
By Corrupt_Allure

50.2K 1.9K 1.9K

What if Veneer pretended that he lost Floyd but secretly is helping him get back to his brothers. Before peop... More

Velvet's mistake.
I never noticed before
The best part
Starting a 9-5
Hidden gumdrop
Fashionista disaster
Trying it out- (floyd's pov)
Trapped- (floyd's pov)
How to care for your gumdrop
How to Protect your bubblegum
Grandma's house
In the night things go bump - (floyd's pov)
Breakfast gone weary
Somethings do play a part- (floyd's pov)
Into the woods
Finding brozone only to find a queen
Poppy and her boyfriend
Hold your head up moving on
Waking up with a new perspective
Traveling passions - (Floyd's pov)
Pop villiage and haunting from ghosts of the past
New home with house warming gifts
Spring cleaning
In the waiting room- (Floyds pov)
Another sister from the same mister
Bedtime routines
Passions errupt 🩷
Soft mornings - (Floyds pov)
Shower wonderings and getting ready 🩷~✨
A siblings night out: the aftermath
A siblings night out part 2: Exes and Oh
Talking with the bros- (floyd's pov)
Preparing for a date
Strolling to new beginnings- (floyd's pov)
Nervous questions-(Floyd's pov)
Two hearts beat as one 🩷
The calm before the storm
Sister's ruin everything- (Branch's Pov)
Rescue mission- (Floyd's pov)
Back on Mount Rageous
Roles reversed with a replacement
Feeling under
to the rescue- (Floyd's pov)
Hours before
A traitor among us
The Rage dome- Floyd's pov
Reunited with sass
Recovering memories
Coffee and confrontations - Floyd's pov
Shopping spree- Floyd's pov
Quickie in the dressing room - (Floyd's pov) 🩷
Back to normalcy
I'm sorry WHAT!?
Love song
Time moves on
a new dawn - Floyd's pov
Prospects of Fatherhood
Goofy goobers
Still awake
Blissful aftermaths
Soft loving mornings 🩷~✨

Listening in leads to places

594 28 23
By Corrupt_Allure

As I was led towards the group and saw how their moods dimmed and I rose an eyebrow and began to panic at the sudden drop in the atmosphere. Poppy looked at the group and nervously smiled at them before asking,

"What's wrong guys?" She nervously held my hand and looked shaken as she hoped just as much as I did that it wasn't due to us. Branch walked up to her and gave her a small grin before saying,

"We were just sad that it took us this long to be a family again." He then took her in a hug and smiled at me with guilt riddled through it.

He lied to her.....

Oh god they heard us, they heard me and I looked towards Floyd and saw how he had tears clouding his vision and I felt my chest tighten. I could feel myself hyperventilating and the group saw that and their gazes turned sympathetic.

In a state of panic, I ran.

The brothers tried to scream after me but I let my new legs run as fast as they could out the door. My vision blurred as more tears escaped from my eyes and I couldn't even recognize where I was as I kept running.

My chest pulsed with pain as my lungs burned but I couldn't help but keep going, s shooting pain shot into my foot as I tripped on a rock and fell.

I landed on my stomach and couldn't help but let out loud sobs as I tried to cover my face. I felt humiliated, but I couldn't stop myself from crying and sobbing.

I kept crying as I sat up and saw how the rock scratched my foot causing it to ooze out pinkish red glitter. I shook my head and kept sniffling as my I shifted myself into a standing position.

It hurt to walk but I kept moving forward, not wanting to leave Pop Village but I didn't want to be found anytime soon. I knew that I would have to confront my boyfriend about his eavesdropping and how much I was genuinely put through by my sister." There was a lot more but I felt that it was appropriate for Poppy to know that much...

Not my boyfriend and his brothers who I heard from a distance calling my name. I leaned against a large oak tree and I felt woozy, I looked down to see a trail of thick red glitter leading from the rock I got cut on to my current spot.

I didn't want to move anymore so I laid my head against the trunk and genuinely looked at the clouds as they were now a pale milky pink.

The sun was setting and the sounds of crickets started to emerge as night time was rapidly approaching.

I knew I had to go back, but I couldn't face them all at once..

Maybe if I just talk to Floyd he'll be able to understand why I ran. I didn't think that Branch would eavesdrop our conversation.

I sniffled as I watched a big spider started to descend from the trees. My lip wobbled as it only grew bigger as it approached and I rapidly stood, my vision had black spots dancing around it as I tried to limp away slowly from the gigantic beast.

It's legs were easily twice my size as it's body was shaped like a heart, it's deep obsidian beady eyes held my reflection in them as I watched it's fangs salivate. I limped as the adrenaline finally wore off and I was now positive that my ankle was sprained.

I could barely move as I rapidly began to regret my decision to run away, I kept trying to keep my distance from the giant monster that kept rapidly approaching me.

I was now panicking again for a complete different reason and before I knew it had backed me into a corner and the backsplash from it's dripping fangs landed on my legs and I could only stare into those large dead eyes.

I squeezed my eyes shut before I suddenly heard the bug scream. I looked back up and one of its four eyes was closed. I looked up and saw my hair was moving back to it's original position.

I forgot how Poppy was able to get my back pack down with her hair, so I should be able to do that too. I pushed myself off the bark of the tree ignoring the shivers of disgust as I stepped in puddles of gooey saliva. I rotated my head before quickly snapping my head around and watched as my green hair whipped the spider in the furthest right eye.

It screamed again and I smiled at the fact that I was defending myself despite my beat up condition and hobbled closer, watching as the spider was rapidly crawling away from me to avoid my hair taking vision from all its eyes.

It eventually turned and scuttled away to find another creature to pray on.

I won. I cheered as I wasn't dead and then from the bushes I saw a very tall heavy set troll. He has periwinkle hair that is quite short compared to all the other Trolls' hair that I've seen, and a pink nose. He was wearing a purple waistcoat and shorts. He easily towered over me and he was holding a small greenish-yellow worm with pink stripes across his body, purple eyes with large navy pupils, blue lips and a dark green top hat.

"Are you alright, I saw you from the distance and came as fast as I could!" His soft British accent made me smile as the small worm in his arms let out a small mew.

The worm butted his head into the larger troll's chest and then he jumped, before digging into his waist coat and handing me a card.

"Uh thank you what's your name?" I asked him as he picked me up and holding me up with his other arm.

"I'm Biggie hugs, this is Mr. Dinkles! But he just got his doctorate so it'll be Dr. Dinkles in a few months." Oh I flushed as this worm had way more intelligence than me and I nervously waved at the small worm and he in a deep based tone said,

"We're taking you to the doctor." I let out a very unpleasant yelp come from my mouth as Biggie giggled at my predicament. I was at least glad that I was being taken to a doctor for my ankle and I decided to look at the card given to me, it was a gorgeous opal holographic card that glittered in the pale moon light and with obsidian writing it read.

Mr Dinkles-
Counseling + therapy.

I looked at Biggie and asked,

"But I thought you guys didn't have Therapists... I mean that's what Poppy said." Biggie looked down and smiled with his buck teeth as he walked closer to the doctors,

"Well Mr Dinkles graduated right after King Gristles wedding so it is a recent thing that he started his own office." That makes sense now especially since I believe that King Gristle was married like a month ago. Poppy most likely had no idea that this worm had a doctorate.

"Oh.. um Dr. Dinkles, when can I get an appointment?"

"How about next week and bring some tissues." I dumbly nodded my head as we finally made it to a large mushroom shaped building that had a sign that read

'Dr. Moonbloom's Clinic and Medical Center'

As we entered I did feel a tad overwhelmed with dashes of stupidity as I realized that I shouldn't have ran away.

We met with a female Troll, her skin was the color of lilacs with pale green hair a very similar shade to mine with bandaids on, and a blueberry blue nose. She wore a green shirt and darker green pants. She also has a stethoscope around her neck and was wearing white pearl earrings.

"Dr. Plimsy is Dr Moonbeam in? I found him with a sprained ankle about to be eaten!" He put me down on the waiting room chair and this Dr. Plimsy looked at Biggie before she said,

"I can handle him just fine, I'll let Queen Poppy know." I felt my body fading in and out as my ankle continuously throbbed.

With the doctor rapidly closing in on me as my vision faded to black, Biggie had tears in his eyes.

Then I fainted.

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