Forever Luna

By XDeafening_SilenceX

565K 16.6K 1.8K

Being new parents is hard enough, but parents to Lycan twins while recovering from several plots against thei... More

Season List for Lost Luna
Chapter 86 [Read it on June 19]
Chapter 87 [Read it on June 21]
Chapter 88 [Read it on June 26]


6.9K 373 28
By XDeafening_SilenceX

noun ~ the quality of being sympathetic, lenient, or compassionate


Running with Nova felt ethereal. Our wolves bonded, unwanted energies dissolving with the breeze. I haven't felt so close to her in so long, our struggles and lack of sleep leaving us feeling distant. But now, it was as though it had never happened.

Her wolf was perfect. Celimene didn't stray once. Despite being practically locked away for a year, she never once lost her mind. She was wise, strong, and so damn bossy. She had greeted me politely before barking at me to let her mate through.

It amused me, but I allowed them together, giving Ares my complete trust and control. And when I finally came back to myself, it startled me to find Nova stark naked before me. She had given chase before shifting, and Ares, sated for now, allowed me forward. I was confused, but quickly shifted back, ready to embrace my mate the moment I set my eyes on her. And it only went from there.

The night was full of surprises.

Not that I was complaining.

After our coupling in the lake, we shifted back and ran back to our clothes. I could feel Nova's excitement as we neared, her eagerness to see the babies taking over her mind. Our bond thrummed as I helped her dress, and she frowned when her trousers clung too tightly to her still damp skin.

"Everything aches," she pouted.

I chuckled, pulling on my t-shirt. "It has been a while since you've shifted. I can imagine it may need wearing back in."

"I haven't done so much exercise in so long," she huffed.

With quick ease, I scooped her into my arms and pulled her to my chest. She squeaked slightly, surprised, but wrapped her arm around my shoulder like she always did. It was the first time I have held her like this since the twin's birth, and I could feel the difference in weight without them. Those twins must've weighed a tonne, and I can only imagine how sore and achy that must've felt.

"You always carry me like this," she murmured.

I chuckled, kissing her temple. "Because it's easier and I can still look at your gorgeous face."

She frowned at me, playfully tapping the side of my cheek. "You're such a flirt."

Grinning, I shrugged and pulled her closer. "I will carry you like this forever if I have to."

"Then I really will be weak and tired." She snorted. "You will literally be my muscle."

"I can live with that," I mused.

She scoffed playfully, but I was just happy that the angry, brooding emotions had vanished. Nova could be scary pregnant, but I blamed the double hormones more than anything else.

"I hope my dad doesn't comment about this," she muttered as we walked down the garden path.

"About which part?" I wondered.

"The smell." She winced.

"Nova, you are an adult. You are twenty-two years old and fully mated. You have two kids. I think they know we mate regularly." I smirked.

Nova blushed, shaking her head at me. Reaching the door, I set her on her feet. She wobbled slightly, cursing as her hand came to rub at her shoulder. I placed my palm on her back, unlocking the house and pushing open the door.

The heavy wood swayed softly, and with it came the scent of home. I inhaled deeply, noting the recent smell of coffee and bread. Pushing Nova forward, I stepped in behind her and scanned the gardens before shutting the door.

Nova was quick to walk toward her mother, who sat on the sofa watching television. She embraced her, and they talked about everything that the twins got up to. From the times they woke and the amount of milk they drank, to how many nappy changes and what clothes they got changed into when they spit up.

The twins were asleep in their bassinets at the end of the sofa, and I watched with a soft smile as Nova flittered around their sleeping forms. I took off my boots and moved to the kitchen, so ready to down a hot drink. Reggie was sitting at the dining table, and when he saw me approach, he rose from his chair.

"Phoenix, nice to see you, pal."

If it was anyone else, I would've scowled at the nickname, but from Nova's parents, it made my heart feel warm. I never had such a caring father, and despite his lower status, Reggie was devoted to the both of us. It made me miss what I never had, and long for the love my mother gave me. So the terms of endearment could stay, as well as the first name basis. We were family now, after all.

"Reggie," I nodded my head, clapping him on the back in an embrace. "How were things?"

"Fine," he shrugged, moving back to his coffee. "They woke and stayed awake for about two hours, had two bottles and then fell back asleep."

"Good," I nodded, pleased with his simple answer.

"How was the run?" He grinned, watching as I placed a new pod in the coffee machine.

I wasn't used to talking so openly with other people, unless factual, and after a moment's hesitation, I answered him.

"Fantastic." I replied, watching my coffee pour. "She wants to do it every week."

"That well, hey?" His eyes widened with delight, casting a look at his daughter. "I am pleased it went well. You were gone a few hours, so we hoped nothing went wrong."

"I spoke to Lou once, and she said they were asleep." I shrugged, taking my mug. "I am glad the twins were so good for you."

"Newborns are the easiest. The lack of sleep is the only thing you have to worry about." He chuckled. "Leo had such terrible colic at around three months old. I feared we would never have a silent evening again."

I frowned. "I hope we miss that one."

"I do too, for your sake." He snorted. "I am pleased my daughter had a good time with you. You take good care of her."

"Always," I shook my head in agreement. "She was terrified of losing control."

"She's always been... Nervous." Reggie frowned, his brown eyes foggy slightly. "As a child, she would be so jumpy and quiet, and didn't play with others much. She wanted to, so badly, but as she grew older, she started isolating herself. Her pack mates were not kind to her, but you have proven yourself to her and I thank you for bringing her out of her shell."

My heart warmed. "I don't deserve all the credit. I was... unkind to her in the beginning."

He shook his head, smacking his lips together as he finished his coffee. "I wouldn't say that. You protected her from afar, and you did what you thought was the best for her. Admittedly, hearing that you ignored the bond pissed me off, but you were protecting her from the greater evil."

I sighed. "I just wish things weren't so complicated."

He laughed, patting my back. "Nothing is easy, and if something new comes to you that works right away, it's not the right thing for you."

I frowned at his words. As pessimistic as they were, they seemed to resonate within me.

"Now you have kids, you have a lot of adventure to create." He grinned. "The twins are going to run circles around you and pit you against each other, but once you are past that, it will be a breeze."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "You make parenthood sound wonderful, Reggie."

He laughed, keeping his hand on my shoulder. "It is wonderful! It's just also very hard as a parent. It'll test your bond, make the relationship sit under a spotlight. So if you need a few hours a week to go for a run or just have a day off, you know where to find us. I know it's hard for you to take my offering, alpha, but that's what we're here for!

I smiled softly, reaching up to place my hand on his shoulder, too. I agreed completely, unhappy with how tight things are stretched. We lived our lives, our relationship, in hourly slots every day, and as we constantly run on empty, we snap and huff at each other much more than before.

"Thank you, Reggie." I murmured.

He nodded silently, patting my back once more before stepping away and looking beyond my shoulder. I turned, finding both our mates approaching. Nova had curiosity written all over her tired face, her eyebrow raised with interest. Lou leaned against the countertop, observing her mate with a scowl.

"What are you boys talking about?" She wondered.

"Man stuff." Reggie puffed up his chest.

"Man stuff?" Lou chirped. "I only see one man here."

Reggie scowled and growled playfully at her. "You tease me, woman."

Lou giggled, but Nova rolled her eyes. "You guys are weird."

"I bet you are no different, dear." Lou tutted.

I grinned. "She isn't."

Nova's glare turned to me as her parents giggled. Her annoyance was innocent and cute, and I couldn't help but gesture her closer. She complied, her arms crossed over her chest as she rounded the counter. I pulled her into my side and she grunted as her head hit my chest. Squeezing her softly, I planted a kiss on her head.

"You okay?" I whispered.

She nodded softly, relaxing into my hold. "Yeah, just tired."

"I know," I mused. "Aren't we always?"

"You smell like my dad." She mumbled.

I laughed softly. "He hugged me."

"I bet he did." She muttered, glancing toward her parents.

I wasn't sure what the look meant, but her parents only giggled again.

"Right, it is getting late, and you guys look super tired. So... we are going to go now." Reggie grinned.

Nova stepped out of my embrace. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, honey." Lou smiled, before squealing when her mate tickled her sides. "I am going to teach your father here a lesson or two when we get home."

I didn't miss the way Reggie's eyes lit up at the hidden meaning behind her words. Nova made a sound of disgust before rounding the kitchen and walking to the door.

"Yeah, please do that elsewhere." She gestured to their coats.

Her parents laughed, grabbing their shoes. Nova's features softened when they embraced her and I walked closer to bid them goodbye. I caught her mother whispering about beautiful babies before she leaned away and turned to me. My jaw tightened as Lou reached for me, willing to take me in her embrace. The goodbye hugs were always different from the hello ones, and I found myself sinking into her hold every time.

There was just something about a mother's hug that made my heart hurt.

"Look after yourself," she whispered in my ear, rubbing my back.

"Thank you," I told her as she leaned away. "And for looking after the twins."

"Of course, it's what grandparents are for." She grinned, moving toward the door.

I leaned around my mate, taking the wooden frame from Reggie's grip. He nodded a goodbye at me, wrapping his arm around his mate's waist.

"See you guys," Nova cheered.

"Bye, Ember, Phoenix." Reggie waved as they walked down the pathway.

We watched them go for a moment longer, and once they were far enough, I gently shut and locked the door. Nova seemed to deflate, her shoulders sagging with exhaustion.

"Bath and bed?" I wondered, glancing at the kitchen clock.

She, too, looked at the wall and sighed, defeated. "I'm tired of being tired."

"It will pass, my love. It's only temporary." I soothed her, taking her hand. "Come, let's wash up and go to bed before they wake."

"Mum said they have been asleep for an hour." She frowned.

"It's only six. It will do us good to have a nap. We can worry about bed-time later." I reassured her.

She sighed, agreeing, and together we walked downstairs to our en-suite. I could hear the twins still fast asleep, and knew we had plenty of time to wash up without worrying. I would keep myself attune to them, my hearing still just as good even with the water pouring over my head.

Once again, I helped my mate undress before following her into the shower. The water was warm, and Nova moaned softly as it beat down her back. My hands tentatively found her skin trailing along the curve of her spine. She shivered, leaning into my touch as I dug my hands in deep to soothe her aching muscles.

I dug into every piece of her I could, running my hands along her arms, legs, back, shoulders... I took in every piece of her, noting every change in her body. Coming to her front, I stared down at her with curiosity. We were silent as my hands ran along her body, but she glued her eyes shut. Her breaths came out a little harder than normal, and I cupped her jaw to force her to look at me.

Her breath shook as she exhaled. Blinking up at me through wet lashes, she looked so vulnerable. I felt the hatred, her misunderstanding of her body's change. It made my stomach hurt, the ache so deep in her heart that she truly believed it.

"You have nothing to hide, my love. You are beautiful." I murmured.

She blinked slowly, defeated, but I held her jaw firm. Her lip disappeared into her mouth, her teeth gnawing on the soft skin. I scowled and pulled it free with my thumb, causing her to smile sheepishly.

"It's not even been a month. Give yourself a chance. Kate said your hormones take a while to settle, and you are still healing."

"I feel fine," she mumbled. "I don't hurt every time I step."

"Not that kind of healing." I shook my head, my wet hair sticking to my neck. "You may be healed internally, but your body will not tighten up right away. Think of how much you carried, how well you grew them. It took six months for that to happen."

She frowned, staring down at my nose. "True..."

"You are beautiful, Nova, and so strong. This is new for both of us, okay? We have to go into this together or we will lose our minds." I chuckled softly when she smiled.

"It's nothing we can't handle," she murmured.

"Exactly." I beamed. "Together, we can handle anything, right?"

"Yes," she breathed.

I bent down to kiss her, cupping both of her cheeks. Our bodies moulded beneath the showerheads, her taste addicting. The moment I felt my arousal grow, I pulled away and exhaled heavily. Nova's eyes flickered downward, and I had a hard time fighting a groan as she stared at my hardening member. She seemed to think about something before a blush coated her cheeks. Whatever she thought had made her bashful.

"We should clean up," I whispered. "Before we lose what could be a good nap."

She laughed, agreeing. "Good idea."

Stepping away from her, I was about to grab the soap and loofah, but she beat me to it. I raised my eyebrow at her, holding my hand out for her to give me it.

"Together, remember? My turn." She grinned.

I pursed my lips at her words, and she giggled before moving closer to run the soap across my body. She was still so small, having to reach her arms up to scrub my neck and shoulders. Her hands and nails ran across my skin. I felt the goosebumps rise, humming softly as my mate touched every piece of my skin.

I took over when height was needed and washed my hair before turning to her. She grinned innocently at me, and I realised she had already washed herself as I scrubbed my hair. Glaring at her, she laughed lightly, and I stared at her with awe. For a moment, it was just us, as things once were, and a softness settled in my heart. She was mine, and I was hers, and that was how it would always be.

Question of the Day:
Do you have a dream city, town or country? If you could live anywhere where would that be?

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