The Unnamed Queen of Prophecy

By Wise_Cloud

24.1K 773 1.6K

Teiko Middle School. One of the most prestigious middle schools people in Japan can attend. Their basketball... More

-★ Season 1 ★-
The Start of a New Chapter
I Am Serious
It's Better if I Can't Win
Take Care of the Counter Attack!
Your Basketball
Let Me Tell You Two Things
You'll See Something Amazing
Now That I think About It
To Win
I can't Have that
It's Not Like That
What Is "Victory"?
I Believed In You
You Look Just Like Him
You Look Just Like Him - Part 2
The Queen & Ace
Don't Make Me Laugh
Let's Go
You're All Ridiculous
You're All Ridiculous Part 2
On To The Next Challenge
I Don't Want To Be
Let's Get Started
I'll Win Even If it Kills Me
Kuroko's Basketball: Tip Off
Kuroko's Basketball: Tip Off (Part 2)
I'm not Mature!
Our Basketball
-★ Season 2 ★-
I never Thought We'd Meet Here
At the Winter Cup
There is Only One Answer
I've Been Waiting For This
I Surpassed You Long Ago
Give Up
I Will Defeat You!!
I Will Defeat You!! (Part 2)
It's Trust
Don't Be Ridiculous
I look Forward To It
Definitely This Time
Definitely This Time (Part 2)
Useless Effort
I Think He's Extremely Happy
We Win Now!
"Would You Mind Doing That Once More?"
"Would You Mind Doing That Once More?" Part 2
I Believe in Him
Like I'd lose
Tell Me
Of Course It's Not Easy
It's Obvious
I Don't Want to Lose

First Basket

225 6 1
By Wise_Cloud

The teams were still going head-to-head against each other.

Fukui went for a three but missed, Kagami and Kyoshi went for the rebound but Liu and Okamura were higher than them to push the ball back into the net. Making Yosen score first.

You smiled when seeing Kuroko about to do his skillful passing, "A Cyclone Pass!" It's a curved pass that can get through the small gaps of defence in a team.

But then you realized something you forgot to mention to your team, "Watch out! Atsu-kun is still back at the net!"

Izuki looked up and saw the tall giant right in front of him, 'Dammit! I forgot that Atsu-kun doesn't participate in the offensive play and just stays under the net. We won't be able to do a counterattack if this keeps up...!'

Okamura and the rest of Yosen arrived thanks to Murasakibara holding Izuki on from scoring.

"Izuki!" Hyuga yelled out to the point guard who passed to him. The captain went to get another three.

The ball was barely touched by Murasakibara, but it was enough to make the ball lose its volume and rotation to get in the net.

Even with Kagami and Kyoshi, Murasakibara was still able to get the rebound before them.


Seirin - 0

Yosen - 18

18 seconds before the first quarter ends.

"This isn't good." Kawahara spoke, "We haven't scored a single point yet. There are only 15 seconds left."

"Their defence is no joke. No wonder..." you muttered.

'The level of mental fatigue from a 20-point versus an 18-point difference at the end of the first quarter is completely different. If we can stop this basket, we can keep fighting. If we can't, though, it'll be fatal.' Riko thought in her head, she too being anxious by the point difference.

Liu, their small forward had the ball as Kiyoshi tried to stop him. The ball was passed to Fukui who goes to make the basket. That earned surprised faces from Seirin's benched players.

"No, you don't!" Kagami yelled, able to at least get a finger to touch the ball. It made Fukui miss by an inch.

Since Kagami was the one who blocked the ball, Hyuga and Kyoshi are the only ones who can deal with the two other Yosen players to get the rebound.

You smiled with the others when you saw Kyoshi using his new move "Vice Claw" to get the ball before Liu and Okamura.

"Kyoshi!" Izuki shouted in relief.

"He defended the basket!" Fukuda yelled with Furihata.

Hyuga and Kyoshi did a high-five at protecting their basket, "Nice rebound, Kyoshi-san!" You praised from afar.

Now it was time for the interval before the second quarter.

Riko was on the ground so she could speak to the starting lineup who rested on the bench, "Let's go over the facts. They're running a two-three zone." You appeared with a small board of the court before Riko placed a token to represent the players.

"Murasakibara's defensive range covers everything inside the three-point line. When you add the other four to that..." Riko explained the range of Yosen's center, with the addition of their other players.

"There's no opening." Fukuda jumped in.

"How are we supposed to score like this?" Furihata asked in hesitance.

"With Murasakibara holding his position in the middle, the other four are free to move beyond his range and pressure the outside," Riko stated.

Izuki leaned in forward to speak, "Couldn't we still manage a three?"

"A single shot won't make any difference," Hyuga answered his friend's question.

"To win, we have to score from the inside," Kyoshi stated seriously.

"Kyoshi-san's right. We won't be able to make much progress if we shoot from the outside. They'll just get their momentum back when they shoot on the inside. We need to beat them at their own game." You gave a curt nod to the center's argument.

"Excuse me..."

Everyone turned to Kuroko, "Hm? Tetsu-kun? Something you'd like to say?" You asked, turning to face the blue-haired male.

He gave a nod before revealing what he wanted to say to the rest of the group, "What?" Everyone except you looked at the phantom man in surprise.


It was the second quarter, and Izuki had the ball this time. Immediately when they started the game, all Yosen players, excluding Murasakibara put pressure on Seirin.

You narrowed your eyes at the play, 'I was right after all. They're trying to finish us off.'

Izuki passed to Kyoshi who was being marked by the Yosen center, Murasakibara.

Kyoshi tried to do a post-play to try to score, "What? You think you can get around me like that?" Murasakibara asked, going to stop Kyoshi.

"No, of course, I don't," Kyoshi replied before moving the ball with his hands to score around the tall player.

Kagami was there to dunk the ball, but Murasakibara was fast enough to block the shot, 'Atsu-kun's reflexes are still top-notch...' you thought with a worried look but soon smiled.

'But, we don't give up that easily.'

"Don't say it's over yet!" Kagami shouted before using his other hand to pass the ball to Kuroko.

(You can skip if you'd like!)

A small flashback of Kuroko asking his team to let him shoot. Of course, they were a little nervous to let him do it. But you told them that he's been getting special training.

"He's been working hard. He even showed me a new move. A move that not even someone like Atsu-kun can block." You grinned.

"Is it just me, or is that grin evil-looking?" Kagami earned a towel to the face, "You could've at least found something that'll hurt me!" His muffled voice was heard.

"I'll knock you where you stand you overgrown strawberry top!" You yelled before calming down, "Anyways, trust in him. I assure you, Tetsu-kun does not disappoint." You assured the team.

"Well, if our wonderful manager says so. I believe it." Izuki smiled.

"That's true!" Koganei joined in, Mitobe was seen with a smile and gave a small nod.

The first years also were seen with relieved faces, "That's our manager for you!"

You were seen with a shy face, "O-Oh...That's too much guys...! Stop it!~"

"Idiots! You're embarrassing her!" Hyuga yelled at the group who immediately apologized.

"Hyuga was about to agree before yelling." Izuki exposed his captain, earning him a slap on the shoulder, "SHUT UP!"

You and the others only laughed at the scene before going back to talking about a plan, "So, me and Riko-san thought that..."

∘∘ (𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚎𝚗𝚍!) ∘∘∘

You smiled when seeing Murasakibara's surprised face when seeing Kuroko try to shoot, "Told you that, Tetsu-kun doesn't disappoint."

Murasakibara knew what Kuroko was up to just by seeing the look in his eye. With his fast reflexes, he was able to catch up and block Kuroko.

"No. Not even you can stop that shot, Murasakibara. After all, it's like his drive." Aomine stated, "It disappears."

Kuroko shot the ball and it seemed it disappeared like his drive making Yosen awestruck at the new move.

"All right!" Hyuga cheered.

The bench cheered Kuroko on, "Yeah! Our first 2 points of the game!" You smiled.

Murasakibara glared down at the blue-haired male, "Kuro-chin!"

"Honestly, I'm surprised." The tall man spoke to his old teammate, "I didn't think you'd be the first to score against me in this tournament."

"Really?" Kuroko inquired, "In that case, I hope you'll be careful in the future."

It was time for Yosen to make their comeback with their defence against Seirin's offence.

Izuki was to mark Fukui who had the ball. He passed to their captain, Okamura who was taking his position by force against Kagami to score.

"Oh, were you there the whole time?" Okamura asked Kagami who grew confused, "What?"

"I forgot. You're just so light." Those words irked Kagami, "What'd you say?"

You sighed before yelling at the redhead, "Kagami! Calm down! Don't let him get to you!"

Koganei realized something with Mitobe, "What's up, Mitobe?" The silent man-made signs of worry.

"Oh, I get it." You murmured.

Koganei turned to Riko, "Coach, Mitobe says it's not working."

The first years were surprised at his understanding of the signs, "He understood him?!"

"I know that." Riko unveiled.

"The problem is that Kags and Kiyoshi-san are the only ones we have to go against Yosen's defence in height." You stated, looking at the game.

Kuroko used his Vanishing Drive against Fukui to get past him with the ball. He went to shoot but Liu was behind him to block the shot.

"Don't be fooled, Liu!" Himuro tried to warn him but it was too late, Kuroko already passed the ball to his captain, Hyuga.

With that, the captain scored a three, "He made the shot!" Seirin cheered on their lineup.

The problem for Seirin was for Kagami to find a way to stop Okamura from scoring against them.

"Kagami." Kyoshi was there to pat the first year's head. Though it was a little harsh...

"Your hips. Drop your hips." Kyoshi reminded the younger player who grew aggravated to his antics.

"That hurts! I'm already doing that! Don't you have any other advice?" Kagami retorted before asking for more advice.

Kyoshi only blinked at that, "Other advice?" He gave it some thought before speaking, "He's big. You should be careful."

That only irritated Kagami even more, "I know that!"

Kyoshi turned to head back to their side of the court, "Really? Never mind then." Kagami was still confused about what he meant, "We ran our legs off over the summer to strengthen our hips and legs. As long as you remember those two things, you won't lose."

Thanks to Kyoshi's reminder, it is safe to say Kagami has a good grasp of what he has to do.

During the quarter, Seirin was getting better at stacking from the inside thanks to Kuroko. But, the problem is when Okamura is under the net...

Kagami still was being pushed around like some ragdoll against the taller player. He thought of Kyoshi's advice, but that only got him angry.

It was then those words finally came through to Kagami, 'Well, took him a while for him to find out but whatever. As long as he understands now.' You smiled when seeing Kagami able to stand against Okamura.

It even surprised Kagami's teammates and Murasakibara.

"You little brat!" Okamura grunted when realizing Kagami wasn't moving.

"I figured it out. I wasn't lowering my center of gravity enough because of your height." Kagami spoke, agitating Yosen's captain.

"Don't underestimate me!" Okamura yelled, going to shoot from his position.

"Not deep enough! I can catch up!" Kagami was finally able to completely block Okamura's shot.

"Rebound!" Izuki yelled.

"It's mine!" Liu jumped to get the ball but Kyoshi used his Vice Claw to get it first.

Seirin's center passed the ball to Hyuga, making them able to do a counterattack. Hyuga faked of shooting before passing to Kuroko.

Even after the fake, Murasakibarawa was able to trap Kuroko from behind him to block his shot. It was proved useless since Kuroko still made the shot regardless.

"Nice job, Tetsu-kun!" You cheered him on just as the buzzer sounded for the end of the second quarter.


"You did amazing out there!" You smiled handing water bottles to Hyuga and the others.

"Thanks, (Y/N). It's all thanks to Kuroko to give us an opening." Hyuga smiled lightly towards you.

"True! Oh, by the way, that three you did back there was cool as well!" You were seen emitting sparkles and flowers all around.

"She's blinding!" The group yelled in disbelief as Kyoshi only laughed.

Hyuga could be seen averting his gaze from you, "I-Uhm...Ahem! Thank you very much, (Y/N). Means a lot to me..."

"Of course, Hyuga-san!" You beamed making him blush more.

"Wow, Hyuga, you turned pink this time—Oof!" Izumi was seen teasing his friend before feeling the back of a water bottle hitting his chin, "Yep...! Kinda deserved that..."

"Yeah, you do!" Hyuga agreed.

"Haha! You guys sure are funny when it comes to this." Kyoshi smiled, after thanking you for giving him a towel to wipe off his sweat.

"Wait til you see Hyuga attempt to murder Izuki just because he tried to hug her once..." Koganei muttered, Mitobe was seen shuddering at the memory.

"Gosh! You should be more careful, Izuki-san." You went up to inspect his injury and uncovered that he'll be fine.

"Aw! (Y/N)-chan! You worry about me!~ How sweet!" Izuki grinned.

"Of course I do, we need you in the second half, Eagle Eye." You winked before going to tend to Kyoshi.

"She...Winked?! Oh my god—" Izuki covered his cheeks with the back of his hand, trying to compose himself.

"Are you some elementary school kid or something?! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Hyuga was seen scolding Izuki.

The rest of the team just just deadpanned at the scene, "Yeah...He's jealous alright..."

"Come on, we should head to our lockers. We'll talk more there." Riko stated.

Initially, they were going to put Kuroko in the second half but it wouldn't be much of a change in the pace of the game since his misdirection doesn't work against Yosen.

There's a chance they could sue Overflow and try to see if the effect is as explosive as Tōō but it's highest unlikely.

Riko went to tell her players that they have to score without Kuroko on the court.

"In order to do that, Teppei..." she turned to face the third second year, "...your strength will become important."

She turned back to the group, "And defence. The cornerstone of Yosen's offensive will move in the second half."

"No. 12, Tatsuya-kun." You revealed with a serious face, "If there's anyone who can stop him, it's Kagami."

Riko nodded at your declaration, "In other words, in order for us to win, Kagami needs to beat Himuro, and Teppei needs to beat Murasakibara."


The teams were back on the court, "Kyoshi, Kagami." Kuroko called out to the two.

"Murakibara and Himuro are both strong. But I don't think you'll lose to them." Kuroko smiled at the two, lifting two fists for the players, "Go beat them up."

"Of course we will." Kagami replied.

Kyoshi smiled kindly at the first year, "Beat them up, huh? Sounds good." The two accepted Kuroko's fist bump.

"Leave it to us!"

"Though, don't try and ruin Tatsuya's face too much please! I'd like to at least be able to see his wonderful smile!" You added making Kagami crack his neck at you faster than he ever did.

"Are you serious?! You care more about his face than us winning?!" Kagami yelled at you, clearly not buying it.

"Yes I do! He's actually a pretty cool person, and he's handsome to add! Just the way that he greeted me was so sweet and kind!~" You were seen with a dazed look on your face.

The men on your team were not that surprised. Fortunately, Furihata gave them details of what happened when they met Murasakibara and Himuro in street ball, "Ah, so that's why..."

"A new love rival?! Yes! We need to add more spice to this drama." Riko smiled evilly, having plans of her own.

"Y-You look scary, coach!" Koganei yelled in fright.

"I don't like him..."

The benched players looked to see Kuroko Emmitt a dark aura.

"I don't like him being near (Y/N)-san. I don't like him since he's all she talks about. Much less knowing what he did to her."

"AH! There it is! Dark Kuroko has returned!"

"Since when does he get possessive of all people?!"

Kagami only groaned, "I swear...someday she'll eventually get to know about everyone's deep crush on her and will be COMPLETELY SURPRISED by the revelation!"

Kiyoshi only chuckled, "Well, that's our manager!"

"You and her are the same..." Hyuga and Izuki spoke up making Kyoshi point at himself, "Me? Really? What could be the similarities?"

You could see Hyuga's eye twitch, "That bastard I'm gonna—"

"Hyuga! We gotta go! It's starting already!" Izuki walked past his friend to stop him from committing a murder.

After those few funny moments, the game resumed to the second half.

Kagami and Himuro were against each other finally, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Don't hold back, Tatsuya!"

Himuro smiled when hearing those words, "I like the look in your eyes. I'm relieved. It sounds like what you said before the game was true. But I will be the victor, Taiga!"

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