feeling the warmth of the morning against his skin. He blinked, slowly rousing himself from sleep. Rain's morning began like any other hectic weekday.

Phayu was already up, the faint sound of running water signaling his presence in the bathroom. Rain stretched languidly, then after 10min slipped out of bed, padding quietly across the room.

In the bathroom, Phayu was standing in front of the mirror, deftly knotting his tie with practiced ease. Rain approached him from behind, wrapping his arms around Phayu's waist and pressing a gentle kiss against his back. Phayu turned, a soft smile curving his lips as he leaned down to place a kiss on Rain's forehead.

"Morning sweetie, Did you sleep well?" Phayu inquired, his voice warm with affection.

Rain nodded, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. He watched as Phayu stepped aside to let him into the shower, the warmth of the water washing away the last vestiges of sleep.

While Rain showered, Phayu finished getting ready. Dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, he descended the stairs to the kitchen where the maids were already bustling about, preparing breakfast. He poured himself a cup of coffee, the rich aroma mingling with the morning air.

Rain finished taking his bath and now dressed for the day, he followed phayu downstairs, the scent of his cologne lingering faintly around him. He joined Phayu at the table, reaching for a slice of fruit as he settled into his seat.

"Can you please see if the kids are already up and getting ready for school?" Rain said to their maid who nodded in response going up.

"What's on the schedule today?" Rain asked, his gaze focused back on Phayu who was busy on his tablet replying emails.

Phayu took a sip of his coffee, his expression thoughtful. "I have a meeting at 8AM with the CEO of Norris Company" he replied, his tone businesslike yet tinged with excitement. "We're discussing the new partnership proposal like I told you. It's a big opportunity for us."

Rain nodded, his interest piqued. "Great, Any specifics I should know?"

Phayu elaborated, outlining key points of the meeting while Rain listened attentively, nodding in understanding. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room as they conversed.

"I can't wait for you today sweetheart" Phayu mentioned casually, checking the time on his phone. "I've got less than 30 minutes to get to the office. You can follow me later, drop the kids at school."

Rain smiled, reaching over to brush his fingers against Phayu's jaw. "I'll see you at the office later then" he replied, his voice warm.

Phayu leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to Rain's lips before grabbing his briefcase and heading towards the door. "Good luck my love" rain said as he disappeared outside.

Alone in the kitchen now, Rain savored the quiet moment waiting for his kids it's already 7:30 they have 30 min left to go. He finished his breakfast quickly, sipping on his own cup of coffee. he glanced out the window, watching Phayu's car pull out of the driveway, a sense of pride swelled within him 'that's his husband'. They had built a life together, navigating the intricacies of work and family with grace and love.

A moment later, his son Storm came down all ready with his uniform on.

"Good morning papa" Storm greated sitting across rain to eat his breakfast.

"Good morning my love, did you sleep well?" The boy nodded taking a slice of bread and jam.

"Where's your sister?" Rain asked.

"Dunno" Storm replies with his mouth full.

Rûng is like a little spoiled brat, she is capricious, naughty and stubborn just like rain but he won't admit it. Rain's patience was now in its limit they have to leave.

"Rainbow, come down now or I'll definitely leave without you, and you'll have to take the bus" Rain's voice echoed from the living room as he had to drop the kids off at school before heading to office.

Rain's twelve-year-old daughter, Rainbow was notorious for taking her time in the mornings. She had inherited her papa's penchant for perfection, spending what felt like hours perfecting her appearance, always being pretty and savage while his brother is more like dark misterious like phayu.

Today was no exception, Rainbow was upstairs, absorbed in applying lip gloss and combing her already immaculate hair.

"Rainbow! Let's go you don't have time for breakfast, your brother's already waiting in the car" Rain yelled again, the urgency evident in his voice.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rainbow made her grand entrance downstairs. Her face was adorned with a hint of makeup, causing Rain to freeze. He gently but firmly stopped her in her tracks.

"Stop there, why do you have makeup on? Did you take my palette in my room? You're only twelve, you know." Rain asked, trying to keep his composure.

Rainbow looked up innocently, her big eyes wide with pity. "Papa, I wanted to look pretty....You know, to impress my crush at school," she explained, phayu and rain are very close and open with their children so they're not afraid to talk or say everything to them.

Rain's heart skipped a beat. He blinked rapidly, trying to process this revelation. "You...What? have a...crush?" he managed to stammer out, his mind racing.

But before he could delve further into this new territory, Rainbow escaped running past him and settled into the car next to her brother, her expression a mixture of excitement and mischievous.

Rain closed the door behind him with a sigh, then slipped into the driver's seat. He handed her a pack of wet wipes, his tone gentle but firm. "Please wipe that makeup off before we reach your school. We'll talk about this later tonight, you're not allowed to wear makeup at school"

Rainbow's lower lip jutted out in a pout, but she reluctantly took the wipes and began to remove the eye makeup. Rain glanced at her through the rearview mirror, his heart swelling with a mix of protectiveness and concern.

The drive to school was relatively quiet, the tension palpable yet unspoken. Rain stole glances at his daughter, who was gazing out the window, lost in her own thoughts. His mind was reeling with a hundred questions, but he knew it wasn't the time.

As they pulled up to the school gates, Rain parked the car and turned to face Rainbow. "Listen, kiddo," he began, his voice softening. "We'll have a proper chat tonight, okay? But Just be yourself, and remember, you don't need any makeup to impress anyone, you're already so beautiful"

Rainbow nodded solemnly, her eyes meeting his. Rain gave her a reassuring smile before she grabbed her bag and hopped out of the car. His quiet brother next to her didn't say anything but was boiling to know who's that crush, he wants to punch him already.

Once the kids disappeared into the school building, Rain let out a deep breath, his hands tightening around the steering wheel. Parenting was a series of unexpected twists and turns, and today's revelation was just another reminder of that fact.

Rain drove to work when he arrived he glance at phayu's office he was not there probably in the meeting room. He entered his own office and started to work on the project he was on.

The morning at the office unfolded with a steady rhythm. Rain immersed himself in his work, focused on the project at hand, occasionally glancing towards Phayu's office across the hall. He could tell from the absence of his husband's presence that Phayu was deeply engaged in his meeting with the CEO of Norris Company.

An hour passed, filled with the hum of productivity, before the door to Rain's office swung open. Phayu stepped inside, a smile playing on his lips as he made his way to the couch tucked in the corner of Rain's office. Rain stood up from his desk, meeting Phayu halfway as he settled next to him on the couch.

"How did the meeting go?" Rain asked eagerly, his eyes searching Phayu's face for clues.

Phayu wrapped his arm around Rain's waist, pulling him closer with a gentle squeeze. "It went perfectly," he whispered, a note of satisfaction in his voice. "The CEO loved our proposal. We're one step closer to sealing the deal."

A grin spread across Rain's face. "Congratulations my love" he replied warmly, leaning in to press a quick kiss against Phayu's lips.

As they settled into a comfortable silence, Phayu's next question turned towards their children. "Did the kids make it to school on time?" he asked casually, concern flickering in his eyes because he knows the morning stress of dealing with them especially rainbow who always have new stories every day.

Rain's expression shifted slightly, a hint of amusement mixed with exasperation. "Well, there was a bit of a... situation," he began, recounting Rainbow's morning escapade with makeup to impress her supposed..... crush.

"What happened again with the princess?" He asked.

"Well your daughter has a crush so be prepared to have a son in law, Do you know what she did.?..... She stole my makeup and put it on to impress her 'crush' oh god" rain said crossing his arms around his chest, phayu better deal with that.

Phayu chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "She's definitely your daughter, Rain. I remember you pulling similar stunts back in university with revealing clothes." he mused, a fondness in his voice.

Rain playfully slapped Phayu's chest, though a hint of seriousness lingered in his tone. "Hey I was already a grown up man and It's not funny, P'Phayu. She's growing up too fast." He pouted

Phayu's expression softened, his gaze meeting Rain's. "I know my love," he reassured him gently. "But these are the moments we'll look back on and smile. Teenage years can be... challenging since they're discovering new territories, but we'll have to talk to her and make her understand."

Rain nodded, a sense of gratitude washing over him. With Phayu by his side, he knew they could handle anything even the rollercoaster of raising teenagers.

After their brief conversation, Rain and Phayu returned to their respective tasks, the buzz of the office around them fading into the background.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of another workday, Rain packed up his belongings, feeling a sense of fulfillment. He glanced over at Phayu, who was engrossed in his final tasks.

"Ready to head home?" Rain asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

Phayu looked up, his eyes softening with affection. "Give me a minute to shut down the system" he replied, rising from his desk and joining Rain by the door.


The evening settled gently over Rain and Phayu's home, the comforting routine of family life unfold. They were greeted by the familiar warmth of their household as they entered. Phayu wasted no time in asking about the kids, his concern evident in his voice.

"Are the kids back from school already?" Phayu inquired, his brow furrowed slightly. They have a driver for them because they can't pick them from school when they're done around afternoon.

The maid nodded with a smile. "Yes, they're in their rooms sir" she replied.

With that assurance, they went up to bath and put on some comfortable clothes. After some time, Phayu came down first, the tantalizing aroma of dinner wafting from the kitchen. He instructed one of the maids to call the kids down for dinner. Moments later, Rainbow bounded into the room, her enthusiasm palpable as she darted towards her dad for a hug.

"I missed you Daddy," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Phayu chuckled, returning her embrace and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "How was school today sweetheart?" he asked gently.

Rainbow shifted nervously, her eyes flitting between phayu and her brother who was sitting across. "Um, well..." she began, her voice trailing off.

Just then, Rain descended the stairs, his attention caught by Rainbow's hesitant demeanor. He listened intently, a flicker of concern crossing his features.

"What happened?" Rain asked, his tone laced with worry.

Rainbow hesitated, but before she could respond, Storm interjected calmly, his gaze fixed on his sister. "She almost got me into trouble because of that boy" Storm explained.

Rain's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?" he pressed, his gaze shifting between Storm and Rainbow.

Storm continued, his tone composed. "I saw her walking around with a boy hanging onto her, and I told him to let go. He was rude, so I punched him" Storm explained matter-of-factly.

Phayu and Rain exchanged a look, momentarily taken aback by Storm's revelation. Rainbow beside them, her expression a mixture of guilt and defiance.

Rain took a deep breath, trying to process the situation. "Rainbow, is this true?" he asked.

Rainbow shifted uncomfortably, then nodded. "Yes Papa" she admitted quietly.

Rain sighed, exchanging a glance with phayu. "Sweetheart, you know you can't do that" he said gently, his concern evident.

"I didn't do anything we were just playing and he just came to scold me for nothing" she said frowning at his brother.

"Nothing? He has his hand on your thigh and slipping under your skirt, i was observing from far, you dummy" Storm replies.

"Don't call me-"

"Stop" phayu growls his blood boiling at the revelation "I don't want to hear none of you now" he added his tone commanding.

Rain reached out, placing a hand on phayu's shoulder. "We'll talk about this after dinner, now eat" phayu said firmly.

They ate in complete silence. After dinner, as the evening drew to a close, Rain and Phayu gathered their children for a heartfelt discussion.

"Who's that boy rainbow?" He started with his daughter.

"My classmate daddy" she replied with a bit of nervousness seeing how serious the parents are.

"I need more details sweetheart" phayu added his tone lower to not make her feel uncomfortable and afraid to talk.

Rainbow explained, it's a classmate they're really close, she has a crush on him before being friends. One day she bumped into him, the boy was really nice and they became friends but he's not a bad boy, he never tried something bad to her. Maybe while playing his hand slipped but she never felt uncomfortable around him and he never tried to touch her.

"I'm sorry daddy, I won't let that happen again" she finished talking with that sentence.

Phayu sighed, brushing his fingers in his hair, rain squeezed his arms giving support "Storm, can you explain what happened?" He turned to his son.

Storm explained his side of the story and admitted maybe he overreacted because rûng said it's his crush this morning. He had seen them together and the boy was never rude and always nice but the fact he accused him of something the boy just got defensive which caused storm to think he was rude and punched him.

Phayu and Rain exchanged a meaningful glance, understanding the weight of the moment as they listened to the entirety of the story unfold. As parents, they knew that their response needed to strike a delicate balance, not to incite fear or shame, but to impart valuable life lessons to their children.

Phayu took a deep breath as he addressed Rainbow. "Sweetheart, having a crush is a normal part of growing up," he began, his voice carrying reassurance. "But it's important to always respect yourself and set boundaries. You should never let anyone....especially boys.....touch you without your permission, even if it's just in play." rainbow nodded.

He turned towards Storm, his expression serious yet understanding. "And Storm, you did the right thing by standing up for your sister," Phayu continued, his tone softening. "But violence should always be a last resort. It's important to assess the situation and try to understand before reacting." Storm nodded in response

Rain nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting towards Rainbow. "And sweetheart" he added, his voice filled with warmth, "you don't need to impress anyone to be loved. Be yourself, and the right person will appreciate you for who you are, not for who you pretend to be."

Rainbow listened intently, her eyes wide with tears. Storm, though initially reluctant, absorbed his parents' words with a sense of quiet contemplation.

Phayu moved closer to his children, wrapping them both in a gentle embrace. "We love you both very much," he murmured, his voice filled with affection. Rain joined them crashing all together.

Rainbow giggled, her tension melting away as she leaned into her father's embrace. Storm, though less demonstrative, allowed himself to be comforted by the warmth of his family's embrace.

"Love you too" the two kids said at the same time.

"Do you need help for your homeworks?" Rain asked pulling aside.

"Yes, me, i don't understand my maths homework why it's so difficult" rainbow complained.

"Okay come with me I'll try to explain in easiest way" Rain said taking her daughter's hand. "You two, you can talk but no gossip about us" he added pointing at phayu and storm.

Those two are the same, their dark energy and calm aura making them super misterious, now rain has to deal with a mini phayu. Phayu and his son looked at each other and shook their head, they can't deny they love those two dramatic queens.


On the next day, rain's parents called and asked if they can send the kids to London for holidays, they have only one week before school ends. Both agreed, what's better than to send them away so they can enjoy themselves alone.

"Mami called, she wants you to go spend your holidays with her in London" phayu said to his kids sitting all together watching a movie after a long day.

"Really...yes" rainbow said all excited.

"I wanted to join a foot club" Storm sulking.

"You can join one there, it will help you practice your English too." Rain replies trying to get him understand.

"Yeah i speak better English than you and with no accent" rainbow said the sentence in English without a Thai accent. Storm was storming inside, the girl loves to push him.

"Stop teasing your brother, you better prepare your bag you'll go this weekend" phayu said "Now up to bed"

The week has passed faster, they couldn't wait to send those demons away for a while. They drove to the airport and watched them going inside the airplane.

"Oh God finally free time i can breathe" Rain said. Don't get him wrong he loves his children to death but which parent can say they never wish someone to take their children for a moment just so they can relax in peace.

"I've prepared a surprise for you tonight" phayu whispered in his ear, rain looked at him with confusion. Everytime phayu had a surprise for him, he never left the bed for days.


***End of chapter***

I thought i could put everything in one chapter but it's going too long continue reading 👉🏼

Thanks again for all the love and support y'all the best🥺💖


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