By retrolokii

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Title says it all. Requests are very much open just comment or dm pls and thanks ‹3 [ON GOING] May contain ot... More

Midsummer in Valhalla
Dance With Me
Call Me A Thief
Paper Rings
In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Oh Dearest, Your Fangs Are Showing.
Publicist Problems
Oh, Hello Doctor.
Where Am I? (Harry Potter x MCU AU)
England (Part 1)
England (Part 2)
England (Part 3)
Ghost Hunting (Unsolved x Crimson Peak)
Loki of Norway
Quarantine with Loki (Days 1-2)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 3-4)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 5-6)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 7-8)
Cabin in The Woods
Cabin in the Woods (Part 2)
So, We Meet Again...
Trickster's Surprise
Alfheim's Finest
Time Travelling's a Bitch
Hello, Neighbor!
Stay, You Fool.
Alfheim's Finest (Part 2): Picnic Day!
The Night Before
Ladies of The Court
Accidental Pen Pals
Dancing in the Moonlight
Emergency Healer
Heart of The Woods
Something New (Capt. James Conrad x Reader)
I Guess We're A Good Team After All
I'm Here.
Sleipnir's Arrival
Meeting The Family
Cold Mornings
Oh, Cupid.
You Wound Me
Perfectly Mischievous
Finally Free (Thomas Sharpe x Reader)
In Safe Hands
Come and Get Me
In Safe Hands (Part 2)
Secret Santa
Palace Libraries
Cheers to Victory
Run to Me, Baby.
Time Capsule
Did Somebody Call For Agent Loki? - Part 1
Did Someone Call For Agent Loki? - Part 2
Did Someone Call for Agent Loki? - Part 3
I'm Not Actually A Vampire!
Don't You Dare Die On Me
Sinister Kid
Sparks Fly
Dead Men Tell No Tales (or do they?)
Halloween Special!
Royal Pain in The Ass
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 2
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 3
Nights are Better with You
You're Just as Strong as Me
I Love You (Against My Better Judgement)
Much Ado About Nothing
The Pirate and The Prince
Heaven Be Damned (I Have You)
Better Unknown
It Will Come Back
You're So Warm
I Can't Bear to Lose You
I Like You Better (Than Him)
Bets On. Clothes Off (Well, Almost).
Is This A Date?
My Love Mine All Mine
Hate It When You Do That
When Death Gives You An Out (You Take It)
Peace and Quiet, At Least For a Moment.
Peace and Quiet, Now Until Forever
What You Taste Like [SMUT]
What You See
A Ballad of Reluctant Affections
A Ballad of Hope and Promises
At The End of Time
Until I Am Enough
Like Real People Do

A Ballad of Vicious Mockery

593 15 8
By retrolokii



Features "I Can See You" by Taylor Swift


You're a Bard, Loki is a Rogue (Arcane Trickster), Thor & Volstagg are Barbarians, and Sif, Hogun, and Fandral are Fighters.

This took so much longer than anticipated. 10k words...


Hope you enjoy!





You had to fight rolling your eyes at the group of fighters and barbarians in front of you. Their questions about your abilities were becoming more and more annoying the stupider they came out of their mouths.

Sif, the apparent voice of reason, sat quietly and let her compatriots continue this hellish interview. You glanced at her multiple times, hoping to get some sort of reprieve from the oafs, but she merely shrugged at you and mumbled a soft apology on behalf of their antics.

The rogue of their party sat idly as well, particularly taking delight in your annoyance. When you would say a sarcastic remark that would go over the barbarians' heads, he would snicker, only fuelling your annoyance even more.

"I don't know," says Volstagg, running his hand through his bright orange beard in thought. "I was hoping for a sorcerer or a wizard, at least."

You couldn't resist anymore. You rolled your eyes with a frustrated groan. "It's not like anybody else is going to take you up on your offer. None of these fools know the importance of the item you seek. Also, I'm the only one who stayed when you guys mentioned Mind Flayers."

Fandral pursed his lips. "How exactly are you going to help us though? Wack some fiend with your lute? Perhaps, sing it to sleep?" He laughed loudly, Volstagg and Hogun following. But, they soon stopped when you returned their glee with a terrifying glare.

You smirked and turned to Fandral. "Your hairline recedes as quickly as you last in bed." Your eyes turned a bright yellow as the air begins to swirl with your magic.

Vicious Mockery, that was your favorite thing to cast. It left your insulted subject discombobulated and easy to stab afterwards. Not to mention the psychic damage it cost.

Most of the time, their self-esteem was never the same.

As your words hit Fandral plainly in the skull, he gets pushed back in his chair. He harshly squinted his eyes as the pain behind his eyelids seared into his brain. He yelped in pain.

"What did you do to him?!" Thor asked in concern.

"I insulted him."

"No," Thor insisted. "What did you do to him?"

Loki, their rogue, smirked from behind them, twiddling with a dagger in his hands. "Vicious Mockery, brother." He answered for you. "Quite the impressive kind, might I add." Loki gestures at Fandral who was doubled over on the table.

"Finally," you breathe in relief. "Someone with brains!"

Thor winced, preparing for the psychic blow.

"Not every backhanded thing I say is a cantrip, Thor." You explained rather exasperatedly. You cleared your throat, wanting to get back on track. "I have more skills to offer. Though, that—" you gestured over to Fandral who was feeling the residual trauma of your words. He had a thousand yard stare as he felt for his hairline 

"—Is my favorite. Makes me a good support. They would be distracted and primed for the kill."

Thor looked to Sif for approval. She gives a subtle nod. Then, the blonde barbarian looked to Loki.

"I say we let her in," said Loki. "It would make the journey interesting, at least."

With a sigh, Thor holds out his hand. "You're in."

You shake his hand firmly. Catching him off guard, you pull him in close enough just so he could hear you whisper.

Mischievously, you say, "I only did it for the coin."


They gave you a few days to gather your stuff before continuing the trek towards the Neverwinter Wood.

It was fairly peaceful during the first few days of your trip. No unexpected gnolls ambushed you nor were there any suspicious hags in the area looking for people to trick.

The air of the Neverwinter Wood was refreshing for you. You had been living in the city since you were a child. You've grown familiar with the congested steams of industrial magical machines and the constant hustle and bustle of trade within the city.

Tranquility had always been foreign to you. The quiet would disturb you far more than an unexpected bar fight during one of your tavern sets. So, you didn't know how to feel when all of the sudden you were surrounded by calm swaying trees and a beautiful expanse of a lake, no doubt druids resided beside.

"It would be wise to set up camp here," Sif said, stopping in her tracks. The Sun was nearing the horizon, and all of you were beginning to feel the weight of your packs against your backs. Rest didn't sound so bad right now. "We're near a reservoir of water and I predict there would be a druid tribe nearby to ask for aid if things go awry."

All of you nodded at her before going your separate ways to set up your tents.

You sat on the ground, a petulant air about you, as you try to ascertain the best way to set up your tent without having the others know you didn't know how to set up your tent.

After a third attempt of draping the fabric over your flimsy foundation, it still crumpled to the ground. You groaned in frustration, finally accepting your fate that you may have just to suck it up and sleep— quite literally— beneath the stars.

"Need help with something?" A voice asks. You turn around to see that it was Fandral, the other fighter in the group with Sif and Hogun. The one who you demonstrated your vicious mockery on.

Your mouth formed a tight line, a tad embarrassed to accept help from him. After all, you did give him psychic damage.

"Unfortunately, I do." You admitted rather begrudgingly.

Wordlessly, Fandral squatted down beside you and began assembling the pieces for your foundation with careful and nimble fingers.

"I apologize," Fandral says as he helps you drape the protective fabric of your tent over its skeleton. "For what I said before Thor recruited you. It was wrong of me to purposely misconstrue your abilities like that."

You blinked at him, slightly taken aback. "I— You're fine. It's alright. I apologize too. For, y'know, giving you psychic damage."

Fandral smiled at you, a warm and friendly one, before standing back to assess your tent.

"Thank you," you tell him.

Fandral bowed dramatically, and said, "You're most welcome."

As he leaves, you call out to him, "And for the record, I don't think your hairline is receding!"


Now that the Sun has said its goodbyes, Volstagg found it appropriate to get started on cooking everybody some dinner.

Everybody gathered around the campfire, first silently getting their share from Volstagg, then became as rowdy as ever when Thor pulled out their rations of mead.

Sif offered you a glass but you decided against it, hoping to keep your wits about you until you've learned to trust them more as allies.

Loki also refused Thor's offer, stating that he'd rather drink piss than drink whatever mead they managed to get at such a cheap price.

So now, you found yourself sitting on a log beside Loki in silence while the others enjoy themselves in nonsensical games of brute strength.

Loki sneered. "My," he breathes. "Why is Fandral looking at you like that?"

You furrowed your brows at him. "Like what?"

"Like a piece of meat to be charmed."

You snickered. "I mean, when you look this good." You obnoxiously posed before the rogue, earning yourself an eye roll from Loki.

"Are they always like that?" You ask as Volstagg tackles Hogun to the ground.

"Dreadfully so," Loki replies. "You can imagine my glee when Thor finally recruited someone who didn't think brute force was always the way to go."

Before you could reply to Loki, you hear something— or someone— shuffle just behind you and Loki. Whatever it is, seems like it's doing a poor attempt at stealthily surveying your camp.

Sif noticed first. Her eyes immediately sharpening upon hearing a singular footstep. You turned your head, following her gaze. You didn't need darkvision to see a shadowy figure moving about the bushes.

With Sif's clenched jaw, you knew she saw it too.

"Who goes there?!" Sif suddenly yells, interrupting whatever merriment the men of the camp were indulging themselves in.

The figure shuffles in the bush, probably debating whether or not they should reveal themselves.

"Did I not make myself clear? Who goes there?!" Sif repeated louder.

Intimidated and perhaps, afraid, the figure steps out of the bush.

It was a Drow Elf.

"What business do you have prowling around our camp?" Sif continued to prod, the rest of you watched in silence, hands at the ready to draw weapons.

"I— uhm... Sorry, I think I gave off the wrong impression." The Drow smiled at you all charmingly. At least, what they thought was charming. Their smile looked wrong. It wasn't friendly. It didn't look right.

You looked at Sif. Casting Message, you whisper in her mind, "Their magic is foul. Trust me."

Her eyes glanced at you before nodding.

"Then," she says, "What would be right impression?"

The Drow cleared their throat. "My name is D'harren. I was only seeking company, perhaps protection against whatever creature prowls here at night."

You shook your head at Sif. You've already casted Detect Thoughts, they can't even hide their intentions even if they wanted to.

"They mean to rob us," you whisper in her mind.

"We can offer you no such thing," Thor says. "We're all too busy protecting our own selves already."

"Go," adds Hogun. "Before we make you go."

"T-This has all been a grand mistake I—"

You stood up from your spot abruptly and faced the sputtering Drow.

"You have no business walking about our camp in those boots. They're as hideous as the head the gods cursed upon your neck. Your mother wept the you were born."

The Drow tumbled in pain, heaving on the ground. Their mind spun as the searing pain behind their eyes stung their very skull.

Sif took this as an opportunity to kick them square on the abdomen.

"Flee." She commanded.

The Drow needn't be told a second time. Scrambling onto their feet, they flee into the shadows, finally leaving your camp.

Sif turned to you.

"Thank you," she says. "Whatever you did."

You gave her a small smile.

"Well," says Fandral. "That's what Vicious Mockery looks like on others, it seems."

"No, Fandral," Sif counters. "She did something else. She spoke in my mind and she looked into that Drow's head."

They all turned to you, a little wide-eyed, concerned that you may have been rummaging in their minds without them knowing.

"What did you see?" Thor asked.

"The Drow meant to rob us," you say plainly. "Also, please don't look at me like that. I haven't been casting Detect Thoughts on you lot! And, I wouldn't!"

Loki chuckles from the side. "You wouldn't see much anyway."

Thor snaps his head at his brother. "Oi!"

Gods, finally!

Trekking the Sword Mountains was no easy feat. It had been weeks of gruelling pain and pressure on your muscles. Your knees wanted to give out every waking hour you had to step over stones.

It was also difficult to set up camp given the rough terrain. So, there would be days where you would all sleep in a cave, your bedrolls beside the campfire, without having to set up a tent because there hadn't been enough space.

Your back ached, your calves wanted to give up on you, you haven't had a proper shower in weeks. It was absolute torture to get to Waterdeep.

A person grabbed onto your elbow, you didn't care who it was. But, you turned around anyway, only to see that it was Loki, a solemn expression on his face.

"What?" You asked.

"You look like you're about to die."

You roll your eyes. "Thanks. I know I look like shit already."

Loki continued to walk beside you as he dug for something in his pocket.

It was a potion by the looks of it, a sickly red fluid inside a pretty vial. If you were to hazard a guess, you'd say it was a healing potion.

He offered it to you.

You looked at the vial in his hands like it was a strange alien.

"You don't want it?" Loki asked.

"No, I— uhm," you hastily grabbed the potion from his hands. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

You downed the contents of the vial in one gulp, already feeling its effects. You feel your limbs drag less and your mind clear from a haze of exhaustion.

"I owe you one," you say with a content sigh, pocketing the little vial as a remembrance.

A playful smirk tugged on Loki's face. "That you do."

When you all broke out of the Sword Mountains though, you all collectively sighed out of relief.

Finally, the ground was flat.

Only an hour has passed after the Sun was at its peak. Yet, a collective decision to set up camp has already been made. You were all so terribly tired. It wouldn't hurt to camp to regain your strength for a few days.

Since the first day of your travels, you had grown accustomed to the routine of setting up your tent. You didn't need Fandral's— or anyone else's help for that matter.

You let out a satisfying groan as you stretch out your legs onto your bedroll, finally feeling the joints in your knees relax.

"Hello?" Someone called out from the other side of your tent. The voice peered in, revealing it to be Fandral.

"Ah! There you are," he says with a smile. "Volstagg has finished cooking dinner. He's calling all of us to get our share."

"Alright." You nodded. "I'll be there in a moment."

With a flip of blonde hair, Fandral's peeping head exits your tent. No doubt going to get his share of the food, perhaps even coax Volstagg to put more than necessary.

You exited your tent— albeit a little begrudgingly— to have some dinner before you truly retire for the night.

As usual, you sat between Sif and Loki around the campfire, with a hearty bowl of stew in your lap.

It was sort of peculiar how easy you found yourself to gravitate towards Loki. Whether it be in (unwanted) battles or mundane things like sitting around the campfire, you always find yourself in his vicinity.

The same applies to him though. It was as if he made himself this ever looming presence in your space, always watching. Though, he never stepped closer any more than he needed to.

"For a bard," Thor points out. "You don't sing a lot of your songs to us."

You shrug. "I only play in taverns, Thor. Because they pay me." You emphasized with a smirk, which Loki seems to delight in.

"Oh, come on!" Fandral exclaims. "We've been travelling for weeks! Are we not good enough friends to be graced by your singing?"

The fighters and barbarians agreed amongst themselves, further badgering you into performing for the lot of them. You shoot Loki a helpless look, but he merely shrugged in response.

"Come on!" Sif nudges you with her elbow. "If you do it tonight, we won't pester you anymore."

With a groan, you relent. "Ugh! Fine!" You swung your lute to your front so that it rests comfortably on your thighs. You pluck out a few notes, your magic evidently coating them as they give off a calming aura.

"Why don't I kill two birds with one stone, hm?" you say. "I'll sing while also casting Song of Rest."

They all nodded in response, smiles on their faces, as expectant looks gleam from their eyes.

You glanced at Loki. You didn't know for what particular reason, and saw him eagerly— perhaps, not as eager as the others— watch you with his elbows resting on his knees.

You huff out a breath, focusing on your magic and the notes you pluck.

The Moon, I saw her today
She was cast behind a dark cloud
To her, every night I pray

I hope, I hope, I hope,
I can shine as bright as her someday
Beyond the clouds of dusk
Beyond the dark and rainy musk

Unwilling to be unknown,
By you and/or my foes
I pray to be relentless
To be as revered as her presence

A calming and soothe energy washed over all of you, as well as any other creature who could clearly hear you in your camp. They all feel their muscles relax, as if the strain that were put upon them by a continuous hike never even existed.

You hear Loki softly sigh beside you, though you chose not to comment on it.

You see Sif feel around her ribs, noticing that her bruise from a tumble was no longer there.

The scratch of Hogun's eyebrow also dissipated, only leaving a small scar in its wake.

"Thank you." Thor spoke, breaking the silence after you sang. He stretched his back, no longer feeling knots in them.

The others continued to thank you as they felt around their healed wounds and bruises. Fandral, however, merely sat there, staring at you in complete awe.

You chose to ignore it.

Even Loki's clenched jaw.

You vowed to yourself you'd never bring it up, ever.

You stood up, gently putting down your lute against the log. "If you all have got your fill of my lovely voice, I am going to take a well deserved bath in the lake."

You begin to saunter off towards the nearby lake just outside of camp. "Don't come looking for me!" You call out before disappearing into the woods.

Loki sighed again, content with his spot in front of the campfire.

The night was cool and breezy, not enough to be chilly, but just cold enough for the air to nip gently at your skin. Loki supposed you were going to have an awful day if you don't do a proper job at drying yourself after bathing.

Whatever compelled him to fetch you an extra towel, he didn't know. His feet automatically carried him to his tent and suddenly there was a thick towel in his hands.

Before he could even register what was going on, he had already begun walking towards the direction of the lake.

He sees your form in the water after approaching a clearing. You sunk into the water shoulders deep, only your head was above the water. Your hair had been soaked, and perhaps cleaned with a special soap he knew you carried.

Of course, he would know. He borrowed it from you a few times before, after he found out what you used was so much better for his hair.

You swam in the open lake without a care in the world. You didn't even have a dagger on your person.

Gods, Loki didn't know you were stupid like the rest of them. So little self-preservation, he tuts in his mind.

"Loki!" You shrieked as you saw his form blankly staring at you.


He didn't mean to.

"I apologize!" He calls out abruptly, turning his head away once he realized he was, in fact, staring. "I only mean to bring you this."

Loki tosses the towel on a nearby rock, keeping his gaze far from your form.

You tilt your head at him, confusion evident on your face if we were to look at you. Then, you got it. You understood.

"Loki," you say, a cheeky lilt in your voice. "Are you concerned for my well-being?"

Loki scoffs. "I just don't want you talking my ear off about how cold it was."

You let out a hearty, amused laugh. It was melodic, like the tunes you manage to create from your imagination. Loki found it oddly soothing, though he would never admit that. Not to you, and not to himself.

"Still," you say after calming down. You see Loki roll his eyes petulantly. "Thank you, Loki. I'll return to camp in a moment. No need to worry about me."

Loki nodded and began to turn around to go back from where he came from.

He calls out, annoyed, "I'm not worried!"


Although the remainder of the path towards Waterdeep had been flat plains and safe, dense forests, the journey was still arduous, given how far the city was.

Loki continued to stay glued by your side. It was as if he was trying his very best to be your shadow as you travelled each and every day.

His attentions on you didn't go unnoticed, not by you, and certainly not by your party. However, they seem to notice more details than you do.

One night at camp, Sif suspiciously slid herself closer to you. She leans in to whisper, "Since when was Loki staring at you like that?"

You whipped your head around, confused, and saw Loki peering at you with careful eyes. As soon as you noticed him though, he went back to "reading" the book he had on his lap.

Sif giggled. "Oh by the gods," she breathed teasingly. "I never thought I'd see the day!"

Your eyebrows furrowed closer together. "What do you mean?"

Sif nudged you with her shoulder teasingly. "He's absolutely smitten."

You scoff. "No he isn't," you reply. Sif gives you a pointed look. You feel like you're doomed. "No. He isn't." You repeated, a firmer cadence to your voice.

"And," Sif continues. "I don't think Loki is the only one who wants your attention."

You and her look over the other side of the camp. Just across the two of you, sat Fandral, who was also watching you with terribly lovesick eyes.

You groaned at the woman beside you. "It's because I'm a bard. Isn't it?" You say flatly, laying your head on her shoulder.

Sif lightly laughs. She seems to find joy in your torment. "No, I don't think so," she replies, squeezing your form to her side, like a big sister giving her sibling comfort. "I think it's because you're brilliant."

"I do the flattery around here, Sif." You respond.

"So," she says, twiddling with your hair. "Who will it be?"

You bark out a humorless laugh. "Bold of you to assume I'm choosing."

Sif looks down at you, a cheeky look to her eye, and says, "Dear, I think you're heart has chosen long ago."

You don't see it, but her gaze finds the one rogue in your party, reading a book she knows he absorbs none of the contents in, because he's too busy thinking about your safety.


Loki always seems to have careful hands. They're slender, nimble, and graceful. Where you're talented at using your fingers to play instruments, he's talented at using his to swipe and steal things so very effortlessly.

You just hope Sif was wrong.

Because, if she were correct. Your whole world would crumble before you.

Her words echo in your mind as you continue to travel with Loki by your side.

"Dear, I think you're heart has chosen long ago."

So what if it has?

It's not like you were going to act upon it. Being in a relationship within a party— a friend group even— hardly ever goes well. You've written a few ballads of love poisoning relationships, and you were not about to let Loki be one of your subjects.

Not when it's all too precious.

You sigh in your rented room.

Your party finally arrived in Waterdeep to look for the artifact Thor and Loki needed for their region.

That's why they recruited a magic user in the first place. Indeed, as extra support, but also to assess and sniff out magical items that could bring them closer to what they need.

The Eye of Druuthbane.

They know it had been forged in Waterdeep, and was protected by wizards after it had been used. But, that's about the extent of it.

It took quite a bit of effort to haggle a lower price for your tavern rooms. Well, on Thor's part that is. Before you swept in, pulled that charming smile of yours to use, and butter up the halfling woman to lower down the price of your rooms.

If you hadn't haggled your way for lower prices, you might've had to share in pairs.

You shuddered at the thought.

With your and Loki's tandem, it was no question you two would be put in a room together. And, after weeks of questioning what you and he really have, you couldn't stomach the thought.

Not after Sif confirmed what's been stewing in your head.

You let your shoulders finally relax after settling in your room.

Thor, Hogun, and Volstagg headed out to gather supplies for the day, perhaps even trade some of the things you guys have collected over the course of your travels to Waterdeep.

You, Loki, Sif, and Fandral opted to stay behind. Sif wanted to clean herself up in her own room as well as to polish her used weapons over the trip. Loki, no doubt wanted space for himself. And Fandral, well, he's probably downstairs, eating and drinking to his pleasure.

You, like Loki, wanted a moment alone.

So, you lay on top of your sheets, your mind swirling with impossible thoughts and intricate melodies that could accompany it.

You reach for your lute and begin to hum a tune. You pluck out a few notes that go with your melody. You waited for the words to come to you.

I can see you, waiting down the hall for me
I can see you, up against a wall with me—

Hang on.

You scramble for other words in your mind. Perhaps those that don't describe your yearning for a certain rogue of the party. But, none came.

You groaned and muttered to yourself, "This better be good at least."

You continued writing and singing and plucking— no, you should strum this one. The song is fiery, aggressive, and wanting. It wasn't a soft lover's ballad. It was a song of selfish need for a lover to be all yours in the cover of darkness.

And we kept everything professional
But something's changed, it's something I quite like
They keep watchful eyes on us
So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet

Oh gods.

You hate how good and catchy you made it sound.

A knock came at your door, interrupting your little writing session. Immediately, you crumpled the piece of paper you were writing its lyrics on.

"Come in!" You called out, trying not to sound like you've been caught doing something illegal.

The door swung open.

Gods. It was Loki.

"They're calling us for supper," he says plainly. His eyes shift to your lute. "Bring your instrument."

You tilted your head at him. "Why?"

Before Loki could answer, you both heard a strangled belt from the current bard playing from below.

"I see."

"Come on," Loki beckons you to follow him. "Show him how it's done."

You roll your eyes at him before standing up with your lute strapped to your back.

"I better get paid."


You grimaced at the sound of another rough belt from the bard who stood on the tiny stage of the tavern diner.

Loki guides you towards your table near a corner. Everybody was already there, only two seats were left unattended, clearly saved for you and Loki to sit beside each other.

"I can't believe they're paying this guy." Hogun commented, eating his order of stew.

You frowned as you hear his voice crack with a falsetto. "I don't think they will after this horrid set." You add, savoring the warm pumpkin soup Sif ordered for you. It was no doubt she was your closest friend out of all of them.

Minus Loki.

"Why don't you show them how it's done?" Thor suggested cheekily.

You glance at Loki, a knowing look to your eye. It wasn't the first time you heard that line tonight.

"You know what," you say, swinging your lute to your front. "I might just."

With a mischievous grin spread across your face, your allies look at you with excitement in their eyes knowing shit is about to go down. You promptly stand up, purposefully making your chair screech so loudly that it interrupts the bard onstage.

You strum an aggressive chord. It rang in the tavern in vast waves, your magic now palpable in the air.

You strum another chord and sung with Vicious Mockery, "You're fucking shiiiitttt!!!"

You belted the insult so perfectly the bard onstage hurled forward, not knowing whether to clutch his abdomen or his ears in pain. He disgracefully left the stage, doubled over as he heaved in breaths from the psychic damage you caused him.

The audience sat in confused silence, half-thankful that the awful bard is gone, half-doubtful if they were awful people if they cheered you on.

Still with that mischievous smile on your face, you hopped on the stage.

You sighed. You missed this. This is where you belong.

"Good evening, everybody!" You greeted cheerfully, plucking a few strings on your lute to accompany your introductory speech. "Now that your previous bard has been—" you cough, "—indisposed. Allow me to entertain you for the rest of the night!"

You begin to play a ballad, a rather famous one, about this young adventurer whose first accomplishment in life was a slain dragon.

"We've heard that one before!" One audience member heckled.

You sucked in an impatient breath.

"Give us an original!"


"Don't be like that guy!"

You plaster on a strained smile to your face, bending to the audience's will. "Alright," you say. "Fine."

You wrack your brain for some of your older pieces, trying to remember which ones of your compositions got the most positive reactions.

You found yourself blanking.

The only thing on your mind is that stupid song you were writing upstairs.

Which, wasn't even finished.


To disappoint or to entertain?

You chose to entertain.

With a steadying breath, you strum the aggressive opening chords of the song.

You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I, I, I can see ya, do ya?
I've been watching you for ages
And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it

First verse in, and the audience was already hollering praises at you. A stark comparison to the grimaces they had on their faces as the previous bard belted atrocities.

But what would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
What would you do if we never made a sound?

Loki has his eyes focused on you and you only. His gaze was piercing, intense, as if challenging you to say more, to give him more to work with, to lay your intentions bare in the song you were singing. Funnily enough, you couldn't look away when you caught his gaze.

'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And I could see you up against the wall with me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew? Oh, oh, oh
That I could see you throw your jacket on the floor
I could see you make me want you even more
What would you do, baby, if you only knew?
That I can see you

You wink at Loki as you finish your song with a dramatic flourish. He can't help but smirk amusingly at your performance.

The crowd erupted in claps, cheers, and praise. You've been here before. Your talents have been sung their fair share of praise, but with a certain someone in your corner as it happens? That was new. You bowed deeply, thanking them all for their cheers and time.

You stare at Loki who was clapping his hands at you as well. You couldn't help a grin from forming on your face. Of course, it goes unnoticed by your party.

When the cheering died down, you sneak in to say one more thing.

With all of the annoying charisma you can muster, you speak loudly, "I will be accepting tips, thank you and goodnight!"

Laughter and more clapping followed you as you weeded through the crowd to collect whatever they were willing to give you.

By the time you reached your table, you had a fair amount of coin, baubles, and trinkets stuffed in your pockets and clutched in your hands.

"Ha-ha!" You triumphantly exclaim. "Gods, I missed this!"

"Shallow praise?" Loki sarcastically comments from beside you.

"Duh. And coin. Don't forget coin."

Fandral leans on the table with his elbow and rests his cheek as dashingly as he can on his open palm. "Say, you don't mind sharing that coin, do you?"

"Polish my rapier and I might just give you a penny." You retort.

"Fair enough."

As the night progresses, the stews, soups, and meats on your table were soon replaced by ales, meads, and various wines to indulge in. After all, arriving at Waterdeep deserves a little celebration, and this was that.

It was all fine and dandy at first. However, you excused yourself to hang out at the bar counter alone when Thor and Volstagg began to get too rowdy with their drunken strength competitions.

"Heard you sing up there," mentions the barkeep. He was a half-elf. Quite handsome and rugged, though nothing too special. "You're good."

"Thanks," you say politely. "Does that get me another drink?"

The half-elf leans on the counter on his elbows. His eyes shadowed by a sultry, half-lidded gaze. "If you join me in my rooms, I could get you as many drinks as you like. For as long as you like." He winks.

You nearly laugh. "Sorry," you say lightheartedly. "I'm not looking for anything or anyone tonight."

"Alright," he says respectfully with a smile. "Worth a shot."

A few moments later, a woman sits on the seat beside you, ordering herself a cold glass of ale. She was a tiefling, beige skin with a pink undertone and curved dark horns. She was gorgeous, by any standard.

"Does a man not float your boat?" She asks, slowly sipping her drink, not breaking eye contact with you.

"Anybody floats my boat," you answer honestly.

"If that's the case," she says in a low voice. "May I buy you a drink?"

You chuckle lightly at her advancements. "I'm flattered, really. But, I'd like to keep myself detached tonight."

"Fair enough," she replies, hopping off of her seat. "Call me if you change your mind." She smiles at you before leaving, her tail swishing flirtatiously behind her.

"You're growing popular these days," commented Fandral upon approaching you. You don't know how long he's left the round table, but when you took a quick glance behind you, you only saw Thor, Volstagg, and Hogun.

You fought a frown from forming on your face when you didn't see Loki.

You turned back to face Fandral. "Oh, if only you all saw me that night at the tavern where you recruited me. I felt like a god!" You jested with a wide smile.

"Too bad I was still nursing a pounding headache that day."

You sucked in a pained breath, though your tone remains light. "Still sorry about that."

Fandral chuckles lightheartedly in reply. "I've long forgiven you," he says, then pauses. His demeanor changes, suddenly becoming serious yet so open. "And I've longed for you since then. I'm sure you've noticed?"

"I— uh... Yes, I have. But— How do I put this—" You try to stammer out a response, thinking of ways to let him down as gently as possible. He was a friend, after all. You wouldn't want his confession to ruin whatever you've built over the month or so you've travelled with him.

"I know," he says, his eyes softened. "I understand."

"I'm sorry, Fandral." You reply earnestly.

"It's him, isn't it? Our beloved rogue."

You don't say anything in reply, you merely give him a sad smile. You wouldn't want to admit anything, in case it all goes to shit with Loki.

Fandral sighs, not in pain or defeat, but acceptance. "I only wanted to give it a shot, you know? Give myself closure, that kind of thing. And it worked. Thank you, friend." He smiles at you.

"Thank you, Fandral." You reply and notice his outstretched hand. You shook it firmly, squeezing it tenderly afterwards.

"You've been the most wonderful travelling companion," he says and pats your back. "Now go to him before he broods any further."

You shook your head, taking a sip of your half-empty drink. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Fandral frowns at you. "Come on," he says. "You don't have to tell him how you feel tonight. Just go to him, see how he's doing— that shit!"

You grumble annoyances at the blonde man before you. "Ugh! Fine."

Fandral hops in place like a child and claps his hands joyfully. "Now go!" He pushes you off of your bar stool. You let out an 'oof!' from the impact from his flat palm against your back.

"I'm going!" You say with your hands up in surrender.

You shook your head fondly at Fandral before looking up the rickety staircase of the tavern. Your heart begins to beat twice as fast, you feel your fingers twitch in anticipation and anxiety. You heard Fandral, you don't have to bare your feelings to Loki tonight.

So, you won't.

You were only going up for a chat.

As your feet carried you to Loki's door— which was directly across from yours— you feel everything about your person want to go in the opposite direction.

Fuck it, you think. With a raised hand, you knocked on his door without a goal in mind.

"I swear to all the gods, Thor. If you vomit on my—" You hear his muffled words become clearer and clearer as he approaches the door.

"Oh," he says upon opening it. "It's you."

"May I come in?" you ask. "I won't vomit on your carpet or anything. I'm perfectly kind of sober!" You give him a cheeky smile.

Loki returns your grin and steps aside, gesturing for you to go inside.

"So, what brings you around here?" Loki asked once he shut the door.

You huff out an unassuming breath. "Just got bored from downstairs, really."

You sit on Loki's bed unprompted. You worry that he might tell you off the moment you sat without his permission, but he remained silent and just sat beside you. He didn't need to sit so close to you, but he did. Your thighs were nearly touching and you could feel his heat emanating from his body.

"Your bed is better than mine." You tell him as you give the mattress a firm pat.

"I am not swapping rooms with you." Loki replies, laying down with his hands cradling his head.

You follow too and laid down beside him, your hands neatly folded on your abdomen.

"Get tired of Fandral already?" He suddenly asks, taking you by surprise.

"How did you— Ugh. Nevermind."

Loki chuckles softly in response. "Did he tell you how much he loves you?" He mocks, though you could see the cracks through his mask.

"Not exactly," you answer. "He just told me how he longs for me. That's it."

Loki's jaw clenches, his eyes trained solely on the ceiling. He could feel the anxiety building in the pit of his stomach.

"And what did you say?"

"I told him I was sorry." You reply sadly with a shrug.

Loki let out a soft breath of relief. "I see."

A moment of silence passes, and another moment, and another, with just the two of you laying next to each other with a certain tension in the air you could cut with a knife.

"I liked your song," Loki offers in a light tone.

You grin and shift so that you were laying on your stomach. You kicked your feet petulantly, resting your chin on your fist as you gazed at him with teasing mirth.

"Oh!" You say dramatically. "Come to sing my praises, have you?" You tease.

Loki laughs. It's a delightful rumble in the air. He only really laughs when it's only you and him in private. Otherwise, it would only be mischievous smirks.

"Do I have to?" Loki responds childishly.


He grumbles in feigned annoyance, but relents anyway. "You did a fine job earlier. You had me on my feet."

"Oh, did I?" You jest.

Loki hums. "I also can't stress enough how much I loved your song." He shifts to his side, his flat palm supporting the weight of his head. He gazes at you with that same intense look to his eyes when you were performing earlier. You swore your breath got stuck somewhere in your throat.

"Incredibly forward, don't you think?" says Loki.

"I didn't really have time to polish it because—"

A devious grin begins to spread across Loki's face. "And so... aggressive too. You want it so badly."

Your heart sinks as your cheeks flush in a warm shade of pink. Your teasing demeanor now wiped off your face. "Whatever do you mean, Loki? I wanted coin, yes."

"No, no," he tuts, shutting you up immediately. He reaches out and brushes your hair behind your ear. His gentle touch leaves tingles at every point of contact with your skin.

His finger finds your chin, tilting it towards him. "Do you want me?" He asks in a low voice that renders you helpless. Your heart hammers in your chest, wanting nothing more than his touch.

You open your mouth to speak, tongue dry.


"Brother! You have missed so much— Oh."

You and Loki look at each other wide-eyed, panic immediately bubbling in both of your stomachs. As quick as lightning, you both sat upright. You crossed your arms over your chest and found Loki's cabinet to suddenly be incredibly entertaining— you couldn't keep your eyes off of it.

Loki, on the other hand, found that his pillows needed a good fluff or so. So, that's what he did.

Thor looks at the two of you with wide, drunken eyes as well, now shifting backwards with tiny steps.

"Sorry." He whispers before shutting the door with a loud bang! Leaving you and Loki to grimace at the sound.

"Well," you say after some time, the beat of your heart returning to normal. "So much for 'if they never found us out'"

Loki laughs, a pleasant bellow from his stomach. "Did you seriously quote yourself just then?"

"I did." You say, incredibly chuffed with yourself.

"I suppose," Loki clears his throat. "We'll continue on a later date? When I've installed a lock, perhaps?"

You smile warmly at him. "I'd like that. I'd like that very much."

"Good." Loki replies and unexpectedly leans in to give you a quick kiss on the lips. When he draws back, he sees you utterly frozen in place out of shock. "Was that— Wasn't I supposed to— I'm sorry."

"No, no!" You reply hurriedly. "It was unexpected. That's all."

Loki slowed his movements, now doing everything with purpose. He cups your face with both of his hands, his eyes scanning every feature of your face, willing them to sear themselves in his mind. He gently brought his lips closer and closer to yours, until you collide messily somewhere in the middle.

His lips were so soft and he tasted so good. He smelled of leather and a cool night's breeze. His lips tasted like wine and a secret you want to keep selfishly all to yourself.

The kiss was awkward, unsure— delicate, even. But, it was perfect for you.

When you parted, you see Loki look at you with such earnestness and vulnerability, like he was unsure of you even though you had already said you wanted to continue whatever this was.

"Is it alright if I— Y'know what nevermind I think I'm overstepping and—" Loki cut off your ramblings with another kiss.

"You were saying?" He says slyly, a grin on his face.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

Something blossoms with warmth in Loki's chest. So, with an earnest smile, he says,

"Of course."


No one had told you that you were supposed to go check out an abadoned tower today.

No one.

A knock came through Loki's door, Sif's voice evident on the other side. You both wake up, looking at each other in shock.

Nothing happened last night after you asked him to spend the night with you. Not in that way, at least. You were in caged in his arms when you both woke up incredibly startled. Your legs were a tangle mess between the sheets, and you were both having difficulty taming both of your abundant locks on the cotton pillows.

"Loki! Wake up!" Sif banged on the door another time for good measure. "Time to get ready!"

You both steeled yourself for the inevitable barge in from the fighter, but none came. You both sighed a breath of relief, laughter bubbling in both of your chests. You placed your hand over his mouth to silence his chuckles. Loki did the same for you.

However, your laughters immediately died the second Sif knocked on your door.

You hear your door loudly creak from outside. You think Sif peers in at that moment.

She calls out your name upon finding the room empty.

Then, you hear her steps thump aggressively down the corridor.

If you don't interfere now, she might think you've been abducted. She continues to hurry down the hallway, calling for Thor and the others to help investigate your sudden disappearance.

You hopped out of bed as quickly as you can, already missing the warmth Loki provided. You hastily open the door and call for Sif. You yell her name loudly down the narrow hallway, even letting it reverberate with your magic.

It was enough to snap her out of her panicked trance as she shouted, "Nevermind!" down the stairs for Thor to hear.

She smirks at you knowingly, walking towards your peering head from Loki's chambers.

You immediately sigh in defeat. There was no persuading her out of this.

"It's not what you think," you preface.

Sif quirked an eyebrow and hums teasingly. "I haven't even said anything, but do go on."

You grumble annoyances at her, and you swear you could hear Loki snicker behind you. "You were right."

"About what?"

"About everything!" Sif bellows a hearty laugh in victory. "You're horrible." You say to her with a pout.

She gives you a pointed look and a mischievous smirk. "Don't let me ruin your morning," she says and wiggles her eyebrows mockingly. "Go back to your little love before we go. We leave in two hours."

You give her a curt nod while glaring annoyed daggers at her. She backs away with that teasing grin on her face, even doing finger guns just to add salt to the wound.

You shut the door softly and immediately sought out Loki's warmth after doing so. You plop yourself on top of him. Loki let out a soft 'oof!' from the impact. You sigh into his neck and wrap whatever limbs you can around his body.

"So much for keeping quiet." Loki mumbles playfully into your neck. Your chuckles vibrate through him.

"Thanks for quoting me," you say before lifting your head to look at him properly. The glow of the sun graces his pale features perfectly. It illuminates his face in a way that almosts basks him in gentle innocence. "You're going to have to deal with that too, you know. And, I bet it'd be a thousand times worse."

Loki rolls his eyes. He clutches the back of your head with his palm, gently guiding you back to rest at the crook of his neck. "Don't remind me."

"I don't think you can brood your way out this time." Loki could feel a teasing smirk spread across your face.

"Watch me." He says.


The abandoned wizard tower sits just before the boundaries of Waterdeep ends. It acted as a watchtower of sorts during its time, before The Eye of Druuthbane was supposedly forged within it.

The tower seems to fill every aspect of the word "decrepit", almost looking burnt from the inside out. Perhaps, that's what happened when the artifact had been forged. The building couldn't stand the sheer impact of such a powerful wizard casting such a power artifact. You supposed the wizard survived from his sheer power, and went on to use the artifact he forged to save Waterdeep from an invasion of Mind Flayers.

Mind Flayers, otherwise known as illithids, are terrible and arrogant creatures with large heads and tentacles akin to a common squid. They are an aberration, feared by many due to their power over a sentient brain.

Thor and Loki's region had been infested with them. Mind Flayers have the ability to contort your mind, and make you believe that the person you see before you is a friend— or a foe. Additionally, these Mind Flayers can contort your mind, tricking you to see them as a person you know and not the horrid creatures they are.

That was the problem Thor and Loki are currently dealing with. They need the Eye of Druuthbane to see the Mind Flayers in their truest form— no illusions, no trickery, just a foul illithid looking to poison the minds of their people.

The crime rate skyrocketed in their region shortly after they captured their first Mind Flayer. People were killing each other left and right out of fear, not knowing if the person they killed were an illithid or an actual person.

"It doesn't fill me with anticipation to explore this," you comment upon seeing the building collapsing on itself. It used to have five storeys, but it soon crumbled into two... and a half after the creation of the Eye.

You walked up to its door first, finding it to be locked. "It's locked." You say to your party. Loki pushes past the rest of them, lock picking tools already in his hands.

"Let me," he says and you stand aside, letting him do his thing. With nimble hands, Loki pops a few clicks within the lock. He fiddles with the tools in his hands with expertise, poking and prodding the lock's mechnisms within the door.

With a loud click! the door swings open, Loki yet again proving his talents.

He gestures for you to go in, but you shake your head. "Fuck no. You go in!"

"Ladies first, dear."


"—The fuck you mean 'nuh-uh'?"

Thor huffs out an impatient breath. "Would you please stop bickering? I'll go first if it pleases either of you." He pushes past his friends, then past the open door. Thor coughs as the dust and debris unceremoniously enters his lungs.

You and the party follow with careful steps and covered mouths and noses from all of the dust. Loki raises his hood and face cover to further protect himself.

"This place is old as shit." Your voice echoes in the tower.

There are an unfathomable amount of books scattered around. The bookshelves they sat on were no more, either burnt or destroyed from an arcane blast, wooden panels also decorated the floor along with debris and other fallen materials.

The books on the ground were either singed, torn, or decorated with growing mycelium and fungi. Some of them were miraculously whole. Although, their text seems muddled from either humidity or downright heavy rain from the busted roof.

As you scan through books, looking for whatever clue you may find connected to Mind Flayers or the Eye of Druuthbane itself, you see Loki in the peripheral of your vision. His hands gently scanned the brick walls, knocking and pushing some of the bricks he found suspicious.

You drop the book in your hands, bored and definitely unwilling to stay for a long period of time within the tower, you saunter towards Loki.

"Hey," you say simply. "Find anything yet?"

"Trying to, at least." Loki replies as he finds a seemingly hollow brick. He pushes and pulls at it, but to no avail. He sighs in defeat.

Gently, you place your hand on his shoulder. "You can do this, Loki." You say softly, imbuing your words with Bardic Inspiration.

He gingerly smiles at you, feeling your magic engulf him in a warm soothing embrace. His back straightens and his shoulders relax, he could feel his mind clear and think of new ideas.

"You haven't checked the books, have you?" You asked.

Loki shook his head. "No," he answers. "Though, you may have an idea." He saunters over to a bookshelf, half-beaten and barely standing up. Although, it had the most number of miraculously undamaged books.

They were suspicious enough for Loki to check. Loki shifts every book on every row of the bookshelf. He pulls it and pushes it back into place, hoping for something to click and open.

When he reached the bottommost layer, he hears a satisfying click when he pulls at the third book.

You show Loki your crossed fingers, hoping that it isn't a trap.

And, to both of your surprise, it wasn't.

"Hey! Look at what we found!" You wave over to your allies.

Suddenly, you all hear the ceilings creak and crack with the weight of something— or someone.

With the force of a massive boulder, a good dozen orcs drop down from the ceiling, all seething with anger.

"You dare tresspass our home?!" One of them, what you all presumed to be the leader, bellowed loudly to all of you.

"We want no fight, friend," Thor states calmly, though he has his hand firmly on his hammer, Mjolnir. "We're simply looking for clues to help us in our quest."

"Fuck your quest." The orc spat, unconvinced. With a huff and a puff, he yelled, "Attack!"

You and Loki were separated from the rest of the party. You stood back to back, devising a quick plan before the other orcs realize you were behind them.

"I distract. You sneak attack. Sound good?" You whisper to him quickly.

You feel Loki nod.

You close your eyes tightly before yelling, "Guys! Get ready to fight melee!" You hoped Thor and the others hear you before casting Thunderwave.

With a loud strum from your lute, you emanate a thunderous force that sweeps some of the orc off of their feet, pushing them away from you and Loki and closer to the rest of the party.

"Go!" Thor exclaims and charges at the recovering orcs. He punches one in the gut and slams his hammer against its skull. A resounding crack! could be heard before the orc crumpled to the ground.

Loki climbs on one of the taller orcs, his thighs squeezing their skull. He pulls out a dagger from his side and sinks it into the eye of the orc with a horrid squelch.

One of the orcs found you all alone at the back of the room. He licks his lips before raising his barbed club at you.

"Oh, no you don't." You say as you dodge his attack. You hum an alluring tune, casting Charm Person. You see the orc try to shake off your magic, but to no avail. He sees you as his friend now.

"Long time no see!" He says happily.

You wince. "Sorry about this, friend." You call for Loki. He Dashes behind the charmed orc and delivers two daggers on either side of his rib, targeting his lungs. He falls to the ground, blood pooling around him, as he whispers weakly, "Friend..."

"What in the hells did you do?" Loki asks you.

"Something that'll fuck me up in the long run," you say lightly. "Let's go!"

You jogged closer to Hogun who dealt a heavy blow to the abdomen. You touch his shoulder as you pass him, casting a quick Healing Word. "You'll be fine!" You call out after him. Immediately, Hogun could feel the pain on his abdomen dissipate.

Then, you see Sif near you, dealing with an orc nearly twice her size. "Sif!" You yell, inspiring her with Bardic Inspiration. "Kick his nuts!"

She smiles and nods at you as she feels your magic course through her veins and delivers blow after blow at the orc before her. The orc did not expect her strength at all. He was overwhelmed by her hits, barely dodging and blocking them until he was cornered. Sif kicked him in the balls before shoving her sword deep it his chest.

One of the orcs try to cut off your merry jog around the fight. "Fuck off!" You yell, casting Charm Person again.

You beckon Thor over to you, pointing at the dazed orc in front of you. He smiles, all giddy and excited, as he crashes Mjolnir onto the orc's back. You grimace in feigned concern over the orc.

"I think you broke his spine." You say rather sarcastically.

"You think?" Thor replies before taking on another foe.

The orcs fell one by one as your party continues to fight and slash and hit with their weapons. You jogged around all of them, giving support when necessary.

"Go, Loki! Woo!" You yell just to egg him on, not casting any spells in particular. Though, the others think you do.

Loki turns to you a little too late to see an injured orc grapple you from behind. He calls out your name, but you were already in the orc's massive arms.

You scream out in shock and terror, completely incapacitated. You try and wriggle your way out but to no avail, the orc was too strong.

"Your days are over, little bard." The orc hisses, pointing his axe beside your face.

"I hope you die a horrific death!" Your yells reverberated around the room as you cast Vicious Mockery.

You only hoped that the orc would topple over in pain from the miniscule damage you caused, but no. He crumpled to the ground, his breath ceasing to flow in his lungs.

You've killed someone.

You step away from the horror you caused and let it sink in.

You killed someone.

The sound of clanging weapons died down from behind you as the fight ended with the final drop of an orc.

You hear someone vaguely call out your name. It might have been Sif, or Fandral. You don't know. Each and every one of your senses were overwhelmed with dread. There's a loud ringing in your ear, and you could feel your tears begin to pool in your eyes.

You look down at your hands.

There's no blood on them whatsoever. But, the stains of your killing still coat your very soul with guilt.

You feel someone tug on your elbow.

"We got what we needed," you vaguely hear Loki speak into your ear. "Let's go." He says softly, letting his hand find yours to clutch it within his own.

Mindlessly, you follow. You don't speak when you reached the tavern. You don't speak when you've cleaned yourself in your bed chambers. You don't speak when you sit on your bed. You remain silent. Your crimes against life itself still unfathomable to you.

"Darling!" Someone calls out. You think it's Loki.

You hear the door swing open, but make no effort to address who opened the door. You sat there, back against your guest, your eyes solely trained up at the Moon beyond your window.

"You were absolutely wonderful during the fight! The amount of sneak attacks I got because of your support I— darling?" Loki sees your shell shocked form, a thousand miles stare into the abyss of the night sky. You were so... blank. It was unnerving to him. Especially when you were always teeming with life whenever you spoke.

He goes to sit beside you carefully, not knowing if you wanted space or comfort from anyone in particular. If it were comfort, he hopes you'd want it from him.

"Darling?" He spoke softer, resting a delicate hand on your shoulder.

"I killed him." You mutter out shakily. You feel your tears finally roll down your cheeks. You squint your eyes and shake your head. Your chest felt all tight. You've never felt more uncomfortable in your own skin.

You sob helplessly into your own palms. "I haven't killed anyone and I hoped this trip wouldn't force my hand into doing it. I didn't even know I was going to kill him. I just wanted to get away!"

Suddenly, you feel warm arms surround your sobbing form. Loki gently pulls you into his chest, stroking your hair in an attempt to calm you down. He hushes you softly, pressing you deeper into his form to ground you back into reality.

"It was you or him," he quietly reminds you.

You heave in steadying breaths, your tears continued to flow down your cheeks, staining Loki's sleep clothes for that night. In any other case, he would've been bothered. But tonight, he couldn't care less about his shirt.

"It never gets easier, dear," Loki continues. "You did what you had to. You wanted to live and no one can fault you for that."

You sigh into his chest, finding your center. You try your best to listen to his words and remain tethered to reality.

"You're no lesser than the person you were before."

You look up at him with bloodshot eyes and a red sniffling nose. "Do you truly mean that?"

"I do," Loki replies earnestly and kisses your forehead to further prove his point. "I truly do."

"He wanted to live too. He was desperate so he grabbed me as leverage."

Loki sighs and looks you in your eye. "I know, darling. There's really no easy way of handling your first kill."

You swallow. "It never gets easier." You repeat his words. "Do you remember your first kill?"

"No one could ever forget their first kill," Loki prefaces. "It was an imp, trying to curse my family. I technically didn't kill him. I just sent him back to hell. But, I like to think it counts. I was inconsolable afterwards."

"How old were you?"

"Sixteen. I was terrified."

A small smile appears on your face at the thought of a young Loki, untried by the world.

"I'm forty and I'm like this. Absolutely pathetic."

"Darling, you're an elf."

You nudge his shoulder with your own. "So are you."

Loki chuckles, and you feel that pleasant rumble travel through his chest. You sigh, finally relaxing in his hold.

"Do you ever have a 'first' that scares you to death? Mine was— evidently— killing." You ask him. "Please, indulge me. I need to get my mind off of it."

Loki clicks his tongue. "This." He squeezes you a little tighter.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"A relationship. Another person to care for. This all terribly new to me and I'm absolutely terrified to do anything out of line or anything inadequate." Loki quietly admits.

"Well," you say softly, your palm rests on his jaw, stroking his smooth skin with your thumb. "You're doing an excellent job."

He clutches your hand that held his jaw, and delicately kisses your palm. "I'd like to be enough for you, my dear."

You smile at him. "Loki, you're already enough. And, so much more."

Loki doesn't say anything. He stays silent to relish in the warm ache that spreads across his chest. He rests his forehead against yours as he cradles your form in a tender embrace.

"Let me stay with you," you whisper. "Even when you face the Mind Flayers, let me stay. If you'll have me."

Loki grins a grin he hasn't shown before anybody. It was openly vulnerable and happy. So, so happy. "Of course. I couldn't think of a better partner in all this chaos."

"Thank you," you say, delivering a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Do you think we'll be able to save your people with the Eye?" You ask.

Loki sighs and looks at the Moon. "I don't know for certain," he admits. "One could only hope."

He chuckles softly at the thought.

"It's a thing I learned," he continues. "From you. From your ballads. And, from your love,






Oh, I'm definitely continuing this.

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This is my first work. The time line is after Ragnarok but let's imagine Asgard wasn't destroyed and infinity war/ endgame didn't happen. I don't wa...
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Loki x Reader You live with the avengers. One day Thor will take you all to the Asgard. There you'll meet someone who changes your life. But soon aft...
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Driven by an insatiable yearning for personal happiness, Loki succumbed to the depths of his desires and set in motion a plan to reclaim what he beli...
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This is a collection of one shots and drabbles about Tom Hiddleston and his characters including Loki, Hal, James Conrad, Laing etc. Prompt requests...