He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

5.7K 239 17

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama


25 2 0
By rainchellread

Khali lay on the hospital bed with her hands crossed over her stomach, and eyes closed. She took deep breaths as she counted backwards from 100. 100 she couldn't believe she was having an abortion. 99 she would be a murdered and she had no one to blame but herself. 98 she had broken the trust in her marriage. 97 she had never seen her husband act this way towards her, so cold and distant. 96 what if something went wrong with the procedure and she was unable to carry a child again. 95 she wondered what it would take for her to gain her husband's trust again. 94 should she tell her family.

Khali woke up feeling groggy and her body felt heavy. Her fluttered open and she searched the small recovery room. The lights were dim and it was cold. She saw a can of ginger ale, a water pitcher with clear cups and a straw and two small packets of saltiness crackers on her bedside table. Using the remote that was attached to the bed, she lifted herself into a sitting position pressed the red "nurse call" light. She attempted to reached the side tray, but it was slightly out of her reach. Her mouth was dry and her head was pulsing. "Hello Mrs. Stein, I'm Monay and I'll be your nurse. How are you feeling?" The chipper young woman asked coming closer to her. "Thirsty" the sound of her voice surprised her. It was so raspy and her throat was so dry. The nurse attempted to hand her the ginger ale, but she quickly shook her head and pointed to the pitcher of water. She k ew it was cold, because she could see the condensation on the side of the container. Her mouth began to water as she watched the nurse pour some into the clear cup and unwrap the straw placing inside, before slowly handing it to her. "Now, don't drink that too fast, woman tend to get nauseous very easily after the procedure you just went through." Khali nodded her head in understanding and sipped through the straw. "We're just gonna take your vitals and monitor you for lil while longer, then you'll be all set to go. The procedure very well. Can you lay back for me? I just wanna check your belly. " She asked Khali as she took the drink and placed it back on the side table. The nurse pressed the button on the side till she was laying flat on her back. "Your gonna feel a little pressure, let me know if there's a sharp pain anywhere." Khali nodded as she tried her best to relax. Herr nerves were on overdrive and, her mind was racing and her heart ached for Chad.
After the nurse completed her check up and took her vitals Khali immediately asked for her husband. The nurse gave her a sad look and disappointment immediately set in. "He didn't stay for the procedure, your sister Teegan will be picking you up Instead." She informed her. "Just try to relax, it won't be much longer" the nurse told her putting the bedside table in her reach, before leaving the room. "How could he leave me?" She whispered before closing her eyes and breathing deeply. She was doing her best to keep her tears from falling even though she felt alone and defeated.

"How many time do I have to tell you, she drugged me." Bryson stated calmly to Rain as he closed the door to the nursery. He had just laid AB down for his afternoon nap. His plans were to go talk to Jean about the situation with Kisha. Kisha had called him saying she was gonna have his baby whether he wanted her to or not, he called her crazy, cussed her out and then called Jean. He wanted to ask her questions and get to the bottom of this, because as far as he knew there was no way of finding out you were pregnant in two weeks. When he told Rain he was going to see Jean she told him she wasn't comfortable with him going around her without Rain. "If you weren't there in the first place this whole conversation would be null and void." She huffed and made her way downstairs. Bryson stood in front of the door and took a deep breath with his eyes closed trying to calm himself. He understood that he fucked up, but she was being difficult and it was ridiculous for her to expect him not to spend time with his sister without her. He slowly made his way down the stairs and shook his head as he heard the pots and pans banging around loudly. "Woman I just put my son down for a nap, don't wake him up with your attitude." He told Rain as he watched her in the kitchen. She didn't respond to him, but she was now working quietly in the kitchen. "So I'm just supposed to just act like she didn't try to put a wedge between us by setting you up with her friend." She was getting food out the fridge and stopped in her tracks to look over the door at his expression. As if she were daring him to defy her. "Listen, I get it, but that's my sister ok. My blood sister at that and I'm not letting anyone come between us. Now what happened between me and Kisha is all on me, I made bad choices that put me in situations to cause you hurt. Yes she introduced us, but she didn't put a gun to my head and make me call or see that girl. Although I understand your hesitation, your request is ridiculous." Rain grabbed the peppers and onions and put them on the counter before grabbing the ground beef and putting it in the sink. "Ridiculous huh?" She shook her head as she grabbed the cutting board and a knife. She grabbed the strainer out of the cabinet and put it on the sink. She loved that his sink was double for reasons like this. She didn't have to put the raw meat on the counter to rinse off her veggies before she cut them. "I'm really not trying to argue about this Rain. You know if I told you that you couldn't see Johanna without me being there you wouldn't be going for it, so why would you try to push unrealistic boundaries on me like that?" He sat at the counter and watched her dice the peppers and onions. "You damn right I wouldn't go for it, but on the flip side Johanna wouldn't do no foul shit like that to disrespect our relationship either." She put a cap of olive oil and a scoop of butter in the pot before adding the onions. "That's your opinion of disrespect, I get that. Johanna has disrespected me in other ways and you have yet to correct that." He stated calmly. Rain got quiet as she cut up an andouile sausage. "You know that's completely off subject, and ro bring it up now is just fueling this argument you claim you don't wanna have." She finally answered as she stirred the onion and added the sausage and peppers to the pot. Turning the fire on low she went to the sink and rinsed the ground beef. "Just because I said something that hit home doesn't mean we gotta be arguing. At the end of the day we talking about you not wanting me around my sister because you feel she disrespected you. I'm bringing up the fact that Johanna did the same thing to me and not once did I even entertain the thought of trying to keep you from communicating with her however you chose to." Rain huffed and added the beef to the pot and stirred it around before reaching for the seasoning she needed. "And I'm saying no matter how you try to spend that, it's not the same." She hunched her shoulders and started sprinkling her seasonings into the pot.   Bryson ran his hand down his face and shook his head. "You a stubborn little girl, and I'm not about to entertain negativity you trying too throw right now." He walked behind her and turned her around so she would be looking at him as he spoke. "I'm about to go visit my sister. I would hate for you to feel some type of way every time I'm with her. I know I fucked up, but I love you Rai. I know we can make it through this." He looked down into her eyes and told her sincerely. Rai pulled her lips into her mouth and released them slowly. She had so many different responses to his comment, but she wanted to make sure she gave off the right emotion. "I love you too Bryson, you've been there for me and have always shown you had my best interest at heart. That's the reason I'm still here now, you are a good man, but it's unfair to expect you to be perfect. I'm willing to work through this,but I'm not gonna lie and say it's gonna be easy because every time your with her I'm gonna have side thoughts untill I can fully process this and heal from it." She turned back towards her food and began stirring in the pot." For now you got business to take of, so go handle that. Just remember you got your family waiting on you at home." Bryson nodded his head. "Alright, I'll be back in time for dinner. It smells good already, need me to pick something up?" Shaking her head while she continued to turn the meat making sure it was browning on all sides. "Oh, yeah..we could use something for dessert, because I was gonna make a strawberry cobbler, but I really don't feel like doing all that. You gonna be gone so when AB wakes up from his nap I won't have the time." She stopped stirring and went to grab a pot and began filling it with water. "We got what we need for you to make it? I ain't gonna lie that sounds good as hell. I'll just come back early so you can go ahead and whip that up for us." She put oil and salt in the water and turned the fire on high as she chuckled."Yeah we do, just grab some French vanilla bean ice cream and whip cream." Bryson kissed her on the neck and smacked her ass."Will do love." Rain let out a yelp and rubbed the area on her that he slapped trying to get the stinging to stop. "Go on big head before you make me burn my spaghetti." She laughed going to the refrigerator to get some tomatoes. She pulled out six and put then on the strainer to rinse off. While she she washed the cutting board and knife she used to cut the sausages. She used a paper towel to dry the board before she went and rinsed the tomatoes. After dicing them they were added to the pot and she stirred the mixture up making sure there was no pink meat left on the ground beef. Rain washed her hands and poured herself a large glass of wine. She had a hell of a day and needed to wind down and relax.

After checking the monitor to make sure the baby was still sleeping soundly she added the noodles to the boiling water. Dinner was basically done, all she had to do was add the sauce to the meat and bake the garlic bread. Since the baby was still sleeping she went ahead and pulled out the ingredients for her cobbler. She put the fresh strawberries in a bowl with cold water and poured salt in to clean them. Setting that aside she got a bowl got a mixing bowl and added her all purpose flour, baking soda, sugar, salt and milk. She set the oven to 375 and then washed the cutting board and knife again. It was time to add the sauce, and then she covered the pot and made sure the fire was on low. She got two pans, one for the bread and one for the cobbler. Rinsed them, dried them out with a paper towel and sprayed then with pam. Then she rinsed the strawberries off and diced them, and sprinkled a good amount of white and brown sugar. She poured the batter into the pan, added the strawberries and put it in the oven. Then she took her softened butter added her seasonings and mixed it up before she smeared it onto her bread, and put that into the oven as well. Once the timer was set for 20 mins she stirred her meat sauce, and drained the noodles. She was finally able to sit down and relax. She already knew that it wouldn't take her long to make the cobbler, but she wanted to give Bryson incentive to come home early. She knew him well enough to know that mentioning his favorite dessert would have him running back home. Leaning back comfortably into her couch she took a sip of wine and her phone rang. She groaned and sat up to see who was call. It was sitting on the charger on the coffer table. Usually she would've sent whoever it was to voice-mail, but seeing the familiar number she decided to answer. "Hey you, what's going on?" She took another sip of her wine and sat back. "I need a favor." Her eyebrows raised "No hello, how you doin huh? It must be important." She stated sarcastically. "My bad Rai, I'm just going through I right now." She took a deep breath, and sat up putting the glass on the coffee table. "What's good?" The was a moment of silence before he responded. "I need you to pick Khali up at the clinic, she's having a procedure done tomorrow and I won't be able to pick her up."

🥰😍😘❤️❤️ Hey guys!
I hope your enjoying the updates. I appreciate all of you and I pray it keeps flowing and I don't get hit with another writers block🤦🏾‍♀️

At any rate, keep reading and sharing. Don't forget to vote.

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