And so it went (Book In Progr...

By EluTalaAngeni

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Taylor is a college student home alone when the outbreak hits her small town. One minute she is working on a... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Taylor
Chapter 2 - Taylor
Chapter 3 - Taylor
Chapter 4 - Taylor
Chapter 5 - Taylor
Chapter 6 - Taylor
Chapter 7 - Taylor
Chapter 8 - Taylor
Chapter 9 - Taylor
Chapter 10 - Taylor
Chapter 11 - Taylor
Chapter 12 - Taylor
Chapter 13 - Taylor
Chapter 14 - Taylor
Chapter 15 - Taylor
Chapter 16 - Taylor
Chapter 17 - Taylor
Chapter 18 - Shane
Chapter 19 - Shane
Chapter 20 - Shane
Chapter 21 - Taylor
Chapter 22 - Taylor
Chapter 23 - Taylor
Chapter 24 - Reid
Chapter 25 - Reid
Chapter 26 - Reid
Chapter 27 - Taylor
Chapter 28 - Taylor
Chapter 29 - Taylor
Chapter 30 - Taylor
Chapter 31 - Taylor
Chapter 32 - Taylor
Chapter 33 - Taylor
Chapter 34 - Taylor
Chapter 35 - Taylor
Chapter 36 - Taylor
Chapter 37 - Shane
Chapter 38 - Taylor
Chapter 39 - Taylor
Chapter 40 - Taylor
Chapter 42 - Taylor
Chapter 43 - Taylor
Chapter 44 - Shane
Part 45 - Taylor
Part 46 - Taylor

Chapter 41 - Taylor

37 5 7
By EluTalaAngeni

Sweat runs down my face, I have to use the back of my hand to wipe it away. It doesn't clear my eyes for long. I'm just sweating to much. "Reid, Jesus Christ, I need a break."

"One more round then you can have a break." He goads me, lifting his hands. He's also drenched in sweat, his black shirt clinging to him. He was a fit guy, and I've found out why. He had told me before all this shit went down he worked out religiously, his brother being a personal trainer down in Texas helped with that addiction.

I raise my arms up in a fighting stance even though they are beginning to feel like lead weights. Reid gives me an encouraging smile and nod, I strike out and punch the pillow he holds in front of him. Once Hendricks started taking ideas on how to raid the Piggly Wiggly Reid had decided I and a few others needed to work out. We needed to work on our strength, and to learn basics on hand to hand. Reid said he wasn't of trainer quality, but he was the only one who's taken any sort of fighting classes.

So Reid had become our trainer. He at the very least was helping me with my upper body strength. I could run circles around zombies and be fine, but stabbing takes a lot of arm strength that I didn't have much of.

My fists smacks against the pillow with a thud thud, the memory foam thick enough not to hurt Reid, at least with my weak ass punching. After a few more hits, he nods to me and lets me free to run to the shower. In the shower I try to rub out the soreness in my body, Hendricks had only given us a few days to get ready for our try at clearing out the Piggly Wiggly.

So far we had decided not to use fireworks or anything that would go into the air. Didn't want to announce our exact location. The Piggly Wiggly sat just on the boarder of our small town, then there's a only a large field separating the large shop from a suburban area. Its in a odd spot, newly built right off of the main road that leads from our small town to Madison. There's two small apartment buildings, and quite a few townhouses. We didn't know how many zombies where there, but there was also a large senior care center just east of the Piggly Wiggly. I doubt many of the older people left at the beginning of all this shit. The place was probably crawling with zombies, and I couldn't deal with seeing all the defenceless old people who had turned.

After I shower and dress I make my way to the common room, where Hendricks and a few of the others were pondering over a large paper. As I got closer I noticed Miss May was drawing on it, and that it wasn't a large paper, it was a bunch of them taped together.

"The building juts out more like this." Jacob points his finger to the paper and traces along where I believe one of the buildings over there followed.

They had the large Piggly Wiggly roughly drawn out, then next to it to the east they had drawn the L shaped strip mall. Miss May had drawn lines where each shop ended, and labeled each one. A gun shop, laundry mat, a vat clinic, two different spas and that was only the first half, the ones closest to the Piggly Wiggly. The building Jacob had pointed out and had Miss May trace out was the bank. On the south side of the parking lot that hosts to all of the shops are a smattering of other stores. Walgreens, a small used car lot, the bank, a Chinese takeout place, liquor store, a dentist, and a Culver's.

"The vet clinic and the dentist could have some medical things that'll be useful." Beth points out.

"We got a ton of guns from the firearm store, just not a lot of ammo." Kirk said, he was standing behind some people, arms crossed over his chest. I still didn't like him, but I'd work with him because I had to.

"Go to Firearms and Accessory's for your guns." Hendricks said, then he points to the square marked 'gun store'. "Go to Target Shot for the ammo."

Of course only in America you'd find a small town that doesn't have more then a couple of grocery stores but find two gun shops. The firearm store did have a large choice of guns, even after it seemed some of them had been missing. Add on the guns the cops had, we had enough guns for everyone to have a long barrel and a handgun, maybe even two. What we didn't have much of was ammo, I had a ton of arrows I'd been making but we couldn't make bullets. Most of the people here could shoot a gun if they had to, barely any of them could shoot a bow.

"The Walgreens has a flat roof and has ladders on the outside to get on top of it." That's from Clark, Jason and Jessica's dad. "Get a few snipers up top and we can pick off what we can."

"If we're going to use rifles, we can use stereos." I throw out there, a lot of heads snap up to me and I shift on my feet at the sudden attention. "Drive some cars with the stereos on, draw them into the middle of the lot then start picking them off."

"And if they swarm to cars?" Hendricks asks.

"Don't let them." I say simply, and shrug. "A person in the back with the windows half down and something long and pointy can help keep them off the back of the car. But the goal would be to drive around in a large circle, driving just fast enough to stay I dunno, ten feet in front of them."

"Sounds risky." Beth said, Hendricks nods agreeing.

"Sounds like one of the better plans we've heard tonight." Jacob said, a few others nod their agreement. "At least with the cars they can get the fuck out quickly if things start to turn south."

"It'll draw out lingering bodies." Clark adds, he's one of the only ones still focused on the drawn map. "It'll give us a chance to thin the herd, then we can try to take the last out, or lead them away."

"No, we wont lead them away. We don't know if there are other survivors around, I don't want to chance leading a herd right to their door." Hendricks crosses his arms over his chest, thinking over the plan. "Everyone rest up tonight, we'll start in the early morning."

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