Love, Aurora

By booksByA99

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Aurora has always had one goal; to study and get as far away as possible from her house. Life was never easy... More



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By booksByA99

PART 1‼️

  A U R O R A

Guess what today is?

It's the day we're all supposed to be opening our college applications!

But here's the thing; I am both nervous and excited.

It's going to define what's going to happen and it can be either bad or good, which I'm hoping is the second option.

None of us had planned to go to the same college- except Miles and i- but its not just about the two of us this time, its about the both of us.

"Hey, sweetheart."

I look up. "Hi."

"Come on, Xavier's going crazy." Milo mumbles, rolling his eyes. We go to the living room and take a seat.

At some point, we all open our computers and look at our results privately in seperate corners.

My face stays blank the whole time, though. It kind of reminds me of the first time I got the letter of acceptance to Beverly. Now who knew that would change my whole life?

I got in most of the top colleges I applied to. Including Columbia University.

Oh god, I got in Columbia. I may have always wanted to Yale or something but I had accepted that I wasn't capable of that so I didn't apply. I found something which I really wanted to go which was Columbia.

And I got in.

Oh, my god,  I'm going to America.

I look up and realise everyone else is waiting for me. I approach them all and we start talking.

"Im going to Columbia, bitches." Xavier says.

Here's the thing; none of us told eachother where we'd apply to- again, except for Milo and I, but we only told  eachother about the Columbia thing.

"So am I!" I squeal, grinning.

"NYU." Willow says, grinning.

"That's so close!" I point out, smiling.

"Im going to Vegas." Bruna blurts out.

I frown. "You applied for college in Vegas?"

"I did apply in a hundred of colleges but I don't think it's me." Bruna says. "I mean, shit, I got in freaking NYU too, but I can't go. I think im going to just be making my own business."

"Well, hey, either way, you'll still be doing great in life." I say, squeezing her hand. "What business you planning on doing?"

"Well, its Vegas so I wanted to be a stripper or get money by playing poker." She jokes. "But, a clothing shop. You know how much money I'll get on that bitch?"

"Oh my god, that's so great!" I say. I clear my throat. "You'll give me a discount though, right?"

"I'll have to think about it."

"Well, Vegas isn't that far from New York, you know?" Willow says. "Hey, babe, where are you going?" She says, looking at Aarush.


There's a long silence, until Xavier snorts. "There's no way you got into Yale."

"Yeah, I didn't." Aarush shrugs. "I got in some frat college."

"Aarush is going to be a frat boy and hook up with chicks in sororities." Xavier says.

"You better freaking not." Willow says.

I laugh and glance at Milo. "And where are you going?"

He blinks. "I got into Stanford."

I gasp. "You did?"

He nods. "Yeah." He says, still in unbelief. "It doesn't matter though, I'm not going."

I look at his face, and look at his eyes. I don't see that happiness in his eyes for just everything. It happens once in a while and to think that he'd just give  this all up for me? I couldn't let him do that.

"No, you're going." I say.

He frowns. "What? No."

I smile. "Hey, you worked for this, okay? I know how much you want this."

"But what about us?"

"We'll be fine." I say. "If things go downhill, we'll be fine. You'll be okay."

He looks at me for a long time and shakes his head. "No, im not going. I got in Columbia so I'm going there, okay?"

"No, Milo, you can't do that. I'm not going to let you do that."

Knowing how stubborn I am, he sighs. "How about this, okay? I got into NYU, and it may not be the same level as Stanford but it's still a great college. I'll go to NYU."

"But, Milo-"

"I won't be that far and It's a great place. It's a win- win."

I sigh. "No."


"We'll be fine, Milo." I say. "I promise, New York and California isn't that far."

I was lying, it was far. It took a mere 5 hours flight time. But I couldn't just let him do this, not for me.

I could see how much he wanted to go, he deserves to go. No one believed in him and he worked his ass off to prove them all wrong. I wasn't going to get him throw all that away.


And there it is; graduation day.

It's the one day that I've been waiting for since I was a little girl. The one day everyone's been waiting for. I didn't think I'd make it after my mom died, but now, here I am, throwing my cap in the air with a thousand different students.

And the one person I wanted to thank the most was my mother. Because her pressuring my to fill an application for this school was the best decision I had ever made.

Because God knows where I'd be if I  hadn't done it.

I didn't just meet Milo, the boy who I love with my whole heart. I met my best friends, I lived the normal teenage life. Parties, going out, finding love.

I had never thought I'd find it. I thought I'd be in my room, studying for the rest of my life.

But here I am. And I couldn't be any happier.

"Oh my god, we aren't in high school anymore." Will says, grinning.

"I know." I say, grinning back. "Congratulations, Will."

She hugs me. "Man, I can't believe this is all over."

"Yeah, I know." I say, sighing. "But we won't be that far from eachother, we'll still see eachother."

"Hello, bitches. Guess who's in college now?" Xavier says.

As soon as I congratulate everyone else, I go find my family.

"Congratulations, honey!"

"Thanks, dad."

"I saw you up there and don't worry, I got the best pictures. Oh, and your father cried." Victoria says, hugging me. "Congratulations, Rory."

"Thank you." I smile. "Hey, Where's Eugene?"

"Checking out the girls." Victoria says, nodding at him. He sure is looking at a bunch of girls, one of them including Willow.

I shake my head, smiling. "So, lunch?"

I get in the car with them and we head to my favourite sushi restaurant in London. As soon as that is over, I head back to my dorm.

It was completely empty. I'm officially leaving tomorrow, which I'm definitely not ready for.

This is the hardest part now.


I turn around. "Hi, Miles."

"Hey, you ready?"

"Yeah, I was just looking at the dorm. It's so empty." I mutter. "I can't believe it's over."

"Me too, baby, me too." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

"Come on, the party is about to start." I say. We walk downstairs to the hall and find the others.

"Hi, guys." I say, sitting down.


"I told you to stop saying that, Xavier." Bruna sighs. "I am so glad im not going to college with him."

"You're the one being a stripper- which i totally support. I wouldn't mind a video every once in a while-"



We talk for a little more about the fact that we're leaving until we realise this place is way too loud and crowded so we just head back to Bruna and I's dorm and sit on the floor with bottles of beer and snacks.

"You know what we should do?" Xavier says.

"What?" We all say.

"After college, we should all get apartments on the same building in New York itself. It'll be like we're in the show 'Friends'." Xavier says.

"Oh, yeah." Will says. "It'll be so cool. But we'll get big fancy apartments though, right? Like, the one with floor to ceiling windows and the city?"

"Sure, babe, whatever you want." Aarush says.

I look at Milo. "I didn't get to ask you what you're doing after college?"

"I think ill keep racing." He says. "Obviously, as part time. And my father would probably make me work at one of his companies."

"What's the use of going to college then?"

"Remember that Literature shit? I want to do it." He says. "I want to study it, but not pursue it. I'm choosing business and psychology too."

"Hey, I'm doing Psychology too!"

He kisses my forehead, smiling.

"But are you coming back to England after?"

"Hell no- unless you want to?"

"I mean, I didn't plan on coming back. And what Xavier said...I think we should do that."


"Yeah." I say. "We can move in together, it'll be super cool."

"Of course." He says. "I'm not letting you out of my sight."

We all sleepover at my dorm, on the floor.

The next morning, im standing outside the school with all my things in the trunk of my dad's truck with everyone else.

"Well, this is it." I say, my voice breaking.

"Hey, now, we'll see eachother next year. Now, remember, okay? We are taking our plane to New York the same day. You guys just text in the group chat which dates." Xavier says.

We all hug eachother, crying.

"You'll call, text and facetime me, right?" I ask.

Milo nods. "Of course." He says, wrapping his arms around me, kissing my head.

"I can't believe we'll see eachother next year."

"I know." He mumbles. "But next year though, okay?"

"Next year." I say.

Milo was flying to Italy for Christmas and New Year, so I'd see him in February when we're off to college.

Three whole months.

"Shit, my dad's waiting for me." Milo mumbles.

I nod, pulling away. "Okay."

He cups my cheek and gives me a long kiss. "I love you, Rora, okay? Remember that."

"I love you, too." I say as he wipes my tears.

"I'll see you soon."


"Stop crying,.you'll make me cry." He says, blinking away his tears.

I laugh. "I haven't seen you cry in forever, I think it's time."

When one tear really falls from his eyes, I break down into more tears.

"Fuck." He says. "Okay, look at me."

I do look at him.

"I promise you things will be okay, because I love you. We'll make this work, okay?"

"We'll make this work." I nod.

"That's my girl." He says. "I love you."

"I love you more, jackass."

"Now, that's impossible."

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