I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite)...

By Fanficanatic-tw

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2021 Rewrite. Kayla Hale. The name rung bells in Beacon Hills but, unlike her cousin, Derek Hale, she wasn't... More

Guess who's back, back again
You can call me Stiles
Failing to play it cool
Let's get this party started
Found a purpose
Try and not die
More enemies than friends
Brian, thongs and perfect killing
Crushing hard
Bedroom Shenanigans
Friends with benefits
Mission accomplished
Drowning in red
Hatred of hospitals
The spark
Murderous rage
Sheriff - AKA, Mr Cockblock
Movie Day
Crossing the line
Pool Party
Drunken truths
Big enough bed for us both
Sexual desire
The full moon curse
Together, together?
The Lost Bet
Cut deep
Friendship Tensions
One time offer
Ice cold
Admissions of guilt

Long last

163 7 15
By Fanficanatic-tw

Disclaimer: teen wolf does not belong to me in any way, shape or form :( thank you for all your continued support and all the reads and wonderful reviews, it means the entire world to me :) I decided to update quickly even though I should be doing essays but oh well haha also so excited, going to comic con Aberdeen this weekend and idk if you all watch buffy but charisma carpenter and James marsters are there ahhhh - sadly no teen wolf - but still, I can't wait :)

She climbed into the jeep, a little apprehension coursing through her veins. History had proven that Stiles and her -alone - inclose vicinity - probably wasn't the best combination, but she felt unable to turn down his offer. That invisible pull to be near him overruling her, usually so, strong-willed brain.

She had lied to Stiles. Of course she remembered last night. A lot of it was blurry and confusing, masked with the nerve-blistering pain, but she knew that every time she managed to break through the crippling agony that he was there holding her, whispering comforting things in her ear. The more she writhed, the more he held on. He didn't care that she was delirious and overwhelmed. He didn't care that she was restless and tense. He didn't care that she was hot and sticky, dripping with sweat that soaked the bed sheets. All he cared about was making sure she was alright, and it honestly meant the world to her.

Every full moon she was scared. Fearful of the pain and the consequences but had learnt to suck it up. To shrug it off and pretend everything was okay. This last full moon though, she wasn't scared. Not since he walked into her room and coaxed her through it. She felt stronger. More able. She felt... comforted.

Close to him, in his arms, she felt safe... and Kayla never felt safe. Not for a very long time. In fact, to be brutally honest, she couldn't remember the last time she felt truly, wholly safe. If ever.

Why did she feel safe with him?

It didn't make sense to her, but maybe it wasn't supposed to.

"They, uh, they released her body, huh?"

"Yeah" she replied, placing her bag between her feet, "it has been a month. I guess they have all the samples and specimens they need".

"Who's going?" he asked, "I don't suppose Derek, considering he's on the run and all".

"Just me".

"Ju-Just you?" he fumbled with his words, the engine spluttering to life, matching his taken aback tone, "as in... you, alone?"

"That's what 'just me' means" she snorted, "in case it wasn't kind of obvious by now, all my family are dead. The ones that aren't are either a fugitive, a vegetable or a bitch. It's pretty slim pickings".

"That's... that's so..."


"Very much so".

"It's cool" she shrugged, belting up as he reversed from the parking lot, "it's just a funeral".

She had been to plenty. Too many to count. This was just like any other Tuesday for her.

"You sure you don't want help calling people? I don't know... uh, did she have any friends? Boyfriends?... Girlfriends? Werewolf lackeys?"

"Not so much. She kept herself to herself. Since the fire..."

It was true. Since the fire, Derek and Laura had been permanently scarred. Unable to fully trust or bond with people like they had before. Surviving, but at what cost?

Stiles remained quiet, one hand nervously tightening around the wheel and the other tapping the shift stick, desperately searching for the right words to say.

"It's okay," she said, "it's just how things are. And anyway, werewolves aren't big on the whole show and tell of 'human' funerals anyway. They have their own rituals and ceremonies. This is just to make it look good and proper on paper, anyway".

"It just seems a lot... attending a funeral by yourself..."

Her gaze fell on the side of his face, observing just how worried he seemed.

"It's fine. I'm fine".

"You always say you're fine".

"Because I am always fine".

"Don't lie" he said softly, "not to me".


The faintest of smiles graced his lips as he glanced at her, his eyes like the purest molten honey she had ever seen, the rays of sunlight glistening and shimmering in his stare.

"Because I know you and I know when you're lying so, really, there's no point'.

She smirked, "cocky much?"

"Just being honest. Unlike you" he added, trying to inject a little humour into the conversation.

"Dickhead" she grumbled playfully, finally feeling more able to relax in his company, the awkwardness that had been hanging over their heads slowly dissipating.

"Yeah, but I'm a dickhead that you l-uhhh..." he caught himself, the words dying in the back of his throat as he coughed, suddenly becoming hyper-fixated on the road again.

Never mind...the awkwardness was back.

"Anyway-" she quickly changed the subject, "-thanks again for the ride".

"Anything for you".

Oh god Stiles, she thought, why did you have to make it worse?

The last leg of the car ride was silent, both just making odd comments here and there about random things, that tension beginning to brew again to the point where she had to open the window and let the cool breeze waft in, clearing her head.

Stiles finally pulled into the small parking lot of the cemetery, no other vehicles in sight. The cemetery was vast and hauntingly empty, lonely headstones littering the pristine cut grass. In the distance, a small excavator was already at work creating a six-foot deep hole in the ground.

She watched in silence, squinting to watch the work being done. The guy - or should she say boy - operating it didn't look much, if any, older than her. Occasionally jumping from the machine to inspect his handiwork then climb back in to perfect it.

She jutted her chin towards the boy, "who is he?"

"Who? Oh, him. Uh. That's just Isaac Lahey" Stiles said nervously, waving his hand out dismissively, "his dad owns this place".

"The cemetery? That's cheery" she commented sarcastically.

"They're a weird family".

"Does he go to our school?"

"Yeah. He's in our year".

"Maybe that's why he looks familiar" she mused, much to Stiles' curious bug-eyed worry, "I've never noticed him before".

"He's not very sociable" he rushed out, tumbling over his words, "or, well, much of anything. Dude digs graves for a living, no wonder he doesn't have any friends".

"Well, uh... thanks again for the ride," she said, grabbing her bag from the floor of the jeep, "I'm just gonna hang around until it's time. Get some fresh air. Maybe go for a walk".

"You sure you don't want me to wait with you, or-"

"I'm okay. Really" she promised, "I just need to clear my head a bit. It's been a long day".

"Oh. Okay, uh... yeah, sure. Of course. Just, uh... call if you need anything okay? Anything at all".

She met his gaze, finding solace in his gentle kind eyes.

"I will".

"Promise?" he asked, boring holes into the very deepest parts of her soul.

"... I promise" she vowed, smiling kindly as she slipped from the jeep, "in fact, I pinky promise".

He cocked a brow but soon smirked, holding out his hand, his pinky finger extended. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she leaned forward and wrapped it around her own, sealing in that vow - now and forever.

It didn't take as long as she thought for the officiant to arrive with the Sheriff in tow, as well as a couple of deputies in a separate car. She narrowed her eyes watching this, knowing they were just here to try and catch Derek - as if he would be stupid enough to get caught at his own sister's funeral. How much of an idiot did they think he was?

The two deputies stayed along the edge of the cemetery as the Sheriff sauntered over to her, pulling off his sunglasses as he approached.

"Kayla" he greeted warmly, "sorry about the extra muscle. It's just protocol. In case..."

"In case Derek wants to share a eulogy?" she snorted sarcastically, "don't worry, it's not his style".

"Like I said, it's just-"

"Protocol. I get it".

"Thanks for understanding".

"Where is she?" referring to Laura.

"The hearse wasn't far behind us. We just wanted to get here first and set up. I wanted to make sure you were okay".

"A common theme of today" she remarked, "but I'm good. Just want this over with".

The Sheriff extended his arm, walking with her towards the freshly dug grave about fifty feet away, his face deep in contemplation.

"No one should lose their life at twenty-four. She was too young. And I know it's no consolation, but I am doing everything I can to find who did this. You have my word".

She had a feeling that he wouldn't catch whoever did it, despite the Sheriff's clear determination, but she supposed it was the thought that counted. She thought law enforcement would just write it off as 'unexplained', or not be bothered to investigate it. She was thankful for his efforts.

"Thank you," she said sincerely, "I hope you do".

"And if there's anything we can do for you, or your family..."

She nodded, not quite sure what to say or how to accept help as they arrived at the empty plot - that Isaac kid had done a good job at making the hole neat and tidy, not a single line out of place. That same kid that she could see from the corner of her eye taking his time setting up his bike and helmet in the distance, watching the events unfold. His eyes boring holes into the side of her face but, when she looked up, he looked down and away from her gaze, hiding his face under his helmet.

The Sheriff was right, just a couple of minutes later the hearse arrived, pulling into the cemetery car park and unloading the coffin - a simple dark oak with gold trims. A bouquet of white lilies sitting atop it.

"I hope the coffin is okay. I wasn't sure which one to pick..."

"It's beautiful" she reassured him, remaining stoic and keeping her emotions in check, her breath catching in her throat. Having to remind herself to breathe before she passed out.

It seemed like a long walk towards them but, in reality, it couldn't have taken more than thirty seconds for them to push the coffin across the grass, each foot closer was like a punch in the gut.

The last funeral she was at was-

No Kayla, don't go there. Don't think about losing your best friend, she reminded herself. Swallowing any emotion that threatened to break free to the surface, slowly reaching her hand out and laid her flat palm on the shiny oak, the cool wood sending a shock up her arm.

Although funerals and death had become routine for her and pretty much expected, it still hurt. Her fragile and already broken heart was breaking just that little bit more, scared that soon it would be too broken to ever heal.

"Hey Lala" she whispered, fingertips caressing the wood, the special nickname all the cousins called Laura slipping from her lips, "It's okay. You're home... you're back home. You can rest with them now".

Her gaze that had been trained on Laura's grave soon glanced to the side, taking in the many headstones lined in a row next to it, all with the last name 'HALE' in big bold letters. The tragic remains of her family were all buried next to one another like they lost some sick game of chess - lives and souls collected and knocked from the board.

It had been the first time she had properly seen their graves. Since the fire and the funerals - the funerals she couldn't even remember - they never visited Beacon Hills again and, even though she had been living here for over a month, she hadn't visited. Too fearful, she supposed, to be faced with the reality of her tragic past.

But she couldn't escape it now. Headstone after headstone standing tall and proud, an endless row of grief and pain.

And now Laura was joining them. Another chess piece was lost. Who would be next?

She blinked back the tears, removing her hand from the coffin and stepping back, allowing them to place her coffin inside the grave before they could begin the service.

However, much to her surprise, she heard a couple of calls of her name and turned around to see Lydia and Allison hurrying towards her, both wearing black coats over their colourful clothes.

"Guys? What-?"

"Stiles called" Allison smiled softly, approaching her and reaching for her left hand, "he thought you might need some support today".

"He... he called you?" she murmured in amazement, that kind and thoughtful gesture catching her off guard, "he..."

"Yes, and just as well he did" Lydia tried to chastise but, for once, her voice didn't hold the usual amount of snark and disapproval as she clasped her right hand in hers, "you shouldn't have to go through this alone. What are friends for, right?"


It felt so surreal still. She had been hanging with these girls for weeks, building that relationship but too scared to invest in it. Not feeling like she could be a good friend. Knowing she would probably fuck it up or let them down. Knowing she had to keep secrets from them which was never the solid foundation of any friendship.

Except now, looking between Lydia and Allison, she couldn't be more grateful for them. Feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders having them on either side of her...

... Her friends...

"T-Thank you" she mumbled, holding back the hot rush of tears that surged forward, "I... I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything" Allison smiled kindly, squeezing her hand, "just let us be there for you, okay?"

So, she did. She let them console and grieve with her as she buried her cousin. Having no idea of the hell that was about to be unleashed.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

You would think after her semi-traumatic day of, mainly, school and then the burial of one of her last remaining cousins she was due a relaxing evening, right? Maybe have a hot shower, a facial, maybe a massage?


Her luck sucked - clearly.

Here she sat in the back of Derek's Camaro in the middle of a high-speed car chase with an Argent riding their asses.

Well... she said 'high speed'. They weren't really speeding considering Scott was too much of a pussy to barely go 20 above the limit. Sometimes she wondered why the Alpha picked him...

"Scott, I don't think you're grasping the idea of a car chase" Stiles exclaimed as he peered behind them nervously at the ever-impending set of headlights.

"Yeah, you drive like the rotting corpse of my dead grandmother - put your foot down" Kayla demanded as Scott looked in the rear-view mirror in panic.

"If I go any faster, I'm gonna kill us"

"If you don't go any faster they're gonna kill us" Stiles replied loudly, spinning around in his seat.

"For the love of god Scott" Kayla muttered under her breath, "seriously, faster. Who the hell let him drive?"

By some miracle, Scott did increase his speed. Albeit, not enough for Kayla's liking.

"All units, the suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works" the police scanner picked up, crackling to life, "I repeat, the suspect is currently on foot heading to the Iron Works".

"Dammit" she cursed, "they're on to him".

Stiles spun around in the front passenger seat, "my dad's a good cop. Of course he was going to catch up with him".

She sent him a glare, "are you serious right now?"

"Well, I'm just saying-"

"Guys" Scott interrupted, his eyes wide and unsure, "they're not following us anymore".

"Because they've probably got a police scanner and heard Stiles' dad give Derek's location away".

"It's not really his fault-"

"Did I say it was?"

"No, but you kind of implied it-"

"So, what's the plan now?" Scott asked in a panic, his hands gripping the steering wheel for dear life.

"We all drive off into the sunset and get ice cream" she remarked sarcastically, "what do you think the plan is? Get to the Iron Works - now".

This time Scott did put his foot down, flying around the corners as he desperately tried to get there before the Argents did.

"If we get caught, we're definitely going down as accomplices" Stiles muttered, his nails digging into the leather seats as Scott's chaotic driving flung them about.

"Most likely" she said, lacking sympathy, "and a pretty face like yours wouldn't hold up well in prison".

Even over the rev of the engine she heard his nervous gulp.

"Pro tip" she smirked, unable to hide her amusement as she whispered, "just don't drop the soap".

They skidded into the Iron Works just in time as Derek was getting shot at, crouching down and hiding behind the machinery. Without her insistence, Stiles threw the door open and yelled at Derek to "get in" before flinging himself into the backseat, nearly landing on her lap.

"What part of "laying low" don't you understand?" Scott demanded in exasperation as he drove off.

"Damn it, I had him" her cousin exclaimed, slamming his fists against the dashboard of his car.

"Who? The Alpha?"

"Yes!" Derek near enough growled, "he was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up.

"Whoa! Hey, they're just doing their jobs-"

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Derek cut off Stiles, sending Scott a furious glare.

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it".

"No" both she and Derek replied in unison, causing Scott to roll his eyes.

"All right. How did you find him?" Stiles asked, bringing them back to the main focus - the Alpha. Although now she was hyper-aware of how close they were huddled in the backseat of Derek's car, their elbows brushing and their bodies nearly colliding every time Scott turned a corner.

Scott scoffed as Derek remained stoic and quiet, "can you try to trust us for at least half a second?"

"Yeah, both of us" Stiles insisted, sticking his head forward between the seats but all he got in return was a dubious glare of warning from Derek.

"...Or... or just him. And Kayla. I'll be back here..."

"Bold of you to presume he trusts me" she murmured bitterly, sternly crossing her arms as she glared at the back of Derek's head, "this family doesn't know how to be honest".

"Look-" Derek cut her off, "-the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris".

"Harris?" she exclaimed, "as in-"

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles finished her sentence for her, both in equal amounts of shock.

"Why him?"

"I don't know yet".

"What's the second?"

Derek shrugged glumly, taking a bit of crumpled-up paper from his leather jacket pocket and held it up for them all to see.

"Some kind of symbol".

"Oh" she murmured, leaning forward to squint at the sloppily drawn image, "that looks really familiar".

"It should" Scott sighed, "It's the same symbol that's on Allison's necklace".

She felt all the blood drain from her face, meeting Scott's nervous gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Her necklace? But... why would her necklace have anything to do with the fire?"

"Because she's an Argent" Derek grumbled, "they kill werewolves, remember? One of you needs to get that necklace".

She cocked a brow at Scott, "never any pleases or thank yous from my cousin, is there?"

"We need that necklace".

"Oh" she scoffed, "there's a 'we' now, is there?"

Derek turned to look at her but she just titled her jaw forward, not backing down from his smothering gaze.


"Where was the 'we' this morning when I was begging you to tell me what else you knew about the fire? It wasn't just your family Derek. It was mine too".

Derek seemed aware of their audience, Scott and Stiles awkwardly left to listen in to their spat in the close quarters.

"You might not think it now but I am protecting you".

"No, you're protecting yourself. Like I said, honesty doesn't come easy in this family".

Derek sighed, "can one of you get the necklace or not?"

"Of course" she scoffed under her breath, her tone bitter and ice cold, "change the subject".

"Um... well, Allison kind of hates me right now" Scott spoke up, cutting through the tension with a knife, "If I went up and tried asking her about the necklace I think she may take out a restraining order".

All eyes fell on her.

"It's just a necklace" she murmured.

"It could be the key to everything" Derek insisted.

She sighed, "fine. I'll try my best".

"Rip it from her neck if you have to" her cousin demanded, clearly still riled up and brimming with the need for answers.

"And yet I'm the one with the reputation of having no tact" she grumbled, "shut up Derek. I'll get it my way".

Derek rolled his eyes but shut up, looking around the scenery flying past them.

"Where are we going?"

Scott glanced at them nervously, "your house".

"My house?" Derek demanded, "do you not think that's the first place they'll check?"

"Sorry, we were too busy saving your ass to ask for directions" Scott exclaimed, his own panic and frustration leaking out.

"Idiots" her cousin grumbled as they drove deeper into the woods up the old dirt track, "how you've survived this long is beyond me".

"They've had me" she shrugged, "the much more sexier, funnier and all around helpful Hale".

"She's right" Stiles spoke up, "you're cryptic and very unapproachable".

Derek, still clearly annoyed about this morning, spun around in his seat and glared at Stiles behind him, his eyes momentarily flashing that bright electric blue.

The poor boy gulped, pushing himself back into the seat as if wishing it would open up and swallow him whole. No doubt imagining all the ways Derek could kill him - which was a lot.

Luckily for him, Scott had just reached The Hale House and skidded to a stop, all climbing from the car though she realised how Stiles positioned himself behind her at all times, as if using her as a human shield against Derek.

"This is just the beginning" Derek warned, looking at Scott, "they're not going to stop. Not the Alpha and not the Argents. Sooner or later, we need to help each other and I hope now you realise how".

"See?" Stiles whispered in her ear, "cryptic".

She snorted, ignoring the glare Derek sent them before he glanced back at Scott, his forehead lowering with serious intent before stalking off into the burnt ruins of the once magnificent house, the creaky front door slamming shut.

"I'm so screwed" Scott groaned, "I'm not going to live through this semester, am I?"

"Unlikely" she said bluntly, "but you could surprise us".

"Gold star for the pep talk Kaylz" Stiles snorted, getting a funny look from Scott at the use of that nickname but Kayla was too focused on The Hale house to notice, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

"I'll see you guys at school tomorrow, okay?" she said, not really paying attention as she walked towards the house, ignoring the sickening feeling in her gut. She heard a few calls of her name trying to tempt her away from the house, but something compelled her forward - like an invisible hand was pulling her into the destruction.

She gingerly entered, taking small careful steps over the threshold. For the first time, coming face to face with the full extent of the damage.

The house, that once stood tall and proud, was a shell of its former self. Blackened remains of the family home scorched across every inch, an ominous eerie feeling tingling the back of her neck.

Below her feet, ten members of her family perished. This house did not feel safe anymore. It felt cursed - haunted even. Dread filling her veins.

She crossed her arms over her torso, fighting the chill that threatened to consume her.

"It doesn't feel the same, does it?" Derek's voice cut through her, jolting at the sudden intrusion as she found him standing in the front reception room, looking into the empty fireplace with his back to her.

"No... no it doesn't" she mumbled, the effects of fear seizing her as she tugged her little purple jumper dress further down her legs, trying to chase away the cold.

For some reason, she could imagine almost too perfectly how the fire took ahold of the house and destroyed it, as if she had been caught in the middle of it.

She swallowed, the sudden increase of her heart rate and the fear and apprehension she was feeling caught Derek's attention, her cousin turning around to face her.

"...What?" he asked, his stare nervous and on edge.

"I-I don't know" she whispered, her gaze slowly flitting around every corner of the room, "it just feels... weird..."

"What do you remember?" he pressed, his brow furrowing.

"Remember?" she asked, "what do you mean? About what?"

Derek's guard went back up, as if he realised he slipped up.

"You shouldn't be here" he said, changing the subject, "you should go home. It's not safe here".

"It's not safe anywhere" she corrected, "not for us. It never will be".

"I'll get him" he vowed, "I'll stop the Alpha. Whatever it takes".

"Then let me help" she implored, "don't shut me out. I can help. For some reason, the Alpha was able to control me, right? Well what if we-"

"No" he cut her off, "I'm not putting you in that sort of danger".


"No, Kayla".

"There has to be a reason that he was able to do that though. If we found out why, we could find the who. Isn't it worth trying?"

"It makes you a liability".

"Wow, thanks" she snapped.

"It's true".

"Is that why you're not being honest with me?"

She took Derek's lack of response as a 'yes'.

"Fine. Whatever" she rolled her eyes, "keep me at arms length Derek. Shut yourself off. Ignore me as if I was dead, just like the rest of our family".

She stormed away and out the house, too angry to bare being in his vicinity. Knowing if she stayed she would end up breaking his jaw - no Alpha influence needed this time. Her hot temperament the only thing controlling her behaviour.

For extra measure she slammed the door harshly on the way out, the disintegrating wood almost splintering at the hinges.

She loved the guy, but holy God could he be a complete asshole at times.

Whatever he was hiding from her she would find out - sooner or later. She didn't care what she had to do.

As she stomped away, not paying attention to her surroundings, she felt the touch of something at the back of her elbow and, without thinking, she turned around and body flipped whoever the hell thought it was a good idea to sneak up on her.

Indistinctively she went down with them, pinning her legs on either side of their hips and reaching out to grab their throat tightly, rendering them defenceless.

Only the person below her wasn't some creepy stalker or a big bad Alpha, it was simply just Stiles.

"Stiles?" she asked in surprise, frowning down at the boy who was slowly turning red below her, "what are you still doing here?"

He tried to answer but the fact her hand was digging into his oesophagus sort of made it a bit hard to do.

"Oh, sorry" she snorted, taking her hand away as he coughed and spluttered, gasping back big breaths of air, "I thought you were attacking me".

"I know better than to try" he wheezed, rubbing at the column of his throat as he screwed his face up in pain.

"My bad" she smirked, admiring how cute he looked all tousled up and helpless under her, back pressed into the leafy ground, "you okay?"

He blinked up at her a couple of times, finally coming to the realisation where he was and where she was - straddling his hips as he lay sprawled out on the ground, the night sky the perfect background to her amused face smiling down at him.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah" he said, "never better".

She could see his expression change from surprise to that soft and gooey look he always seemed to have around her, his big brown eyes locked on hers. Pulling her in and not letting her go. Unnerving her very soul.

"Uh..." she was speechless, unsure what to say as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her hair, his keen gaze watching her closely.

"Sorry" he murmured out a quiet apology, "I didn't mean to scare you".

"I just... uh... I just didn't think you would still be here..."

"Oh. Um... yeah. I just wanted to check in. See if you were okay... after today..."

It seemed like eons ago she had buried her cousin when, in reality, it had only been a handful of hours.

His concern touched her usually hard and closed off heart, waking it up from its deep slumber. Breathing new life into her very soul.


What was she, really? She could lie and say she was fine but Stiles, even without the ability to listen to heartbeats, could tell when she was lying. Specially tuned in to her frequency's already.

"... coping" she settled in saying, "that's all I can do, right?"

He nodded up at her, his gaze shining with sympathy.

"You called Allison and Lydia" she said softly, "why?"

"Because it seemed like you needed your friends" he replied, "... and they could be there for you in ways that I couldn't".

"What does that mean?" she whispered in wondering, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

"Because lately I can't seem to be around you without thinking about kissing you" he admitted, "and a funeral isn't really the best place to be thinking about that kind of stuff... especially if you were, uh... emotionally vulnerable..."

"... Oh..."

He blushed, realising what he had admitted to.

"Thanks for calling them" she said, "you were right. I needed my friends. I just didn't realise it at the time".

Silence fell, enveloping them in its grasp.

She didn't know what to say to that... looking down at him in contemplation. That invisible pull to be close to him that she had been feeling a lot more of lately had intensified to a hundred, unable to look away.

"I... I uh... I should walk you home..." he breathed out, his voice barely above a whisper.

In response she simply cocked an eyebrow, playfully challenging that statement.

"... Um... or you should walk me home" he continued with an awkward laugh, "you're the one that can kick some serious ass".

Now was the time to stand up. She knew that. She had been sitting atop him for long enough. All she had to do was stand up, brush off her knees and walk home.

Except she felt unable to move, relaxed and at ease with him. Her bare legs pinned tight to his torso, a comforting warmth spreading through her veins. Something inside her telling her this is where she was meant to be.

Here. With him. Just them.

Stiles was still blushing - even more so when her expression not so subtly reacted to a certain body part of his twitching under her, letting him know she felt it.

She shook off the burning need seizing her body, trying to quieten the voices that was telling her to take him right there and carefully stood up, reaching out to offer him a hand.

He accepted it almost reluctantly, keeping his gaze lowered as he stood and dusted off his clothes, pulling at his tight slacks in the hopes it would hide his boner.

It didn't. Not one bit.

They slowly started walking, cutting through the woods, the bright light of the moon leading their way.

The tension between them was sizzling - cranked all the way up to full. Both of them helpless to the cravings and desires they felt, but unsure how to act on them. Glancing at each other from the corners of their eyes as they walked, but quickly looking away when their stares collided.

She was feeling hot, her skin begging to be touched. A scary new kind of desperation clawing from her chest. The chinks in her armour widening.

The funeral, the emotions that came with it, the lies Derek was telling her and the impact it was having on her relationship was making her weaker, unable to resist the temptation. Unable to control these feelings. A slave to her desire.

She couldn't look at him. If she did, she would lose all control. Giving in to whatever these feelings were. Already drowning and unable to reach the surface.

She walked ahead, trying to put a bit of distance between them.

It didn't work. Especially when he called out her name, sounding so perfect - like a sirens tune.

She stopped short, Stiles almost colliding into her back.

"You... You feel this too, right?" he asked, his voice bordering on fearful - of what, she wasn't sure. Feelings? Rejection? Embarrassment? "This thing between us. It's not just me?"

He was close to her, his breath tickling the back of her neck. His words enchanting her very soul. His presence - his energy - vibrating and encasing hers, the mere inches between them becoming too much.

"I've never felt like this" he continued, "not until I met you. And every single day it intensifies and grows until it feels like I can't breathe unless I'm around you. I don't know how much longer I can keep being your friend. Friends don't think about friends like this... not the way I think about you..."

She closed her eyes, reminding herself of her promise.

To not let anyone in. To not feel. To not get hurt. To not let anyone get too close so they saw the real, the raw and the broken her.

That promise had been broken spectacularly, she realised, because she let him in. Without realising, she let him in. Every minute she spent with him she let him in that little bit more. She let her guard down around him because her heart felt peaceful with him. Life became that little bit more bearable.

All her life, she had felt alone. Even when she was surrounded by people.

With her family, she was human and ordinary. Could never be a werewolf, but was cursed with genes that tormented her every month. No one knew what that was like - to feel so different. Like she was on the outside looking in.

Around friends and people she had learnt to hide things and keep secrets. Wearing a mask. No one ever really seeing the real her.

One foot in the supernatural world, and one in the human world. Existing between both worlds but not really ever belonging.

Then, when she lost it all - her family, her life, her mind - and fell into addiction, she became a shell of herself. Bitter. Angry. Dangerous. Anything to hide the pain. Throwing her headfirst into more loneliness. Holding onto the bad things in her life. Aiden and her's tremulous relationship traumatising her. Even when he was inside her, she still felt empty and alone.

Except with Stiles, she never felt lonely. She felt seen and accepted. Why that was, she didn't know. Having loads of questions and unable to find the answers.

"Kayla...?" he asked gingerly, his voice quiet, "I... I... I think I... I think... I'm-"

Whatever words he was going to say she couldn't let him.

Not now. Not today.

She spun around, throwing herself at him completely - surrendering to her feelings. Colliding against his chest and capturing his lips in a frenzied and desperate kiss. Her arms, clinging to him tightly, wrapped around his neck, holding him still as he stumbled.

There was only so much she could resist... and tonight was the finishing line. There was no more fight left in her. She couldn't keep pretending she felt nothing for him, not when he lit up her soul like he did. Not when he set her heart on fire.

His lips were just as sweet as she remembered and just as soft, sending a surge of pleasure through her helpless body. The no distance between them still seeming too far away, bringing him in closer.

He captured her lips back, one hand resting on the back of her neck as the other lingered over the small of her back, their hearts racing as one.

It wasn't enough.

She needed more.

Their lips were still locked as pushed him back, both stumbling over the uneven ground until his back hit a tree and he became pinned.

The desperation she was experiencing was unlike anything she had felt before. Finding an inner sense of peace at giving in to her feelings. Her hands sliding around his neck, his shoulders, his hair, his cheeks, his chest - any place she could touch him and pull him closer, she did. Clinging to him as if her life depended on it.

He was trying to keep up with her quick pace, lost to her dominance as he held both her cheeks, cradling her face - his moans, deep and glutteral, like music to her ears.

She had kissed and been kissed before, but not like this. Never like this.

He broke free, gasping back a breath as he peered down at her in surprise, his lips puffy and red.

"W-What... what..."

"Don't talk" she whispered, his lips like a drug to her, "just kiss me".

He raised his eyebrows, overwhelmed and taken aback as he studied her expression - seeing how serious she was, her eyes darkened with lust.

"T-That... that I can do" he whispered, cupping her cheeks as he brought her forward, lifting her onto the tips of her toes and into another earth shattering kiss - their fates now intertwined.


Lala... sobbing... Stiles calling Lydia and Allison... also sobbing... Derek lying about something... sobbing... Stayla kissing though... CELEBRATING lol

so I sure hoped you all liked this next instalment and I would love to hear allllll your thoughts with this chapter ;) promise I'll update soon as I can as to not leave you all desperate for more stayla haha

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