paper bag ( lip gallager )

By wstrnflies

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♡﹒PAPER BAG﹒e ━━❛hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills.❜ © 2023 ─falselve ( Lip Gallagher + Read... More

i thought he was a man, but he was just a little boy
act one ⸺ everything has changed
chapter 1 : oh, a gallagher
chapter 2 : the storm of frank
chapter 3 : a loose part
chapter 4 : the disappearance of frank gallagher
chapter 5 : first taste
chapter 6 : oh, canada
chapter 7 : shadowboxer
chapter 8 : kidnapping...wait
chapter 9 : gallagher saves the day
chapter 10 : human connection
chapter 11 : never is a promise
chapter 12 : just a second
chapter 13 : don't call it
chapter 14 : sleep to dream
chapter 15 : hurricane monica
chapter 16 : making the bed
chapter 17 : visionary
chapter 18 : dinners under the table
chapter 19 : carrion
chapter 20 : summertime
chapter 21 : death through eyes
chapter 22 : carved with regret
chapter 23: understanding
chapter 24: money about the world
chapter 25: self-inflicted mind tricks
chapter 26: fourth graders fantasy's
chapter 28: run, run, run
chapter 29: extraordinary machine
chapter 30: lip's choices
chapter 31: her choices

chapter 27: west point cheat

167 11 3
By wstrnflies

west point cheat  season 2

Emmy was avoiding Y/n; because of everything that had happened the night before. Y/n still didn't understand what was happening between her and Lip. But today, the Gallagher's were having this pool get-together with everyone. She didn't know how to apologize since there was no beating around the bush regarding what she and Lip did and the fact that they had heard it; not even having contact with Jack since everything had happened.

With the sun beaming down on her, she had sat on the step wearing a pink tank top and jean shorts since she didn't have any more to wear since you couldn't wear layers inside the pool. "Em" Y/n called her younger sister who was about to walk past her. She continued to walk past her not saying anything to her big sister and Kevin grabbed her throwing her into the pool. 

"Two v Two" Veronica announced, "Y/n and Lip, and me and Kev, get your ass in here" The women demanded towards Y/n as she sighed getting up from her spot and wishing that there was a way that wasn't overdose to get Emmy to pay attention to her so that she could say something to her. 

Taking a second, Lip grabbed her and helped her into the pool. Holding onto her hips she had gone onto his shoulders; "Lip, don't drop me" Y/n smiled looking down at him with Lip turning up to him. 

"No, I won't" He held onto her thighs as her stomach was kicking her because of his cold touch from his hands being in the water. 

"On V's count of three" Kevin announced since he always had trouble when it came to numbers and counting because he never had that education when it came to learning. Veronica was on Kevin's shoulders with the kids around them outside of the pool so that they didn't wind up getting hurt. 

Holding onto her; both of the women were onto the men. "Three, Two" 

Lip cut her off and then just wind up cheating. "One" Both of the women let onto each other's arms trying to push each other off safely.

"Oh, you're playing like that Gallagher" Veronica shouted down at Lip while trying to push Y/n off of his shoulders. Lip laughed holding onto her legs making sure she didn't fall as Veronica was playing to win like always. 

"Life's not fair, V; Haven't you learned?" Lip joked to her, while since Kevin was taller than him; there was more height on her. 

Veronica had laughed at that as she and Y/n struggled a bit. "Take her down." 

"Kevin!" Y/n scolded the man as she looked away from Veronica for one second to smile down at the man below her. Because of this distraction, Veronica pushed Y/n as she fell into the water grabbing Lip with her as the two of them went down at the same time everyone around them laughed causing a big splash inside of the water. 

Debbie booed from the other end of the small pool with Ian spraying water guns at Veronica and Kevin. "I don't play" Veronica had shouted jokingly. Y/n had gotten up from the water with everything soaked catching her breath. Lip grabbed onto Y/n's hip as he rose in the water. 

"Thirsty?" He had asked her with their faces close together. 

"Beer" Y/n answered with Lip nodding, but before he could make a move on her again Ian sprayed water both of their way causing Y/n to scream a little bit as Lip waved his brother off trying to get out of the pool. 

Y/n grabbed the spray gun from the end of the pool before spraying it towards Ian it hit him directly in the forehead causing her to laugh and Ian grabbed onto her ducking her underwater again as she held her breath so that she didn't choke on the water. 

Debbie and Emmy played with each other slashing one another with water. Y/n hit Ian's chest as he let go of her. "Have you talked to what's his name?" Ian asked as the two were civil with each other inside of the pool. 

"Jack?" Y/n answered with Ian confirming and she didn't say anything shaking her head. "It was an in-the-moment thing," 

Splashing her in the face; "Sure it was, but you were right about it" 

"Say that again one more time." Ian leaned towards her putting his ear closer to her mouth. She had dipped her finger inside of the water before putting that inside of his ear causing the boy to dunk her one more time under the water. 

When she got out of the water; the sound of gasping was heard she turned to what everyone was looking at which was Karen standing over and limp Lip who was holding his groin. "Why the fuck was Mandy Milkovich at my house trying to screw Jody?" Karen shouted pointing at Lip who was already on the ground. "He turned her down and told me what happened." 

Y/n didn't believe that Lip asked Mandy to do that; after he had asked Y/n if she would sleep with anyone. "He's a fucking pussy," Lip continued to add on, with Y/n feeling a bullet inside of her chest knowing that Lip still wasn't over Karen no matter what he did to her the night before. 

"Fuck you" Karen went and kicked him; before Fiona put her coffee cup to the side rushing over and stopping Karen from counting to beat up Lip. "Stay the fuck away from me. Stay the fuck away from Jody." 

Ian hopped out of the pool knowing that Fiona wasn't the only one who was able to stop Karen from kicking Lip. Grabbing onto the girl as she tried to kick him one more time. "And stay the fuck away from this baby." Once she had said that Ian took his hands off of her standing there stunned. 

That led everyone to grow silent; with their mouths hanging open. Y/n bit the bottom of her lip; feeling congested by all of her feelings inside of her stomach. Karen looked up at everyone who was just staring at her. She turned around and made her way away from the house leaving them stunned. 

Lip sat up from the ground; the sound of splashing was heard with Y/n getting out of the pool now everyone looking at her silently walked inside the house; Lip stumbled up from his feet and followed after her not looking back. 

Shutting the door behind her, she knew she shouldn't be mad since they weren't dating. "Y/n" Lip called out as she was trying to get to the other side of the house so that she could go home. "Y/n, don't do anything dumb" She stopped in place knowing that he was thinking that she was going to try and kill herself with some sort of pills. 

But she had broken down in laughter at Lip saying that shaking her head since he should be the last one talking right now. "Wow..." Those were the only words she said to him. "I'm going home." 

Lip went over to her grabbing on her shoulders trying to stop her with Y/n pushing back trying to leave the house. "Y/n, no-" Lip stopped her from trying to leave so that the two of them could talk about it. 

Grabbing onto his face she had kissed him holding onto his shoulders as his hands went to her hips melting inside of the kiss. "Don't be dumb" She pulled away from him leaving him in her shadow with Y/n leaving the room. Karen and Y/n never really flowed together with Y/n not liking the way that she acted and or the way she had talked towards Y/n.

Owen and Lucy were back home just in time for everything that had happened. "Karen is pregnant?" Logan didn't waste a beat getting this information while he and Y/n lay in her room with her painting on the floor to calm herself down from everything. "Lip's the dad?" 

"Yea," Y/n didn't look away from the painting now using her hands for it since it was just how she was feeling. "Perfect Karen is pregnant," She smiled turning her head to Logan who was smoking weed and trying to process everything that he was being told. 

"Did you make sure you weren't? or." Logan pointed out with Y/n shaking her head not wanting to think about her having Lip's baby right after Karen had announced that she was pregnant. "Are you sure?" 

"A bunch of meds." Y/n explained to him, "Plus I got my period this morning" 

There was a knock at the door Lucy winded up peeking her head in and not letting both of them answer so that she would come into the room. "Eddie Jackson was found dead," She acted as if she was sad making her way into the room. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she and Logan looked at each other knowing that Lucy and Eddie weren't even friends to any level that she should be crying over him. "Your dad is divested." Sitting on the bed next to Logan and huffing loudly; the boy patted her on the back not knowing what to do. 

"Mom you didn't know Eddie..." Y/n pointed out the obvious with the women continuing to sigh. 

Sobbing loudly into her hands. "Frank Gallagher is going to get his life insurance and he's the one who killed him." Not knowing where this had come from because of the fact that everyone knew that Frank and Karen's video of them sleeping together was still all over the internet. 

Her mouth had opened a bit; almost shocked by the words coming out of her mouth. "You know I could use a daughter right now," Lucy had cleared her throat, while Y/n made her way over to her mouth out of guiltiness of the things she was saying before wrapping her arms around her mom trying not to touch her with the paint that is on the base of her hands. 

Taking a second before she had sniffed up the fake tears inside of her eyes and stood up almost pushing her daughter away from her as she just continued to sigh walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her before stopping for a second. "And you're not allowed around Lip, he got Karen pregnant" She informed shutting the door almost whipping Y/n with a punch of emotions as she had done that. 

"You think Lip would be a good dad?" Logan had asked Y/n who was making her way back to the painting that she was doing. That was a simple answer, depends. Lip had the responsibility to do so because he winded up having to take care of his brothers and sisters, so he already had that kind of experience. 

Huffing lowly, she held onto the paint brush and didn't say anything giving Lip everything that had to be said in that huff.

Only an hour had passed before Logan was downstairs talking to Y/n's dad about some stoke his father was trying to save up. Ducking down to change her shirt throwing it over her head grabbed a cigarette from the ashtray that also had jewellery on it and placed it behind her ear. 

Banging sounds were heard coming from her window causing her to furrow her eyebrows lean over her bed and look out of the window to see Lip looking up he waved her down; putting her finger up she had gotten off the bed. Even though it was tricky between the two of them; it was obvious that they needed each other for some kind of moment. 

Putting her shoes on her feet before going down the steps; "Where you going?" Her mom sat on the couch watching television with Emmy who still didn't say anything to her bigger sister because of the events that happened at Debbie's sleepover with Y/n not getting a second to truly talk to her. 

"Kash and Grab" Y/n noted lying knowing she was going outside just to talk to Lip. 

"Get me two bottles of wine." Lucy declared shaking his head. "And go pick up your meds." Turning her head back to the television not paying her daughter any more mind before Y/n opened the door and saw Lip standing at the bottom of the steps. 

"Karen?" Y/n questioned nodding his head. 

Lip sighed walking with her as they made their way away from the house. "Wonderful Karen," She mocked laughing to herself as Lip shook his head smoking the cigarette that he had in his mouth to relieve any stress that she was feeling. 

"She and Jody are getting married." He casually said. "And I'm not invited," 

"Sad" Were the simple words to come out of her mouth. "Logan was making sure I wasn't the pregnant one next" Y/n commented side eyeing Lip as he winded up smirking to himself trying not to laugh. 

"Would you?" 

"Got it last night," Y/n mentioned; causing him to sigh of relief. "But Emmy is still not talking to me." 

"Looks like we're both getting fucked for this, Ian is giving me the cold shoulder" Lip moved the smoke out of Y/n's face as he handed her the cigarette that she had winded up putting inside of her mouth. "We're okay right?" He made sure. 

No matter what Lip wasn't Y/n's to hold to herself and only her no matter how selfish she could be when it came to him. "Yea" She lied acting like she didn't just want to be tied down to him and not have anything in the way between the two of them. "Friends." Putting her pinky out, Lip laughed grabbing onto it with his pinky and the two of them continued to walk towards wherever they were going; as she let go. 

"OH, perfect son!" Frank's voice echoed in their ears as Y/n and Lip tried to walk faster. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n" He continued rushing after them trying to talk to the two of them before he sped walked in front of them standing there. "It's time we had a talk," Looking at his son. 

"Little late for that, huh?" Lip asked as the two of them turned to make their way into the Gallagher house going up the steps with Frank quickly following after them. 

"No, Different talk. She gonna keep it?" 

Lip went silent for a second. Y/n didn't know if Karen was only saying it was his just to trap him into something though it seemed like something he would do. "Looks like it" Frank had whistled following behind them. 

"I need to go back home before they start questioning" Y/n didn't even make it halfway through the house even though she knew that her mother didn't care where she was or doing; Logan was still over the house and he was was was going to notice how long it was taking even though Kash and Grab are right around the corner. 

"Have a wonderful day, Y/n" Frank exclaimed; "She pregnant too?" He questioned his son with Y/n hearing him since they didn't even walk away from each other that much. Closing the door and leaving the house after Frank's wondering Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, since sh head lied about being on her period to both men so they didn't worry. 

After a couple of moments, she was back inside her house overthinking this pregnancy thing and not wanting to take a test because she truly didn't want to know if she was. Opening the door she had closed it behind her with her mom not even noticing that she had walked into the house because she hadn't asked for the wine that she had set out to get. 

Logan was on the phone on the back porch, with Y/n making her way into the kitchen and sitting on the stool. Her dad was nowhere to be found most likely going back to work after a long vacation that took up half of the summer. 

Seconds had passed with Logan walking back into the room. He looked saddened by something causing Y/n to lean on the counter for a second. "Lip got accepted into West Point." He huffed holding onto the counter and looking at Y/n who had furrowed eyebrows not knowing what to do. 

"Wow, what?" She stared stunned. 

"Lip's in West Point and not Ian" Logan argued. "After everything my father was doing to help Ian get in, Lip just talks to one of the commenters and gets a liking from that." Y/n felt nothing but bad because this was the one thing Ian wanted to do the most in his life. "And I know I can't do anything anymore." 

There was some BBQ happening at the Jackson's in honour of Karen's dad. It wasn't clear if it was a normal party or one that people made in his name only to drink. But that wasn't stopping anyone from doing anything. Y/n's eyes squinted because of the sun as she stood holding a beer in her hand. 

With the sun beaming down on her as she stood there; watching people grab food she just drank the beer that was in her hand. Her dad, Owen was making himself a plate of food with Frank walking past Y/n eyeing her for a second before continuing. 

"You know people think you did it" Y/n caught Franks' attention while she was waiting for Ian to come back from using the bathroom inside of the house. Frank jolted turning and looking at the girl. 

"Jesus H Christ; you scared me" He chuckled trying to change the subject. "A lot of people think that I did a lot of things." 

"You know Carl is telling everyone you doing it." 

"What?" Looking over to his son talking to some older lady who was smoking. "Fuck, listen- twenty bucks to stop him." 

"You don't have money," Y/n reminded him as he rolled his eyes continuing to do his food and put more on his plate. Seeing Ian she had laughed a little bit before making her way towards the redhead grabbing a beer from the cooler. 

Lip had made his way into the BBQ; with sweat forming on his back because of the heat. "Hey, what took you so long?" Holly's voice scared Lip causing him to look over to the blonde little girl strutting towards him as he ate a piece of shrimp from a bowl with ice before picking up the alcohol. 

"What do you want?" He bluntly asked her. 

"I got a morning-after pill from my sister." Lip looked over to Y/n and Ian dancing to the music that was trying to play loudly on the speaker. Y/n pushed Ian to dance more than she was; with beers in their hands. 

Before his eyes turned to Jody and Karen sharing an intimate kiss in the moment. Lip didn't say anything else to Holly before turning on his heel and leaving her in his ghost for the second time already as he was walking away, he shoved Logan a little bit. 

"Lip," He warned the man who turned to him holding onto a bottle of beer. 

Turning to look at Logan who was having a conversation with one of his friends. "Fuck you," Were the words coming out of his mouth; drunk ones that he wanted to say or a while since he had gotten close to Y/n. 

"Watch it man," Logan tried to stop him from doing anything stupid. "Don't be a dick." 

"Your nothing but a pretentious asshole," Lip cursed. "No wonder why Y/n came for my dick instead of yours. Don't try and stick up for yourself because if you do anything to me you know Y/n's not going to fuck with you. So throw a fucking punch" 

As the boy argued with himself, Logan bit the inside of his cheek since Lip was a couple of inches taller than him. He wanted to knock him out for many reasons, leading Y/n on, taking the Westpoint spot, and just fucking Y/n. 

But before he knew it; Logan was swinging as it landed on Lip's bottom lip causing the man to fall to the ground gasping and coughing on his blood people around gasped as Y/n watched from the distance. "Wow, that's it," Lip had gotten up from the ground again. "No wonder why Y/n chose me," 

The tension in the air thickened as Logan's fist collided with Lip's face once more, eliciting a resonant groan that reverberated through the gathering. 

Lip, now battered and bruised, retaliated with a punch to Logan's stomach, intensifying the chaos. Owen, sensing the escalating violence, hurried over to intervene, forcibly pulling Logan away from Lip, while the onlookers stood in stunned silence.

Amidst the brewing confrontation, Y/n couldn't fathom the entirety of the unfolding drama but harboured an instinctive urge to reprimand both combatants. Holding onto Logan, she watched as he extricated himself from Owen's grasp. Meanwhile, Ian observed silently, acknowledging that Lip, in some way, deserved the retribution he received.

The aftermath hung in the air with Lip, now groaning, seated against the El train wall, a cigarette dangling from his mouth as he stared into the distance. Y/n, driven by a mix of frustration and curiosity, approached him from the opposite side. Taking a seat next to Lip, she delivered a resounding smack to the back of his head, a gesture reflecting her disapproval and the need for answers. "You're a fucker you know that?" 

"I'm aware" Lip threw his head back and looked up at the sky. 

Putting her head on his shoulder and looking off; "You know there's other girls' Lip." 

"I know" He finished turning and looking her in the eyes. Y/n didn't say anything silently keeping her head on his shoulder. 

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