
By Corrupt_Allure

45.5K 1.8K 1.6K

What if Veneer pretended that he lost Floyd but secretly is helping him get back to his brothers. Before peop... More

Velvet's mistake.
I never noticed before
The best part
Starting a 9-5
Hidden gumdrop
Fashionista disaster
Trying it out- (floyd's pov)
Trapped- (floyd's pov)
How to care for your gumdrop
How to Protect your bubblegum
Grandma's house
In the night things go bump - (floyd's pov)
Breakfast gone weary
Somethings do play a part- (floyd's pov)
Into the woods
Finding brozone only to find a queen
Poppy and her boyfriend
Hold your head up moving on
Waking up with a new perspective
Traveling passions - (Floyd's pov)
Pop villiage and haunting from ghosts of the past
Spring cleaning
Listening in leads to places
In the waiting room- (Floyds pov)
Another sister from the same mister
Bedtime routines
Passions errupt ๐Ÿฉท
Soft mornings - (Floyds pov)
Shower wonderings and getting ready ๐Ÿฉท~โœจ
A siblings night out: the aftermath
A siblings night out part 2: Exes and Oh
Talking with the bros- (floyd's pov)
Preparing for a date
Strolling to new beginnings- (floyd's pov)
Nervous questions-(Floyd's pov)
Two hearts beat as one ๐Ÿฉท
The calm before the storm
Sister's ruin everything- (Branch's Pov)
Rescue mission- (Floyd's pov)
Back on Mount Rageous
Roles reversed with a replacement
Feeling under
to the rescue- (Floyd's pov)
Hours before
A traitor among us
The Rage dome- Floyd's pov
Reunited with sass
Recovering memories
Coffee and confrontations - Floyd's pov
Shopping spree- Floyd's pov
Quickie in the dressing room - (Floyd's pov) ๐Ÿฉท
Back to normalcy
I'm sorry WHAT!?
Love song
Time moves on
a new dawn - Floyd's pov
Prospects of Fatherhood
Goofy goobers
Still awake
Blissful aftermaths
Soft loving mornings ๐Ÿฉท~โœจ

New home with house warming gifts

719 36 29
By Corrupt_Allure

We were eventually lead to a tall tree that had had a small home sticking a tiny bit from the trunk.  I looked at where Branch's bunker was and it was good distance away, it wasn't anywhere as close as Poppy made it out to be thank god or whatever higher troll entity is haunting the etherial plane.

However to them this was probably the closest thing to being right next to each other especially since their pods and other associated buildings were so distantly spaced out just like this dwelling and my boyfriend's brother's home.

It had a gravel walkway that led to the smooth mahogany door which was hidden yet framed by two tall jagged rocks that acted as if they were pillars holding up a balcony. 

The balcony was a smooth rock that had a raven colored metallic rail posts with matching obsidian hand rails. The door that lead to the balcony matched the front door in color were double wide doors with shiny reflective glass that I couldn't see through.

That probably means it's two way glass which I didn't know that Trolls have access to. I mean It's odd how much technological advancements they don't have access to, they have homes, picture frames but not computers or phones but to be fair on their behalf they do live in the forest and probably have to keep it as low tech as possible to keep the environment clean for them to continue on living there.

But I was struggling to keep my arms around my beloveds neck because they started to go numb from being in their position for too long, I leaned up into his ear and said,

"You know you don't have to carry me, I know I'm heavy." My beloved made me look into his eyes as he paused and pushed our noses together and he whispered right back to me,

"I want to and besides I think you're too light for my liking so when we're done exploring and decorating I'm going to cook you a five course dinner." I'm not going to lie but I am extremely excited at the aspect of a large meal basically since it's been a while since I was allowed to indulge in my gluttonous appetite.

Commonly, I found myself lacking real meals and was often found binging on Oreos in the middle of the night after my sister started to control what I ate and made me dance the non existent calories off to keep the skinny aesthetic that she wanted for us.

One thing that did impress me about Velvet during our singing career is that she kept the same standard for herself too and it wasn't a one sided affair like a lot of things in our old dynamic.

My thinking was hastily put to an end as Floyd put his mouth to mine and my heart jumped and pulsed as if I was electrocuted by his kiss. I loved kissing him, his mouth was so warm and his tongue was soft as if it were made from silk and tasted like strawberry candy. My body felt as if I was floating at the devotion he expressed whenever we locked lips.

I let out a soft moan when he stopped and brought our foreheads together and I could see the reflection of my royal blue eyes in his picturesque amaranth irises. My blush was fierce so I glanced away to escape those beautiful glittery spinel eyes that looked into mine with such loving devotion only to have his lips meet my neck instead giving it a ginger peck and continued on with Poppy as she was explaining the whole story behind the house. As she was explaining something she said caught my attention,

"For some reason the bedroom is sound proof, but we found a bunch of guitars so me and branch think that some type of Troll didn't want their music to interfere with Branch's grumpiness or they left long before everyone got here. We're not really sure but-" she rapidly explained further I tuned out the second she said sound proof.

That's a relief especially since I almost had a heart attack the day my grandmothers wanted to talk to Floyd alone, I hoped that I wasn't too loud that night while I unconsciously indulged in my fantasies but I woke him up so I honestly have no clue how loud I was in my sleep. But I got him to admit that he thought I was pretty enough for him to seek out his own satisfaction.

Thankfully my grandmothers just told him secretly about how my mother essentially fucked up a perfectly good family with her adultery. Well I mean we weren't perfect but we were decent. But again I have to bring myself from recalling the past again, it's hard especially since it essentially formed who I was with my glittering chains that attached me to Velvet.

Maybe I need a therapist, to help me through this and work out my problems. Especially unpacking all my underlying issues that stemmed from Velvet and her cruelty.

I was brought back from my thoughts as my boyfriend carried me over the threshold of our new home together, Poppy smiling large while waving frantically at us as she started to runoff yelling,

"I'm going to grab your stuff! Each of The bros wants to give you something as a housewarming!" I giggled as I waved back when she almost stumbled over her own feet in her enthusiasm. I looked up at my boyfriend and smirked as I asked,

"Should I be worried about your brothers wanting to give me something?" I rose an eyebrow as Floyd lightly kicked the door behind us shut. Suddenly I was delicately put down by my boyfriend who in pure delight responded,

"No, they're welcoming you into the family I definitely think they know that I'm serious about you I mean I am and -" I interrupted his sudden nervous stuttering with a kiss on his lips watching with lidded eyes as his fluttering closed and a charcoal colored flush appear on his face as he held my face in his hands.

I let my eyes slip closed as I stepped closer and let the both of us fully enjoy the moment of being fully immersed in each other's presence and being wrapped in the others warm embrace. I let out a deep breathy moan and I could feel his hands roam further down then my waist and I pshivered at where those warm hands were adventuring towards.

Suddenly as I whimpered he laid his hands at the base of my spine and obnoxiously at a tantalizing speed traveling them further down, the door was knocked on and then thrown open by Poppy holding a pile of clothes along with All of Floyd's brothers each holding boxes.

I jumped away and smiled as everyone broke out into giggles upon seeing how close we were to each other, I was about to defend myself before Bruce chuckled and smirked at his younger brother,

"C'mon now Floyd don't make me an uncle so soon." He lightly elbowed my boyfriend in the ribs whilst joking at his expense and I couldn't help but flush at his implication of us having children so soon,

But how would that work? I definitely would need him to explain how that works especially since I noticed on the bus that he kept looking at my crotch with a intrigued look then he had a thoughtful one as if he were lost in thought.

I'll ask him later now I have to focus on juggling Boxes as each brother handed me a box.

Bruce was the first one to introduce his gift, it was quite a large beautiful wrapped gift with blue paper and purple ribbon very similar to the troll who handed me the gift,

"Where did you guys come up with gifts so fast?!" I stumbled upon my words as I slowly took my time to wrap the present open and John Dory shrugged and stated,

"Poppy just handed these boxes to us-" he was rapidly interrupted my Branch aggressively punching him in the arm to effectively silence him. I could definitely see Poppy running around to gather presents for us. She was definitely scary in that way with how quick and efficient she was when it practically came to anything. Honestly I could see her scrapbooking us together in 5 seconds flat then hiding it under my bed in the same amount of time.

However Despite knowing me for maybe a few days, she was always so comforting and kind to me with going above and beyond and it made me almost cry at the pure happiness on her face as she was placing picture frames with pictures of her, Floyd and Brozone on the dusty uncleaned table. I knew that one day a picture of me, her and Floyd will be on that table acting as it's centerpiece.

But I was still new at this whole being a troll thing. I looked at Bruce's present and it was a beautiful sheer nightgown, it was periwinkle in color and had a stitching design of a floral pattern along the hem of the dress, it was spaghetti strapped but had a sweetheart neckline at the same time.

I looked again in the box to see a matching robe with tuffs of snow colored fluff at the ends of each sleeve along the bottom of the robe along with a pair of cute pale lavender slippers with a faux fur and a very tiny stiletto heel. I looked to Poppy who shook her head towards Bruce and I thanked for him for the gift to which he cooly responded,

"Jeez poppy, are you trying to make us all uncles faster?" He rose an eyebrow while Poppy giggled and shrugged her shoulders at the accusation that basically in my mind confirmed that she had purposefully had picked this one out specifically to make me way more sensual in appearance.

I still loved it and pushed it off to the side as Clay was the next one to hand me a box, but I let Floyd open it and thank both his brother and Poppy. Especially since the troll queen would glare at us if we tried to just thank her because she went out of her way to make my boyfriend and I as comfortable as possible with living with the rest of Pop Village.

But we took in Clay's 'gift' and It was a lovely arrangement of cooking utensils with pots and pans, which Branch smiled at his girlfriend and gave her a high five.

They both must've plotted this together for the whole day we were traveling back whilst we were completely unaware but to be fair me and my lover we were pretty preoccupied with whispering wants and desires as we felt each other up.

So I'm assuming it was all pretty easy to plan all of this behind our backs especially with the two of us being so lost in our own world.

But Floyd led Clay and Bruce to the psudo kitchen while Poppy brought my other things upstairs and Branch followed her cleaning everything in his sight until now there were only two.

I was left alone with John.

I nervously looked towards him as I put the beautiful thoughtful pajama gown and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my pointed ear and he looked off to the side before he spoke,

"I've never seen him so happy before, even when Branch was born. He's definitely in love with you and I can tell because ever since we were young Floyd was never really serious about anyone. I mean he just built these wall around him and I've never seen him look at anything the way he looks at you." John fiddled with his goggles as I fully absorbed what he said, I know that Floyd loves me that wasn't a doubt but I felt a fluttering sensation at the idea that I make him just as happy as he makes me.

I always want him to be smiling like this especially with me.

"Ven! How about we go hang up that night dress of yours and then go shopping together." Poppy yelled from upstairs and I yelled back a 'yeah sure'

Everything was slowly coming together in this small dusty abandoned house but I looked to John dory as I gripped the railing of the wooden staircase before saying,

"Don't worry John, I want the same thing that you do. But, I can't say that we'll never argue or make each other upset but I want to spend the rest of my life being as devoted to your brother as he is me. I love him with all my heart."  John seemed content with my answer and I vanished upstairs as the noise from Poppy's racket while she rearranged the bedroom was becoming louder as I approached.

With my hand on the doorknob leading into my boyfriend and I's new bedroom that was now occupied by my bright bubbly friend and her grumpy partner,

I looked to my left to see a picture I've never seen before hanging on the wall,

It was me and Floyd practicing sitting in each others laps as he held onto my arms and I had both my hands on his waist as we both staring into each other's eyes.

Poppy must've gotten the picture while we were so absorbed by each other and I couldn't help but feel tears cluttering at my lash line as I probably had the goofiest smile on my face.

Poppy was honestly too pure for this world and I cooled myself down before opening the door handle and joining the lovely couple in conversation as I helped Poppy put the old bedsheets into a basket.

Today was a good day.

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