Leah and her soldier

Da Victoria742696

153K 3.1K 152

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... Altro

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
Can I fix this?
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Physio part 2
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
But i love you
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
Time to open the gym
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Opening the gym
Date day
The interview
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
What have you done now?
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views

The first meeting

1K 27 2
Da Victoria742696

Xander has had to come live with us earlier than expected as there was an issue with his foster home. Not that me and Leah cared about that it got harder and harder every time he had to leave. But now he is home with us where he should be. We decorated his bedroom and bought him all new furniture and filled his wardrobe with new clothes. We wanted every thing to be perfect for him. Xander hasn't met anyone yet but he is meeting our parents today they have no idea that we have a son. Xander is currently eating his breakfast he has quite the hearty appetite "mummy?" "Yeah buddy?" "Where's mama?" "She's in the shower she will be down soon" "mummy?" "Yeah buddy?" "Me and Bella play?" "After your breakfast but we will play in the sitting room because it is raining." I kiss Xander on the head and head over to make mine and Leah's breakfast "mummy?" "Yeah buddy?" "What that?" "Mine and mama's breakfast" "but what?" "It's avocado buddy" "I try?" "You want to try?" "Yeah" "ok then" I give him a try "urgh yak" I have to laugh "that's a no then." Leah comes downstairs "what you laughing at?" "Xander just tried avocado and it was a no" "awww bubs did you not like it?" "No mama" "at least you tried it bubs." Leah kisses xanders head then comes over to me giving me a kiss "how's things been so far down here?" "Great he's a talker today keeps asking lots of questions so yeah doing really well."

Xander has days where he doesn't talk much but he has only been with us a week so he is still settling in. Once we are all finished eating we go into the sitting room and we are all playing with Bella. Xander and Bella have the best relationship she even sleeps on the bed with him they are so cute together honestly. I continue to play with Xander whilst Leah gets the door I pick him up and fly him around like an aeroplane and he is laughing "mummy make me plane."

~Leah's POV~
I answer the door to mine and Chris' parents "hi so erm me and Chris have a big surprise for yous" "what's that laughing Leah?" "Our surprise come on through." We walk to the sitting room and Chris is tickling Xander "no mummy stop" I see our parents look at each other in shock "mums and dads this is mine and Chris' son Xander." Chris stops tickling Xander and starts pointing at our parents "Xander this is mine and mamas mums and dads your grandparents" he cuddles right into Chris "it's ok buddy no one is going to hurt you I promise." I get our parents to sit down and they are yet to say something "come here bubs" Xander sheepishly comes over to me "this is grandma, grandpa, nana and grandad" "hello" it comes out like a whisper. "Hey big man how old are you?" Trust Kieth to make things easier "4" "4 Woww that's the best age" "how? When?" Mum is gobsmacked "we went to the adoption agency" "why now?" "We weren't expecting it to happen so soon we wanted to be put on the list but Xander needed his forever home isn't that right bubs" "you my mama" "I am bubs" "and that mummy" "and that's your mummy" I give him a kiss "so are yous actually going to say something?" "Give us a chance Chris this is a big bombshell yous have dropped on us" "he's not a bombshell mum he's my son, our son" "you know what I mean baby girl, but of course we are happy for yous" "he's coming on holiday with us aren't you buddy?" "We go on plane mummy make me plane." Chris picks Xander up again and is flying him around.

After 2 hours of playing Xander gets really tired so has his morning nap of course with Bella cuddled up to him on the sofa. "Girls he is gorgeous and so adorable, do you mind us asking what his background is?" "His dad left at birth and mum turned to drugs, the neighbour hadn't seen him in a while and his mum kept leaving him in the house by himself so they phoned the police when they went in he was in a nappy that hadn't been changed in days, his skin was a mess because of it, he was seriously malnourished" "omg bless him" "he didn't have the best start in life." Chris takes my hand "but we are going to make sure the rest of his life is the best my love" "I know" "also yous are looking at our new ring bearer for the wedding." Xander starts waking up "hey buddy what you doing awake?" "Cuddles?" Chris goes over "you know who would love one of your amazing cuddles?" He shakes his head "your nana and grandma should I take you to them?" He nods so Chris picks him up and carries him over "who wants first cuddle?" "You go first Diane" "are you sure Amanda?" "Yeah" "well that means you get Bella because they are inseparable." Chris puts Xander in Diane's lap and she cuddles him in and Bella jumps on mums knee "how did this relationship start?" "On his first visit he was so scared and wouldn't talk so Chris asked him if he likes dogs and his face lit up. The first thing he learnt was cuddles and he started opening up from there" "how long has he been living with yous for?" "A week but we wanted to get settled with him first before introducing him to everyone" "we completely understand so what other things does he like?" "Oh erm he likes when I play guitar and sing to him, he loves playing football and watching his mama play, he is now an Arsenal fan" "of course wouldn't expect anything else" "he loves trains and trucks hense all of them in the toy box, he loves teddies and he is very cuddly" "he also loves your porridge with Nutella and fruit" Diane looks at us "I used to make that for you" "I know mum and now I make it for your grandson" "my grandson, my grandbaby, yous look so happy and yous have definitely made me so happy." I look at my dad "your yet to say something dad" "why now? Yous have your whole life a head of you, what about your career Leah?" "Nothing has changed there dad I still have my career" "but why now?" "Because life is fragile and who knows what will happen and if you not happy for us then leave" "Chris' seizure?" "Yes dad Chris' seizure so we aren't missing out on anything, Xander is the perfect little boy that completes our family" "then I am very happy for yous Leah and I can't wait to play football with my grandson."

It's getting close to lunchtime so we wake Xander up "hey buddy I need you to wake up now" "hi mummy" "hey buddy did you have a nice nap?" "Yeah nana cuddly" "does grandma get a cuddle now?" "Yes mummy" he goes onto mums knee "mama?" "Yeah bubs" "I'm hungwy" "what would you like to eat?" "Nuggies" "chicken nuggets it is why doesn't mummy cook them and I take you to the toilet then you can have more cuddles with grandma until they are ready" "yes mama" Chris goes to the kitchen and I take Xander to the toilet then he goes and cuddles back into mum. "Hey big guy how about after your dinner we play some football" "Yeahh." Chris comes back in "mummy I'm hungwy" "I know buddy it is cooking now" "but I'm hungwy" "would you like an orange?" "Yes pwease" "ok buddy I will get that now" Chris goes back into the kitchen and brings an orange in "as you can tell he already takes after Leah for food" "I resent that." Xander pulls on mums top "yes darling" "you my new grandma?" "Would you like that?" He nods then pulls Diane's top "yes handsome?" "You my new nana?" "I am big guy" he smiles. He has the most adorable smile you will ever seen. The timer on the oven goes off "that's me" Chris runs into the kitchen then a few minutes later comes running back in taking a bow "lunch is served young sir" Xander always laughs at that.

We all go into the kitchen "what would you like to drink bubs?" "Errrmmm oose" "orange or black current?" "Orange pwease mama" "coming right up" "mummy?" "Yes buddy?" "Sauce pwease" "ketchup?" "Yes pwease" "you're so polite buddy" Chris kisses Xanders head "mummy mama?" "Yes buddy?" "Yeah bubs?" "Wove you" me and Chris look at each other with tears in our eyes this is the first time he has ever said that. We both go over and give him a hug and kiss "we love you too baba." Chris makes us something to eat as well, we have time Xander is such a slow eater bless him, we make our food after his because we noticed he would stop eating when we did but this way we all finish eating at the same time.

Once we all finish eating Xander gets his shoes and coat on and our dads play football in the backyard with him. Me and Chris sit with our mums "he is absolutely adorable we're so proud of yous" I'm sitting on Chris' knee and she has her arms wrapped around me "he loves us Leah" she squeezes me "he does baby and we love him." Xander comes running over "mummy grandad not give me ball" "oh is he not let me sort that out." I stand up and Chris runs over grabbing Kieth and taking him down to the floor causing all of us to laugh "Xander come grab the ball" Xander goes running getting the ball and I have a smile beaming from ear to ear "isn't she the best mum?" "Yous both are Leah and we can tell by the smile on that little boys face and the laugh he has right now." We all decide to play for a little while then go back inside. We all have tea together before we give Xander a bath and read to him. He loves a book before bed, he is now asleep and Chris is getting ready to walk Bella. We haven't been able to walk her together since Xander came to live with us because no one knows he is here "are you walking bella by yourself Chris?" "Yeah I have to no one knows about Xander so one of us stays back whilst the one of us walks Bella" "well tonight is your lucky night because the grandparents are here and we can watch him" "what do you think my love?" "This will be the first time we have left him together" "baba he is with us if anything happens I promise we will ring you" "oh erm right ok." Chris takes my hand "you know my love we are going to have to find a nursery for him and neither of us are going to be there" "don't say that I don't like that" "Leah baby he is going to be fine and so are you, come with me to take Bella out we will be out half an hour" "ok but only half an hour" "I promise."

We walk around the park and Chris has her arm around me. I have to admit I have missed this Chris kisses my cheek "thank you for making me the happiest person on the planet" "no baby you've made me the happiest person and I can't wait to introduce Xander to the girls tomorrow" "they better behave and not scare him" "I'm not worried about that when he has his big mummy bear to protect him" "murder my love I'm talking very bloody and brutal murder." We both laugh and continue to play with Bella before going home "why is Xander down here?" "Bella wasn't on the bed with him and he woke up so came looking for her but then fell asleep cuddled into me and I didn't have the heart to put him to bed I loved the cuddles too much" "ok but we should get him back to bed he has a big day tomorrow, he's meeting his aunties" "your taking him to Arsenal?" "We are then we are going to arrange Kat meeting him." Chris takes Xander to bed and once our parents leave we go to bed "today has been perfect" "it really has my love but now let's get some sleep because we have no idea how tomorrow is going to go." I give Chris a kiss "it will be fine baby goodnight" "goodnight my love."

~Chris' POV~
I'm woke up through the night by Xander having a bad dream. He doesn't have them often but it's heartbreaking when he does he get rather distressed and can take a while to settle him down. So when Leah's alarm goes off I'm a little tired see I sort Xander when Leah has training and she does it when she hasn't technically today is a recovery day but me being up means I get mid morning nap cuddles. "Good morning baby" "good morning my love" "you sound a little tired was Xander up through the night?" "Yeah he had a bad dream" "I could of sorted him out it's only recovery today" "it's fine baby but let's leave him for 5 minutes and then we can do this" I grab Leah pulling me in for a cuddle.

"Baby it's been 10 minutes we need to get Xander sorted" "ok my love but first" I grab Leah flipping her on her back "a 5 minute make out session." I kiss Leah and she kisses back which makes me very happy just because for the last week we really haven't had time to do this but we got Xander and I wouldn't change that for the world. After 5 minutes we get up and Leah sorts Xanders breakfast to take with us, he doesn't like to eat first thing in the morning, and I get Xander up "good morning handsome" "hi mummy" "should we get you ready?" "Yeah" "you get to wear you arsenal top today because your meeting all of your aunties" "mummy come with" "yeah buddy I will be right with you and so will mama" "ok." I sit on the floor in front of Xander "baby you know no one is ever going to hurt you I won't let anyone hurt you and me and mama will always be with you. We are going nowhere" Xander just gives me a big hug "is everything alright in here?" "Yeah baby Xander was just a little scared about today but feeling better now aren't we buddy?" "Yes mummy" "I'm glad to hear that but we need to leave soon bubs so let's get ready" "ok mama." I get Xander ready and he is in the Arsenal training kit to match Leah.

We get Xander in the car and drive to Arsenal. Leah has text Jonas and asked if he can get the girls into the meeting room and he said that wasn't a problem. When we arrive everything is quiet and Leah goes into the meeting room first. I can just hear what she is saying "please whatever you do, do not scare him." That's my queue "you're going to be fine buddy" "ok mummy." I walk in with Xander on my hip and when I reach the front the whole team gasp "girls this is mine and Chris' son Xander, Xander these are mama's teammates and your aunties" "omg Leah he is gorgeous." Xander is holding onto me for dear life so I whisper in his ear "why don't you go see mama and she will take you to meet your aunties" "you come mummy" "I'm right by your side buddy." He goes to Leah but keeps a hold of me first he meets Jen, Kim, Steph and Lia "so this is why yous haven't been around?" "Yeah we were getting Xander settled in isn't that right bubs" "yes mama." He then meets Beth Viv Katie and Lotte "Katie keep your voice low" "I will Chris." Once he meets the rest of the team I take him to the canteen for his breakfast "you did so good buddy I'm proud of you, how would you feel about some of them coming to see you at home would that be ok?" "Yes mummy" "you're such a brave boy."

I give Xander his breakfast "mummy sleepy" "your tired baby come on then let's go find you somewhere to nap." I take him through to the chill room and we get comfy on the sofa. Xander lies on my chest and falls asleep when my phone starts ringing "hi my love" "hi baby why you whispering?" "Xander is asleep" "this is early" "yeah but he had a bad night last night then a busy morning, what's up?" "I was seeing where you were" "in the chill room" "ok I will be in soon" "ok I love you" "love you too baby." It's been about 15 minutes when Leah comes in "how asleep is he?" "Fast" "ok good come with me" "okayyyy." I gently put Xander down pulling the blanket over him and go outside "what's up baby?" "I've had an idea" "you've peaked my interest Williamson I'm listening" "you know how you said we need to find a nursery for Xander?" "Yeahhhh" "I've found one" "oh have you really now? And do I get a say in this?" "I think you will like it" Leah pulls out the a form for the Arsenal education "baby..." "Chris please just look at it. Please baby" "baby I will look at it but Leah I want us to look at other nurseries as well" "why though? Chris I want him to be close to us" "Leah I love you, you know I love you more than breathing but you need the separation, when was the last time you met up with the girls?" "Chris I want this please I will get the separation I will meet up with the girls again I will start going out I promise please Chris" "right I tell you what let me make a deal with you" "what deal?" "I'm going to take Xander home when you're done and you're going to go out with the girls to the cafe for at least an hour.." "but.." "at least an hour Leah then I will fill the form out and on Friday your going out out" "Ba.." "out out Leah then I will sign the form" "if I do this you will let him go to the education here" "yes but I want you to keep it up if not I pull him and put him in mainstream nursery" "I will I promise I will" "ok well go and finish recovery then I will wake him up and bring him to see you at lunch time" "thank you baby. And not just for this but for everything you do for me and our son" "Leah my love, I will do anything and everything for both of you, but I've seen it before where parents can't let go and struggle with separation and it is a rabbit hole I don't want you to go down because I don't want you to struggle. I don't want you to think I'm being mean either because trust me I would have Xander with me every second of every day if I could just to be sure he is safe" "why didn't you say I thought it was just me" "because I needed to be strong for you too" "I love you, you know that right?" "I do and I love you too." Leah gives me a kiss then goes back to do recovery.

After an hour and a half I wake Xander up "hey baby it's time to wake up now" "mummy I still sleepy" "I know baby but you can have a sleep later we are going to see mama now" "mummy I hungwy" "hmmm I will see what I can find for you ok?" "Yes mummy." I take Xander to the toilet then to the canteen where the chef is putting lunch out "hey Dave" "hey Chris you alright?" "Yeah was just wondering if I can pinch some fruit from you for my main man here?" "Of course what would you like?" "Owange pwease" "1 orange coming right up, would you like it cut up Chris?" "Yes please Dave" "ok if yous go find a seat I will bring it over" "thanks mate." Dave brings the orange over after a couple of minutes "you're going to turn into an orange soon baby" "owange nice, I like it" "I know you do."

The team start to come in the Xander sees Leah "MAMA WOOK OWANGE!!" Leah comes over and kisses Xanders head "you're going to turn into an orange bubs, what do you want for dinner?" "Ermmm fish fwingers" "I will see if I can sort that for you." Steph and Kim come over "can we sit down with yous" I look at Xander and he nods "how old are you Xander?" "4" "Woww a big boy then" "do you like football?" "I pway like mama" "would you like to play with us after lunch?" "Yes pwease." Leah comes back with her dinner "yours is coming soon bubs" "mama I pway football with erm, erm" I lean down and whisper "aunty Steph and aunty Kim" "aunty stef and aunty kwim" "are you really? That sounds fun can I play?" "YEAH!" "Ok but only after your dinner" "yes mama." Dave brings Xanders lunch out and I cut it up for him "there we go buddy you eat all that up and get big and strong for me" "yes mummy." "How long has this gorgeous little boy been with yous for then?" "I thought all of the questions would have been done by now" "no Leah said only with you can we ask questions" "aww bless well Xander has been with us a week now" "do you like living with Leah and Chris?" "No mummy and mama" "sorry so you like living with mama and mummy then?" "Yeah and Bella" "they are inseparable Bella sleeps on your bed doesn't she baby?" "Yes mummy I want Bella" "you will see her when we get home." Me, Leah, Kim and Steph talk amongst ourselves whilst Xander eats "mummy finish" I look at his plate and it's empty "what where did you put that?" I look under the table then pick him up looking on his seat and he is laughing at me "mummy it in my belly" "you ate all that?" "Yes mummy" "in 15 minutes?" "Yes mummy" "wow I'm impressed" "me too we are normally here 45 minutes" "we play now mama" "ahhh right I see how it is come on then."

Leah takes Xander onto the pitch and a few of the girls join them. They only play for a short while because they have a half day. Once they are done Leah drops me and Xander off home and sticks to her word and goes out with the girls even staying out for nearly 2 hours which I was really impressed with. My turn next I am going to work for a couple of hours tomorrow let's see how I cope.

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