paper bag ( lip gallager )

By wstrnflies

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♡﹒PAPER BAG﹒e ━━❛hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh it kills.❜ © 2023 ─falselve ( Lip Gallagher + Read... More

i thought he was a man, but he was just a little boy
act one ⸺ everything has changed
chapter 1 : oh, a gallagher
chapter 2 : the storm of frank
chapter 3 : a loose part
chapter 4 : the disappearance of frank gallagher
chapter 5 : first taste
chapter 6 : oh, canada
chapter 7 : shadowboxer
chapter 8 : kidnapping...wait
chapter 9 : gallagher saves the day
chapter 10 : human connection
chapter 11 : never is a promise
chapter 12 : just a second
chapter 13 : don't call it
chapter 14 : sleep to dream
chapter 15 : hurricane monica
chapter 16 : making the bed
chapter 17 : visionary
chapter 18 : dinners under the table
chapter 19 : carrion
chapter 20 : summertime
chapter 21 : death through eyes
chapter 22 : carved with regret
chapter 23: understanding
chapter 25: self-inflicted mind tricks
chapter 26: fourth graders fantasy's
chapter 27: west point cheat
chapter 28: run, run, run
chapter 29: extraordinary machine
chapter 30: lip's choices
chapter 31: her choices

chapter 24: money about the world

192 6 3
By wstrnflies

money about the world season 2

"My steaks too rare," Veronica poked at the small pound of steak that was lying atop her plate. She had winded up convincing everyone to go out to dinner, at a nearby place since you only need to pay for it once and then get all the food that you have ever desired. 

Y/n didn't even know if she was invited out of pity, or anything counting Lip didn't want her to join them in this dinner. But since Emmy was back he couldn't fight it. Upon arriving, and settling down at the buffet; Lip hadn't said a word to her or even looked at her. 

That wasn't the main news going around the table at the time with Fiona finding a deluxe LV purse with fat stacks of cash that was inside of it. She didn't touch any of the money yet, despite everyone telling her to take the money and fuck the main person who owned the bag, in the beginning, losing all of her money. 

Sitting Between Logan and Ian, Emmy was sitting at the other table with Debbie, Ethel and Ethel's baby. Debbie for some reason was wearing all black as if Mandy had winded up giving the girl a makeover. 

"Have this one, King Henry," Fiona took her plate and slid it over to Veronica, whilst the latter shifted her plate to her as compensation.

"Hey, what was the final tally in the purse?" Lip questioned, his hand gesturing to the designer purse in the middle of the table.

"526 bucks." 

"You wanna spend it?" Y/n turned in the direction of Fiona while she put the rest of the small potato inside of her mouth. 

Fiona nodded her head as she finished chewing her food. "Of course, who won't wanna spend that cash" She had commented. "Food, some bills a lot of things might be able to be solved with this."

"Who even carries around that kind of cash?" Ian had asked. 

She licked the barbecue sauce that her fingertips were covered in till her hands grazed an ID card. "Uh..Kim Furtado."

"Some rich bitch," said Veronica in between bites of her steak.

Logan chuckled trying to hide his laugh into his cheeseburger. "Sounds like a stripper name" He laughed at his joke causing Y/n to turn to him with a loving smile on her lips. 

"Probably is," Ian pointed the fork towards Logan thinking he was having a point. 

Sighing inwardly, Fiona scratched the nape of her arm. "Uh, I was up in Glencoe having coffee with a friend from high school." 

Carl's brow rose at the mention, his sauce-stained lips twitching upwards to form a small smirk soon after. "That guy from your diary?"

"Shut up, and eat your spaghetti taco," Fiona teasingly scolded, and at that point, Spencer knew that the friend she met was definitely more than that. Everyone smirked and smiled at this knowing how Fiona was with people that she liked, knowing once he was introduced to the family then things would wind up going to shit, at least that's what happened when it comes to Steve or Jimmy whatever name he wanted to go with. 

Veronica watched Fiona examine the purse up close to make sure she hadn't been duped in case she had actually to sell it. "You think it's real? and if so can I have it?" 

"Yeah, it is," confirmed Lip out of the blue. "The L-V's are two inches apart, seams are even, stitching's yellow, and the leather has turned dark brown from oxidation."

Everyone at the table winded up going silent and looking at Lip; everyone but Y/n who had her head down moving around the food on her plate not really in the mood to eat anything at the moment. Once now she didn't feel like eating it because everyone was mushed together now, already not liking when her food winded up touching each other. 

"You know that-" Logan read out, staring at Lip. 

"I read a lot," defended Lip in a low tone mumble. 

"Debs," Fiona called over to her semi-distracted sister when she realised she hadn't touched the small pile of potatoes and nothing more. "Have more salad, It's all you can eat."

Debbie was saying something that had to do with death, Y/n didn't hear the whole thing but saw her sister's wondering looks for help. Lip spoke up. "Um, hey, Fi. Know what you should do?"

"Ride the L more often?"

The blonde dug his hand into the crook pocket of the purse and pulled out a slip of crumpled paper. "I think I found her home number," he placed it in between him and Fiona whilst dialling the number onto her phone. "Tell her you found her purse-- I bet she'll give you a reward."

Putting the phone to his ear for a second before taking it off and motioning it towards Fiona. "Lip chose to ignore her crass comment and listened in on the phone line. "Shit, it went to voicemail-" he passed it along to her. "Leave a message."

Fiona racked the contents of her brain for a suitable way to explain the way she could approach telling the woman about her purse. "Hi, Kim," she started, biting the corner of her lip when the genuinity in her voice was lacking. "Uh, my name's Fiona. I found your purse on the L. Um, give me a call back on your cell so that I can get it back to you. Okay, bye."

Feeling satisfied, she hung up the phone and gave it back to Lip. "Isn't the saying finders keepers?" Y/n commented, "So Fi, I say you get half of the money." 

"It's like that until rich people get involved." Ian pointed out; "You have to be short and sweet; with everything you say then give the thing back untouched." 

Logan smiled a bit at the change of mortal coming from Ian. "Is this a new act for the Military?" 

"That's where exactly it's coming from" Ian confirmed. 

"Now, don't give it back unless she gives you at least 200 bucks," Lip advised Fiona, tucking the money back in the purse. "That's how much we can get for it on eBay. Now I'm going to stack up on chicken nuggets." Lip took out a baggie with him and Carl getting up to go and stack up on food they didn't have at home. 

Looking over to her sister, Y/n had seen Debbie wearing all black again. Leaning towards Ian she had whispered; "What's wrong with Debs?" 

"Her friend died," Ian pointed out; causing both Logan and Y/n to furrow their eyebrows at the thought of someone so young dying. But then Y/n remembered that Debbie didn't have friends her age that wasn't Emmy. "Some old guy from V's elder home." 

"Yea, now she's going through a crisis," Fiona chipped in. "I don't even know if you can call it a midlife crisis." 

Y/n remembered when she was Debbie's age; she was also interested in this idea of death and dying knowing that it's gonna happen to everyone one day why not do it early? But it was something that she had grown to embrace along with just live life because of it knowing that one day everything could end for her. Even if it was six months ago she thought it was going to end for her right there. 


After that dinner, she went home to go and get ready to go out with Mandy even if she didn't want to. Emmy was first rushing into the house so that the ice cream she had brought back didn't wind up melting on the way back. "How about I go and get a movie for you to rent?" She shouted but in a soft voice towards her sister rushing into the house. 

"Sure!" Emmy exclaimed leaving the door open behind her and disappearing more into the house. Y/n stopped at the mailbox that was before the gate grabbing the mail inside and looking down at it. 

Most of them were bills and hospital bills from when Y/n had gone into the hospital. Looking through all of the mail, she had stopped opening one of the bills and revealing something that winded up making her heart drop. 

11, 731 dollars in debt plus the rehab that her mother wanted to put Y/n inside of the most expensive one costing about 3 thousand for about five months of rehab and getting help that she didn't even use. 

Her heart was beating inside of her chest feeling bad that all of this was for her. Their family wasn't the kind to have money problems counting both of her parents had stable jobs even if they weren't the best business and companies seemed to pay better than an average job. Grabbing onto the letter she had folded it and put it back into the envelope so that Emmy didn't wind up seeing it. 

This is something that she would've gone to Lip to and asked him what she should do and if there was any side jobs that he knew she would be able to do to help pay her hospital bills. 

Going inside the house she had made her way to putting the letter and bills inside of the bill box that was under the kitchen table, when she had done this hiding the bills under the rest of them because she knew if Emmy found it she would have to talk to her about everything. 

When she had taken a could seconds later, Emmy walked down the steps at full speed her footsteps drifting on the ground. "Me and Mandy are going out later," 

"You should talk to Lip," 

The silence went through the room because she didn't know what she should say about him. "Ian and Logan are going to come by tonight, to check on you," Grabbing a cup of water she made her way upstairs into her room avoiding the conversation about her and Lip's friendship missing him more than he or anyone knew. 

Hours had passed by with Y/n and Mandy making their way into clubs from the back. "Here we go" Mandy grabbed onto her hand as Y/n just followed; her hair was messy with a golden dress on, that had pink tights under it; and a leather jacket. 

Her eye makeup was dark because of Mandy's choice, but Mandy was wearing a black skirt, that had ripped tights under it with two layers of shirts on, her hair was messy as well and heavy black makeup. "Why bring someone else when you have me," Mandy mentioned with the conversation of bringing Claire along with them. 

"She's nice." Y/n originally stated. 

"You're nice," Mandy pointed out smiling; throwing the cigarette that she was smoking on the ground turning to her and knocking on the back door of the club. Music was muffled on the other side of the door, the wind was heating and blowing in Y/n's hair she swore it was making it more frizzy than it already was. '

The two of them were already a couple of drinks in; even though Y/n was sober she was when it came to drugs it had nothing to do with alcohol inside of her mind. Mandy continued to knock on the door until a younger man had opened the door, he was semi-attractive; with curly brown hair and a more grown look to him. "What Mandy?" He sounded almost tired. 

"Hey Shawn," She smiled tempingly with a finger in her hair trying to get what she wanted. "An hour," 

"Who this?" He smirked eyeing Y/n. "New girlfriend." 

"Haha" Mandy chuckled holding onto Y/n's hand tightly. "Y/n, I've told you about Shawn." 

A smile went on Y/n's mouth. "Oh yeah, I remember of course...No, but he's cute" Y/n eyed him tipsy looking up at him. He looked at both Mandy and Y/n; eyeing them before taking a deep breath and opening the door for them to go into. 

Mandy didn't say anything else grabbing Y/n and rushing the two of them inside of the club. Once stepping foot the smell of alcohol filled her nose, the bursting noise of 2000's dance music in the air; right now it was 'Yeah!" by Usher. Mandy moved her shoulders dancing to the beat of the song. 

Following behind her; she tried to do the same feeling more out of her element only here to be laid like she thought she would. Going over to the bar, the two of them sat there with Mandy leaning over to the bar asking for a couple shots. Everyone around was doing drugs, and smoking anything they could find causing Y/n to tense up. 

"How's rehab shit?" Mandy asked leaning over to hear her because of the music. 

"Oh! well, I've been attending meetings and-" Blanking off trying to come up with something with Y/n staring at the drink that was put in front of her; she thinks it was just a straight vodka shot since they couldn't afford anything much knowing they most likely were just going to bail after having enough of drinks. "And been taking my pills daily, like I'm supposed to," 

Mandy put her shot out to Y/n while to two girls clinked it and then drank it together; asking for another round Mandy had gotten more rounds; about four more counting expensive margartas and wine for the two of them. 

Both of them grimaced at the burn that was inside of her throat. Mandy and Y/n both went to the dance floor with Mandy dancing all over someone who looked about twenty. Y/n just danced by herself feeling hands around her waist, turning around she saw a guy who looked about twenty-twenty-one. 

Dancing to the music that was flowing through the air with bodies all around them; doing the same thing connecting. "Hi," he whispered inside of her ear, almost an Australian accent flying through her lips. He was also taller than she was maybe past 6'0. Bending down to talk to and dance with Y/n. 

"Oh hi," She smiled turning up to him shouting softly over the music with a smile on her face. "All these lights, there's a lot of them" Y/n pointed out almost all the lasers that were above them along with the disco ball above everything. 

"I have coke if you wanna come to the bathroom," He ducked into her ear. 

Knowing the outcome of that, she smiled. "Oh no, but I'll watch you do it if you want to." She pointed out, before just saying what was on the top of her mind. "Or do you just want to fuck me instead?" 

"I like that choice," He flirted with her; she smelled the vodka and drinks that were on his breath as well, before grabbing onto her hand as she walked past Mandy tapping her shoulder illustrating that she was going with this new guy. 

Mandy smiled and then put her hand up to her ear as if she was on the phone signalling that she wanted her to call when she was finished so that she knew that she was safe. Before they had gone outside, she had kissed him on the lips feeling tingling inside of her stomach. 

He held onto her hip, directing her out of the club almost stumbling over his feet. The two of them stumbled to the alley against the wall with him picking her up since she was shorter than he was; holding her by her hips as she felt the hard-on against his jeans. 

The two of them winded up going against the wall, with Y/n giving him a blowjob and him going inside of her. He finished with Y/n against the wall her being held up against the wall to be face to face with him. "I'm Jack," He said his name to her huffing as he disconnected their lips. 

"Y/n" She said her name, panting and trying to collect herself. 

He had gotten out of her finishing on the ground, but some of it got on her tights. Grabbing something from his pockets he put white powder on his hand before sniffing it up and throwing his head back zipping his pants back up. "Drinks on me? Or do you do payment?"

Furrowing her eyebrows at this he must've thought she was a sex worker or something. Y/n watched him do the coke, not saying anything and just biting her lip nodding her head acting as if it didn't bother her. "Payment, yeah..." Remembering the hospital bills. 

He went into his wallet, pulling out two hundred and handing it to her. "Why don't I get us drinks too?" Nodding she had taken the money since she needed it for her bills. 

Grabbing the backdoor, he moved the shoe he put between the door so that they were able to go back inside. Holding her hand and ducking to get through the door they had gone back inside. Mandy had come back from the back putting something in her bra before noticing Y/n with a smile on her face. 

The brown-haired girl had come over to Y/n; with Jack getting more drinks for them. "Drinks on me," She had smiled sweating it was obvious she had just hooked up with someone in the back. 

"I thought you didn't bring money," Mandy bit her lip and made her way to the bar, grabbing Y/n's hand and the two of them went over to it with Jack grabbing two wine glasses and handing one of them to Y/n. 

"To tonight," He smiled; but she had seen a ring on his finger causing her to furrow her eyebrows. "Maybe more" 

"Tonight" Y/n retold grabbing the drink and taking a sip from it Mandy winked at her; before starting to order another drink from the bartender but it seemed like he was giving her more trouble than any time before. 

Hearing a bit of the conversation; "You have to pay a hundred and fifty for the drinks you have gotten tonight; I can't give you another unti-" 

"I think I left my wallet in the bathroom:" Mandy told him going into her bra and acting like she was about to grab the money she just made before flipping him off; she had rushed grabbing Y/n's hand and both of them quickly ran out of the club with the wine glass still in Y/n's hand. 

The two of them had rushed down the street before starting to walk normally catching their breaths. "I thought he liked me," Y/n muttered under her breath drinking the rest of the wine inside of the glass. "But he had a ring,"

"Oh shit" Mandy laughed grabbing onto Y/n's arm and hanging on it. "Nice one, N/n" Not saying anything she had laughed with a smile on her lips, not even processing it because of the drinks getting to her system her vision almost blurring with one another blending in. 

━━ Jules Writes: I love their strange little friendship. 
It's giving baby....
I LOVE BABY SM OMG, anyways I'm not gonna get started on that. 
Listennnn Y/n isn't a bad person, but- just keep waiting to read, trust. 

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