I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite)...

Af Fanficanatic-tw

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2021 Rewrite. Kayla Hale. The name rung bells in Beacon Hills but, unlike her cousin, Derek Hale, she wasn't... Mere

Guess who's back, back again
You can call me Stiles
Failing to play it cool
Let's get this party started
Found a purpose
Try and not die
More enemies than friends
Brian, thongs and perfect killing
Crushing hard
Bedroom Shenanigans
Friends with benefits
Mission accomplished
Drowning in red
Hatred of hospitals
The spark
Murderous rage
Sheriff - AKA, Mr Cockblock
Movie Day
Crossing the line
Pool Party
Drunken truths
Big enough bed for us both
Sexual desire
The full moon curse
Long last
Together, together?
The Lost Bet
Cut deep
Friendship Tensions
One time offer
Ice cold
Admissions of guilt


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Af Fanficanatic-tw

Disclaimer: Teen wolf does not belong to me in any way shape or form :( A big thank youto all the readers and the continuous support you have all given me, it excites me more than you can know :) You're all superstars x



For some reason, the word didn't feel as awkward now. Well, it did, but not in a 'puke in your mouth' kind of way. More like 'meh, I feel like a fifth grader' way, but okay.

She had just never had a proper boyfriend before. She had 'casual encounters' and people to flirt with when she wanted to blow off steam, but never committed to anyone because, holy fuck, that was scary. She never let herself get too deep because when things got deep things got messy.

Take Aiden for example... he was never really her boyfriend. They were together – sometimes – but it was just sex and fighting. So sure, he was her 'ex', but it wasn't like an official dating thing... they were just together. Ish. With lots of sex and violence and illicit drug taking.

So, this thing with Stiles was all brand-new territory and she knew it would take a lot of adapting to get used to it.

But she supposed 'boyfriend' wasn't too bad after all.

She sent him a small smile, finally feeling able to relax in his presence as, for some reason, he was the only one that didn't start acting like a dog and trying to – figuratively, or in this case it was, at times, quite literally – hump her leg.

She wondered what that was about.

"Stiles?" she asked, wrapping her arms around the back of her chair, "why are you not acting like a sleezeball?"

His eyebrows shot up, taken aback by that question that came out of nowhere.

"Uh... excuse me?"

"Every single guy I've gotten within two feet of has suddenly become ravenous and handsy. You seem fine".

"Oh" he wondered, "do you want me to get handsy?"

"Well, yeah, but that's not what I mean" she said, "you're acting like yourself around me".

"... Huh" he muttered, "that's weird".

"I don't get it" she sighed, "today has been a weird day".

Unbeknownst to her, when she said that, she didn't realise just how weird it would become.

"Miss Hale" the teacher's voice called out and she turned around, half expecting to get in trouble even though the class hadn't officially started yet, and seen the teacher put down the phone on the desk, "you're needed at reception".

"I'm needed at reception?" she asked, "for what?"

"I don't know dear; your dad just says it's an emergency, so you're excused".

Her dad...

She felt every ounce of blood drain from her face, the entire contents of her stomach seeming to drop to her toes as she swallowed nervously, her entire body suddenly on high alert.

Allison, in front, turned to face her in confusion at that statement, whereas Lydia, as bold as ever, just exclaimed "your dad? I thought your dad was dead".

But that would mean... Peter was here? Right now? At school? This was it... the beginning of the end. He was here, out of the shadows, to terrorise them until they either joined him or fell to him.

Stiles reached out, grabbing her arm before she could stand.

"Don't go" he whispered, frantically shaking his head, "it's not safe".

The class had quietened, everyone's eyes seeming to fall on her in curiosity as she simply sighed, meeting Stiles' worried stare.

"If I don't... there's no telling what he could do" she mumbled, picking up her bag from the floor, "I'll be back".

"Oh god" he groaned, "you're never meant to say 'I'll be back'. That's like the number one rule. You don't ever say you'll be back. It's called tempting fate".

He was stressed, she could tell, feeling his anxious and jittery demeanour as she stood, ignoring everyone's stares as she left the classroom but not before hearing the teacher exclaim "Mr Stilinski would you get back to your seat".

Whatever Peter's plan was, she had to one up him. She had to get ahead of the game – of his game – before there was nothing left to try and salvage. She didn't know how she would do it, but she needed to. Preferably, before Scott either died or got blood on his hands.

She walked all the way to the other side of the school, pushing open the double doors to reception and was pointed by the stern-faced, older-looking receptionist to a room with the door wedged open.

She faltered for a second, dreading to face him again after he turned her entire world upside down, but knew if she didn't then the consequences would be far worse. Plus, she was stronger than this. She could deal with this; she knew she could.

Tilting her chin up in defiance, she walked into the room, coming face to face with not only Peter but Derek as well.

"Derek?" she asked in surprise, casting him a suspicious look, "what are you... oh. You're with him".

It wasn't a question; it was a statement. One uttered with so much disgust and contempt she even surprised herself.

Derek dropped his stare, not able to meet her gaze.

"Seriously?" she demanded, "after everything he's done? He killed your fucking sister for crying out loud and, what? Now your best buds?" she sneered, "what the hell Derek?"

"Sweetheart, language" Peter chastised with a smirk, his long black leather jacket draped menacingly around him, "before I make you wash your mouth out with soap".

"Shut your mouth before I rip out your tongue and strangle you with it".

"Yup" Peter grinned, seeming proud, "definitely my daughter, no doubt about it".

"I am not your daughter" she claimed fiercely, raising a finger and pointing it at him, "not in the way that really matters".

Peter pretended to clutch his heart, his lips pursing. "Well, they do say the teenage years are the hardest. It's to be expected".

She scoffed, turning her attention to Derek, "what the hell does he have over you?"

"Nothing" Peter interrupted, "I just showed him the true meaning on family".

"You wouldn't know the meaning of the word if it turned around and bit you in the ass".

"Now now Kayla, put those kitty kat claws away before you scratch someone's' eyes out" Peter tsked her, sending her a smirk of delight, "we're just here to talk".

"No, you're not" she sneered, "you've not waited six years to just talk".

"You're smart" he mused, "but are you smart enough to have figured it all out?"

She remained quiet, giving him the answer he needed.

"Ah... I see it's healing quite nicely" he commented, taking a step forward and grabbing her wrist, inspecting it with wondering eyes, "you'll thank me for this one day, you know".

She pulled her arm away roughly, hating the fact that he dared to even touch her.

"Don't touch me" she growled, "don't ever touch me".

"I had to do it" he said, "you need to be who you're meant to be. I just sped up the process a little. Have you felt it yet, the change?"

A frown etched it way between her brows, curious as to how much he knew about her situation.

"What did you do to me?"

"You'll find out" he replied, "although, if you want to know, ask your mom. She comes from an interesting family. Why do you think you weren't born a werewolf like the rest of us? Why do you think you went through hell on a full moon, but were unable to change? She has the answers. I wonder if she'd be willing to share".

"... What am I?" she conceded with after a few baited breaths, her voice losing that heat and fire.

"Special" he replied, "and I hope, once you calm down, you reconsider what I have to offer. I can protect you, as well as help seek vengeance on those that killed our family. I'm not the bad guy here".

She scoffed, "your kill count says otherwise".

"They deserved it, and so do the rest. Derek has seen the way. So will you, in time".

"Derek's loyalty could get bought with a Twix bar" she muttered, ignoring her traitor of a cousin, "also, go fuck yourself".

Peter smirked, "I like you".

"The feeling isn't mutual".

"I have a plan Kayla" he continued, "now, that plan could involve you and your friends living or, if you so wish, it could involve you and your friends dying. And by friends, I'm including that little plaything of yours. Human boys" he mused, "so breakable".

"You're not going to lay a single finger on them".

"Won't I?" he shrugged, "can you be with them all, all the time? Around the clock?" he taunted, "what will you do if I decide I want to stop their hearts? Or, better yet, turn them?"

"I'd kill you" she promised, her voice unwavering, "and I wouldn't even hesitate".

"We'll have to agree to disagree" he said, "don't worry, I'll give you some time. I have every faith you'll come around".

"Don't hold your fucking breath".

All this time, Derek had remained quiet. Barely moving as he watched the exchange, but now he looked up, catching her gaze and there was something in his eyes she couldn't quite put her finger on... something new, something different... a look she hadn't seen before.

She frowned, trying to understand what he was trying to convey but, seconds later, Peter jutted his head towards the door, instructing Derek to leave.

"Enjoy your day Kayla" Peter said as he brushed past her, "we'll speak again soon".

By the time she turned around, they were gone. Almost like they disappeared into thin air.

Her mind was reeling, further questions spinning around her head.

What did he mean, about her mom's family? 'The change'? His plan? Why did he want her to join him? He could build a pack or whoever he wanted, but instead he was focusing on Scott, Derek and her? It wasn't making sense. None of this situation made much sense.

All she knew was, he bit her, and it was doing something to her. Not killing her, not turning her into a werewolf, but something else. Something unknown.

It was terrifying.

She left reception, walking off her fears and anxieties as she stormed down the corridor, her sneakers squeaking against the floor and, as she turned the corner, she bumped headfirst into someone, the impact nearly sending her flat on her ass.

To her dismay, it was Brian. His handsome face cut into a menacing expression.

"Kayla" he greeted, his voice void of any endearment, "slumming it with Stilinski, huh? In broad daylight? I'm surprised. And here I thought you had taste".

She scoffed, "evidently not, considering I got to third base with you".

"Ouch" he remarked, towering above her, "you don't know what you're missing".

"Nothing special" she said, "now move".

She went to go around him, but he stepped to the side, blocking her way.

"Does it look like I'm in the mood for your stupid games?" she exclaimed, "now move".

Yet again, he sidestepped. Not letting her leave.

"If you want a punch to the face, use your words like a grown-up".

"I want you" he continued, taking a couple of steps forward and forcing her back, "I should've had you weeks ago... but no, you're stubborn. I guess it makes the wait all the more sweeter".

She rolled her eyes, placing her hand against his chest. "Stop. Leave me alone".

She tried to move around him again, but he grabbed her arms and pushed her back violently into the row of lockers, the force winding her for a few seconds and causing her vision to blur.

"I don't know what it is about you, but I want you" he snarled, tightening his grip and taking advantage of her pained state, "god, I want you so bad".

Right... because he was within two feet of her. Whatever it was about her causing him to succumb to his needs – except, in his case, they were more violent and aggressive than everyone else's, a little bit of his true personality slipping out.

Without thinking, she lifted her knee into his crotch, causing him to bend over in pain and raised her elbow, driving it down into his back so he collapsed to the ground, coughing and spluttering.

"Keep your God damn hands off me" she exclaimed, "or I will break your face, do you understand me?"

He groaned, trying to push himself up but she just booted him in the side, causing him to fall over.

"Touch me again, and you will regret it" she warned, "I promise you that".

She left him there, clearly hurt, but finding herself not giving a damn, making her way outside quickly and into the fresh air to calm down, shaking out the sudden nerves and anxiety that gripped her.

Normally she was able to shrug things off. Except the past twenty-four hours had truly rattled her, right down to her very core, and she felt hypersensitive to everything around her. Delicate and breakable. Shame beginning to build up inside her.

Why was this happening?

Why couldn't she control whatever it was she was doing to them?

Something had changed. Something in her DNA.

She shivered, trying to brush off the ghost of his handprints around her arms but she could feel them throbbing, no doubt beginning to bruise. His force and desperation bordering on scary.

It wasn't a new thing to her, but it still wasn't something she liked.

Her past was filled with violence and mistakes, a combination of bad people and bad decisions. Unwanted comments and touches that chipped away at her soul. Drug binges clouding any sensible decision-making skills she had, resulting in her always ending up in precarious and reckless situations. Sometimes, it was humans that she found scarier and more unpredictable. What was their excuse for being monsters?

It was clear that, right now, she shouldn't be around anyone. Not of the male gender anyway. Not until she figured out what was going on. Especially around predatory people like Brian. Not willing or wanting to be in situations like that ever again, feeling forced and used against her wishes. It wasn't going to happen. Not again. She wasn't that Kayla anymore. She wasn't that Kayla that felt so low and useless she didn't care what happened to her. She had changed.

She wrung her hands, deep in thought and contemplation when Stiles found her, leaving class early, too stressed and worried about her to focus.

"Kayla? Kaylz?" she heard him call out, rushing over to her, "what happened? Are you okay?"

She turned to face him, unintentionally taking a couple of steps backwards.

"I'm okay" she reassured, "but I think you need to keep your distance. Something is going on with me, and we don't know if it's dangerous or-"

"Dangerous?" he interrupted, "you're not dangerous-"

"You don't know that" she sighed, "Peter's bite has done something to me. We don't know what's happening".

"I know you're not dangerous" Stiles said, "we'll figure it out".

"Scott won't even look at me. Every guy that gets too close to me seems to lose their minds, and that's because of me. Something that I'm doing is causing that, and until I know what that something is, I need to be careful".

"Okay, well... let me help. No, wait, hear me out" he rushed out, sensing her about to disagree, "you're right. Ever since the bite, it's doing something to you. But that effect that you have on everyone else, it doesn't happen to me, right? So let me help".


"Let me help" he repeated, or more like begged, "please?"


"I'll get us away from here".

She frowned, "that sounds like you want to smuggle me to a different country".

"Tempting, but impractical" he said, "look, I got the jeep. We could go somewhere quiet or-or drive around for a bit. Somewhere away from any and all guys. See if we can figure out what's going on".

"You have school-"

"My record is almost impeccable. I can spare a day off" he promised, "c'mon Kaylz..." he added, holding out his hand for her to take, "let me help you".

She studied his hand for a moment, recognising all the comfort it offered, but she wasn't used to accepting help. Especially help that made her vulnerable.

But Stiles was different. For whatever reason, he was different to everyone else. Not wanting or needing anything from her.

Against her better judgement, she accepted his hand, feeling him let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay" she conceded, "sure. Let's go".

He guided her to the jeep, making sure she got in okay before shutting the door and racing around to the driver's side as stealthily as he could, trying to act like James Bond.

Whilst driving, she recounted her interaction with Peter and Derek.

"So, Derek is with Peter now?"

"Initially, I thought yeah" she admitted, "but I don't know, there was something about the way he looked at me... like he wanted me to catch on, or something. It was strange".

"You think maybe he's lying to Peter?" he asked, "that sounds stupid. And dangerous".

"I don't know" she mused, "Derek is... different. He never used to be like this. Lately, I don't know... it's like he's playing both sides or something".

"But for what reason?"

"I can only think of one..." she shrugged, "power. Since the fire, he's felt powerless. He couldn't save them. He couldn't save Laura..."

"And what Peter said about your mom, you believe him?"

"Peter may be a dick, but he doesn't lie. Not about things like this. And, I hate to say it, but it makes sense" she admitted, "the effect the full moon had on me was unheard of. No one knew why I had so much pain and why my body couldn't change. Maybe it couldn't change because there was something else in my DNA more dominant, more powerful..."

"Do you want to go see her?"

She shook her head, "I'm not ready. Not yet. Our fight was bad. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could see her without knocking her teeth out".

Stiles winced, "yeah, maybe for the best".

"I just can't have him hurting you" she admitted, "or Lydia, or Allison, or Scott. I can't let him".

"He's just using us to get under your skin-"

"Maybe, but also, he's capable of a lot. He wouldn't care if he hurts any one of you, because he's incapable of caring. If I don't play this properly, people could get hurt. You could get hurt".

He cast her a surprised but affectionate look, his eyes breaking away from the road for a few seconds before re-focusing.

"You're worried about me?"

She softened slightly, "of course I am. I don't want anything to happen to you".

"Nothing will" he promised, "I'm like a cat. I got nine lives".

She snorted, "pretty sure in the time I've known you, you've lost like five of those".

He pouted, "I'm deceivingly robust I'll have you know".

"So, the adorable klutz thing is just an act then, huh?" she laughed.

"Well actually-oh, you think it's adorable?"

"Against my better judgement, yes".

"Booyah" he cheered quietly to himself, followed by a small fist bump in the air, causing her to smirk.

"Did you just 'booyah' yourself?"

"Us underdogs have to celebrate the little wins".

She snorted, rolling her eyes in amusement, "dickhead".

"Yeah" he nodded, throwing her a lazy half smile, "but you love it".

She didn't say anything, caught in a sudden ball of panic as soon as he dared to utter the 'L' word, even if it wasn't in context. Her eyes bugging from their sockets as he, too, realised what he said, gulping loudly and tightening his hands around the wheel.

'Calm down Kayla' she chastised to herself, although she could barely hear herself think over the racing of her heart, 'loving things about someone is totally normal and does not mean what you think it means'.

Even then, the panic had already taken hold and she couldn't look him in the eye, focusing her gaze out the window in front as he quietly panicked himself, muttering curses under his breath.

She hadn't told anyone she loved them... not since before her dad and brother died. Ever since that night, unable to really eversay the words or the word itself. Too traumatised and heartbroken to bear saying it to anyone... because everyone she had ever loved had left her... it was like a cruel jinx.

And even then, he didn't mean it like that. Because there was no way she was close to falling in love with Stiles Stilinski...

Silence enveloped them for longer than what was comfortable, staring out the window and seeing that they weren't in Beacon Hills anymore.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh, uh... heh. I don't know" he admitted with a nervous shrug, already on the highway, "I figured just put a little bit of space between us and Beacon Hills for a while..."

She smirked, "technically, this could count as a kidnapping".

"It's cool, my dad's the Sheriff. I'd get away with it".

"Like that speeding ticket you just got?" she snorted, recognising the flash from an overhead camera as Stiles barrelled it down the highway, "I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't realise this thing could go above fifty".

Stiles winced, glancing back at the camera, "damn. That means another lecture".

"How many of them has he gotten you out of?"

"Uh... six" he said, "although it'll soon be seven".

"Said with such confidence" she joked, "maybe this time he'll lock you up and throw away the key".

"I'm his only child. His only protégée. All his hopes and dreams fall on me. He won't be locking me up anywhere".

"That's a shame" she mused with a smirk, "having you locked up might be kind of fun".

He cocked an eyebrow, taken aback by her words.

"Handcuffs... restrained..." she muttered, "helpless... sort of sexy, no?"

She heard him gulp, hands tightening around the leather steering wheel.

"Heh... well... um..." he stuttered, "maybe-maybe the other way around would be sexy too. You in handcuffs" he added, turning a gentle flushed pink.

"I've been in handcuffs" she smirked, "and I know how to get out of them too, so you'd need to make sure and really tightenthem..."

Her flirty and sultry voice was enough to distract him, clearly sending his mind elsewhere as his foot slipped off the gas pedal, causing the jeep to jerk and jolt.

She giggled, "it's so easy to distract you".

"Can you blame me when you speak like that?" he wondered, trying to hide his blush.

"Are you now thinking about me naked in handcuffs?"

As expected, his blush deepened. No hiding it now.

"You're welcome" she sing-songed, "and I promise, whatever you're imagining, the real thing is a hundred times better".

Yet again, his foot slipped from the pedal, like a knee jerk reaction to his pleasure and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, it's clearly not safe for me to drive" he muttered, indicating off the highway and following the road and signage to the closest town – 'Maple Springs'.

It was cute but small, so much smaller than Beacon Hills. A little run down and empty but the scenery was to die for. Surrounded by endless forest.

Stiles, watching her eyes fill up with joy and wonder at the sight, followed the signage to a nearby small parking lot just by the entrance to a forest walk and parked up, his jeep being the only vehicle around.

"Come on, let's go explore" he said, fulfilling his promise to her of keeping her mind off things.

He took her hand, leading her down the narrow path, trying not to trip or roll his ankles.

"It's beautiful out here" she said, craning her neck back to look at the canopy of the trees, sunlight dancing through the leaves and casting shadows across her face.

"Yeah" he muttered, unable to take his eyes off her as they walked, "it really is".

Sensing his gaze on her, she looked down, meeting his stare.

"I meant the trees" she smirked.

"I didn't mean the trees" he muttered, "you really are beautiful..."

"Usually? Yeah" she joked, "today? No so much. Your shampoo made my hair go frizzy and I don't have a lick of make up on-"

"You're beautiful all the time" he corrected, because seeing her so fresh faced and raw was a whole new side to her, looking younger and just as vibrant, "without even trying. Everything about you is beautiful, and I don't know how I got so damn lucky..."

"Sap" she remarked with a playful roll of her eyes, but secretly her heart was thundering at the attention, a pleasurable warmth radiating through her at those words.

"Deal with it".

She pretended to put her finger down her throat, mimicking being sick, and he just nudged her elbow, scoffing at her dramatics.

"You melt a little bit inside when I talk like that, I know you do".

"Oh, you do, do you?" she grinned, "and how do you know that?"

"I can see it in your eyes" he said, "they soften a little".

She knew it was true... always softening around him. Less hard and prickly around the edges.

"Yeah yeah Stilinski" she mocked jokingly, "keep telling yourself that".

They walked hand in hand, following the rickety narrow trail that kept breaking into forks, and the deeper they got, the more she felt Stiles panic a little.

"It's chill" she reassured, "I memorised the way".

"Well, I'm glad one of us did because I did not think this through".

They must've walked for miles, chatting away, flirting, teasing each other. Hours went by where she didn't have to think of Peter, or Derek, or mutilated bodies or her mom and aunt's betrayal. For those hours, her mind was truly at peace. Something she hadn't had in a very long time.

The trail opened up to something unexpected - a magnificent waterfall cascading down a rocky cliff, the crystal-clear water sparkling in the bright sunlight. The rushing water creating a soothing melody for her ears. Lush, full greenery surrounded the rocks – a little piece of heaven here on earth.

She was speechless, not expecting to come across something so stunning. A mini paradise.

She let go of Stiles' hand, walking slowly towards the rocks that was paved on either side of the water's edge, streamlining into a river. Enjoying the way the cool breeze ruffled her hair and cooled down her skin, warm from all the walking.

He took her away from Beacon Hills, away from all the hurt and confusion, giving her time to just simply breathe. Here, there was no pressure. No anger. No betrayal. Just him and her, enjoying each other's company. Getting to know each other better, and without watchful eyes. Finding herself fully relaxed and at ease by his side. Allowing herself to drop the walls around her heart and let him in.

She could feel him hovering a few steps behind her, watching her watch the rush of water with wonderous eyes and she couldn't be more thankful to him.

No one had ever taken the time to get to know her like this. To break down her trauma walls and see the good in her. To exhibit patience and understanding when she was being difficult and rash. For some reason, he grounded her. Complimenting her personality and bringing her the kind of joy she had never felt before.

She wasn't a complicated girl. She didn't need big grand gestures or fancy things... she just needed someone to look after her fragile heart, and she thought maybe she had found the one to do that.

Of course, it was too soon to tell, but with Stiles it felt different. With everyone else it was sexual attraction, plain and simple. With him, it was something deeper. Like her heart beat in tune with his - and her soul, if there was such a thing, was warm and at peace.

She bit her lip, toying with the hem of his tee she was wearing that skimmed her waist, trying to resist that invisible pull to him – which was failing. Slowly turning to face him, finding his gentle brown eyes already trained wholly on her. Not even distracted by the beautiful view around them.

Wordlessly, she toed off her sneakers, bending down to slip her socks off. Her bare feet curling into the hard rock, pleasantly warm from the beating overhead sun.

Next, she untied the toggles of the sweatpants, loosening them from her hips and sliding them down her thighs, stepping out from the material and kicking them away.

Stiles was silent, watching her closely with wide surprised eyes and a nervous expression on his face, his jaw unhinged and dropping the more clothes she took off. Particularly when she removed the tee, pulling it over her head and dropping it by her feet.

"Uh... heh... um... wh-what are you... uh...-"

"I'm hot" she simply said, trying – and failing – to hold back her smirk, "I need to cool down".

His face was a picture of true amazement, unable to formulate any words as she turned around, taking a running jog towards the water and dived into it, disappearing below the surface.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Stiles got tongue-tied at the best of times, but being faced with a half-naked girl within reaching distance from him was enough to make his brain turn to mush. In fact, he was pretty sure he could feel it liquifying and melting and wouldn't be surprised if it started dripping and oozing from his ears any second now.

He watched helplessly and in awe as she freed herself from her clothes, leaving her standing in nothing but a skimpy pair of black panties and a matching black bra. The simplicity of the set a stark contradiction to her body, beautiful beyond comprehension and begging for attention, his eyes drawn to her form and finding himself unable to look away.

He wasn't exaggerating when he said her body, smooth and tight, seemed carved from the gods themselves. Soft and supple, sweeping in and out into stunning curves. Her waist, sharp and defined, calling out for him to reach forward and wrap his arms around it. Every single inch of her was like gold dust, and nothing would have him thinking otherwise.

Unable to say much of anything, he watched as she turned around and dove into the water seamlessly, vanishing beneath the surface.

He gulped, slowly creeping towards the water's edge but the seconds kept passing and she didn't break for air, no sign of her anywhere.

Panic filled his veins, haphazardly lopping closer as his frantic eyes scanned the water for her, but nothing. It was still and hauntedly eerie, the once beauty of this place seeming dull.

"Kayla? Kaylz?" he called out in desperation, quickly scanning the water again and, just when he was about to dive in and hunt for her himself, her head popped above the surface about twenty feet in, a playful smile pulling at her lips.

"Oh my god" he exclaimed, clutching his chest in panic, his heart racing a million miles a minute, "don't do that. I thought you'd drowned".

"That would be disappointing" she teased, sweeping her arms through the water to keep her floating, "when I die, I want to go out epically. Hopefully with lots of blood and guts. Drowning isn't epic".

"Ha-Ha, funny" he remarked, rolling his eyes but chuckling at the same time, "you gonna get out? You don't know what's in there".

"Probably a few dead bodies" she joked, "but I doubt they're going to do anything".

"There could be fish, or crabs, or snakes or frogs or maybe even leeches" he pointed out, "someone could've dumped a shark here, you never know".

"Yeah, and maybe Nessie the loch ness monster is here as well" she laughed, "relax. It's fine. Not everything is dangerous".

He would beg to differ. It seemed most things in this world were, indeed, dangerous.

"Leeches" was his only viable protest.

"Oh, so you don't like getting sucked on then?"

"... Not by leeches".

"There's no leeches" she reassured, "but there is me... half naked... horny..."

He gaped at her, still always taken aback by her bluntness.

"Loosen up Stiles" she called out, swimming towards him, "have a little fun – preferably, with me".

How the hell could he resist that?

He could feel her eyes on him, watching him in amusement as he fumbled clumsily from his clothes – removing his socks and shoes, his slacks and his shirt and tee, leaving him standing in his boxer shorts, suddenly feeling very bare and exposed, nervous as to what she may think.

She swam up to the edge, placing her arms on the rocks and peered up at him, her eyes suddenly very heavy with lust and approval, biting down on the inside of her bottom lip.

Was that a good sign? Did she approve? He was skinny and pale, not all that athletic and was still struggling to grow a decent amount of hair to look 'manly'... what is his body turned her off?

She didn't say anything, reaching up with her hand – an invite into the water. With nervous fingers he reached down, about to try and slide in to maintain some of his dignity but she suddenly shrieked in delight and pulled him in.

He broke free from the water, coughing and spluttering and wiping his eyes as she laughed, the beautiful sound filling the air and reverberating through the trees.

"You're a menace to society" he said, although couldn't help but chuckle.

"I know" she smirked proudly, "but you wouldn't have me any other way, right?"

Oh, so right. There was nothing about her he would change. Impossibly perfect in his eyes.

He swept his arms out, keeping him afloat as he watched her swim closer, her dripping wet hair swept back as water droplets cascaded down her face, enchanting green eyes never leaving his.



She was close to him now, their chests just inches apart, both bobbing in the water.

"I need you to kiss me" she whispered, her breath catching in her throat, "I need you to kiss me and not stop kissing me..."

Intrigue and delight filled his very being, every single part of his body humming in response to her words. Suddenly, not so self-conscious at all. For some reason, she liked him. She liked him and he had to accept that. The reason didn't have to be known.

He swallowed, his gaze etching its way down her face until it settled on her lips, full and slightly parted, naturally a little rosy. So perfectly flushed and eager, inviting him in. When he kissed her, he felt whole. Like nothing else in the world mattered which, right now, it didn't. Not when she was here, in front of him, wanting him in a way no one else had before.

Below the water, his hands reached forward. Carefully curling around her waist and closing the gap between them, pulling her flush against his chest. His grip skimming down her body and urging her legs to wrap around him, tethering them to each other.

"I want to do a lot more than kiss you right now" he admitted, his voice husky and deep, a hand steady around her thigh and the other cupping her cheek.

"Yeah?" she whispered, her sweet breath tingling his lips, "like what?"

He couldn't verbalise all the things he yearned to do with her, unable to find the right words to express how he wanted to make her feel. Lost to the overwhelming desire and need.

She pulled him forward, her arms tight around his neck as their lips barely brushed, a rush of pleasurable tingles shooting across his skin.

"Tell me" she mumbled, her voice verging on desperate, "tell me what you want to do to me..."

"I want to make you feel good" he gasped, his eyes nearly rolling back into his head as she tightened her legs around his hips, their closeness, only separated by thin underwear, was enough to send his brain haywire. "I want to hear you moan my name... feel you shake... make you scream until you just can't handle it anymore. I want to make you mine".

She crushed her lips to his, a newfound urgency and desperation mixed with hungry desire possessing them both as they kissed and grabbed at one another. No doubt leaving pleasurable marks as a reminder as to what happened.

He somehow found himself pressing her to the rocks, his lower body hard and pining for contact as he grinded against her, beautiful gasps of pleasure escaping her mouth. Their lips eager and passionate, craving more and more.

Touching her body with frantic hands, his grip full of red-hot longing, was not enough. Yearning for more, he grabbed and squeezed every inch of her he could, eliciting moans of enjoyable torture from them both.

Her lips slowed, breaking apart as she peered across at him, her face flushed and aroused.

"Do you still want to make me scream?" she gasped, causing him to nod helplessly.

She took hold of his hand, guiding it down her body and slipping it below the band of her underwear, his eyes widening in response as he felt how smooth and warm she was.

"You sure?" he asked, barely breathing as he watched her bite her lip and incline her head into a quick and hasty nod, inviting him in.

He had no idea what he was doing – clueless and inexperienced, overwhelmed beyond belief that he was allowed to touch her like this, the pads of his fingers gently searching and exploring, dusting across her skin.

She understood, gently pushing his wrist down a little further, whispering in his ear to "take it slow" as he tried not to fumble, screwing his eyes shut in concentration. A new terrain ready to be discovered. Too eager though, maybe, as she gasped, stopping his hand.

"One. One finger" she winced, "easy..."

"Sorry" he cringed, pulling back his finger, leaving his middle one by her entrance, "did I hurt you?"

"No, just... slowly" she whispered, "to start with..."

"Okay" he accepted, easing his finger back in, slipping it inside her centimetre by centimetre, "shit, you're tight".

He didn't think she heard him, her head falling back against the rocks as she moaned and wiggled, jerking her hips to meet his finger thrusts.

This was all he wanted... to make her feel good. To show her how beautiful and perfect she truly was, conveying to her how grateful he was that she allowed him in – to explore and pleasure her body in the most intimate way imaginable.

His lips settled on her neck, coaxing new moans from her mouth as he curled another finger inside her tight little body, stretching her and finding new spots that made her melt, clawing at his skin in desperation. Ignoring the ache in his wrist as he played and experimented, caressing and loving her beautiful body. Wishing he could taste her right now, hungry and eager for more.

Like a gentleman, he took his time. Making her his focus for endless minutes, maybe even hours – leaving her a mess in his arms, breathless and exerted, teetering on the edge of complete mind-blowing pleasure. Knowing that, somehow, he needed to bring his A-game and seduce her into finishing and screaming one thing and one thing only – his name.

He sunk his fingers deeper, curling them as he stroked her, the pad of his thumb clumsily trying to find her clit. Embarrassingly, it took longer than he thought, but when he did – oh boy, when he did – did she fall apart in his arms, her moans disintegrating into screams of pleasure.

"That's it. Good girl" he sweet-talked her, struggling to keep her still, coercing her to the edge with nothing but his words and his fingers, a wicked sense of pleasure coursing through him as she screamed his name, and she may as well have put a gold medal around his neck at that. Her screams dying into whimpers of euphoria, collapsing in his arms.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got you, I got you" he said, fumbling to catch her before she dipped under the water, grabbing her waist and propping her up against his body, "easy there..."

She looked on the verge of passing out, weakly holding onto him as she blinked once, twice, three times, followed by her gaze slowly drifting to meet his.

"You okay?" he asked in concern, a frown tugging at his brows as he kept them both afloat, "was that-was that okay?"

"If you can do that with your fingers..." she mumbled, a lazy smile decorating her lips, "I can't wait to see what you can do with the rest of you".

He blushed, awkwardly looking down but couldn't help the proud little smile that appeared on his face.

Maybe all those gaming hours paid off after all, huh?

A/N) I am RATTLING these chapters out haha I can't help myself, this rewrite is SO fun and I am loving all the extra details and build up, especially exploring the more saucy side ;) It makes sense... Stiles is a horny little shit and Kayla is, well Kayla... she's blunt and straightforward and isn't shy and knows what she wants, of course their sex life is gonna be epic hahahah

So I hope you all enjoyed and please please review, and I promise I will update as soon as I can :)

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