Sapphire Moonlight(Liskook)

By jkeve7

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"Hyung what the hell!!!You agreed to marry this girl Lisa?Didn't you see how she is?Didn't you see her audaci... More

Chapter One-I:The Unexpected Guest
Chapter One-II:Hoaxing Nephew
Chapter one-III:Mood Lifter
Chapter Two-I:The Savage Wench
Chapter Two-II:Goth's Kinsman
Chapter Three-I:Truth Untold
Chapter Three-II:Unveiled Truth
Chapter Three-III:Trust Winning Endeavor
Chapter Four:Heartbreak💔
Chapter Five-I:Haywire Meeting
Chapter Five-II:Furtive Impendence
Chapter Five-III:Chameleon Lisa
Chapter Five-IV:Tendentious Wedlock
Chapter Six-I:It's A Mess!!!!
Their New House 🏠
Chapter Six-II:From Now On Its My Doss!!!
Chapter Seven-I:Living Together
Chapter Seven-II:Barbarian Wife
Chapter Seven-III:Shabu Shabu's Daddy
Tagged[Not an Update]
Chapter Eight-I:Bullying the So-called Husband
Chapter Eight-II:Lark
Chapter Eight-III:Plan Backfired
Chapter Eight-IV:Envisage
Chapter Nine-I:Jungkook's Perfidy
Chapter Nine-II:Taming lisa(Backfired)
Chapter Ten-I:Embarrassment
Chapter Ten-II:Abashed
Chapter Eleven-I:Go Out With Me..
Chapter Eleven-II:Tom and Jerry
Chapter Twelve-I:Oblivious support
Chapter Twelve-II:Outrageous Outing
Chapter Thirteen-I:The Care wasn't Oblivious
Chapter Thirteen-II:The Wrongdoer
Chapter Thirteen-III:Blunderhead Jungkook
Chapter Thirteen-IV:Impeccable Amity
Chapter Fourteen-I
Chapter Fourteen-II
Chapter Fourteen-III
Chapter Fourteen-IV
Chapter Fourteen-V
Chapter Fifteen-I
Chapter Fifteen-II
Chapter Fifteen -III
Chapter Fifteen- IV : Happy Couple?
Chapter Sixteen-I : The Iconic Chart
Chapter Sixteen-II
Chapter Sixteen III:Anything You Want
Chapter Seventeen-I: The Worst Advisor
Chapter Seventeen-II: Are We Similar?
Chapter Seventeen-III: Are We Similar pt.2
Chapter Seventeen-IV
Chapter Eighteen-I: Answer
Chapter Eighteen-II: Answer
Chapter Eighteen-III: Warning
Chapter Nineteen-I: Recurrence
Chapter Nineteen-II: Recurrence
Chapter Nineteen-III: Enlightenment
Chapter Twenty-I: Revealed Truth
Chapter Twenty-II: Revealed Truth
Chapter Twenty-III: Revealed Truth
Chapter Twenty-one-I: Falling in love.
Chapter Twenty One-II: Falling in Love...
Chapter Twenty One -III: Falling
Chapter Twenty Two-I: Broken Belief!
Chapter Twenty -Two~ III: Caught in a Date!
Chapter Twenty Three-I : Get over it!
Chapter Twenty Three-II: A bit closer to the secret.
Chapter Twenty Three-III: Caught in the act.!
Chapter Twenty Four-I: Still with you.
Chapter Twenty Four-II: It's Been a while!
Chapter Twenty Four-III: Letting go of the ego.
Chapter Twenty Five- I: Rain
Chapter Twenty Five-II: Whistleblower.
Chapter Twenty Five-III: Can I ever be honest with you?!!!
Chapter Twenty Six-I: Forgotten Promises!
Chapter Twenty Six-II: Uncertainty!
Chapter Twenty Six-III: Choice
Chapter Twenty Seven-I: Unilateral Spy!
Chapter Twenty Seven-II: lost Hopes!
Chapter Twenty Seven-III: Immersion of Feelings!
Chapter Twenty Eight-I: Getting Involved in the mess!
Chapter Twenty Eight-II: Tangled-up relation!
Chapter Twenty Eight-III: Distribution of Humility!
Chapter Twenty Nine-I: Unfathomable Spectacle.
Chapter Twenty Nine-II: Adjustment.
Chapter Twenty Nine-III: Collecting Evidence.

Chapter Twenty Two-II: Stepping on the boat...!

72 4 0
By jkeve7

'' Does it make sense?! Why did Miyeon come back?! Wasn't she supposed to live in Japan?'', Jungkook commenced ranting to his friends' circle during the off period while eating beneath a banyan tree.  Actually, others were busy munching on their food because Jungkook had already lost his appetite.

'' Isn't it already obvious though?'', Namjoon said earning their attention. 

'' What is it?'', Jungkook asked with curious eyes.

'' To reconcile with you.'', Namjoon said earning a glare from Jungkook.

'' With a married man? Are you out of your mind Joon.'', Jimin asked with a chuckle.

'' Don't be stressed out Jungkook maybe she has no ulterior motive and came back just like that.'', Hoseok the positive energy said while caressing his back. 

'' How can I even relax?! My wife and my ex-girlfriend both are in my class; and on top of that the enmity they have, will always catch me in the middle of them!'', Jungkook said but became baffled seeing his friends trying to stifle their laughter. He gasped air seeing it. 

'' No way that you guys are laughing when I am on my verge of losing my sanity.'', Jungkook exclaimed making his friends burst out laughing now.

'' So sorry dude couldn't handle it!'', Jimin said although feeling guilty for finding the situation funny. 

'' You are the first man in the entire history who is having both his wife and ex as classmate." Seokjin said while slapping Jimin's back while laughing. 

"Dude, the situation is really funny also being the most pathetic is even more funny!" Said Namjoon while laughing.

"Leave, I hate you people!" Jungkook said annoyingly. Hearing him all laughed. They were finding the situation really funny.

Whilst they were making fun of Jungkook, someone was behind a tree listening to their conversation. That person then turned and left the place. 

Miyeon was sitting on a table in the cafeteria, her previous classmates were bunched around her asking about her whereabouts, asking about how her life in Japan was! 

She was answering them while smiling reluctantly. She was feeling uneasy around them. 

"Miyeon, you have become so beautiful. Did the weather did some magic or you took some treatment over there?" The nosiest girl in their class asked smiling cheekily. She gave her a "are you serious" look before giving an awkward smile. 

"How come, she must have been so busy there studying, is she like you who doesn't study?" another girl replied defending Miyeon. 

"But I have noticed something, Miyeon why was Jungkook so shocked seeing you? Didn't you tell him before coming here?" a girl asked turning Miyeon face blank. Miyeon changed the way she was sitting and cleared her throat before answering.

'' It was my intention to make him feel shocked. I wanted to surprise him thus, didn't inform him about my arrival.'', Miyeon replied in a nonchalant tone whilst everyone nodded in acknowledgement.

''But why wasn't he looking happy though?'', That nosy girl asked again getting on her nerves. She twitched her brows feeling annoyed.

''Does he need to laugh hysterically to show he is happy huh?'', Miyeon replied in a slight scolding tone making the two girls shocked. Because the expression that Miyeon just showed to them was unfamiliar from the way she had been before. 

 Miyeon suddenly got a call from her older brother, and she started walking away from there answering her call. She was actually glad that Taehyung called her and gave her a reason to leave that irritating place.

''Didn't Miyeon changed a lot after coming back?'', That girl said while twirling her forefinger on the strands of her hair.

''Agreed. She is so blunt now for someone who was soft like a fluff ball before.'', Another girl beside her said while drinking her juice.

'' Hey, Oppa.'', Miyeon replied in a cheery tone just after answering the call.

''Miyo yah, What's this? Mom called me and told me you are planning to stay there? '', Taehyung asked in a dumbfounded tone making Miyeon fall into deep trouble. 

She didn't inform her brother which was wrong from her part she knew it too.

''Yes. Sorry for not telling you earlier. Please don't be mad at me.'', Miyeon said and heard Taehyung let out a big sigh.

'' You can choose whatever you want, and I am not controlling you know? I am just wanting to know the reason and please I hope it's not what I am expecting.'', Taehyung said making Miyeon silent. He is too close with her and knows his sister too well also. 

'' Oppa I...'', Miyeon said finding no excuse to crack.

'' You didn't move to Thailand with mom because you didn't want to live under the same roof of Lisa. Even when Lisa moved to Korea you left for Japan. 

And now you are being so persistent in staying at the same country and university of Lisa? Did you think I wouldn't get it why?!'', Taehyung exclaimed now reprimanding his sister making her speechless.

'' Oppa. Are you worrying about me or Lisa? Are you worrying that I'll ruin myself or are you worrying I'll ruin the relationship of Jungkook and Lisa?'', Miyeon asked making Taehyung flustered. 

He even blinked his eyes some seconds still not believing that Miyeon is talking in this manner to him.

''Kim Miyeon...'', Taehyung said in a deepening his voice. Actually, he never needed to scold her much just him calling her with her full name was enough to let her know that he was mad. Otherwise, he always calls her with nickname.

'' Oppa why do you keep treating her as your actual sister when she---Awh!!''

Miyeon bumped into someone as she was focused on talking on her phone. Due to that bump her phone fell on the ground. Only then she noticed that the person with whom she bumped was Lisa.

Her eyes soon turned into a glare seeing her just like Lisa.  Miyeon bent down and picked her phone from the ground.

''Miyo?! Are you fine?!'', Taehyung starts yelling being worried.

''Oppa, I'll call you back later.'', Miyeon said and cut the call. Then she looked at Lisa with stern look.

Meanwhile, Taehyung kept gawking at his phone screen for some seconds before exhaling in disappointment. The room suddenly became silent and only the loud sound of the keyboard was clamoring in the room due to his friend's fast typing while sitting on a sofa. 

Taehyung was now very worried for his sister and understood that the entire matter will take a worse turn if he doesn't step up from now on. Otherwise, the life of his two sisters will turn upside down. 

All of these is happening due to Jungkook! All these crises are created due to him!!!

"Was he the only guy left in this world to associate with my two sisters?!!!" Taehyung yelled annoyingly while pulling his own hair! But he got no reaction back from the person present in the room with him. 

Confused Taehyung looked at the guy who was looking super focused on his work not minding his surrounding at all making him more annoyed than he was before...  

''At least care to ask if I am fine or not you damn workaholic.!'', Taehyung said in a taunting tone while walking up to him.

'' Isn't it obvious that your sister is stressing you out? I know how well she can throw tantrums and also how frustrating they could be.'', His friend replied still not pausing his work. 

'' How come you still have perfect eyesight when you always look like you might get inside your laptop anytime? Anyway, when are you leaving for Korea?'', Taehyung asked while sitting beside his friend.

''My flight is after two days. Seems like someone will be missing me badly and is already don't want me to go away.'', His friend said while smiling making Taehyung chuckle too hearing his roommate aka best friend. 

''Why will I duh? When I am too tagging along with you?'', Taehyung said and finally his friend looked at him with surprise wide eyes.


Miyeon didn't wanted to even look at Lisa anymore and started walking. But she halted on her steps hearing Lisa.

'' Your mind is so full of other person's belonging that you don't even watch your ways maybe.'', Lisa said in a mockery tone provoking her. Miyeon looked back at Lisa with a glare.

'' What?'', Miyeon asked looking back. Lisa let out a sarcastic chuckle and walked up to her in an arrogant manner while crossing her hands.

''Acting innocent? Won't work on me unfortunately. Maybe it's because only I can see and perceive all of your heinous intentions that's why.'', Lisa said and Miyeon scoffed.

''What kind of heinous intention do I have? I would like to hear it too.'', Miyeon said now making Lisa gasped some air being dumbfounded at her brazenness.

'' What did you think I won't understand why you are suddenly shifting to Korea and this university?'', Lisa asked taking a step forward.

'' And I have the full right to decide where I should stay or study. It's none of your business.'', Miyeon replied in a nonchalant tone making Lisa laugh. 

'' Are you sure this is the actual reason of your comeback?  Not that you can't stand the fact of Jungkook being my husband? '', Lisa asked throwing the actual facts on her harshly. 

Miyeon now became enraged hearing her and started clenching her fist. 

''What are you planning to do huh? Take him away from me? Hm? Like mother like daughter.'', Lisa said and Miyeon knitted her eyebrows into several folds hearing her.

'' What did you say?'', Miyeon asked raising her tone.

''Don't tell me you are also planning to bewitch my husband just like your mother did to someone else's husband.'', Lisa spouted boldly and then she felt a harsh pain on her cheek.

Her face turned around due to Miyeon's hard slap. She was dumbfounded by the sudden slap. 

''How dare you! You imbecile!!!'', Miyeon shouted loudly while fuming badly in anger gaining attentions from the students around her. 

Lisa looked back at her while grabbing her cheeks by her palm almost murdering her through her eyes. Then she too slapped Miyeon back putting the same force that Miyeon did making all the audiences startled. 

The fight became bad, and both even started pulling each other's hair getting into a horrible fist fight.  

All the students were more shocked seeing the softest girl Miyeon getting into a fight like this.

Students gathered around; some gossiping, while some laughing making fun and some taking videos. 

During the fist fight, some girls came and started pulling Lisa away from Miyeon and two classmates of her from previous, rushed forward and held Miyeon protecting her from Lisa making a barrier so that she doesn't come forward. Some even pushed Lisa slightly away from her protecting Miyeon.

 Later this incident had spread around their class and students started making rumors regarding what could be the reason of their fistfight.

 Someone even posted a picture of them fighting while giving it a caption '' Lisa flirted with Jungkook and his girlfriend Miyeon couldn't stand it causing a fistfight. Because of this Miyeon even lose her diva image which she has been maintaining for a long time.'' 

It was all of their assumptions only. Seeing Lisa wandering around Jungkook even when he was ignoring her, people had started gossiping that Lisa was hitting on Jungkook. 

And it was the most appropriate reason for them to think that they fought over this because otherwise why would Miyeon fight someone whom she met just today? 

Lisa was clenching her fist in anger seeing the posts and scrolling down some of the post's comments. Everyone was scolding Lisa and dropping mean comments.

('' How could she hit on someone who is already taken? What a disgusting lady.''

'' I knew something was with this girl from the very day she come in this university.''

'' Jungkook looked a lot annoyed by her the entire day in the classroom still she was shamelessly chasing him. Later we witnessed that Jungkook and her talking privately. Jungkook looked very furious when he was leaving the classroom along with her. Maybe he scolded her but still she is so brazen!''

'' Miyeon is such a pure soul. I am wondering what level work Lisa did to make a girl like Kim Miyeon to fight her for Jungkook.''

''Whole university knows that Jungkook and Miyeon have been dating each other for a long time and love each other very much. Whom she was trying to break huh.''

'' Miyeon was away from the university just for some months and Lisa thought that she will have a chance on her absence with Jungkook? What a pathetic attention seeker.''

'' She acts like Jungkook's stalker nowadays. Of course, no girlfriend in this entire world will accept this even if it's a poor soul like Miyeon...'')

'' Does it make sense?! How can they believe a made-up story this absurd?! Do they even carry their brain inside their head?! And they should judge after hearing the story from both sides.'', Lisa complained to Rose who was treating her hand which had some scratches owing to the earlier fistfight.  

'' Why did you even fight with her huh? Was it that hard to avoid her?'', Rose asked in a complaining manner.

'' I usually stay miles away from her. I would change my path even if I noticed her thousands of kilometers away.'', Lisa defended herself sitting straight.

'' Then what was wrong with you today? Why didn't you walk away but instead provoked her?'', Rose asked worriedly.

'' Because today I couldn't control myself. I was very angered by her. You know because of her I had told Jungkook such mean stuffs which I didn't even mean that night when I had slapped him." She uttered making a face remembering the events!  

"And thanks to that Jungkook is so much angry with me that he isn't forgiving me. It's all because of her! Why does she keep snatching people around me?'', Lisa opened up to her making her frustrations come out which was rather shocking for Rose. She could see how Jungkook has been affecting Lisa. 

'' And why are these people making me look like the other women when I am literally his freaking wife?! What's wrong if I wandered around him and talked to him in private?! It's our personal matter who are they to meddle?! 

And Miyeon that bi*** was his girlfriend BUT not anymore; so, she is the pathetic attention seeker here! I am wanting to yell these out and shut the freaking trashy mouths of those nosy people!'', Lisa began yelling being offended. 

After saying those, she became confused seeing Rose giving her a blank look. 

Both were silent for some seconds making Lisa feel awkward, so she asked her first.

'' Why are you looking at me like this?''

'' Lisa please step on one boat at a time. Otherwise, you will drown if you try to step on two boats simultaneously at the same time.'', Rose said in an unreadable tone, but Lisa furrowed her brows instead.

'' I didn't get you Chae.'', Lisa asked so this time Rose decided to be direct with her.

'' Jungkook or Sehun. Just choose one of them.'', Rose said catching Lisa off guard.


~To Be Continued...

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