My Love For You |Naruto Vario...

By DatChild13

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Kaiya Ryu isn't a normal girl. She is the secret Jinchuriki of the No tails. She has strong jutsu and chakra... More

The Beginning -1
Secrets -2
Training -3
Anbu -4
Attack -5
Him -6
The Sand -7
A Day with Him -8
New mission -9
Why is it always Gaara-10
Why is it always Gaara pt2 -11
Close to death -12
Another one gone -13
Preparing for Pain -14
Attack on the Leaf -15
Pain vs Naruto -16
Rebuilding -17
Shikamaru -18
A nightmare -19
5 kage summit -20
Danzo/Sasuke -21
Captured -22
Itachi -23
The hokage -24
The Beginning of the war -25
Teamwork -26
Infinite Tsukuyomi -27
Kaguya -28
Almost Over -29
I'm sorry -30
Goodbye...for now -31
Exploding Humans Pt 1 -32
Exploding Humans Pt 2 -33
Exploding Humans Pt 3 -34
Exploding Humans Pt 4 -35
A new mission -36
Found Him -37
Gone -38
Safe -40

A new plan -39

40 3 1
By DatChild13


As mentioned the beginning of this chapter will mention: 


-sexual assault 

*** - this will mark when it will be mentioned and the second time it is show will be when it is finished 

The scenes with the mark will be mentioned once or twice and even play a part in a important scene. It will only briefly mention it and won't describe anything!



I fell asleep against Sasuke's chest. I woke up against his chest with his arm still wrapped protectively around me. It felt weird to wake up with opening my eyes. But I knew Sasuke would take the next chance to leave and would get my eyes back no matter what. 

Normally I would've been thrilled that Sasuke was being this touchy and caring for me but it only saddened me, reminding me what had happened. I snuggled up against his chest under his cloak inhaling the familiar scent. It calmed my nerves and my mind. 

"Kaiya?" Sasuke said. I hummed in response. "They brought our food. Do you want any?" I nodded my head and sat up. I moved my arms in front of me and felt around on the ground for the food. Sasuke touched my arm and guided my hand to the food. I felt it and took it beginning to nibble on it. It was just a plain bagel but it was better than nothing. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked lighting running his hand through my hair getting the tangles out for me. I shrugged. 

"I have bruise.." I said quietly, "but my eyes mostly just burn and hurt." 

"Once we leave the cell, we can find your eyes and I'll put them back in." Sasuke said. 

"Do you even know how to do that?" I asked him. 

"I had my eyes removed and replaced before so I have a idea." He said, I didn't look convinced. "You can just use your seal to heal it completely, right?" If I had eyes I would've rolled them.

"Yes, but using the seal shortens my life span so I try not to use it unless it's necessary" I couldn't tell what his response was. "But I'll use it to make sure my eyes fully heal and restore to how they were before." I said after he stayed silent. 

"Okay," he finally says. It was silent for a while as we ate together in silence.

"He said he would come back for me." I said once I finished eating, "I think when he does I should go with him to give you a chance escape without being noticed. That way you can take them by surprise, get me and my eyes and then we leave." 

"No," he said, "I'm not letting him anywhere near you again." 

"If I don't go with him he can't take me to where my eyes are and then we could waste time looking for them." I argue. "Plus the room I was in last time had a bottle of liquid that releases the chakra sealers in our system." I knew the silence from Sasuke meant he was thinking it over. "I'm okay with it." I said, "just one more time and then I'll be completely safe from him."

"Fine," he said eventually agreeing. "But if you ever feel unsafe or if he tries to hurt you again scream my name and I will be there immediately." He emphasized the last part, making me smile a little. 

We had no idea when he would come again, so we just had to wait it out. 

Before we knew it hours turned into days. My eyes had finally started to feel better and I had started to open up more and talk to Sasuke about what had happened. Which had made me feel better. Like I had lightened a heavy burden. 

"So..was it you know..your first.." Sasuke asked me shyly. I laughed. For some reason him being so awkward and shy about talking about my sex life made me burst out laughing. We had been talking about other things I had noticed in the room I was in such as other kekki genkai but Sasuke had decided to ask the personal question I knew he had been wondering for the past day. 

"You're so awkward." I said between my laughing. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand. "This isn't a forbidden subject, you don't have to be so embarrassed about it." I joked. Over the past few days, Sasuke and I had spent them mostly talking to each other.

 Since I couldn't see he had to help me do a lot of things. Which was awkward at first but it cause me to start returning to my old self. I was still very upset about what had happened but Sasuke helping me really brighten my mood, especially since I had never seen this side of him before,

"But to answer your question it was." I said, "but I don't really count it because I think doing that with someone should be because you love them and you both genuinely want to create that bond with each other. That's why I've always wanted to wait until I marry to have sex. That way it's something special between just me and my husband." I tried to explain. "That probably didn't make much sense sorry.." 

"No, it did." He said. 

"So what about you?" I asked with a mischievous smile. 

"I...haven't.." he started to mumble. I gave a small laugh. 

"The Sasuke Uchiha, who every single girl had a crush on and dreamed of marrying...hasn't been with a single girl yet." I teased. I could feel him rolling his eyes. 

"I've been busy," he said, "and it wasn't exactly on my mind." Normally I wouldn't be comfortable talking about this with people but somehow it felt easy to talk to Sasuke. "Besides I rather just wait until I find the right person, someone who I want to marry and spend my life with." I nodded understanding where he was coming from.

Sasuke's hand suddenly gripped my hand tightly. I heard the door open and foot steps walk in. 

"Aw," the familiar voice of the man I hated said, "how cute." He must be referencing me and Sasuke. The footsteps drew nearer and I felt another hand grab my wrist tightly pulling me up.  

"Don't touch her." Sasuke threatened pulling me back. I had described what the man looked like and told him his name was Ibiki. Sasuke must've recognized him. I gave Sasuke's hand a squeeze before letting go and mouthing 'I'll be fine' before going with my abuser. I heard Sasuke follow me only to be stopped by a chain. I had memorized where he had kept his keys and had plenty of time to figure the right way to grab them. 

Just as Ibiki turned and said something to Sasuke I felt my fingers wrap around a set of keys. I lifted them up and off the hook they had been resting on and dropped them on the ground before leaving the room. Sasuke would be able to release himself from his chains and open the door to come follow me. 

I lead down a hallway and into a room. I had hoped that it was the same one as before. I had used my nail to make a mark on one of the counters before leaving the room I was in before. If I could find that mark then I would know for sure that this was the same room as before and that this room held the chakra release serum and my eyes. 

As I walked through the room I used my hand to feel around on the counter. I was hoping it looked like I was just trying to find my way through the room since I couldn't see instead of me searching. Either way the man didn't say anything and began to rummage around the room. 

I heard his footsteps come towards me and I began to panic I hadn't found the mark. Was I in a different room? Or was I truly just blind and not looking in the right place. Just as he grabbed my wrist I felt it. The small slit in the wood. I had ruined my nail to leave that mark but it was worth it. 

The man pulled me suddenly across the room and onto the familiar metal table. He clasped my wrist to either side of me once again. I opened my mouth to scream Sasuke to let him know I was in here, but the man covered my mouth muffling my scream. 

"Shh," he said to me, "just one more time to make sure we get more eyes." I suddenly realized how bad of a idea this was. This was a very very bad idea. I wished I had listened to Sasuke and not gone with this man again. Tears sprung to my eye sockets as he began to grab the top of my clothing pull it to the side. 

Sasuke hadn't arrived yet so that must've meant he took to long to unchain himself to follow us through the hallway. Which also meant he was probably wandering through different rooms trying to find me. 

I began to kick and scream as he continued to remove my clothing leaving my chest almost bear now. I managed to kick him in the stomach causing him to falter and let go of my mouth. Leaving me just enough time to scream "Sasuke!" 

He must've not been to far because he almost immediately burst into the room. Or at least I assume the sound of a door being knock down and a man being beaten was him. 

"Sasuke," I said as the sounds around me became quieter. What people said was true, my hearing and sense of smell had increased since I lost my eyesight. "Can you undo the wrist?" I heard him walk over and my wrist were soon freed. I sat up and pulled my clothing back covering myself up again. 

Sasuke then wrapped his arm around me into a hug. 

"This was a horrible idea." He said. 

"Yeah, we should definitely go with your plans next time." I said. We stayed in a embrace for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. "We should get my eyes before they figure out you escaped."  Sasuke mumbled 'okay' and let go and began to search the shelves. 


"I think I found them." He said after a few minutes of searching. I started to remove the bandages covering my eyes.

"Ok, but first we need to get our chakra back so I can release my seal." I said. 

"This might hurt." Sasuke said after he grabbed the bottle and a needle. 

"I'll be fine, just inject it into the vein in my wrist." I told him showing him where he should inject it. He first injected himself and I heard a small groan of pain. He then proceeded to do me. I tried not to wince as I felt the serum go into my body and release my chakra. 

I laid back down on the table and released my seal. 

"Ok you should be able to just place them back in and my seal should heal them." I said. He then placed my eyes back into the open sockets. I felt my eyes start to burn as they began to heal and replace the broken nerves. 

Suddenly loud shouts and noises were heard from outside the door. 

"We need to go." Sasuke said sitting me up. 

"My eyes won't finish healing for a few more minutes." I said. But we didn't have a few more minutes we needed to get out now. I stood up and grabbed Sasuke's hand. "Guide me." Sasuke understood and began to walk to the door.

 "Wait, what about him." I said referring to Ibiki. I couldn't see what Sasuke had done to him. 

"Don't worry I took care of him." I didn't know whether that meant he knock him unconscious or had killed him. Some part of me wanted him to kill him for he had done to me and knowing that Sasuke killed him for me because of what he had done for some reason made me happy. 

We headed into the hallway and Sasuke immediately began running. I was holding his hand and followed a few steps behind him. He would verbally tell me to turn left or right or if I needed to stop to make sure they're weren't any enemies ahead. 

"Are we close to the exit?" I asked Sasuke as he stopped running to catch his breath for a minute. 

"I'm not sure, this place is like a maze." He said, "I can't  use my rinnegan yet because the chakra hasn't fully returned to my eyes yet. I could most likely get us out but then we could get stuck in a different dimension." 

"I'm sorry, I'm probably slowing us down because I can't see yet."

"It's fine, don't blame yourself for something like this." Sasuke said reassuring me.

 I nodded and we began running again. We weaved throughout the halls until Sasuke stopped again.

"What's wrong?" I asked, we hadn't been running that long so it couldn't be because he was tired or needed a small break. 

"The hallway narrows here." He said, "two people can't stand side bye side."

"Oh," I said, that's weird I thought. "I'll just follow behind you." I said letting go of his hand. My eyes had finished healing and my seal had resealed itself but when I opened my eyes they burned and they were extremely blurry. It was honestly better to keep them closed. 

"No," Sasuke said, "this place is like a maze. You would get lost without someone guiding you." 

"Is there another way we could go?" I asked trying to find a solution to our problem. 

"Get on my back." He said. 

"What?" I said surprised by what he said. He grabbed my hands and placed them on his shoulders that were lowered in front of me. He then grabbed my legs with his arm one at a time lifting me up. I wrapped one of my legs around torso to stay in place, as he could only hold one with his singular arm. 

He then began running through the halls again. I would've never dreamed that I would be getting a piggyback ride by Sasuke Uchiha but here I was. 

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