He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

6.7K 333 22

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama
2024 Watty awards
Uncomfortable Conversations
I Can Play Too
I Can Play Too (II)
Reevaluating (II)
Reality Check


30 3 0
By rainchellread

"Ok ladies get your focus piece out and let's practice our breathing technique." The perky young lamaze instructor said. "I got it." Malik told Kandace as he reached into the large bookbag to grab the teddy bear his mother brought them for the baby. Kandace rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. They had argued about her not wanting to go to lamaze class, she told him when she first got pregnant she wasn't like Rain. She didn't like all that fufu stuff, but Malik and his mother insisted. "Ok daddy's, take your position behind mommy so we can get started" the young woman instructed. After Malik handed Kandace the teddy he positioned himself on the floor behind her and opened his legs pulling her into his check as he rest his hands on her growing belly. Truth be told these classes always made Kandace nervous, because she didn't do well with pain. Malik always took her to get a full body massage and spa afterwards and then take her out to eat. That's the only reason she honestly agreed. She didn't really care that his mother thought it was a good idea for first mothers. Kandace felt like this was her baby and Noone would have say over her word when it came to pregnancy and this child she was carrying. They followed all the instructions given by the young lady. 45 minutes later they were on the way to the spa. Kandace turned down the music "Can we stop and get a smoothie? I'm hungry" She asked rubbing her belly. "Well why don't we go eat first?" Malik asked without taking his eyes off the road. "I'll get sick if I eat first, plus they only open for like 2 more hours and I was really looking foward to this." Mailk nodded his head and changed his direction to the nearest smoothie king. "So my mom and dad are coming up this weekend, can you plan some things to do with them? This will be their first time visiting and I want to make sure they enjoy themselves." Malik asked as he pulled into the line at the drive thru. Kandace huffed and looked out the window. This dude was really trying to domesticate her and she wasn't that type. No matter how many ways she said it, he just didn't seem to be catching on. "Did you hear me?" He asked her after a few minutes of her silence. "I did." She said simply shrugging her shoulders. "Well?" He scrunched his eyebrows. He didn't understand why she was acting so weird. When they were at his parents, Kandace was all for the "family thing" now that it's just them, she constantly gives him attitude every time he tries. "I keep telling you, I'm not used to shit like that, I don't know what to take your parents to do. They not gonna like the same things I do. Why would you just assume it's good idea for me to show them around, I could have other plans and you just springing this on me." She said crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes. "They only gonna be here a week and you knew they were gonna be coming we talked about this, unless you was just saying what you knew they wanted to hear to save face.But ey, it ain't no biggie, if you don't wanna do I can take some personal days and show them around myself. You be acting weird as fuck some times yo." He pulled up to the window and ordered the banana, strawberry smoothie that she asked for every time. "I thought you were reserving your personal days so you could be with me when it's time to have the baby." Kandace asked him as he paid for the smoothies. "Yeah I was, but it wouldn't be fair for my parents to be here and stuck in the house the whole week because I gotta work and you acting funny about showing them around town." Kandace took a deep breath and sighed. "What do you want me to do with them?" Malik grabbed the two smoothies and put them in the cup holder. "Nevermind Kandace, because I know how you can get. And the first time you make my mother feel unwelcome because of your attitude me and you gonna have a serious problem." She pursed her lips and took a sip of the smoothie. "So if you know how I am, why would you ask me to do that in the first place?" She questioned. "Just drop it alright,  ause you really starting to piss me off. How the hell you expect this baby to have a family and you pushing them away? That shit makes no sense at all to me.!" He said pulling out into traffic on his way to the spa. "I do want the baby to have a close family, but you gotta give me time, I can't just snap my fingers and change overnight for you." Malik put his blinker on to get onto the expressway. "I ain't never asked you to change. You the one that was talking all that shit about how cute our family was and how you gonna make that happen for our baby while we were at my parents house. So save the bullshit excuses ok." Kandace was afraid that she wouldn't be able to fit into the family dynamic they had. She was a natural loner. When she did get together with her brothers and sisters there was always some kind of drama and she wasn't down for that. Plus their idea of bonding seemed to consist of everyone airing their business and she didn't feel the need to have them know her every mood.
"I'm sorry Ok, it's just hard to get used to allowing someone in my space. People always judge me,especially the family and I don't like it. So I learned to just stay to myself." Malik took a deep breath and calmed himself. He knew first hand that she was being honest, so he calmed himself because it was rare for her expose her emotions. "I get it, and honestly I didn't think of it that way, I just thought you were being difficult. My parents aren't like that babe, you'll see." He glanced at her to see her reaction, but she was facing the window. It shocked him when he heard her sniffle. He quickly pulled into the parking lot and turned off the ignition. Getting our of the car he walked to her side to open the door and pull in a hug. " These hormones kicking your ass huh?!" He asked once they finally let go. "Shut up!" She said smiling and hit him in his chest playfully.

"Can't you take just one day off studying? I thought we could spend some time together today.!" Laina pouted as she watched Johanna pick out her outfit for the day. "Yo, I been with you all night long. Truthfully I should've been sleeping, but I know we haven't chilled together in a minute and I ain't want you feel some type of way." Jojo told her as she was putting her things her gym bag. "Yeah, but that's all we do is lay up and have sex. We don't never go out and have fun together anymore." Laina sat up in bed and folded her arms over her chest. Johanna sighed and sat next to her on the bed. "Baby, I get where you coming from, but I'm in my zone right now and I need to focus." She reached out and rubbed Laina thigh through the cover. Jojos text message alert went off and she turned to get the phone off the side table.

Justin: Yo, I know you on your way cause I passed up a paying gig for this.

Johanna shook her head at the text and exhaled dramatically.

Me: You already know.

"I'm sorry bootie, I gotta go." She said as she sent the text. Ignoring the mean mug she was getting. She kissed Laina quickly, threw her clothes on and grabbed her duffle bag. Headed out the door.

"It's about damn time. I know adding a workout routine to school takes some getting used to, but baby girl this is how I make my bread so imma need you to be punctual when you working out with me." Justin gently reprimanded Jojo as he grabbed her gym bag from her and set it on the bench. "That's my bad. I apologize, I know..imma do better." She promised sitting next to him. "Uhnt uhnt....get that ass up and go change expeditiously!" He said snapping his fingers. "Time is money." Johanna popped up and threw her bag over shoulder and went to the woman's locker room. She threw he bag on the bench and started getting ready.
Her phone beeped with a text alert.

Bootie❤️😝: You spend more time with Jusin than you do me. If y'all got something going on just say so🤷🏾‍♀️.

She chuckled and rolled her eyes at the message. It's always some drama with these woman. She thought to herself as she quickly sent a message so she could get to her workout

Me: Don't start that jealous shit girl. I got priorities and right now laying up with you all day everyday ain't gone get it for me.
Me: Find yourself a hobby, cause you got way too much time on your hands babe.

"Let's go, we gone do this little warm up real quick." Justin said directing Johanna to the mat on the floor. Once she came out the locker room. He didn't wait a minute to start instructions.

45 minutes later Johanna whole body was sore, and drenched with sweat. She was on her back in the sit up position with Justin at holding her feet firmly. "Come on you got this, just 5 more." Hugging her arms tight across her chest she took a deep breath, tightened her stomach muscles and completed her workout. Justin got up to grab a towel and a bottle of water. Johanna slowly sat up and accepted the towel and water greatfully. She wiped her face and neck before unscrewing the top and gulping down half the contents of the bottle in 5 seconds. "Easy there, you don't want a cramp." He warned her as he sat down next to her on the mat.  She pulled the bottle down and replaced the cap sitting it next to her. He wrapped one arm around her and gently rocked her. "You did good today. I'm proud of you." She let out a breath and allowed herself to lean into him. "MAN...you be trying to kill me." He chuckled as he readjusted to hold her weight. "This is my passion, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't make you sweat."  Nodding her head in agreement she rested it on his chest, closed her eyes and took deep breaths trying to calm her heart rate. They sat there in silence for a moment allowing her mind time to wander. It didn't feel so bad being in his arms, she had been spending so much time with Justin it would be a lie if she didn't admit that she was starting to look foward to his company. At that thought she shook her head as of that would somehow clear the thoughts of Justin and she sat up moving slightly out of his embrace. "You wanna grab a bite to eat? We got like 2 hours before our first class." Justin offered, removing his arm from her shoulder. He had gotten the hint and he wasn't the type of guy that had to be told twice. He would never knowingly overstep his boundaries. "Sure, she stated simply and grab her water finishing the bottle before she went to shower and change in the woman's locker room.
🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guy. Had a bit of writers block, so I had to take moment and evaluate where I wanted the story line to go.
Sorry I kept you waiting so long for an update. And those of you that are new, welcome and I hope your enjoying.
As always thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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