The Unnamed Queen of Prophecy

By Wise_Cloud

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Teiko Middle School. One of the most prestigious middle schools people in Japan can attend. Their basketball... More

-★ Season 1 ★-
The Start of a New Chapter
I Am Serious
It's Better if I Can't Win
Take Care of the Counter Attack!
Your Basketball
Let Me Tell You Two Things
You'll See Something Amazing
Now That I think About It
To Win
I can't Have that
It's Not Like That
What Is "Victory"?
I Believed In You
You Look Just Like Him
You Look Just Like Him - Part 2
The Queen & Ace
Don't Make Me Laugh
Let's Go
You're All Ridiculous
You're All Ridiculous Part 2
On To The Next Challenge
I Don't Want To Be
Let's Get Started
I'll Win Even If it Kills Me
Kuroko's Basketball: Tip Off (Part 2)
I'm not Mature!
Our Basketball
-★ Season 2 ★-
I never Thought We'd Meet Here
At the Winter Cup
There is Only One Answer
I've Been Waiting For This
I Surpassed You Long Ago
Give Up
I Will Defeat You!!
I Will Defeat You!! (Part 2)
It's Trust
Don't Be Ridiculous
I look Forward To It
Definitely This Time
Definitely This Time (Part 2)
Useless Effort
I Think He's Extremely Happy
We Win Now!
"Would You Mind Doing That Once More?"
"Would You Mind Doing That Once More?" Part 2
I Believe in Him
Like I'd lose
Tell Me
Of Course It's Not Easy
First Basket
It's Obvious
I Don't Want to Lose

Kuroko's Basketball: Tip Off

323 13 27
By Wise_Cloud

"Momoi-chan? Could you get Kise Ryota from the second string, please?" You asked for the younger manager of Teiko to get another player.

She smiled and bowed, "Yes! Of course (Y/N)-senpai! I'll go get him now!" She ran away happily to the second gym while you looked on.

"I told you to just call me (Y/N)—and she's gone..." You tried to tell her formalities aren't your thing but only sighed with a smile.

You saw Aomine dunk the ball strongly against a few players.

"Nice dunk, Dai-kun." You praised him, writing his improvement in your data.

"Thanks, (N/N)!" Aomine grinned before looking to see Momoi and Kise, "Satsuki. Why are you with Kise?" He asked.

"Kise's joining the first string starting today," Momoi explained.

Still hanging by the rim, the dark blue-haired male looked in interest, "Really? That's amazing for someone who just started." He got off the rim before standing by you.

"At least be more careful when you dunk. You're still in middle school, Dai-kun. You could get hurt." You scolded your friend who only laughed.

"The great (N/N) worrying over me? How funny! I'll be fine, really. I promise." Aomine patted your head making you huff but let it slide.

The male went to practice with the other players, Kise saw you and him interact and thought of how beautiful you looked. 'Not only is he strong, but her presence is as strong as a powerful player.' Kise thought, seeing you write data on the players.

"Aomine-kun, do you know where Tetsu is?" Momoi asked.

"I don't know." He replied, having the ball as he started to dribble to the next basket.

"Well, that's a problem. Tetsu is your mentor." Momoi held her hips in slight discomfort at the situation.

Kise looked at her in confusion, "Mentor?"

"Yeah. An upperclassman said since you're joining now, even though you're a second year, he wants you to handle odd jobs like the first years." Momoi explained, trying to find the light blue-haired male.

"That's why we assigned you a mentor!" You smiled, walking up to the two.

"Ah! Kise-kun. This is (L/N) (Y/N)-senpai! The first manager of the Teiko basketball team. She's a second coach, a nurse since she knows how to handle injuries and is an intelligence agent! She's an all-rounder!" Momoi presented you to Kise.

"Nice to meet you, Kise! Hope we can get along since we're in the same year." You smiled brightly at him.

The blonde only looked at your face, mesmerized by your shining beauty and smile, "O-Oh...! I'm Kise Ryota. Nice to meet you...!" He bowed to you, 'She's even prettier than before...' he thought.

"Just a little note, most people in the basketball team, other sports and more are crushing on her as well," Momoi whispered to Kise who had a blush at being caught staring.

"Woah! Sorry!" Kise flinched back, before looking at your figure writing down data, 'No kidding. I wouldn't lie about not finding her more intriguing than all the other girls I've seen.'

"So who's this Tetsu person?" Kise asked, changing the subject.

"Did you call me?"

Kise looked around before seeing Kuroko in front of him, "Woah! Who are you?" Kise recoiled back in surprise.

"Tetsu!" Momoi smiled seeing the blue-haired male.

"Tetsu-kun, please don't frighten the becomes, please. We're losing players by it." You lightly scolded him in the background.

"This is Kise, the one I told you about yesterday with (Y/N)-senpai." Momoi introduced Kise.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya." The shorter male bowed to Kise.

'This guy is my mentor?' Kise thought in confusion.

"You'll see the real deal sooner or later. Then you'll understand why he's your mentor." You saw through Kise's expression getting him shocked.

'How did she..? Is she some psychic..? Wait, wouldn't that be kinda creepy...?! No, no, no! Let's not think about that. But that was cool...! She's not an ordinary person from what I heard of Momoicchi.' Kiss thought.


Akashi watched on, seeing the possible potential in each player. Trying to coordinate everyone. One was about to score but a taller player with dark purple hair blocked him.

The ball was flown over to Midorima who prepared a three and scored.

Aomine got through most of the players with his freestyle of basketball Aka streetball. Impressing Kise who was training on the other side of the court.

"Nice shot, Dai-kun, Shin-kun! Good block Atsu-kun!" You praised the players.

"Can I have a snack, now?" Murasakibara asked you, "Atsu-kun, sugar will only elevate your blood pressure too much and when you're running fumes like that you won't last long!" You scolded him.

"Urgh. Fine...Only because you said so." He groaned before going back to his position.

Kise looked on and watched you have complete authority over the other players like you're some high deity.

So then he went to show his attributes and scored on his own for his team, "Kise, nice shot!" His teammate praised him.

The others look in amazement since he's only started two weeks ago. And was promoted to the first try without doing the promotion test.

Kise thought it'd be nice easy to become to starter before his thoughts were cut off by seeing Kuroko have the ball. Kise thought his mentor would be of some talent but it all went down the drain when seeing as he missed the basket.

"Come on, Kuroko! If you're going to do a layup, don't miss!"

"Thank you!"

It was the end of the day, and nighttime already rolled in after practice was done.

Going outside, you stretched your arms from writing so much data and bumped into Aomine, Murasakibara, and Kuroko.

"Yo, (N/N)! Want to walk with us?" Aomine smiled, waving at you.

"Sure! I don't have homework today so I'm set." You agreed to his suggestion.

"Great! It's way better when you're around." Aomine grinned.

"(N/N)chi." Murasakibara called out to you, "Yes, yes, Atsu-kun. Here you go." You gave him the snack he wanted since practice started.

He immediately smiled, "Thank you." He mumbled, already eating the candy bar.

"I don't know why or how you keep on surprising me with your metabolism..." your sweat dropped.

"Ah. Tetsu-kun? How was Kise-kun?" You asked Kuroko since he's his mentor.

"He's fine. A really good player, too. I'm sure he'll be an amazing player." Kuroko responded.

"Good. Then that means the future's looking bright!" You felt relieved he was doing well.

Hearing some unknown footsteps, you saw Kise, "Yo!" Aomine greeted him, wrapping an arm around his neck, "What's going on?" Kise asked in confusion on you four were out here this late still.

"Kise, we're going to celebrate your promotion to the first string." Aomine explained, "What?" Kise was still a little confused.

"Let's go, boys!" Aomine raised a fist in the air.

"Yeah!" Kuroko and Murasakibara did the same, but not with the same type of energy.

"Dai-kun...!" You stood there with a raging aura, threading to spill.

Aomine flinched know fright, Kuroko and Murasakibara quickly took steps away from you both.

Kise looked on as he was still near Aomine, "What's going on...?" Kise asked.

"Just prepare for something you'll experience for the rest of your time in the first string." replied the ace.


"I cannot believe you forgot to include me, you idiot!" You hit him right on his head as he let Kise go to hold the place where you hit.

"OW! OW! OW! JESUS! That hurt like hell! It felt like a basketball hit me straight on my head at Mach 20!" Aomine yelled in pain, tears could be seen in the corner of his eyes.

"That's what's wrong with you! You're just a basketball junkie who sleeps, eats, and plays basketball every day and night! Try to act like a decent man for once!" You retorted, scolding him some more making Aomine grumble.

"What's wrong with you is your monster strength and weird personality with your short ass height—" Aomine cut himself off when he saw you glare at him.", "Sorry! I'll stop! Just don't hit me again...I'll get a concussion..."

"That's what I thought. Come on, boys! We'll miss the good stuff at the convenience store if we stay around for too long." You told the boys before leading them.

"Who is she...?" Kise whispered in wonder.

"A woman You do NOT want to mess with. I swear, she'll kill a new guy like you, Kise." Aomine warned him not to mess with you.

"So then why do you do that?!" Kise asked in retort.

"Huh? Oh, me and (N/N) are best friends! I can tolerate her hits. Some of them...But she and I are close! Don't worry. You'll get used to it!" Aomine smiled, the three males walking behind you.

Upon reaching a convenience store, Kise was shocked to process what was happening, "What is this? Why is this happening?!" He pointed his popsicle at Aomine and the others.

"Why? Because we're celebrating." Aomine merely replied, the others following suit, "Yeah."

"Why are we celebrating at a convenience store?! And you made me buy the ice pops!" Kise specified why he was angry.

"Why not? You make money modelling." Aomine waved it off, "He's broke." You exposed your best friend who flinched, "Oi! (N/N) don't say that!"

"We saved money since we bought a box." The tall purple-haired male added.

"And we picked up another person!" Kise pointed to Midorima who was quietly eating his ice pop.

"I was already at the convenience store. Kuroko and (Y/N) invited me." Midorima stated.

"Celebrations are more fun with more people." Kuroko stated, "He's right! It's key to having fun!" You smiled.

"I don't mind eating one." Midorima ate his ice pop, "Who are you again, anyway?" Kiss pointed his ice pop at the male with glasses

"Midorima Shintaro. You should at least learn what the regulars look like." The green-haired male pointed his ice pop back at Kise.

"I just joined the first string. You can't expect me to remember." Kise replied to Midorima.

Aomine finished with his ice pop and looked at Kise, "Those are the questions you should be asking your mentor. Right?" The dark blue-haired male turned to Kuroko.

"I won." Kuroko stated making you and Aomine look at the popsicle, "What?"

"Woah, you really did! Wow!" Aomine looked in amazement before holding Kuroko's hand to show Kise and you.

"Wow, Tetsu-kun! That's impressive! It's rare to be a winner!" You smiled.

"I've never seen that before! You rarely get winners from boxes!" Kise smiled before thinking, 'Why am I getting excited with him?'

Murasakibara who left to go inside the store again appeared, "What's going on?"

"Kuroko just...what?" Kise was surprised to see Murasakibara getting another box, "Just how much are you going to eat?!"

"What? Lots. Anyway, what happened?" The tall purple-haired male asked the blonde.

"Kuroko just pulled a winning—" Kise flinched when seeing Momoi, 'Another person...' he thought.

Momoi was holding the popsicle stick, happy Kuroko gave it to her, "Tetsu, I'll take good care of this!"

"You idiot, there's no point if You don't trade it in." Aomine lightly insulted his friend.

"Aomine, shut up! (Y/N)-senpai kept hers, right?" Momoi shushed Aomine before looking at you who had a coupon.

"Ah, uh, Kuroko told me he got a coupon for a restaurant so I'm using this for when we end up eating out one day!" You smiled nervously, showing the coupon.

"Woah! A coupon! And it's that famous Yaki restaurant nearby! Awesome! Let's go eat there together, (N/N)!" Aomine smiled, holding your hand to see the coupon better.

"Sure! It's my treat!" You accepted his suggestion.

Kise was only seen holding the bridge of his nose at everyone's antics.


You felt something pull you as Momoi fell over by the person on a scooter, "So mean..." she grunted in pain.

"Satsuki!" Aomine looked over at Momoi.

"He's a purse-snatcher!" A woman yelled while they heard another, "Ah! He's stealing my wallet!" You yelled also, trying to get the bag but he was too fast making you fall in an attempt to catch your belongings.

Kise and the others saw you fall further down the path when you attempted to stop him forcefully, "(Y/N)!" Aomine yelled in worry for you.

Midorima, Murasakibara And Kuroko were shocked as well, all worried for your well-being.

Kise looked shocked before dropping his bag and went after the purse snatcher.

Aomine ran up to you but you told him to keep going, "No! Get that man first! Worry about me later, Dai-kun!" You told him, he nodded and ran after the purse snatcher with Kise.

Kuroko went to help Momoi up and Murasakibara went to help you up as well, "Thank you." You thanked the giant.

"Idiots. You'll never catch up to a scooter." Midorima stated, grabbing Murasakibara's box full of goods, "Hey."

The three-point shooter shot the box high up in the air, "Stop!" Kise was seen running after the thug.

He looked in surprise to see something in the air falling near where he was running.

The thug looked up as well before the box hit him straight on the visor making him lose control of the scooter and fall over.

Aomine caught up with the thief, surprising Kise as he was the one who ran first.

"Hey, that's enough." Aomine stopped the thug from going forward making him go back but Kise was there to block his other path as well.

"You can't run—" Kise was cut off when the thug went to use violence but crashed into another tall figure, "What...?"

It was Murasakibara, and he was angry that he destroyed his sweets, "My yummy sticks..." his height and glare scared the thief to the brink of yelling in fright.

The purse snatcher was arrested and all the belongings he's stolen were given back to their rightful owners.

"Here. Your wallet, (N/N)." Aomine was the one who brought your wallet back making you happy that he got it back.

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Dai-kun! You're the best!" You thanked him over and over, hugging his figure in gratitude.

"Woah! Woah! Okay, I got it, you're welcome, (N/N)! Geez, you're gonna make us fall if you keep this up." Aomine smiled, holding your waist to make sure you didn't injure yourself further.

"Haha! Thank you so much! I was so worried he would've gotten it and used my stuff!" You thanked him once again, swaying from left to right occasionally while holding his waist tightly in a hug.

Aomine only huffed in pride, "No one messes with my best friend! I'll punch them to the sun if they do!" He held up a fist of determination.

"That's not possible." Midorima adjusted his glasses, "And give (Y/N) some space. She's injured."

"Aw! Someone's jelly!" Aomine gave a sly look to the star shooter who flinched in irritation at his taunting. You could see the tick mark growing on his temple.

Kise only looked on, 'Those two seem pretty close. I wonder if they're dating or something.'

"Ah. (N/N), show me where you're injured." Aomine suddenly remembered that you fell earlier and knew there must be somewhere you got hurt.

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad." You wave it off, Aomine only held a serious gaze before lifting your sleeves to see if you're arms were hurt.

"Your arms seem fine. What about your legs?" He asked making you hide it, "I'm fine, Dai-kun!"

"It's her right leg," Kuroko interjected.

"Ah! Tetsu-kun!" You cried out at being called out.

Finding a place for you to sit so he could assess the injury, Aomine looked in shock to see you bleeding, "You're bleeding...!"

The others gasped at that and saw a line of blood rolling down your leg, "Quick! We need to find a bandage or something! Does someone have clean tissues?" Aomine asked the group.

"I have some clean tissues. Here, Aomine-kun." Momoi gave some to Aomine who cleaned your wound and kept the tissue on the flesh that was cut.

"There's a small pharmacy nearby. There should be bandages there. I'll go get some." Midorima stated, walking to the pharmacy only a few minutes away.

"You guys. It's not that bad. Just some blood. I'll heal in a few hours. I've got ointment back at home." You said, giving a reassuring smile to the rest of the group.

"But—" Kise started but you smiled, making him stop, "It's alright, Kise-kun. It's my fault for trying to forcefully stop a person on a scooter."

"(N/N)chin..." Murasakibara mumbled, "Eh?! Even you're worried, Atsu-kun? Oh come on, stop pouting." You were shocked that the usual laid-back giant was worried over you.

"(Y/N)-senpai! Just in case, let us bandage it." Momoi told you, wanting her mentor to be alright.

"Momoi's right. Let us help you, (L/N)-san." Kuroko nodded, "Even you Tetsu-kun...?" You mumbled, surprised that everyone was worried.

"You idiot." Aomine insulted making Momoi scold him, "Aomine-kun! Don't go calling (Y/N)-senpai that!"

You looked down to see Aomine crouched down near your leg to assess the wound, "You're just trying to not be a burden to us. Well, you're not, so get all that shit out of your head, now."

You were surprised that he found out so quickly, "It's fine to depend on others sometimes. But it's not fine when you're pretending to be okay when you know you're not. Sometimes it's better to lean on a shoulder instead of trying to take all of the heavy blows at once." Aomine stated.

"Dai-kun..." You were honestly impressed by his words and smiled, "Oh, alright. I'll stop, then. I'll try to not do everything on my own." You smiled in understanding.

Aomine looked up at you, his gaze softened when seeing your face, "Good. I'm glad you're alright."

Kise looked on in amazement, 'He's not only good at basketball. He's good at being someone for her...The way he softens up to her. The way his usual freestyle hands are used for basketball could be so gentle when it came to her...He does care deeply for her.'

"This should help." Midorima arrived back from the pharmacy and gave Aomine some of the bandages. He placed a few to cover the cut.

"You able to walk?" Aomine asked you, taking your hands gently in his to get off the bench if you were to fall due to your injury.

"I—I think so—Woah...!" You tried taking a step forward but you fell right into Aomine's chest, "Okay...I can't...Great...How am I gonna get home...?" You whined, groaning in the ace's chest in irritation.

The navy blue-haired male only chuckled lightly, patting your back, "Don't worry, not your fault, (N/N). I have an idea!" You heard the excitement from his tone, you and the others knew he'd do or say something stupid.

"He's going to do something stupid as usual." Midorima muttered, having a scowl at how close the ace is with you, "He'll end up hurting her even more."

"Come on, (N/N)! Hop on!" Aomine turned for his back to face you before crouching before you, wanting you to jump on his back.

You blinked before processing what he just said, "EEH! Dai-kun! I—I can't do that!" She spoke in a flustered tone.

"Yeah, you can! Trust me! I'll be fine. You're not that heavy anyway since you're so short—Ouch!" Aomine assured you he'll be fine before being hit by you making him grunt in pain.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THAT?!" You yelled in retort, holding a fist up after hitting him.

"If it helps, (L/N)-san should be carried by someone who can support her weight and get in a comfortable position," Kuroko stated.

"Huh? So, you're going to do it?" Kise asked, "No, I'm afraid I'll drop (L/N)-san even before we start walking." Kuroko shook his head.

'What kind of mentor is he?!' Kise yelled in his head, looking at Kuorko.

"Then she can go with me. I calculated our masses and we should be fine." Midorima stated, before stretching out a hand for you, "Let's go, (Y/N)."

"Eh?! B-But..." You were a little hesitant still.

"What? Why do you get hold her? I want to help Shorty instead." Murasakibara interfered.

"Astu-kun! Don't call me short, you're the tall one!" You scolded him, but he merely looked away, knowing he'd get scared out of his wits if he looked.

"Because I have already made preparations and plans to carry her, Aomine will only recklessly drop her on the ground." The male with glasses stated making Aomine glare at him.

"Huh?! You think you're better than me? Just because your calculations make you feel like you're better doesn't mean you're always right!" Aomine told Midorima.

"I am just saying facts." Midorima adjusted his glasses.

"Fuck your facts! I can carry her! I've done it multiple times!" Aomine retorted.

Momoi tried to calm him down, "Aomine-kun! Let's not say such vulgar words...!"

"Why don't I do it?" Murasakibara jumped in making Aomine and Midorima retort.

"Because you'll only drop her and say you need to carry your snacks!" The two yelled back at the taller male who blinked.

"What?~ I would never do that to short-I mean, (N/N)chin." Murasakibara corrected himself when feeling your scary aura behind him.

Kise was surprised at that, 'She can scare such a tall person...?!'

"I'm doing it, that's final," Midorima told Aomine who was inches away from hitting the taller man.

"No, I'M doing it!" Aomine retorted the two went on in a stare-down for a few moments. You could see the electricity of their glares colliding.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" You hit both of the males making them grunt.

Kise was the only one who flinched at the impact, "What the—?!"

"It's normal for us," Kuroko saw Kise's shocked face and told him it's nothing new for you to use force to stop the boys from fighting.

"Mhm! (Y/N)-senpai is the only person who genuinely scares the boys. She has complete authority thanks to the captain and coach!" Momoi nodded to Kuroko's words.

She held a slightly nervous smile, "I'm only a junior manager since she's the main manager so I don't hold that much power on my own..."

"Just how strong is she?!" Kise asked, Kuroko hummed, "Not sure. But strong enough to make Aomine flinch in fear."

"Stop your bickering! I'm not some damsel in distress!" You held your hands on your hips, looking at the ace and three-point shooter.

The two shook at how hard you hit them in the back of their heads, "Ow...! That one MUST'VE given me a light concussion...!" Aomine grumbled.

"I'll admit...I thought I was going to blackout..." Midorima muttered.

"Now stand up straight!" You ordered, the two immediately listening to your words, "Shake hands to show that you're apologizing to each other!" You told the two who gave each other side glares.

"If I see one more side eye from you both I'll hit you again!" You threatened, making the two flinch before doing as you told them to.

The two shook hands but Midorima felt more pressure on his hand making him glare at Aomine, "You basketball junkie..." he muttered. The star shooter put more pressure on the handshake trying to compete with Aomine.

Aomine's glare hardened at the insult, he smirked devilishly. A vein was about to pop by how ticked off he was, "Smart ass..." he mumbled, adding more pressure to the handshake.

It was so intense that they could break each other's fingers. Kise blinked in shock at the intense atmosphere, ' They look like they're about to kill each other...!'

Momoi only shook her head at their antics, Kuroko knew that you'd be there to stop them. Murasakibara wasn't paying attention as he ate the food he had left.

"Dai-kun, Shin-kun. A REAL handshake." You stated.

The two finally did a respectful handshake making you smile, now having a happy and bright aura, "See?~ Was it that hard, guys?"

"No." The two shook their heads responding to your question, knowing you'll just scold them if they don't respond.

"All right! Dai-kun, as punishment, you have to carry me home!" You told your friend who retorted, "WHAT!? You scolded us, hit us and yelled at us for fighting over who gets to carry you and you end up making a choice?!"

"It's different. It's a punishment."


Aomine only huffed and crouched down in front of you, "Come on, let's go. We've wasted enough time." You smiled and hopped on his back.

"Shin-kun!~ Carry my bag, please!" You told Midorima, "Very well." He took your school bag as the group started to walk, now that you are all right.

Kise was behind blinking at what just happened, ʼShe's like some princess with a bunch of bodyguards! That's NOT normal...! Never in my life, I've seen such a display of authority...Man...This day is getting weirder and weirder.'

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