He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

5.6K 239 17

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama

Remorse (part 2)

18 2 0
By rainchellread

"Do you want me to take you to your sisters?" Justin had been watching Johanna since she got the disturbing phone call. She swore she was OK, but it didn't seem like she was herself. "Nah, not really I'm OK here. I'd rather not deal with the sullen mood of everyone there." Rain had called and told Johanna what happened. Everyone had started to show up at her and Bryson place. Her mother was even there so she couldn't go get comfortable from her at the moment like she needed to. Laina was starting to be irritating, with her clinginess and constantly asking questions about  where she was and who she was spending time with instead of her. "It's cool, I mean your more than welcome to stay as long as you like." They were at his house watching TV, but he had a few errands to run. "How long you gonna be?" She asked flipping through the channels. She really wasn't into the movie they were watching. "Not long, about an hour or two." He said grabbing his keys wallet and jacket. "Yeah, imma chill." He nodded his head opening the front door. "Make yourself at home."
After about 15 minutes of channel surfing and not finding anything that peaked her interest she got up and went into the kitchen. She washed her hands and opened the fridge searching for something quick to make. She wasn't in the mood to cook, but her stomach was rumbling. Memories of "the crew" over the past few years laughing and enjoying themselves haunted her. Even though her and Gina didn't always see eye to eye, her suicide was fucking up her mental. She grabbed some cold cuts, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and cheese putting them all the counter. Then she grabbed two hoogey rolls out bread box and turned the broiler on low. She searched his cabinets till she found a pan and rinsed it and dried it with a paper towel. She spayed pam on it and cut the bread in half the long way before adding the cheese. Once the broiler was hot she stuck the bread in and set the timer to 4 mins. She was able to chop a few pieces of onions and tomatoes before the timer went off. Putting on an oven mitts she took the bread out the stove and turned it off. The she shredded some lettuce. Taking a butter knife she spread miracle whip on the sandwich before adding the cut up veggies on one side and the meat on the other. She close the sandwiches and cut both loaves in half and wrapped one in aluminum foil and set it in the microwave. Johanna grabbed the minute maid juice out the fridge and poured a large glass and added some doritoes to her plate.
Johanna finally found a show to settle on while she ate her snack. Laina had been blowing her up all afternoon and she kept declining her calls and ignoring her texts. Despite the fact that she was watching a comedy there was a steady steam of tears falling. She wasn't crying, but she definitely felt the burden.
She finished her food and washed the dishes she used, making sure to wipe down the counters and sweep the floor. She turned off all the lights and locked up before going upstairs to Justin master bedroom. She wanted to spark a blunt to cool her nerves, but since she's been chilling with Justin lately she hasn't been smoking as much. Plus he didn't smoke so chances were he wouldn't be happy if he came home to her pulling on a fat one in his bed. Which is where she planned to be for the rest of the evening. She rummaging through his draws and found a pair of basketball shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Then she went in the bathroom and got a towel and washcloth off the rack and started the shower. After stripping out of her clothes she hopped in and quickly bathed. All of a sudden she was feeling really tired and drained. When she got out, she folded her clothes neatly and put them on the wicker basket in the corner. She pulled the curtains and turned the lights out before she got under the covers and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Justin opened his door and was surprised to see the house completely dark and Johanna was no where in sight. His eyebrows creased because he was confused. He definitely saw her car in the driveway, but maybe Rain came and picked her up. He thought to himself as he made his way upstairs to his bedroom. We chuckled to himself when he saw the lump in his bed, he didn't even have to turn on the lights to see her curvy body all curled up. He sat on the side and gently shook her. "Ey...I know I told you make yourself at home, but I do have a guest bedroom." Johanna sturred and moaned pushing his hand away. "I'm tired Justin, just let me sleep for a like another hour." She whined and pulled the cover up over her head. "Alright, I'm about to order some chinese food, you hungry?" He asked admiring the shape of her hips as she turned on her side to face him. "No. I had a sandwich and you got one  in the microwave if you want. Now please leave me alone and let me sleep." He shook his head "Bet" he said hopping up. He stood in the doorway for a minute watching her toss and turn trying to get comfortable again. "I can feel you watching  me. Don't be a creep your whole life." She commented sleepily. He chuckled and headed downstairs to find the sandwich she had told him about.


"Does that mean I'll never see my momma again?" Ronald took a deep breath and ran his hand down his face. He was doing his best to explain to his children that their mother died. He wouldn't dare tell them she committed suicide. He knew they were too young to process that and he didn't want to taint the image they had of her. He nodded his head yes, cause he couldn't bring himself to say it. He couldn't believe it himself. "Mom was really sick and she hid it from all of us. I know this makes you sad and it's ok to be, but I want you to know you don't have to hide your feelings. It's ok to cry and talk about it. We're all here for you and we're gonna get through this together." He told them with years streaming down his face. He stopped pacing and picked up his youngest daughter and sat on the couch with her on his lap and pulled them all into a group hug. His phone rang in his pocket and he adjusted his daughter so he could get to it. It was his mother, she wanted to "love on" her grandkids and make sure they were OK. "Yeah ma?!" He answered promptly. "Hey baby, what time you bringing my babies to me. I know I can't make up for them loosing their mother, but I wanna make sure they have a mothers touch." Ronald nodded his head and smiled "Thanks ma, I appreciate it. I'll be there in a bit, I gotta get some things together for them. I gotta a figure out what to pack, cause you know Gina normally handled all that stuff." He admitted getting up from the couch. The kids were now trying to play the video game, but we're arguing over who would play first. He took the conversation upstairs where he could hear his mother's voice better. "It's not that hard sweetheart. Regina made sure I had mostly everything they needed over here when they visited anyway. All you have to do is pack a pair of under clothes and an outfit or two for each of them. Shoot they can really pick out they own outfits just make sure their folded neatly in a bookbag." She told him chuckling. "Alright ma, I'll call you when I'm on the way." Ronald hung up the phone and jogged downstairs. "You already played your turn!" Genie said jumping up and down. "Man, it don't even matter. All you gonna do is play for two minutes then you gonna die." Jr said hunching his shoulders. He wasn't paying her any mind, he was gonna keep playing while she had her temper tantrum. "Dad tell Jr to let me play, it's my turn!" Genie ran to Ronald crying and grabbed tightly onto his sweatpants. "Ey, turn that game off." He stated sternly picking his crying daughter up. "Awww mann..that's not fair, she don't even know what she doing dad." Jr pouted getting up to turn the game off and putting the controller in the draw of the TV stand. Regina didn't like a messy house and the kids were trained to clean up after themselves, so he did it out of habit. "Y'all about to go for a visit with Nana. I need yall to go pick out two outfits and lay then out on your bed so I can pack them." He responded not paying any attention to the pouting and arguing they were doing. "Yay Nana!" Genie bounced up and down making Ronald put her down. Georgia and Raynell were the first to run up the stairs followed by Jr and Genie. Ronald picked up the few things the kids had left behind in the livingroom, took the cups to the kitchen and threw away the bags of snacks they were eating. "Man, I don't know how Regina did all this shut by herself. Why did you leave me? Why didn't you tell me you were feeling like that? I would've helped you baby! I know I wasn't the best husband, but I swear to God I loved you." He said outloud. He leaned against the kitchen sink and took a deep breath to keep himself from breaking down.


Jeanette took a sip of her Dr.Pepper and put it back in the cup holder replacing the cap with one hand. She focused on the road ahead of her and weaved in and out traffic trying her best to get to her destination as quickly as possible. The two hour commute wouldn't be so bad if she hadn't decided to work two doubles in a row. Her job allowed her to take leave for a week to go home and bury her friend. Jeannette was nervous, because she didn't know how everyone was gonna react to her wanting to attend the funeral. They had been friends for years and she was ashamed of the heartache she caused Regina. However they had more good than bad times and it hurt to see someone as strong as Gina go out like that. Ronald had also called and asked her to be there for him and kids while they go through the process of laying Regina to rest. She had mixed emotions, but she did still Ronald and the kids as well. They only knew of her as auntie Nette. If they knew that she had a part in causing their moms suicide they probably wouldn't want anything to do with her, but being so young they had no way of knowing that. Her phone rang interrupting her thoughts and she answered with quickly with her bluetooth. "Hey" she could hear the baby in the background babbling and it lifted her spirits a bit hearing how happy and carefree he sounded. What she wouldn't give to go back to those times. "How far out are you?" Teegan asked her. Nette could tell she had been crying just by the sound of her voice. "I got about another hour." She couldn't wait to get in a comfortable bed and rest her eyes. "You doing OK? You not too tired are you? I wish you would've let me fly you out. After working those doubles it could be dangerous driving all that way by yourself." Rain was always worrying about her friends. "Girl I'm good. I promise, just have my bed ready cause as soon as I touch down I'm hoping in a shower and imma rock out for awhile." Rai insisted that she stay with her and Bryson instead of going to a hotel. She didn't want her by herself. "It's all set for you love. I can't wait till we're all together again. I've missed you." Jeannette took a deep breath. She wasn't so sure everyone would feel the same way her Bryson did. "Well let me get off this phone and focus. I'll be there shortly." She told her not wanting to get onto that conversation first the 1000th time. "Alright, I'll see you soon. Be safe." Rain told her hanging up.
🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys. I'm so glad that writers block let up so I could update like I've been wanting to.

Ooh, yall think Jeannette gonna be welcome? Or you think it's about to be some drama? Only way to find out is to...........

Stay tuned.

Thank you so much for reading my work! And as always don't forget to vote, comment and share

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