Love, Aurora

By booksByA99

46.1K 1K 953

Aurora has always had one goal; to study and get as far away as possible from her house. Life was never easy... More



1.3K 27 71
By booksByA99


College was important to me. Its the reason why I am trying so hard right now and why I never allow myself to get below a B.

I want to major in medicine. I've always wanted to follow the steps of my mother who was a nurse. And I want to be one too.

So, in order for my resumé to be better, I've volunteered to take over the nurse who'd be gone for a week. Tell me how amazing that will look when I apply for colleges.

Its only an After school activity and most students come in as an excuse to get away from class so im relaxed. Either way, at the end of the year, it'll be written on my resumé that I took over the sick bay for a week, not that I was sitting down and watching Gilmore girls on my computer.

As I was on the scene where Rory and Jess finally kiss at the wedding, the door swings open and I groan, pausing the show and looking at a hurt Milo stumbling in the room.

"Nurse, I- Rora?"


"What are you doing here? Are you okay?" He frowns.

"Im fine. Im replacing the nurse for a week. What's wrong with you?"

"Well." He says, scratching the back of his neck. "I may or may not have punched someone and got punched back."

"Well, that's what you get." I smile. "So, just wait here and let me finish this episode. There's like 10 minutes left."

"Are you serious?"

"Deadly." I nod. "Its what you get for being a jackass to me."

He sighs. "Rora, please. It hurts."

I meet his eyes and look at the pain in his eyes. I sigh. "Sit down." He does as I say and I open the cabinet and take a out the first aid kit.

"Why did you guys fight?" I ask, grabbing his jaw and wiping all the blood away with a wet cloth.

"They were going to break my car because I was a bitch to them years ago."

"You really love your car, don't you?" I mumble, going down to his neck.


"What'd George say to you by the way?"

"You saw?" He frowns, hissing as I accidently press too hard.

"Of course I did." I say. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"My chest." He says.

"Take your shirt off."

"Oh?" He grins. I roll my eyes. "I'm not joking with you."

"Mhm." He hums, slowly taking his shirt off and hissing.

I look down at his chest and there's nothing surprising (he has a six pack and tattoos, I could faint) except for gashes and burns that seem old.

I clean them and then apply some medicine. I can feel him looking at me, but I couldn't look up so I keep my eyes downwards and focus on his injuries.

"I didn't mean to say what I said."

I swallow and tap his chest twice. "All done. Just change the bandages a few times and you should be fine-"


"What, Milo?" I sigh.

"I didn't mean it."

"That's no surprise." I mumble. "You never mean it yet you still say it."

He stays quiet.

"You can't even apologise properly." I say, shaking my head. "Just put your shirt and go."

He stands up and grabs my wrist pulling me closer to him. "Im sorry, sweetheart. I really am."

I look down. "Okay."

"I only said it because I was mad at myself. I didn't mean to take it out and you. And I lied, I do need you."


"I know." He says. "Im sorry."

"Its okay."

"Will you please come back? I promise I'll try this time."

I was hesitant. Xavier and Aarush had warned me. They told me to not give up on him. That he's like this. He messes up and asks for forgiveness.


He grins, pulling me close to him and wrapping his arms around me.

"Put your shirt on." I say, shoving him off. He rolls his eyes and grabs his shirt. "What's that?" I ask.

He looks down at his chest and his face falls. "Burns."

"Of what?"

"Cigarettes." He says quietly, putting his shirt on.

"How did you get those?" I frown.

"Don't worry about it." He says. "Im heading out. Ill see you later, okay?"

I nod slowly. "Okay."

"Bye, Rora."

"See you later, Milo."


"You forgave him? Again?" Bruna asks in disbelief.


"Im going to throw you out the window." Willow says.

"He seemed genuine, he even said sorry and that's a word he never says."

"True." Willow shrugs.

"Anyway, if he messes up again, im done with him. I swear."

"I get you though, he's hot." Bruna shrugs.

"He's got a race soon." Willow says. "Are you going?"

"Are you guys?"

"Im not sure. We always go, whole school does." Bruna says.

"I don't think I will." I say. "My dad will kill me if he finds out im supporting him."

"Who said you have to?" Bruna grins.

"Milo will eat me alive. I can't even think about it." I say. "But..."

"See? Support someone else."  Bruna shrugs.

"I'll see." I laugh.


"Hola." Xavier grins.

"Hey." I smile. "Whats up?"

"Nothing much." He shrugs. "How's Milo?"

I frown. "Dont you live with him?"

"We're kind of in a fight right now."

"What'd you do?" I ask.

He scoffs. "Why does everyone assume that I was the one who did something?"

"What'd he do then?"

"His mom." Xavier says. "I was telling him what's right and his stubborn ass is as desperate as a prostitute."


"Id tell you more but I don't think he'll like that."

"Yeah, I know. And Milo's doing...fine? I mean, ill see when he does his next test." I say.

"Keep me posted, alright?"

"Sure." I nod. "See you around."

He smiles and walks away. As soon as the bell rings, I head straight to my next class.

"Alright, class, textbooks out." The teacher, Mrs Taylor says.

About 15 minutes into the lesson, Milo shows up, looking rather upset. I only look down at my book, choosing to rather ignore him until he pulls the chair next to me.

"Oh, im sorry, did I take your seat again?" I smile.

He rolls his eyes. "Hilarious."

"I know." I say. "Where were you?"


"Im not being funny."

"Yeah, well, neither am I." He mumbles.

"Are you seriously in a mood again?" I ask. "But fine, you want to be on your period? Go ahead."

"You're just so funny, Rora."

"Shut up."

"I was making out with someone." He smiles.

My face falls. "Do you have a trash can somewhere? Youre so disgusting."

"Well, she wouldn't say that."


He grins. "Why? You wanna take her place?"

I get up and sit far away from him next to Louis. I look back at him and he's still grinning at me. I fake gag and look away from him.

"What's with you two?"

"Hes telling me about his making out story." I mutter. "Which I don't want to know about."

"I hear about it daily, I get it." He sighs, shaking his head.

I laugh. We talk for a while- that is until Mrs Taylor threatens to kick us out.

And after class, I head to the cafeteria because I am starving. Unfortunately, for snacks or drinks, you have to go to the school café and its not free. And its not cheap either.

But I missed breakfast this morning because I was studying and lost track of time and no one wants soggy food that has been left out for hours. If I don't eat now, I will faint. Id probably love the attention and everything but not right now.

I head inside the café and look through the glass at all the pastries. Muffins, croissants, cupcakes, brownies and oh my god? Donuts!?

And its also 20 bucks for one.

I blink. "Seriously?" I mumble. I check my wallet and realise all I really have left is 25 bucks.


Suddenly, Milo comes up next to me and doesn't even glance at my face. "Can I have two chocolate donuts and an iced coffee?"

The worker serves him what he ordered and Milo shoves the donuts and coffee at me. Then he walks away from me and goes back to a girl he was talking too.

I turn around and meet his eyes. He keeps eye contact for a while and looks away, back to the girl.

I walk out of the café and head to the library to eat the food.

A while later, im at the dining hall. Instead of heading to my table, I head towards Milo who was sitting by himself at the table, scrolling through his phone.


He looks up and sighs. "You again."

"Thank you."


"For buying the donuts and coffee for me." I say. "You didn't have to."

"Whatever." He shrugs.

I blink and nod. "Okay, ill see you later."

"No." He blurts out. "Stay?"

I slowly sit back down and place my tray back on the table. "I'll stay."


"So?" I frown.

"I don't know." He shrugs. "How was your day?"

"Boring." I shrug. "Except for lunch. That was so funny because Bruna accidentally ate butter. She thought it was cheese."

His face scrunches up. "Who even eats cheese?"

"Everyone. Except for vegetarians. But isn't there vegan cheese? There's also lactose intolerants too but I don't know."

He only hums, looking at me.

"What about you?"

He smiles. "Well-"

"Leave out your make out sessions." I add.

His face falls. "Well, it was boring. I had class. That's it."

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Oh, im not hungry."

I hand him my left over pasta. "You can have it."

He smiles. "Thank you, sweetheart."

"Where's Louis and everyone else?"

"At a party."


"Im taking a big break from those." He says. "Why are you so interested in Louis?"

"He's cute." I shrug.

"No, he's a cactus."

I frown. "What?"

"Nothing." He says. "Anyway, when are we meeting again?"

"We can after dinner?"

"Your room, though." He says.

"No way."

"You saw mine, its only fair I see yours?"

"How do I know you won't be at my window every night?"

"You don't." He grins. "Now, shall we?"

"I suppose." I sigh.

We both walk to my room. I quietly sneak him in my room, afraid that Bruna would here. If she finds out I brought this jackass here? Im done.

"Holy fuck." He mumbles.

I sit quietly on my bed while he looks around. He looks at the pictures, goes through countless of my books on the ground which I don't have space for, goes through my vinyls, my closet.

He pulls out a black bra from my dresser and studies it. "Nice size."

I glare at him. "Put that back, Milo."

He sits on my bed. "Whats with those books?"

"I don't have space for them." I say. "So, biology?"

"Yeah." He sighs.


"Frank Ocean will always be better then Brent Faiyaz."

I gasp. "You take that back right now!"

"No, you do it. His songs are fucking amazing. 'Pyramids', 'Novacane', 'Pink+White'? What do you have?"

"There's 'Rolemodel', 'All Mine', 'No One Knows' and so much more." I scoff.

Milo laughs. "His collabs are the only good ones. He can never do a song by himself. You can't say that Frank Ocean isn't good."

"Fine, let's find someone we both like." I sigh.

"Tyler, The Creator."

I shrug. "Kendrick is better."

He stares eye wide. "Seriously? Kendrick  and Tyler can't be competed."

"But Kendrick is better!"

"Both of them are good. On the same scale."


"Yes, really."

"Fine, fuck songs. Let's talk about movies. What's your favourite movie?" He says.

"I like rom coms more." I shrug. "But there's 'Perks Of Being A Wildflower', 'Black Swan' and maybe 'Thirteen'."

His eyes widens. "What's so likable about 'Thirteen'?"

"It just shows the reality of how life really is for some. Especially new teenagers. Its like I relate but at the same time I don't, you know?"

"Yeah." He says. "Yeah, maybe i do too."

"What about you, what's yours?"

"Titanic is so fucking good." He says. "Id hate to say it to anyone but its amazing."

I stare shocked. "You like Titanic?"


"No way." I say. "I could never take you as a guy you likes movies with romance. I never even thought you'd be familiar with my favourite movies."

"What'd you think I would like?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "Spiderman or something."

"I like Marvel but these are better."

"Do you watch rom- coms?"

"Id rather die." He says.

I stare eyes wide. "You've never watched them? Oh my god."

He shrugs.

"Whats your favourite shows then?"

"Shit, I don't know." He says. "I don't watch shows but 'Friends' or 'Outerbanks' are good."

"You know what? Not bad. I'm watching 'Gilmore Girls' for the third time right now."

"Well, im not surprised."

"You know what?" I say.


"I'll make a list of rom- coms. You have to promise to watch every single one of them with me." I say. "Okay?"

"Fine. As long as you agree to watch 'The Simpsons' with me."

"Theres like 30 seasons in there!"

"Exacttly." He grins. "We have a deal?"

I sigh and shake his hand. "Fine."

I look out the window and realise the sun was almost up. I gasp and look at him. "The sun is rising."

His eyes widens as he looks out the window. "Shit, you really are good to talk to, aren't you?"

I shrug. "I guess."

"I've gotta go, but ill see you tonight?"

"Tomorrow night." I correct. "I still need time to complete the list and sleep. And I've got an assignment to complete. So do you."

"Fine." He sighs. "But you'll see me for your coffee later."

"Oh, yeah." I say. "Okay, bye, Milo."

As soon as he's gone, I head to my room and jump in bed, my eyes closing instantly.

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