The Unnamed Queen of Prophecy

By Wise_Cloud

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Teiko Middle School. One of the most prestigious middle schools people in Japan can attend. Their basketball... More

-★ Season 1 ★-
The Start of a New Chapter
I Am Serious
It's Better if I Can't Win
Take Care of the Counter Attack!
Your Basketball
Let Me Tell You Two Things
You'll See Something Amazing
Now That I think About It
To Win
I can't Have that
It's Not Like That
What Is "Victory"?
I Believed In You
You Look Just Like Him
You Look Just Like Him - Part 2
The Queen & Ace
Don't Make Me Laugh
Let's Go
You're All Ridiculous
You're All Ridiculous Part 2
On To The Next Challenge
I Don't Want To Be
Let's Get Started
I'll Win Even If it Kills Me
Kuroko's Basketball: Tip Off
Kuroko's Basketball: Tip Off (Part 2)
I'm not Mature!
Our Basketball
-★ Season 2 ★-
I never Thought We'd Meet Here
At the Winter Cup
There is Only One Answer
I've Been Waiting For This
I Surpassed You Long Ago
Give Up
I Will Defeat You!!
I Will Defeat You!! (Part 2)
It's Trust
Don't Be Ridiculous
I look Forward To It
Definitely This Time
Definitely This Time (Part 2)
Useless Effort
I Think He's Extremely Happy
We Win Now!
"Would You Mind Doing That Once More?"
"Would You Mind Doing That Once More?" Part 2
I Believe in Him
Like I'd lose
Of Course It's Not Easy
First Basket
It's Obvious
I Don't Want to Lose

Tell Me

284 7 35
By Wise_Cloud

"How did this happen...?!"

"Please, somebody..."

"Somebody answer me!"

(2 hours earlier.)

Riko, you and the team were seen at the stadium, ready to get back to their homes to rest after such a tiring game, "Okay. Everyone's ready, right? Let's go." Riko spoke to the team.

"Crap..." Hyuga held his face, "I can't believe I fell asleep in a locker room in the middle of winter."

Izuki stepped up next to Hyuga, "Winter can be so uncool."

Hearing the pun got the captain to be agitated, "You're the one who's uncool."

"We'd better make sure we don't catch colds," Kiyoshi advised the team.

"Hold on, aren't you forgetting something important?" Koganei questioned the group, "Let's celebrate our victory!"

"We can't do that!" Hyuga yelled, "What...?!" Koganei was seen as saddened they couldn't celebrate.

"Our second game is the day after tomorrow! From the third game on, we've got matches every day! Even if we win, there's no time to celebrate!" Hyuga scolded Koganei, reminding him of their schedule.

Riko and you were seen taking Koganei's suggestion in thought, "That sounds like a good idea. Let's go get dinner together. What do you think, (Y/N)-chan?"

"Mhm!" You gave a nod, "I think it's a great idea."

"What?" The team all looked at the women in slight surprise at them agreeing.

"Your recovery is important too. So you need to eat properly and get plenty of sleep." Riko stated.

"Either way, we intended to research our next opponent." Kiyoshi agreed.

"Where, though? Eating out is expensive." Hyuga asked where they were to eat if they wanted to celebrate.

"My place is so far," Riko mumbled.

"My place isn't even in this area...But I know who lives near here!" You smiled before pointing towards Kagami.

"My place is nearby," Kagami confirmed your statement.

The team grew silent before Hyuga spoke, "What?"


"Let's go!" You were seen dragging Kagami ahead to his home, "W-Woah! H-Hey, (Y/N)! I just finished a game here!"

Upon finding Kagami's home, the team were all shocked at how big the house was.


"It's huge!"

Kagami dropped his game, and you placed yours near his and Kuroko's, "Come on in." Kagami told the others.

"Yay! Kagami-kun? Do you still have that one video game we played last week?" You asked, searching for the said game.

"Yeah, it's in the opposite draw that it was supposed to be. I kind of cleaned around a bit last time you were here." Kagami answered.

"Okay! Thanks!" You thanked your best friend before lying on the couch with the console.

The others were still shocked at how big the first year's house was, "Kagami, do you live here by yourself?" Hyuga asked.

"I was supposed to live here with my dad," Kagami replied.

Even Kuroko was mildly shocked, "Kagami, you're a despicable guy after all. I'm not going to be your shadow anymore."

"Why would you say that?!"

"And wait, how does (Y/N) know where you live?" Koganei asked the first year.

"Hm? Oh, I sometimes ask her to help me with my homework for school so I can pass my classes while also playing games." Kagami replied before glaring at his manager, "She sometimes barges in without notice and it pissed me off...!"

The team looked at you in surprise, "Really?!"

"Hey, your place is my place, Kags." You defended yourself.


"But we're best friends...! Aren't we supposed to be together forever...?~"

"You better quit that innocent act of yours before I kick you out and place you outside in the cold!"

"Okay, okay! Sorry!"

"The decor's simple though." Hyuga pointed out.

Izuki sat on the floor to check out the furniture and magazines, "Minimal furniture, a basketball and magazines."

"You only think about eating, sleeping and basketball..." Hyuga mumbled.

"I told you! That man does not have enough space in his brain other than those three things!" You spoke up before Kagami took the console away from your hands.

"I'm confiscating this, young lady." Kagami stated making you whine, "No fair!"

"Hey, my house, my rules, (N/N)!" Kagami retorted, "But since I'm in a good mood. I'll give it back to you." You smiled when having the console back.

"Yes! And just in time too. I beat your high score! Haha! Sucker!" You showed your tongue at the redhead who grew irked by your taunts.

"Oh? You wanna go?! HUH?!" He yelled, Koganei, Mitobe and Tsuchida were seen keeping Kagami at bay.


"Don't think about hitting our manager! Hyuga and Riko will kill us!"


The others were only seeing the scene unfolding as Kiyoshi noticed that Riko wasn't present, "Huh?"

"In the kitchen, with our ingredients," Fukuda replied making all the other players yell out in fear.

"You can't be serious!" Hyuga yelled at the first year.

When hearing that, the second years got off of Kagami to stop him from trying to kill you and started to panic. Koganei was seen running around, and Mitobe started sulking. Kagami just stood there shaking in fear with the others.

"Oh, dear...they're even more scared than the first time..." you deadpanned, seeing the boys running around for dear life.

Kuroko nodded in agreement, standing beside you, "Yes, though it's probably because we have a game the next day after tomorrow."

"Did you already forget what happened this summer?!" Izuki yelled.

Hyuga yelled at Fukuda's collar, "We're not going to recover, we're going to die!"

"It's ready!"

Hyuga froze when hearing Riki's voice, "Highly nutritious! It's my special hot pot!" There stood the coach with a large hot pot for the team.

They all started to get pale, "It's ready..."

When they saw the hot pot, they were in shock to see how normal it looked, "It looks normal?"

"What's wrong with you guys?! Can't you say it looks good or something?!" Riko yelled in the offence.

"Yeah, guys! Have some respect for Riko-san!" You scolded the boys with her.

"Sorry, I'm just so surprised." Izuki apologized before breaking off a pair of chopsticks to taste the food, "Well, thanks for the..."

Hyuga stopped him, "WAIT!" He gave a vicious smile towards Kuroko, "Kuroko, you try a bite first."

Kuroko sensed an eerie feeling coming off his captain, "The way you're talking is shady..."

"In that case...thanks for the food then," Kuroko went to take a piece of the hot pot and took out a whole banana, "Huh...?"

"Why is there a banana in there?!"

"It was in the plastic bag." Said Riko, not knowing why it was a bad thing.

"Those were for dessert! You put them in whole too!" Hyuga retorted against Riko.

"But bananas, yummy..." Riko gently poked her head and winked with her tongue out slightly. Trying to act cute.

Kuorko silently took the banana out while the older players were arguing over Riko's choice of ingredients.

"Why are you speaking like that?!" Izuki asked.

"Sorry, sorry." She giggled making Hyuga not having it.

"When did you start acting like that?!"

"Don't worry about it, Hyuga. The rest seems to be normal. You can just eat around the bananas," Kiyoshi tried to be the reasonable person and went to get something in the hot pot but stopped talking when seeing a whole strawberry.

"Why are there strawberries in here?!"

"Because they were in the bag."

"I told you, those were for dessert!"

Like the phantom man, Kiyoshi silently put away the strawberry.

"Take vitamins..."

"You're giving us orders in broken Japanese now?"

"Wait a minute," Kuorko spoke up, making the rest of the team look at him.

"This might be good," Kuroko spoke while eating.


Kiyoshi took a bite of the steamed strawberry, "It's not bad."


You were seen eating some food from Kagami's pantry, "Told you that Riko's cooking got better!"

She grinned in return, "See? Even our manager thinks it's good!"

"Huh? The fruitiness kinda works." Koganei spoke in surprise.

"This really isn't too bad." Izuki agreed.

Hyuga then took the chance to take a bite out of the strawberry, "Then..." he grew shocked when tasting it. He was surprised it tasted this good.

"Ahem!" Riko coughs loudly for Hyuga to compliment her cooking.

"It's good..."

"Woah! They have tangerines!"

"Peaches too!"

"Hm. I'll be needing more, they seem to be eating much more." Riko mumbled, "I'll go! I know a supermarket close here since I stayed over at Kags' before." You raised your hand to be the volunteer.

Riko smiled in thanks, "Thank you very much, (Y/N)-chan!"

"Huh? (Y/N)? What's she doing?" Kagami asked himself, "Probably getting more ingredients." Kuorko spoke up. The two were seen on the balcony.

"WOAH! I thought you left!" Kagami yelled in surprise.

"Why would I leave after our conversation?"

"I don't know?! Sometimes you just stop talking and we lose track of you!"

"I'm leaving!!"

The redhead turned around to answer back, "Be safe! Take my keys and jacket! Make sure to stay on the lighted trail and call me the MOMENT you feel uncomfortable!"

"I know! Thanks, Kagami! I'll be back!"

Kagami noticed Kuroko falling to the ground, luckily he caught the shorter male but saw him pass out, "Kuroko? What's wrong? Hey!" The redhead grew shocked to see the others passed out as well.



"What's going on?"

"Could it be?"

"Is that even possible?"

Kagami looked at his team and saw them all lying on the floor out cold, 'It's like they've fallen victim to a slow-acting poison.'

"Did the foulness of the hot pot have a delayed effect?"

Kagami soon felt the same thing as he started to fall asleep, 'How did she make this with only vegetables and fruits?' He noticed that the jar of supplements was open, 'Seriously...? Why did she put supplements in there?' He soon passed out with the others.

(With you!)

You dialled Kagami's number but noticed it went to voicemail for the third time, 'This is weird...normally he'd call me back twice as fast if he missed one of my calls...Better head back to the apartment to make sure they didn't do anything wrong.'

You opened the door and saw the lights off, making you a little worried, "Kagami? Tetsu-kun? Riko-san? Guys?"

You grew shocked when you saw the whole group out cold on the floor, "H-Huh...?"

"KYAAAAAH! What the heck happened here?!"


"Kagami! Wake up!" You yelled, and the redhead groaned, "Huh...what...? Oh shit! The hot pot!" Kagami soon remembered what happened and saw the others waking up as well.

"Well, at least you remember what happened. I got worried when you guys were just seen out cold on the hard floor! I nearly ran out of blankets..." you ranted, mumbling to yourself while holding her hips.

"Thanks, (Y/N). But did you use the clean ones or—" Kagami thanked you before seeing the dirty sheets that covered him while you looked the other way.



"Sorry, I had no choice."

The group all thanked you for taking care of them while they were passed out before they all prepared to leave to head back home.

"Go to sleep as soon as you get home," Hyuga ordered the group.

"I thought I was going to die." Izuki casually spoke while getting his belongings.

"Kagami, let me use your bathroom," Koganei spoke to the first year.

"It's out the door and to the right." The first year replayed to his upperclassmen as you were seen behind a sulking Riko, comforting her.


"Koganei-san?! What's wrong?" You asked seeing the man unable to speak properly, not even a Mitobe could make sense of his mumbling.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"What's all this noise about?"

A woman with long blonde hair and glasses appeared with only a tank top and her pair of underwear, "Huh? Taiga, you came back?" It seemed as if she had just woken up.

You immediately recognized her voice since you remembered the last time you visited Kagami's house, "Uh, oh..."

"You..." Kagami didn't have time to speak as the woman lunged at him.

"I missed you so much!" The blonde-haired woman suddenly kissed Kagami getting the others to be in utter disbelief.

"Kags!" You were able to catch Kagami in your arms as he stepped back after being attacked by the mysterious woman in his home.

She noticed the Seirin Basketball Team, "Hey, who the hell are you guys?" She asked in English.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Kagami wiped his mouth from the kiss, "What are you doing all of a sudden?"

"What's the matter? It's nothing, isn't it?" The woman asked, still grasping the situation.

"Why are you here in the first place, Alex?!" Kagami yelled in retort.

The team recognized the name and were in shock that Kagami's master was her, "That's Kagami's master?!"

"Ah! I've got it! So you guys are Taiga's teammates? I'm Alexandra Garcia. Nice to meet you!" The woman they now know as Alex introduced herself.

Kagami threw some pants at her face, "Just shut it and put your pants on!"

Alexandra took that as an offence, "Gee! Is that how you behave to your teacher?"

You gave a small chuckle at that, "Come on, guys, let's at least sit down to speak properly."

The group was now near Kagami's table in his living room to speak to his teacher.

Riko gave Alex something to drink, "Thanks!" The woman thanked the second year who grew a little flustered since she doesn't know that much English.

Koganei tried to ask Alex something, " you..."

Kagami's teacher could tell they couldn't understand English that well, "Oh, you don't speak English, do you?" She picked up the mug, "Japanese is fine then." Alex spoke in Japanese.

"I majored in it at college, and Taiga taught some to me too," Alex informed.

Izuki was seen going through some magazines in Kagami's home and found Alex in the said book, "It's her. Alexandra Garcia. She was a college state champion. She later played in the WNBA."

The first years were shocked at that, "The WNBA? She's a pro?" Kawahara asked in surprise.

"Seriously?!" Fukuda asked.

"Though, she retired." You suddenly spoke, handing Alex something to eat.

She immediately recognized you, "Ah! (Y/N)-chan!~ What a surprise!~ I missed you so, so, so much!" Alex hugged you tightly making you hug her back.

"Hi, Alex! It's nice to see you again! It's been a while! Since last year." You chuckled.

"Yeah! But, im glad I get to see Kagami's sister-in-arms! He's very protective of you, y'know? Every time I try to ask him as much as one detail about you he goes ballistic." Alex huffed, pouting at how secretive Kagami is.

"That's because I know you'll try and drag her away to bring her to America! Like you did last time she came over! You almost got her to give up her life here and join you in the States!" Kagami ranted angrily, gently pulling you away from Alex's hold and placing you beside him.

You only blinked at how fast you were comically moved, "Huh...?" You didn't fully grasp the situation.

Kagami's teacher only whined, "But she could've been such an amazing assistant manager! She's got the skills and abilities! She'll get money and a good education! It's a win-win in life!" She pulled you back in her arms.

"LET HER DECIDE WHAT'S BEST FOR HER FUTURE! YOU'RE NOT HER MOTHER!" Kagami retorted, getting away from Alex.

"YOU'RE NO BETTER!!" Alex shouted back, "You're reckless, can't focus on anything but basketball! You can't even go on one day without playing basketball! I bet you're a pain in poor (Y/N)-chan's life!" She pulled you back in her arms.

The manager had a poker face when being pulled around comically before getting dizzy.

You were there to calm down your best friend, "Kags, it's fine. Come on, now. Let's at least not yell indoors, please?"

"Humph!" Kagami only huffed but knew you'd punch him to Mars if he didn't listen.

"Haha! Love it when he's scared out of his wits just by the thought of you punching him! Glad to see nothing's changed." Alexandra smiled.

Alex returned to the conversation as to why she stopped playing, "Anyways, my eyesight was ruined by an illness. Now I just coach a little club team."

"What are you doing in Japan, though?" Riko asked.

You and Kagami immediately thought of the worst, "Coach, don't get too close!" Kagami warned his coach.

"Yeah! Quickly! Run while you can!" You advised.

"What?" Riko was still confused before Alex wrapped an around her shoulders, "Japanese girls are so cute." The older woman spoke.

"What?" Riko blinked in slight surprise.

"She's got a kissing bug!" Kagami was too late to respond as Alex already kissed Riko.

Riko immediately resisted and jumped back, "Don't do that to everyone!" Kagami yelled at his teacher.

Alex retorted at him, "What? I only kiss girls and children!"

"I'm not asking about your kissing policy!" Kagami retorted back.

The others only deadpanned at the scene, "So, why did you come to Japan?" Kuroko asked.

"Huh? Oh...!?" Alex didn't see Kuroko behind her, "How long have you been sitting there?!"

"I was here all along."


"Oh, you're that guy Taiga mentioned. I see." Alex soon recognized the man her student spoke about.

"Taiga and Tatsuya. I came to see my two apprentices play basketball." Alex explained.

"By Tatsuya, so you mean..." Izuki started.

"That guy from Yosen you met at the street ball tournament? Did he learn to play basketball from you too?" Kawahara asked.

"TATSUYA-SAN?!" You were seen yelling in shock at the reveal.

"Huh? Yeah? You met him already, (Y/N)-chan?" Alex gave a slight nod.

"That handsome guy that kissed my hand and complimented my looks and not only wowed me but almost swept me off my feet was one of your APPRENTICES?!" You asked again.

"HE WHAT?!?!"

The team was shocked to hear that, "He kissed your hand?!" Hyuga asked.

"And almost swept you off your feet?!" Izuki asked, both him and Hyuga envying not being there.

The rest of the team grasped onto the situation, knowing that the two second years took a liking to their manager.


"Haha! Of course, they're only assertive when it comes to that!" Kiyoshi lightly chuckled.

"Ah! So Tatsuya still has his game after all, huh? Haha! Well, he was always the charmer, wasn't he? I bet you almost considered his suggestion, hmm?~" Alex smiled before giving you a teasing look.

"Stop that! We know (Y/N) wouldn't have—" Kagami tried to shut up his teacher but saw your flustered face.

You held your face, shaking your head while slightly giggling, "W-Well...hehe...!~ I wouldn't just leave my team just like that...!~ But if I wanted to—"

"DON'T FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" Both Hyuga and Izuki yelled at the same time.

"Yep...She would've joined if someone wasn't there to bring her back to earth..." The rest of the team deadpanned at their manager who was easily distracted by Himuro.

Alex smiled before returning to the conversation, "After I retired, I couldn't accept my reality and was acting out. I played on street courts to vent my frustrations."

"One day...this guy and Tatsuya asked me to take them on as apprentices out of nowhere. At first, I was reluctant. But... before I knew it, I was playing basketball with a smile. Those two have grown up and are facing each other again here in Japan. Of course, I'm curious." Alex drank from her mug.

"We don't know that they'll face each other yet." Hyuga intercepted.

The blonde-haired woman spat the contents out of her drink after hearing that, "WHAT?!" Alex yelled in English.

"On top of that, we don't have a game tomorrow, so we're just watching," Tsuchida added.

"Really? I'll go with you then! Take me with you!" Alex was a bit surprised but soon asked if she could come to the stadium with them.


At the stadium, Alex was seen with the Seirin Basketball team. She was seen in between Kagami and Hyuga. You sat next to Kagami with Kuroko. Occasionally, Kagami would give you some of his snacks while you're watching the game.

"Hey, not bad. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from Japanese basketball. I'd better apologize for that one. They're lacking in size and power, but their speed and strategies are impressive. Furthermore, every player is excellent, too. Especially that Number 7 guy who just came onto the court." Alex smiled at seeing the games and analyzed the players.

"They made it to the top four in the Inter-High last year. They're Kobayashi Keisuke of Onita High." Izuki informed.

"At 188 centimetres, he's an unusually tall point guard for Japan. He's an all-rounder who can pass and score. He's one of the best players in the country." Hyuga spoke about the players of the school they were watching from the stands.

"He's got something special. He's pretty good." Alex smiled, looking at the players.

Kagami furrowed his eyebrows when seeing Midorima, "But...his opponent today is..."

You also grew serious, especially when you felt Midorima's new aura. He seemed more driven than ever.

"Yes! We get to see Shin-kun! SHIN-KUN! OVER H—" You smiled before trying to wave at the green-haired male but Kagami quickly hushed you.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to yell at our enemies while watching!?" Kagami scolded you as you were seen whining on Kuroko's shoulder.

"B-But...! I want to see Shin-kun! I missed him!" You protested.

"No means no missy!" Kagami stood his ground against your puppy dog eyes.

"Aw! Kagami's no fun, Tetsu-kun...!~" You huffed, now insulting your best friend to your other best friend who only smiled your way.

"Indeed. He isn't any fun, is he, (Y/N)-san?" Kuroko agreed with you as the redhead only grumbled and rolled his eyes at your childish antics.

Alex was seen in shock when seeing Midorima play. The star shooter's team won with 109 to 71.


After the game, Seirin walked out of the stadium to head back home, "I can never get used to seeing the Generation of Miracles play." Hyuga sighed, "Honestly, it's depressing."

"Shin-kun! Was amazing as usual! That's what I expected of our star shooter! I mean, did you see that cool three-point shot he made just before the buzzer sounded?!" You rambled on and on about Midorima, and your team looked at their manager with slight sweat drops.

"She's a fan of him, huh?" The team all said in unison while staring at your figure bearing a bunch of sparkles and light.

"Every school was chosen from its prefecture for its strength. None of them are weak. However, teams with members of the Generation of Miracles are remarkable. They made veterans indistinguishable from ordinary players," Kiyoshi spoke while Riko walked and turned back to her players.

"We know that. Besides, the most important thing is our next game. Let's head home and review the data (Y/N)-chan found on Nakamiya South." Riko told the boys.


"About that..." Alex started before pulling Kagami's collar, "Hey!"

"Sorry, can I borrow this guy for a while?" Alex asked the group.

"What?" Hyuga turned to the blonde woman in confusion.

"I'll bring him back in time for the game. Please." Alex asked seriously.

Seeing her serious face made Riko and Hyuga agree, "Make sure he sleeps well, please! Kags is HORRIBLE at getting good enough sleep before games." You told Alex who smiled.

"Of course! Thank you so much, (Y/N)-chan!~" The woman hugged you tightly before saying goodbye to the rest of the team.


At the train station, Hyuga noticed Kuroko wasn't present, "Huh? Where's Kuroko?"

"Now that you mention it..." Koganei and the others looked around to find the shorter blue-haired male but didn't find him to no avail.

"Wait! (Y/N) isn't here either!" Tsuchida mentioned making the team panic a little.


"Oh no! She could get kidnapped!" Koganei yelled in worry, and Mitobe was seen shaking in worry for their manager.

"Or worse...! Mugged! Can people still get mugged in Japan?!" Izuki asked while Hyuga shook his shoulders.

"Calm down! All of you! I'm sure our managers can handle themselves." Hyuga tried to help the situation but then, the guilt and fear kicked in.

"But what if some punks decided to try and hurt her in the middle of the night...? What if she went the wrong direction and almost got hit on?!" Hyuga started to panic making the team worried about his health.

"Captain! Pull yourself together!"

"Should we call the police?!"

"You mean ambulance?"

"NO! The police for (Y/N)! And Kuroko too!"

"But also the ambulance for a fainting captain!"


Kuroko was seen meeting up with someone, "Hello."

"Don't give me that. Why'd you suddenly call me out here, Tetsu?" The one and only Aomine Daiki was seen with the Seirin player.

"I told him to call you out here."

Aomine turned to see you walking towards the two, "Hi, Dai-kun! Been a while, huh?" You smiled at him.

Aomine blinked away his small moment of shock, "(N/N). Why'd you do that?"

"Tetsu-kun will answer that." You answered before looking over at Kuroko.

"Let me be direct. Aomine...teach me to shoot."

Hearing that got the dark navy-haired male to be shocked at the statement, "What?"

"Come on! I know a place we can start!" You beamed before dragging the famous ace to a basketball court.

"W-Woah! H-Hey! (Y/N)! You're too fast! You're going to make us trip!" Aomine was seen with a slightly panicked look at you dragging him. Kuroko followed you two while walking.

Once getting a basketball place your belongings somewhere nearby. The training started. Aomine told Kuroko to try shooting to see what he had to deal with.

The phantom man shot the ball but it bounced off the rim and landed near Kuroko's feet, "How was that?"

"You can't be serious!" Aomine yelled in retort, "How should I feel after you drag me here to show off your crappy shooting? I never said I'd teach you to shoot!"

"Why not?" Kuroko asked.

That slightly struck a nerve in Aomine's pride, "Someone who beats a guy and makes him teach to shoot the next day is crazy!"

That caused Kuroko to be silent, you watched on, knowing you couldn't do anything about it since it was between the two of them.

Aomine noticed Kuroko's silence and thought he may have gone too far. The tanned man sighed before plopping against the pole of the hoop, "I haven't slept since then."

"What?" Both you and Kuroko gave a quick look towards the ace.

"I went home, ate, took a bath, then I went to lie down. But I couldn't sleep. My body was exhausted, but when I closed my eyes, I saw scenes from the game. I had forgotten how that felt. My chest feels tight, I feel nauseous like I'm going to puke, and my head is pounding." Aomine spoke about what he was going through after the game against Seirin.

"Since I forgot about it, I kind of missed it, but now that I've experienced it again, I don't miss it at all. It still just sucks. It was an awful night." You took in his words with Kuroko.

"But...that's why I want to play basketball again so soon."

Those words brought you back to middle school, "Aomine..." Kuroko started.

"Oh, man. Talking about it made me want to play," Aomine took off his coat while standing up.

"I can't help myself, so I'll play with you." Aomine declared making Kuroko surprised at his agreement.

"I'm saying I'll teach you to shoot." Aomine clarified before walking past Kuroko to get into position.

Kuroko smiled at his words, "What are you smiling about?" The ace of the Generation of Miracles asked the phantom man.

You only chuckled before punching Aomine's side, "You cheesy bastard! You're too much sometimes, you big oaf!"

"Ow! That hurt, what the hell was that for?" Aomine grunted, not understanding why you hit him.

"We used to practice like this a lot in middle school," Kuorko informed.

"Just hurry up and shoot! You said you don't have much time!" Aomine only shrugged him off and urged him to start shooting the ball into the net.

Kuroko was being trained by Aomine while you heard that Alex was training Kagami a bit before the game against Yosen.


The third day of the Winter Cup.

Over the first and second days, every first-round game was completed. The 50 participating schools were reduced by nearly half, to 32.

"Let's go!" Hyuga yelled at the team.


The second round of games.

The remaining 32 schools gather on the court, including seeded schools.

On this day, in 16 games, all the teams will clash.

Riko and you were seen with the team about to play their next match, "Our opponent's strength is a slow half-court game. We are a fast-paced team, so we'll change our starting lineup and see how things go."






"These five will be our starters!" Riko announced.


"You can do it guys! I believe in you!" You smiled at the five players.

"Thanks, (Y/N)-chan!" Izuki beamed, he was going to hug you but Hyuga held his collar, "Don't you even think about it, Izuki. Get on the court. Now."

Izuki hung his head low a bit after being ordered but still sent a smile your way. Kiyoshi patted your head, "Thanks for your kindness, (Y/N)-chan. It means a lot to this team."

You smiled up at the center, "Of course, Kiyoshi-san! I'd do anything for my team!"

He laughed a little before going on the court. Mitobe walked up to you and held up a hand, you knew he wanted a high-five so you gave it to him.

"You can do this, Mitobe-san! I'll be cheering you on!" Your words brought a smile to his face before he nodded and walked with his teammates.

"Hey, don't look so worried right before the game." Hyuga told the first years on the bench, "I'm not worried." Kuroko replied.

"Then let me hear you!" He told the famous duo, "Yeah!" Kagami and Kuroko replied before the captain went to the court.

"Hyuga-san!" You smiled up to the captain.

"I'll be cheering you on with the others on the bench. Okay? So you better show them what you're made of!" You gave the captain some encouragement.

Hearing your words made him heat up a little bit still smiling in reply, "Thanks, (Y/N). You're such a great person and I love that about you."

You blinked before feeling a little embarrassed by his words, "O-Oh! W-Well how considerate of you, Hyuga-san...hehe...!" You tried to nervously chuckle to distract yourself from your cheeks feeling hot.

Hyuga just had a moment of realization when he spoke, "Shit...! I said too much...!" He muttered.

You hummed in curiosity, "Huh?", "It's nothing! Don't worry, haha...! W-Well, I better get going!" Hyuga awkwardly walked away to meet up with Izuki and the others.

Riko sighed, "That was the most AWFUL moment EVER...! I mean, can no one properly act cool in front of their crushes these days...?!"

The team on the bench only deadpanned since they had a front-row seat of the recent display, "They're so awkward..."

"I now regret agreeing to be on the bench," Kuroko stated, having an indescribable aura at how he saw you and Hyuga speaking.

"There it is again! That scary aura!"

"Who knew Kuroko could have that kind of aura!?"

You were still seen trying to grasp the situation, "That was something...But Hyuga-san complimented my encouragement! Yes!"

"What is wrong with you?! You're like this with every captain we meet!"

"Shut up, Kags! Let me have this!"

The fifth Winter Cup match between Seirin High and Nakamiya South High will now begin.


"Let's have a good game!"

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