Leah and her soldier

By Victoria742696

153K 3.1K 152

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... More

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
Can I fix this?
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
But i love you
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
Time to open the gym
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Opening the gym
Date day
The interview
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
The first meeting
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
What have you done now?
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views

Physio part 2

1.7K 35 3
By Victoria742696

~Leah's POV~
I wake up and Chris is lying awake just staring at the ceiling "good morning baby" "good morning." It was a cold good morning like it has been for the last few days, we told my parents a few days ago that we moved in together properly. My mum was very happy for us my dad had a different reaction telling us we were moving too fast and it would never last. This caused a big fight between me and my dad and Chris has barely looked up from the floor since. She has questioned everything were we moving too fast, should she have asked me to move in with her, are we going to last, then she blames herself for me not speaking to my dad now. I keep telling her I will but I'm just not ready yet, this has had a massive impact on her and she was doing so much better going out daily just for a little bit. We kind of came to the conclusion she had no interaction with people for months then jumped in at the deep end forgetting how to swim. But this has sent her right back. I turn over and put my head on her chest "baby?" "Hm?" That's the only answer I really get now she doesn't speak to me much she is right beside me but never felt so far away, I miss her. "Will you look at me please?" She looks down her eyes look empty like there is no life in them, the sparkle has gone. "Are you regretting us?" "No" "that didn't sound too convincing" "I'm not I promise, but I'm the reason your not speaking to your dad" "baby your not the reason at all, he's the reason for the way he reacted and spoke to you" "baby he loves you he's always going to protect you" a tear forms in my eyes "that's the first time in days you've called me baby" this causes Chris to look away "I'm sorry" I pull her face towards me "no don't be" I kiss her "Chris I love you and my family love you my dad was just a tool the other day and once I've calmed down I will speak to him I promise" "ok I love you too Leah" "come on mum will be here soon to pick us up."

We get dressed then meet my mum at the car "hi sweetheart are you ready for this?" "Oh erm yeah" "baby what you doing get in the front" "no no it's fine I can get in the back you sit next to your mum." She slides in the back of the car this is breaking my heart I want to take all this away from her. I get in the passenger seat and my mum just gives me a look. We arrive at the hospital and me and my mum sit outside the room. "What's going on Leah?" "She's been like this since dad the other day she is questioning everything and doubting everything. She has had a major set back she barely looks up from the floor and hardly speaks. I want to kick his fucking arse" "don't worry Leah I will do that." After sometime we start to hear Chris cry out I put my hands over my ears "fuck sake can they not give her something for her pain before starting this." Vicky comes out "Leah Chris needs you and your mum" we get up and go in the room I sit at the top of the bed kissing Chris' head stroking her hair and my mum holds her hand. That's when Vicky starts bending Chris's knee further and Chris is crying out "Leah?" "Yeah baby?" "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let what your dad say ahhhh affect me so much" she takes some breaths "I'm sorry I've not really spoke ahhhh fuck.. to you and been a moody arsehole ahhhh" she takes some more breaths "I miss my mum pssshhhhttttt I want to see her again. I want to ahhh no stop I need a minute" "ok Chris have a minute" "do you think I will be able to find her?" "Is this your foster mum?" "Yeah Diane" "we will find her baby I promise" "I love you Leah and I don't deserve you" "I love you Chris and you deserve more than I can give you" "lies" "you ready to start again" "no let's do it." The more Chris' knee has been bent the less pain she is in which is relief to my ears. We manage to distract Chris by talking to her but she keeps hold of my mums hand I couldn't imagine not having my mum in my life and Chris' birth mum died then she ran away from her foster mum. Imagine being so scared to have a family you run away from the one person who never gave up on you. "Can I take yous out for dinner?" "You want to go out?" "Only if yous want to" "mum?" "I would love to." "Right Chris I want you to stand up for me I've adjusted your brace for more movement I want you to try and put some weight on your leg just slight to start off with" "this is going to suck" "if it's too painful it means your not ready yet so take the weight straight off it ok" "ok." Chris puts her foot on the floor it looks like she is putting to weight on it "how does that feel?" "A touch uncomfortable but nothing too bad" "describe what you mean uncomfortable" "like sitting on your foot for a couple of hours then trying to stand on it" "yeah that's normal but remember your foot hasn't been on the ground in months so that leg is going to be quite weak so it's about gradually building the strength back up. Everyday I want you to do your leg bends and continue to put this amount of weight on it ok?" "Yes boss" "we are done for today and I will see you next week. The week after we will be going to 2 sessions a week, we have some ground to make up" "I cannot wait to re-enter the torture chamber next week" "as long as you enjoy it Chris that's all that matters" we all laugh.

After leaving the hospital we head to a quiet pub for lunch I can see Chris is uncomfortable because she is fidgeting a lot. I take her hand in mine and whisper in her ear "are you alright" "hm what yeah fine" "what do you need us to do?" "Just keep talking to me please" I look at my mum. "So with you taking medical discharge what do you plan on doing next?" "Use the money that was left to me to start a security company and possibly a gym" "who left you money?" "My dad he was a CEO for a big insurance firm so had a big life insurance policy for him and my mum. Plus because the owners had watched me grow up they paid out his pension and put it all into a bank account for me for when I hit 21" "wow and they didn't have to do that?" "No they didn't but they were always at my birthday parties and my mum hated when I tooth fell because apparently the company worked for the tooth fairy and I would walk out with like £200 put into the trust fund" I'm sat completely speechless "trust fund?" "Yeah my dads boss opened a trust fund for me as soon as he found out my mum was pregnant which is where all the money was put when they died" I still have no words but my mum wants more information "do you mind me asking how much was left?" "Ermm I'm not entirely sure but once I received the account on my birthday there was little over 4 million in it" "holy shit!" Nice one Leah the first words you say is holy shit "wait that's why you won't let me pay for anything in the flat?" "Yep" "and why there is no mortgage on the flat?" "Certainly is my love" "wait you don't let Leah pay for anything?" "No I have more money than she does" "now this is not me objecting to yous living together but what security do you have Leah if anything was to happen to yous?" "Leah still has her house which she is sub letting out and if everything works out with us living together then we will buy a house together" "ok that I can deal with that sorry just have to make sure yous are being smart" "I understand that." Ok now I need to be cheeky "can't wait to see my Christmas gift this year" Chris bursts out laughing. I'm starting to see the spark come back into her eyes I can't help but stare at her "what? Do I have something on my face?" I laugh "no it's nice seeing you laugh again that's all." We finish eating then head back home.

~Amanda's POV~
I get home and to say I'm not happy is an understatement. As soon as get through the door I see David "hi Amanda what have you been up to today?" "Been to the hospital with Chris and Leah for Chris' physio" "how come you went?" "Because David Chris took 3 bullets risking her life and almost died to make sure our daughter could live. And you David are going around there tonight to grovel for forgiveness even if you have to get on your hands and knees and beg both of them" "but.." "no David no buts you know Chris doesn't let Leah pay any bills in the flat because she is loaded, she also has Leah sub letting the house so if anything happens to them she still has  somewhere to live, she worships your daughter and keeps her safe fuck sake David she took 3 fucking bullets for Leah and you have made her question everything and made her feel like shit. So I'm taking you there now and you are going to make this up to the pair of them" "ok your right I was harsh on them after a shit day" "good now get your shoes on and get in the car."

~Chris' POV~
When we get home I have a shower then Leah goes in the bath. I decide to write a contract to give Leah and her parents peace of mind. The contract states that if me and Leah were to ever split up and her house was still being rented I would move out until she could get her house back with me paying the bills as they are too much for her to take on by herself. It also states that anything she needs due to tenants replacing things in her house and taking their things with them I will replace as it was me who asked her to move in with me. Anything she pays for in the flat will become hers and in no way would I ever come after Leah for any financial reimbursement for anything. I then sign and date the bottom Leah comes through to the sitting room from the bathroom "feel better baby?" "Yeah I love a soak in the bath" "I know you do why do you think I had it replaced to a more luxurious bath before I moved in" "what no no you didn't" "I did I wanted everything to be perfect for when you stayed over I mean I wasn't expecting all this to happen but I wanted this place to be comfortable." Leah comes over and sits on me straddling my legs "you Christina Taylor are way too much" "baby you know your naked under that towel and your currently straddling me giving me the best access to you" "oh really" she gets closer whispering in my ear "you know I won't give you sex on physio day" she kisses me then gets up. "Wow that was fucking mean" "I'm just going to get ready" "yeah then when your done can you come back here I need to go through something with you" "that sounds serious" "it's nothing to worry about I promise" "ok then give me 5 minutes." Leah goes to the bedroom and puts her pyjamas on then comes back into the sitting room and sits beside me "so what's going on baby?" "I've wrote up a contract I want you to read and sign to give you and your parents peace of mind" I hand her the paper and she reads through it "I'm not signing that" "please Leah" "no no chance how is any of this fair on you" "Leah that's not the point it is about you and you being safe" "I'm not signing it Chris and I'm not talking about it anymore so get comfortable because I'm cuddling you and we are watching a movie and ordering food" "Le.." "no it's not happening so either get comfortable or I'll just sit down the bottom end of the sofa" "I'll get comfortable" "thank you. This contract isn't necessary for 2 reasons 1 we are never splitting up and 2 we are never splitting up and I know you will always make sure I'm looked after." I sit length ways with my leg on the pouffe and Leah sits in between my legs I pull her in tight "always my love" we put Jurassic World on.

Part of the way through the movie Leah gets a phone call from her mum saying that she is downstairs is it alright to come up. Which obviously it was I don't know why she thought it wouldn't be. "Hello ladies" "hi mum we are just in the sitting room" Amanda and David walk in and I just put my head down "what the hell are you doing here? Get out" "hold up baba just let him talk" "what so he can slate my relationship more no fucking chance" "Leah I've came to apologise to you and Chris" "I don't care I don't want to hear it you know you've got Chris writing up agreements for if we ever break up" "what do you mean" she hands over the paper both Amanda and David read it then David rips it up which shocks both me and Leah "you don't need it. Chris I'm so sorry for how I reacted it had been a really shitty couple of days and I lashed out at yous, mainly you I'm so sorry. I know you will look after my daughter Jesus you nearly died protecting her. Please let me make it up to you, to both of you I don't doubt for 1 second that yous 2 won't be forever I can see it in how yous look at each other. Hell me and your mum used to look at each other like that until today when she gave me her murder eyes. I am really sorry for everything that I said I really am but one thing I will never apologise for is protecting you Leah. But that wasn't me protecting you the other day that was just me being a tool. Please will yous forgive me?" "It's ok David I understand" "thank you Chris you're a better person than me" "yeah she is" I look at Leah "and Leah forgives you too" "no I.." "yes you do and do you know why?" "Why?" "Because a lot of bloody thought went into that agreement and now it is in many many pieces and you wouldn't sign it that's why" "fine" "so that's sorted we will leave you to your night" "would you like to join us Leah is ordering herself some food you can join us we are just watching a movie" "that would be nice thank you" "by the way this is a stunning flat or penthouse" "it's a flat" "it's massive" "after spending many many days and nights in small places with smelly men I like spacious places" "spacious could host a football match in this lounge" "please don't." Leah Amanda and David order food I'm not hungry we also continue watching Jurassic world but I fall asleep.

~Leah's POV~
Chris has fell asleep "physio where's her down physically and mentally but she will be alright tomorrow." "How's the physio going?" "It's torture to watch but she needs me in there with her to distract her from the pain" "you's are all doing amazing" "thanks dad I'm going to wake her up and make her go to bed" "we will head out let yous get some rest" "ok I will see yous soon." They both leave and I wake Chris up "baby it's time to go to bed now" "I'm already in bed" damn she is so cute "baby your still on the sofa" "Hm oh  ok" she gets up and goes to bed, I clear up then join her.

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