Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x...

By mishhhhh92

6.1K 141 23

✨Out for Blood sequel✨ ⚠️⛔️‼️🚨 This story is for 18+ only. PLEASE READ THE A/N FIRST THERE ARE TRIGGERS IN T... More



71 3 1
By mishhhhh92

We took off towards the main portal to Britannia that we always used, where the invaders had started to come through. Arthur's chaos magic must've been giving them protection from the miasma. Zeldris and Meliodas were flying on either side of me with Maimai, Asta, and Rin behind us. Once we got to the entrance we noticed a large number of knights of Camelot, a couple with chaos staffs. One of them pointed their staff at Ror'an, but Meliodas got between them, "I think you're pointing that staff at the wrong people." Meliodas glared at the knight and started to use his insanity magic on him, the man quickly turned on his comrades. "Thank you, Meliodas. I owe you," Ror'an exclaimed then went to help the rest of our army. My dark haired lover, our sons, and I watched in awe as the chaos knight devolved into madness and attacked his comrades. He wiped out many of them, the other with the chaos staff included. "I think Ror'an and Dezran can handle the rest, let's head to Britannia," Zeldris urged. We met up with the portion of the demon and vampire army that was going to be coming with us. "We don't know what to expect on the other side of this portal, so be prepared. I'm going to plunge Britannia into a perpetual state of darkness, that way the vampires can fight without focusing on protecting themselves from the sun. Once that happens, help Meliodas and I protect Ali, Amai, Asta, and Rin so they can make it to Camelot so we can end this once and for all!" Zeldris exclaimed, I grinned at his commanding nature.

I hugged my three sons tightly before we crossed over, their dads hugged them after me, then I kissed each of my lovers. "I love all of you. Do your best to stay alive for me," I pleaded, then we led the army through the portal. There wasn't an ambush waiting to happen, so we crossed without issue. As soon as we were out of the cave, Zeldris, Meliodas, our sons, and I flew into the sky. Zeldris held his sword up then held his other hand out, "Bask in perpetual darkness, Britannia!" The sky turned an eerie dark purple, similar to that of the demon realm. Once the demons below saw the sky had been darkened, they motioned for the vampires to follow. We flew lower to be near them and took off towards old Camelot, it was the easiest place to make a gateway to the new Camelot. We soon were met with resistance from some of Arthur's following, our army clashed with them as some of the chaos knights tried to attack our sons. "Rin!" Maimai shouted, using his purple cat fate magic to prevent his baby brother from getting hit with a chaos bolt. "I don't think so, you bastards," I growled, charging after the one who attacked Rin with a sword in each hand: one of darkness and the other of blood red light. They were much stronger than I expected, though Zeldris, Meliodas, and I were keeping our seals in place until we reached Camelot as a just in case. "So you finally came out to play," we heard a familiar voice.

"Ban!" Meliodas exclaimed, somehow excited despite being in the middle of a war. Ban was about to respond when Zeldris interrupted them, "We don't have time for your stupid punching game, let's go." Meliodas scowled at his brother but knew he was right, "Let's get drunk after this, Cap'n!" Ban called out as we continued our pursuit to Camelot. It was an eerie feeling, heading towards Camelot with my lovers and sons. We had no idea what was in store for us once we crossed over into the other dimension. I watched proudly as Asta blasted through a bunch of enemies to save his comrades quickly, watching him fight was like watching his dad. The same with Maimai as he conjured Dies Irae suddenly. "Your mini-mes aren't mini anymore!" I shouted at my lovers after pushing a body off my sword. They giggled then continued on with their sons and I, eventually we reached old Camelot where Tristan and Lancelot were waiting. "Yo, Meliodas' bastard! What's up?" Lancelot called to Asta, who scoffed and threw a ball of red light at him. "Shut up, jackass," Asta grumbled then grinned. All of us stood silently for a moment and stared out at the emptiness that had been Camelot, I couldn't help but feel guilty even if I hadn't actually destroyed the place. "Is everyone ready?" Rin asked quietly, my heart was pounding as I was about to take 3 of my children with me into what felt like was going to be hell. We all looked at each other, Meliodas and Zeldris simultaneously looked at me last. "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied, then my eyes glowed a brighter red as I started using my creation magic to form an entrance to Camelot.

"It looks freaky as fuck!" Ban exclaimed as we saw the strange twisted world before us. A portion of the vampires and demons of our army had joined us as well as some of the Liones Holy Knights. "Now's a good a time as ever to wipe a kingdom from the map, right Dad?" Asta grinned at Meliodas who was giving him the dead eyed blank face, it made me giggle. I took a deep breath and sighed heavily, "Come on. We've got kids and grandkids to get back to. And I'm sure Yami and Erza are worried sick about you two," I grinned at Maimai and Asta, who blushed slightly. Meliodas and Zeldris each grabbed one of my hands then we spread our wings and took off into the entrance, followed by our sons, Ban, Lancelot, and a handful of our army. Once we crossed over, Zeldris immediately turned the sky to that eerie purple. "Maimai, Asta, flank the sides and defend Rin as well as the rest of the army. Zel and I will fly overhead and take down any projectiles and watch for incoming enemies. Ali, stay-" Meliodas ordered but I cut him off as I pulled out my daggers I'd had kept from when we first met. "I've never been one to stay put, Mel. We're in this together and I'll be damned if any of these bastards hurt my babies!" I growled. My lovers grinned at me, knowing that would be my response as we took off to where we felt the most concentrated magic. Lots of knights appeared when we arrived, Arthur decided to join and grinned at us sinisterly. "Meliodas and Aleister, welcome to our paradise! Have you come to destroy the new Camelot as you did the previous one all those years ago? That's not very virtuous of the former King of Liones and Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins...though now that you're in some twisted relationship with Ali and your brother, I guess it makes sense. You even brought your sons! What a grand party this will be," he chuckled before addressing his knights.

"These monsters and their spawn are here to destroy your paradise. Are you going to let it happen? Rid the world of their filth and your peace and tranquility will be forever!" he exclaimed then disappeared, the knights began to attack us, six with chaos staffs. Meliodas used his wrath inducing magic on half the knights while Zeldris blinded the other half with his own magic. Those affected by Meliodas' magic began attacking those affected by Zeldris'. Unsurprisingly, those with chaos staffs managed to get out of the way quick enough. One of the Chaos Knights used their staff towards Astaroth, Zeldris blocked the magic but rather than blocking, he disappeared. "Zel!" I shouted, my voice was full of fear and anxiety, I couldn't lose him again. Just as I was about to attack said knight, another of the Chaos Knights used their staff at Amaimon to which Meliodas blocked and disappeared. Tears stung my eyes, I was trying to hold them back as best I could but if I lost both of my lovers, there's no way I could go on. Yet another Chaos Knight attempted to hurt my youngest, Rin, and I blocked it. As soon as I was hit with the magic, I was transported to a realm of nothingness. White space all around me, no walls. "What the fuck...?" I muttered to myself, angry tears trickled down my face. I failed. My lovers and I failed our sons, who were now at the mercy of Arthur and his Chaos Knights without us. I looked all around me but I didn't see or hear anyone so I sat down and rested my chin on my arms, my knees under my arms. I had to escape, find a way back so I could protect my kids.

—Rin's POV—
"Mom!" I exclaimed, my brothers and I had just watched our Dad, Uncle, and Mom disappear before us as they protected us from the Chaos Knights. "This was your plan all along, wasn't it?" Amaimon asked in his deep cold voice, he sounded just like Uncle Zeldris in this instance, it made me shudder a little. Astaroth slowly coated his sword in hellblaze, "That was the wrong decision on your part, Mom, Dad, and Uncle Zel aren't here to keep me in check. I can't wait to fuck you up," his voice was low and sinister, mimicking our Dad perfectly. Tristan and Lancelot frowned, each of them remembered what happened when Dad and Uncle Zel had sent Maimai and Asta to battle Arthur's army while they took Mom to see Aunt Elizabeth right after I was born. Tristan cleared his throat, "Asta, remember why we came here in the first place," our older brother's voice trailed off. Asta glared at Tristan, "I'm well aware, brother, of why we're here. But our parents may have just been sealed or killed, so I'm not feeling particularly merciful at the moment. Stay out of my way if you know what's good for you." I was about to play referee for their argument, they'd always butted heads, when Maimai started gathering up magic. "I have to agree with Asta, Tristan. We may have just lost three people who mean everything to us. I'm not feeling very concerned with the lives of these humans right now," Maimai pointed his sword to the sky, "Dies Irae!"

A large portal appeared above a major portion of the knights and a black lightning bolt shot down, decimating the area. My older brothers had huge sickening grins on their faces, "I think it's time we show the world just how cataclysmic we can be, Maimai," Asta commented as he created a giant ball of darkness in his hand, then added red light magic to it. "Asta, Maimai, this isn't what our parents would want! Please, let's regroup and-" I tried to reason with them but it was like a switch had flipped in their brains. "Mom, Dad, and Uncle Mel are gone, little brother. I don't think what they want matters much right now, so be quiet," Amaimon growled at me, I watched in horror as Lancelot went to attack Astaroth but Amaimon was faster and blocked him. "You wanna fight against us too, fairy boy? Let's go then. I'm not afraid to put you in your place. You tried to hurt Asta once and I wasn't around. How about I pay you back?" my dark haired brother spat at him and readied his hellblaze covered sword. Before I could stop him, Asta threw his large ball of magic and created a small crater similar to what Dad did to Danafor. Tristan and I made eye contact, I quickly flew over to him, "I don't know what to do. It's like they're suddenly different people!" I exclaimed, I loved my brothers but this wasn't them. Were they really going to give up their morals because of this? They knew the dangers before...I was upset about our parents but... "They may be gods of fate...but you can't fight destiny. They were prophesied as the Cataclysmic Offspring. We thought they were okay but I'm not so sure now..." Tristan's voice was barely above a whisper, we were in shock as we watched Asta and Maimai about to explode in rage and destruction.

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