paper bag ( lip gallager )

By wstrnflies

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♡﹒PAPER BAG﹒e ━━❛hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills.❜ © 2023 ─falselve ( Lip Gallagher + Read... More

i thought he was a man, but he was just a little boy
act one ⸺ everything has changed
chapter 1 : oh, a gallagher
chapter 2 : the storm of frank
chapter 3 : a loose part
chapter 4 : the disappearance of frank gallagher
chapter 5 : first taste
chapter 6 : oh, canada
chapter 7 : shadowboxer
chapter 8 : kidnapping...wait
chapter 9 : gallagher saves the day
chapter 10 : human connection
chapter 11 : never is a promise
chapter 12 : just a second
chapter 13 : don't call it
chapter 14 : sleep to dream
chapter 15 : hurricane monica
chapter 16 : making the bed
chapter 17 : visionary
chapter 18 : dinners under the table
chapter 19 : carrion
chapter 20 : summertime
chapter 21 : death through eyes
chapter 22 : carved with regret
chapter 23: understanding
chapter 24: money about the world
chapter 25: self-inflicted mind tricks
chapter 26: fourth graders fantasy's
chapter 27: west point cheat
chapter 29: extraordinary machine
chapter 30: lip's choices
chapter 31: her choices

chapter 28: run, run, run

173 7 0
By wstrnflies

run, run, run  season 2

How did she end up with an invitation to Karen's wedding? Well, it was thanks to her mother's integral role in orchestrating the entire event. The peculiar atmosphere prevailing at the wedding stemmed from the recent passing of Karen's father, casting a sombre mood as many still harboured suspicions that Frank might be connected to the unfortunate incident.

As Y/n stood before the mirror, she meticulously adorned herself in a pink dress, complemented by white stockings, Mary Janes, and a blue sweater. With her bag in hand, she approached the door, grasped the doorknob, and swung it open, revealing Emmy amid the same pre-wedding preparations. Emmy donned in a purple dress with her hair tied in a ponytail, seemed to be in sync with Y/n.

"Em-" Y/n began to address her sister, but Emmy remained silent, both engaged in the ritual of getting ready. Y/n, undeterred, proceeded to the next phase of their preparation.

Emmy didn't say anything and continued making her way down the steps. Grabbing onto her sister's arm; "Let me talk to you;" Y/n pleaded her little sister; holding onto her arm. 

The brown-haired little girl; didn't take another second before hitting Y/n as a teenager took the hit but the little girl continued multiple times and punching her in the stomach; "Hey, hey, hey" Owen rushed up the steps since he was standing at the door looking for Lucy to come back to the house so that they were able to leave. Owen's arm had wrapped around Emmy's torso dragging her away. 

"Why don't you go back to rehab?!" Emmy shouted with nothing but tears in her eyes. The hallway had fallen nothing but silent. "You do nothing but ruin a good thing!" She shoved their dad off of her before storming down the steps. 

Y/n had not said anything and went silent biting the indie of her cheek just staring at her dad. "What happened?" He furrowed his eyebrows, almost in the moment realizing how distant he was to his daughter's life. 

"Nothing," Y/n shook her head; "It's none of your business;" She cursed almost shocked with emotion since the one person in her family that ever showed she had cared now wanted her to go back into the hole she had fallen into early in the year. 

With each step down the staircase, Y/n delicately wiped away the tears cascading down her cheeks, the weight of emotional turmoil etched on her face. As she reached the bottom, she mustered the strength to open the door, revealing Logan on the verge of knocking. Without a moment's hesitation, she enveloped him in a tight embrace, seeking solace and support.

Logan, sensing the depth of her distress, opted for silence, his arms securely wrapped around her. His gentle touch extended to rubbing the back of her head, a soothing gesture intended to calm the storm of emotions raging within her. Y/n, overcome with grief, buried her face into Logan's shoulder, allowing the tears to flow freely.

In this tender moment, a poignant tableau unfolded. Y/n, finding solace in Logan's arms, looked over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of Owen at the bottom of the steps. His expression mirrored a mixture of shock and uncertainty, a silent witness to the unfolding drama. Owen stood there, grappling with the words that eluded him, unsure of how to navigate the complex emotions swirling around the trio in this poignant moment.

Since the argument Lucy had been keeping Emmy close to her and Owen winded up trying to keep Y/n close to him not only for comfort but he didn't want her to wind up overdosing. But it wasn't going to stop any of them from trying to have a good time at a party even if it was a wedding; something that was supposed to be more formal. 

Most of the people who were here were friends with Jody, or from their SAA Group that they had gone to. But there were a lot of older men, heavy who had biker jackets on; and half of them were balding or bald. Which made Y/n know that they weren't Karen's friends unless they were people she had hooked up with. 

Rock music had played over the speakers, Sheila had put around the house with Debbie sticking her finger into the beautiful, white cake with flowers decorating it and the words in pink read out 'Karen and Jody'. 

Ian stood over with Y/n; who was holding her beer so that her mother didn't see it and wind up flipping during the party. But Lucy seemed to be multiple glasses of wine as she was laughing hard slapping a random man's shoulder. "How long do you want to say before Kev gets caught?" 

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Kevin putting almost all of the hotdog pretzels on his plate trying to take what he wanted. "When someone sober's up." Y/n had answered grabbing the beer and taking a swig of it before Ian held onto it again. 

"When did you drink hard beer?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Since my little sister hates me for fucking your brother." She had answered. "But that doesn't matter does it, 'cause it's no one's business but ours...But- Logan told me about West Point..." 

Ian sighed turning to Logan who seemed to be trying to have a conversation with Jody about something. "That Lip fucked me over." Ian downed the rest of his beer. "Exactly."

"You think passing some test will make you happy?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows looking towards Ian who didn't say anything just looking at her. "Be honest with yourself Ian." 

"I will when you are." Ian shoved her shoulder playfully. 

Y/n went silent biting the bottom of her lip not knowing what to say after that since Ian had a point. "I do exactly, you'll just never notice that about me." She smiled through the pain looking off at the party. 

Fiona and Veronica were making fun of whatever Jody was wearing as a tux. "What is this thing? Ha-ha!" Veronica had winded up laughing loudly over the music. 

"He's doing an urban version of a tuxedo," Fiona mentioned, with Jody staying near Karen the whole day. 

Ian and Y/n went over to try and save Logan from the conversation with Jody as it looked like the boy was just nodding and smiling at everything that the man was saying to her. With a fake smile on her lip she had introduced herself to Jody as Karen glared at her a bit, it was almost like the kind she wasn't able to control. 

Y/n had leaned on Ian as they were now trapped in some conversation with Jody. "I was going for a more American look to the wedding." He rambled; "The cake came out just the way Karen had planned." 

"Nothing says America like security guards." Logan had pointed out, the men who were wearing all black standing near the entrances. It was obvious that they were put there so that Lip didn't come stumbling into the wedding and crashing it. 

"Well you look like a happy family" The comment came out of her mouth, and she didn't catch that it was backhanded until it came out of her mouth. "Just so you know, I do not hate you- well, yeah I don't but" Logan and Ian had coughed over her words as it was clear the beer was finally getting to her after four bottles. "That doesn't mean you can be a prick to Lip." 

Karen seemed to take a second to listen to her words. "You're not going to come into my wedding and tell me-" 

"Sorry, but I'm recommending." Y/n corrected her with a smile on her lips. Karen had said nothing to her with Jody smiling and changing the conversation since it was nothing but awkward tension between both of the women who had important parts of Lip's life. 

Logan had wanted to escape the conversation whispering to Y/n. "Want a piece of cake?" Looking over to see Emmy standing by, and waiting to get a slice of it. She had shaken her head wanting to keep distance between her sister and her. 

"I want to go home," She commented knowing everyone who was mostly here, didn't want her here and only invited her because of her mom who was half wasted hanging on her father as the sight saddened her. "I'm happy for both of you, honestly" Y/n smiled towards Karen and Jody before waving childishly towards Ian and walking towards the door to leave the party early. 

At this point, she had seen nothing but a pattern, her and large events never had a good reputation with one another. 

Going towards the door was almost whiplash with Jimmy/Steve walking through the door. But instead of being here alone, there was a tanner woman by his side, as he looked like he had gotten a tan. Turning her head, she noticed Fiona looking the same way. 

"Y/n right?" Jimmy had questioned her gaining her attention again even though he was talking to her, his vision had turned to Fiona and only Fiona. 

"Hey, Jimmy," She said unimpressed by the man in front of her. 

He smiled turning to her for a second almost like he was proud of himself for remembering her name. "How was school? Going?" 

"I'm going to leave school, shave my head bald and join the circus." She dryly said to him almost in a serious tone. The woman next to her started to speak another language. 

"Right, right," Steve looked towards Fiona patting Y/n on the shoulder as she looked at him with nothing but daggers. 

Even if she and Fiona didn't talk for a while, Fiona was almost like an older sister to her, and Fiona thought the same thing about Y/n both of them wanting to protect each other from their loves. Counting Fiona had done the thing with Vinnie that she winded up doing or her.  "Wow, you're still funny-looking," She said with a smile. "Okay, bye." 

Smiling she had moved out of his way and went out the front door to silence the music that was around her. Once she had stepped out; she saw the light brown-haired boy who was sitting on the curb on the other side of the street. Lip was hunched over and a cigarette lowly hung from between his fingers as he was surrounded by beer cans surrounded him. 

Going over she had squatted down sitting next to him; catching her breath. "It was that boring?" He smirked wanting to be right about what was happening inside. "Jody folded under the vows?" 

"No." Y/n simply stated before laughing; "They were just throwing cake, like just throwing it" She demestrated causing Lip to smile and shove her a little to the side with the girl's laugh dying down as they just sat in silence. 

Lip handed her some of the cigarette as she put it into her mouth inhaling it and feeling a good burn inside of her stomach. "Fuck you." He joked bringing his legs up slightly, the loose gravel and pebbles from the ground around him started to dig his trainers into the street. 

"No, but seriously, Chody is sweet if you have your eyes closed." Lip smiled as she handed him the cigarette again laughing through her words. 

Laughing through his words finally getting to smile since the party had started. "I never thought I'd hear you say Chody." He turned to her. "I'm out of beer, and I can't even go in to get something. Would you go get me one, you never got me that sandwich." 

"Sexist motherfucker." She shoved his shoulder a bit as the two of them smiled. Before her smile had died down the two of them sitting in nothing but silence. "Emmy wants me to go back to rehab." 

"Shit." Lip took that in. After a long pause he had just said; "Don't. At least not without me. This whole Karen shit might send me."

Smiling towards Lip, Y/n had leaned towards him pressing a kiss into his cheek where he smelled like he had been bathing in beer for the past six days. Putting her thumb out, Lip pressed his thumb into hers it was a way that she could calm down and he could calm down. 

They had figured it out when they were younger and Y/n was sent to rehab for the first time. "I'm going to go back before Lucy notices." She came up with something as Lip looked at her nodding his head. 

As she stood up and almost in a child-like way ran back towards the house. Making her way back into the house that she had to be in, Lucy saw her daughter and almost glared at her for leaving for a second. 

She didn't glance at her mom going over to Ian who was making conversation with Kevin. "There she is, going  rouge before we can steal half of the cake will be a fault." Kevin made out causing her to smile shaking her head. 

"You can have the cake, it's pretty enough to look at," Y/n mentioned towards him as they all looked at the cake. "Plus, it's whipped. Or at least looks like it" 

"Cake is cake in my book" Kevin shrugged his shoulders. 

But quickly; Ian had ducked his head cause of a woman walking into the house she had grey hair and more of a shorter look to her. "Is that Frank's mom?" Kevin had whispered more being so quiet about it. 

Y/n looked towards Ian almost shocked by this new information last time she remembered, Frank's mom was in jail and now she was out. "Oh wow." Y/n was stunned by what was happening. "I can see it." 

"You have to be kidding me." Ian's reaction had caused Y/n to turn and look at Lip was sunk into the door walking in. Fiona had stood in front of him saying something trying to get him out of the house before he didn't listen walking right past her and over to the bar. "Y/n." 

"You're his brother," 

"You fucked him." Ian tried to hold more power, with Kevin's eyes widening. 

Almost gasping loudly with a smirk on his face. "Hell yeah," Kevin put his hand up for Y/n to high-five him with the girl giving in and high-fiving the grown child-like man. "I waited."

"You did," Y/n questioned.

Kevin had shaken his head. "No. but you get the point" Ruffling her hair and making his way over to Veronica who just got out of a conversation with some white women as the two of them were laughing loudly. 

The sound of ringing filled Y/n's ears as the room fell silent turning to look over at Sheild who was standing at the bottom of the steps with a smile on her face. "Quiet, please." She begged looking around at everyone growing silent. 

"Quiet, everyone," Jody said head, Y/n had made her way towards Lip who was standing there near the bar; he seemed to want to walk closer to the group as Y/n grabbed onto his hand intertwining their fingers together and held him back from doing something dumb. 

Lip waited a second before holding onto her hand which was normal. "I need you." She acted; lying so that he didn't leave her side and do something that everyone would be more mad at him. 

"Okay." Lip gave up holding onto her hand. 

"I'm sorry that I didn't make it down the stairs today...but baby steps." Sheila had celebrated with everyone smiling and chattering for her, even Y/n clapping knowing how her struggle was but thankfully she was on the lower spectrum of OCD and on meds that helped her more than she would've ever expected. 

Sheila smiled over at her daughter with tears in her eyes. "Oh, my Karn, my baby, all grown up." Karen had smiled looking down. "I so wish your father could have been here today. I wish he could have seen you, our sweet girl, all grown up. And I know he would be so proud of his matter who the father was, except Frank." 

Y/n looked over to the boy who was holding her hand she felt his grip strengthen as she wanted to say something because it hurt but scared to say something. He glared daggers in the back of both Karen and Jody's head. "Heh, He hated Frank, Heh. But it couldn't be Frank, because there wasn't any penetration. Eddie didn't like being penetrated." 

Everyone in the room was almost stunned about what was coming out of Sheila's mouth. "He had a funny bump on the side of his penis...that we thought was cancer, but it turned out I was just being too rough on him, so" 

Trying not to laugh at Kevin's face staring off at Veronica stunned by everything, Y/n put her head on Lip's shoulder. "Oh wow." She muttered. 

"There's been some obstacles and some pitfalls." Sheila had continued. "...but she's made some wonderful, wonderful friends along the way. Like Lip" Everyone turned to look at Lip and Y/n; as she lifted her head and looked at Lip's smirk on his lips. "and all of the Gallaghers, the people who I used to know as the one's house were the cops always came and Wallace's; who was always in and out of the hospital." 

Gripping onto Lip's hand he had connected their thumbs. "Jesus, is that bitch ever gonna shut up?" Frank's mom had interrupted. Fiona and Y/n looked at each other knowing that something was about to happen. 

"And Franks's mother." Sheila continued. "We're just so honoured that you're here, even though you weren't even invited. And not honoured, because you're a convicted felon. But you're out now, aren't you? Why did they let you out? Because you're a loud, mean, vicious bitch." 

Everyone had started to mummer and laugh, as Kevin was trying to keep himself contained. Y/n bit her smirk out of respect bit Lip looked at her causing her to dig her head into his shoulder. "Okay, mom, let's open presents." Karen tried to calm the situation. 

"Why don't you do yourself and everyone else a favour and shut up?" Frank's mom continued. 

Sheila had leaned on the bannister a little; "Have I offended you? In my home, where you're an interloper." 

"No one wants to hear it, you fucking windbag." 

Karen had continued trying to derail everything. "Okay, Mom let's go upstairs." 

"She called me a Wacker Drive whore." Sheila tried to defend herself. "And I don't know how an angel like that man." Both Y/n and Lip broke out into laughter as she pointed right at Frank, all of the Gallagher giggling a little from that. "could come out of your poisoned womb." 

Frank's mom had finally stood up, "Shut up, you batty bitch." 

"You know what?" Sheila had continued with both Jody and Karen trying to get her upstairs. "You've got a demon mind and a devil's womb and heart. And your coochie smells like brimstone and sulfur!" 

Pulling a gun out of her pocket. "I will fuck you up!" She shouted towards Sheila with everyone panicking. 

"Do it! Do it!" Everyone was on the edge panicking and not knowing if they should leave; Lip just stood in front of Y/n because none of them knew if Frank's mom would truly do it counting Sheila was edging her on to do so. 

As she was about to pull the trigger, Jimmy put his hand up stopping her and moving the gun as she shot the fire alarm everyone ducked and screamed. Owen put his hands over Emmy protecting his youngest; with Lip holding onto Y/n. Jimmy had put Frank's mom more on the couch with Frank escaping and going up the steps. 

"Okay, everyone calms down" Lucy drunkenly said putting her hands up. 

Y/n rolled her eyes and turned away from whatever scene her mother was giving to the group of people around them. Lip let go of her hand as he watched Y/n go towards Logan who let go of Emmy sending her off. "The two of you talk?" He questioned looking at the younger version of her walk away. 

"She wants me dead." Y/n crossed her arms. "I don't want her to experience her first heartbreak if this is how she'll act." Y/n grabbed a strawberry from the plate and popped it into her mouth removing the stem before she had finished. 

"Always the Gallaghers" Logan laughed as the two of them watched Frank rush out of the house after hearing the sounds of the cop cars restarting. 

Watching Karen walk out the backdoor of the house, Y/n bit her bottom lip a little bit jealous wanting to know what Lip saw in her that wasn't in Y/n. "Where's that one girl?" Logan had turned to Y/n. 

"Summer jobs," Y/n had informed him about what Claire had been doing. "I might need to help as well." Logan furrowed his eyebrows looking towards her but she had gone silent not telling any more of her business. "It doesn't matter, I'm going to leave now," She smiled before making her way towards the door with Logan looking into her shadow. 

Now she had thought about the debt that she had winded up putting her family in because of her overdose so she did nothing but feel bad. Making her way out of the house through the chaos Y/n had walked down the street since they didn't live that far from the Jacksons. 

People were just standing around, talking to each other; playing in the pool and many other things as she had walked passed them. Holding herself as she was walking down the street; her eyes squinted at the person in the distance sitting at the step of her house. 

Looking both ways before she had crossed the street in a hurry; when she was able to see the person more it was Jack. This made her move her arms closer to herself; feeling her stomach just punch into herself. "Hey," she spoke softly yet confused about why he was here. 

"I don't know why I'm here but I think I'm expecting an apology or something?" Jack started rambling making his way down the steps as Y/n moved to the side of him to stand in front of them. 

Her eyebrows had creased together; "Apology?" Her words came out as a whisper. 

"Are you serious?" He laughed to himself, crossing his arms before uncrossing them fidgeting. "You fucked someone else while I was there, I thought you wanted to try something with me." 

Y/n's mouth was opened a bit taking in everything that was being said to her. Everything seemed to be oversimulating about everything that was happening. Nothing had been said on her side before she just ran away, leaving Jack standing there because there was so much going on in her mind. 

She just ran, looking back to see Jack standing there defeated. Y/n just continued to run not knowing where she was going but just hoping to run away from whatever was going on. The next day keeps on stressing her out more than the last did. 

Yes, she did feel bad about what she had done to Jack but she didn't know how to explain herself or anything since she did fuck Lip that night and there was no hiding from that at all. 

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