Ben10 human girls x male read...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including human females from Ben 10 series. More

Female Ben 10 x male reader Bennette Tenyson(Bene for short)
Lucky girl and Gwen Tennyson x Male reader
Female Ben&Gwen x male reader
Joan Maplewood x male reader
Original&Omniverse Gwen x male reader Interdimensional date
Female Kevin Levin x male reader Karen Levin
Female Benverse & Beachday
Female Ben 10000 x Male reader
Nega Bene x male reader
Nega Bene x male reader part 2
Helen Wheels x male reader
Bad Gwen x shy male reader
Eunice(Unitrix x male reader)
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Rook
Female Omnivese Ben 10 x male reader
Female Mad Ben x Male reader
Female Ben 23 x male reader
Werewolf Gwen x Male reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Albedo
Gwenettes x Male reader
Female Ben 10000 Omiverse x male reader
Molly Gunther x Maler reader
Mazuma x male reader
Charmcaster x Male reader
Gwen's french teacher x Male reader
Female Cooper Daniels x male reader
Gwen&Gwen's clones x Male Reader
Female Ben x Male reader x Female Kevin
Pinky x Male Reader x Missy
Mad Gwen x Male reader
Swift x Male Reader
Helen Wheels x Male Reader x Female Manny Armstrong
Ben 10000's daughter Gwendolyn Tennyson x Male Reader
Turbine x Male Reader
Change of face Dog girl x Male Reader
Frightwig x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x Male Reader
UAF Gwen x Male Reader
Perfect day cheerleaders x Male Reader
Christmas special:Elf Gwen x Male Reader
Gwenom Tennyson x Male Reader
Omniverse Gwen x Male Reader
Omniverse Lucky Girl x Male Reader
Gwendolynn Tennyson x Male Reader
Sparksville woman x Male Reader
Female Ben 10 x Male Reader x Female Generator Rex
Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader
Ben 10 female goth students x Male Reader
Gwen 10 x male reader part 2
Valentine day
Emily x Male Reader 50th story
Pierce's girlfriend x Male Reader
Mad Helen Wheels x Shy Male Reader
Tiffany x Male Reader
Ship/Julie fusion x Male Reader
Mrs Fang x Male Werewolf Reader
Dr.Borges x Male Reader
Blonde classmate x Male Reader
Mandy and Female Andy x Male Reader
Carol Smith x Male Reader
Councilwoman Liang x Male Reader
Cryptid Drew Saturday x Male Reader
Robo Rojo x Male Reader
Trina x Male Reader
Rojo's gang x Male Reader
Female Circus freaks x Male Reader
Female Bird vilians x Male Reader
Female Ben&Gwen x Male Reader Part 2
Female Forever knights x Male Reader
Female sumo x Male Reader
Female Sublimino x Male Reader
TetraGwen x Male Reader
Anniversary #1
UpGwen x Male Reader
Female Dr.Animo x Male Reader
Gwen harem x Male Reader
Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader
Tigris (Nyancy) Chan x Male Reader
Female Ben x Shy Male Reader
All That Glitters victims x Male Reader
Female Cops x Male Reader
Hoverboard girl x Male Reader
A change of face Prison harem x Male Reader
Ben's female classmates x Male Omnitrix Wearer Reader
Possesed Kai Green x Male Reader
Merry Christmass
Black knight x Male Reader
Elena Valadis x Male Reader
Mad Ben's female slaves x Male Reader
Female Sumo x Male Reader Part 2
Monster weather girl x Male Reader
Vigilante Lucky girl x Male Reader
Ben 10000 Policewoman x Male Reader
Hot stretch lady x Male Reader
Anniversary #2
Mrs.Jones x Male Reader
Ben's UAF classmates x Male Reader
Possessed Gwen and Charmcaster x Male Reader
Rook's fan girls x Male Reader

Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader

1.3K 12 7
By gentelmanbeast

Author:(To be honest with you,I kind of went in this one with a blank drawing board.When I picked her,maybe a year or so ago,I had an idea of what to do with her but I didnt write it down and I forgot about it.So lets see if the improvisation will make something of this story.Also,while wiki says she has a husband and kids,theyre never mentioned.She said how the kids were saying:Ben 10!Ben 10!.It was never said that it were her kids,it couldve been a focus group or a petition.)

Scene opened up in the event organization building,just as the Natalie Alvarez stepped inot her bosss office.

Natalie:You called for me?

Boss:Yes,please sit down.

She did as she was told and took a sit across the table from him.While most would be worried in this situation,she was perfectley calm.

Boss:As you know,youve been our best employee for years now.

Natalie:Yes,its been wonderfull ten years.

Boss:Yes but let me finish first.

Natalie:As you wish.

Boss:Youve got quite a lot of vacation days,ignored,shall we say.So we had to make some adjustments.

Natalie:Such as?

Boss:Well,lets say your work hours are devided amongst two people.It would be more legal than missing up on all the days off.

Natalie:I still dont follow.

Boss:Youre getting an assistant.


Boss:Because youre legally obligated to take vacation days.


Boss:Out of town conventions and jobs do not count.So we will bent the rules a bit.As far as the law knows,you dont have an assistant,youre training someone.But the company splits your work hours on both of you with him being closer to a paid intern.

Natalie:But what about my record.

Boss:He wont slow you down in any way.He wouldve gotten the job on the last interview if we had more spots to fill and the other candidate wasnt as...scary.

Natalie:She threatened you?
Boss:No but I dont want to find out what thats like.So you understand I had no choice.Youll like the kid.Hes only few years younger that you but hes eager and has some creative ideas.

Natalie:Do you still have his resume?

Boss:Lost it.Same with this monthss paychecks but dont tell anybody.

Natalie:Youre joking right?
Boss:For all for all intents and purposes,lets say I am.He should arrive at your office shortly.

Natalie:But sir-

Boss:Now,now.We already made contracts and had him sign them.You better go on now.

Hesitating,she got off her seat and left the office.Making her way to her office,her mind began to swarm with questions.

Natalie:(An assistant?How could this be?Is it something I did?Nobody ever complained before?Oh,what will I do?)

She eventually reached her office and stopped in her tracks.Taking a momment to collect her thoughts,she inhaled and sighed.Then she opened her offices doors and entered with the everpresent smile she carried for her clients.

Natalie:Hello there,you must be my new assist...ant.

She froze in her tracks as the man who got out of the seat across her desk turned to her.When she heard he would be younger,she expected a delinquent teen or a acne troubled youth.The man before her was actually handsome.

???:Hi,you must be Natalie Alvarez.

He walked up to her and offered her his hand.

???:Y/N L/N,at your service.

She looked at his hand and shly took it before shaking it with a blush.

Natalie:N-nice to meet you.I didnt expect someone so,mature.

Y/N:My last job didnt exactley apreciate my creative thinking and artistic freedom.

Natalie:Where did you work?

Y/N:A curator in an art gallery.

Natalie:Oh...Well that seems,ironic.

Y/N:Unfortunetley but yes.Theyre basically snobs with an eye for colors.Anyways,Im looking forward to working alongside you.


Natalie:(This might be better than I thought.)

Y/N:So,how can I be of serive for now?


She looked around her office,trying to come up with any taks to give him.Her gaze eventually falls on a large pile of papers at the corner of her desk.



She quickly made her way over to her desk to block the view of more than enough papers.

Natalie:I could use more papers.

Y/N:I thought I saw them on your desk few seconds ago.

He tried to look at her desk and look past her but she kept moving left to right.Then she finally pushed the papers back until they fell on her chair and moved away.

Y/N:Huh.I couldve swore that they were here.

Natalie:Well,begginers mistake.Youll get the hang of it eventually.Rember,the most important thing for our line of busyness is eyes and brains.

Y/N:Im pretty sure that was first used for detectives.In those words exactley.And I think Arthur Conan Doyle wrote that.

Natalie:Well never know.Now be a dear and go grab some papers for me,would you?
Y/N:Right away boss.

He was abotu to leave the office when he heard her stop him.

Natalie:Oh,and...please call me Natalie.

Y/N:Will do.Be back in a second.If not,just wait a little longer.

He left the office and after few more seconds to make sure he was gone,she breathed a sigh of relief.

Natalie:(Sigh)That was close.Now then,to dispose of the evidence.

She towered of the stack of papers with her shadow growing over them as an intimidating display.She grabbed the papers with one hand and opened the window with the other.

Natalie:Goodbye now.

She waved to the papers falling on the ground or in the bushes as she closed the window and sat back in her chair,relaxed that her white lie will never be detected or found out.

Natalie:Like I said,close.I need to come up with something better in the future.At least he seems a little bit naive.

After a while,Y/N returned with an all new stack of clean papers and set them on the edge of the table where the last batch was before the whole ordeal.

Natalie:Was it too difficult?

Y/N:No,but the supply employee was confused when I talked to him.He said he brought new papers to every office.

Natalie:Maybe he got confused.Or its just a mischieveous prankster.Hahaha!Im sure whatever the cause,nobdy meant any harm.Now tell me,do you have any personal experience with event planning?

Y/N:Well,not officially.Ive been known to help out in the case of friends and family but I never really tackled the greater scheme.There was one time when the one who was suppose to organize the grand reopening got sick so I volountered.Well actually,I was the only one else in the room but I had nothing against it.

Natalie:So in short,no?
Y/N:Well,a little bit of both.I almost became an artist myself but I was enouraged to see how that wasnt profitable enough.

Natalie:I see.Sorry to hear.

Y/N:Well at least it all worked out in the end.I dont have serious money problems,I have cozy home near my new workplace-

Y/N:Yes,just down the road left from the entrance.

Natalie:Now that is really convenient,isnt it?

Y/N:One could hardley belive it.So,what are you currentley working on?

Natalie:Well as you know,Olde Bellwood Days festival is in few weeks so we have to organise thw whole event.

Y/N:OK,so what have you thought over so far?

Natalie:Well,the creation of the worlds largest wooden sleigh bell is already under way.

Y/N:Come again?

Natalie:Hand-carved from walnut timber and weighing over 3000 pounds or 1360.77711 kilograms.To comemmorate the laplanders who founded Bellwood in 1638.

Y/N:You really know your Bellwood history.

Natalie:Thanks.My grandfather was a historian so he wasnted all of his childrend to know about their hometown.

Y/N:How sweet.But,wouldnt something like that take a lot of money.And time?

Natalie:Dont worry about it.I personally made sure only the best Bellwood has to offer were put on the case.And as far as budget goes,our job had quite an income rate.Plus,national holidays and the like,like this are partially paid for my the town.So really with taxes,everyone contributes.

Y/N:Intersting concept.The taxes werent recentley raised right?
Natalie:Hahaha,oh no,no.Dont worry.Nothing like that.

Y/N:So whats left?
Natalie:I still need to organize the fliers feveral days before the event and pick out the atraction the people would pay for,for charity.Plantey of food,games and a special guest appearance.

Y/N:Who is it?

Natalie:Well,I was hoping to get Kangaroo Comando to show up.But after the whole plant,Kane and Abel North thing,situation might be a little bumpy.

Y/N:If Im not mistaken,one of them is in jail over kidnapping,endangering lives and even going so far as to attack a kid.

Natalie:Yes,like I said.Bumpy.Bellwood doesnt have as wide selection of public faces.Theres Captain Nemesis or Carl Nesmith-

Y/N:Killed a bunch of people and ended up in jail.

Natalie:Will Harangue-

Y/N:Charged with attempted murder and vandalism when he attacked Ben Tennyson.

Natalie:Well who else is left?
Y/N:Maybe we can start a petition?Let the public pick which celebrity or otherwise beloved and/or well known person they want to see and move on from there.

Natalie:Now that's a nice idea.It will make them feel like they're more involved.How did you come up with that?
Y/N:Well,its impossible to know exactley what the masses want.Sometimes its just best to ask for an advice.

Natalie:I couldnt agree more.All of my collegues constantley ask me for an advice.Such is the burden of being the nubmer one it seems.

Y/N:Is event planning a competative career?
Natalie:Oh my yes.People cut corners,use out of town materials and hired help.The young today have almost no respect for tradition.

Y/N:You dont have to tell me.Their only form of art are a bunch of squiggly lines on the sides of the buildings.

Natalie:Oh I know.I made several charity events to clean our fair town including the graffity.

Y/N:That was you?Ive been to a bunch of those but I never saw you there.

Natalie:How sweet.That youve been to so many of them,not that weve never seen each other of course.

Y/N:Of course.

Natalie:OK then.Lets make that petition.

She grabbed a paper from the top on the new pile in one hand and a pen in the other.

Natalie:Theres no substitute for a good penmanship.

She began writing the title and the goal of the petition as Y/N walked over and stood behind her,watching her write across her shoulder.

Natalie:There,what do you think?
Y/N:Its nice.Very regal and festive looking.But...

He looks over at the stack of paper left on the desk before getting an idea.

Y/N:Maybe we can do it a bit faster.Take a picture of it.


Y/N:Just take a picture of it and send it to yourself.

Natalie:I hope you know what youre doing.

She follows his instructions and lets him know by saying there.After that,he politley asked her if he could sit and use her computer to which she allowed.He pulled out the photo from the email and cut out her text before pasting it across a blank digital paper.Then he colored the paper in a eye catching color,made the text stand out in a opposite color of the spectar and pasted horizontal lines for people to write their sugestions.

Y/N:And now we just print out as many as we need without braking our fingers over it.

Natalie:How clever.Youre already upping the productivity.

Y/N:After printings over,we can take few each and go all over the town to gather sugestions.

Natalie:Actually,I have a better idea.


Scene changed and now they were both sitting at the booth decorated as the Olde Bellwood Days festival brochure with a wooden bell in the center as well.

Y/N:Im not so sure about this.

Natalie:Whats not to be sure about?People see the booth and knowing the festival is due any time now,get interested and aproach.They write their sugestion on the petiton and we compare them at my office.

Y/N:Yeah,but I thought that spreading out and aproaching the citizens induvidually,wed get a wider range of participants.This way were stuck at the single location and wait for them to come to us.

Natalie:Trust me Y/N,I know what Im doing.Theres nothing that this town apreciates like a well designed booth.

Y/N:Unless were talking about Mr.Smoothee.Theres one on ever corner.

Natalie:Only because theyre avilable all year around.Special events arent always scheduled like clockwork and that is why tradition is so important.On a lighter note,have you been living here all your life?

Y/N:Not really.My parents and I moved here when I was a kid.Around ten or so I think.Why?
Natalie:Just making small talk.

Y/N:Oh.Well,what about you?

Natalie:Been here all my life.My family was one of the first few hundreds that came to live here after it was founded.

Y/N:So you must have pretty deep roots here?

Natalie:That I do.So,you said you live closeby to work.Do you perhaps have a pet or a family member youre take care of.

Y/N:No,we live seperatley for years now.And I didnt have a pet since I was a kid but I do miss having to come home to a smiling face,anxiously waiting for my arrival and then curling up next to me as we cuddle on the couch.

Natalie:Ahhh,sounds wonderful.

She rested her elbows on the booth with her head falling into her hands as she dreaminly stared off at Y/N.Noticing the change in her voice,he subtley looks to her side and when she notices,she straightens up looks ahead.

Natalie:Y-your girlfriend must be very lucky.

Y/N:Oh,I dont have one.

Natalie:(Happy birthday Natalie.)

Y/N:Women dont go for musem or art guys.Unless theyre famous and wealthy.

Natalie:So sorry to hear that.You know,if-

Y/N:Good afternoon.I see youre interested in our booth.

In confusion,Natalie turns to where Y/N was looking to see that they just got their first interested voter.

???1:Yeah,what does it have to do with the Olde Bellwood Days festival?
Natalie:Well you see,we couldnt agree on a celebrity guest of honor so were here to gather votes for petiton where you,and the rest of the town,vote for who would you like to see there.Just write down your sugestion on the line.Heres the pencil.

???1:Seems simple enough.

He took the pencil and quickly wrote down his suggestion before setting the pencil down and going back to whatever he was doing prior to spotting their booth.

Natalie:Thats one down.Lets see who he sugested.

She turned the peice of paper around before lifting it to her face and clearing her throat.

Natalie:Ahem,Ben Tennyson?
Y/N:Makes sense.

Natalie:Who is he?
Y/N:The teenager with a watch that turns him into aliens.The one that stops crime and alien threats when police and such cant handle it.

Natalie:Sounds familar but I cant quite place it.

Y/N:Youll get it in no time.So,what was it that you wanted to ask me before?


Natalie:Oh,I cant remember.

Y/N:Itll come back to you in time.Guess we hace another candidate coming our way.

She looked ahead and saw a small group of people aproaching their booth.Mosty children.

Natalie:(This is going to be a long day.)

She rested her head on her left hand and single elbow on the desk with a tired sigh.

Timeskip evening

After a succesfull day of gathering votes,it was time to dismantle the booth and pack it up.After they seperated all parts,they carried them back to the building.

Natalie:We can leave them in my office.Nobody will temper with them there.

Y/N:Sounds good.Its kind of late already so we can count the suggestions tommorow morning.

Natalie:OK-DOK.Say,since you mentioned that you live nearby,let me walk you there.

Y/N:Oh,theres no need.Its late and I dont want to keep you from your warm bed anymore.

Natalie:Nonsese,Id be happy to.

Y/N:If you insist.

The used her key to get back in the building and set the booth materials on the floor of her office and the petitions on the middle her desk.When everything was put away,they left the building and locked behind themselves.Now,they were on their way to Y/Ns house.

Natalie:It got a little chilly,wouldnt you say?
She moved closer to him and hugged his arm to warm up.

Y/N:Really,feels pretty warm to me.Warmer than last nigh.

She back away and scratched the back of her head with a nervous smile.

Natalie:O-of course.Sometimes I just mix those two words up.So,what does your house look like.Maybe I could recognise it.

Y/N:Its not that far.You should be able to see it soon.


The rest of the walk was spent in silence.Mostly on account of Natalie trying hard to think of away to aproach Y/N that wont backfire is some way.After a while,she realised it was hopeless and gave up.Eventually they came to a common F/C colored house with a small backyard.

Y/N:Well,this is where we part.You really didnt need to walk me home.

Natalie:It was no problem at all.It was a lovely walk.Well then,g-goodnight Y/N.

Y/N:Good night Ms.Alvarez.

Natalie:Oh,Natalie will be enough.

Y/N:OK them,good night Natalie.See you tomorrow.

He waved to her and went into his house.But Natalie just stood there,on the other side of the doors.She saw how numerous lights went on and when he left the room off.She waited until the lights of what she asumed was his bedroom turned off before she smiled,happy that he was safely home and walked away.

Natalie:Well at least tomorrows a new day.And I have all the time to make him notice me.Because there is nothing as romantic as a detailed organization over a significent historical event dedicated to a monumental sleigh bell.This will a peice of cake.

Timeskip morning Natalies office

Natalie was in at the desk in her office,looking over various petitons and signatures when she heard knocking on her doors.

Natalie:Come in.

Y/N:Could you actually open the doors?My hands are a little full.

With confused look,she stood up and walked over to the doors before opening them.Turns out Y/N was carrying two cups of coffee and handed one to her.

Y/N:Thanks.I passed by the cafe and thought you might like something to properly wake you up since you mustve been up later than ususal tonight.So I asked them whats your usual order and here we are.

Natalie:Thank you.Thats so thoughtfull of you.

Y/N:No problem.I see you already started with the petitions.

Natalie:Yes well,it wasnt all that hard.Most of them just voted for one person.

Y/N:Ben Tennyson?
Natalie:How did you know?

Y/N:Call it a hunch.The entire town knows him.Even Mr.Smoothie bought the rights to have the likeness of his aliens on their cups.OK,now we have the guest of honor,what will we do with him?

Natalie:Theres a team just down the hallways which takes care of just that particular issue.Letting the citizens vote for the guest of honor is a crowd pleaser but I think this might be best left to the focus groups.

Y/N:You event planners really dont kid around.

Natalie:Oh,only on occasion.

She gave of a brief laugh when doors opened again to show her boss.

Boss:Kock knock?How is my favorite double agent doing?Everything up and runnning yet?

Natalie:Just great boss.Things are going very smoothly sir.

Boss:Glad to hear it.This is the biggest historical event of the year and we must be ready on time.Theres no place for an error.So,what do you two have so far?Tell me everything.

Y/N:Should I say it or?

Natalie:The bell should be finished in time and all the food stands and such have been scheduled on the dot.Oh,and thanks to Y/Ns idea from yesterday,we now how a guest of honor picked by the public.

Boss:Great news,all great news.So,which person will star in our festival this year?

Y/N:After gathering up the votes,it seems that the public wants to see more of Ben Tennyson.

Boss:Sounds perfectley normal.OK then,if you need anything,Ill be busy for the next few hours so just be patient and try not to forget what you needed help with.See you later.


Boss:Keep up the good,bye.

With that,he bolted out his doors and ran to his office.

Y/N:Is he always like that?

Natalie:More or less.But hes a good boss.A little funny in the head but good boss none the less.So,the team down the hall.Shall we?

Y/N:Lead the way.

She got off her seat and went for the doors but before she could reached them,Y/N opened them for her.

Natalie:Thank you.

Y/N:Dont mention it.

After she exited the office,Y/N followed behind her and closed the doors behind him.They went down the hall and Natalie opened the doors to their left.What Y/N saw really surprised him.Instead of an office that he expected,he saw something akin to a playroom.There were kids raging from Elementary to High school.Some where on their phones,some were were just running around and a great deal of them were tossing things like paper airplanes and such.

Y/N:Are you sure this is the right room?It looks more like a kindergarten.

Natalie:This is our focus group that helps us reach the younger audiences.We only pay them minimum wage but they just happy to have some time off from school here and there.

Y/N:Is that legal?
Natalie:The parents gave their full consent since they get some form of education in a real work enviroment.And they dont miss the school hours any more than an average teens playing hooky.

Y/N:Ah,I see...So how do they help?
Natalie:Who better to think of an event that appeals to the kids then actual kids.

Y/N:I suppose it makes sense.

Natalie:See?Ahem,exuse me.Attention!

Some of the older kids responded and looked her way while others still played around.

Natalie:We need an event including this years guest of honor.It will be Ben Tennyson.


Older kids returned their gazes back to their phones as Natalie gave her classic closed eyes smile as if everything was fine.

Natalie:How swell.Make sure to pass it along.


Natalie:See?Everythings taken care of.

Y/N:Yeah,Im not sure that they have a reliable work ethic.

Natalie:They never failed us before.Lets just let them work their magic and show how they can impress you.Come along now.

She grabbed him by his arm and led him out the room.The last glimpses he saw of the children not even flinching away from their seats didnt exactley filled him with confidence.Over the next couple of weeks,things went surprisingly smoothly.The area for the festival got cleared and filled with various small busynesses,fliers of invitations were spread out from all over the city a week away from the actual event,guest of honor event got picked and it was a very weird one.Even Y/N Y/N Natalie grew a bit closer.Right now,they were standing in the middle of the whole thing,not to far away from the bell and admiring the results of their labor.

Y/N:I have to hand it to you,it turned out better than I imagined.

Natalie:Indeed.This must be the best Olde Bellwood Days festival yet.

Y/N:So how long until the guest of honor arrives?
Natalie:Oh it should be any moment.Why dont we head on to the entrance?Mabye we find him there.

Y/N:Good idea...Did you perhaps tell him about what hes going to do?

Natalie:No,I didnt want to worry him.He sounded like he had a lot on his plate at the moment so I tired to be brief as possible.

Y/N:How considerate.

Y/N:(Poor kid.He has no idea what he got himsef into.)

They walked for a while towards the entrance as the number of visitors began to dwindle,allowing for a clearer view which gave Natalie a chance to spot the guest of honor and his sidekick.So she called out to him.

Natalie.Ben Tennyson!

After getting hid attention,the duo got closer to them to make with the interactions.

Natalie:Natalie Alvarez,deputy director,Bellwood parks and recreation and the organizer for this little shindig.And this is my assistant,Y/N L/N.


He merely waves his hands as Natalie and Ben shake theirs.

Natalie:We spoke over the phone.Im glad you and your,sidekick could join us today.


Natalie:I wanted to get Kangaroo commando for this yearss festival but the kids were all Ben 10!Ben10!Dont you know?

Ben:Oh man,Kangaroo commado wouldve been sweet!

Natalie:Oh Im sure youll be fine.
Y/N:All things considered,hes still serving his jail time.

Rook:That is correct.

Natalie:Well were on a tight schedule so if youll just follow me...

She and Y/N turned and began leading them to the very center of the whole event and the reason that theyre here.The giant wooden bell.

Y/N:And here we have the bell.

Rook:The bell?

Natalie:The worlds largest wooden sleigh bell to commemorate the laplanders who founded Belwood in 1638.Hnad carved from solid walnut it weighs over 3000 pounds or 1360.77711 kilograms.


Y/N:The realizations simpley struscky you,doenst it?

Ben:So,Ms.Alvarez,I know its probabley just some huge type or something,but I cant seem to find my name on here.

Natalie:Hm?Oh yes.

Ben:I mean,its kind of weird,since Im the guest of honor and all.

He is then led to to a platform with a big sign spelling Dunk Ben 10,where he sat down and waited to fall into the water a the hit of a tennis ball into mark.

Ben:Theres got to be some kind of mistake lady.Im Ben Tennyson,superhero.Saved the world like a billion times.

Y/N:Ufortunetley,its no mistake kid.We ran you by the special team and...

Natalie:And the kids want a chance to dunk you.All proceeds go to charity.Thnaks again.

Y/N:Sorry kid,youre on your own.

With that,they left the super hero to his wet fate.

Y/N:Should we be worried about him?
Natalie:Oh Im sure hell be fine.He has that transforming watch of his.Anyways,everything seems to be running smoothly and on schedule.

Y/N:It sure is.Maybe if Ben appeared a little earlier but we we cant know what he was busy with.Hold on a second,wait right here.

Natalie:As you wish.

She stopped walking and turned away form Y/N,expecting a surprise of some sort.He on the other hand,walked away to buy here something.He figured a little cotton candy would mean more,especially on such an occasion.After a while when he found the booth and bought the sugary treat for his boss.But then he heard her scream.

Natalie:The bell!Save the bell!

He looked up ahead to see a giant while,black and red lizard,crawling over the bell.It was about to attack Natalie when Bens sidekick threw a tennis ball at its snout.Ben Tennyson on the other hand tried to distract the creature which jumped off the bell but its tail hit the bell and sent it rolling around.

Natalie:The bell!

She was so overwhelmed that she fainted form her creature failing so Y/N threw away the cotton candy and ran to Natalie to catch her before she fell on the ground.He pulled her away to but more safer location where he fanned her with a nearby piece of paper.When she came to,she saw the bell rolling away.

Natalie:The bell!Save the bell!

Just then Ben pas pushed into the view by a Crabdozer in his Pyronite form.

Heatblast:Yeah,kind of busy right now.

Then he returned to his human form before becoming a Talpaedan and punching the Crabdozer away.

Armordrillo:Now to really shake things up.

Y/N:Maybe we should get away from here.

But crabdozer also transformed and turned into a Slammoid and attacking him.


The wormlike creature dugged itself underground,prompting Ben to calls his partner through the Omnitrix symbol but got interupted when Natalie yelled and pointed at the Bell,rolling towards a group of kids.

Natalie:Save the bell!

Y/N:You really need to cool it with the bell already.

Armordrillo:Lady,if its OK with you,how about I save the pople from the bell?

He quaked the ground and stopped the bell in its tracks as the fight raged on.But Natalie took that time to notice her suroundings.

Natalie:Wait,how did I get here?
Y/N:Things were getting a little heated so I pulled you to safety.

Natalie:You-you saved my life?
Y/N:Of course.Whod have a use of a pancake for a-

He didnt get tot finish his sentence since she threw herself at him,wrapping her arms around his body in a firm hug.Something that completley caught him offguard until she moved away a bit,still holding onto his shoulders.

Natalie:I have to tell you something.Ever since you were hired,I-I fell for you.I made up all sorts of exuses,like running out of papers when I just tossed them out the window.

Y/N:Really?You feel that way too?
Natalie:Too?What do you mean?

Y/N:Remember when I asked you to stand there for a while unitl I came back?

After she nodded,he point to the spot they were prior to the whole mess to show some cotton candy,splatterd on the ground.

Natalie:You were getting that for me?

Y/N:It was a surprise.I wanted to pamper you a little then when your favorite festival that you worked on so hard ends,Id confess.

Natalie:Ohhhh.Thats the most romantic thing anyone had almost done for me.Sorry I ruined it.

Y/N:No,no,its OK.If its anyones fault,its that big lizard thing or whoever brought it here.How about we got get some coffee and come back when the battles all over?
Natalie:Id like that.


When they ordered their coffees,they spent the entire battle between Ben and Zed as well as Khyber and Rook just talking.It was mostly things Natalie said and or did to spend more time with Y/N or to make her look like a real boss.They did share a good laught at those time.When the battle died down,they payed and went back to the festival to see Ben as Humnugosaur,putting the bell back on its place as Natalie approached him when he turned human again.

Natalie:Mr.Tennyson,I cant thank you enough for what youve done here today.I guess I have-


Natalie:We had made the right choice after all.

Ben:Me too.Now,if you exsue me,I have to give the people what they want.

He walked back to his platform and stood on his spot.

Ben:Alright folks,who wants to try and dunk Fourarms?Step right up.

Before anyone could volounter,the tennis ball hit the mark and he fell right in the pool.The camera then panned to Y/N who was still in throwing position as Natalie looked at him with a smirk which he returned.

Y/N:Its for charity.

Natalie:Of course.

They walked away hand in had and left Ben Tennyson to his drenched fate.They had the rest of the festival for their date after all.And as her first date ever,there was no better place than the festival she devoted her life and heritage to.They had plenty of food to try,from cotton candy,other carnival foods and there was even a little Mr.Smoothies stand in the back.There was simply no stopping that franchise.There were also few atractions they could amuse themselves with.As much as Natalie could arrange and for in the festival grounds along with all the other things and leave enough space for the visitors.But it all went to charity and Y/N ended up paying for most of the total income that day.Though,hed probabley have to ask for a raise when he went back to the office next time.They were on the festival longer than any other visitor,until the night fell.

Timeskip 21:37

When it got too dark and everyone had packed up and left for their homes,Y/N and Natalie followed in their examples.After a while,they reached Y/Ns house,whose paths she remembered like her own.

Y/N:Well,guess this is where we part.

Natalie:I had a great time today.I still cant belive my first date was on Olde Bellwood Days festival.

Y/N:I knew you would like that.Well,good night.

Natalie:Wait!C-could I maybe spend the night?Its really dark out and all.

Y/N:Oh.I dont know.Isnt it a bit early?I mean,we just confessed to each other few hours ago.Wouldnt that be rushing it?
Natalie:Hm?...Ah!This doenst have to be rashly inviting your new girlfriend into your home.We can just say youre helping your boss,or better yet collegue,in her hour of need.

Y/N:I,guess that could work.But even so,you take my bed.Ill just take the couch.Were still to early from sharing a bed and rationalizing that I slept alongside my collegue or even boss doesnt sound right.

Natalie:No,I suppose it doenst.

Y/N:Well,welcome to casa de Y/N.Hope you enjoy your stay.

Natalie:Oh I will.

Just as she entered Y/Ns dwelling and he closed the doors,the camera moved upwards at the nights sky with the moon and the stars shining bright.Thenthe dark blue turned diurnaly sky blue with the giant star replacing the Earths natural satelite.Inside the house,Natalie was walking down the stairs with satisfied stretching of arms over a good sleep.A soon as she reached the bottom of of the stairs,an enticing scent her her nose.She followed it to the kitchen to see that Y/N was not just already up but also made breakfast.

Y/N:Hope youre hungry.

Natalie:You didnt have to make me breakfast.

Y/N:Well if were actually dating right now,a shared meal is one of the pillar of early relationships.

He set the plates down and pulled out a seat for her.


Y/N:My pleasure.So whats in store for today?
Natalie:What do you mean?

Y/N:Well,since organising the Olde Bellwood Days festival is done,what are we going to do at work today?

Natalie:Oh dont you worry.There is something happening every day.And while it is cheaper to do it all by yourself,people need to be dazzled and amazed.Thats where we come in.

Y/N:I guess so.Well,eat up quickly.We should get to work soon.

After they finished their breakfast,they headed to work.After stopping fo r coffee of course.Once there,Natalie sat at her table just as Y/N went to get more papers.Which htey ran out of properly this time.After a while,knocking was heard and Natalie happily called them in,thinking it was Y/N.But to her surprise,it was actually her boss.


Boss:Hey,I was just passing by and seeing how are things with your new assistent.

Natalie:Oh its loevely.Hes been such,such help around the office.

Boss:Thats good to hear.Hey,have you seen how some of the girls in other offices are looking at him?

Boss:I just dont want them to try something.

Natalie:Me neither,I assure you.

Boss:Good.Glad to see you see it my way.

Natalie:I do?

Boss:Of course.If any of them makes a move,Ill need to do some firing.The question in will I fire him or the girl that tries something with him?


Boss:You know how office relationships are frowned upon,even prohibited somewhere.I just cant allow it.Glad we had this coversation.

Natalie:Yeah,me to...

Just as he was about to go out the doors,he passed by Y/N with a fresh set of papers.

Boss:Ah,Y/n.Nice to see you working hard.Keep it up and there might be a some space to hire you properly.

He patted him on the shoulder and went back to his office.Leaving Y/N to close the doors behind him and carry the papers over to the table with a confused look.

Y/N:Was that weird or was it just me?
She jumped ouf of her seat and grabbed Y/N by the collar of his shirt,prompting him to drop the papers on her desk.

Natalie:This is bad!Very,very bad!

Y/N:Then stop shaking me and tell me!
She let go of him and slumped back into her chair with her arms hanging down in defeat.

Natalie:...The boss said how some girls around the offce were looking at you.If they tried anything,he would have fired them.

Y/N:Really?What kind of pople do they hire in this place?
Natalie:Not that.Coworker realtionships arent allowed here.Apparentley.So we cant let anyone know were dating.We might have it off...

He walked around ehr desk and kneeled by he chair as he turned it around and took her hands.

Y/N:They dont have to know.

Y/N:Why would we have to hide and stop something that both makes us feel so great?Where else would we find someone.If collegues are forbidden,than the clients are even worse.We can keep this going but we just have to keep a low profile near our collegues.


Y/N:Of course.The power of love and other things.They cant be completley fictional,right?

He stood up and leaned in closer to kiss her but just as their lips were about to conect,someone opened the doors and Y/n pulled her head down to pretend to look at her eyes.

Y/N:Um,nope!No,I dont see anything.You mustve imagined it.

Natalie:Um,yes?Thanks you for looking into it.

The confused collegue just shook their head and revealed the prupose of their visit.

Collegue1:Hey Nat,I just came to ask if you got your paycheck for this month.Im still waiting for mine.

Natalie:Oh,um no.Not really.But Im sure well get it soon.

Collegue1:Hope so.Its taking even longer than last time and the other guys are getting a little tense.

Natalie:Tell them to just be patient.Im sure the moneys just around the corner.

Collegue1:OK,but theyll be taking your word for it.You know how they can get.

With that he left the office and closed the doors behind him.Once they were sure he was far away,they sighed the breath of relief and while Natalie slumped back into her chair,/YN rested his back against the wall and slid down.

Y/N:That was...close.

Natalie:Yes it was.Can we really keep this up?
Y/N:A little workout for the heart never hurt anybody.Well,within reasons anyway.Only downside is that you ou might get a little jumpy.

A knock on the doors made Natalie jump out of her chair and told the person to come in.But there was no reaction.Not even a shadow behind the doors.Then she looked down at Y/N who knocked on the floor with a smirk to emphasize his point.

Y/N:Something like that.

Natalie:That wasnt funny!
Y/N:Youre right,it wasnt.It was hillarious.

Natalie:I wonder would it be just as hilarious to take out of your next paycheck.Eventually.

Y/N:OK,OK,I get it.Im zipping up.

Natalie:Good boy.

She lovingly petted his hair and gave him some room to properly stand up.Now again,face to face,he could hug her in a loving embrace and kiss in peace.


They stayed in her office for a while,without anyone requesting an event planned by her.It was a slow day after the opening of the Olde Bellwood Days festival.And since it was Days,plural,the whole thing would go on for few more days.When noon came,they decided to go on a break,since no one visited them again and to give their lips a rest.They bought some bagels for launch and then vacated to their cafe for of course,coffee.That way they quenched their thirts and fed thier hunger with conversation in the mix.

Natalie:Ah,its so nice to get out of that stuffy office.

Y/N:You do know you have windows,right?

Natalie:I do but its getting hotter and hotter.This suit doesnt make it easier but it looks so pretty.

Y/N:It does fit you.Why dont we just sugest installing ACs?

Natalie:For every office?Thatd be too expansive.Besides,you know that there are some...minor money problems.

Y/N:And how did they occured?

Natalie:He can sometimes misplace them.He doesnt do it on prupose,of course.But the money alway turns up sooner or later.

Y/N:With what the guy said earlier,it sounds like its mostly later.

Natalie:Not all of them are so dedicated to the job like me.They mostly think of money.

Y/N:That is the point fo the job.And the only reason the building even has that mini kindergarden.

Natalie:Maybe,but as long as it inspires young minds about event planning and organization,Im one hundred percent behind it.

Y/N:While the rest of your coworkers are be far behind their budget.

Natalie:Now dont say that.Things will turn out for the better,they always do.

Y/N:But I do note that things are a bit worse then when I joined.

Natalie:Only a bit.Youll see.When the Oldee Bellwood days pass,people will hurl to as to dazzle them.

Y/N:I guess well just have to wait and see.

Natalie:Good.Patience is very important part of our job.

Y/N:If you say so.So what else can we talk about?
Natalie:Well,maybe we go look a pet together some day.You did mention wanting one.And what better way to further our realtionships than a joined pet.

Y/N:Sounds like a lot of repsonsibilty.Im still just an assistant so I better hold off until I get a proper,full time job.And besides,where would we keem them?
Natalie:In our house of course.That way,Ill have a perfectly sound reason to visit you everyday.No one would suspects if I say that your new pet just happens to be my favorite animal.

Y/N:That...actually isnt a bad idea.


Y/N:But we should still wait for a while.Getting a pet is still a pretty big commitment.Cant have some giant dog like great dane that will ruin the house while were gone form the lack of disciplene,a puppy thats gonna start teething or anything that can escape a terrarium.

Natalie:Oh,I dont like anything slimy or crawly either.

Y/N:Only slimey pet would be frogs.Unless some clown has pet snails.Or are you saying that snakes are slimey?

Natalie:N-no,of course not.

Y/N:Good.If you dont mind,how about I check out the companys finances?

Natalie:Im not sure youre allowed to do that.

Y/N:Im not going to steal anything.

Y/N:(Just check if anyone else is already doing it.)

Natalie:I dont know.Youll have to ask the boss about that.But let me warn you,he has the eyes of a hawk.Nothing gets by him.

Y/N:Except for money and the two of us dating?

Natalie:Two out of possible ten isnt that bad.

Y/N:Still,its far from perfect.Just let me worry about it.

Timeskip after lunchbreak

After going back to their company,Natalie and Y/N parted ways.After she told him where the finance center was.It was just a level above but as soon as Y/N got to that floor,he felt like he entered a ghost town.There was no one in the halls and no talking.What few people were there,they were jammed in small offices with looks of either utter boredom or defeat on their faces.He walked over to one and started the conversation.

Y/N:Hey,is this the finance center?
Collegue2:No,we just put the sign at the begging of the hall for fun.This where the advisors hang out.

Not liking his tone,Y/N decided to call his bluff.Sort off.

Y/N:Fine.I need an advice about something.

Y/N could see that the man didnt expect that and was lost for words.

Collegue2:Um,Im not great at the advice.Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

Y/N:I just need to loo into the records.

Collegue2:Why?Arre the Guinness people intrested?
Y/N:Drop it.Im investigating something serious and right now,youre the most suppicous guy here.

Collegue2:H-hey,I was just kidding.Thats my thing,I kid alot.Ask anybody.Hey Karen,knock-knock?!


Collegue2:Shes probabley not here today.

Y/N:Records please.Salaries and budget.

Collegue2:Right away.

He quickly typed in something and desplayed the payment schedule,how much which person gets payed and etc.Y/N was a bit buffled since his old job didnt recquire him to look at such things.But he did see a pattern.Some,strange pattern.Very random though.It seems someone was taking out relativley small sums of money that it would be unnoticable.

Y/N:Who has acces to this?
Collegue2:Only the best of the best agent K.


Collegue2:Ill stop.

Y/N:Are there any security cameras?
Collegue2:Yes.The short circuited one are in the garbage and new ones,we are still waiting for.We need to find an acceptable price for actually buying them and then theres shipping and assembly.

Y/N:Other than general security,have you been cutting corners anywhere else?

Collegue2:...We didnt have a paid vacation in a long time.

Y/N:If anything suspicious comes up,tell Natalie.

Collegue2:The employee of the month Natalie Alvarez?

Y/N:That's the one.

Collegue2:Dude,she's a legend here!Hey,is she like a real person or a machine?You know,special event planning algorithm of the future?

Y/N:No,shes very much real.But shes great at what she does.So just tell her if you find something.

Collegue2:Will do.

Nodding,Y/n went back downstairs to his secret girlfriend.Something was fishy but he couldt point fingers just yet.And calling police to dust for fingerprints would be too extreme.Especially since there could to a whole floor full of prints to expect.This will take some creative thinking.Eventually he came back to Natalies office.

Natalie:You finally came back.Did you find what you were looking for?
Y/N:Just maybe.Everyone has access but someone has been taking seemingly small ammounts of money out of the entire company.


Y/N:Like I said it could be anyone.Well,except for us.You care more about the job and I havent been here that long.Your boss is a pretty good suspect.

Natalie:No,it couldnt be him.Im sure hes innocent.

Y/N:Fine,if we rule him out,there are a bunch of employees that arent satisfied with him.Who knows,maybe someone is framing him to get him fired and in turn get his job as the new boss?

Natalie:Who could do that?

Y/N:Anyone.It could be to get more money,to fire someone they dont like or get rid of the boss becasue they dont like him.This would take an Adrian Monk to solve.

Natalie:The TV detective?Why?

Y/N:Well if every fictional detective was real,he be cheapest and easiest to get.Plus,the original Sherlock Holmes would be in a different time period.

Natalie:Shouldnt we call a police?
Y/N:Not without enough hard evidence.We need to be absolutley sure.Maybe we can stay after work hours and see if we can sneak up on them.

Natalie:Yay!I can get us hot chocolate and some snacks.

Y/N:That is a stakeout,not a picnick.But first,we need a bait.

Natalie:What kind of a bait?
Y/N:The boss.

Natalie:Im not really sure what you mean.

Y/N:Hes the one with the last word when it comes to money.We have to get him to reveal that someone is getting s promotion and that their paycheck was already in the sistem.However,hell reveal the secret identity of that employee in the morning as a surprise.The computer thief will have no better oprotunity to transfer the money to themselves since the money that comes with the new position is of unknown value.The employee would never know.Thats when we get him or her.

Natalie:Thats briliant!How did you come up with such a plan?

Y/N:...I watch a lot of crime shows.Now,lets present the idea to the bos and hope he isnt the one actually stealing the money.

Natalie:I told you already,there is no way he would do something like that.

Y/N:Fine.But just in case,we should invite him here.His office could be bugged.

Timeskip ten minutes later

Y/N:And thats our plan.

Natalie and Y/N were now standing across her desk with nervous looking boss in her chair,sweating bullets.

Boss:I-I dont know.I havent acted since Elementary school.I have a severe stagefright.Cant we just anonimously ask whoever is doing it to stop?
Y/N:Only if we can make nature documentaries the most common thing on TV.Sounds great but will also never happen.Just gather everyone before they leave and tell them what we told you.Whoever it is,they wont be able to ignore such a bait.And if they think the thrill from thier actions is gone,this should be more exciting.

Natalie:Come on boss.You can do it.

Boss:I-If you think so.

Natalie:I know so.

Y/N:Im still sceptical...But this is our best shot.

Boss:O-OK.Ill do it.

Natalie:Thats the spirit.

Timeskip end of the day

Just as they agreed,the boss gathered all the employees and even those kids at the entrance as he stood on the stairs.

Boss:Im sure youre all wondering why I brought you all here.

Collegue3:Not really.We were already on our way out when you stopped us.

Boss:Anywho,I have a special announcment.I decided to promote someone.

Everyones attention was grasp and they practically stood on their toes in the anticipation.

Boss:But Im not going to say who it is.


Boss:I want it to be a surprise.I already updated the pay and their promotion will officialy happen tomorrow.I know youre all tired and anxious to go back to your homes and families,so Ill let you rest up and greet your tomorrow morning with the revelations so you can start the day off with something positive.Any questions?

Collegue2:Yeah,um,is Natalie still here.

Boss:No um,she and her assistant had a...emergency to take care of.

Collegue2:What about Karen?

Boss:Shes on the other end of the crowd,opposite of you.

Collegue2:Could that BE any more of a message?

Just a everyone began to pour out of the building camera flew throught the hallways past the locked doors and into the room Y/N visited earlier that day.Rotating around the empty room,it settled on the closet and zoomed in unilt it entered its interior.Inside were shown very cramped Y/N and Natalie.

Y/N:...In my defense,I really thought there would be more space in here.

Natalie:Budget cuts.

Y/N:Really?The sooner we find out who this person is,the better.

Natalie:Its not completley bad.Couples should be close.

Y/N:If we were any closer and if it were brighter,I could count every hair on your head.Im not sure I can reach the door knob.

Natalie:Let me try.

She moves her arm in the dark a bit,trying to find the door know when her hand brushes agaisnt something.The object in question turns out to be a mop that falls on Y/Ns head.

Y/N:Ow...The door knob should be on your right.

She tried again but couldnt quite reach it.She had to lean forward as much as possible which made her get even closer to Y/Ns face.


Y/N:Im not complaining.Did you get it?
Natalie:I think so.So what now?
Y/N:We could always do something to pass the time.

Natalie:Like what?

Y/N:Like this.

He struggled to get his right hand free from the confined space but when he finally got it free,he cupped her left cheek and started to slowly kiss her.The thief could take hours to try and steal the promotion money.They needed something to occupy them.After all,if they ran out of patience too soon,it would ruin the entire mission.Son they were making out for a while.And some more after that,only pausing for air or a compliment.After a while,more so than expected,they heard a noise that made them stop.

Y/N:Wait,what was that?

Natalie:it sounded like someone is trying to unlock the doors.

Y/N:And theyre either worried and in hurry and the copied keys they made are of poor quality.You never get to think of different posibilities like that in the movies.

Once the doors of the room were opened,the person with light footsteps indicating a woman or someone thin made their was over to the computers.


Y/N:Not yet.We need to be sure.

After the person went over to the computer and turned it on,hey typed something in until the tow in the closet could hear a somewhat high voice whisper shouting:"Where?!"


They burst out the doors and land on the floor from their cramped state.The person heard them and still in dark,started running.Y/N ran after then and tackled them to the floor.The person resisted but they couldnt put much of a fight with their weak limbs.

Natalie:Did you catch them?
Y/N:Yes.Could you turn on the lights so we can see who it is.

Natalie:One revealing light coming right up.

She stumbled in the dark for a while before finding the lightswitch and turning it on.Once the light iluminated the entire room,their eyes fell on the one and only culprit.

Y/N&Natalie:It was you?!

Timeskip morning

The employees were once again all gathered in front of the boss but this time,he had Y/N,Natalie and a person with a paper bag over their head,held bay them next to him.

Boss:Im sure youre all wondering what this is about.

Collegue3:Not really,you told us yesterday.

Boss:About that,there is no promotion.It was a trick to find out who was was secretley stealing the money.So there was no promotion and no extra money.Sorry everyone.

As expected,he was welcomed by a collective groan of all of his employees.

Boss:But there should be no more financial problems after this.Natalie,Y/N,show them whos fault it was.

Still holding the persons arms with their hands,Y/N used one to take off the paper bag of the persons head.And it of those teenagers.

Boss:Um...Im lost.Who is that?
Y/N:Its one of the kids you put together to come up with guest of honor events.And as it turns out,he has been taking Informatics in school.So he knew his way around the computers.

Natalie:But why?
Teen1.Duh,to get an advance on my allowance.Like I need a reason to want more money.Its money.And Id get away with it if it werent for a change in the employment which is mediocre at best.

Boss:I heard enough.Take him away.

Natalie:Um,we havent called the police yet.We waited here all night for this dramatic reveal.Itll take some time for then to get here.

Boss:Oh...Well um,somebody call the police then.And since that kids techically fired,I giving his paycheck to our new,this time for real,employee...Y/N!

The boss started clapping in anticipation that others will do so too but was meant with silence instead.The only reactions were Y/N's mild surprise and Natalie's overjoyment.She threw herself at him in exclamation of her sheer happiness.

Natalie:Y/N,this is incredible!

Y/N:Dial it down a bit,we still can't reveal our secret.

Boss:OK Natalie,let the poor boy go.He got employeed,he didn't win a Nobel.


She let go of him with a shy smile but Y/N didnt mind.He just didnt want them to be the next ones to get cought.

Boss:Well with all that,youre all free to go aobut your day as usual.Especially now knowing that you will get payed on time.Y/N,allow me to show you your new office.

Y/N:If its all the same to you,Id rather continue sharing space with Natalie.Less space consuming after all.

Boss:Hmm.Good point.Glad to have you on board.I knew it was a good idea to hire you.

Y/N:(Even though he initially gave the job to someone else and made me just an assistant.)

Y/N:And I thank you for it.

Timeskip after arrest

Scene changed to Natalie and now Y/Ns office with both of them sitting behind the desk.

Natalie:This is so lovely.Now we dont have to ever be apart.

Y/N:And since share all our drawers,I took a liberty to fill them with something to make comfortable.

He then opened the first drawer to reveal a heart shaped boy of chocolates.


The second one was packed with little bags of chocolate filled croissants to remind them of Paris,city of love and better known,light.


Y/N:And for the pièce de résistance-

The biggest drawer held a personal coffee maker.All the comforts of building comunal area without leaving the office or its privacy.

Natalie:Oh my!I dont know what to start with first.

Y/N:Take the coffe first.If you eat anything sweet beforehand,it wont taste the same.

Natalie:I know one thing thatll always taste the same.

Y/N:And what is that?

Without warning,she pulled him inot a kiss.Not that he held any objections.As their kiss dragged on,the screen closed in a heart shaped cover of black.

Author:(There you have it.Up next,we have Jimmy Jones's mother or as you all know her-Mrs.Jones...She'll get a real name of course.A quick reminder that the next Anniversary chapter is next chapter and it will be really surprising.)

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