Leah and her soldier

By Victoria742696

203K 4.4K 197

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... More

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
Can I fix this?
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Physio part 2
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
But i love you
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
Time to open the gym
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Opening the gym
Date day
The interview
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
The first meeting
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views
Date day
Family bbq with an unwanted visitor
Moving around
Moving day
First game of the season
I need you!
Recovery begins today
Christmas as a family
Why? I don't understand
Please you have to forgive me
I need a break
Meeting up with Emily
Family time

What have you done now?

1.4K 32 1
By Victoria742696

~Leah's POV~
It's been 3 weeks since Chris found out everyone is moving away. It's been 2 since Emily moved away and Chris has been a pain in my arse since. I love Chris yous all know that she is my wife I love her more than life itself but let me put this into perspective for yous. The first week wasn't so bad because Xander was at home the second week when Xander started nursery Chris replaced all the doors in the house to solid oak doors and built a brick bbq. She put all of her attention into me and Xander and I'm talking family days out straight after training, park visits most days. I know what yous are thinking but Leah these are all nice things and yes they are but sometimes I like to come home from training and just have a family movie night and you know do nothing. I've had to send her back to work my head was battered and the house I had to make sure me and Xander weren't coming home to just a shell. But when she said she was going to build a swimming pool that was it off to work she went. It's a little awkward when the girls come around especially when Lia and Caitlin are around Chris actually heard Lia tell me about the kiss a flipped. It actually caused an argument between us because she heard Lia ask me not to tell anyone. But I said that I hadn't said I wouldn't tell anyone and the chances are I would have told Chris her anger turned to Lia for putting me in that situation in the first place.

I'm on my way home from training now Xander stayed at home with Chris today I dread to think what I'm going home to this time. When I arrive home Chris is in the kitchen and Xander runs towards me "MAMA!" "Hi bubs did you a mummy have fun today?" "Yeah we build" I sigh "what did you build?" "I show you." I put Xander down and he takes me through to the back garden to a rather big swing set "wowww look at that" "mama we play?" "Soon bubs I just want to see mummy ok" "ok mama." We go back inside "finally I get a kiss" I give Chris a kiss "so a swing set?" "Yeah the weather will be getting better soon my love so we can spend more time in the garden" "baby I love you, you know I love you but.." "but? What but? Why a but?" "Baby since Emily moved away and you found out Kat and Freya are moving away you are just none stop. Chris look at all the work you've done in the house plus the first week you had Xander exhausted. Baby you're worrying me what is going on?" "I'm just trying to make the house perfect for my wife and son is that a such a bad thing?" "No of course not baby but again you need to slow down. Baby you're doing too much so please I'm begging you no more diy" "ok no more diy" "thank you now time for a proper kiss." I give Chris a kiss and she pulls me close to her resting her head on mine "what's the plans for tonight?" "Absolutely nothing" "I like it" Chris turns to Xander "you ready to give mama her presents buddy?" "Yes mummy" "presents? What presents?" "Xander saw them when we went shopping and wanted to get you them." Chris goes into the cupboard and pulls out some flowers and chocolates and Xander gives me them "awww these are beautiful thank you bubs" I give Xander a kiss.

I go into the sitting with Xander whilst Chris cooks tea. I'm playing with Xander when Chris shouts of us "ahhh there's my beautiful family" I put Xander in his chair and kiss Chris "and there is my beautiful wife. It smells amazing in here what we having for tea?" "Well Xander is having sausage and mash with vegetables whilst we are having your favourite steak meal." I kiss Chris again "have I ever told you I love you?" "Once or twice my love go sit down and I will bring it over." I go sit down and Chris brings mine and Xanders tea over kissing us both as she puts them down then gets her tea. She seems very smiley right now I think she is actually hiding her true feelings. "Right my gorgeous boy what are we watching tonight?" "Din" "Aladdin I'm sure we can do that can't we mama?" "Absolutely" "mummy we fly on the carpet?" "Always baby boy always." It's the cutest thing so when I can show you the world comes on Chris flies Xander around singing the song to him and he laughs and sings along. The first time she did it I'm not ashamed to say I cried because I actually believe Chris will show Xander the world.

"Mama finish" "ok why don't I clean up and mummy get your pyjamas on" "yeah" "I'll clean up my love you've not seen Xander all day" "but you've done all the housework and everything" "Leah my love, love of my life, my beautiful wife, housework is nothing compared to time with our son" "only if your sure" "I'm very sure." I take Xander upstairs and help him put his pyjamas on "do I get some cuddles off you?" "Yeah mama" "good boy I love your cuddles, and I love you" "I ove you mama" "come on then let's go see mummy" "yeah mummy." Xander runs to stair gate and waits for me to open it "nice and slow on the stairs please" "yes mama." We go downstairs and Chris is already sat on the couch with Disney plus ready to play. "Right you gorgeous people let's get comfortable shall we?" I sit beside Chris and lean on her whilst Xander sits beside me cuddled in. And in this moment right here I couldn't be happier.

The movie plays on and as promised Chris flies Xander around . When it comes to the end of the movie Xander is fast asleep so I put him to bed. When I come downstairs Chris is in the middle of taking her jumper off so I stand in front of her "fuck!" "Hmmm how about a good make out session?" Chris just smiles at me then picks me up putting me on the sofa and I can't help but laugh. That sharp stops when Chris starts kissing me though. Every kiss is kept slow and tender, this goes on for quite some time but we are interrupted by my phone ringing "aww baby nooo this is some of my best work here" "oh trust me I know but what if it's important?" She looks at my phone "baby it's Beth pleassseeeee" "ok ok you win I will put it on silent" "thank you" I put my phone on silent and Chris goes straight back to kissing me but then there is a knock on the door "your fucking joking" Chris gets off me visibly annoyed and goes and answers the door "HEYYY THEY ARE IN!" "Shut up my sons in bed." I quickly get up and go to the door "hey what yous doing here?" "Well we wanted to see you and we tried ringing" "yeah because we wan.." I put my hand on Chris' arm "I'm going to take Bella out"
Chris kisses my cheek then goes upstairs to get Bella. "You know I love yous visiting and so does Chris but sometimes we need time for us" "we're sorry Leah want us to go?" "No it's fine come in." As the girls come in Chris leaves completely blanking them "is Chris alright?" "She will be" "ok good." I make the girls a drink and we sit in the kitchen so we don't disturb Xander "how is our gorgeous nephew?" "Shattered Kim he helped Chris build a swing set then look at this" I show them the video of Chris and Xander with the I will show you the world. "Awww isn't she the lushest" "she really is honestly she will drop everything and give everything for Xander" "and you Leah don't forget that" "oh I know she reminds me everyday."

Chris has been gone for over an hour so I ring her "hi baby where are you?" "Walking Bella" "baby it's been over an hour please come home" "ok I'm on my way" "thank you, I'll see you soon" "I'll see you soon my love" "oh and Chris?" "Yeah?" "I love you" "I love you too baby." All the girls are looking at me "what?" "What was that about?" "What do you mean Caitlin?" "You know what she means Leah" I just glare at Beth then Kim takes my hand "what's going on Leah?" I just sigh "she is struggling not having Emily around then with Kat and Freya moving away in August it's all just playing on her mind" I see Lia's head go down and Caitlin takes her hand. They officially started dating 2 weeks ago, Chris soon walks through the door and comes into the kitchen to get a drink "where's Bella?" "I'll give you one guess" "has she gone straight back to bed with Xander?" "Of course she has at least I know when he is upstairs and we aren't she is watching over him for us" Chris has a drink "right I'm going to go upstairs and do some work" "are you not sitting with us Chris?" "I have some stuff to do Steph sorry" "Chris I'm really.." "if you plan on talking about Emily Lia then just don't she trusted you, she loved you that's not an easy thing for her to do" "baby" "it's fine I'm going upstairs." Chris turns to walk away "how was I supposed to be with someone who doesn't take the future seriously?" Chris turns back around and walks back into the kitchen "no one takes the future more serious than Emily the only thing is when it comes to planning a future with someone she gets scared of being hurt. She doesn't know I know this but her and jodie were engaged when Jodie started sleeping with the person I was with. So yeah future planning scares her" "she never mentioned any of this" "she wouldn't."

I manage to convince Chris to stay and spend some time with the girls it's been a little while since she has. But she is really engrossed with her laptop that's until she slams it closed scaring the shit out of all of us then picks up here phone "dude did you get it?" All of us are looking at each other confused "ok see you soon." Chris hangs up and looks at us all "yesssss?" "Care to spill?" "Ermmm noooo" I give Chris the you will tell me look but she looks away "nope not looking at them eyes no chance" "Chris!" "Oh my look at the time it's erm time to erm" she thinks for a minute "shit" "can't think of anything?" "Go check on Xander it's time to check on Xander." Chris runs upstairs and has a massive smile on her face "what the hell was that?" "I have no idea I'll get it out of her later" "I'm sure you will with your special ways" I laugh "anyway moving on" "mhmm" "how would yous feel about a park day with me Chris and Xander and all the dogs?" "You know we will all be there."

10 minutes pass and there is a knock on the door "Tony? What you doing here? Come in we are all in the kitchen" "thanks Leah where is Chris?" "Upstairs." The next thing I hear is Chris running downstairs, she runs into the kitchen jumping on Tony "we did it!" "We did kid" "Oi only my dad calls me kid" "sorry." "So are yous going to tell us what's going on?" Chris jumps down off Tony "quick run straight to the sitting room she'll give you the eyes that make you tell anything" we all laugh as they run off. I don't know what they are up to but they both look very happy right now.

~Chris' POV~
"So now that we have the planning permission for the obstacle course we need to get drawing up on the plans, so I'm thinking over under beams, crawl netting, tractor tires, wall climb.." "this is going to be a full blown army course isn't it?" "Can't make it easy for them" "when you say tractor tires?" "I mean the front one's nothing too big" "mate I'm so excited for this" "me too now are you ready for intense training?" "Oh yeah you do know I'll be using the ice bath after every session right?" "Yeah it helps your body recover it's going to suck just know that" "are you trying to put me off?" "Not at all I just want you to be prepared" "I will be Chris don't worry." I hear a loud laugh come from the kitchen "shit" "what?" "MUMMY!" "That's what" I go into the passage "baby I'm so so so sorry" "it's fine" "I'll go" "no baby it's fine" "MUMMY!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'm sure" Tony comes into the passage "mummy?" "I'll explain in a minute."

I go upstairs "hey baby what's wrong?" "Mummy I got woked up" "you got woke up I'm sorry baby" "mummy I see mama?" "Do you want me to shout her up?" "No I go see her" "it's late though my little prince" "please mummy. Xander starts crying and this breaks my heart this is the first time he has cried since moving in "ok I'll take you to see mama." I pick Xander up and he cuddles straight into me and he is letting out gentle sobs. I carry Xander downstairs "mummy who that?" "Oh this is uncle Tony, Tony this is mine and Leah's son Xander" "hello Xander it's nice to meet you" "hello, mummy I see mama" "come on then, you coming Tony?" "I'll stay for 10 minutes" we go into the kitchen "hi bubs what you doing up?" "Mama I sad" he is crying again and Leah looks with a look I've never seen before "aww come here bubs." Xander cuddles into Leah and is gentle sobbing "why you sad bubs?" "I got woked up it was loud it scared me." Shit it's never been loud in the house before "I'm so sorry bubs we never meant to scare you" "mama me cuddle auntie Kim?" Kim walks over putting her arms out "anytime for my favourite nephew."

Xander eventually falls asleep in Kim's arms "erm what do I do now?" "He goes to bed" "who wants to take him?" "Oh no you can't pass arms he will wake up" "I get to put him to bed?" "If you would like to Kim" "I would love to." I go upstairs with Kim and she puts Xander into bed and Bella joins him "that's so cute" "I know." I go to walk away "wait Chris" "yeah?" "I know you're upset with Lia.." "Kim please" "just listen Chris please" I sigh "ok" "I know you're upset with Lia but would you rather Emily be in a relationship where it is only one sided?" "No but what I would like is my best friend in London with me and her family and my son. Emily was the one there when I had no one at all. I get that you can fall out of love with someone but don't kiss another person whilst you're still in a relationship" "how?" "I heard her tell Leah. Kim I understand what your doing I really do but I'm not ready to forgive them yet" "them?" "Lia and Caitlin for what they did, Emily for leaving, and Kat for planning to leave" "that's a lot to take on I understand but just know we will always be here for you" "thanks Kim but no one can promise that" "I am Chris I'm promising that we will be here for you, you mean so much to the team, to the whole club" "thanks Kim we should go downstairs before we wake Xander" "come on then."

When we get downstairs everyone is staring at us "what yous all staring at us for?" "Baby the monitor was on" "oh right" "Chris how do you feel about telling everyone what we have been up to then?" "What have you done now?" "Oh right yeah so we got the planning permission to build the obstacle course on the big field ready the competitions and Tony is starting his vigorous training to take my place for the final contest" "baby that's amazing, but your not going to be the final test?" "No me and Tony kind of figured you would prefer if I didn't just in case you know." Leah comes over kissing me "you's would be right there baby" "Tony is going to be trained military style" "good luck with that Tony" "thanks Leah I'm going to need it, but I'm going to go now do you mind if I pop around and get to know that gorgeous boy upstairs" "of course mate he will love you" "I will see yous all soon then" "we should head off as well we don't want to wake Xander up again." After everyone leaves me and Leah cuddle up on the sofa with a movie not talking just being in each other's presence which is exactly what I need.

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