Leah and her soldier

By Victoria742696

203K 4.4K 197

After trouble at Arsenal that puts the girls in harms way arsenal are forced to get protection. Will the girl... More

Trouble at arsenal
The first full day
Day 3
Taking Leah to her see her family
Pep in my step
Poff is staying
Does Georgie know?
Kingie arrives
Am I in trouble?
Game day
R&R day 1
The day after the night before
Time to go back to the colony
Poffs sleep walking again
The second week at arsenal
I miss her
Is this goodbye?
The struggle
Chris' struggle
The first physio session
Sneaky Sneaky
I cannot resist
The ex and the game
Physio part 2
Leah is off to the world cup
The first week
I get to see Leah
Its time to walk
My head hurts
Its almost my birthday
Its my birthday
The party
Not story
The holiday
The holiday part 2
But i love you
Finding myself
No matter what
Dead to me
Christmas and new year
She's ignoring me
Time to open the gym
What is family?
Training abroad
Keeping busy
Whats going on then
Time for school
Leahs home!
Time for dress shopping
The plan
The hen party
The wedding
Leah is leaving
Staying with Kat
The meeting
Dry spell
Post covid
Opening the gym
Date day
The interview
Ring shopping
Taking mum to her first football game
Arnold cup final
Leah's week from hell
Leah's birthday
I'm engaged
Back to reality
Meetings meetings and more meetings
The weekend
My new plan
The future
The appointment and the first visit
The first meeting
Friday night/meeting Emily and Kat
Current situation
What have you done now?
Wedding planning
Game day
Lifes busy
The family holiday
Family holiday part 2
Surgery day
You should of told me
Getting ready for internaional break
New plan
Day 1
The opening ceremony
Family BBQ
A day in the life
The semi final
Its a bad day
The final
Home Time
The breakdown
Its finally wedding time
The honeymoon
He's coming
Zade and Xander meet
Its just a bump in the road
Its all about the views
Date day
Family bbq with an unwanted visitor
Moving around
Moving day
First game of the season
I need you!
Recovery begins today
Christmas as a family
Why? I don't understand
Please you have to forgive me
I need a break
Meeting up with Emily
Family time

Can I fix this?

2.2K 50 0
By Victoria742696

~Chris' POV~
It's been a couple of days since my we'll call it little blip. Leah has been very attentive constantly making sure I'm alright which I very much appreciate. The girls are busy eating breakfast we've been called into an emergency briefing called. "Right 2 section listen up, we have word that due to the many failed attempts by this group they are stepping it up a level with an attack planned. We have no word when this attack will take place so we are escalating to code red with attack imminent all fire arms are to be carried at all times is that understood?" "Yes sir" "Chris obviously you and Poff have the main targets so keep an extra close eye on them they are never to be left alone" "understood boss" "right go do what we do best."

We all head to the canteen and the girls immediately notice the rifles we are now carrying "everything alright Chris?" "Champion meado" "are you sure you don't normally carry your big gun" "just making sure my team are protected that's all. What's the plans today is it field or gym?" "Gym but Leah has physio" brilliant gym easier to protect only one door in and out. "Poff will escort Leah to physio and I will guard the gym you alright with that Poff?" "All good with me sarge" "champion let's get cracking then shall we?" "Eager much calm down Chris" "do we or do we not have a schedule to keep? Kim we do have a schedule don't we?" "Yeah we have to be in the gym in 5 minutes" "thank you now let's get a move on." I wonder if this group has a copy of the schedule maybe we should see about getting it changed slightly keeping it off computers and staying paper based. Not a bad idea Chris. We head off to the gym I stay near the door with fingers.

~Leah's POV~
We walk to the physio room there is something clearly going on and I'm never going to get it from miss professional "how you doing poff?" "I'm good thanks Leah how's your ankle?" "Getting there you know. So what's the crack yous all seem on edge?" "No nothing just following the boss' orders" "not very nice having to follow orders all of the time if you were in charge what would you do?" "I would take you and Kim away from the team and protect yous like that" "me and Kim?" "Yeah you know yous being the main targets" my stomach drops "does Chris know about this?" "The sarge?" Stupid question Leah of course she fucking knows and she never told me.

I stop walking, "you alright Leah?" "No I'm not" I turn and head back towards the gym when I walk in I see Chris I can't help it I charge straight in her direction, before I know it I've slapped her across the face "you knew and you didn't tell me" "I knew what?" "That me and Kim are the targets" I see her face drop yeah I've got her now "how did you find out?" "Poff has actually been honest with me you know what you stay away from me, me and you should never of happened" I don't care who knows because right now I'm fucking angry "you know I can't do that Leah I have to protect you just like everyone else" "well I tell you what if I'm in the room you stay guard on the door like a good little guard dog and hopefully you can protect us better than you did that person in Iraq." Shit too far Leah "I'm sorry I didn't mean that I shouldn't have said that" tears have come to Chris' eyes "as you wish miss Williamson" I look around and all the girls are looking at us. It is just the girls in our group that's in here now then I see fingers. Chris leaves the gym and I see her stand outside of the room. Yes I'm angry but I shouldn't have said that.

~Chris' POV~
I know Leah was angry but that was below the belt and that really hurt. I walk out and stand outside of the door I see fingers stand the opposite side of me "you good sarge?" "Don't want to talk about it fingers" "ok and don't worry your secret is safe with me Chris" "right now mate I couldn't give a fuck but thanks." I stay outside of the door until Kim comes out "Chris a couple of us need to use the bathroom" "ok come on I will take yous" I take Kim Lia and Viv along to the bathroom and stand outside before going back to the gym. "Chris are you going to tell me what happened with Leah?" "Please fingers don't now is not the time or the place" "was it serious?" He's not going to drop this "for me yes I thought she could for me but I guess I was wrong" "mate" "please don't fingers I can't even think about it right now I just need to focus on the mission then we can get out of here" "ok Chris I won't bring it up anymore. So next question is when are you next seeing Emily?" "I don't know soon I hope I really miss her" "how longs it been now?" "14 months" "I've never understood how yous aren't a thing yous would look hot together. Emily is smoking" "would you like me to punch you in the mouth because I will you know" "I don't doubt you for a minute on that one sarge." Poff comes along the corridor "Poff you told Leah that her and Kim are the main targets why?" "I'm sorry sarge it should never of happened it just happened in conversation" "the main rules we don't scare we don't cause panic" "I know I'm so sorry" "get in there we will guard out here" "ok sarge" he goes inside "does poff know?" "With that big mouth no chance."

After a couple of hours it's time for lunch so we escort everyone to the canteen. I stick to Leah's wish and remain outside of the canteen even though the rest of the group are telling me to go in and have lunch. Once everyone finished lunch we go back to the gym Georgie comes up to me "how you doing Chris? Steph told me what happened" "good yeah just here to do a job you know" "no Chris don't do that don't put them walls back up Leah managed to break through them please keep them down" "yeah she managed to break through them and look where that got me I should never of got distracted" "but you love her" "it is what it is I will get over it then remind me of this if I ever think I can do the whole relationship thing again" "Chris.." "just leave it Georgie yeah" "ok I will leave it just know I'm here ok" "thanks Georgie."

~Steph's POV~
I understand that Leah is mad. Actually scratch that no I don't why would anyone want to know that they are the main target for a group of people who are trying to hurt her. Then to banish Chris to the hallways the poor girl hasn't ate since this morning because she wouldn't come in the canteen at lunch time. Enough is enough "Leah I need a word with you" we move away from everyone "Leah you need to make it up with Chris you were well out of line" "I know I shouldn't of said what I did but.." "no Leah there's no but I watched that girls heart shatter yous are perfect together she treats you like a queen" "she lied to me" "no Leah she just didn't tell you and she would of had her reasons. Hell I wouldn't of told you" I see Georgie walk in "Georgie come here please" now I will give Leah the answers she wants "why did Chris not tell Leah and Kim they are the targets?" "We had our orders not too, but I don't think she would of anyways do you know that scared feeling you've got now which you are confusing with anger that's why she wouldn't of told you. Leah Chris is in love with you she has never been in love before she had to ask me what love felt like" Leah is now close to tears "and what did you say?" "It's not what I said it's what she said" "what do you mean?" "I asked Chris what she was feeling" "what did she say?" "She said and I quote 'Everything, I feel a warmth through out my chest, I feel like everything I have ever questioned now makes sense and when she's not around a part of me is missing, when we are close to each other even just in the same room I'm complete' but I have a feeling she would say something different now she has closed herself off again." Georgie walks off and Leah is stood crying "I need to fix this can you help me please?" "I will see if she will come talk to you or talk later when we are back in the apartment that would be better" "Steph thank you honestly you are a true friend."

~Leah's POV~
I hope I can make this right Chris means the absolute world to me and I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Maybe Georgie was right maybe I wasn't angry at her at all and I was actually scared because since finding that news out I have been terrified. Chris has agreed to talk to me later but she has said Steph and Georgie need to be there. We are walking up to the apartment it is very quiet. Chris refuses to come in and just stands outside this is all my fault, I see Steph go to the door and ask Chris to come in for tea but she doesn't so Steph takes her a plate in the hallway and sits with her. Once everyone has gone to bed Chris comes in with Georgie me and Steph are sat on the sofa. "Chris I'm so sorry about what happened and what I said" "you know Leah everything I did I did for you and your team" I take Chris' hand "I know and for what I said that was just cruel please let me make it up to you I don't care how long it takes" Chris pulls her hand from mine "what you said was true though Leah we should never of happened" "no please you can't mean that" "excuse me I need a shower then I will be going to bed" "Chris please let's sort this out." She walks away going to the bathroom "am I going to lose her Georgie?" "If you don't sort things out before we leave there is a chance you will never see her again. Chris is very good at disappearing" Georgie leaves Steph gives me a hug then goes to bed. Can I fix this?

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