
By Corrupt_Allure

45.3K 1.8K 1.5K

What if Veneer pretended that he lost Floyd but secretly is helping him get back to his brothers. Before peop... More

Velvet's mistake.
I never noticed before
The best part
Starting a 9-5
Hidden gumdrop
Fashionista disaster
Trying it out- (floyd's pov)
Trapped- (floyd's pov)
How to care for your gumdrop
How to Protect your bubblegum
Grandma's house
In the night things go bump - (floyd's pov)
Breakfast gone weary
Somethings do play a part- (floyd's pov)
Into the woods
Finding brozone only to find a queen
Poppy and her boyfriend
Hold your head up moving on
Waking up with a new perspective
Traveling passions - (Floyd's pov)
Pop villiage and haunting from ghosts of the past
New home with house warming gifts
Spring cleaning
Listening in leads to places
In the waiting room- (Floyds pov)
Another sister from the same mister
Bedtime routines
Passions errupt ๐Ÿฉท
Soft mornings - (Floyds pov)
Shower wonderings and getting ready ๐Ÿฉท~โœจ
A siblings night out: the aftermath
A siblings night out part 2: Exes and Oh
Talking with the bros- (floyd's pov)
Preparing for a date
Strolling to new beginnings- (floyd's pov)
Nervous questions-(Floyd's pov)
Two hearts beat as one ๐Ÿฉท
The calm before the storm
Sister's ruin everything- (Branch's Pov)
Rescue mission- (Floyd's pov)
Back on Mount Rageous
Roles reversed with a replacement
Feeling under
to the rescue- (Floyd's pov)
Hours before
A traitor among us
The Rage dome- Floyd's pov
Reunited with sass
Recovering memories
Coffee and confrontations - Floyd's pov
Shopping spree- Floyd's pov
Quickie in the dressing room - (Floyd's pov) ๐Ÿฉท
Back to normalcy
I'm sorry WHAT!?
Love song
Time moves on
a new dawn - Floyd's pov
Prospects of Fatherhood
Still awake
Blissful aftermaths
Soft loving mornings ๐Ÿฉท~โœจ

Goofy goobers

271 12 15
By Corrupt_Allure

The days blurred again for us as we brought the babies home and let them run amuck. We learned pretty fast that after we brought our little gremlins home nothing was sacred as dishes were broken, picture frames were shattered and blankets covered in dirt from my three hellions running around Branch's bunker on our daily walks together.

Even my clothes weren't spared as I've caught Ambrose and Juniper fighting over who gets to wear my clothes until the fabric tore. Or when they didn't fight over my clothes I'd see globs of unnamed stains on them causing me to get new pairs designed and hidden away in my locked dresser.

Speaking of which Juniper, my darling certainly kept up her mischievous behavior as whenever Floyd tried to give her a bottle, she'd have other ideas and play hide and seek with him. My second blue skinned pretty girl would sometimes if she were convinced to have a bottle she would always complain about being forced to sit still.

Much like right now as we both were sitting on the couch with my youngest lady sitting next to me as I flipped through the pages of my fashion magazine, my legs crossed letting my fuzzy pink slipper dangle off my one foot.

her small body was slumped back like a little bum as she mumbled around the nipple of the bottle lamenting about her predicament with her tiny feet barely reaching the edge of the sofa but kicking in un contentment.

Her long sleeved heart covered pajamas were just placed on her after Floyd had given her her bath about an hour ago. So she still smelt like strawberries from her body and hair wash along with the dust I brushed into her fur before she fully settled into the couch with me.

"Babbie I wove woo." She'd cooed around her bottle as I flipped to the next page of my magazine with her tiny indigo fist curling around the waist band of my night pants. I looked down at her to see my matching sapphire eyes staring back at me which sparkled and radiated warmth.

"Daddy loves you too June bug~" I suddenly felt a plop as she moved herself into my lap her bottle completely forgotten as she took much more fasciation in my magazine. She wiggled until she found a proper position with her back against my stomach as her eyes started twinkling as she had the full view of the bright fashion illustrations all across the pages.

"You like june bug?" I let out a soft chuckle as her small plump left hand smacked the pages in excitement and in rapid succession her eyes absorbing everything in front of her pupils.

"Ee Babbie." Her pronunciation of daddy warmed my heart as her baby lisp was making it so much more adorable. I remember how Floyd meant to call me dada but instead called me daddy.

And all those adorable demons stuck to calling me daddy in their cute baby lisps. So Floyd got to be called Dada instead, I think he did that in purpose but, in the end I don't mind. Babbie had a much better ring in my ears.

Suddenly my eyes widened as I saw Velvet's face again, she was in the magazine as one of the models,

She wore that same cherry unsymmetrical body suit that she wore after she had captured me, I guess that's why she was dressed like that and I could see my daughter getting a pout on her face as she retook the bottle in her mouth using both hands to suck at the liquid within.

"Pretty Juniper?" I tried to hold in my giggle as her kyanite eyes pierced the page almost glaring at my old sister hoping to burn through the page with those jewels. But suddenly Velvet's face was covered in blueberry juice as Juniper spat out the contents of her bottle onto the page.

"Hate her." She crossed her little plump arms with a huff and too kid, me too. But I tried to not get the globs of juice on me and instead shifted so it settled on the floor as I held it out from me. I let out a sigh as my daughter's proud giggles were accompanied by the dripping of the magazine.

The chiming of the grandfather clock across from us broke me out of my train of thought as it was bedtime, the most important yet difficult task of the day.

"C'mon June it's time for bed." My heart clenched as those lovely lapis lazuli eyes filled with tears. It was never an easy task to put the kids to bed especially when they started crying. The putting them to bed was easy especially since they went out like overwhelmed lightbulbs but the difficulty came from having to calm them down from their temper tantrums enough for them to even consider bed.

"Noooooooo babbie!" I picked her up and let her sob into my chest fluff as I rocked her back and forth as to settle her.

"I'm sorry June bug, but you have to sleep don't you want to be big like me and dada?" She answered me by rapidly shaking her head as her sobs quieted down into hiccups.

"You don't want dada to sing to you?" She seemed to completely die down her crying at the small recent tradition of Floyd's with him singing all the kids to sleep. The mini ritual started almost immediately after we brought them home with Floyd having the ability to use his voice to soothe them the same way he was willing to call upon that sugar bird to deliver our letter.

I knew that Juniper was especially a fan of her other father singing to her despite his supernatural ability to put her to sleep. I was proven correct as she shook her head again and clutched closer to me burrowing into my chest and hiccuped,

"I wove woo, I no wanna go away." I don't know and or understand how Floyd doesn't crumple or fold to their adorable pleas, I envied how he was so strong willed when it came to these kids meanwhile I was as gushy as a jellyfish on land. They were just so adorable and I really hate telling them no.

"Shhh it's not forever sweetheart, plus you me and dada are going out with aunt Poppy tomorrow remember? You'll have all day to spend with not only us cupcake but Ambrose and Hyacinth too."

"Woo promise?" Those wide doe blueberry colored eyes bore into mine as her periwinkle nose sniffled and I could feel my heart gushing at her cuteness.

"I promise June bug." My lips pressed themselves against her forehead as I clutched her tighter to me and started ascending the stairs to bring her to their shared bedroom that was right across from ours.

"K." She finally settled down as I placed her into her crib and pulled the blanket up and let her stuffed animals surround her, I glanced to already see Ambrose yapping excitedly to his favorite stuffed animal which happened to be a plush version of Mr. Dinkles.

His pink star themed pajamas were thrown over his crib and he just laid there in his diaper cooing at his plushie.

We seriously can't get that boy to wear his pajamas so me and Floyd just gave up and let him sleep in his diaper. He seemed much more comfortable that way, so we let it be.

Suddenly a crash happened and out came running my other daughter, giggling as her entire body was slathered in a thick goo. Upon smelling it, I rolled my eyes as she completely covered herself in peanut butter, god she even got it in and on her diaper. Floyd was right behind her losing his wits as she still held the fucking jar.

Hyacinth kept sticking her hand in and smothering the gooey peanut butter into her face as she giggled at my husband's horrified face. I swear that girl lives to torment him.

"Hyacinth." I moved in ready to be covered in the nutty smelling substance only to miss as she scrambled away from us, she put her hand to her face with her thumb on her nose as she blew raspberries at the both of us.

I was mistaken as these weeks have past, Juniper was my little sassafras who certainly had my attitude, Hyacinth however was my devious troublemaker. She wore the mask of angel but was a genuine demonic entity underneath.

"Nah nah!" She smacked the peanut butter into her hair as she giggled at our dismay.

Oh it's on, I took the towel from Floyd and moved in on her, but she metaphorically and literally slipped from my grasp due to not only her sheer speed but the oil of the peanut butter helped her with her getaway.

Now it was two against one as me and my husband took turns as to try to catch her as she scampered through the hallway her infectious giggles were followed by her siblings wooing at her as they cheered her on in their miniature rebellion against bedtime.

"Look it's aunt Viva!" Floyd pointed towards the living room window and watched as our baby fell for it and snagged her toe on the edge of the rug. I cringed as she fell right onto the couch covering the material with the buttery substance.

I wrapped her up in a towel as she sobbed at being caught. Floyd look relieved at how she didn't look as if she can slide out from my grasp. Judging from how he was covered too, he certainly did catch her but he couldn't keep his grip on her.

"No fair!" She tried to retaliate by smearing me in the beige goo as she rubbed the chunky sludge into my neck and chest. I laid my one hand into her sticky hair as to soothe her a little from her lost battle.

My poor little sore loser.

"Alls fair in bedtime war, now me and daddy are gonna give you a bath and then it's time for bed." That's what must've happened, Floyd had to have caught her the first time in order to give her a bath and she wiggled her way to freedom.

"To be fair honey, you did play kinda dirty."  The aunt Viva trick was new with getting the kids distracted enough to let down their guards but that was only whipped out when they were being uncooperative much like our little Hyacinth was right now.

"Oh and you wouldn't do the same thing?" My husband quirked a magenta eyebrow at me once we reached the bathroom in order to give Hyacinth a bath. I pursed my lips as he was right, I did pull out that card and played dirty with getting our kids to go down peacefully.

I placed my pinky brown haired imp in the tub as she sat on the solid porcelain of the tub her little feet outstretched as she let her eyes fill up with crocodile tears with her little gut protruding as she moved her head down.

I twisted the knob and let the warm water coat my fingers as I made sure it wasn't too hot or too cold. I kept glancing at Hyacinth and then I proceeded to ask,

"So sweetheart why did you run?"

"I no wanna go bed."

"Why not?"

"I miss out with you and dada!" She rose her arms in the air as I plugged the tub, letting the water fill up to her abdomen.

"But me and dada are going night night too pumpkin."

"Really?" Her skepticism shone through her sassy tone as she couldn't believe that me and her father slept just like them.

"Yeah me and dada need sleep just like you guys." I watched as the gears turned in her head at my brief explanation clearly puzzled at what I was explaining to her.

"Why do we weep babbie?"

"Well sugar cube me and dada along with you guys need sleep because imagine your body's like... Uncle Branch at a party." Floyd's snort made me roll my eyes but It was kinda true with his brother having a very rapidly depleting social battery and his need to retreat into his bunker like a hobo.

"ncle ranch?" The scrunch of her nose amd tilt of her fluffy head at my comparison made me giggle as I peeled that gooey puffed up diaper off of her body and tossed it into the small waste bin.

"Yeah because like Uncle Branch can only handle so much before he needs a break, your body needs to take a break too because it's overwhelmed baby." I hoped she would understand my simile and I let out a breath of relief as she nodded her head

"I fink I get it Babbie." She placed her amethyst eyes in mine as she moved to get closer to me, finally accepting defeat from her position on the bottom of the tub, the water splashing around her.

"I knew you would, after all you're my smart girl." I started to rinse the additional chunks of unblended peanuts out from her hair before popping the cap of the shampoo bottle.

"Hey babe do you can you put the other two to sleep without me? This is gonna take a while." I knew my husband still was there and before he vanished to go take care of the other two he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Anything for you sweetheart." I started scrubbing at her cotton candy blue skin with a gentle vigor until her fir wasn't tainted or stained by the beige peanut butter.

These kids were genuinely too much but I don't mind, it was kinda endearing in their own way.

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