Leah and her soldier

By Victoria742696

203K 4.4K 197

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... More

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
Can I fix this?
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Physio part 2
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
But i love you
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Opening the gym
Date day
The interview
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
The first meeting
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
What have you done now?
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views
Date day
Family bbq with an unwanted visitor
Moving around
Moving day
First game of the season
I need you!
Recovery begins today
Christmas as a family
Why? I don't understand
Please you have to forgive me
I need a break
Meeting up with Emily
Family time

Time to open the gym

1.7K 38 1
By Victoria742696

I wake up early and go in the shower before getting ready. I put Bella's food down then start making my breakfast when I feel arms go around my waist "why are you up so early baby?" "Because I have to open the gym and switch everything on, hold a staff meeting and catch up on some work I should only be a couple of hours" "can I come?" "Are you sure?" "Yeah I really want to see everything" "then get ready my love and I will let Bella out on the balcony." I got some artificial grass on the balcony for Bella whilst she is still in training and she is doing so well.

Once Leah is dressed and we have breakfast I drive us to my gym. It's strange driving in a cast but I did it. I open the gym and turn the alarm off  then Leah comes in "so I already know this area is impressive what about the rest?" "Follow me upstairs my love and I will show you the main gym, the spin room and the quiet gym" "the quiet gym?" "Yeah when I was doing my research I saw a lot of people looking for an autism friendly gym actually I will show you that room first it's one of my favourites" "what does an autism friendly gym entail?" "Let me show you" we go upstairs to the far end room "so I had this absorbent floor fitted so it is firm but" I pick up and dumbbell and drop it "when you drop something there is no noise then the lighting is different if you can tell they aren't fluorescent lights they are softer" "oh yeah" I laugh "you will be able to tell more when we go to the main room, also there is no music in here and the walls are soundproofed" "do you get many people?" "Yeah but we don't have more than 10 people in here at 1 time so we do 8 1 hour sessions a day so that way it gives us time to clean it and air it so we don't have overwhelming smells" "what are your opening hours?" "7am-9pm" "that's long hours" "I know but it means people who are working who like to work out. So I need to hire another 2 receptionist, 4 more trainers, 1 more site manager and a business manager, I have an interview this week for a trainer, I have applications to go through for  a receptionist and yeah lots of work still to do." Leah stands in front of me giving me a hug "you might still have lots to do baby but you have already done so much and I'm so proud of you this place is amazing and the fact you have an autism friendly room as well, who thinks of things like that?" "Someone who felt like an out cast with no one to turn to and nowhere to feel normal until evolution. Come with me I will take you to the main gym and then start up my computer. We go into the main gym and I switch all the machines back on then go into the office turning my computer on. "How did it get so successful so quickly?" "I hired a promoter who splashed the name everywhere and god knows where else he promoted it. People like the idea of being in a gym that's owned by a vet" "a vet?" "Yeah you know veteran ex military" "ohhhhhh I was going to say you have been busy" I have to laugh "your so cute when you have your moments" "what moments?" "Your cute little blonde moments" "did you just call me blonde?" Leah goes to walk away put I pull her back onto my knee "I think you'll find I called you cute" I give Leah a kiss "knock knock" "oh hi Catherine I wasn't expecting anyone for another half an hour" "I know I wanted to come see you before everyone arrived" "your too sweet, Catherine this is my very beautiful girlfriend Leah, Leah this is Catherine she's the one who keeps me sane" "it's nice to meet you Catherine" "you too Leah, has Chris told you she's replacing me" "oh my god I'm not replacing you I'm hiring a 2 more receptionists who will be working under you and working the way you work the way you've got everything set up, you will train them" "see replacing me" Leah laughs "the women in my life will be the end of my sanity I tell you" "Oi" Leah hits me in my arm "ow there was no need for that" "Chris what happened to your arm" "I will let you all know when everyone else arrives."

Leah and Catherine sit talking whilst I catch up on some emails "oooo" "what you ooooing for?" "A potential trainee for you Catherine" "no Chris" "Catherine I need someone to work when your not you need days off and I need someone to man the desk when your not here" "but.." "Catherine please I'm not trying to replace you I am just trying to make sure my business stays a float and if I have staff overworked and becoming ill and I have to close then what am I supposed to do? The trainers aren't showing this resistance and I'm hiring 4 of them at present might even have to be more, then we have sammy he is not mad at me for hiring another site manager, Catherine you were the first person I hired and that makes you my most valued member of staff." The rest of the staff arrive "hi all hope yous all had a good christmas and new year I'm just going to get straight back into it, so I'm hiring more staff 4 trainers, 2 receptionists another site manager and looking at the state of the place right now 2 cleaners. Because it's January there is a high chance that we will have a high joining rate but we will not be pushing ourselves to the edge of the cliff. Anyone get any questions so far?" "Who is that gorgeous woman in your office?" "That gorgeous woman Tony is my gorgeous girlfriend so eyes off everyone" "what did you do to your arm?" "Ah right yes that brings me on to my next topic so I was in an accident after Christmas" Leah shouts from the office "IT WASN'T AN ACCIDENT!" "YES THANK YOU" "fine I was run over my a drunk driver and have a broken wrist and a concussion so obviously not training for a while but I will be carrying on with the P.T sessions but may need some help in showing new things if yous don't mind" "of course anything to help" "thank you now before we open and 2 hours can we give this place a clean, remember client targets, client success, if they win, we win."

I go back into the office where Leah is spinning in my chair "having fun my love?" "I feel sick" I stop her from spinning and pull her to her feet placing a kiss on her lips "feel better now?" "Maybe one more would really help" I kiss her again "all better?" "A million times better" "good now I have a couple of cv's here would you like to help me screen them?" "I'm no good at this what am I looking for?" "Their interests and job history if they have no experience their qualifications people should always be given a chance" I sit down on my chair pulling Leah onto my lap. And we start looking through the cv's and we invite people in for interviews which will be done by the site manager. Who knows how long we were there for when there is a knock on the door. Thinking the gym was still closed I don't look up from the screen "come in" "hi Chri.." I turn around "hi Jemma getting straight back on it after Christmas?" "Erm yeah something like that. Who is this?" "This is my girlfriend Leah" "you told me you were single" "and I was at the time but now I'm not again. I'm sorry but is that an issue?" "No erm no issue, what did you do to your arm?" "I was in an accident" "will you still be doing my sessions?" "Starting next week they are in my diary don't worry but I best get back to work" "oh right erm yeah see you next week" "bye Jemma." She leaves the office and closes the door more like slams it "what was that about?" "She's got a crush on me but I've never entertained it but she can go in a huff, she can even find a new personal trainer I don't care I've got you. Now let's get home Bella needs to go toilet" "I love you Chris" "I love you more my love" Leah kisses me then I shut down the computer. I take Leah's hand and walk downstairs making sure to give Catherine her cup of tea.

"The gym is amazing baby but what are you going to do with the downstairs?" "So there is an outside that once the weather is better I am going to set up obstacle courses and even set up competitions" "that sounds amazing what else?" "Ooooo don't know if I can tell you that." Leah puts her hand on my thigh moving it further up causing my breathing to heighten "are you sure about that baby" "erm I huh I'm..m g..going fuck I'm going to work on my own" Leah's hand gets higher "baby I'm..m d..driving" "so tell me then" "protein I'm..m working on my own protein and pre work out range" I say really fast and Leah removes her hand "see that wasn't so hard was it?" "You think you're funny do you?" "At least I know how to get information out of you" "oh you just wait." We get home and I let Bella on the balcony where she does her business "who's a good girl" I start making a fuss of her. Leah comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist "you know business Chris is such a turn on" she kisses my neck and I moan so she continues. I turn around kissing Leah and pick her up carrying her to the bedroom, she removes my top and I take hers off kissing her neck. I feel my trousers fall down and I look at Leah when the fuck did she do that? She has a cheeky smirk on her face "oh really?" I put Leah down stripping her off and she does the same to me. I pick Leah back up but don't put her on the bed like she expects I pin her up against the wall, she has her legs wrapped around my waist so I insert 2 fingers "oh fuck" "too much? Did I hurt you?" "N..no d..don't s..stttop" I keep moving in and out whilst kissing her neck, I move down taking her nipple in my mouth causing Leah to moan loader "baby I'm g..going t..to" "ah ah not yet." I remove my fingers and Leah whimpers. I carry her over to the bed putting her down, I move to in between her legs licking up from her entrance to her clit. Leah puts her hands in my hair her moans are in a constant rhythm. I insert 2 fingers moving them in and out "Chris don't stop" she doesn't have to worry about that. Soon Leah is crying out, once she comes down from her orgasm I lie beside her "oh..my..god" "your incredible my love" "no baby your incredible." Leah climbs on top of me of me pinning my arms above my head "you know I can over power you my love" she comes down to my ear and whispers "but your not going to are you baby" she nibbles on my ear a very shaky "no" escapes my mouth "good girl" she starts kissing my neck whilst moving her hand down my body inserting 2 fingers "fuck me!" "As you wish baby" that's the last thing said and fuck me she did I pull the pillow over my face as I cry out. Leah lies beside me and I pull her in tight, she falls asleep in my arms.

Bella starts going hyper so I get up and get ready chasing her because she has run off with my sock. I start playing with Bella "sooo you like to play rough?" I continue playing with Bella when my mum and Kieth come into the sitting room. Shit did I close the bedroom door? "Hi mum, hi Kieth what yous doing here?" "We have your phone" "ahhh brilliant thank you" I take my phone and put it on charge "that's not all we are here for Kieth" "ok so what else you here for?" "Catherine told me you weren't in work" "okkk" "why?" "Because I can do the rest from home it's not like I haven't been in today" "why is Bella here?" "Because Leah is here" "so Leah's here and you now don't think work is important?" "I never said that mum I've been in opened up held a staff meeting replied to emails and arranged interviews" "but you would normally stay thou Christina" "I know mum but after 3 hours on a computer I ended up with a head ache so came home, what's going on here?" "Catherine said your trying to replace her" "for fuck sake I'm not replacing her I need more fucking staff. The gym is open 14 hours a day 6 days a week and 9 hours on a Sunday so yes I'm hiring 2 more receptionists maybe even a third but she doesn't like it. I'm also hiring 4 more trainers, 2 cleaners and another site manager would you like to have a go about that as well?" "Chris!" "No mum Catherine is my receptionist this is my business and I'm doing what's best for my business and if she doesn't like it she can go and find another job" "CHRIS!" "No mum I'm not going to run my staff into the ground because she doesn't like it, I've told her she will be the main receptionist and she will be training everyone to follow the way she has things set up and she's still not happy what the fuck am I supposed to do!" "Diane that's more than any other employer would do" I sit down and Bella comes over so I pick her up. "So you and Leah?" I sigh "what about me and Leah?" "What's going on there then?" "We are back together" "just like that?" "No not just like that mum there was many long discussions and everything. Did you just come around here for an argument?" "No but your being very secretive at the moment" "how the fuck am I being secretive?" "Because you never told me" "you have literally just give me my phone how the hell was I supposed to tell you?" "You could have come over" "I've just been cleared to drive." I feel like I'm not going to win today "would you's like a drink" "no" I just sigh "I would thank you Chris" I give Kieth a small smile. I go into the kitchen and put the kettle on when my mum comes in and starts looking through the cupboards "what are you doing now?" "Looking for it" "for what exactly?" "You know what" "funnily enough mum no I don't" "the alcohol" "you think I'm drinking again?" "Yes actually I do because of the things you're doing?" "Like what? Improving my business more? Being happy with the woman I love? You're not making sense mum" she pulls a half empty bottle of whiskey out of a cupboard "how long Chris?" "I'm not drinking mum I don't know where that came from?" "HOW LONG?" "I'M NOT DRINKING please believe me" "so what was this doing in that cupboard?" "I don't know I never use that cupboard" "why won't you just tell me?" "Because I'm not drinking please mum" "I wish I could believe you Chris" "WHY WON'T YOU? Dad?" "Diane I believe her" "you would because your too soft" "THEN GO THEN" "your going back to your old ways Chris just disappointing all the time" "DIANE YOU ARE WAY OUT OF LINE!"

~Leah's POV~
I wake up to shouting so I get dressed and go into the sitting room just to catch what Diane said. Chris storms to the bathroom locking the door "how long has Chris been drinking for?" "She's not drinking" "then what's this?" She shows me the bottle of whiskey "where did you get that?" "From the cupboard" "which cupboard?" "This one" "Diane I can explain that" "don't be making excuses for her Leah" "I'm not honestly she's not drinking. It was before her birthday something happened and she got drunk, me and Emily got the bottle off her and I hid it in there but totally forgot about it" "so she's not drinking?" "No she's not Diane and your the only one who didn't believe her" "alright Kieth I messed up" "no Diane you royally fucked up you came here looking for a fight I told you I should of come over by myself. Did you hear her call me dad? You need to realise Diane that your daughter, our daughter is an outstanding woman" Kieth turns to me "please look after her for me please" "I always will Kieth" "come on Diane home now!" They both leave so I go knock on the bathroom door "baby let me in please, it's just me out here your mum and Kieth have gone home." Chris comes out of the bathroom with tears streaming down her face so I pull her into a tight hug "your mum didn't mean what she said she was in a bad mood" "can we stay at yours for a bit please?" "Why mine?" "There is a garden for Bella and we never stay at yours" "of course baby go sort a bag out" she just nods at me and goes to the bedroom so I follow her "Leah I will meet you at yours I need my car for work" "ok it will give me a chance to get the drink out of the house just in case" "I understand."

Once getting home I hide all the alcohol in the boot of my car. Chris arrives half an hour later knocking on my door "baby what you knocking for come in" "sorry" "come on I know exactly what you need" I take her hand and go into the sitting room pulling her down and hugging her. I put something on the tele and Chris falls asleep with her arm over me. I notice something on my top, it's blood so I check my stomach and side that's when it hits me. It's not my blood, I lift Chris' arm and go to pull her sleeve up when she wakes up pulling her arm away "what you doing?" "Show me please baby" "how?" "Its seeped through to my top." Chris looks down and pulls her sleeve up. I take the bandage off "baby these are deep will you let me clean them?" She just nods, I go get my first aid kit cleaning the cuts. I have to put butterfly stitches on to help close them and stop the bleeding before wrapping them back up in a bandage. "I ordered us a Chinese for tea thought it would help cheer you up" "thank you my love" "when is your next therapy session?" "Next week" "you need to talk about this" "I will baby I promise."

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