He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

5.6K 239 17

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama

Fowl Play

21 2 0
By rainchellread

Bryson stood at the door patiently waiting. He had sent the text before he even pulled into the driveway for her to unlock the door, but here he was ringing the doorbell anyway. "Hey Big Boy" Kisha said as she cheerfully threw herself into his arms. "Damn, it's about time." He put one arm around her and leaned down to give her a partial hug. "Well who pissed in your cheerios?" She asked noticing the frown on his face. "Yo, what's going on? I can smell the alcohol coming out of your pours." He pulled away from her and closed and locked the door. "What? I just had a few drinks to relax after a long week of working hard. You look like you could use one right now." She walled over to the kitchen island where she had multiple bottles of liquor. "Let me guess, you a henny on the rocks kind of man huh?" Bryson nodded his head and sat down on the couch looking around at the mess. "How you know that? My sister big mouth ass told you right?!" She didn't answer him, she just sat next to him handing him the glass and sipping from her own. "Listen I wanted to tell you sorry about the other night, I let Jean talk me into it and I shouldn't have come to your house like that." He rotated the glass swirling the ice around to try and get the liquor cold. "Don't do no foolish shit like that again or you can consider this little friendship over" He stated simply before putting the cup to his mouth and drinking almost half the content. He had a long sleepless night because AB had gotten his shots and was running a fever. Rain had fussed over him so much he wanted to tell her to go in the guest room so he could get some sleep, but he didn't wanna be an asshole. Then he got up early to drop the baby off with Lisa before going to handle some business. It was one of Teegans late days at the office, so he had to pick up the baby and cook dinner. Kisha was lucky he agreed to meet with her, but it had been a while since they chilled and she practically begged him to come. He was cool with it though cause she was normally a person he could relax around. However at the moment, seeing her house dirty made him wanna cut their visit short. She was a single woman so there was no excuse for her house to look like this. Rain always kept their home clean, even when she wasn't feeling well. "You have a little house guest or get together or something?" He asked her as she leaned against the couch and put her legs over his lap. "Nope, why you ask me that?" He raised one eyebrow  "I mean, it look like you did with all this stuff all over the place." There was plates with old food on the coffee table, different shoes all over the floor, sweaters and blazers hung off the couch and chairs. There were empty liquor and soda bottles sitting around, and it looked like she had spilled something like spaghetti sauce on the cream carpet and didn't even bother to get it up. A pile of what he assumed was dirty clothes was piled up by the couch and all he could smell was liquor. "Oh, my bad. Sometimes I get a little busy and get backed up on the house work." He nodded his head "I see." She chuckled. "Here let me get you another one." She said reaching for his glass. "Nah, I'm good. Imma about to head home anyway." He replied handing her glass and moving her legs so he could get up. "No..please just one more." She pouted. "Alright, but just one I need to get home I got another early morning ahead of me." He was already feeling the effects of the drink, which was unusual for him. He been drinking Hennessy since he was a teenager, so he had no problems handling his liquor. Although he was uncomfortable in the messy apartment, one more drink wouldn't kill him. Kisha hopped up happily and clapped her hands. He laughed at her childishness "How many drinks have you had tonight?" He looked down and noticed he was sitting on something so he pulled at the black fabric until he was holding it up in front of him. It was a maxi dress, atleast it didn't stink. He shook his head and tossed it near the pile with the other clothes on the floor. "Here you go love, bottoms up." Kisha said handing the glass. She swallowed hers quickly and then watched him drink only half. She smacked her teeth. "You  know what bottoms up means?" She asked. "Yeah, but I'm not feeling right, I think imma head home." Kisha  sat on his lap and ran her ran over his head down his neck and rested it on his shoulder. "You just determined to leave me. Why? Just chill with me a little bit longer." She pulled the glass from his hand and put it to his mouth. Bryson took another long gulp and then pulled back from the glass. "I'm good on that. I'll stay a bit, but I'm not trying to get drunk." She chuckled and leaned over to put the glass on the coffee table. "I respect it Big Boy. We could just watch this movie and chill." She grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. When the opening credit begin to play she smiled as she noticed Bryson rest his head back on the couch. She put her hand up his shirt and ran it over his peck and six pack. "You so sexy." Kisha guided his hands, she put one on her breast and the other on her ass, absentmindedly he rubbed both and she leaned foward kissing him. She turned her body so she was straddling him and their kiss depended. "Yo, I feel funny or something." She started grinding on him and smiled "That's the first time I heard someone explain it that way." A frown formed on his face "Nah I feel like out of it or something."  Kisha chuckled and tried to kiss him again "Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people." Brysons body felt heavy and he suddenly felt light headed. "Yo..you put something extra in my drink or something, cause henny don't never have me stuck like this." She stood up and started unbuckling his pants. "You talking to much Big Boy, just enjoy the ride." He wanted to stop her, but everything was getting fuzzy. He mouth felt overly dry so licked his lips. He blinked a few times trying to focus and before he knew it Kisha had his dick in her mouth. "Ohhh fuck, what you doing girl?" His words came out slurred. She massaged his balls and deep throat him causing him to moan. He bit his bottom lip wanting to push her away, but his body felt like led. Kisha popped his dick out her mouth and spit on the tip of his dick before running her tongue up and down his shaft. "Shit..Damn girl." Bryson mumbled. She closed her fist tightly over him and started jerking him with one hand while she removed her shorts with the other. Once she was in position she inserted him inside her sitting on him. "Ohhhh....yesss Big Boy" She whined as she began slowly winding her hips. Bryson eyes popped wide open and his facial expression looked like he wanted to cry. "I been waiting for this for so long mmmm." She mumbled to him leaning foward kissing his lips. Bryson trying turning his head quickly so she wouldn't kiss him, but his movements were so slow that her lips landed on the side of his. He leaned his head back against the couch in an attempt to keep her from kissing him again. "What the fuck are you doing?" He said slowly with his speech still slurred. "Come on baby, you know I feel good to you." She moaned popping her ass up and down enjoying the feel of him inside her. She grabbed his hands and put them on her waist. Not caring at all that he immediately let them fall, she knew it was the pill she slipped in his drinks making him too sluggish to hold on to her. "Nah man....this is wrong." He grunted as he felt her speed up. "Fucking bitch, what you do to me." He growled out as he felt himself close to coming. "I just help loosen you up, that's all Big Boy." She put her head back and held on to his shoulders as she rocked her hips. "Ohhh fuckking shit!" Bryson growled as he came. A smile spread across Kisha face when she felt him release inside of her.


Rain tapped her fingernails on the countertop as she tried to decide whether to go ahead and make dinner or continue to wait for Bryson. Tonight he was supposed to be taking her to her favorite restaurant. There was a live band tonight and the she was excited about going with him. She opened the refrigerator door and looked to see what snack she could make until he got there. Not wanting to ruin her appetite, she pulled out a small container of butterscotch yogurt. Then she went to the cabinet and got the box of graham crackers. While she ate her snack she decided to call Bryson to see how much longer he was gonna be. When he didn't answer she sent him a text.

Me: Hey babe, I'm getting a little hangry over here. What time was the reservation for?

She knew it was 9:30, because she had been looking forward to this all week. She had even bought new lingerie to him a private dance when they got back home. This would be the first night AB would stay out all night, Lisa had insisted so they wouldn't have to wake in the middle of the night to pick him up. She also told Rai to enjoy herself, because she'd been working so hard lately. Rain had finished the while sleeve of graham crackers and her ate two containers of yogurt and still hadn't heard from Bryson. She wasn't really upset, she was more disappointed, because they had been doing so good in their relationship lately. Just when she thought things would get back to the way they were he had to go and do some shit like this. She sighed as she threw the empty bag in the garbage. She put the box back in the cabinet and washed her spoon setting it in the dish rack. She checked the doors and windows to make sure everything was locked up and turned the lights out. When she walked up the stairs and went into the master bedroom. She started to go into the guest room where she was sleeping right after she had AB, but decided not to be petty. She took off the bodycon dress she had on and put it back on the hanger in her closet. The lingerie she took off and threw it in the dirty clothes basket. It was already 9:15 and there was no way they could make the reservation because it took 45 minutes to get there. Rain put on one of her silk night gowns and plopped down in the bed. Although it felt good to relax, she was looking foward to their date night. She huffed and turned on Netflix to watch the "Devil Wears Prada".  Halfway into the movie she still hadn't heard from Bryson and her stomach started to growl, so she took her phone off the charger on the nightstand and ordered a hawaiian pizza with a double order of honey mustard wings. She was so not in the mood to cook or clean the kitchen, so takeout would have to do tonight.


Kisha yawned sitting up from Brysons chest. He had fallen asleep on the couch and since the effects of the drug wouldn't allow him to walk she helped him lay down. She was ready for round two after her little cat nap and went right to work putting his dick in her mouth. She wanted to get as much as she could before the effects of the pill wore off. "Well damn hello to you too babygirl." He said without opening his eyes. Kisha noticed his speech was no longer slurred so as soon as she had him hard she position herself over him and quickly slid him inside of her. When he cuffed her ass his eyes popped open. That wasn't the way Teegans ass felt. "What the fuck" He mumbled when he saw Kisha smiling down at him. He grabbed her waist and pushed her back off of him. "Aww...come on Big Boy, just one more round." She whined and scooted back up attempting to get back on him. Bryson swung his legs off the couch and pushed Kisha back. "What the fuck wrong with you yo!" He shouted standing up. "I see play time is over." Kiasha said smacking her teeth. The events from last night flooded his brain and his nostrils flared. "Butch you drugged me?!" Kisha pulled her shirt over her lap and sat up on the couch. "I just gave you a little push Big Boy, if you didn't like it I show couldn't tell cause you was hard as rock and pusting nuts left and right." She pursed her lips and folded her arms over her chest. "Yo, your little ass lucky I don't hit females yo.!" He zipped his pants and adjusted his clothes. Then he checked his pockets for his keys, phone and wallet. "I don't know what you doing all that for? I don't steal." He looked at her with fire on his eyes. "I don't know what the fuck you capable of, you drugging people and shit. Yo I'm about to be out. Don't fucking call me no more desperate ass, crazy bitch." He fussed at he unlocked the front door and jogged down the stairs. He checked his phone to see Rain had called and texted him a few times. He started up the car and sped off. How the hell was he supposed to explain this to her? He wasn't supposed to be at Kisha house in the first place. Damn he fucked up.


Rain heard the feont door alarm beep twice and deactivate, she opened her eyes to see it was 4:30am. If she had to  get up in the morning for work she would've cussed him out for coming in so late. She closed her eyes and turned her back to the open bedroom door. She didn't wanna open her eyes, because she was so pissed off she didn't even want to talk to Bryson right now. She heard his footsteps come closer to the bed and then he must've turned and walked away. Finally she said fuck it and opened her eyes, she wanted to know what he was doing. Bryson went to the closet and took his clothes off tossing them in the dirty clothes basket and went into the bathroom, closing the door. Bryson routinely took showers before getting in the bed, so that was expected of him. Rai sat up and propped her pillow on the headboard and leaned against it. The intro to "Devil Wears Prada" was showing on the TV so she pressed play. After about 45 minutes Bryson opened the bathroom door with a towel tied around his waist. "You having a hard time sleeping?" He asked when he saw Rai sitting up. "Well I was sleep till someone called themselves creeping in at oh dark thirty." He ran his hand over his face and shook his head. "My bad bae." He spent the whole time in the shower going over what happened at Kisha house and trying to decide if and how he would tell Teegan what happened. Although she drugged him to get him loosened up, he had no business there in the first place. He knew this would be a hard hit for their relationship to take. What he wasn't sure about was whether Rai would forgive him. "Where you been? I was dressed and waiting on you at 8:30. You didn't even have the decency to call or text me to let me know you wouldn't make it. Hell I would've settled for a late call and an apology." Bryson had his back to her going through his dresser drawers. When she didn't get a response she huffed " You know I knew things would never be the same between us after we had that argument at the hospital and you told me we should go our separate ways. But when you decided this relationship deserved another chance, I atleast thought you of all people would respect the boundaries you expect to receive yourself in a relationship. How would you feel if I stayed out all night and didn't contact you after making plans? And it's fucked up cause I know it's not business related. If it were you would've contact me the way you always do when you get caught up with work." His silence was really hitting a nerve, but she was trying to push past that so that she could stay level headed and focused on the issue. Bryson had no idea what to say to her.  He wasn't gonna lie,cause that wasn't in his nature. He was afriad what her reaction would be if she knew the truth. If he hadn't been over there he never been put in that predicament. "Are you seeing someone else?" She finally asked quietly. Bryson sat down on the bed and got under the covers. He took a deep breath before he answered "its not like that baby." Her chest tightened and tears stung her eyes. "But your answer is not no?!" He swallowed hard and ran his hands down his face. He opened his mouth to answer then closed it again. He picked up the remote turning the TV off and shifted in the bed so he was sitting facing her. "Look at me baby." Rain closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying to prepare herself for what he was going to say. If it was something she didn't wanna hear would she leave him? He was good to her and her son. Even though it wasn't biologically his he treated AB like he was. He's  kind hearted and loving, considerate and thoughtful for the most part, he handles his business, always makes sure she's good, he shows concern for her physical and mental well-being, family oriented, he has all the attributes she wished Adonis had when they were together and then some. She would honestly go cold if things didn't work with him. "It's not easy for me to say this to you, but I don't wanna continue keeping secrets and im damn sure not about to lie to you." Rai remained silent waiting on his next statement. "So..umm...me and Kisha been hanging out for the past few months. It was nothing serious. But....." He started the sentence, swallowed hard and looked away from her eyes grew big as saucers. "But...last night I had a drink with her and she spiked it with something...." Rain began shaking her leg and balled her fists up. "We...uhh...ummm...man this shit is crazy." He ran his hand over his waves and looked back into her eyes. "I honestly wasn't even with it. It felt like I was stuck, like I couldn't move to stop it or something." Rain threw the covers off and hopped off the bed. "Baby...I swear" She turned and looked at him with daggers in her eyes "Don't do that..please don't come in here telling me how you got so drunk that you fucked that bitch and calling me baby at the same damn time. That shit is so far from cool...." Bryson got up and followed Rain to the bathroom. She tried to close the door in his face, but he pushed it open. "I have to pee Bryson." She said rolling her eyes. "So pee. I done seen everything you have to offer." He said standing in the doorway. She smacked her teeth and sat down on the toilet. "I'm trying to tell you, she drugged me Rai." Teegan huffed and wrapped some of the toilet paper around her hand to wipe herself. "Listen...you had no business being there in the first place. How would you feel if I came saying the same shit to you talking about baby this and baby that?" She fussed as she turned on the water to wash her hands. "You are absolutely correct. I shouldn't have put myself into that predicament, but I'm telling the truth about her drugging me. "So y'all been hanging so hard that you were that comfortable and your gaurds were down huh? Did you even use a condom? Did you give her head? Did y'all go more than one round? Did you  bust a good nut? Was it worth breaking my fucking heart?" She threw the questions at him quicker than he could respond and she sat back on the bed and leaned against the pillow. He stood there for a moment with his mouth open like a fish out of water. "Baby you gotta believe me, I never had intentions of sleeping with her. If she hadn't drugged me we wouldn't have done anything last night either." Rain crossed her arms over her chest "Did. You. Use. A. Condom?" She asked as if he hadn't understood the question the first time. "I honestly don't remember,  most of the night was like I was sleep. Babe you gotta believe me" Rai's breathing picked up and her nose flared "Call me baby one more time while we're talking about you screwing some other bitch and so help me God!" She said through clenched teeth. "Alright, I see I need to just give you some time. Imma be in the den if you feel like you ready to talk." She huffed and rolled her eyes at him "Right, cause I assume after you bust yo nut you had time to sleep, where as I been here tossing and turning waiting to hear from you." Bryson wanted to say so much more to her and he wished she could understand that he never had any intentions of sleeping with Kisha, but he also knew that she needed time to process what he had just told her. He shook his head and walked out the bedroom, leaving Rai sitting in bed pissed off.

🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys.

Wow....did you see that coming? Kisha fowl for that, but will her stundt push Bryson away, or bring him closer cause she put it on him?🤔.

Will Rain be able to forgive think logically enough to understand him and Kisha having sex was against his will.

Stay tuned to find out......as always thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share

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