Ben10 human girls x male read...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including human females from Ben 10 series. More

Female Ben 10 x male reader Bennette Tenyson(Bene for short)
Lucky girl and Gwen Tennyson x Male reader
Female Ben&Gwen x male reader
Joan Maplewood x male reader
Original&Omniverse Gwen x male reader Interdimensional date
Female Kevin Levin x male reader Karen Levin
Female Benverse & Beachday
Female Ben 10000 x Male reader
Nega Bene x male reader
Nega Bene x male reader part 2
Helen Wheels x male reader
Bad Gwen x shy male reader
Eunice(Unitrix x male reader)
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Rook
Female Omnivese Ben 10 x male reader
Female Mad Ben x Male reader
Female Ben 23 x male reader
Werewolf Gwen x Male reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Albedo
Gwenettes x Male reader
Female Ben 10000 Omiverse x male reader
Molly Gunther x Maler reader
Mazuma x male reader
Charmcaster x Male reader
Gwen's french teacher x Male reader
Female Cooper Daniels x male reader
Gwen&Gwen's clones x Male Reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Kevin
Pinky x Male Reader x Missy
Mad Gwen x Male reader
Swift x Male Reader
Helen Wheels x Male Reader x Female Manny Armstrong
Ben 10000's daughter Gwendolyn Tennyson x Male Reader
Turbine x Male Reader
Change of face Dog girl x Male Reader
Frightwig x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x Male Reader
UAF Gwen x Male Reader
Perfect day cheerleaders x Male Reader
Christmas special:Elf Gwen x Male Reader
Gwenom Tennyson x Male Reader
Omniverse Gwen x Male Reader
Omniverse Lucky Girl x Male Reader
Gwendolynn Tennyson x Male Reader
Sparksville woman x Male Reader
Female Ben 10 x Male Reader x Female Generator Rex
Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader
Ben 10 female goth students x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x male reader part 2
Valentine day
Emily x Male Reader 50th story
Pierce's girlfriend x Male Reader
Mad Helen Wheels x Shy Male Reader
Tiffany x Male Reader
Ship/Julie fusion x Male Reader
Mrs Fang x Male Werewolf Reader
Dr.Borges x Male Reader
Blonde classmate x Male Reader
Mandy and Female Andy x Male Reader
Carol Smith x Male Reader
Councilwoman Liang x Male Reader
Cryptid Drew Saturday x Male Reader
Robo Rojo x Male Reader
Trina x Male Reader
Rojo's gang x Male Reader
Female Circus freaks x Male Reader
Female Bird vilians x Male Reader
Female Ben&Gwen x Male Reader Part 2
Female Forever knights x Male Reader
Female sumo x Male Reader
Female Sublimino x Male Reader
TetraGwen x Male Reader
Anniversary #1
UpGwen x Male Reader
Female Dr.Animo x Male Reader
Gwen harem x Male Reader
Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader
Tigris (Nyancy) Chan x Male Reader
Female Ben x Shy Male Reader
All That Glitters victims x Male Reader
Female Cops x Male Reader
Hoverboard girl x Male Reader
A change of face Prison harem x Male Reader
Ben's female classmates x Male Omnitrix Wearer Reader
Possesed Kai Green x Male Reader
Merry Christmass
Black knight x Male Reader
Elena Valadis x Male Reader
Mad Ben's female slaves x Male Reader
Female Sumo x Male Reader Part 2
Monster weather girl x Male Reader
Vigilante Lucky girl x Male Reader
Ben 10000 Policewoman x Male Reader
Hot stretch lady x Male Reader
Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader
Anniversary #2
Ben's UAF classmates x Male Reader
Possessed Gwen and Charmcaster x Male Reader
Rook's fan girls x Male Reader
Ben's fangirls Duped x Male Reader
Vengers Mexican mother x Male Reader
A change of face blonde woman x Male Reader

Mrs.Jones x Male Reader

1.4K 16 4
By gentelmanbeast

Author:(Surprised right?Since Mr.Jones was never mentioned or shown alongside Mrs.Jones,that would sugest shes a single moother or a widow in some form.I know her sons fascination with Ben is classic child-hero thing,but it could be just Jummy looking for a male role model.So he could use a friend or a brotherly figure that eventually conforts his mother and becomes a fatherly figure.A little story to make everyone happy.)

Jimmy was playing on a empty basketball court outside some building in his classic,Ben 10 jacket and yound male adult.Although,Jimmy was mostly trying to confuse him by moving around the court while the far taller male standing under the basket.

Jimmy:And then he turned into Humnagosaur and completley flattened them.

Y/N:You really need a hoby,you know that?

Jimmy:I dont have time for hobbies.Ben and his team could ask for my hlep again and I have to be ready.

Y/N:Then arent you worried youd miss their call while youre here?

Jimmy:Thats why I have this jacket.Extra pockets.If they call me on my conputer again,the call will be directley transffered to my phone.Plus,mom says I need a healthy activity and Im sick of gymnastics class.

Y/N:Well you can be either nimble,fast of strong.Stick to what your body was built for.And speaking of your mother,you did tell her about us hanging out,right?

Jimmy:Yeah.I told her about you when you rescued me from those bullies that listen to that Will Harangue guy.Why?
Y/N:Well,shed surely be worried how you,someone glued to their computer all day,leaves the house every so often without telling her.Shed have every right to worry about you.

Jimmy:(Groan)Now you even sound like her.I told her I was meeting with your for sports.How else do you think I got out of gymnastics class?Anyways,its her fault for making all that food and cookies.Is she wasnt so good in the kitchen,I wouldnt have to do gymnastics.

Y/N:Your body needs to grow.You just have to make sure you maintain the right sustance.Dont under or overdo your meals.Before you know it,the growthspurts gonna sneak up on you in your puberty and leave stretchmarks.

Y/N:Its a sudden growth.Your body needs time to adjust.Thats why right diet and enough exercise here and there is important.

Jimmy:Why do grownups always turn boring?Is there some law that doesnt let you be fun past eighteen years.

Y/N:Yep.Its called consequences and responsibility.The harshest punishment a child cant imagine.You get to drive a car,but you have to pay for its maintance and fuel.Thats how they trick you into wanting to grow up.They offer you something that sounds cool and make it into a chore.

Jimmy:Oh Im definetley looking into that conspiracy theory.Maybe ForeverDuke can help me.

Y/N:Jimmy,I was joking.And whos this ForeverDuke?

Jimmy:Hes a forever knight I skype with and play games online.

Y/N:Let me get this straight.You practically worship Ben Tennyson,the alien hero,but youre buddy-buddy with one of his enemies and an member of biggest antialien organisation on Earth?


Y/N:And thought your hacking into hightech secure files was weird.

Jimmy:Well thats how I met him.Then I found out we play the same online game and wanted to befriend him to get some secrets out of him and help Ben.Turns out,hes pretty cool.

Y/N:Of course.And Im guessing if antialien vikings or romans show up,youre organise a big three person chess match.

Jimmy:Thats be so awsome!But I still dont get the rules.

Y/N:It was invented by a briliant theoretical physicist after all.Anyways,its getting late.How about I walk you home?
Jimmy:Hey,Im not a kid anymore.

Y/N just smirked,basketball ball under his arm as he walked over to Jimmy to show the sheer height difference.

Y/N:Care to repeat that?

He just corsses his arms and turnes his head away in a pout.

Jimmy:Youll see.When I grow up,Ill be even bigger than you.

Y/N:Well see about that.If that happens,you can play whatever elite basketball theyll have in the future.Now come on.

He turned him and led him home with an arm on his shoulder.They eventually got to Jimmys building and after climbing numerous flights of stares his apartment doors.

Jimmy:You know,I could get here by myself.You didnt need to go inside the buidling.

Y/N:I know.Just didnt want you to run up the stairs with the basketball.

Jimmy:Why would I run with the basketball?
Y/N:Well Im doing a little cleaning up and I just cant find any more space for this basketball.Think you can find some space for it in your room?

In that moment.they heard the doors being unlocked and slowly open to show a blacked eyed,plump adult woman,brown hair pulled back into a bun in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and blue pants.

Mrs.Jones:Hello.You must be Y/N,right?

Y/N:Thats right,Mrs.Jones.

Mrs.Jones:Oh please,call me Sophie.

Y/N:As you wish,Sophie.I just made sure little Jimmy got home safely and I hope you dont mind the gift I gave gim.

Jimmy:Look mom,he gave his basketball.

Sophie:I hope you know you cant play with it inside the house.

Jimmy:I know...

Sophie:Good.Now go wash up for dinner.

Jimmy:Yes mom.

He waved back to his friend and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Sophie:If you want,you could join us.

Y/N:Thank you for the offer but I should really get going.It was nice meeting you miss um,Sophie.You raised a smart kid.Good night.

Sohphie:Good night.

With that,he started climbing down the stairs in thought.

Y/N:What a nice girl.

Meanwhile,in the Jones apartment after dinner,Jimmy was playing the Craft of war with Foreverduke838.But aside from playing a not so clever copy of a popular game with his heros arch enemys underling,he was thinking of a plan.He loved spending time with Y/N and he never saw his mom looking at another person like that.Plus,since its been a long since he saw his dad,shes been lonely.

Jimmy:Thats it!
Foreverduke838:Whats that James?

Jimmy:Nothing.I just got a brillaint plan to get two people together.

Forverduke838:Could that wait a moment.Were in a middle of a quest.

Jimmy:Right,sorry.A mission for another day.

But even whilst fighting a variety of digital and mythological creatures on the screen,he was still plotting his master scheme to bring his best friend and his mom together.And with his mastery of computers and hacking,it should be as easy as getting the secret footage from the airforce surveillence camera.Latar that night,he was coding something in his room and hooked up his phone to the computer.With a chuckle,he pressed in a message that got broadcaster in Y/Ns voice on hi sphone,thanks to a recording.

"Y/N":Hey Sophie.I was thinking,how about we get a coffee sometimes?
Jimmy:Genious!Theres no way theyll ever know.Oh yeah,I am the master.

Sophie:Jimmy!Turn that thing off and go to sleep!You have school tomorrow!
Jimmy:Im turning it off!...Tomorrow is the first field test.I cant wait for the results.

Timeskip tomorrow

Y/N was in his home,doing his housework when he received a phonecall from a unknown caller.

Y/N:Hello?Who is this?

"Sophie":Hi,is this Y/N L/N?

Y/N:Yes.Sophie?Is that you?How did you get my number?

"Sophie":I asked Jimmy if he could tell me your number.I wanted to thank you for spending time with him.

Y/N:Its no problem.He was getting picked on one day,I interfered and Ive been keeping an eye on the little rascal ever since.

"Sophie":How nice.Itd be great if you two could spend more time together.But of course,first I have to properly meet you to get to know you.Make sure youre the right guy to hang out with my son.

Y/N:Um,sure.What would you like to know?

"Sophie":Oh,no like this.It would be more personal if we did it face to face.How about we get a coffee sometime?
Y/N:Im all for it.Just say when.

"Sophie":Ill have to call you later.I just hae to check my schedule.

Y/N:Of course.Well,goodbye.


When she hung up,scene shifted to Jimmy who was in laughing like a super villian at his desk.

Jimmy:Oh yeah,I am a genius.Move over Dr.Ira Kane.Now to call mom and do the same thing.First to prepare some responses in advance.

He began typing in what Y/N might say so he wouldnt have to write so much during the coversation with his mom.

Jimmy:Alright.All set.One more time.

Scene changed once again to show Mrs.Jones stirring a pot of somethingin the kitchen when she lifts the ladle to try it but the phone rings.She lowers the heat of the stove and pulls out her phone to see an unknown caller.

Sophie:Hello?Who is this?

"Y/N":Its Y/N.Before you ask,Jimmy gave me your phone number.I just wanted to say what a great job you did raising him.

Sophie:Why thank you.Its nice to be apreciated.But it wasnt easy.He can really be a handfull.I think Im giving him too much freedom.

"Y/N":No!I-I mean,its normal behavior for his age.He needs to go out and make his own mistakes.It builds character.And stuff.

Sophie:If you say so.You seem like a reasonable young adult.Id like to know more about you

"Y/N":Me too.That way you can be sure that Jimmy isnt falling in with a bad crowd.How about we meet up for coffee?

Sophie:Thatd be great.What time?

"Y/N":Im busy right now but just text me or call me when its good for you.

Sophie:OK,I will.Bye.


With them both hanging up,Jimmy slammed the phone down and raised his fist in the air.

Jimmy:Like I said.Genius.

After his little scheme played out,his mom and best friend,that wasnt a part of his heros enemies,had a real talk amongst themselves.She called him about half an hour later and set up the time and place of where should they meet.They settled on a cafe that was by pure chance,exactley equall distance from both their homes.They sat down but before they a word in,waitress took their orders.With her gone,they were finally free to talk freely.

Sophie:Im glad you could make it.

Y/N:Yeah,me too.I was really surprised to hear from you.

Sophie:Well I am a woman of my word.

Y/N:Hm?Well,Im just glad we could meet.I really like spending with your son.Hes bright kid.

Sophie:I know.And I know he didnt get that from his father,let me tell you that.

Y/N:He never told me about him.What happened to him?
Sophie:Id rather not talk about it.

Y/N:But youre the one that brought him up.

Sophie:I know,I know.It was a force of habit.

Y/N:I understand.Whenever I hear Big Bang Theory themesong,I have to tap in the rythm.I started as a kid and now it comes as an instinct.

Sophie:Must be whyre youre so good with kids.

Y/N:Well that and Iike the little guys.Its best time to do so because soon,theyll be swearing and lose interest in authority sooner and sooner.

Sophie:Good thing Jimmy never does that.But he could use a bit more discipline.Cant have him stay glued to that screen of his.

Y/N:Maybe so but hes even better with computers than me.Hell probabley have some high tech job from the goverment.No chance hell be something like a reporter or anything.

Sophie:Absolutley.So,what do you do?

Y/N:Im kind of all over the place.I volounteer at several places and...Its nothing macho I know,but Im a male nurse.

Sophie:A nurse?

Y/N:You know,handling the instruments to the doctors,calming down patients,bedside manners are really important and that sort of stuff.

Sophie:Did you have a serious situation there?
Y/N:Well,the most life threatening thing on my shift was when a impatient guy who took some pills with alchohol started getting angry.Long story short,I had to give him a local anesthesia right hook,right in the face.

Sophie:Oh my goodness!Did you get in trouble?

Y/N:Actually no.I did everyone a favor by knocking him out.He was loud,rude and basically a lazy representations of an old sitcoms one time character.But aside from all that,Im actually studying to become a real doctor.

Sophie:Do you get mocked a lot?
Y/N:Mostly just by guys.The nurses and female doctors are very supporting.Just because someones a doctor,doesnt mean they have a charming personality.Just one of the reasons Im the only guy the girls from the hospital invite to hang out outside work hours.

Sophie:Did you date any of them or-

Y/N:Oh,no.What we had was purely professional and platonic relationships.A lot of them were either merried or dating someone.But with the rest,we agreed that coworker relationship wont work.What about you?Aside from raising a son on your own,what do you do for a living?

Sophie:Well,for the most part,Im a stay at home mom.Someone needs to keep the place under control.But I keep as afloat as an editor at the big time publishing company.

Sophie:Yes,I went through cookbooks,novels,sceenplays and pretty much any piece of paper that has something written on it.

Y/N:Any medic books?

Sophie:Not that I remember.But the payment is good and when I need do,they let me work from home.

Y/N:Sounds nice.Too bad you cant clean the blood and hospital instruments from home.

Sophie:Are the working hours long?
Y/N:Depends.Sometime we have a day of nothing but the lowest concerns of all.You dont have to go to hospital for every splinter you get.But sometimes there are a lot either traffic accidents or fallen buildings.Then we might as well be living there.

Sophie:What would be the longest you worked there at the time?

Y/N:I think it was last year.About...46 hours straight I think.I slept the entire next day and everything before that was a blur.

Sophie:Well I for one am never going to complain about my work hours ever again.

Y/N:Heh,some people dont know how good they have it until they hear something worse.

Sophie:And kids are no different.They have it so much easier then we did when we were their age.

Y/N:I understand you completley.The first phone I had when I started school could just call and send messeges.The only two games it had were terrible even for that age.Now first years have some space tech phones and complain about slow internet.

Sophie:Children,what can you do about them?

Y/N:You can pay for their education and wait until they learn bad habits from their classmates.

Sophie:Sounds like youre talking from experience.

Y/N:Well,my Elementary school bully did become a criminal.

Sophie:What?!Thats awfull.

Y/N:No,Im just joking with you.Hes a cheff now.But he couldve turned out to be more harmfull with how he acted at first.

Sophie:Don't joke like that.If someone asked him,he'd probably never guess you'd be doing something so important?

Y/N:He'd most likely ask why I couldn't get a real man's job.

Sophie:That's not true.You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

Y/N:Hey,I made my peace with it.Not my problem it others didn't.And none of them made peace with a nurse having a knockout punch.

Sophie:Do you play sports?

Y/N:Well,you know I play basketball a little with Jimmy.I did some fighting related sports to boost my confidence back in the day and while I may not be going for any belt or trophey,I can still give beat up someone deserving like a professional.

Sophie:Do you often fight?

Y/N:No,no,its more for the defensive purposes.I basically double as a security back at the hospital.My hands may be only as steady as half of the doctors there but theyre twice as tougher than theirs.But Ive been talking nonstop like grandfather.What about you?What is a day in the life of Sophie like?

Sophie:Pretty straight forward.I wake up early and prepare breakfast for Jimmy and me.After dropping him of at the school to make sure hes safe,I go to work.After several hours of correcting so many written works and aiding my collegues,I go back home.Jimmy can find his own way home when I dont have time to pick him up.Then I get started with lunch,take care of the dishes,clean the house,take out the clothes from a washing machine to dry of,put in a basket of clothing and in the meantime I enjoy a good romantic comedy and adventure movie.When theres time I enjoy such a book too.

Y/N:...Wow.And who says moms arent real superheroes.If I was in your shoes,Id probabley have coffeine for blood to do all that.

Sophie:Oh you know,practice makes perfect.And I had years of practice.Im still saving up to get a proper house so Jimmy would have more space to play.And besides,I know hes still a child but I hope a bigger home would keep him from moving out one day.

Y/N:You cant keep him from growing up.Maybe hell decide to move out and start a family,maybe hell stay with you.Or you move into his new house and spoil his kids.

Sophie:Oh I cant wait to be a grandma.Well,Im still a relativley young woman.I cant be a grandma just yet.But it does sound nice.

Y/N:Im sure it does.So,is there anything else youd want to know?
Sophie:Hm,nothing comes to my mind at the moment.You seem perfectly reasonable.I see no reason why I shouldnt let Jimmy keep spending time with you.

Y/N:Glad to hear it.And if you need a babysitter or something,dont be afraid to ask.Just,keep in mind my work hours.

Sophie:Of course.I would never ask you something I couldnt do.Well,apart from things that youre more capable with.I dont think I could work around blood all day.

Y/N:Its not that bad after you get used to it.The smell of old blood is far worse then the sight of your first blood.Theres a lot more crimson one that youd think.

Sohpie:What does that mean?
Y/N:It means that people in this town need to eat more calcium.

Sophie:Do you have any preffered diet to recomend?
Y/N:Im no doctor but just follow the common sense.Plantey of vegitation,a lot of variety,those sort of things.But I personaly recomand fish.If you want,I can prepare some when I have day off so you and Jimmy can come over.

Sophie:Im sure hell be glad.

Y/N:But what why did you ask for a diet.With your lifestlye you probabley burn of anything you get.

Sophie:I know Im not as fit as the younger girls but I cant lose last few kilograms.I thought different diet might help.

Y/N:Sometimes theyre more sick than fit.They stave themselves for their looks and who knows what else.I think youre healthy filled out.

Sophie:Y-you think so?
Y/N:Sure.Plus,people arent "fat" as others call them.Genetics play a big part.Maybe you dont look like your parents but rather their great grandparents.You can only lose as much weight as possible.If your body is meant to look that way,why change it?

Sophie:And you say youre still not a doctor?Thats the smartest thing I heard a doctor say.Except when they use latin and chemical names.

Y/N:Thats why patients always ask for a second opinion.I personaly dont care about looks but theres nothing uglier to me than unnecesary plastic surgery,any makeup and rotten behavior.If I dont like whats in the pages,I have no reason to look at the books cover.

Sophie:Speaking of which,maybe you should write something.Id love to edit your work.

Y/N:Im work wiht my hands,I couldnt exactley start living of typing buttons.

Sophie:You dont have to quit your work at the hospital.Just write whenever you have free time.Just think of it.Im sure it would be breath of fresh air in literature.

Y/N:Heh.The only interesting thing about my written work I could imagine would be that the pages would be stained by blood and none of its mine.

Sophie:Is there really that much blood on your shifts?
Y/N:Oh its rare.The most blood we get is when someone gives it or takes it for research.But the more I talk about it,the easier I figure poeple will take it.Talk about something like its perfectly normal and you take away any fear from it.

Sophie:Well um,thanks for that.I should probabley go.I still have some cleaning to do back home.

Y/N:Of course.We should do this again sometime.

Sophie:Agreed.Just call me when you have free time.I wouldnt want to disturb your work.

Y/N:Im sure theyd understand.

After Y/N paid for their coffees,they each went their seperate ways.Since Jimmy finished the last task of the schools last class,he could go home earlier.He patientley waited just outside the doors for his mother to come back.When she finally opened the doors,he surprised her.

Jimmy:How did it go?!

Sophie:Ah!Dont scare me like that!And what are you talking about?
Jimmy:Well,you were gone,Y/N didnt answer his phone even though he works night shift today and youve only recentley met him.Its obvious that you two got together so you could see what hes like.

Sophie:Well you happed to guess this time.And it was lovely.Hes a bight young man with promising future.

Jimmy:Did he tell you about his work?
Sophie:Oh he did.Although I can understand that dating collegues rarely ammounts to anything good,its a shame hes surrounded with girls that like his company but wont make anything of it.

Jimmy:He can be pretty serious when he sets his mind on something.

Sophie:Im sure he can.You could really look up to him.

Jimmy:Of course.And especially since hes so tall.Women love tall men,right?

Sophie:Oh,dont worry sweety.Youll grow out one day.

Jimmy:Thats...not what I meant.Well um,I better go back to may homework.

With that,he ran off to his room.

Sohpie:Dont take too long.

Arriving to his room,he ran past his stack fo finished homework and jumped on the bed to pull out his phone and call Y/N.

Jimmy:Hey Y/N,I heard you and mom had a talk.

Y/N:Oh yeah,it was great.I needed something interesting before my night shift.Im sure Denise would like your mom.

Jimmy:Which one was Denise again?The black haired spanish one of the brown haired one with freckles.

Y/N:The blonde one that worked in various villages all over the world.

Jimmy:I dont think I met her.

Y/N:Oh,she mustve joined us after your last visit.You would like her too.She has great stories from when she camped in a jungle.Anyhow,your mom and I had a nice talk and Im sure we can keep hanging out little buddy.Also,the first day off I get Im inviting you both for lunch.

Jimmy:Really?What are we having?

Y/N:Thats a surprise.Just hope we dont get any emergencies and I have to miss my days off.

Jimmy:Or if you have to replace someone who couldnt be there.

Y/N:That too.Well,I should eat something before my shift starts.Talk to you later buddy.

Timeskip Hospital

At the hospital,Y/N was racing all over the place.Lifting things,rummaging through various papers and drawers.

Denise:Looking for something?
Y/N:Yeah,Mr.Baumans mdecal record.The man had blood presure higher than Mount Everest for years and he ticker still ticks.Wonder what makes him so agitated.

Denise:Who knows?Say,got anything planned next week?

Y/N:Oh no,youre not dragging me out in the middle of nowhere to pretend to be your husband for couples survival week.

Denise:Oh come on.It wasnt that bad.Im sure they got as some begginers version.It was way too easy.

Y/N:I beg to differ.And why did I have to take you last name in that pretend marriage?

Denise:Its a viking thing.I figured they wouldnt look for you here.

Y/N:Just forget it.Why were you asking in the first place?

Denise:Well,everyone else is busy and I wanted to do some mountain climbing.I dont want to get rusty.

Y/N:The only way you can get me up a mountin is by lighting a fire at its base.Im busy.

Denise:Youre only saying that because I already told you what were going to do.

Y/N:No,its what you or your and whichever naive person follows you will do.I have plans with a bright kid and his mother.

Denise:Wasting your day off for a house visit?You know you wont get payed that way,right?

Y/N:Im not going as a nurse.Ive been hanging out with this kid who is a real boy genius.Met his mother today and were really getting along.So I sugested my next day of they come to my house for lunch.

Denise:Aw,dont tell me youre leaving your little hospital harem?
Y/N:That "harem",can only work if you all get fired or just me.And its nothing serious yet.

Denise:Yet.So are hoping to get serious.

Y/N:Can you help me find that medical record or not?
Denise:Getting defensive,are we?Come on,I can be your wingwoman.I was a certified copilot and that plane looked like tin can with wings compared to what you see on TV.If you want,I learned a few seduction techniques from the tribes I help.Would that boys mother be willing to go hunting with face paint.

Y/N:Now its sounds like a stereotype.

Denise:If not face paint,Ill be glad to paint your body.Michelle and I have a little bet going on about your abdominal muscles anyway.

Y/N:Im not taking of my shirt and Im definetley not getting painted like some poisonous frog or something.We are two adults that just want to talk.The only thing we have in common is that little boy.

Denise:Sounds like you forgot to invite us to the wedding.

Y/N:Hes not my son!

Nurse:Where is that Mr.Baumans medical record!?

Y/N:Great,now Im late because of you.Hope youre happy.

Denise:I usually am.Say hi to the future Mrs.L/N for me.

Timeskip next week

Fortunetley there were no complications leading to Y/N day off and as luck would have it,it fell on Saturday.So he knew Sophie and Jimmy shouldnt be too busy for the visit.First he had to defrost the fish from his freezer for few hours bfore the actually cooking can start.With nothing but preparation to do,he decided to call his guests over the phone.


Sophie:Oh hi Y/N.I didnt hear from you in a while.

Y/N:It was a buy week.But I have today off and fish are defrosting as we speak.So how about you and Jimmy come over today.

Sophie:Oh that would be lovely.Jimmy!

Y/N:You dont have to go just now.I still have some work to do so take your time.Ill text you my adress and if you have any trouble finding it,just give me a call.

Sophie:Will do.See you later.

Y/N:I cant wait.

When the trout defrosted,he brushed each side with oil and seasoned it to flavor with certain spices.After they marinated like that for the flavor to sink in.Then it was time to gril them lightily to crispy brown and periodically turning them over every three minutes or so.When they were finished,he set them on a big plate,added some dried chopped rosemary on top and left two of its branches on opposite sides of the plate for presentation.Feeling in the mood for something spicy,he took out a pickled hot pepper,cut of the tip and squeezed to let the juices out.To make sure everything went acording to plan,he tore of some skin from where he let the hot pepper juices and tried it.Satisfied with taste,he gave a comical kiss to his fingers and went to wash his hand.

Y/N:Now thats a meal.I just hope they didnt expect something like hake smoked above fire.I dont think I could stomach that again.


After following Y/Ns instructions,Sophie and Jimmy arrived before a cozy F/C house with a big yard.She parked the car in the driveway and heard some sounds coming from behind the house.


Y/N:Over here!

They walked around the house and saw Y/N setting up a table with a white cover,along with chair and plates of food in the backyard.

Y/N:I was wondering when you two would show up.

Jimmy:Were eating outside?
Y/N:Yeah,nothing like Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D for a heathly body.Now if you please,Ill show you to the bathroom so you can wash your hands,

Jimmy:But we just got here.

Y/N:Trust me on this one,Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli dont go well with fish.Youll thank me when you dont spend a night in the hospital.

Jimmy:But that would be so cool.We could talk all the time,play games-

Y/N:Id be too busy to even see you and youd be surounded with stranger too close to your for your liking.

Sohpie:Just listen to Y/N,he knows whats best for you.

Jimmy:(I didnt expect them to act like parents right away.I thought itd be more fun.)

Timeskip five minutes

After the matters of hygiene were dealt with they went back to the backyard to start their meal.

Y/N:Hope you both like grilled trout.

Sophie:I never made it before.

Y/N:Well,just as long as you dont have any food allergies.You dont,do you?

Sophie:I had hims checked at birth,he is clean when it comes to that.

Y/N:You cant never be too careful.You can developed allergies in any point of your lifetime.And new allergies are found nearly every day.Just to be on the safe side,try to get him checked for that every year or so.

Jimmy:I think I already get enough needles with vaccinations.

Sophie:If Y/N thinks its for the best,we should listen to him.

Y/N:OK,that was enough work talk.Its my day off,theres no school today and we should just enjoy ourself and savor this meal.

Sophie:Yes,Im sure you work hard to make it.

Y/N:Lets just say...its a shame MRE-s taste so bad.

Hearing that,made Sophie laught and Y/N joined in too.But the only genius level intellect at the table was vexxed over the meaning.

Jimy:I dont get it.

Y/N:MRE-s are meals ready to eat.You dont need to have entire kitchen negaged to prepare them once you have them.But I havent heard of anyone who liked the taste.If you want something worthwhile and enjoyable,you have to work hard for it.

Jimmy:...Why not just order something?
Sohpie:There are just some things you cant order.

Jimmy:Like what?
Sophie:There are a lot of things.Lets just enjoy our lunch Y/N worked hard to prepare.

Y/N:Oh it was no problem.Its easier than going to work.I have to say,its been a while since I cooked for someone else.

Sophie:What about your family?
Y/N:Well we gather for special occasions,holdays and such but its always at their house and mom insist that she cooks.Last time I cooked for my guests would be when a nurses boyfriend wanted to host a party with her collegues and proposed to her right in my living room.

Y/N:Yep.Nothing like feeling like a caterer in your own home.

Jimmy:So did you charge them?

Y/N:Of course not.It was just a friendly get together with friends and collegues that turn into a proposal.But being one of the very few males in the entire house,I didnt expect someone would propose in my own house apart form me.

Sophie:Mustve been very weird for you.

Y/N:No,not really.It was the happiest Ive ever seen her and now theyre working on getting a baby.

Sophie:I dont think you need to go into detail there,in front of Jimmy.

Y/N:What?They just have to meet the mother and if she likes them,three months later and theyre gonna go home with a baby.


Y/N:They decided to adopt.

Sophie:Oh.What didnt you say so?
Y/N:I was about to when you misunderstood me.


Y/N:Dont be.Its actually a great idea.There are a lot of children in need of a home or a better family and lets face it,the planet has enough of humans to secure we dont go extinct for thousands of years unless something really bad happens.

Jimmy:Like an invasion?Or Forever knights?The Highbreed comeback?

Y/N:I was thinking something more,realistic.You know,meteors,accelerated decaying of the Sun or maybe a return of a pathogens so ancient that humanity has no immune defenses to survive.

Jimmy:And that doenst sound likea sci fi horror movie?

Y/N:You never know what viruses are burried deep in the soil.And those are just some things that might happen based on previous events.So how's the fish?

Sophie:Its great.Very soft but its still keeping its shape.

Jimmy:Its kind of spicy.

Y/N:Sorry about that.Most meals are seasoned to preferences and with lack of guests I sometimes forgot not everyone like it a little spicy.But there shouldnt be to much.Realy hot doesnt go well with fish so you were in luck.

Jimmy:Why?I can handle spicy.I eat hot peppers all the time.

Sophie:Dont listen to him.He tries one but cant finish because its too much for him.


Sophie:I just dont see what do you have to prove to anyone.If its too hot for you,you shouldnt force yourself.

Y/N:Your mother is right buddy.While some spicyness in diet can be healthy,too much cant be very bad.Take me for example.My mom always said I burnt of my taste buds but after years of eating spicy things and hot sauces,I cant really be challanged if I dont go out of my financially to find something hot enough.

Sophie:You see?Dont exert yourself or youll have nothing to look forward to in the future.

Y/N:(I wouldnt say nothing.I just need to stop eating spicy for a while to lose some of the imunity.)

Jimmy:Does the same apply to the other flavors?
Y/N:Of course.Give me enough salt and well put you in the museums mummy exibit before you say severe dehydration.But other than that,its OK right?

Jimmy:I guess.

Sophie:Well I think its lovely.Do you get days off often?
Y/N:Here and there,depends on how long I worked or whats the situation at the hospital.

Jimmy:Youd think with Ben people wouldnt get hurt.

Y/N:Well he mostly operates in Bellwood.Plus,he cant be anywhere at once.

Jimmy:Of course he can.Theres thia one alien,Echo Echo,that can multiply himself and-

Sophie:Havent I told you to stop contantly talking about that boy.

Y/N:Its OK,really.Kids need heroes too look up to.And I already hear it all before when we hung out.

Sophie:You say that but its starting to sound like obession.He should realls have a hobby or something that will lead him to a career he can rely on.

Y/N:(He can already hack into top secret goverment footage.I dont think finding a job for him will be difficult.But she probabley doesnt know about that so I shouldnt mention it.)

Y/N:Hes a bright kid,Im sure his future will be too.

Jimmy:Yeah,Ill probabley work in some super high tech goverment lab or something.

Sophie:Its nice to have dreams but you should find something you can be sure of.

Jimmy:But I am sure of that.The only thing Im missing is height and age.

Sophie:Well you that just earn them over night.It takes a lot fo time and hard work until then.Just ask Y/N.
Y/N:Well Im not exactley a role model for that age.I couldnt make it into medical school so I had to teach myself in my spare time until I finished those four years.

Sophie:But you acomplished it all with a lot of hard work.And it payed off.Thats whats important.

Y/N:It also helps if you do something you want to do.Hey Jimmy,how about I show an old cpmuter I found after lunch?Think you can get it to work?
Jimmy:Sure.As long as you have all the pieces.

Y/N:See?Hes already ready for a practial use of his skills.

Sophie:I guess.Tell you what.First finish the Elementary school and then well both decide in which direction to move on.

Jimmy:OK,shouldnt be too hard.

Sophie:Just as long as you improve in Math and Gym classes.


Y/N:Heh,too late now buddy.You made a deal and now you must stick by it.

Sophie:It wasnt really a deal.More along the line of,sugestion.

Y/N:It kind of sounded like that.

After they finished their lunch,Y/N gave Jimmy the directions to the attic and the old computer in there while he and Sophie brought the dishes to the kitchen to start cleaning them.

Y/N:I insist,youre my guests.I can clean these up myself.

Sophie:Nonsense.Its the least I can do after you invited us for that lunch.And all those times you helped Jimmy.

Y/N:I wasnt looking for any reward.I just did it.Now please sit down and relax.I can take it from here.

Sophie:Youll have to take the dishes from my hands by force then.

Y/N:...OK,if youre so set on it.I know better than to argue with a woman when shes serious about something.

Sophie:Speaking from exerience?

Y/N:No,but doctors hate being corrected.Especially in front of the patients.One of the nurses that worked there the longest just happened to be passing by and one thing led to the other so the patient and everyone in the whole got a show out of it.To this day,I dont think Ive seen them in the same room since.

Sophie:Must be a problem with distributing staff and organizing.I wouldnt want to be in their shoes.

Y/N:Meh,were used to it by now.

Sophie:...Are you sure youre OK with Jimmy looking through your things unsupervised?

Y/N:Im sure that once I mentioned a new electronic toy he could play with,he tuned everything else out.Hell be at it for hours.

Sophie:If you say so.

Y/N:Relax.Hes more mature than you give him credit for.Just give him a little more freedom and hell surprise you.In a good way hopefully.


Y/N:Its OK to worry about him,for him.Thats your job as his mother.But you also have to have faith in him.The "They grow up so fast",is also a good thing.It gives him a a chance to surprise you and shatter you expectations in a positive way.

Sophie:You seem to have a lot of parenting advices for a single young man.

Y/N:Parents come to the hospital too.Mostly mothers.But I have to say,somethimes I wish there was a special section just for little children.

Sophie:How so?
Y/N:Well...they scream and cry a lot.And half the time its before they even see the doctor about something.

Sphie:Is that all?I thought youd be used to it by now.

Y/N:Different baby,different screams.Its like recognizing different voices between the dogs.

Sophie:Well if you ever plan to settle down and have children,you better get ready for a lot of that.

Y/N:I think I might adopt.Give them a good home and order a model thats old enough to use the bathroom.

Sophie:Theyre not cars.

Y/N:Good.Complex medical procedures I get,cars I dont.Even the weakest immune system requires less maintence than even the most desireble cars.Plus,I know how to fix a baby,but give me a vrench and Im stumped.

Sophie:Hahaha,most men in my life would say quite the opposite.

Y/N:Thats because most people take the easier way and Biology trumphs Engenereeing.

Sophie:Oh,if only they could hear you now.

Y/N:Id probabley have to explain them how to open the doors.Or Id just press a nerve and paralise them.

Sophie:You can do that?

Y/N:No,not really.But its basically a superpower of medical comunity if they have to fight.Sure,they are scalpels but theyre an obvious choice.

Sophie:And the only weapon in the hospitals.

Y/N:There are still fire extinguishers and some hospitals have kitchen for the patients that stay over.I can always serve some under cooked food and take them out.

They share a brief laugh before returning to the dishes.With joined efforts they finished quickly and retired to the livingroom.

Y/N:Woul you like some coffee.

Sophie:Yes,thank you.

Y/N:Its probabley a stupid question but,can Jimmy drink it?

Sophie:Of course not.Hes too young.

Y/N:Im just asking.I started drinking it around his age and aia turned out fine.

Sophie:Dont they say coffee stunts your growth?
Y/N:Well if thats true with how much I drank it,without it Id be over two meters tall by now.

Sophie:Now youre overexagerrating.

Y/N:Im not.I havent gone a day without coffee since at some point of my childhood.Its a nice little family tradition and bonding.First coffee after you wake up,maybe at ten A.M. after hard work,affter lunch and they few hours before you go to sleep so you dont stay up too late.

Sophie:Why dont you just take decaf?
Y/N:I kind of stick to the a specific brand that I grew to favor over the others.

Sohpie:What if they stop making it?
Y/N:I always buy reserves.And for a brief time,they stopped selling them so I used what I had left and combined them with weaker tasting brand.

Sophie:So you can have the same quantity without it affecting the taste too much?

Y/N:Bingo.Now,how about I actully start making that coffee.

Sophie:I just hope Jimmy is fine.

Meanwhile in the atttic,Jimmy was enjoying himself whilst repairing the old computer.

Jimmy:Man,I still dont get how did he found this thing.If I could bring it home and intergrate some modern tech in this,its gonna be a mean automatic data processing machine.

After few moments of tinkering on his newest machinery,it struck him that his whole plan was to get his mom and best friend together but he left them alone.How would they get close to one another without his influence.So he slapped his face at the disbelief of how easily he got distacted from his main goal.After initial embarasment of failing passed,he took out his phone and typed something in.At the same time,both Sophie and Y/Ns phones got turned on and were transmitting every sound back to Jimmy.

Jimmy:Great.Now I can hear everything they say and they wont even notice me.I really am a genius.

Y/N:Hows the coffee?
Sophie:Delicious.Warm and refreshing at the same time yet not too bitter or too sweet either.Just right.

Y/N:Thank the company that makes that brand.Although,I did make it my own way.

Sophie:I imagine you had a lot of practice.

Y/N:I did start at somewhat early age.Back when people told their kids that if they drink coffe,they'll grow bushy moustache and tails.But,I never so such a case before.

Sophie:That's what adults do for their kids.Make up stories.To get them to sleep,to teach them a lesson or to scare them away from something they shouldn't do.

Y/N:So much so that they underestimate their kids.They can really surprise you.

Sophie:Tell me about it.Once,I had to run back to the office for something and when I came back,Jimmy was trying to clean the burn marks with the same on his nervous face.

Y/N:What happened?

Sophie:He tried to figure out how the microwave works and it blew up.

Y/N:Haha!Was that before or after he discovered the internet.

Sophie:After,but I guess he didn't find just reading about it exciting enough.

As they shared a laugh together,Jimmy was still in the attic and trying to prevent himself from throwing a tentrum of exuses to justify his actions that day.After a couple of hours of talking,coffee and Jimmy trying his best to make something out of that old comupter but ultimatley failing in the end,it was time to depart.

Y/N:Thanks for coming over.

Sophie:It was our pleasure.I wish Jimmy had more friend his age but any good company is,well good.

Y/N:Words to live by.

Sophie:Hehe,so it would seem.

Jimmy:It was great to finally see where you live.Hey mom,can I sleep over at Y/Ns house some time.

Sophie:Oh Im sure hes too busy for that.

Y/N:Well,maybe if I take a vacation this summer,I can look after him for a while.

Sophie:I wouldnt want to put you through any inconvenience.

Y/N:Trust me,its no inconvenience.I can even teach him some man stuff.We can go camping or fishing,get some survival training,all things I learned...from my nurse collegue.

Sophie:Well,if you can make it,why not?Its certainly cheaper than a computer camp.

Y/N:And less crowded.Plus a summer camp cant guarantee that theyll constantley watch over kids.

Jimmy:But computer camp is safe.

Y/N:Thats what they all say.Can they keep you safe from other camps and their pranks?Once,a kid was rushed to the hospital because someone planted a bee hive too close.

Sophie:My goodness,what did you do?
Y/N:...Scrolled down?I read about it on the internet,I didnt say it happened at our hospital.

Sophie.Oh,thank goodness.

Y/N:Hey,I may not know how to treat that case,I dealt with my fare share of snake bites,dislocated bones and even a pool ball stuck in someones mouth.

Sophie:How did that happen?
Y/N:Some guy was watching an episode of M.A.S.H. And thoughthe could do better.Well,I shouldnt be keeping you.Hope to see you soon.

Before Jimmy could say anything,his mother responded.

Sophie:Wed be glad to.

He was initialy angry that she spoke instead of him but recolected himself after realising that his plan must be working.Itll just be a matter of time before it comes to fruition.

Y/N:Good night.

Sophie&Jimmy:Good night.

They waved to each other and the Jones family went back to their car before heading home.

Sophie:So did you have fun today?

Jimmy:You bet.But I still couldn't get that thing to work.

Sophie:That's OK.You're still young after all.

Jimmy:I'm not that young.Can we come back again?

Sophie:We have to see with Y/N's schedule but I think he wouldn't mind.

Timeskip next day hospital

Y/N was doing his usual routes when he suddenly out of nowhere,received a slap on the shoulder.After yelping in pain,he turned to see the brown haired nurse with freckles.


Y/N:May,what was that for?!

May:I heard you had a date and you didnt even tell us.

Y/N:What are you talking about?
May:Dont feign ignorance.Denise told us.

Y/N:Why did I even ask?You should know by now not to listen to her.It wasnt a date.Im friends with her kid and I invited them over for lunch.

???:Bringing her to casa L/N already,Y/N?

He turned again to see the black haired spanish nurse Jimmy mentioned,smirking at him.

Y/N:Eavesdropping again,Dorah?

Dorah:Just because you didnt see me,doesnt mean I was sneaking.So,whats her name?
May:Yeah,tell us,tell us!

Y/N:Didnt Denise already told you?

Dorah:She just hooked us.You have to reil us in.

Y/N:(Where were thoe puns when we were metioning fishing and having it for lunch?)

Y/N:(Sigh)Fine,heres the fully report.I saw some kid,Jimmy getting picked on and after I helped him,we began to hang out some time after that,I walked him to his apartment where I met his mother Sophie.Jimmy gave her my number so we arragned a coffee meeting to talk.

May:What did you talk about?
Y/N:Well to her,I was just a stranger that was spending time with her only child.I had to convince her that I wasnt a bad influence,that I had best interest in her sons wellbeing and we got to know each other.

Dorah:Sounds romantic.So how did you ended up brining her to your house?I thought you only invite women you work with.

Y/N:A,its not romantic,its normal.B,I invited her and her son for lunch.And C,I invited you because you were my friedns and collegues.

May:So you cooked for her too?

Y/N:I also cooked for that secret engagement party.Its not like I was trying to take the bride to be for myself.

Dorah:Shame,youd make a cute couple.

May:I know,right?

Y/N:Hello,shes merried.

Dorah:Now.But if she met you first-

Y/N:Id still be her coworker.And you know how frowned upon that is.

May:Youre such a killjoy sometimes.You know that?

Y/N:Careful.I might finally become a proper doctor someday.

May:So what?Youre threatening to fire me?

May:(At least thered be nothing to stop me from dating him then.)

Y/N:Nope.I could always just transfer to a different hospital.


They latched onto each of his sides in tight inescapable hugs as he raised his arms in the air.

May:I take it back!
Dorah:Yes,shes sorry!Please dont leave!

Y/N:(I shouldve thought of this bluff long ago.)

Y/N:OK,OK,calm down.Im not going anywhere.


Dorah:Thats a relief.

May:Dont ever say that again.

Y/N:Then I implore you to keep my private life outside the hospital walls.

Dorah:But youre our best guy friend.We have to look after you like a little brother.

Y/N:If I straighten my posture,Im easly the tallest among you guys.

May:And whos the oldest?
Y/N:...Fair point.

Dorah:So,when are you meeting her again?

Y/N:Well I actually spend more time with her son.He looks up to me like an older brother.As it should be.The kids bright but he could use a bit more upper body strenght.

May:Why dont you sen him to Denise?

Y/N:Funny.Very funny.

Dorah:So what do you plan to do with them?
Y/N:I can always call and see how theyre doing.Apart from that,I can only wait for a day off and see the weather good for.

Dorah:No,no.You have to run out of the hospital,jumped over the racing cars until youre at her doorstep and sweep her off her feet.

Y/N:And here I thought you dont watch soap operas.Something about,inaccurate portrayal of your culture and people.

Dorah:Maybe I was too harsh on them.This new ones really not bad.

Y/N gained a confused look at the sudden change of interest until he looked over to May.

May:Its about an army nurse.

Y/N:Ok,now it makes sense.

May:Well,what if we and a couple more nurses pitch in and give you some more free time with the future Mrs.

Y/N:Technically she already is a Mrs.She has a son,remember?

May:What happened with her husband?
Y/N:Im sure she wouldnt want me talking about her private past to some people she doesnt even know.

May:Of course.

Dorah:Thats even better.We can meet her,become her best friends and eventually shell share everything with us.

Y/N:Hold it.We only met three times and the first one was barely more than just introduction.Im not going to spring an entire shift of nurses on her.

May:How about just the two of us?And Denise?
Y/N:Maybe Ill hold off on Denise.If I think about it,shes more suitable to meeet he kid.And ever since the whole thing started,I dont trust her.

Dorah:To you trust us?
Y/N:Well see.Drop the subject for a week and then Ill think about being more generous with the info.


Y/N offered his hand for the handshake but the girls took that opprotunity to give him a tight hug.

Y/N:(Shouldve seen that coming.)

Y/N:Dont forget to tell Denise about it.If she cant keep her lips sealed,the whole deals off.

Dorah:No fair!You know what shes like.

Y/N:I know exactley what shes like.That why this way,if she honors the deal,I can get a break from her.At least from this topic.

May:Fine.But well still split your workload among ourselves and other nurses so you can have more time with her.

Y/N:You dont have to do that.

Dorah:Oh but we want to cant wait to see what your engagement party is gonna be like.

Y/N:OK,the deal starts now.The topic is off limits.

The girls smiled and made a notion of zipping up their lips in a perfect synch.

Y/N:(Sigh)Just go tell Denise.

As his two most talkative nurses ran of to tell their deal to the most unpredictable one,Y/N rubbed his forehead in exhaustion.

Timeskip next weekend

Jimmy was on his computer,trying to get more footage of Ben Tennyson when his phone started to ring.He picked it up but didnt stop his typing.


Y/N:Hey Jimmy.How are thing going?

Jimmy:Oh,hey Y/N.Its good.Cant wait to visit again.

Y/N:About that.I did a little check up on my phone.Standard stuff.And guess what I found.


Y/N:You left a few digital fingerprints,so to speak.

Jimmy:I-I dont know what youre talking about?
Y/N:Are you spying on me?
Y/N:Were you spying on your mother and my conversation?
Jimmy:Maybe...just the last one.

Y/N:Whats going on.And dont try to confuse me with high tech talk.

Jimmy:What,me?Thats nonsese.I was merely experimenting with-

Y/N:Eeeeh.Wrong answer.Try again.

Jimmy:OK!I just wanted to see how you two were doing.

Y/N:Then why didnt you just ask?

Jimmy:...I like to sneak around?

Y/N:Im still waiting.

Jimmy:OK,fine.I did want to see how the two of you were doing since I maybe,kind of...set you two up with each other.

Y/N:How if you didnt know I would walk you up the stairs?

Jimmy:Well,I called you and her for coffee by using your voices and phone numbers.

Y/N:You did what?!How?!

Jimmy:I can walk you through it if you want.

Y/N:You can freely walk your mother through that and shell walk you thorouh your punishment.

Jimmy:You wouldnt.

Y/N:I just need to call her and tell her everything.

Jimmy:Not if I stop your call.

He hungs up and Y/N chukles at the boy genius,before turning to the living room.



Y/N:I need to tell you something.


Sophie:He what!?

Y/N:I always knew he was smart for his age but this is a whole new level.

Sophie.When I come back home,hes sooo grounded!

Y/N:And what an immature plan to get us both together.Guess youll be heading out now that you know everything is a lie.

Sophie:Well,not everything.Nobody says we have to stop seeing each other...And I kind of gotten used to talking to you.

Y/N:But wouldnt that mean he won?
Sophie:Only if we let him know.I can still ground him to teach him a lesson and we could maybe,actaully date?

Y/N:You know what?Lets do it.He needs a good punishment to strenghten his characters and this way,hell spend some time away from from his machinery.

Sophie:So...what do we do now?

Y/N:...Wanna get some dessert?
Sophie:Sure,I can ground him when I come back.

Y/N:Lets go then.Ill just grab my wallet.

Timeskip after months end hospital

Y/N was walking through the halls,getting ready to start his shift.But upon opening the doors,he was met with all his nurse collegues.

Y/N:Oh right.The months over.

Dorah:Come on,come on,tell us!

May:Yes!What are the new on Y/N-Sophie front?

Y/N:Nothing much.It turned out be just her sons plan to get us together and eavesdrop on us.

Denise:So thats it?No wedding bells,no nothing?

Y/N:Nope.When she found out,she grounded him...And then we started dating in secret.


Y/N:Yeah,what he did was unforgivable and he overstepped his bounderies.So we decided to teach him a lesson and try to go on real dates.

Denise:Haha!I knew you had it in you.

Y/N:It was more of in the momment thing.It just sort of happened.

Dorah:It doesnt matter,just as long as it work.

May:Unless it was a cool or super romantic.

Y/N:No,that was pretty much it.

Denise:Oh.Well it still worked.Thats what matters.So when can we expect our wedding invitations?

Y/N:Hold it there.Weve only been dating for around a month.Its still to early for the wedding.And meeting you.

Dorah:Oh come on.

Y/N:This is still just the begining.I need to go slowly.Like fishin.The bait is out and the fish inspects it.Im not going to toss in the bucket or other hooks,or anything else fishing related that you girls would represent.It would scare the fish.

Dorah:And the fish is?

Denise:So now what?
Y/N:Now we just wait whe both of us have free time and go out somwhere.We of course turn off our phones in case her son hacks into them again.

May:But what is theres an emergency with him or in the hospital?Then you wont be able to respond.

Y/N:...Did not thought about that.

May:Well now you know.

Dorah:Plus,we know tones of great pick lines and no one who hits on us never tries them.So you just say you got a text from work and ask us for a little help.

Y/N:Generous as that is,we dont do those kinds of stuff.Were just being ourselves and relaxing from our lives together.You know,taking it easy.

Dorah:Thats not how they do it on TV.

Denise:You started watching one soap opera and suddenly youre an expert.

Dorah:Hey,I was too rash to ignore that genre.They fullfill all the drama when this place is as fun as graveyard.

Y/N:I take graveyard over any traffic accident and fallen building,thank you very much.Now we better get back to work.

May:Wait,wait,wait!You didnt give us any details about the dates.Where did you go?What did you do?

Y/N:Ah-ah-ah.Be patient.Well,not like out patients.When the time is tell you everything.

He walked past them and let his last sentence sink in.Once they finally got that theyll eventually get to meet Sophie,they squeeled in unison.Chuckling to himself,he goes back to his duties.

Timeskip Saturday Y/Ns home

Y/N was sitting on his couch,dangling one leg over the other as they cross and waiting for his phonecall to answer.


Sophie:Oh,hi Y/N.How are things with you?
Y/N:Great,same old.Havent had an emergency at the hospital in a while.

Sophie:Thats good to hear.Jimmy still doesnt suspect anything.He still belives Im on a trial run for a promotion and have to work after hours.

Y/N:About Jimmy,some nurse pointed out that its a little bit irresponsible and dangerous to turns our phones completley off during our dates.

Sophie:You turned your phone off?
Y/N;Yeah.You didnt?

Sophie:I just set tit to vibrate,turned off the internet and the GPS.

Y/N:Thats actually a much better idea.Anyways,where do you want to go on our next date?
Sophie:Hm,I kind of ran out of ideas.Will we have enough time?

Y/N:Im doing some extra shifts and the girls at the hospital will pitch in so therell be more free time.

Sophie:How nice of them.I cant wait to meet them all.

Y/N:Trust me,its better this way.When you meet them,they stop being mine and will become our gossipers.Once you have them on your back,theyll never leave you alone.

Sophie:Therere just worried about their friend.You cant hold it against them.

Y/N:Belive me,its a lot more complicated like than that.Theyre like family.I love than in normal ammount and all but they dont know when to stop.And I dont want to be fake husband to go to some sort of wilderness survival training again.


Y/N:Nevermind.How about we just take a in the park?Maybe grab some ice cream too?

Sophie:Isnt it a little early for icecream?
Y/N:Summers in a few months.The weathers already kind of hot.

Sophie:I don't know.I'm not really hungry at the moment.

Y/N:Then it's a good thing you still have your way to get here and the walk to work up an appetite.

Sophie:I guess that could work.I'll be right over.

Timeskip half an hour

Y/N and Sophie were currently walking down the street hand in hand.After a while,Sophie even hugged his arm and rested her head on him.They were already looking like a happy version of a married couple.

Sophie:This is nice.

Y/N:It sure is.

But what they didn't know l,was that they were being followed.Camera moved to the woman with a dog,which upon a closer look turned out to be fake and a large sun hat.She moved thee hat away to show it was actually Denise.Then it moved onto a married couple,wife in a fur coat and husband in a trenchcoat and a hat,both looking at the newspapers.But when they lowered them,it was apparent that they were Dorah and May with fake moustache.

May:Why do I have to be the guy?

Dorah:Like someone could mistake my smooth Spanish skin for a male one.It wouldn't be beliveble.

Denise:Quiet you two.This is our only shot at getting the juicy details on their dates.If we get found out,he'll never trust us again.Wait until they leave this street and then move on.

May:Fine,but I won't be kissing her.

Dorah:Hey,as far as guys go,you're not my type.

But what not any of them knew was that they have all been followed.One of the bushes shooke and twitched until Jimmy's head with a red baseball hat popped out.

Jimmy:I knew if I followed them,they'd led me to them.I can't believe they kept this from me.

He wait for the nurses to move one before leaving to bush but tripping on a branch and ultimately fell on the ground in his disguise.

Jimmy:Ugh,just great.

He struggled to get up but after hearing angry barking,he picked up his speed and ran after the nurses,his mom and Y/N.

Meanwhile with Y/N and Sophie,they peacefully continued their walk in blissful ignorance.

Sophie:Are we close?

Y/N:Worked up an appetite already?

Sophie:No,but it's getting hot.Ice cream would really his a spot right about now.

Y/N:Then you're in luck.It shouldn't be far now.Good thing we dressed light.

Dorah:(I know we needed disguises but why did I have to wear a fur coat?!)


Soon enough,their luck smiled upon them and they quickly purchased an ice cream each.But where the nurses passed by, they froze in their tracks.Their disguises were too hot and they had to stop for ice cream.Which caused them to lose the sight of Y/N and Sophie and lost them completley.But by the time Jimmy reached that spot,there was only one thought on his mind.

Jimmy:(I knew I should've asked for advance on my allowance.)

The nurses tired to catch up to the couple but they were nowhere in sight.They decided to split up and call the others when they found them.With Jimmy tracking them all on his own,he had to play eenie,meenie,miney,moe to picked which of the nurses to follow and had picked Dorah.Meanwhile,Sophie and Y/N walked out from behind the store,still licking their ice creams and resumed their walk with previous pace.

Y/N:Told you wed lose them.

Sophie:But how are you so sure they were following us?

Y/N:I just know them that well.But you cant say anything to Jimmy or ground him again for now.


Y/N:That way hell know we knew he was following us.If you reveal that to him,hell just be more carefull and sneaky next time.As long as he thinks hes smarter than us,we can make him belive anything.

Sophie:How are you not a doctor yet?Or a parent?

Y/N:No idea.Maybe its just universes cruel joke.

Sophie:And what do we say when they ask us?

Y/N:Well,unless they work together,I tell the girls that Ive been helping you find a birthday gift for Jimmy and you could tell him I needed girls helps for gift shopping.

Sophie:But then theyll surely ask what we had bought.

Y/N:Um,a new videogame and a new perfume.There,done.

Sophie:What kind?
He just looked at her from all the questions,since this white lie would benefit her.

Sophie:I read a lot of works so I have a bit of an eye for details.

Y/N:Ok,let me see...Game is some sort fo survival thing and its a who knows which sequel so its forgetable like Ark Center.And the perfume can be soemthing pink and frech so its difficult to pronounce and and even more difficult to remember.

Sophie:That could work.

Y/N:Glad you finally agree.How about out next date,we do something big?

Sophie:How much?

Y/N:A fancy restaurant dinner.Something with reservations,red colors,dimmed lights and a cheff that constantley yells at his staff,demanding perfection.

Sophie:Sounds awfully exansive.

Y/N:Im not a big spender,I saved up quite a lot.So,what do you say?

Sophie:...OK.But I insist we split the bill.

Y/N:Cant do that,we wont be ordering anything with the side of fries.I assure you,I have the money taken care of.Just say when and I give you the most expansive meal you ever had.

Sophie:Ill be sure to do that.

Timeskip next week restaurant

Just as Y/N promised,they were sitting at atable in one of the most fancy and expansive restuarants for the peek romantic effect.There was barely a table that wasnt for the couple,to be or otherwise.

Y/N:So,how you you like it?
Sophie:I just have one thing to say.You really are a man of your word Y/N.

Y/N:Glad to hear.

In that momment,a waitress came with her head bowed down so it was hard to see her face as she spoke in forcefully deep and obviously fake voice.

Waitress:Good evening,Ill be your waitress for today.Have you decided what youd like to order?

Y/N:Not really but give us a momment.

Waitress:Of course.Ill be nearbye if you neeed me.

And so she backed away a meter or two so shed be very visibly close but not in the way of the other people passing.Her closeness very much confused and weirded out the couple.

Sophie:What do you think that was about?
Y/N:No idea.Lets just let the things play out.The timing is almost perfect.

Sophie:What timing?

Waiter:Good day.Would you like some complimentary bread?

The waiter was rather small,with his clothes being too big for him and hat covering most of his forehead and eyes.

Y/N:Were good.But stick around in case we change our mind.

Waiter:OK,be right back.

And the same was doen by this waiter.

Sophie:Have you been here before?
Y/N:Nope.I just called in for reservation.Thats how we got this table in the center of the room.

Sophie:Someone else mustve had the same idea.That table behind you is the only other table in the center besides ours.But theres still no one there.

Y/N:Oh theyre here.Could you call Jimmy for a second?


Y/N:Youll see.And just for the fun of it,why dont I call Denise.

Sophie:O-K?I dont see why though.

The couple dialed in the mentioned persons adn soon,two induvidual ringtones were heard from all around them.Recognised her sons rigntone,Sophie turned to the small waiter.


Y/N:And over there is Denise.

Denise,Jimmy&Sophie:You knew this whole time.

Y/N:What can I say.Im smarter than an average member of medical community.Plus,youre not so great at sneaking around.Every time you tried to spy on us and lost us,we knew.Thats why I reserved that table next to us.You can tell the rest of the girls its over.

Just in that momment,two cheffs stepped out fo the kitchen,carrying a large and heavy tray.

Cheff1:Um,who ordered Spanish surprise?
Denise:The gig is up girls.He knew the whole time.

The girls groaned,dropped their disguises and the the now aparentley empty tray on the ground.

Y/N:Now why dont you all take a seat and order something.My treat.

Sophie:You must be in a really good mood today.Or is it simpley because you want to gloat over always knowing their plans?

Y/N:A little bit of both.But mostly the prior one.

He stood up and walked over to Sophie before getting on one knee.


He dug his hand into his pocket and took out a small red box.Then he opened it to show show a ring with a piece of coal with neatley stack atoms,AKA diamond.

Sophie:Y/N,what are you-

Y/N:Sophie Jones,will you marry me?


She immedietley got down to Y/Ns level to embrace him and kiss him as the crowd around them,their friends and family cheered.When the joy and surprise subsided,they ordered their food and got it at a little cheaper price.There was even a compliment thrown Y/Ns way,about how he set it all up,enticipated his guestss involvment and managed to propose in the company of his colleagues and friends.

Jimmy:This is the best day ever.Its like my unrelated big brother became my dad.

Y/N:Im sure you couldve said that better but Im so happy right now Ill let it slide.

Dorah:Sooo,where is the honeymoon taking place?

Y/N:Theres still planty of time for that.Isnt that right?
Sophie:Of course.First we need to plan the wedding,send the invites,come up with the sitting schedule and-

Y/N:Calm down.If your girls really one to help,theres only one thing Id accept for the wedding gift.

May:What is it?

Y/N:You deal with the stressfull stuff while I keep the future Mrs.L/Ns nerves intact.

Denise,Dorah&May:Seems fair.

And so the L/N family grew bigger.The Joneses eventually moved in with Y/N and get arranged the place to fit them a little.Y/N became a doctor and years in the future,Jimmy got a sister.One that he insisted on naming...Gwen.

Author(10851 words.To be honest,the male nurse idea came to me much later.Anyway,next story will be for fans of Ultimate Alien Force and one of my older stories with Ben's classmates.The same thing,but with new girls and new aliens.Also,I'm surprised there was so little reaction to the anniversary chapter.No one seemed to be pleased nor surprised.Or are you just desapointed that you'lll have to wait longer since all planned ideas got erased?)

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