Von the_seven_signs

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I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... Mehr

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Can i trust you? 💟
Just hold onto me tight
The trouble continues 🖤
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
this shouldn't have been this way!
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Fractured desires: the dual struggle
Obscured Intentions
Serenade of smiles or melancholy
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Party bash or new dangers unveiled?
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes

Entangled emotions

105 6 4
Von the_seven_signs


Taehyung's POV-

In the dimly lit pub, I couldn't tear my eyes away from Y/N. She was there, at quite a distance, surrounded by her group of friends: Jisyoung, Soojin, Namjoon, Yeonjun, Hyunjin, Jungwon, and Felix. Tonight was a rare chance for them all to unwind and forget the stresses of their daily lives.

I watched as Y/N downed one vodka shot after another. Hyunjin seized her hand, guiding her to the dance floor, where she was free to let herself go to the music. Yeonjun and Jungwon quickly joined her, their laughter adding to the club's atmosphere. Felix and Jisyoung also jumped in, their affectionate dance moves prompting mixed reactions from those around them.

As a waiter passed by with a tray of liquor bottles, Y/N impulsively grabbed one, uncorked it, and chugged down half of its contents. The surrounding patrons gasped in surprise, and her giggles transformed into a tipsy stumble. She ended up climbing onto a table, capturing the entire club's attention.

With a cheeky grin, she addressed the crowd, "Hahaha, aren't you all here to have a good time? Well, that's what we're all here for, to savor life's finest moments. But me? I'm here to chase away lingering grief and sorrow, to shed the weight of my past, my marriage to my best friend—or, oops, I mean my husband. He was everything to me, my sanctuary, my solace, just not my love. He betrayed me, left me shattered..."

Her voice trailed off as Namjoon gently pulled her down from the table. She whimpered in his arms, as namjoon entrusted Soojin with the task of calling Jimin to ensure her safe journey home. Eventually, Y/N fell asleep in Namjoon's embrace, her whimpers resembling those of a drowsy child.

As I watched this scene unfold from a distance, I was left utterly bewildered by Y/N's actions. I struggled to make sense of it all, frozen in my place, an unobtrusive observer to the enigma that was Y/N.

Moments later, a striking man dashed into the pub with a sense of urgency, scanning the room before homing in on Y/N and her friends huddled in a corner. I strained to hear their conversation from my vantage point, but it was just beyond my reach. He cast a disapproving glance at Y/N before gently sweeping her sleeping form into his arms, his expression marked with concern.

He bid farewell to the rest of the group, and I began to recall that this was the same man whose niece Y/N used to babysit. I'd seen him once at our dining table, and I'd been irked by their close association. It was Jimin, I remembered as I turned to look back, but he had already disappeared from the pub. Scanning the room, I realized that Y/N was nowhere to be found.

Hurriedly, I exited the club, determined not to lose sight of them. From a distance, I witnessed Jimin carefully seating Y/N in the front of his Porsche before joining her and driving away. As Jimin drove away, I swiftly took to my car, determined to follow them, out of suspicion and to ensure Y/N's safety. I trailed them to her apartment, where Jimin gently carried her inside, guiding her into the elevator. I stood there, like an onlooker, silently watching over her well-being.

Back at the Kim Stone Mansion-

I locked myself inside my room, the whispers and thoughts racing through my mind, like a relentless storm. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my frustration evident as I clutched my head in my hands.

"Why do you think Y/N did that? Does she still hold onto memories of us, our shared moments? Do they weigh on her heart as heavily as they do on mine? What could be the reason, and what might she have said next if Namjoon hadn't intervened?" I mumbled, searching for answers within my own reflection.

A deep voice, my inner self, V, answered back, "I doubt Y/N is dwelling on our past, Taehyung. She seems content in her life, surrounded by new people who provide her with the attention and affection she needs. Why would she even entertain thoughts of you and me? We should focus on ensuring that she remains connected to us, regardless of any competing lovers. We'll be the ones who are with her until the end, a love that binds us to her, an unbreakable connection."

The next day -

Y/n pov-

The following morning, I awoke to a pounding headache, struggling to adjust to the harsh sunlight pouring in through the window. Grumbling, I grabbed my aching head and slowly sat up in bed. I couldn't help but smile, knowing that Jimin must have been the one to drop me off last night.

As I rose to my feet, slipping on my slippers, I made my way to the kitchen. There, I found a thoughtful tray set with hangover pills and a drink, which I couldn't help but chuckle at, recognizing it as Jimin's doing. I decided to whip up a hearty breakfast, preparing egg toast, bacon, and a side of banana milkshake. I savored the meal in peace.

After finishing my meal, I took the hangover pills and returned to my room. My phone was lit up with messages from Jimin and Hoseok. Jimin's concerned messages asked about my well-being, and I couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness. I replied that I was feeling much better.

Next, I checked Hoseok's texts, which were filled with worry. He'd been outside my place, ringing my doorbell countless times. I reassured him that I was okay, explaining that I had simply overindulged with friends the night before and needed some rest.

I decided to take a relaxing shower, and after about half an hour, I emerged from the bathroom, dressed in comfy pajamas. I applied some skincare products and carried my phone to the living room, feeling considerably better.

However, just as I was about to relax on the couch, the doorbell rang again. I peered through the peephole and was surprised to see Hoseok. Opening the door, he handed me a hot pot with a concerned expression. I accepted it and looked at the contents: a delicious stew filled with chicken, wild ginseng, crab, boiled veggies, and clams. It smelled like the perfect remedy after my eventful night.

As i turned around Hoseok stood near my bookshelf, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, quietly respecting my space. I couldn't help but appreciate his gesture of bringing me the delicious meal. I approached him, gently tapping his shoulder. As he turned to face me, I surprised him with a tight hug. Initially taken aback, Hoseok soon reciprocated the embrace, and I couldn't help but feel grateful.

Breaking the hug, I met his eyes, expressing my gratefulness "thank you so much for being there with me at such moments I owe u alot". In response, Hoseok simply offered a warm smile and said, "That's what good friends do y/n don't bother I'll ask for return of all this when the right time arrives!" I chuckled, brushing off the gratitude playfully, and returned to the kitchen to relish the meal he'd brought. Hoseok remained by the dining table, his eyes filled with admiration, quietly watching as I savored the comforting stew.

With Hoseok's departure and my apartment now empty, I found myself wandering aimlessly, alone within the familiar confines of my home. I had an entire day ahead with no plans, and the prospect of solitude didn't particularly enthrall me. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and venture out to meet some new friends at the local vet.

I chose a suitable outfit, prepared to leave my house, entirely unaware of the shadowy figure concealed in the periphery, biding their time until I departed. Unbeknownst to me, someone was lurking in the shadows, waiting for their opportunity to strike.

V's POV-

As I watched Y/N exit her apartment, I seized the opportunity I'd been waiting for. It was time to install the cameras that would enable me to keep an unrelenting eye on her every move. Miraculously, I managed to guess her password - the day she had enrolled in university, a memory from four years ago. On the third attempt, the door unlocked, revealing her luxurious penthouse residence.

I couldn't help but smirk, thinking about how well I knew her. Stepping inside, I marveled at the grandeur of her living space. I promptly called two individuals, skilled at discreetly installing cameras in strategic locations: the kitchen, living room, her bedroom, and the corridor. These cameras were so minuscule that they evaded detection even to the most scrutinizing eyes, yet their technology was advanced enough to grant me an unparalleled view into her world.

Once the task was complete, I compensated the individuals for their services and took a final look around her apartment. A sense of impending menace shrouded my features as I left the place, one step closer to achieving my ultimate goal: possessing Y/N.

Y/n pov-

Arriving home in the evening, exhausted from a day of play with her furry friends, Y/N was surrounded by her affectionate cats and dogs, treating her like their favorite playmate. She sighed as she set her purse aside, slipping her phone onto the couch.

She strolled to her room, and after a moment of contemplation, collapsed onto her bed. She closed her eyes, seeking a moment of relaxation. However, as quickly as she'd shut them, she snapped them open, her eyes widening in shock. This couldn't be happening. There was a scent, a smell, something she hadn't encountered in six long months—the familiar, sweet aroma of Taehyung's vanilla cologne.

The realization sent a shiver down her spine. She hastily scanned her room, darting her eyes everywhere. Her gaze was wide, her thoughts racing. The lingering scent of Taehyung in her bedroom was impossible, yet there it was.

Fear gripped her, and she rushed to the living room, checking every corner of her apartment. There was no one there, but the eerie scent remained. She sighed heavily, walking back to her couch. Her trembling fingers grabbed her phone, and with a shaky voice, she called Jimin, asking him to come over as soon as he could.

Jimin sensed the urgency in her tone and left his work immediately to be by her side. Y/N settled into the couch, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths to calm her frayed nerves. Unbeknownst to her, every move, every moment was now under the watchful eye of her ex husband her silent observer, his presence undetected from afar, possibly in an office, a home, or any place where he wanted to held the access to her.

Jimin's POV-

As I arrived at Y/N's apartment within a mere 15 minutes, I rang her doorbell, and the moment she opened the door, I enveloped her in a tight, comforting embrace. She clung to me like a baby koala to its mother, tears streaming down her face.

We settled onto the couch together, and Y/N continued to hold onto me, her breaths shaky and her hiccups interrupting her words. Gently, I asked, "What happened, Y/N?" Her eyes met mine as she tried to speak through her tears. She explained that she'd sensed Taehyung's scent in her bedroom, and it had terrified her, making her think he was back to claim her.

My gaze brimmed with affection as I reached to cup her cheeks, making her meet my eyes. I inhaled deeply, preparing to share my thoughts with her. I assured her that he had no access to her whereabouts, that her new life was her own, and Taehyung couldn't find her.

She nodded in understanding, still trembling from the fear that had gripped her. Hesitant to return to her bedroom, she feared what she might find. I decided to take the lead, gently lifting her into my arms in a bridal carry. She kept her eyes closed, her head nestled against my chest, and I entered the bedroom, scanning the room carefully.

I let her look around, making sure she could find no trace of the ominous scent she'd mentioned. In its place, I pointed out the delicate fragrance of her strawberry-scented products, assuring her that this was her safe space. She let out a sigh of relief, and I handed her a bottle of water, guiding her to take a sip. We sat side by side on the room's couch, my presence comforting her as we faced her fear together.

V's POV-

In the solace of his room, V sat with a laptop perched on his lap, gazing at the screen where he was forced to witness the affectionate displays of intimacy before his very eyes. The sight of Y/N, ensconced in the arms of another man, ignited a fire within him that seared with an intensity he had never experienced.

He clenched the sheets beneath his grip so fiercely that his knuckles paled to a ghostly white. A roar of frustration and agony escaped his lips, echoing through the room. He slammed the laptop shut, his heart aching as he paced around the room in torment, repeatedly clutching at his own hair. He was trapped, a helpless observer, condemned to watch the woman he loved in the embrace of another man.

Yet, buried deep beneath his turmoil, he retained a semblance of control, recognizing that this torment was temporary. V held onto the belief that in the end, Y/N would inevitably be his once more.

Author's pov-

Behind the scenes-

Author looking at jimin with such heart eyes: I can't believe that we might have a new ship in this story – Jimin and Y/N. What a duo!

Felix: I completely agree, Author-nim! I ship them too; they look adorable together.

Soojin, while fixing her makeup, gives Felix a disapproving look: How could you say that? Have you seen her chemistry with Hoseok? That's what we call true love.

Hyunjin, showing support for Soojin: Absolutely, Soojin. Couples like Hoseok and Y/N are what we call "couple goals." He's the perfect husband material.

Taehyung, feeling betrayed, can't believe what his friends are saying and is rendered speechless. As Jimin and Hoseok stroll by his side, they pat his shoulder, singing, "Give it up, give it up, it's me, I win, you lose," while sharing a laugh together.

Stay tuned 💕
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