Home, d.s[3]

By bev_ellen

47.9K 2.2K 338

The group travels to Neverland to save Henry, who has been taken there, under Pan's orders. Athena's whereabo... More



1K 49 13
By bev_ellen



Flashback - One Year Ago

Somewhere in the Enchanted Forest, Prince Phillip rode his horse through the woods, until he came to a gazebo where Aurora was preparing a picnic for them. Aurora heard him approaching and looked up at him, "You're late," She said.

Prince Phillip dismounted his horse and approached her, "I came as quickly as I could," He said.

"I'm hungry and I miss you," Aurora said and they embraced each other, sharing a kiss.

Prince Phillip looked at her stomach, placing a gentle hand on it, "You're always hungry now," He said.

"And cranky. I'm sorry. I know, there are royal responsibilities," Aurora said.

"None that match my responsibilities to you. Our family. I'm the one who should be sorry," Prince Phillip said.

In the distance, thunder and rumbling could be heard as purple clouds rose, "What is that? Is it a storm?" Aurora asked.

Lighting suddenly struck the ground, causing their horse to flee in panic, "That's not a storm, it's magic. Come," Prince Phillip took hold of her hand, "We need to get you to safety, now," they turn to run, but with one final rumble the purple clouds disappeared, "Are you alright?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I think so. What was that?" Aurora asked.

"I don't know," Prince Phillip said.

The both turned around, coming face-to-face with the group of former Storybrooke residents, which included; Snow White, the Charming Siblings, the Evil Queen, Helena, Maverick, Alana, Captain Hook, Red Riding Hood, Granny, Belle and the Dwarves.

"Snow? What happened?" Aurora asked, shocked.

"We're back," Snow White said.

End of Flashback

New York...

Elias walked down the street, until coming to a nice restaurant and entering it. He walked up to the kiosk and the hostess looked at him, "Reservation for Swan," He said.

The Hostess smiled slightly, "Right this way, sir," She said and led him to a table.

Elias sat down, making himself comfortable and soon a woman walked up to him, "Sorry I'm late," She said.

Elias smiled softly, "Ryleigh, hey," he stood up, pulling her chair out and she sat down, "I just got here to be honest," He said as he sat back in his seat.

"I do love an honest man," Ryleigh smiled, "So, since you were technically late, does that mean you caught the guy?" She questioned.

"So optimistic, I like it," Elias said.

"If you hadn't, you'd have cancelled," Ryleigh said.

"You know me too well," Elias said.

"Elias Swan always gets the job done," Ryleigh said.

A waiter served them both a glass of wine, "Thank you," Elias said.

"Yes, thank you," the waiter walked away as Ryleigh looked back at Elias, "How did Henry's volcano do at science fair?" She asked.

"It was Pompeii all over again. Thank you for your help," Elias said and they clinked their glasses.

"Come on. All I did was convince him not to use real lava," Ryleigh said.

Elias chuckled, "His teachers did appreciate that. Let's eat, I'm starving," He said.

"Let's do it," Ryleigh said and they both began looking over the menu.


After finally being served their food, they had been eating and sharing small talk, when Elias looked at her, "Are you happy?" she looked up at him, "With your food, are you happy?" He asked.

Ryleigh smiled softly at him, "We are happy," She said.

"Yeah," Elias smiled, "We are," He said.

Ryleigh wiped her mouth, before placing her napkin down over her plate, "Pardon me," She said as she stood up, and walked passed him, lightly touching his shoulder as she does so.

A waiter walked over, taking their finished plates away, "Oh, thank you," Elias' phone buzzed, making him look at it as someone sat in Ryleigh's seat, "Hang on, I'll just finish one quick work thing," he put his phone down and looked up, seeing Captain Hook sat in front of him, "You," Elias said.

"I can explain," Captain Hook said.

"Emma told me about you and your friend. What are you? Some kind of stalker?" Elias said.

"Just hear me out, I don't do this very often. So treasure it, mate," Captain Hook said.

"I'm not your mate," Elias said.

Captain Hook couldn't help but smile subtly at the wording, "Look, I've come to apologize," He said.

"For stalking, or for letting your friend kiss my sister?" Elias questioned.

"She was simply just trying to jog her memory," Captain Hook said.

"It's time for you and your friend to go. Now," Elias said.

"Your parents are in great danger, Elias," Captain Hook said.

"You really have no idea what you're talking about," Elias said.

"Cause you both think you're orphans? Because that's haunted you both your whole lives? I'm here to tell you everything you believed is wrong," Captain Hook said.

"You don't know us," Elias said.

"Alas, I know you better than you know yourself. I have proof, take a gander," Captain Hook handed Elias a small piece of paper, "Here's an address. If you wanna know who you really are, who your parents are, go there," He said.

"Leave. Now," Elias said.

"You've both been there before, a year ago. You just don't remember," Captain Hook said.

"A year ago I was in Boston, until a fire destroyed my apartment, and I moved to New York to have a fresh start with my son and sister," Elias said.

"Regina really did a number on you," Captain Hook said.

"Who the hell is Regina? Doesn't matter," Elias shook his head, "You're a crazy person, or a liar...or both," He said.

"I prefer dashing rapscallion," Elias looked at him, unamused, "Scoundrel?" Captain Hook said.

"Give me one good reason not to punch you in the face," Elias said.

"You really don't believe me?" Captain Hook leaned closer, "Try using your superpower. Yep, I know about that. Use it, see that I have good intentions," He said.

"Just because you believe something is true or has good intentions, doesn't make it real," Elias said.

"Maybe, maybe not. I know you, Swan. You sense something's off. Get your sister and go to that address. Take a chance, then you'll want to talk. When you do, my friend and I will be in Central Park by the entrance of the zoo. Don't do it for me, or you. Do it for your family, they need your help," Captain Hook said, before standing up and walking away from the table.

Flashback - One Year Ago

Prince Phillip and Aurora were stood, welcoming the group back to the Enchanted Forest, "How've things been since we left? The ogres?" Snow White asked.

"Defeated. We're restoring our kingdom and our lives," Aurora said.

Snow White nodded, "And congratulations," She said.

Aurora smiled, "Is it that obvious?" She asked.

"You are glowing," Snow White said with a smile.

"Why is she pregnant and I'm the one who's sick?" The Evil Queen questioned as she turned from them.

Helena turned from them, "You're not the only one," She said, before walking away from the group.

Athena looked at the Evil Queen and cleared her throat slightly, making the Queen look at her, "Yes?" She said.

"Go talk to her," Athena said.

"Why me? She's your friend," The Evil Queen said.

"Well, it doesn't seem like you two are enemies any more, now does it?" the Evil Queen just looked out at Helena, "That's what I thought. Now, go. She just left someone she loved. You're in the same position," Athena said.

"Fine," the Evil Queen walked away from the group, stopping next to Helena, "Hey," She said.

Helena glanced at her, "Hey," after a moment of awkward silence, she sighed and turned to the Queen, "Regina, what are you doing?" Helena asked.

"Standing here. Is that not allowed?" Helena just looked at her, unamused, "Wow, Athena was right," The Evil Queen said.

"Right about what?" Helena asked.

"You miss Emma," The Evil Queen said.

Helena scoffed and faced away from the Queen, "I'm not talking about this with you," She said.

"You don't have to, but I know what you're going through," Helena turned her head and looked at the Queen over her shoulder, "You aren't the only one who had to leave someone they love," The Evil Queen said.

"Yeah, Henry," Helena said, finally turning fully to her.

"Yeah..." the Evil Queen nodded, "Henry, of course," She said.

Helena narrowed her eyes, "Regina," She said.

"What?" The Evil Queen asked.

"Is there someone else you love? Or do you normally act like this, when talking about your son?" Helena asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," The Evil Queen said.

Helena went to say something, but stopped when Captain Hook said something to the Queen, "Well played, Your Majesty," they both looked at him, "You laid waste to everything."

"Not everything," Aurora nodded to the Queen, "Her castle still remains," She said.

"Of course it does," The Evil Queen walked back to the group with Helena, "I protected it," She said.

"Well, technically, the castle doesn't belong to her. It was Snow's before she took it," Prince Charming said.

"Well, to be fair, I married into it," The Evil Queen said.

"That you did. And now, we're taking it back," Snow White smiled as she took a step toward the Queen, "And you are coming with us," She said.

"You can't be serious," The Evil Queen said.

"Everyone out there is scared and confused, they need hope. What better way to do that then to return united? You're coming with us. I know you don't like it, but you'll learn to. For our good and for yours," Snow White said.

The Evil Queen's face remained unsure of her decision, and Maverick stepped up to her, "Please," she looked down at the young boy, "Please, come with us," He said.

"Well, now you have to," Athena placed a hand on her son's shoulder, "How can you say no to him?" She questioned.

Prince Charming looked at Phillip and Aurora, "Thank you again for your hospitality. We should begin preparations," He said.

"Good luck to all of you," Prince Phillip said and made eye contact with Helena for a moment, before watching as the small group walked away from them.

"You know we can't pretend this didn't happen. They've returned, we have to tell her," Aurora said.

"Aurora, we can't. You know what'll happen to them, what she'll do," Prince Phillip said.

"We both know if she ever found out we hid this, she would take it out on our child. We have no choice, she has to know. We have to trust that they can take care of themselves. It's not up to us to save them," Aurora said.

End of Flashback

Inside the restaurant, Ryleigh returned to the table and sat down, seeing Elias reading the note from Captain Hook, "Hey, what's that?" She asked.

Elias pocketed the paper, "Nothing," He said and noticed a waiter walking over to serve them dessert, "Oh, shit," He thought to himself.

The waiter placed the dessert down in front of them, "Oh, Li," Ryleigh looked at him with a smile, "You didn't have to get dessert," She said.

Elias smiled nervously, "I don't even think I'll be able to eat it," He said.

"Come on, just a little," Ryleigh smiled, "Just like our first date. You remember that?" She asked.

"Of course, I do," Elias said with a smile as he thought to himself, "That's why I chose this place."

"You were being you, which I love and adore," Ryleigh chuckled, "And you brought me here for lunch, but it didn't stop you from ordering an ice-cream sundae, which wasn't on the menu. So, you bribed the chef and they made one up," She said, reminiscing on the memory.

"I remember. I was nervous," Elias shrugged slightly, "And a little full," He said.

"Come on, just one bite," as Ryleigh moved the sundae closer to him, she noticed an engagement ring placed on the plate, "Li..." She said.

"Look, Ryleigh," Elias sighed, "I know that we've been together for a while, but I'm not really-," He began to say.

"Elias," Ryleigh interrupted him, "I would love to," she smiled, "I've just been waiting for this moment. I love you, I love Henry and Emma. I love our lives together and I wanna have a future together," She said.

"I just, um..." Elias remembered what Captain Hook had told him, "I don't know..." He said.

"Li, what's wrong?" Raleigh asked and lightly touched his hand.


Elias walked out of the restaurant with Ryleigh chasing after him, "Elias, please tell me what's going on," She said.

"I'm sorry," Elias stopped walking and turned to her as she caught up to him, "This wasn't...I don't know," he sighed, "A lot of things took me by surprise tonight," He said.

"I mean, wasn't surprise kind of a part of the plan. It seemed like a great plan to me, but..." Ryleigh said.

"Maybe I just didn't think it over entirely. Doesn't it all just seem a little fast to you? 'Cause it's starting to feel like that to me. I mean, we've only been together eight months. I've had leftovers in my fridge for longer than that," Elias said.

"I know, I threw them out. Might've saved your life," Ryleigh said.

"How do you...we...know this is right?" Elias asked.

"Elias, speaking for myself, I've known this was right since the moment you walked into my furniture shop. Why do you think your order was ready two weeks early?" Ryleigh asked.

"Your commitment to excellence?" Elias questioned.

Ryleigh smiled at his response, "I was trying to see if you felt the way I did. It seemed the most non-stalkery way to speed things up," She said.

"I do love that end table," Elias said.

"That's a start," Ryleigh said.

"I do love you. You know that, right?" Elias told her.

"Yeah, I do," Raleigh took hold of his hands, "And I love you," She said.

"I'm just not good at fast," Elias said.

"I know. I knew when we started dating. I knew you would say this is too fast, and that's why we don't have to get married anytime soon. We can wait a year, or more. Look, I don't care if we don't get married until we're 65 years old and Henry already has kids," Elias smiled softly, "Okay? All I know is that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you," Ryleigh said.

"Can I have a little more time to think?" Elias asked.

"Take as much time as you need. I will be here when you're ready," Ryleigh said.

"And then I'll propose the right way," Elias said.

Ryleigh smiled, "You do that," She said.


Elias arrived back in the apartment building and entered their apartment, where he saw his son on the couch, playing video games, "Mrs Cuse said you were quiet tonight," Elias said as he hung his coat up.

"Not quiet, concentrating. I've finally reached level 23," Henry said, keeping his eyes on the screen.

Elias walked over to the couch, sitting down, "Do you mind if a fifth-level wizard joins you?" He asked.

"At level 23? Good luck with that," Elias picked up the spare controller and joined the game, beginning to play, "So, what did she say? Ryleigh?" Henry asked.

Elias glanced at him, "You knew? How?" He asked.

"Come on, Dad. First date restaurant, a special night out...writing was on the wall," Henry said.

"Technically, the writing was on the dessert," Elias said.

"So, what did she say?" Henry asked.

"She said yes," Elias said.

"Wait, really?" Henry questioned.

"Firstly," Elias looked at his son, "Ouch," He said.

"Sorry," Henry said,

"But, uh...there's more," Elias said.

"Yeah?" Henry looked over at his father, who remained silent, "You changed your mind, didn't you?" He asked.

"She still said yes, though," Elias said.

"Yeah, but you still changed your mind," Henry said.

"I just need some time to think about it. I mean, it's like a big step, kid. We've got a good thing going here, just the two of us and your Aunt Em. Speaking of her," Elias glanced at his sister's bedroom door, "Where is she?" He asked, looking back at the game.

"She went out," Henry told him, "You know, we'd still have a good thing if it was just the four of us."

"You think Ryleigh's worthy of joining our little family?" Elias asked.

"She's okay," Henry paused the game and turned around to face his father, "Dad, not every girl is like my mom. Not every girl is just gonna leave you," He said.

"She didn't just leave, she set Em and I up to take the fall for her crime and left us in jail. I was lucky that Em got out before me, so she could take care of you for a little while. Alana doesn't even know I kept you. She doesn't deserve to," Elias said.

"This girl is not that girl. She wants to be with you, us. She wants us to be her home. And anyways," Henry shrugged slightly, "I know you like her," He said.

"How?" Elias asked.

"Cause she's the first girl you've dated that I've ever met," Henry said and turned back to the game, resuming to play it.

Elias smiled a little, "When did you get so wise?" He asked.

"Somewhere after Level 16 when I became a knight," Henry said.

Flashback - One Year Ago

As travel preparations had began to go underway, Athena walked toward her brother, "How are you doing?" She asked.

"Good," Prince Charming said.

"You just had to leave your children for the second time. You're not good," Athena tilted her head, slightly, "You know you can talk to me, right?" She told him.

Prince Charming smiled, "I know. It's not me or the twins I'm worried about, though," He said and just looked at her.

"Me?" he nodded, "Why?" Athena asked.

"Well, Hook doesn't seem to even want to acknowledge his son, or you. Which, quite frankly, is the polar opposite of what he was like when he first arrived in Storybrooke," Prince Charming said.

"To be honest, I really don't care what Hook does anymore. He's shown to me that he doesn't want to change, so I'm not going to try. If he doesn't want to get to know Maverick, that's on him," Athena smiled softly, "Thanks for caring though, Dave," She said, before walking away toward her son.

Captain Hook was off to the side, packing supplies onto his horse, "That's a lot of supplies you have there, Hook," Prince Charming said as he approached the pirate.

"Well, you know what they say about preparation and all that," Captain Hook said.

"There's no need to overload your horse. The Queen's castle is less than a day's ride from here. We'll have everything we need once we get there," Prince Charming said.

"Aye," Captain Hook looked at the Prince, "That would be lovely if we were going to the Queen's castle," He said.

"We?" Prince Charming questioned.

"Hook," they looked to see Helena walking towards them with her horse and supplies, "You ready?" She asked.

"Just about, love," Captain Hook said.

"You two aren't coming with us?" Prince Charming asked them.

"You're a perceptive Prince, aren't you?" Captain Hook questioned.

"That he is," Helena commented, before turning her attention to her horse.

"Where are you going?" Prince Charming asked.

"Listen, mate. The Enchanted Forest is your home, mine is the Jolly Roger," Captain Hook said.

"And I don't have one, so I'm joining him," Helena said.

"Hook, Lena, you don't even know, if it's-," Prince Charming began to say.

"Regina told me how that bloody thing worked," Captain Hook interrupted, "It returned all of our belongings to this land as well as us. It means that somewhere out there is my ship. All I have to do is find her," He said.

"And what if you can't?" Prince Charming asked.

"I'll just have to take another one, then, won't I? That's what pirates do," Captain Hook said.

Prince Charming stepped back, "Huh, and here I thought you've gone and changed," He said to the pirate.

Captain Hook mounted his horse, "I tried the hero thing. Didn't take," He said.

"What about you, Lena?" Prince Charming asked.

"I've never been a hero," Helena mounted her horse, "Just someone who did a lot and received a little," She said.

Snow White overheard their conversation and approached them, "So, that's it? Emma's gone and Athena's made up her mind, so you're gonna go back to being a pirate and a huntress?" She questioned.

"Back, m'lady? I've always been a pirate," Captain Hook said.

"Same goes for me. Once a heartless huntress, always a heartless huntress," Helena said and the two left together.

Alana walked towards them, "Hey," they turned to her, "What Hook said just now about all of our stuff being brought back here, is that true?" She asked.

"What are you looking for?" Prince Charming asked.

"I was thinking maybe we can stop by my father's place on the way to the Queen's castle," Alana said.

"Alana, I know your hurt, but Rumplestiltskin is gone," Prince Charming said.

"Maybe, maybe not. And if he's not, maybe he can get me back to Elias," Alana said.

"Alana, it's impossible. Regina was clear. The price of our return was a complete reset, no more portals. This is our realm for good. There's no way to cross over, not without another curse," Snow White said.

"We have to move on, this is our home now. Now, I know, you miss them. So do we. Even if there were some way to get to them, they wouldn't remember us. The best thing we can do for the twins and Henry is the only thing we can do. Let them be and know we gave them their best chances," Prince Charming said.

End of Flashback

The next morning, Henry was getting ready for school as the twins tidied up the kitchen, "Dad, do you have it?" Elias looked at him confused, "My permission slip? It's due today and if I don't hand it in, I'll miss the museum trip next week," Henry said.

Elias walked over to his desk and picked up the paper, "Yeah, your permission slip is right here," He said, handing it to his son as he looked at the note from Captain Hook, which had been underneath Henry's permission slip.

"Dad, is there something going on?" Henry asked, taking his form from him.

"No," Elias shoved the note into his pocket, "Nothing," He said and turned to his son.

Emma looked at her brother, "No, you're doing it again," She said.

"Doing what?" Elias asked.

"You're worrying," Henry said.

"No, I'm not. I'm thinking, there's a difference," Elias said.

"Are you thinking about Ryleigh?" Henry asked.

"No, I..." Elias stopped himself, hesitating to finish, "Yeah, I am. Can you blame me for taking 24 hours to think through making a life-altering decision? Just want to make sure that nothing is wrong," He said.

"You're always look for something to be wrong," Henry said.

"He got you there," Emma said as she closed the dishwasher.

"You don't have to do that you know," Elias looked back at his son, "Sometimes it's okay to accept things are good. I got to go, I'm gonna be late," Henry walked to the door, grabbing his coat and backpack, "See you. Love you, guys," He said.

"Love you, too," The twins said and Henry left the apartment.

Elias looked back at the note and Emma looked at him, "Okay, seriously. What is that?" She asked.

"An address," Elias said.

"To?" Emma asked and he just shrugged, "Well, let's go check it out," She said.

"Woah, what? It's from that Jack Sparrow looking guy that showed up with that girl the other morning. We can't just go to someplace a stranger tells you to go to," Elias said.

"When did you see him?" Emma asked.

"He showed up at my date. Reeks of rum by the way, clearly can't stay away from the bottle," Elias said.

"There's got to be a reason he gave you that address. Come on, what's the worst that could happen?" Emma questioned.

"We could get kidnapped...or killed," Emma just looked at him, "Okay, fine, we'll go," Elias said.


The twins arrived at the address on the note and walked into the apartment building, heading to the room. Elias held out his hand, which Emma placed a bobby-pin in and he crouched down, beginning to pick the lock, "Old habits die hard, huh?" She said.

"She had her moments," Elias said and opened the door.

They entered the apartment, closing the door behind them and began to look around. Elias noticed a dreamcatcher on the window and moved to it, picking it up, "Flypaper for nightmares...Alana," He said.

"What?" Emma asked.

Elias turned to her, holding up the dreamcatcher, "I better be dreaming," He said.

Emma walked around and picked up some letters, noticing they were all addressed to Alana Cassidy, "A really vivid dream," She said, showing them to her brother.

Elias walked around a bit further, until picking up a key chain with Henry's name on it, "That's not possible," He said, turning to his sister and holding it up.

"Is that..." Emma said.

"I'm gonna kill him," Elias said and ran out of the apartment.

"Elias!" Emma said, running after him.

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