Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x...

By mishhhhh92

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✨Out for Blood sequel✨ ⚠️⛔️‼️🚨 This story is for 18+ only. PLEASE READ THE A/N FIRST THERE ARE TRIGGERS IN T... More



106 6 2
By mishhhhh92

We'd holed up in an empty house to wait for Amaimon and Astaroth to wake up, I couldn't stop worrying about them. "Ali, they're gonna be okay. They're our clones after all," Meliodas grinned and squeezed me in a hug. I sniffled a little, "I know that but they're still my babies!" Zeldris giggled, even though he was also worried it still made him giggle that I was so worried about our kids, "It's alright, Ali. They're alive and uninjured. They'll wake up soon, then we can end this once and for all." He stroked my hair after then kissed me softly. Just after Zeldris pulled away, Amaimon groaned, I grabbed him in the tightest hug he'd ever received, causing him to cough. "Sorry Maimai, I'm just so happy you're okay!" I kissed his face all over, making him giggle like he did when he was a small boy. "Okay, Momma, I get it! But what happened?" he asked after rubbing his face, it made me grin. When they were little, I'd told them I was "rubbing their kisses in" when I rubbed my face where they'd kissed me. Before we could explain, Astaroth started to stir, I repeated the same thing I'd done to his older brother and he mimicked what Amaimon had done, rubbing my kisses in. "What happened?" he asked groggily, it made Meliodas and I giggled as he was normally very awake as soon as he got up in the mornings.

"You were possessed by chaos magic right after Mom, Dad, and Uncle Zel were trapped. They came back and Dad and Uncle Zel kicked your guys' asses," Rin grinned and giggled at his brothers' unamused faces of getting their asses handed to them. "Then Az used his magic to purge it from your bodies," Zeldris added, their elder brother waved at them with a grin. Azriel clapped his hands together and giggled mischievously, "Now that I'm here I'm excited! Let's go, I wanna kick some Camelot Knight ass!"  Meliodas giggled, "So all it took was some fighting for Az's real personality to shine through! About time, Az!" Azriel scowled at his uncle, "Shut up, I haven't been hiding it." Astaroth and Amaimon giggled now, "Liar! You've been pretending to be reserved and quiet like Dad for a long time when we all know you're actually a lot more like Mom," Amaimon teased. Azy looked at his siblings then Zeldris, Meliodas, and I incredulously, "They're not wrong, Az. Since you've been shadowing me to be the Demon King till now, you've toned down your personality. Glad to see the boy who called my brother an idiot as soon as they met was hiding in there still," Zeldris teased. Azriel scowled and rolled his eyes with his arms crossed, "Whatever. Can we go now?" I pinched his cheek and grinned, "Come on, Momma's boy. Let's go kick some ass!" He grinned at me and pulled his sword out.

We rushed towards where we could feel a concentrated amount of chaos magic. "So my army of knights has failed me, I see. How disappointing. I guess I'll have to clean up this mess," Arthur spat out, the whites of his eyes were black. This was Chaos speaking, not Arthur. "Cut the shit, Arthur. We know this isn't actually you! This isn't what you wanted!!" Meliodas replied, trying to reach the boy we'd known. He laughed maniacally, "What do you mean, 'this isn't what I wanted'?! How could you possibly know that, Meliodas!? You were too busy parading around with your brother's lover in front of your own wife and firstborn!" All of us glared at him, but there wasn't any reasoning with the monster that was possessing him. Ban, Lancelot, and the remaining members of our army joined us as well, we were all ready to fight. The battle was intense, the Chaos Knights used their staffs to meld together some of the demons and vampires into grotesque creatures. Many civilians seemed to be caught in the chaos, Amaimon and Astaroth focused on saving them with their fate magic while the rest of us fought Arthur and his comrades.

The back and forth between us and the knights slowly dwindled down until it was finally just a few of the chaos knights, us, and Arthur. We sent the remainder of our army home to reduce casualties. They didn't want to but Meliodas, Zeldris, and I destroyed the seals on our power. "You'll never defeat me, you pathetic beings! I created the Demon King, the Supreme Deity, and the Sacred Tree! You lowly creatures are nothing compared to me!" Arthur screamed, the boys readied their magic, as well as my lovers with their swords. "Chaos is taking over his body completely! Protect Ali while she makes the necessary portals as well as Az and Rin so they can use their magic when the time comes!" Meliodas commanded, then everyone launched their attacks to keep him busy. I created a portal to the castle in Liones as well as the Fairy King's forest, Elizabeth and King stepped through. "It's about time now, is it?" King asked as he watched the intense battle. I nodded, "Once Asta, Maimai, Meliodas, and Zeldris have him pinned down, that's when you two and Azy come in. We promised we'd save Arthur. We have to succeed and kill Chaos." They nodded in agreement and readied themselves.

I'd done my part so I joined the battle with my sons and lovers, it felt like it went on for days but with the seals broken we managed to eventually get him immobile. "Elizabeth, Az, King, do it now!" Zeldris yelled to the three. Azriel and Elizabeth started to use their purification magic and King started using Pollen Garden. Azriel and Elizabeth yelled, "Let there be light!" in unison and King shouted, "Seed of Awakening!" simultaneously. Arthur was hit with red and white light as well as King's fairy magic all at once. Merlin suddenly appeared and used her magic on all of us, "Limit Break!" We all felt exponentially more powerful. Elizabeth and Azriel seemed to be struggling, "Ali, Rin, Asta, Amai, Tristan, help Elizabeth and Az!" Meliodas commanded, "Zel and I can hold him!" Ban and Lancelot joined the two demons in holding Arthur down as my sons, Tristan, and I joined my eldest and Elizabeth. Amaimon, Astaroth, and I all put our hands on Azriel to channel our magic into him while Tristan and Rin channeled their magic into Elizabeth. I put my other hand on her back as well. All of us yelled as a last battle cry and put out as much energy as we could, a foul feeling magic was being pushed out of Arthur's body.

"One last push, we've got this!" I yelled, Elizabeth and Azriel pushed themselves even harder and their light brightened the area so much we couldn't see before we all finally stopped. Arthur collapsed and what was left was an amorphous blob of Chaos. Before it got a chance to do anything, Rin and Meliodas simultaneously threw balls of destruction magic at it. The blob completely disappeared into nothingness. We all stood silent and panting in disbelief, it was finally over. "King Azriel, the citizens have all been evacuated to Britannia!" a demon had come to inform us, we'd had our army check for civilians before they left. "Great, thank you, Zarath. Take them to the Liones knights then head home with the rest of the demons and vampires, we'll be there later," Azriel informed him. Zarath nodded and swiftly left the area, ready to see his family again. "Thank you, everyone, for saving Arthur. It's been my hope this entire time. I'm sorry for deceiving you all, but it was necessary so Chaos wasn't aware," Merlin explained, we smiled at her. "Of course, Merlin! I promised Arthur I wouldn't let him down!" Meliodas exclaimed then walked over to our youngest. "I think it's about time, don't you think, Rin?" he grinned at his dark haired son who grinned back. "Right! Everyone, head out of the portal to Britannia then Rin can destroy this mess!" Meliodas ushered us out of the portal to Britannia that I'd created, Rin stood just outside and made a large ball of his purple destruction magic. Meliodas put his hand on his son's back and channeled his magic into him to make it even more powerful. "You've got this, Rin," he murmured to his youngest, who smiled softly before releasing the ball. It completely decimated the area, the portal now nothing but white emptiness.

"Where will you go now, Merlin?" I asked as I watched her taking care of Arthur. "I'll stay by Arthur's side to create another new Camelot, one not controlled by Chaos," she responded then smiled down at his sleeping face.

—1.5 years later—
Everything went back to how it should've been after the second Holy War. The clans were at peace with one another, some of them even visited the demon realm with aid of our miasma blocking pills! Yami's and Erza's parents were actually still alive and shocked that their daughters were, even more shocked that they were the lovers of two Demon Princes but were grateful we'd taken them in. A fairy girl was smitten with Rin, despite his obliviousness and Mira had a suitor from the goddess clan, much to everyone's surprise. There were some that were against the intermingling of the goddess and demon clans but they were few and far between. Our world was finally peaceful.

Meliodas, Zeldris, and I were in Liones for a party, an important one indeed. I squeezed Elizabeth in a tight hug, "I can't believe Annora is already a year old!!" She grinned as she watched her lover holding their daughter, "She's a handful, just as Tristan was. Thankfully, despite being in a human body, my goddess lineage seems to be keeping me young so I can keep up." I grinned back, "How's Mael doing with her?" She giggled, "He's wonderful with her, though it's taking some time to get used to living in Liones I think." I nodded and giggled as Annora started screaming her head off as soon as Mael handed her to Meliodas. "Ahh, come on Annie! You don't like your Uncle Meliodas?!" he exclaimed as he grinned at the crying baby. Elizabeth and I joined our lovers just as Tristan came up, "Father, must you antagonize my sister?" he took her into his arms. "How is Isolde, Tristan?" I asked excitedly, she was due any day now and couldn't leave the celestial realm. "Exhausted and ready, though still not used to being the Queen," he answered happily before cooing at his baby sister. I grinned and patted the baby's head, "She'll be great, she has you, Elizabeth, and Mael and all the other goddesses." Tristan smiled at me before chatting with his mother. "Sir Meliodas! Ali! Zeldris!" we heard a familiar voice behind us. "Yo! How's it going, Arthur? How's the new new Camelot?" Meliodas grinned at the red head. "It's doing great! The people are beginning to trust me again, I think," Arthur replied quietly. We grinned at him, "You're a fantastic king, Arthur. Your people love you," I reassured him.

Once the party ended it was late afternoon, I looked at Meliodas and Zeldris, "Ready?" They grinned and each grabbed one of my hands, "Let's go home."

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