He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

6.6K 333 22

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama
2024 Watty awards
Uncomfortable Conversations
I Can Play Too
I Can Play Too (II)
Reevaluating (II)
Reality Check


28 3 1
By rainchellread

"Oh God, yes Daddy ooh just like that" Rain moaned as Adonis plunged into her with deep strong strokes. "Whose pussy is this?" He asked and slapped her ass. "Uhhh...it's yours daddy....it's yours" She panted and began to throw her ass back matching his speed. "Say my name" He growled out as he held her hips and plunged deeper. "Oh gosh...oh gosh" She moaned as she felt a tingling in her toes and the familiar tightening of her stomach muscles. "Say my name." He demanded and calmed her head tugging at her hair from the root. "Ooohhh...AAADDDOOONNNIISSSSS" She yelled as her head spinned and pussy muscles contracted. "Uhn hun...that's right...come for daddy." He said plowing into her. When he felt her muscles tightening on his dick and felt her cream all over him it sent him over the edge as well. "FFFUUUCCCKKKK!" Adonis panted grabbing her shoulders driving into her as deeply as he could feeling his own release. He slid out of her and collapsed on the bed next to her so he wouldn't crush her with his weight. Rain stayed in the same position with her knees bent, but her arms were limp and her head rested on the bed. She wanted to completely stretch out and collapse like Adonis, but her protruding belly prevented that. Her legs felt stiff and weak at the same time and her hips and back were sore from being in that position for so long. "Come here belly" He chuckled rolling her body so that her back was to him and she was on her side. "Ooh...thank you baby. I was lowkey stuck." She admitted and they both bust out laughing. "Awww my lil babygirl you all messed up huh?" He teased rubbing her belly. Rain snuggled into him and just ad she felt sleep coming over her the door bust open. "I knew I'd find y'all hornballs in here. Always going at it like rabbits, that's why you knocked up now." Rai sat up and reached the covers to hide her and Adonis body. "Gina what the fuck you doing here? Couldn't you atleast have knocked?" Regina had this crazy look and started laughing hysterically. Teegan eyebrows knitted together, she was confused as to what her friend found funny. "Girl stop playing and eat this food I made you." Regina said suddenly serious. She brought a tray and placed it in front of her. Rain eyes grew big and her mouth dropped open. There was a large piece of raw meat, but the head was still attached and there was a puddle of blood underneath. "Eat up, you need to nourish my niece." Regina said with a large smile that gave Rain goosebumps. "What the f.." She started to curse, but decided against and turned to her side where Adonis was laying. "Bae am I just tripping or does this look like...." She was shocked to silence when she saw Adonis in a navy blue tuxedo and his hands were crossed over his chest. His hair was freshly done and his cut was precise. He appeared to be wearing makeup and he had white dress shoes to match the white button down under his tuxedo. "Oh my fucking gosh Adonis" She screamed and jumped up dropping the tray and it's contents all over the bed and floor. "Oh goodness! Aren't we a clumsy cluts this morning?" Regina said and began picking up the mess. "Gina! What the hell is going on?" Her friend just smiled that same eery smile and continued cleaning up. Rain got a pain in her stomach so powerful it made her hunch over. She grabbed at her large belly and began to moan. "Oh gosh...the baby...I thinks it's coming...you gotta help me Regina. Snap out of it!" She yelled at her friend as she grabbed the headboard for balance. "Ahhhhhh!" She screamed as the pain increased and to her horror a small arm stuck out her belly button, followed by shoulders and the head. She slumped to the floor and screaming in agony for someone to help, but Adonis didn't move and Gina was focused on her previous task. Once the babies head spun all around and it smiled it her "Hi momma I know you missed me so I came back for you." She couldn't believe her eyes it was the face of Dutchess. "Ahhhh....somebody please help me!!" She screamed as she tried to push the baby out of her and away from her. "HELP...HELP...PLEASE HELP ME!!"
Bryson sat up startled at Rain screaming and put his arms around her, holding her close to his chest. "Shhh...shhh...it's ok baby..it's ok. I got you." Rain stopped struggling when she heard the soothing voice and felt the familiar hold of Bryson. Looking up at him she began to cry. "Oh gosh...baby it was horrible! I had a dream I was with Adonis in bed and Regina barged in and tried to feed me raw meat still bleeding. And then Adonis was laying next to me looking like he was suited up to be buried. Then the baby bust out if my stomach, but the face was Dutchess and she said she came back for me because I missed her so much." She was breathing heavily as if she were out of breath and shaking with fear. "It's ok, baby, it's ok. It was just a dream. Calm down love." He told her as he rubbed her back and ran his hands through her hair.


"The Lord is blessing me...right now...oh right now. The Lord is blessing me....right now...oh right now. You may not be able to see...just what the Lord is doing for me, but I know the Lord is blessing me.....right now...right now...right now." Torian sang as she got out of the shower drying herself off. She had a habit of praying in shower, because when her daughters were younger that seemed like the only free time she could get. She kept the routine going throughout the years, making sure to thank God and pray for her and her families well being throughout the day.
She wrapped her towel tightly around her and made her way downstairs to the kitchen to start her coffee. She them went and put two eggs in a pot of water and set them on the stove to boil. She preheated her oven to 400° and went back upstairs to her room to get dressed for the day. While moisturizing her skin with Shea butter she alternated between singing praises to God and thinking about her plans for the day. She was going to start off by going to the park and doing her usual 2 mile walk and then see if Teegan was up for company. Being as it was a weekend she knew her daughter was off work. Spending time with her grandson always brought her so much joy.
Torian put 6 strips of bacon on a pan and put it in the oven. Then she went and put a cinnamon raisin bagel in the toaster. She put two scoops of sugar in her favorite coffee mug and poured a generous amount of salted caramel creamer as well. While pouting the coffee in the mug her phone began to ring. She finished pouring the coffee before she went to the counter to retrieve her phone and answered it. "Hey baby, how have you been? I haven't heard from you for so long. Where you been hiding at?" She asked with a smile stirring her coffee. She took a seat at the countertop chair at the island. "Mrs.Torian I'm so sorry to call you with this, but I was trying to get ahold of Teegan and she isn't answering." Torians eyebrows knit together and she pouted her lips. "What's wrong Jeannette? You need me to help you with something? Or you just want me to get in contact with her?" She began to pray silently for peace of mind as she listened patient to Jeannette crying. "It's Regina..she committed suicide early this morning." She was finally able to form the words although they came out choppy with her voice cracked and raspy. "Oh my Lord have mercy!" Torian responded and put her hand on her chest. Rains friends had become so close over the years they has become family. She knew this would crush her daughter so she hated to have to be the barrier of bad news, but at the same time she definitely wanted to be there. Praying for her and seeing that she remains strong."I'm sorry Mrs.Torian, if you could just let Rai know and have her call me. I gotta get off the phone. I love you." Torian shook head, she couldn't believe she had taken her own life at such a young age leaving all those children motherless. "Ok baby, I'll let her know. You make sure you stay prayed up, I love you too." Once they hung up the phone memories of Rain and Regina flooded her mind.
"I can imagine that this can't be easy on you or the kids, so I want you to know I am here for you." Jeannette took a long drink of the wine she held in her hands and cleared her throat. "With that being said, you and I both know if this tragedy wouldn't have happened we wouldn't be speaking at all right now. So why I ask you...why would you ask me a crazy thing like that?" The line was silent whi h made Jeannette look at her cellphone to make sure the call didn't drop. Right when she was about to speak, he finally respond. " I know it was fucked up in the end, but I know we had a good thing. Matter of fact if your perfectly honest with yourself we were starting to fall for each other hard. Tell me I'm tripping?" Unwanted tears started to roll down Jeannette face. She huffed and drank the last of her wine. She still had feelings for him, love doesn't just vanish because your no longer together. However she refused to used. She had a lot of time to herself lately and she was able to reflect on the different relationships in her life. Ronald came around when his relationship was rocky, the same way most men do when they need an ego boost. And she was definitely not the hype man. "Ronald I don't really know how you're dealing with the whole situation with Regina, but she's not even buried yet and already you beating down my door. Why don't you take some time and heal from your broken marriage and losing your wife and the mother of your kids before you think about trying to hop in my bed?! Making my life complicated." That wasn't easiest thing to say, but it was the right thing in the moment and given the circumstance. "Yo why you being like that? You not some random chick I was smashing, at one point we were talking about building a relationship. Regina kept us apart, so now you gonna treat me like some ninja that just don't wanna be alone. Telling me to reflect and soul search and shit. Man that's lame. If you don't wanna be with me just say so, do not use this as an excuse to hide behind." Jeannette was no longer crying, she was actually angered by his answer. She got up and filled her wine glass to the brim. "First of all...what are we in high-school or something? You talking about Regina kept us apart! Boy that was your wife and you were committing adultery. You trying to spin this and I'm not having it." Instead sitting back down, she began picking up things were out of place and putting them up. "Listen Yeah Yeah..." He began in a soft voice. "Uhnt uhnt....don't do that! Don't call me by that name and try to smooth this over. I'm pissed and your not gonna calm me down with that sweet talk this time Ronald!" She had put the wine down and was spraying awesome (cleaning solution) on her coffee table. Cleaning tend to soothe her nerves and right now she was on ten. The night would either end in her being pissy drunk or a house so clean you could eat off the floors. Since she had work in the morning, she decided to clean. "Damn..my bad Nette. Maybe It was too soon. Imma give you some time to think on it." She shook her head as she scrubbed the spot that looked like coffee. "Yeah, I don't really feel like talking anymore. I'll call you some other time." She told him abruptly ending the conversation and hanging up without giving him a chance to say goodbye. How dare he call her and ask if they could shake up  "for the sake of the kids". His wife wasn't even barried yet and he was already trying to move on to one of her best friends. She had seriously misjudged his character and it sucked that it took all this for her to see that. She shouldn't have started fucking with him in the first place. Karma is a bitch and she was definitely getting her share. She thought to herself as she continued to clean her house.
🥰😍❤️❤️ hey guys. I hope your enjoying reading.

Life definitely has its upside and downs and can be unpredictable. It's important to cherish the time we have with family and friends cause we never know when it'll be our last.

With that being said. Please stay tuned.....and as always don't forget to vote, comment and share

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