
By Corrupt_Allure

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What if Veneer pretended that he lost Floyd but secretly is helping him get back to his brothers. Before peop... More

Velvet's mistake.
I never noticed before
The best part
Starting a 9-5
Hidden gumdrop
Fashionista disaster
Trying it out- (floyd's pov)
Trapped- (floyd's pov)
How to care for your gumdrop
How to Protect your bubblegum
Grandma's house
In the night things go bump - (floyd's pov)
Breakfast gone weary
Somethings do play a part- (floyd's pov)
Into the woods
Finding brozone only to find a queen
Poppy and her boyfriend
Hold your head up moving on
Waking up with a new perspective
Traveling passions - (Floyd's pov)
Pop villiage and haunting from ghosts of the past
New home with house warming gifts
Spring cleaning
Listening in leads to places
In the waiting room- (Floyds pov)
Another sister from the same mister
Bedtime routines
Passions errupt 🩷
Soft mornings - (Floyds pov)
Shower wonderings and getting ready 🩷~✨
A siblings night out: the aftermath
A siblings night out part 2: Exes and Oh
Talking with the bros- (floyd's pov)
Preparing for a date
Strolling to new beginnings- (floyd's pov)
Nervous questions-(Floyd's pov)
Two hearts beat as one 🩷
The calm before the storm
Sister's ruin everything- (Branch's Pov)
Rescue mission- (Floyd's pov)
Back on Mount Rageous
Roles reversed with a replacement
Feeling under
to the rescue- (Floyd's pov)
Hours before
A traitor among us
Reunited with sass
Recovering memories
Coffee and confrontations - Floyd's pov
Shopping spree- Floyd's pov
Quickie in the dressing room - (Floyd's pov) 🩷
Back to normalcy
I'm sorry WHAT!?
Love song
Time moves on
a new dawn - Floyd's pov
Prospects of Fatherhood
Goofy goobers
Still awake
Blissful aftermaths
Soft loving mornings 🩷~✨

The Rage dome- Floyd's pov

445 24 40
By Corrupt_Allure

Me and Branch's prayers were soon answered as Velvet Strolled into the Venue absorbing all the flashing lights that blared in her eyes, her hair was in a bendy updo with her hair being a half up half down updo with swirls of hair curling in on itself. Her hair looked eerily similar to a treble clef.

Her outfit was a shiny eggshell white suit top that had over exaggerated leaf like shoulder pads that had pink noodle like tendrils hanging off of it with three diamonds that sat on both shoulders and her chest. The two on her shoulders were easily larger than the one that sat dead center.

"Velvet! Give me back my siblings!" Viva yelled at the main imposter flames licking her irises as her tail curled up in attack the camera flashing as she stepped closer, me and Branch staring at them from our spot from behind her car.

"Yeah! What she said!" Clay yelled at the giants who were stepped closer. Bruce and John dory staying back looking for Poppy and her brother, my eyes scanning them as well until I saw Veneer in one of the violet crystals that adorned her shoulder pads, his green painted lips were in a frown as he looked at Viva hoping to catch her attention by repeatedly putting his hands against the class before pointing at the other side.

I moved my gaze to where he tried to point only to see Poppy in the purple diamond that sat in the matching crystal that was imbedded on the other shoulder, they're both in her shoulder pads hidden away from sight.

"You don't know what you're talking about, troll." Velvet snarled at them and I had to hold in a growl at her condescending snarky tone.

"You're stealing Poppy's and Veneer's talent, because you have none of your own, you big Oh, you big phonie!" Viva cried as Clay tried to hold her back their fans gasping and murmuring in surprise at the possibility.

Their eyes glancing around to see if the illusive missing man was going to make his grand entrance soon only for them to look back at the main twin.

"You're just a stupid Troll!" Viva seemed to snap at that before reaching into her pocket pulling out a small stone.

With a shrill cry she chucked the stone at the crystal that held poppy, all of eyes blowing wide at the gigantic crack the stone made. I thought it only took the family harmony to break it but it appears that I'm gratefully wrong.

Breaking them out was going to be much more easier.

"Okay, I need to leave. Like Right now." She stuttered as she tried to fix the crack that formed on Poppy's crystal.

I could hear the start of "Sweet Dreams" playing as the beat thumped over the speakers of her car.

"Follow that luxury vehicle!" Viva cried out as John, Clay, Bruce along with Tiny diamond made their way back into John's baby.

"On it, Aunt Viva!" The small glitter troll cried out as he started the engine again,

I started mine and slammed my foot on the gas petal, our violet caterbug vehicle riding right on the bumper of the white luxurious car.

Smirking as Velvet probably didn't even realize that me and Branch were practically on top of her.

"What's up, Mount Rageous? You didn't think I was just gonna give you a boring, old stage show, did you?" Her sugary sweet performance voice gave me the urge to puke at the falsehoods she was upholding as I saw out the rear view mirror that Branch was getting a hook to attach us to the vehicle.

"That's what we explicitly bought tickets for." One random Rageon responded as he was stunned by his favorite artist's words.

"I'm taking this show on the road!" She held out her arms as the many cars yelled out cheers from their windows, the bright golden star cameras circled her as they flashed.

"Oh, man. I'm trying to get through, but they got no respect for the blinker!" I could faintly hear the small glitter troll as Branch opened the door with the giant fishing hook attached to a line of metal string sat in his mouth.

"Is that Branch!?" John cried out as I made sure to keep my foot on the gas refusing to let up as Branch made his way to the front of our vehicle to fully attach us to Velvet's.

"That means Floyd's the one who's driving!" I rolled my eyes at their obvious observation and let out a sigh as Branch clipped us in, now I can join,

I let go of the wheel and let us slack as we were unmovable, unswayed by the heavy traffic. I practically flew out the bus gripping on the door as the wind pulled me back, I tightened my grip as my eyes were locked on that crystal that sat on Velvet's left shoulder.

"Floyd are you Nuts!?" I heard Bruces voice scream out to me but I pushed my body forward being helped as Branch held my hand as he pulled me up.

Me and my brother pushed ourselves forward using our hair until we ended up underneath the Platform where Velvet stood on gripping the two poles beneath. Velvet looked down at her two Captives and smirked as she pushed the button on her chest, activating both of the crystals to drain them.

Poppy let out a shuttering moan as the pink glittery fog evaporated from her body as she crumpled down to the floor, more white consuming the pink in her hair and her irises as well.

Veneer however let out an ear piercing scream as a violet fog left his body, his glittering with dabs of teal as he fell to the ground sobbing, clutching his chest as tears rolled down his face. However his sob sounded off.

Me and branch watched as her eyes vibrating with the individual colors and a sob broke out from my left and saw Branch snarl with tears streaming down his face as he pushed himself forward. It was almost like seeing Veneer along with Poppy's essence set him off.

"♪ Sweet dreams Are made of this~ ♪" her fake raspy voice started singing as her lithe body moved in time with the rhythm. Branch moved into the back seat of the car as he moved to push her off track,

"♪ Who am I to disagree?~ ♪" her smile was manic as the lights blared on her lighting her in their oozing attention as to film her. I moved as well, my body flinging itself onto the platform right behind her seeing her rosy pink shoes with the gold squiggly trim along the edges with the heel of her shoe being the same wiggly gold material as the trim hitting a large pink button that propelled us forward.

"♪I traveled the world And the seven seas~♪" I slammed into the back of her heel at our new hasty speed as she tried to escape my brother's prized possession trying to throw them off her trail.

Everybody's looking For something ♪ I climbed up her heel trying to ignore my hair flying all over the place blocking my vision as I was now a man on a mission.

Some of them Want to use you, Some of them wanna Get used by you~♪

"Hold it steady, John!" Heard Clay Yell as I saw Viva wrapping cord around herself with her eyes bloodshot and still heavily bleeding tears as she let clay inspect the knots before he gave the all go.

"♪ Some of Them want to abuse you Some of them Want to be abused~ ♪" Viva flew down from Rhonda and gripped the diamond that held Poppy. I used this to my advantage as I wrapped my hair around the rope that attached her to my brother's vehicle and pulled myself up until I was stable enough to observe.

"Viva-" Poppy's weak voice called out to to her sister as we both couldn't keep tears in at her appearance,

Her hair was completely down in thick ringlets that her roots and ends were a pure snow white along with her Irises, Her lips were tinged blue as she pressed her forehead against the glass,

"Please Hang on, Poppy! We'll get you and Veneer out of here." Viva sobbed at seeing her so decayed with her translucent glittery fingers and toes.

I glanced over at Veneer to see him physically in better shape but he wasn't too far off, his pupils were hazy and unfocused as he curled in on himself, he looked feverish as chunks of puke still lingered on the sides of his mouth as was practically laying in a puddle of his own vomit, his sobbing was so heart shattering to hear as Velvet rolled her eyes flicking his glass as to silently tell him to shut up.

"♪ Movin' on ♪" as her gaze moved from one crystal to the other Velvet noticed Viva sitting on her sister's diamond prison trying to get her sister out and swatted her as if she were a bug.

"No!" As she was propelled backwards towards the RV like creature I used the rope she was attached to jump forward and landed on Velvet's belt. My hands struggling to keep their grip on the slippery satin but with my tail I was able to get a better grip and pull myself up to sit in the glossy material with it forming a bizarre hammock for me.

"♪ Hold your head up Movin' on ♪"

"♪ Keep your head up Movin' on ♪"

"♪ Hold your head up Movin' on ♪"

"Uh, guys, what does "End of the Road" mean?" I could hear the small glitter troll vaguely say and turned my head letting the wind blow my bangs back as I saw the red blaring sign.

"Shit-" I saw her pocket and rummaged through it until I felt a piece of gum still trapped in its metal confinement. I ripped out the gum and started chewing, if her juicer was as slippery as it looks I need a have a good grip.

"♪ Keep your head up Movin' on ♪"

I heard everyone scream as I squeezed my eyes shut as she threw her arms out and jumped off the platform. Both my hands and tail gripping the material as I felt all of my organs drop into my abdomen as we both plummeted.

"BRANCH!" I looked at the scream of his name as John used his hair to catch him before he along with the car slammed into the ginormous golden clock tower.

"♪ Yeah~♪" I looked up as she flew her eyes shiny with glee as she used one of the Star cameras to bring all four of us down onto the boats deck.

I heard Rhonda groan as she slammed into the road above the yacht that floated on a river full of cherry blossom petals. All my brothers were safe, now I have to save both my fiancé along with Branch's.

Yeah Fame! ♪ I divided the gum in two pieces as I used one ball to stick at the lowest part that I could use the other as a form as suction cup.

"♪ I'm gonna live forever I'm gonna learn how to fly~ ♪" I climbed up her back shivering as I recognized the song that past through her merlot painted lips.

"♪ I feel it comin' together People will see me and cry (Fly high)~♪" I looked out of the corner of my eye as Rhonda spat every one out on the cruise ship, everyone moving in sync as they tried to reach us.

"♪ I'm gonna make it to heaven, Light up the sky like a flame ♪~" my chest hurt as she stole his song so blatantly and remembering the agony he was in as he sung it in front of me for the first time made it much more difficult to hear it so I tried to tune out the rest of the song

"♪ If you want to be as famous as me~♪" I suddenly saw Viva whip a long spaghetti sticky hand towards Poppy's enclosure and pulled back, watching as Poppy flew out of the suit as Velvet grew more desperate to keep Veneer in his place as she moved away spinning as if her life depended on it.

"If you want to be as famous as me (baby, remember my name)~" suddenly the gum lost it's stickiness as I slipped down, I tried to hoist myself up only to fall back down with an additional slide down,

"Remember, remember, remember
Remember, remember, remember
Remember, remember, remember
Remember~"  Velvet spun on the platform that was too far out of my reach as I fully disconnected from her and was rapidly approaching the ground.

"VENEER!" I cried as now the song was over as I fell, my love was gone too be swallowed by his sister's greed.

Suddenly I was snatched mid air and pulled towards a warm body, I sobbed as the reality was crashing on me but everyone's gasps brought me to blink away tears to see,

Veneer, he was the one who caught me. My eyes must've been wide as dinner plates because he broke out in giggles as everyone gathered around their eyes just as wide as mine.

"H-how?!" I puffed out as my chest grew lighter at seeing his cute face smile with such a tenderness that I knew was reserved for me.

I stood and took him fully in and saw his outfit of a shiny silver tight tube top that completely showed off his stomach and black mini shorts, thigh high black boots with an oversized violet mixed with magenta plush faux fur coat. His earrings were all idolite studs with his infamous blue violet gemstone choker wrapped around his pearly neck.

As Velvet slipped herself she fell letting the additional Crystal plummet towards the wooden deck, landing with a sickening crunch as we all cringed from the loud sound.

"VENEER!" The soaked imposter Veneer snarled at him while the real one who was outside the Crystal strutted towards him with a sinister smirk on his face.

"What's wrong? You said you wanted to be with me so might as well make you me! I mean you looked much better than before~" we all gasped as the fraud wiped away at his face and saw a milky violet skin lurking below the surface.

"CREEK!?" Poppy screeched as apparently she was unaware of this as the rest of us were of this sudden development. All of our jaws effectively hitting the floor as he revealed more of his violet face.

"Yep~ you see Creek ratted us out to velvet, that's how we got captured in the first place, Creek led Champagne straight to us." Everyone looked at the imposter with heat blaring from their eyes. He's the reason why all this drama started in the first place.

"Oh that's not the best part, the best part is the shit move you made by trying to kiss me knowing I was serious about someone, my feelings weren't vanishing just cause you snitched on me." Now my growl was the only noise out of the choir of silence as I wanted to break all his limbs.

"Relax muffin~ I used his shit move to make him come into the Crystal and I showed him how good my makeup skills were~" he winked at me and my heart swelled at his conniving nature and how he used it to save himself along with Poppy.

"You're makeup skills are shit!"

"Velvet and everyone else bought it enough so I could escape and get the authorities involved." I watched as he hugged the container that held Poppy as he brought his nose to her both smooshing their noses against the glass.

Veneer then took his tail blade and shoved it into the cracks of Poppy's broken diamond and wiggled until the purple gemstone was broken in half.

"Oh Veneer your awesome !" Poppy squeaked out in happiness as she bounced out of the diamond avoiding the shards of broken gem with Veneer's help.

"I know sis, I'm just sorry that your hair's stuck like that forever..." he ran his fingers through her hair while lamenting about how much essence Velvet took from her.

"Veneer, my color will come back but not so sure about my hair but! i'd rather let my hair flop for all eternity if it means you and the-" Veneer cut her off by putting his hand on her mouth effectively silencing what word she was about to spurt out.

"If you and the rest of us are okay~" he seemed to breathe easier at her response and sighed as Creek spoke up again,

"You promised me a kiss." I wanted to roll my eyes at his entitlement but Veneer was quick to respond,

"I let you kiss my knuckles babe~ I wasn't specific plus be grateful I let your vile face touch my knuckles." He winked as left Poppy who was suddenly engulfed by Branch and he went back to Creek's diamond and started rolling it towards the edge of the yacht.

"Uh Veneer? Whatcha doing?" Clay tried to catch up as we all stood in confusion as he kept pushing the Crystal towards the open gap, a cold deadpan expression lingered on his face, almost as if he was doing a mundane task.

"I'm teaching this one what happens when you fuck with me." His eyes pulsed a making his eyes a much more harsher sapphire blue as he flashed his canines again.

"Uhhh Veneer um killing him isn't the answer." Viva tried reasoning with him only for him to whisper something in her ear, her hand flew up to her mouth as he finished, with new fresh hot tears she stepped aside and let him just push creek off the boat.

With a heavy splash the diamond hit the water.

Creek was taken care of.

But what did he whisper in Viva's ear as to let him pass?

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