Home, d.s[3]

By bev_ellen

47K 2.2K 338

The group travels to Neverland to save Henry, who has been taken there, under Pan's orders. Athena's whereabo... More



905 49 3
By bev_ellen



Somewhere in the woods, the twins, Nadia, Athena and Captain Hook walked together, passing a holly berry bush, which the pirate shook with the use of his hook, "You'll look for any excuse to use that thing, won't you?" Emma questioned.

"At least we know we're in the right place," Captain Hook said.

They had all stopped walking and turned toward each other, "What now?" Nadia asked.

"Now, we start searching," Elias said and the five of them continued on their journey.

"You know something, Swans? Whenever either of you are around, I inevitably find myself trekking through some manner of woods or forest, courting danger," Captain Hook glanced at the twin's aunt, "Must run in the family," He said.

"Here I thought you weren't afraid of anything, always looking for the next adventure," Elias said.

"Oh, is that, what this is?" Captain Hook questioned.

"Isn't it?" Athena stopped and turned to Nadia and the pirate, making the twins stop as well, "What the hell were you two doing the last year on that ship?" she gestured to Captain Hook, "You obviously weren't taking care of your son, so I'm guessing it was one swashbuckling tale after another. So, what did you do, until you both decided to go back and save the twins," She said.

"That was the plan, to save the twins," Nadia said.

"Exactly," Captain Hook said in agreement.

"You're lying," The twins said in unison.

"What/Excuse me?" Nadia and Captain Hook questioned.

"What happened back there? What aren't either of you telling us?" Elias asked.

"Nothing," Nadia told them.

"Exactly. It's our tale, we're sticking to it," Captain Hook added.

"Still don't believe you," Emma said, looking at Nadia.

"That's for sure," Athena agreed.

"Well, let's leave it at that and you can just say thank you," Nadia said.

"For our memories? We already did," Emma said.

Captain Hook looked at the eldest twin, "No, from saving you from a loveless marriage."

"Marriage?" Athena questioned, turning to her nephew.

"You think that's what you were doing?" Elias asked.

"She was a flying monkey," Captain Hook said.

"I didn't know that," Elias said.

"Were you really considering it? Marriage?" Athena asked.

Elias shrugged, "Does it matter?"

"Humor us," Captain Hook said.

"Elias, you don't have to answer them," Emma told her brother.

Elias just clenched his jaw, before letting out a sigh, "Yes. Okay? I was in love, so of course, I was considering it. As usual, she wasn't who she said she was and I got my heart broken," he folded his arms over his chest, looking directly at the pirate, "Enough humor for you?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad to hear that," Captain Hook said.

"You're glad to hear I had my heart broken?" Elias questioned.

"If it can be broken, it means it still works," Athena told him.

After a moment, Elias just turned around and walked on, with the rest of the group following behind him. Climbing up a hill, they stopped in front of a white farmhouse, "A farmhouse?" Nadia questioned.

"You have to appreciate the irony," Elias said and they walked on.


Elsewhere in the woods, David examined a holly berry bush, completely unaware of the hooded figure that was following him. A wave of uneasiness spread through David, making him look around the surrounding trees several times. Briefly, the hooded figure watched him, before giving up their cover from behind a tree.

David pulled out his cellphone, dialing his son's number and putting it to his ear, still keeping an eye on the figure, but it went straight to voicemail, "You've reached Elias Swan of Big Apple Bail Bonds. Leave a message and I'll call you back."

"Elias, it's David, I'm at the trail head. And, I think I've found her, the Wicked Witch. I'm going after her," He said, before ending the call and carefully began to sneak closer to the hooded figure.

Flashback - One Year Ago

Athena walked from the Dark Palace to the stables, where she entered and looked around, "David?" She called out, confused that she hadn't seen him all day, "David!" continuing to look around, "Where are you, Dave?"

"You call him Dave?" startled, Athena turned with a gasp, only to see Robin stood there, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

Athena placed a hand on her chest as she took in a deep breath, "It's okay," she shook her head, lightly, trying to compose herself, "Have you seen David anywhere?" She asked him.

"I have actually," Robin answered.

"Great. Where is he?" Athena asked.

"I have a feeling he wouldn't want me to tell you," Robin told her.

Athena looked at him confused, "Why?" he remained silent and she just walked closer to him, "Robin, what aren't you telling me? Where is he?"

"A journey," Robin just said, calmly.

"Is he in trouble? Does he need help?" the thief just remained silent, causing her worry for her brother to grow, "Robin, tell me," he just shook his head and she suddenly, pushed on his chest, but he remained in his place, "Tell me, dammit!" Athena said as her eyes glassed over, and she hit him again.

"Darling..." as she went to hit him again, Robin grabbed her wrists, stopping her, "Look at me," she kept her eyes down, refusing to do so, "Athena, look at me," finally giving in, she looked up at him, "I may have just met your brother, but I know one thing. He's a fighter."

"But-," Athena began to say.

"Do you trust me?" Robin interrupted.

"We just met," Athena only said.

"That's not what I asked. Do you trust me?" Robin asked again.

Athena just looked at him, before answering, "Yes."

"Then trust me when I say this. Your brother will be fine," Robin told her.

End of Flashback

Wielding his sword, David walked through the woods, leaving cut marks on trees to mark his way. Puzzled at not being able to find the figure, he turned around, only to now be facing his opponent. Lunging at the hooded figure, David is easily knocked back, taking him by surprise.


Meanwhile with the group, they all stood on the porch of the farmhouse, peering in through the windows. As Elias looked through the window, he noticed a teakettle on the stovetop, "There's definitely someone living here," he whispered, "Looks empty right now, though."

"Why are we whispering?" Captain Hook whispered, also.

"Because good hideouts always look empty," Emma said, quietly.

"We've spent a lot of time tracking down people who don't want to be found," Elias stood up straight, turning to the others, "We know about hiding out," the five of them snuck around the house, where a bicycle was stood and a cellar door near the garden, "A storm cellar," Elias said.

Approaching the cellar, Elias attempted to open the door, only to fail due to it being locked, so he brought out his gun, but Nadia stopped him, "Whoa, wait. It's one thing walking around a deserted farmhouse, it's quite another descending into a one-way cellar with no way out," She said.

"Scared?" Emma questioned.

"There's a difference between fear and strategy. We know she's got flying monstrosities. Who knows what's down there?" Nadia said.

"If this witch is as powerful as we think, we could use some magical backup," Athena said.

"We have Nadia," Emma said.

"Again, it's about strategy. I really don't feel like walking into a potential trap," Nadia said.

"Well, unless you've been practicing in New York City, we need a new plan," Athena said.

"Okay, I'll call Regina. Have her drop the boys off at Granny's," Elias said as he pulled out his cellphone, "I'd like to see those flying monstrosities trying to get past her crossbow."


The hooded figure approached David, who lied on the ground, facing away from him. Sensing someone standing over him, David grabbed his sword and swiftly, stood to his feet as he turned and stabbed the figure. Unimpressed, the hooded figure lifted David up, strangling him in the process. As he gasped for air, David pulled back the figure's hood, only to see himself underneath it.

Flashback - One Year Ago

After the witch climbed into the tower and was approaching the Princess, Prince Charming attempted to get up so he could assist Rapunzel, but the hooded figure used magic to shackle him, with a rope made of hair.

The hooded figure turned back to a terrified Rapunzel and began to approach her, "Hey! Get away from her!" Prince Charming yelled.

The figure turned to him and removed their hood, revealing themself to be Rapunzel, "I am her."

End of Flashback

With a strained voice, David looked at the face of himself in front of him, "What are you?"

Night root David smirked at the Prince's face "I'm you," chuckling, he pushed the Prince back to the ground, allowing David to be able pick up his sword.

Flashback - One Year Ago

Still trapped, Prince Charming was only able to watch as Rapunzel was being approached by her Night Root version, "Rapunzel, it's not a witch, it's you," he told her, "You said she appeared after you had the night root. You thought, it didn't work, but it did. The root allows you to overcome your fears by facing them."

"I can't, please help me," Rapunzel said, frightfully.

"She's your fear, only you can defeat her," Prince Charming said.

End of Flashback

David and his Night Root version stood before each other, "You can't defeat me. I smell your fear, it's like a stench. The stench of a scared shepherd boy who strayed too far from his farm."

"I'm not scared of anything," David said and lunged, attacking the Night Root version of him.

Smoothly, Night Root David parred his swings and let out a laugh, "If that were true, I wouldn't be here."

David attacked his opponent once again, except this time, his sword tilted and the Night Root version of himself forced the Prince down to his knees.

Flashback - One Year Ago

Prince Charming continued to struggle against his bounds, "You have to face her, Rapunzel! You must!"

Paralyzed in fear, No, I can't," She said.

Freeing himself, Prince Charming launched himself at the Night Root version of the Princess, throwing her out of the window. Grabbing onto the ledge of the tower, Prince Charming remained behind, while Night Root Rapunzel began to easily climb back up.

"Listen to me!" Prince Charming yelled, "Your fear was you could never be leader like your parents, like your brother. Own it and you can do this!"

"No, I can't," Rapunzel said.

"Yes, you can. Cut it away, let it go. If you do, you can finally have what you want. You can leave this tower," Prince Charming said.

"I don't want to leave," Rapunzel said.

"I understand, believe me, I do. To be frightened of an uncertain future. It may feel safe here, but if you don't face that future, Rapunzel, you will die. Alone. Is that what you want?" Prince Charming told her.

Rapunzel shook her head, "No."

"You know what you have to do. Do it!" Prince Charming said.

Rapunzel rushed to the tower window, grabbing his sword along the way and looked out the window, seeing her Night Root version approaching quickly. Just before it reached the window, Rapunzel swung the sword, cutting the rope of hair, causing her Night Root version to fall the whole distance of the tower, disappearing before ever hitting the ground.

"I did it," Rapunzel said and turned to Prince Charming, who was now inside the tower.

End of Flashback

With one powerful swing, Night Root David cut real David's sword in half, "Don't you see? Your fear makes you weak."

"No, I'm not afraid," David said.

"Saying that doesn't make it so," Night Root Version said.

"I'll die to protect my family," David said.

"That doesn't make you fearless, even as the point is proven," Night Root David said, before beginning to strangle him, "Give in, it's easier."

David caught a glimpse of his son's car approaching in the distance, "I am afraid. I'm afraid I won't be a good father. But I won't let that stop me, not now," He said.

Using his broken sword's hilt, David stabbed his Night Root version, causing it to crumble to dust. Panting, David went to pick up the hilt of his sword, but before he could lift it off ground, the hilt vanished in a cloud of green smoke.

The twins, Athena, Nadia, Regina and Captain Hook rush over to him, "David!" Athena helped her brother stand, "Are you okay?" She asked and he simply nodded, catching his breath.

"Well, where is she?" Regina asked.

"It wasn't her," David said.

"Then, who was it? You look whiter than a fresh sail," Captain Hook said.

"Myself," David answered.

"Come again?" Nadia and Emma questioned.

"It's the witch, she's toying with us," Regina said, annoyedly.

"Did you guys find where she might be hiding?" David asked.

"A farmhouse, we think it's hers," Elias told him.

"Then let's end this. Let's send this witch back to Oz," David said.

Flashback - One Year Ago

Athena was sat in her quarters, getting ready for a royal gathering, when the door opened, "Maverick?" she turned to see Robin stood in the doorway, "Oh, Robin. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine, Darling. I just wanted to let you know that your brother is returning," Robin said.

"He's okay?" he nodded, "You were right, thank you," Athena said.

"For what?" Robin asked.

"Soothing my tantrum, taking my punches," Athena said and they shared a laugh.

"I know what it's like to lose someone dear to you," Robin entered the room further, "And from the look in your eyes, you've had plenty of loss in your life."

"You could say that," Athena said with a slow nod.

"Well, I'll leave you to it, now," Robin said and turned to leave.

After a long pause, Athena called after him, "There's a ball tonight," he turned to her, "Would you...like to go?"

"I'm not fit for balls," Robin said.

"I didn't ask if you were," he smiled, remembering those words, "Would you like to go?" Athena asked, again.

Robin smiled, "I'd be honored," He said and Athena smiled softly.


That night at the ball, Prince Charming led Rapunzel through the crowd, returning her to the King and Queen, "Mother? Father?" She said, tearfully and the little family joined in a hug, letting their tears fall.

Prince Charming walked away from them, letting them have a moment alone and approached his wife, "Are you going to tell me, why you were out in the woods all night?" Snow White asked.

"I was there because I was afraid," Prince Charming told her.

"Afraid?" Snow White thought for a moment, "Because we lost the twins."

"Once as babies and then again, when we were forced to return to the Enchanted Forest without them," Prince Charming said.

"No, neither time was our fault," Snow White said.

"I know. But, because we lost them, I was never a father," Prince Charming said.

"You have been a great father," Snow White told him.

"To them now, I didn't raise them. And this child?" Prince Charming gestured to his wife's stomach, "This one? I don't know. I've never done this before and I don't know if I can."

"You don't have to," Snow White took hold of his hands, "We're going to do this the way we do everything, together."

"How did I forget that?" Prince Charming smiled, "Now, come on. We have a nursery to build," He said and they turned to see Athena walking down the stairs in a pink gown, "Who's the new Princess?"

"That's your sister, David," Snow White said with a smile, holding back her laughter, "A natural born Princess, I would say."

Prince Charming looked at her, before turning back and looking at his sister, who was now being joined Robin, "With Robin?" He questioned.

End of Flashback

Still stood in the woods together, David was telling them about what had happened, "Any particular reason she would send a demon who looks like you?" Nadia asked.

"No idea. It was just there wearing my face, harping on my deepest fears," David said.

"It knew your deepest fears?" Athena asked.

"Yeah, things I never told anyone, even Mary Margaret. It wasn't until I'd admitted them that I was able to defeat it by stabbing it with the hilt of my sword," David told them.

"Where is it? Your sword?" Captain Hook asked.

"Well, that's the strange part. After I killed it, the hilt...it disappeared," David said.

"What's that mean, then?" Emma asked.

"When we face our deepest fears, our true courage comes out," they looked at Regina, "When you used the hilt of your sword to vanquish your fears, your courage transferred into it," She explained.

"Why did it disappear?" David asked.

Nadia thought for a moment, before coming to a realization, "It didn't disappear, she took it."

"Hang on, the Wicked Witch stole his courage?" Elias asked.

"Well, a symbol of it, at least. And symbols can be powerful totems," Nadia said.


Meanwhile in the Charming's loft, Zelena was preparing to leave, when she looked into her purse and saw the hilt of David's sword appear inside, "I so loved getting to know you," she closed her purse, slipping it onto her shoulder as she turned to Mary Margaret, "And please, thank David again, for meeting with me. You know, I heard so many stories about your courageous prince, I just...I just feel so lucky to have met you both."

"Oh, we're the lucky ones. With this curse I had no time to prepare for the baby, and suddenly I feel like I can stop panicking," Mary Margaret said.

"Of course, you can. There's no reason to be scared, that's what I'm here for," Zelena said and Mary Margaret just smiled, giving the red-haired woman a smile.


Arriving back at the farmhouse, now with Regina and David, the group approached the storm cellar, only to find the lock broken, "That lock, it wasn't busted before," the twins both drew their guns as Captain Hook drew his sword, "Ready?" Emma said.

David carefully opened the cellar door, "So far, so good," Captain Hook said.

"Everyone, stay alert," Elias told them, "Come on," Carefully, Elias walked down the wooden staircase first, followed by the rest of the group.

"There's definitely dark magic here. Can you feel it?" Regina asked.

"What exactly does dark magic feel like?" Athena asked.

"Like a black hole sucking you in," Nadia told her.

"That's a little dark," Nadia just looked at her, "Oh..." Athena said.

"Whatever I feel, it's not good," Elias said as they all approached a large cage, stood in the center of the cellar, "What would the Wicked Witch keep in a cage? Monkeys?"

"No, no monkeys," David turned pulled a chain, turning on a light and a spinning wheel was saw inside the cage. Crouching down picking up straw from the ground, David looked up at them, "How many people do we know who can spin straw into gold?"

"Rumplestiltskin," The twins said and everyone just looked at each other with a look of confusion, mixed with shock.

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