Leah and her soldier

By Victoria742696

201K 4.4K 197

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... More

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
Can I fix this?
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Physio part 2
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
But i love you
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
Time to open the gym
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Date day
The interview
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
The first meeting
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
What have you done now?
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views
Date day
Family bbq with an unwanted visitor
Moving around
Moving day
First game of the season
I need you!
Recovery begins today
Christmas as a family
Why? I don't understand
Please you have to forgive me
I need a break
Meeting up with Emily
Family time

Opening the gym

1.3K 31 1
By Victoria742696

I wake up before Leah and get my gym bag and work bag ready. I also get some suit trousers and a shirt putting them in my suit bag. Leah starts to stir so I lie on the bed and cuddle her "why you up so early?" God I love her morning voice "because my very beautiful girlfriend I open the gym to the public today" "your cute when your excited" "cute? Cute? Noooo I'm a big strong girl me nothing cute here" "baby you are the cutest" "noooo I think you'll find your the cutest my love, and super sexy with your super sexy morning voice" I give Leah a kiss "who finds a morning voice sexy" "me when it's yours why? You got a problem with that?" "No not at all, want a lift to work?" "Do you not mind?" "No not at all" "just wait my love just another 13 months without a seizure and I can drive you around" "I can't wait for that." I finish getting ready then go downstairs and make mine and Leah's breakfast "what's with the suit bag baby?" "I've got a meeting after work we are going to a restaurant so have some of the girls over and order pizza or something" "a dinner meeting sounds more of a date to me" "are you with me?" "Ermmm no" "then no date just a boring meeting but a restaurant is bigger so no mask." We finish eating Leah doesn't have training until later so she is going to walk Bella meeting up with Beth and Steph after dropping me off.

We arrive at the gym "do you want me to pick you up after your meeting?" "No my love you have fun with the girls" "are you sure?" "Yeah baby honestly I will just get a taxi" "you know I hate you getting a taxi when I have a perfectly good car" "I know but I hate you running around after me plus this means you can have a drink if you want" "ok baby if your sure" "I am sure my love but I need to get in there got lots to do today" "ok baby I will speak to you later" "I love you" "love you too baby." I give Leah a kiss then go inside "hi Chris" "good morning Catherine how are you?" "Good thank you" "that's good." I go to my office and it needs a bloody good clean so I start with that. Once I finish cleaning I can finally start working. I first have to sign off the wages now that is a process in it's self that takes me most of the day but so I don't get bored and make a mistake I dip into other tasks. There is a knock on my door "come in" "hey Chris" "hey Tony everything alright?" "Yeah it's time for you to train" "bloody hell is that the time?" "Yeah is everything alright?" "Yeah just been doing payroll" "ohhhhh" "I know" "Chris what's with the suit?" "Ohhhh I'm taking Leah's parents out for dinner tonight" "Leah not going with you?" "Nooooo I'm asking for their permission to ask Leah to marry me" "that's fantastic Chris honestly yous are fantastic together" "thanks Tony but I am shitting myself" "I was the same having that conversation with Sarah's parents" "yeah but it all worked out well for you" "and it will you Chris, are we recording this one?" "Why not mate."

Today is leg day so I get warmed up and start off with some leg presses. Tony records some of it then we move on. We do this for the next 2 hours and once I'm done we go into his office and edit the video adding music and post it to on the gyms Instagram page. Within 15 minutes we have a massive influx of new followers and I have a massive influx of new follower requests "what the fuck is going on?" I go on Instagram "shit" "what? What's happened?" I go to show Tony Leah's Instagram story but it has gone "Leah may of just leaked our relationship and the gym on her instagram" "how?" "She forgot to set her story onto friends and family and shared the gyms video" "how's that leaked the relationship?" "Oh your know the love hearts and the smiley face with love heart eyes on it" "ohhhhh." My phone starts to ring "Leah she will be in a panic now I bet you £10" "you're on." I answer and put her on speaker "hi my love" "baby I'm so so so sorry I swear I didn't mean to do it, I've taken it down but it's too late, I shared your gym video on my story on instagram and now everyone has seen it" "Leah breath it's fine honestly" "no, no it's not now everyone knows and your going to get hounded" "baby trust me it's fine I can handle what's to come plus you just won me £10" "what how?" "I bet Tony that your were phoning in a panic so hand over Tony" "yeah yeah" I take Leah off speaker "now baby will you calm down I will be fine the gym will be fine" "yeah but I'm seeing your followers on the gym just going up every time I refresh" "that's not such a bad thing" "I know but you said you didn't want me to promote the gym" "and you haven't baby you made a small mistake and that's it I promise everything will be fine" "and what about the press" "fuck them baby stop stressing we will be fine I promise. What are you doing now?" "Just getting ready to go home" "and did you invite the girls around?" "Yeah I did" "good so forget about what happened and enjoy your night and I will see you when I get home" "ok I will try" "there is no try only do" "your so quirky" "isn't that why you love me?" "One of the many reasons" "oooo many reasons can't wait to hear the rest" "right go do some work, I love you" "I love you too baby see you when I get home." I hang up and me and Tony have to laugh about it "told you" "yeah yeah, you know yous are so cute together and I better get an invite to the wedding" "Jesus she has to say yes, bloody hell her parents have to say yes to me asking her first" "oh come on Chris you know everyone is going to say yes" "I hope so but of course you would get an invite, right I need to shower then get ready I am meeting Amanda and David in an hour and a half" "ok well text me and let me know what they said" "will do mate."

I go and use the shower drying and straightening my hair then getting ready. I do like the changing rooms here there is privacy. I leave the changing "damn girl" "how do I look?" "Nervous as fuck" "so exactly how I feel then" "relax Chris everything is going to work out trust me" "thanks Tony I will catch you tomorrow" "see you tomorrow Chris" "bye Tony." I book my taxi and wait for it outside for it I couldn't be bothered having everyone ask me why I'm dressed up. The taxi arrives and I decide to put my headphones in to distract me from my nerves. When I get to the restaurant I wait outside trying to compose myself when I feel a tap on my shoulder, shit I'm caught Leah has caught me. I turn around "hi sweetheart" I sigh with relief "hi Amanda hi David should we go in?" "That would be good yeah, no Leah tonight?" "Oh erm no not tonight but we will sort something next time." We go in and get seated at the table, I order my food but to be honest I don't know if I can eat I feel sick. "How's the gym coming along?" "Yeah doing really good it was the first day back open today and every time slot was filled right up until closing tonight" "that's really good, how is things between you and Leah" "never been better" "and your sobriety?" "14 months strong" "good that's what about your seizures?" "11 month without one" "good that's very good" "thank you." I am being really interrogated by David but I can't blame him. Our food arrives and I'm just pushing my food around the plate despite it smelling incredible "are you alright Chris you've gone very quiet and haven't touched your food" "me yeah I'm erm fine" "what's going on sweetheart." I sigh putting my knife and fork down "I did ask yous here for a reason" "and that reason is?" "I need to ask yous a question sorry want to ask yous a question" "ok we are listening." I take a deep breath "so I wanted to ask for erm, I wanted to ask ask" "Chris sweetheart breath" I take another breath "I wanted to ask for your permission to ask Leah to marry me." Amanda has a huge smile spread across her face then she looks at David who smiles at her "of course Chris we were both hoping this day would come" "thank you so much" I breath a relief breath "but Chris if you ever hurt my daughter the next car you get hit by will be mine and I will make sure you don't get up is that understood?" "David!" "Totally understood sir that would never happen I can promise you that."

We finish our meals I actually manage to eat now "do you want a lift home?" "No thank you I told Leah this was a business meeting" "we can drop you near the house if you want" "no honestly it's fine I will taxi it will give me time to process everything" "ok well we will see you soon Chris" "yous will, bye." I walk down the street a little bit trying to contain my smile. I get a taxi home when I get there, there is no one in the house but I hear laughing coming from out back and the hot tub jets "hmmm wonder where everyone is." I go into the back garden and see Beth, Viv, Steph and Katie in the hot tub with Leah and Calvin running around the garden with Bella "looks like I'm missing a party" "wowww look at you business girl" "thank you Steph" I go over kissing Leah on the cheek from behind "hi baby yous having fun?" "Yeah" she turns around "damn baby you look hot" "don't baby you'll make me blush, have yous all ate?" "Ermmmmm nooooo" "and whyyyyy?" "We didn't know what we wanted" "fine let me sort something for yous" "no baby you have just got home" "trust me I know what yous want." I go inside and order dominoes with pizza and chicken wings and strips then I go back outside "sorted" "what did you get us?" "You will find out when it gets here McCabe" "are you coming in?" "Nahhh not tonight don't want to make McCabe feel bad about my abs" "my abs are better than yours Taylor" "trust me Katie they aren't" "you would say that Chris is your girlfriend" "fine you want proof?" Leah rips my shirt open at the buttons "awww this was my favourite shirt" "see no ones abs beat my girls" "well you know what since I'm halfway there fuck it" I take my shirt off jumping in the hot tub "McCabe your getting the door" "why me?" "Because you're the reason Leah ripped my shirt open, how are yous doing Beth, Viv?" They got together during covid they are cute together "yeah we're good Leah said you had a business meeting how did it go?" I pull Leah onto my lap "exactly the way I hoped it would" "baby you know you still have your trousers on" "I do yeah why are you wanting me to take them off like?" "Well yes but just not when these are around" I have to laugh. When food arrives we all get out but I never thought about getting into the house "hmmmm baby could you get me a towel please?" "Oooo I don't know" "fine I'll just remove my pants in front of everyone" "I'll be back in just a moment" "thank you my love." Leah comes back down with a towel so I wrap it around me taking my trousers off putting them straight in the washing machine. "Right yous eat and I'm going to get changed" I run upstairs getting dried and changed, I put some shorts, a vest and hoody on going back downstairs. Once the girls have finished eating they go back into the hot tub so I just play with the dogs.

The girls eventually go home and I'm tidying up in the kitchen when Leah comes in "how was your meeting baby?" "It was exactly how I wanted it to go my love" "I missed you tonight" "I missed you too beautiful but I now have no more meetings until after you leave for international break" "awww baby your the sweetest" "and your the sexiest you know I love that bikini" Leah whispers in my ear "why do you think I wore it" "thank fuck for that." I pull Leah in kissing her picking her up and carrying her upstairs I have her bikini off before I get to the top of stairs "eager much" "my love I need you." I carry Leah over to the bed and she pulls all of my clothes off. I'm on top of Leah and have her legs parted with mine and get us into a gentle rhythm but maintaining eye contact the entire time. There is a steady flow of moans coming out of both me and Leah. I go back to kissing her, Leah starts to digging her nails into my bag and I know what that means. Leah cries out and I am seconds behind her and I can tell that both mine and Leah's orgasm was powerful. I give Leah lots of kisses and I'm staring into her eyes "I love you so much Leah" "I love you too baby so much." I lie next to Leah and she cuddles into me and we put a movie on lying in bed just spending the evening cuddled up.

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