By retrolokii

169K 4.6K 1.4K

Title says it all. Requests are very much open just comment or dm pls and thanks ‹3 [ON GOING] May contain ot... More

Midsummer in Valhalla
Dance With Me
Call Me A Thief
Paper Rings
In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Oh Dearest, Your Fangs Are Showing.
Publicist Problems
Oh, Hello Doctor.
Where Am I? (Harry Potter x MCU AU)
England (Part 1)
England (Part 2)
England (Part 3)
Ghost Hunting (Unsolved x Crimson Peak)
Loki of Norway
Quarantine with Loki (Days 1-2)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 3-4)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 5-6)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 7-8)
Cabin in The Woods
Cabin in the Woods (Part 2)
So, We Meet Again...
Trickster's Surprise
Alfheim's Finest
Time Travelling's a Bitch
Hello, Neighbor!
Stay, You Fool.
Alfheim's Finest (Part 2): Picnic Day!
The Night Before
Ladies of The Court
Accidental Pen Pals
Dancing in the Moonlight
Emergency Healer
Heart of The Woods
Something New (Capt. James Conrad x Reader)
I Guess We're A Good Team After All
I'm Here.
Sleipnir's Arrival
Meeting The Family
Cold Mornings
Oh, Cupid.
You Wound Me
Perfectly Mischievous
Finally Free (Thomas Sharpe x Reader)
In Safe Hands
Come and Get Me
In Safe Hands (Part 2)
Secret Santa
Palace Libraries
Cheers to Victory
Run to Me, Baby.
Time Capsule
Did Somebody Call For Agent Loki? - Part 1
Did Someone Call For Agent Loki? - Part 2
Did Someone Call for Agent Loki? - Part 3
I'm Not Actually A Vampire!
Don't You Dare Die On Me
Sinister Kid
Sparks Fly
Dead Men Tell No Tales (or do they?)
Halloween Special!
Royal Pain in The Ass
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 2
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 3
Nights are Better with You
You're Just as Strong as Me
I Love You (Against My Better Judgement)
Much Ado About Nothing
The Pirate and The Prince
Heaven Be Damned (I Have You)
Better Unknown
It Will Come Back
You're So Warm
I Can't Bear to Lose You
I Like You Better (Than Him)
Bets On. Clothes Off (Well, Almost).
Is This A Date?
My Love Mine All Mine
Hate It When You Do That
When Death Gives You An Out (You Take It)
Peace and Quiet, Now Until Forever
What You Taste Like [SMUT]
What You See
A Ballad of Vicious Mockery
A Ballad of Reluctant Affections
A Ballad of Hope and Promises
At The End of Time
Until I Am Enough
Like Real People Do

Peace and Quiet, At Least For a Moment.

784 24 2
By retrolokii


ok but why is this so similar to "In Safe Hands" pls i literally wrote that TWO YEARS AGO

i literally dont change 👁️👁️





"Oh, Hels!" Loki cursed as he struggled between the past, present and the future jumbling in his mind for both a second and an eternity. His body stretched between two planes of existence, travelling in and out of the sacred timeline.

It was a grotesque thing to watch Loki contort himself like... that. Mobius couldn't describe it. He could barely understand what he was seeing. It was like Loki's body had been pulled and kneaded like dough, flesh and bone squelching through time and space. It was horrific. His back arching whilst he screamed in agony. Mobius could hear all of it.

The God of Mischief would be gone for one moment, and he would return just as quickly, looking twice as bad. Loki heaved in breaths in a futile attempt to steady himself on whatever plane of existence his body decided to land on.

Mobius tries to steady Loki with an outstretched arm. He grasps whatever railing is closest to him in the cramped elevator they were in. Loki was silently thankful to feel a solid floor after some time. He felt his knees lock into place, finally standing straight.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Loki asks Mobius through heaving breaths. Gods, he looks so much worse than a few moment ago. Mobius had to make a decision then and there. To lie or to speak the truth.

Grumbling annoyances, he chose to speak the truth. Well, a semblance of it, at least. Mobius runs a hand through his hair, his other placed habitually on his hip. "Well... I'm not saying it's the absolute worst but-"

Loki made a face. An incredulous one. "What? You said it wasn't that bad?"

Mobius sighed in resignation. "Why don't you ask them?" He motioned over to the absolutely terrified intern who had the misfortune of joining the two of them in the elevator.

Loki needed no further explanation after looking at the intern's face.

"It's fine," he says with a wry smile. "I can handle it."

As Loki finished his sentence, he was forced into time and space for what felt like the fiftieth time today.

What's peculiar though, he wasn't in the TVA anymore, unlike all the other times he unceremoniously landed in the past.

No, after his body stretched and pulled from sludge to solid matter, he landed on grass. Soft grass, he noted. The air didn't smell stuffy anymore. Wind gently greeted Loki's hair, his locks flowed ever so slightly in the air. It felt refreshing, almost. Loki felt like he could breathe again, after the stench of ink and printed paper had plagued his lungs and nose for a number of weeks.

If his body hadn't just been ripped through time and space, he could almost feel comforted by the sudden change of scenery.


Considering his circumstances, the temptation for comfort only led to more pain and suffering. So, he wouldn't allow himself to feel comfort, no matter how appealing it sounded to him. Not now, certainly not for a while.

"Can I help you?" A voice shouted from a distance. It wasn't malevolent or threatening at all, which made Loki all the more paranoid.

He didn't answer.

The voice from the distance was slowly gaining a silhouette. They were stalking closer, whoever or whatever it was.

"Are you alright?" Loki hears the voice ask loudly. They could probably see him from where they stand.

Either, Loki hopes that he can blink through time and space before the figure arrives or he could put on a facade and use all his charms to manipulate the person to do his bidding.

Hope. Loki could almost laugh.

The latter it was.

He's had enough of hoping for things to get better. He has placed hope in his father, brother, mother- Hel, the Norns, even the Universe itself. All for naught.

It's time he take matters into his own hands.

Loki huffs out a breath as he tries to pat himself clean. Before the figure arrives, he manages to muster the most charming smile he has ever put on his pale face.

"Hi!" The figure waved once they were sure Loki could see them quickly.

"Hi." Loki calmly returned.

The smile on your face was pleasant- soothing even, especially welcoming to a person who felt lost. And, Loki had been precisely that.

Loki was already distrusting in nature. But, when he detected no lies in the warmth and tranquility you seem to offer in that one smile of yours, he grew more suspicious and even more distrusting.

"What planet am I in? I seem to be lost." Loki added a friendly chuckle at the end of his statement.

"Nhyra, dwarf planet. Uncommonly known as R-75390." You smiled. "You're perfectly safe here, traveller."

"I'm no traveller," said Loki politely.

"Oh, no? What are you then?"

Loki sighed. "I'm an abhorrence in time. I was actually supposed to be prisoner, but apparently I had much more use as an agent... of sorts."

"How'd you end up here?"

"Hel, if I know, hm?" His voice laced deep with sarcasm and hopelessness. "I was being torn apart through space and time from the past, present, and future."

Of all the creatures you've nursed and assisted, he was definitely the most peculiar case. His clothes were verging on tattering at the seams, also deeply stained from all the dirt and grime he was probably shoved into.

Yet, he speaks fluently, almost with a sense of calm that should be terrifying. The man (presumably) also emanated a wild sort of energy- perhaps his magic, you couldn't tell for certain.

His whole person should scream 'danger' by the way he chose to carry himself. But, he didn't. Oddly enough.

His eyes were too heavy with misery to be considered dangerous.

You merely have him a sympathetical frown in response, not knowing what else to do really.

"Can you help me?" Loki asked, lacing his words with slivers of seidr to bend your will to his liking.

You were immune to that sort of thing though. If you knew what Loki was doing, you didn't let him know. You needed him to trust you right now.

"Of course," you answered honestly. "Follow me. My home isn't far from here."

Loki gave you no other reply aside from nodding before dutifully following your steps, keeping an appropriate distance between the two of you.

"So," Loki spoke after quite some time. The silence was getting to him. It had been calm. Too calm. "What are you, then?"

You stopped in your tracks, momentarily shooting stress through Loki's spine. Was that offensive? Had he offended you?

"No one's ever ask me that before, actually." You turn to him with a curious smile. You held out your hand and told him your name. "I'm a Healer from Alfheim."

Loki shook your hand firmly, noting the unbearable softness of your palm against his calloused one. "Loki," he said.

Your eyebrows quirked up. You knew the name Loki. Of course, he was the prince of Asgard, a sister-realm of Alfheim.

"I'm guessing you know who I am?"

You grinned and nodded your head, quite excited to aid someone like him. Imagine that!

"Sorry, Your Highness, I'm absolutely terrible with faces."

Loki waved a dismissive hand. "As much as I like to be acknowledged as a prince, I feel nothing of the sort right now. So, can we drop the titles for today?"

You smiled and beckoned him to walk beside you. "Of course. Whatever you wish."

"Now," said Loki. "What's a Light Elf doing at a planet like this?" He asked lightly, almost with a teasing tone. He really was putting that facade to good use.

"I could ask you the same."

He made a noncommittal noise in response, hands casually stuffed in his pockets.

You sighed. "I honestly don't know," you admitted. "I just... appeared here. I suppose."

"And you've made no effort to return to Alfheim?"

"On the contrary," you retorted. "I tried everything I could. Still, to no avail."

Loki frowned. He knows what loneliness feels like. Being stuck on a dwarf planet with no creature in sight for miles must have illicit that feeling from time to time.

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely.

"No need to feel sorry for me, Loki. I'm supposed to be helping you, remember?" Norns, you still had that smile on your face. Loki was taken aback by your resilience; most definitely in awe of your selflessness. If he were in your position, he might've gone mad amd cursed every god above him.

"Right." Loki replied, mimicking your smile even if it pained him to do so. He could clearly see the war behind your Elven eyes. Though, he chose not to comment on it.

After a few more moments of walking up a small, grassy hill, Loki could see the tips of your brick roof in the distance. A couple more steps, overcoming the hill, he could then see your humble abode.

It was definitely quaint by his standards, with a pointy brick roof, probably protecting an attic. The main building was made out of cobblestone and other pieces of sturdy rocks, creating an organic pattern all along your walls.

There was a small gate before you could enter the house, caging in a couple rows and a few bushes of fruits, vegetables, and other herbs you grew yourself. You gently swung it open, a familiar metal creak squeaked in the silent air.

Loki gingerly followed your steps as he walked along the dirt pathway leading to your house, careful not to tread on the grass either side of him. The last thing he wanted to do is be a bigger burden than he was right now.

You fished out your keys from your pocket, gently jiggling them in the lock on your door. Loki heard you whisper something beneath your breath, resulting in the door glowing for a second before you could twist the doorknob open.

You smiled at him again, all warm and welcoming, and beckoned him to enter your home.

Looking around, Loki could only revel at the amount of trinkets and knickknacks you collected over time. They were displayed everywhere. Yet, they didn't look like clutter. It was as if every little object, no matter how tiny or seemingly useless, had a purpose in your lonely house.

"Would you like anything to drink?" You asked him, hanging up your coat behind you door. You gestured for him to sit on one of your wicker chairs.

"Water, please." Loki replied, sitting himself down, an air of gratitude in his words.

You nodded in response and held up a 'one moment' finger before disappearing into your kitchen.

Loki heard some... clanging from where you went. A little concerned, he was about to stand up and check on you. But, you returned quickly enough with a mug in your hands.

"It's slightly chilled," you say while handing him the mug.

Loki took a well-deserved water break after fighting He Who Remains and getting thrown back and forth on the sacred timeline, all within a span of three hours.

After Loki finished the mug of water, he finally sighed and let himself sink into the weirdly comfortable wicker chair. He finally felt the exhaustion of a solid week of running from foes and from time. His body ached as did his mind. Loki wished that he wouldn't blip out of your home for a good while.

You sat yourself beside him, silently observing. There was a growing bloody stain on his arm, no doubt caused by a slashing blade. Loki also seemed to have newly forming bruises on his face, and no doubt larger ones on the rest his body.

"Your arm..." You begin to speak softly.

Loki looked at it, as if he forgot that the wound was there. He shrugged. "It'll heal in a few day's time. I am a god, after all."

You pursed your lips, slightly alarming Loki. It seemed like you weren't satisfied with his answer.

"I'll get my medicine kit," you say while standing up. "You stay there and don't touch the wound."

You were gone before Loki could even protest. He slumped further into his chair. This wasn't the help he had in mind. He imagined you helping him send out a signal from your home, something big enough for the TVA to notice, so that Mobius and B-15 could come rushing in from a portal.

He didn't expect to be doted over, to be cared for. His wound was... well, it stung. But, it's nothing Loki can't handle. He's been through worse. Two weeks ago he was in the grasp of the Mad Titan. He surely could stomach worse.

Yet, here he was. As if the universe had finally taken pity on him, giving him a moment to breathe. To have the care he thinks he might deserve if he had been good enough. Good enough to you, at least.

"Alright," you spoke as you chaotically entered the room with bags and boxes in your hands, nearly knocking trinkets over. "I don't think you'll be needing a poultice. After all, you heal fast. However-" you plopped all of the bags and boxes down on the table in front of him, resulting in a worrying thud. "They need to be cleaned."

Loki nodded in reply.

You sat yourself beside him, looking at him for silent permission.

"Go ahead." He spoke gently.

You delicately revealed the wound, spreading the tattered sleeve of his button up. You grimaced at its state, all red and glistening. It looks fresh.

"Do you care about your shirt?" You asked.

Loki's eyebrows knitted together ever so slightly. "Not in particular... no?"

"Alright, because-" you took out a pair of clean scissors. "I'm going to have to cut the sleeve off."

"Ah," said Loki, but made no protest as you begin to cut away at his sleeve. He also took the liberty of taking off his tie with his other hand, also unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt.

"How'd you get this, anyway?" You asked, trying to make idle conversation as you treated his wound. You were afraid that it would get too awkward if neither of you spoke.

"Slash from a scimitar, perhaps?" answered Loki. "I really can't recall. The fight had been... chaotic, for a lack of a better term."

"Well," you said, wiping the excess blood from his wound. Loki grimaced, but he didn't squirm nor flinch at your actions. "Whatever it was, it was forged particularly well. The cut is very clean, precise."

You took out a potion bottle of some sorts from your pack. "This is a cleansing balm. It might hurt."

"Hopefully, nothing I can't handle." Loki jested, a dry smile on his face. You gave him a small smile just to put him at ease. Then, you began to gently dab his wound with the balm.

You heard Loki hiss upon contact.

"I'm sorry." You whispered and tried to make your actions even more gentle.

"You're alright," said Loki, flinching upon your second swipe. "Like I said, nothing I can't handle."

You went in for a third. Even with your featherlight touch with the soft rag, Loki found it hard not to wince at the pain.

"Sorry," you repeated upon hearing his reaction. "It was the last one, I promise." You continued, putting down the rag and fetching a roll of fresh bandages.

You began to carefully wrap Loki's bicep, gently tugging at the bandage to ensure that it was snug enough. You'd occasionally look up at Loki to see if the bandage wasn't too tight on his arm. He's give you a small nod in response when he felt like it was alright.

After finishing the roll of bandages, you leaned back in your chair, observing your work on Loki from a distance. You sighed, content with the neatness of your wrapping skills.

You quickly tidied up the space in front of you- where you had previously dumped all of your medical supplies. You graciously folded the unused cloths that were sprawled around and tightly screwing on the caps of the cleansing balm you used, all before meticulously segregating and disposing the cloth and cotton you used on Loki.

"Would you like a potion of healing?" You asked Loki after you returned from putting away all your medical supplies.

Loki gave you a smile. "A little overboard, don't you think?"

You merely shrugged at him.

"I'll heal up just fine. You've done more than enough. Thank you." He spoke earnestly.

You curtsied teasingly. It elicit a tiny chuckle from Loki. "You're most welcome."

Whatever source of natural light the planet had was slowly dying down, eventually transitioning the whole planet to night. You'd be preparing supper by now. Hopefully, Loki would stick around long enough to eat at least a little bit.

"I'm going to make a fire outside," you say while gesturing to the back door. "Care to join me? I'll be roasting dinner too."

At this point, Loki found it impolite to say no to you. "I don't see why not." He said, standing up with you, the wicker chair letting out a soft creak upon his absence.


"Do you think your people will come?" You asked after quite some time. You busied yourself with stoking the fire, occasionally flipping whatever edible meat you had on hand above it. Loki seemed to enjoy the food well enough.

Loki shrugged. "Hopefully," he says, his cheeks filled with that night's dinner. "Already trying to get rid of me, hm?"

You chuckled while shaking your head. "Of course, not. I just wanted to ensure your safety, that's all."

Still, Loki found it difficult to grasp your selflessness. "How do you do it?" Loki suddenly asked in disbelief.

"Do what?"

"Care." Loki emphasized. "How do care so much for unfortunate creatures that end up at your doorstep?"

You smiled at him again, that warm smile that you always seemes to bear, despite the loneliness behind your eyes. You simply shrugged, as if his question had no weight to you. "Because no one cared for me when I ended up here."

Your gaze on him suddenly felt serious. You want him to feel your words clearly. "I don't want any other creature to face what I faced. Everybody deserves love and care at least once in their life."

Loki supposed this was the "once" in his life. He felt a sharp pain in his chest then, like a dagger running through his ribs.

"I should repay you, you know." He said with a sad smile.

"Nonsense." You waved a dismissive hand, continuing to indulge in your dinner.

His eyes washed over you, quietly thinking about your lonely predicament. You were weirdly at peace with your fate. He didn't know whether to assume that you've given up or have simply embraced whatever the Norns put before you. Perhaps, healing broken people was your calling. Whether that be physically wounded creatures or those with broken spirits.

Loki labelled himself as both.

"What are you going to do if your people don't come for you?" You asked.

"Pester you more, I suppose."

You chuckled. "Seriously, Loki."

He shrugged, though his nonchalance gave away his helplessness. "I don't know, honestly."

"Well," you offered him a gentle smile, a reassuring one. "You can pester me all you want, if they don't arrive."

He was oddly satisfied with that arrangement. Loki hasn't had many quiet moments in his life, even when he lived in the palace. Maybe, this was what he needed.


"And you can water my garden in payment," you joked, earning a genuine smile from Loki.

"Thank you." He said, his eyes gazing into yours. He wants you to know he means it sincerely. He knows his reputation, after all.

You slowly reached over to him, giving his hand a soft squeeze. You know broken people when you see them. They arrive at your doorstep far too often for you to not pick up on their tendencies.

"You're most welcome," you say, hand still on top of his. "You deserve this. You deserve a moment of peace."

Loki sighed, closing his eyes as he let your words sink into his mind. He can't believe a total stranger can give him more comfort than his own family. And friends? He can't remember the last time he can genuinely call a person his friend. It was either he used them for his own means, or the other way around.

Suddently, an orange light emanated in the distance. It looked like a simple rectangle to you, but Loki clearly knew what it was.

They were here.

Loki sighed, already feeling dread in the pit of his stomach.

"Why? What is it?" You looked around. Loki already missed the warmth of your hand on top of his.

"My 'people' are here."

You couldn't bother to hide your frown. "Then, I suppose this is goodbye?" Loki stood from where he sat.

"Not necessarily." He offered you his hand to pull you up from your seat. "If I come out of this alive, be sure to expect a visitor."

A grin tugged on your face.

"Be sure to stay alive, then."

You squeezed him into a quick hug, careful not to touch the bandages on his bicep. It took a few moments for Loki to register what was happening. Though, when he came to realize you were hugging him goodbye, he made no hesitation to gently wrap his arms around you.

You couldn't quite place the look Loki gave you when you parted. Perhaps, it was surprise. Maybe, it was reverence.

"I'll see you around?" You said, giving him a final warm smile.

"Of course."


Mobius saw Loki march toward him through the grass. "There you are!" He exclaimed in relief. "You were a bitch to track, I'll tell you that much. Now, let's go. I think OB has a solution to your predicament."

Loki held Mobius back by the forearm. "Could you do me a favor before we go back?" He asked.

"Sure. What is it?" Mobius replied.

"Mark this place's coordinates. Please."

Mobius softly smiled at him. His eyes landing on the figure waving goodbye at the two of them, even though Loki's back was turned.

"You got it, pal."

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