Leah and her soldier

By Victoria742696

153K 3.1K 152

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... More

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
Can I fix this?
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Physio part 2
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
But i love you
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
Time to open the gym
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Opening the gym
Date day
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
The first meeting
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
What have you done now?
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views

The interview

1K 20 1
By Victoria742696

It's been a couple of days since the article was released. Me and Leah have been getting hounded by press they have been at the gym and everything. We spoke to Leah's agent who said it would be best to arrange an interview so we could put our side across as they feel this could damage Leah's image also. The thought of this doing any harm to Leah makes me feel sick to my core. I've told Leah I'm going to stay at the flat for a while but she won't let me telling me if I'm going to the flat she is coming with me and that we will get through this together. We are currently getting ready to do an interview with Arsenal media and holy hell I'm nervous. We both are, Leah is driving us to Arsenal where the interview is taking place. Leah's agent will be there to put an end to anything 'damaging'. Leah drives us to the colony but I'm pretty quiet I'm still yet to find out who did this to us and why. Leah puts her hand on my thigh pulling me out of my head so I give her a small smile I don't think either of us have words right now.

Once we arrive we go through to the media room and the camera's are set up "hi Leah" "and Chris" "sorry nice to see you again Chris" "you too" "so Leah I've looked over the questions they aren't too bad and now they just want to get yous mic'd up" "ok." Leah starts to walk away but I can't seem to move Leah turns around "baby are you alright?" I just shake my head, Leah comes over and takes my hands "I can't do this" "do what?" "This" "us?" "No baby sorry I mean this interview what if they twist everything?" "They won't, baby this is Arsenal media they want to make us look better than we already do" I let out a small laugh "there's that beautiful smile." We get the mic's put on us and take our seats "right ladies we are ready are you ready?" "Yeah" "erm yeah I guess." Leah takes my hand and we sit down.

Interviewer - Hi Leah it's nice to see you can you introduce who you have with us?
Leah - This is my girlfriend Chris
Interviewer - It's nice to see you again Chris
Me - You too but I think I prefer being behind the camera trying to make the girls laugh
Interviewer - You and Katie do that a lot
Me - Not anymore I'm not allowed
Interviewer - Don't worry Katie still does it. But that's not why we are here can you tell us why we are here?
Leah - Someone leaked information about our relationship and Chris' health which makes her look like a bad person and she really isn't
Interviewer - We know, Chris you have done a lot of good for the players and the club we love having you around
Me - Thank you I love being around
Interviewer - So obviously we know how you met the public don't though
Me - The public don't need to know that information
Interviewer - No they don't I totally agree with you. Should we address some of the comments from the article?
Leah - Yes we need to get this straightened out
Interviewer - So one of the things said is that you's have been on and off is that true?
Me - No
Leah - I think what Chris means is no we haven't we broke up once after a malicious lie was told by someone that made it look like one of us cheated
This shocks me why didn't Leah say made me look like a cheater
Interviewer - That's horrible well we are all glad you sorted things out
Leah - Thank you
Interviewer - One of the other things Chris it said you're an alcoholic is that true?
Me - Yes
Leah - Recovering sorry Chris only ever gives straight answers and never elaborates on them
Me - Yeah sorry it's the military training but I will elaborate on them from now on. Yes I am an alcoholic, yes I am recovering and now 14 nearly 15 months sober
Interviewer - That's fantastic we are very happy for you
Me - Thank you
Interviewer - Do you mind if I ask about your self harm?
Me - I suppose not
Interviewer - Please tell me if you're uncomfortable, how did it start?
Me - It all coincides with each other the alcoholism and the self harm. You see people were very quick to judge me for that except Leah
I take Leah's hand
Me - You see all this only started just over 3 years ago when every became too much. You see I had not long been off life support I had been shot 3 times and nearly died. Then I found out I could never tour again in fact my whole career was over due to my injuries. I was in so much pain and had to rely on other people to help me do things that everyone takes for granted such as having a shower, cooking food, even going to the toilet.
Interviewer - That must of been hard
Me - It was, I was stuck in the flat mainly in bed. I had to have physio to be able to walk again and get my knee bending. Being stuck in a place where all you have is your own thoughts is not good especially when them thoughts are flashbacks to when you were in Iraq. The things you see out there, the horror, the devastation, the inhumanity that sticks with you. The drinking and the harming were what I thought were my coping mechanisms but I was wrong it made things 10, 20, 100 times worse so now I'm getting the proper help I need.
Interviewer - We are so glad you are getting better
Me - Thank you, but if I didn't have Leah by my side making it a hell of a lot easier who knows where I would be now
Leah - This was all you baby
Me - We all know that's not true my love
Interviewer - I can see things between you's are going well
Leah - The best they have ever been
Interviewer - Any marriage plans Chris?
Me - Dude!
Everyone laughs
Interviewer - Should we move onto your seizures? How did they start?
Leah - She saved my life
Interviewer - How do you mean?
Leah - It was when we were broken up Chris was leaving a restaurant with her family just after Christmas. I ran after her to talk to her but a drunk driver came speeding down the street Chris ran into the road pushing me out of the way getting ran over herself. Earning a concussion and a broken wrist for her heroics
Me - Baby that wasn't the only thing, you see when I was in Iraq I had been hit in the head with a gun knocking me out and been hit a few times by debris so it all factored in leaving me with this condition. My way of being rewarded for serving my country
Interviewer - Doesn't sound like much of a reward
Leah - It isn't they can be really scary
Interviewer - What do these mean for you Chris?
Me - Well I'm not allowed to drive, I can't do personal training sessions, when they are in full swing I can't even be left by myself, too much stress can trigger them
Interviewer - so pretty life changing then
Me - you could say that
We spend some more time talking about what me and Leah like to get up to together and my childhood. They think we might get left alone if we give them information.
Interviewer - Why did yous agree to do this? What are yous hoping to get out of this?
Leah - We just want to live our lives without being harassed
Me - People are turning up to my business to see what I am like. It is harming my business people rely on that so I can pay their wages and in return they look after their families. I don't mind talking to Leah's fans I really don't but please just don't come to my work
Interviewer - Thank you ladies

We are told they are going to release a snippet of the interview today but once they are finished editing they will release the whole interview and that should be in a couple of days. Once we leave the media room me and Leah head back to the car "I'm so proud of you, you know that right?" "Me? I didn't do anything" "baby you just did an interview that you had no training for and you did so good in it" "just followed you lead my love." We arrive home and our parents are here "hi ladies how did it go?" "Chris did great" I just laugh and shake my head "let's just see what happens now, anyone want a drink?" "Yes please." I make everyone teas and coffees "are yous going to tell us what happened in it" "we were asked questions and we answered them" "your such a sarcy cow Chris" I put a huge cheesy grin on my face "awww thanks mum, but no Ermm yeah it was quite revealing they thought the more information we shared the more chances of being left alone" "how revealing?" "More than I was hoping for" "so do yous have any idea on where this came from?" "No that's the thing the only people who know about this stuff is people we trust." Kat sends me a text saying that her a Freya are just a couple of minutes away "Kat and Freya are coming around" "any reason why?" "I don't know baby she never said just that they are a couple of minutes away." When they arrive they come into the kitchen where we are all sitting, I notice there seems to be a distance between them "hi ladies is everything alright?" "Erm not really Chris Freya has something she needs to tell you" "ok I'm listening" "first I just want to say how sorry I am I never meant for any of this to happen" "erm ok what's going on?" "Erm well erm" "Freya what is going on?" "It's erm my fault that this information came out" "your fault? What do you mean?" "I never meant for it to be revealed to the world" "the article? It was you?" "Not exactly" "stop beating around the bush and tell me what's going on, because right now I am using every fucking thing I have to keep my temper" "it wasn't me who spoke to the press it was Renee" "Renee? And how did she know about this?" "It was the last day of uni and we all went out celebrating, I got drunk and I thought with the upcoming England camp that you would be staying with us again and after last time. I was just venting and ended up telling Renee everything" "you did this because we argued the last time I stayed at yours? Is this what the issue is between you two?" I point at Freya and Kat "no it's not that would be because Renee also kissed Freya that night" my blood is boiling right now "where does she live?" "I don't know" "WHERE DOES SHE LIVE FREYA!" "I don't know I swear I don't" "get her here" "baby!" "No" "GET HER HERE NOW!" "No" "fine oh and by the way I'd rather spend the full 2 weeks in a fucking seizure than stay with you again. Me and you are fucking done" "Chris" "WE JUST HAD TO LAY OUR FUCKING LIVES OUT ON THE TABLE FOR EVERYONE. I HAD TO TALK TO THEM ABOUT MY DRINKING, CUTTING AND FUCKING SEIZURES. I HAD TO TALK ABOUT MY DEAD FUCKING PARENTS FUCK YOU FREYA JUST FUCK YOU" I storm out of the back door slamming it and going to my gym.

~Leah's POV~
Chris is absolutely fucking steaming and I can't blame her I could have stopped her from going off on one but no why should I? What am I going to do? I tried to go see her but Kieth said he would go see her "why did you do it Freya?" "I was drunk and just venting to what I thought was a friend I am so sorry" "sorry doesn't turn back time and un publish that article." Kieth comes back "she kicked me out." Great, after 45 minutes I go to the gym and hear the music blaring so I just go in "not now dad!" "It's me, I wanted to check on you" she turns around and her eyes are red and she has sweat pouring out of her "baby come here?" I put my arms out "baby I'm dripping in sweat" "I don't care get the fuck here now" "oh ok sorry" "yeah you better be." Chris comes over hugging me now I kind of wish I listened to her. I convince Chris to come inside but she goes straight upstairs for a shower when she comes downstairs she joins us in the sitting room "why are you still here Freya?" "Please Chris I want to make this up to you I know it will take time but please let me try" "before you do anything for me you need to make it up to Kat" "I know I do I really do I wish I never went out I was hammered and she took advantage of that." Chris just sighs then sits there quiet "do you's mind if we just have tonight to just kind of come down from the events of the day?" "Of course not bubs we will see yous soon ok." We say goodbye to everyone then just head to bed.

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