
By Katies_Girl

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Sid-er-eus ~ Latin Heavenly; Starry; Star-like Stars are holes in the universe; the light of heaven coming fr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Four

Chapter Seventy Three

28 2 0
By Katies_Girl

"Those Archangel's are pretty intollerable, aren't they?"

"The utter worst."

Apparently... Death a foodie.

When Crowley had brought me here I'd thought he was pulling a stupid joke. Generally, that's how these things go with him. Yet upon inspection through the giant stickered up window of a small Italian man the fallen bodies were unmistakable. Like everyone died the moment Death had stepped inside. Yet, there he was. Knife and fork in a frail grasp slicing into his pizza. Dressed to the nines with his aged hair slicked back he seems to contemplate the food he's enjoying as the world out here turns to shit. Pulling my jacket tighter, I ignore Crowley rushing me across the street and enter the eatery.

Stepping through the door I ensure my boots are silent against the checkered tiles. Gracefuly stepping over and around staff and patron's dead bodies. Suddenly the scythe turns scolding and I'm forced to drop the weapon. Cringing as the clang reverberates through teh bones of the pizzaria.

"Thanks for returning that." With a wave of his knife, Death doesn't even turn his attention to me over his shoudler "Join me, Eleanor Alexander. The pizza's delicious." Every muscle in me is stiff appproaching his table for two. Offically weaponless, I can only slide gracefully into the seaat across from him. "Took you long enough to find me. I've been wanting to talk to you."

"I have to admit...I'm somewhat confused." Breath leaving my body as he raised a thin aged brow towards me, I ask "You gonna kill me or wear me?"

Death doesn't even bat an eye "You have an inflated sense of your importance. To a thing like me, a thing like you, well...Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers." Pausing his cutting, Death tells me utterly unimpressed "I'm old, Eleanor. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you."

"If it isn't rude to enquire" I dare to tap the bravery within "How old are you?"

"As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore." Shrugging, Death continues to enjoy his meal "Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless- at the end I'll reap him too."

Raising my brows, I feel myself curiously lean against the table. It's not as if I'm in any immediate danger at the moment. Unlike the others who've tried to kill me Death doesn't seem the least bit fussed. Like the idea of a loaded supreme is more enticing then killing me. "You'll reap God?"

"Oh, yes" Death nods along, indulging me "God will die too."

There's a moment of pause before I consider asking "Why'm I still breathing? Sitting here with you? What is it you want?"

"The leash around my neck off" Death doesn't waste a beat "Lucifer has me bound to him. Some unseemly little spell. He has me where he wants, when he wants. That's why I couldn't go to you. I had to wait for you to catch up. He made me his weapon. Hurricanes, floods, raising the dead." Shaking his head, Death leans over athe table to complain "I'm more powerful than you can process...and I'm enslaved to a bratty child with a temper tantrum."

"Those Archangel's are pretty intollerable, aren't they?"

"The utter worst."

"And you think I can unbind you?"

Rolling his eyes, Death sets down his cutlery and finally focuses in on me across the table. The cold in his stare rooting me to my seat. "There's your ridiculous bravado again- Of course you can't. But you can help me take the bullets out of Lucifer's gun." With a raise of his hand, i note the rested ring as dark as obsidian "I understand you want this?"


"I'm inclined to give it to you."

Arching my brow, I pry hesitatnly "And why would Death be inclined to do that?"

Death level's that icey gaze on me "From my experiance Alexander's are tenacious creatures who are exemplary in completing their objectives."

Sensing the catch, I lean back to steel my gaze against Death's "You're giving me the understanding there are conditions?"

"You have to do whatever it takes to put Lucifer in his cell."

"Of course" I answer in a heartbeat.

"Whatever it takes."

"That's the plan."

Distinctivly, Death tilts his head "No. No plan. Not yet. The Winchester boy. He's the one that can stop Lucifer. The only one."


There's not a doubt in my mind he's talking about Sam.

The conversation we held yesterday morning echoing in my mind, I knowingly pry "What do you know that I don't?"

"You just heard it. You're going to let Sam Winchester jump right into that fiery pit" Death holds my gaze, the ring settled in the palm of his hand between us. Car's crashing outside I feel the thunder shake the ground beneath my feet. Strong armed by Death...Who'd have thought? "Well, do I have your word?"

Through gritted teeth, I nod "Yes."

"That had better be 'yes', Eleanor. You know you can't cheat death." Extending my hand with another nod, Death holds my gaze a moment longer before dropping the ring in my palm. The metal biting the warmth of my hand. "Now" Re-raising his cutlery, Death returns to his pizza as if speaking of the morning news "Would you like the instruction manual?"

Ten long minutes later I step out of the pizzeria. A fire tuck attending to a couple crashed cars by boot splashes a deep puddle as I stride past. My hair no longer whirling around in the tornaro of rain and gale i reach for the tie.

"So" Crowley pop's out of the blue, something that no longer startles me "How'd we fair?"

"Got the ring and the instructions", I tear the lacky from my hair, stepping into an ally with Crowley "Now get me out of here before Death changes his mind."


Walking into Bobby's house I'm met with some very bloodied Winchesters, a crystal calm Castiel, and a pacing Bobby. Soon as the door claps shut every erattic eye snaps towards me and the ring i hold in my hand. I don't flinch away from the questions thrown at me; What happened with Death? Is that the ring? What happened? Are you okay?

Instead, my gaze carefully zones in on Sam "Can we have a moment? Alone?"

Sam's brows furrow but he steps around his brother "Sure."

"Hang on" Dean's hand grabs Sam's shoulder, forcing him to stop as his green eyes narrow in on me "What's this about El?"

"Not you" I steel my gaze with Dean. I don't break it until Sam's wandering past me. Following his broad tall body back out the door.


"Death wants me to jump in the Cage with the Devil?"

"He was a real stubbon negotiator on the topic."

Having hashed out my encounter with Death I laid it out plan and simple for Sam. In order for me to aquire the ring peacefully off Death he had me swear Sam would take on the Devil and jump into the cage. Eying the obsidion ring that i've placed between us on the hood of the Impala we've perched upon, Sam asks me tentivly "Why couldn't you tell this to everyone?"

"Everyone would make the decision for you" I shake my head dismissivly "I refuse that. It's not fair." Humming Sam nods. Staring at the ring and all the consequences it brings. My heart straining in my chest, I sympathise "I wanted you to have the oppertunity to say no."

Shaking his head, Sam purses his lips into a tight line "There's no choice and either way it sucks." Sitting straighter, Sam raises his hands "I don't jump in then the Angel's have their battle and the world is destoryed. I jump into the pit with the Devil and there's no coming back for me."

"So really just a regular Wednesday for us?" Dropping his hands with a slap against his thighs, Sam squints into the sun setting over the scrape yard. A heavy silence falling over the both us us realising this might be his last. "I won't let anyone force you into this Sam" I reassure him "You don't want to go into the pit with the Devil then that's okay. I'll send Death a strongly worded email telling him to go fuck himself." Sam's shoudlers shaking from a chuckle, I nudge his shoudler with mine "I've got your back. So you tell me how you want to handle this."

Biting down on his smirk, Sam chuckles "You would not tell Death to go fuck himself." Noting the serious look on my face, Sam reiterates "He'd kill you Eleanor. He's Death."

"Yeah, well I do dumb shit all the time Sam. This is nothing new."

Shaking his head, Sam takes the ring in his hand "I'll do it. I'll jump in with the Devil. But you've gotta promise me something."

Nodding, I say "Name it."

"After I jump in...let it lie."

Pursing my lips, I tisk "Not sure I can do that Sam."

"El we've gone through Hell just getting here-lost good people getting here. To this point." Dismissivly shaking his had, the sun sets afainst his scrunched features "You open that cage he's gonna get out. All this bloodshed is gonna kick off again and the world will burn anyways." Rolling the ring in his fingers, Sam extends it towards me "Promise me you and the others won't come searching for a way to break it back open. Let it lie." My gaze set stubbornly on him, Sam sternly repeats himself "Let. It. Lie. It's all I ask."

Relinquishing a heavy sigh, I accept the ring from Sam "Promise." Curling my hand around the ring cold as night, I wonder "Who tells Dean?"

Sliding my gaze to Sam, I see him watching me. Both us paused for a heartbeat. So silent all you can hear are the cricket's from the bushes. Immeadiatly, as if in sync, our hands blast up "NOT IT!"


To say I'm astonished we made it through to Detroit is an understandment of the melenium.

Whilst I stuck to the cliff notes, Sam relinquished me from the blame by telling Dean this is what he is going to do. That it's 'his choice'. We began the night with a steady no which escalated into an abhorant screaming match between all four parties- Castiel excluded of course. Dean strictly told Cas he had no opinion the moment he agreed with Sam's plan. We yelled and argued ourselves hoarse. I'd given up by midnight when I was told I should've been Angel enough to blast Death to smoke then and there.

As if I would actually have the upper hand over Death.

By the time Bobby and I'd run out to grab breakfast at dawn the screaming from the brothers had settled into bitter glares which eased Dean into an uncomfortable acceptance. Sam is a Winchester. Like all Winchesters once they make up their mind, their extremly unyeilding. It's either support his choice or allow Sam to do it alone.

That leaves us slamming our doors in a backwards alley just outside of Detroit. Swuinting through the darkness, I mutter "Can't believe they choose this to go down in Detroit."

"It's what Lucifer showed me" Dean slams his door shut, scaning the area same as I "Seems to be panning out so far."

Wandering away as they say their goodbyes I peer out of the alley. Cold windy weather keeping folks inside and off the streets. As if they can sense the gloom in the air and choose to remain indoors.

"You're stayin?"

Purse my lips into a line, I nod towards Bobby "Of course." Noticing the soft look edging onto his face, I raise my finger sternly "Bobby we are not saying goodbye. Not like this."

Reaching for my hand, Bobby envelops it in his firm weathering grasp. "I'll be seein you soon girly" Bobby rubs a calloused thumb over the back of my hand "In one peice."

Resting my other hand over Bobby's, I tease softly "Yes dad."

When I notice the glaze over Bobby's eyes I tug him into a tight hug. His arm's reaching to hold me just as tightly. Swallowing the thick lump growing in my throat I hold Bobby tightly knowing deep down we're in the deep end now and the time we have... there's not much of it left. "It's not an easy thing watching your girl grow up you know" Bobby's voice is gruff in my ear, grumblling "I'm so fortunate I got to see the woman you've become." Pulling me back, Bobby smiles as a tear slides into his beard "You turned out alright kiddo."

Broken chuckle falling from my lips, I wipe Bobby's tear stain away "What can I say? I had an excellent role model." With a heavy heart I watch Bobby and Cas leave the alley way towards the main city. Staring after Bobby until he passes right out of view.

"Hey" Sam's voice draws my attention back, waving the jug of blood to the side "I'm just gonna..." I'm already dismissivly nodding. He's gonna go off and drink three people worth of Demon's blood. From the look on Dean's face he's as appreciative for Sam doing it discreetly as I am.


My stride comes to an abrupt stop, "Holy canoli."

"What?" Dean's head sharply searches the aea of the backstreet we've stepped into "Demon's?"

Reaching to stop Sam, I mumble curiously "Reapers." Stood not feet apart from one another the reapers stare at the townhouse in the end of the street. Dressed in dapper suits he just stand staring. Patiantly waiting to reap the death looming over this city. Lowering my hand from Sam, I quietly add "That's a death omen if I've ever seen one."

"Now you see Reapers?" Dean mutters close to my ear "What other work perks do you have under your sleeve?"

"Devil or not I will knock your teeth out Dean Winchester."

As if he cannot stand to listin to us argue, Sam launches into our faux plan. Striding towards the house I watch him pass through all the Reapers stood in our path. Yelling with a brave face "All right! We're here, you sons of bitches!" Approching the house, Sam booms "Come and get it!"

Like running water escaping a tap, Demon's flow out the front door.

Following our plan I allow two Demon's to grab my arms as they do the brothers. Escourting us through the short doorframe and up the narrow doorframe to be shoved into a top floor room. My attention immeadiatly grabbed by the Devil leaning against the chilled window. "Hey, guys. So nice of you to drop in." Not acknowledging us, Lucifer continues to draw outlines on the freezing glass pane "Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite."

"Well, I'll alert the media."

At Dean's comment, Lucifer turns his head. The street light illuminating the soars blotching his skin. Clearly the vessal chosen isn't holding up. It's on it's last legs. "Help me understand something, guys" Lucifer motions back to the street we'd arrived from "I mean, stomping through my front door is... a tad suicidal, don't you think?"

Beside me I sense Dean's sharp intake of breath when sam answers "We're not here to fight you."

"No?" Genuine pafflement crossed Lucifers face, turning to give Sam his undivded attention "Then why are you?"

"I want to say yes."

A devilish smirk curls on Lucifer's lips, "Excuse me?"

Sam takes a breath and flashes of light burst behind me. One by one I hear the Demon's die. Empting their host that collapses to the floorboards. Raising his brows, Lucifer remarks "Chock-full of Ovaltine, are we?"

"You heard me" Sam sticks to his guns "Yes."

For an immensely long moment, Lucifer pauses "You're serious."

"Look, Judgment Day's a runaway train. We get it now. We just want off."


"Deal of the century. I give you a free ride but when it's all over, I live, he lives, she lives, you bring our parents back, you bring her sister back-"

"Okay, can we please drop the telenovela?" Lucifer dismisses Sam's demands with a wave of is hand "I know you have the rings, Sam."

Playing right into our hand, Sam shakes his head "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Sighing, Lucifer steps away from the window and closer to the centre of the room, "The Horsemen's rings? The magic keys to my Cage? Ring a bell?" Pausing at our silence, Lucifer huffs "Come on, Sam. I've never lied to you. You could at least pay me the same respect. It's okay. I'm not mad. A wrestling match inside your noggin... I like the idea. Just you and me, one round, no tricks. You win, you jump in the hole. I win... Well, then I win." Clasping his hands, Lucifer waits with a cunning grin "What do you say, Sam? A fiddle of gold against your soul says I'm better than you."

Sam pauses for a breath before muttering, "So he knows. Doesn't change anything."

"Sam" Dean warns, his tone deadly low as we'd discussed.

"We don't have any other choice."

Quickly I reach for Sam's hand only for Sam to snatch it away "No Sam-"

"-Yes." Sam's sharp words cut through the room like a knife through break.

The last thing I see is Lucifer's sinister smirk before the room erupts in light. Eminating so brightly I can see it through my hands that come to sheild my gaze. When the light dims I remove my hand. Raising my brows at Sam motionless on the floor. No indication to the battle going on in his head.

Seizing the opportunity, I dart to crouch and sift in Sam's pockets. Pulling out the rings that have locked together to form a key. Stepping away from the brothers i throw the key at the closest wall and chant "Bvtmon...Tabges...Babalon." A breeze flows through the house and I step back. The wall breaks away brick by brick as if a hole is ripped between this world and hell. Air is sucked into it like it needs something to cage inside.


"Dean!" Whipping around I watch Dean helping his brother bac to his feet. Sam painfully clutching his head as if a war raged within. "I can feel him- Oh, god!"

"You got to go now! Come on!" Dean helps steady him on his feet and I step aside as he aligns Sam with the pit "Go now, Sammy. Now!"

Sam walks towards the hole and takes some deep breaths. Standing on the presepous of the pit to jump inside. Then he turns back to smirk with a cold smirk I know isn't Sam's. "I was just messing with you" he tilts his head "Sammy's long gone."


I don't know how long Dean and I sat in that empty townhouse. I couldn't tell you if it was a minute or an hour. We just stared as Lucifer took the key and a ride in his meatsuit out of dodge. Sam took the risk for us and we couldn't even get it to pay off- to mean anything.

I'll be damned if Sam said yes is vain.

Shoving myself off the wall, I nudge Dean's shoulder "Let's get back to the car."

Glancing up at me with enough unshed tears in his eyes to break my heart all over again, Dean questions "Where're we heading?"

Grasping his hand, I yank Dean back to his feet "No idea but I know who will."


"Mistress Magda?"

Dean finding it in him to half ass a sort, I adjust my perch on the Impala's hood "No, Chuck. Just Eleanor

"Oh, uh, Eleanor. Uh, wow. I, uh, I didn't know that you'd call."

"Sure you didn't. Who's Mistress Magda?"

"Nothing. She's a, uh, a – just a, uh... a close friend."

"Yeah, I'll bet you're real close", I raise my brows at Dean who's shaking his head "Whatever happened to Becky?"

"Didn't work out" With a heavy sigh, Chuck pitches to me "I had too much respect for her."

"Wow" Dean mutters to me quietly "Really got a whole virgin hooker thing going on, doesn't he?"

Shoving his forehead back out of my vacinity, I explain to Chuck "Look Chuck I'm gonna be honest. We have a situation. Sam said yes."

"I know. I saw it. I'm just working on the pages."

Leaving aside the fact the little shit could've given us the heads up, I ask "Did you see where the title fight goes down?"

"The angels are keeping it top secret – very hush-hush."

"You're a prohet of the lord Chuck" I grind my teeth, the threat hung in my voice "Prophetise."

I hear an anxious laugh down the line, "But I saw it anyway. Perks of being a prophet. It's tomorrow, high noon- place called Stull Cemetery."

Furrowing my brows I'm about to ask Dean to pull up a map before I see realisation flash over his features. Knowing gaze locking with mine, I ask "Where is that?"

"That's-" Dean pauses before continues "That's an old boneyard outside of Lawrence."

"That's poetic" I mutter with a roll of my eyes "Why Lawrence?"

"I don't know... It all has to end where it started, I guess."

Huffing, I massage my brain as if i can make the situation we've landed in go away "You know of any way to short-circuit this thing?"

"Besides the rings? No. I'm sorry."

"Well, do you have any idea what's gonna happen next?"

"I wish that I did" he defeatedly sighs over the phone line "But I-I just- I honestly don't know yet."

Dropping my hand I lift my gaze from the road. I can't make him tell me what he doesn't know. I could badger him all night but it won't make a diffrence on what he knows. "All right. Thanks, Chuck." Tucking my phone into my pocket my gaze drifts to Dean's already locked on me. Lawrence, Kansas. The back of my boot knocking against his tyre, I insinuate "Twelve hour drive out of Michigan to Kansas."

Rolling his lip, Dean tilts his head back and forth "Could make it in nine if I punch it."

Despite where we stand with eachother, despite the bitterness residing between us, despite our failure to stop the world burning to the ground... we are in agreement on one thing.

Sam's not in this alone.


The tension on the ride to Kansas is palpable without Bobby or Cas to use as a buffer. When Bobby and Cas called our mission suicide that was all it took to leave them behind. Yet amongst the silence we're caged in I'm wishing I'd fought harder for them to come with us. The comfortable air Dean and I had shared is now unbarable. He white knuckles the wheel and I avert my stare out the passanger seat. No laughter, no jokes or remarks... just cold tense silence.

Staring over the stretching farmland, I quietly ask the question plaguing my mind "Do you think I'm one of them?"

A heavy silence hangs between us before I hear Dean sigh beside me. Like the weight of the world is on his shoudlers. "We grew up on hunting the inhuman and now your a-" Dean's all but choking on the word "-Guardian Angel- where does that slot in? Good guy? Bad guy? I'm tryin to reconcil that in my head and-" Dragging my gaze off the dawning farmland, I see Dean biting his lip. Probably trying to think through his words. "It's not like Sam. I can't dry you out. You're a proper Angel El- so powerful God had to come down and take that shit off your ancestors." Dean glances all over the road, anywhere but at me "And you stolen it from Heaven out of hate El. That's the part that scares the shit out of me."

Deep down, I find the courage to ask "Even if it could mean saving Sam? The world?"

Dean doesn't miss a beat, "I'd rather let the world burn." When Dean finally glances towards me it cements where we stand in stone "Nobody has that right to that much power. Not even God."

That's where we stand rolling over the Kansas boarder. He is right, I didn't need the power the grace that had been my ancestors held. I don't know the power it could give me but I still took it. Stole it because I wanted to spite Heaven. I wanted to make them tremble and shake like my ancestors had. I wanted vindication and that need still thrums through me as steady as my own heartbeat. What is so wrong about that?

"Suppose that's the difference between us. You'd let the world burn." I avert my gaze out the Imapala's window onces more "I'd use everything in my power to save it. Even if I have to lose myself doing it."


The Rock of Ages cassett by Def Leppard plays as we roll through Stull Cemetary. Rolling right through until we careen to a halt in from of the Archangel's on the outskirts of the graveyard. Correct in our assumptions, Michael as settled with Adam as his vessal. Lucifer sneering at the Imapala through Sam's body. Glaring as if he now has another problem to deal with.

As I shove the car door open, Dean yells across the field "Howdy, boys!"

Slaming my door, I round the front of the car as Dean hangs over his door "Sorry. Are we interrupting something?" I only receive two very ugly and unfriendly glares towards me.

Slaming his door shut as I lean against the Imapala hood, feighing bordom, Dean points to Sam "Hey. We need to talk."

Clasping his hands in front of him, Lucifer pull's Sam's lips into a sympathetic grimance "Dean. Even for you and Eleanor, this is a whole new mountain of stupid."

"I'm not talking to you" Dean doesn't falter infront of his brother "I'm talking to Sam."

"You're no longer the vessel, Dean" Adam pipes up across the feild "You got no right to be here."

Snatching out the angel blade I've holstered in my back, I shove myself off the hood of the car "You have no right body snatching Adam like that!"

Hands by his side, Michael glares at me me with an icy calm "Alexander...last of her name...It'll be my pleasure to end your pathetic greedy line." With a fling of his hand I feel the burst of energy colide with my body. Thrusted around me it sweeps my hair like water around a rock. And Michael's adherent shock... my smirk swelled into an all out grin as his realisation sweeps in. With fury that causes the clouds to rumble, Michael snarls "You little maggot!"

"You sound upset Michael" I spit spitefully on the grass between us "Did someone take something that belongs to you?"

A laugh across the field and I see Lucifer slowly clapping his hands, "Well played Alexander. Well played." With a wicked grin, Lucifer taunts his brother "She swindled you good, didn't she brother?"

You can see the anger rolling off Michael as he loses control over the situation before him. From the fire is his glare he burns my way, I'd say my heist in heaven is playing an unnecessarily large part. "No!" Hi booms, scrambling to take charge over the situation quickly slipping out of his control "You are no longer a part of this story!"

"Hey assbutt!" My glare is drawn from Michael to see Cas and Bobby stepping from the trees that surrounded us. That's not what sends my brows raising. It's the molotov cocktail of holy fire Castiel holds in his grasp one moment and ditches at Michael the next. One moment Michsel is casting his fury, the next he goes up into smoke.

The heavy silence we fall into is extremely unbearable.

"Castiel" Lucifer's previous amusement over the current situation has completely disappeared "Did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?"

"Uh..." Cas stands like a deer in headlights "...No."

"No one dicks with Michael but me." With a snap if Sam's fingers Castiel explodes in a rain of blood and chunks of meat. Even raising my hands its not enough to prevent some of the blood spraying me.

"Sammy," Dean calls beside me, pleading to his brother "Can you hear me?"

"You know... I tried to be nice... for Sammy's sake" Lucifer drops the hand he holds to his chest, as if this entire ordeal is painful him "But you... are such a pain... in my ass."

With a flick of his wrist the force blows around me but Dean's thrown off his feet. Colliding onto the windshield of the Impala which shatters under his weight. I barely watch Dean roll out of the glass before a shotgun shot sounds through the cemetery. Turning I see Bobby shoot Sam's hosted body again. Yet there's no damage or even a flinch of pain from Lucifer. He simply smiles, raising his hand and twists. Bobby collapsing with the snap of his neck.

At the moment I don't see Sam, I see red.

The angel blade flies from my grasp before I even know it's leaving. Lucifer side stepping within seconds of collision. Too concerned with it lodged in the trunk of the tree to see me palm my other blades. When my silver dagger buried itself in his back Lucifer's roar could've levelled the cemetery. Sprinting the gap between us I viciously launch into his back, not considering Sam's body I wedge the dagger down through the shoulder blade sending Sam's body into the tree trunk.

Tearing out the angel blade his giant hand grabs mine as I pull it towards his throat. tearing out the silver blade, I hook my elbow around his neck and swing my legs sideways. Throwing his off balance and hauling Lucifer to the ground we roll again until I'm on top of him. One arm pinned under my boot I throw my weight into the angel blade at his throat. Grinding my teeth and snarling at the godly stubbornness of the Devil sneering back at me through Sam's doe eyes.


I faltered and Lucifer felt it.

Through my violent need I didn't notice the rock Lucifer fumbled desperately with before it's collided with my head.


When everything comes back into focus I immediately zone into Dean's sobs. Pushing myself off the grass, I close my eyes. Furrowing my brows pleading for the world to cease it's out of control spining. When I open them again, I search the cemetary. Sunken to his knees by the Impala, Dean looks beaten to a pulp. Even from this distance, I can see the swelling of his face. Swollen eyes, busted swollen lips and cheeks, blood gushing everywhere. Like he was on the presepus of death. Yet, he is knelt staring at the horsemans rings in his hands without a sign of Sam.

From the heartbreak on Dean's face it's easy to deduce Sam managed to throw Lucifer into the cage.

Gasp herd feet away my jaw hangs as Bobby launches up, gasping for air. His big brown eyes flicker around before they land on me. His hands finding their wy to his neck that was definitely snapped the last time I checked.

"Eleanor" Leaves crunching beside me, Castiel's big blue eyes meet mine wide in shock "Allow me."

A touch of my forehead and the wooziness disappears. My hand finding no cut when I reach for the side of my head that should be displaying a nasty gash. "Cas" my words come out no louder then a murmur "You exploded."

As if it was such a normal thing to hear, Cas nods "Yes...but I believe he brought me back. God. New and improved."

My raised brows don't shake their stance, "God?" Cas nodding singularly, I furiously snap "Where was he?!" Castiel doesn't give me an answer. Only a silent apologetic look that shows me he doesn't have the answer either. Hope and belief; that's all he has. Hands to my head I throw myself hopelessly back on the grass. Tears of grief and desperation rolling down my cheeks in ribbons.

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Y/n, a hunter with a rough past. But let's be honest, most hunters got a shitty past. Y/n wasn't a well known hunter like the Winchester's, she's hea...
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Hope is an angel of the Lord that has rebelled because she's certain God isn't coming back. But the angels are on the hunt for her because they think...
600 37 10
One sits staring at the stars wondering how to tell him. One lays awake on the bed wondering if he should say anything. But both of them are certai...