Unwanted--BTS--Soulmate AU

By beequeenkim

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What happens if your soulmate wants nothing to do with you? Sabrina moved to Seoul for a fresh start. She wa... More

New Friend
Build up; Breakdown
Control and Loss Thereof
Turning Point
Attachments Pt. 2
Dear Yoongi
I love you
Loved You
Never Fated
Let Me Go
Soulmate Pt. 2
Love You
Limo Ride
Next Life
Tomorrow and Forever


531 51 30
By beequeenkim

**The songs really make this chapter!

I woke up the next morning to Yoongi snoring softly next to me. He must've returned sometime in the middle of the night when I was fast asleep. I sighed and leaned up to check the time and then slipped back under the covers. I needed to be at BigHit around noon to pick up some files on my new English students as well as an encrypted laptop to work on. It was only 8:40, so I figured I could lay in bed a bit longer.

I turned on my side and looked at Yoongi. He was laying on his stomach with an arm shoved under his pillow, his head turned towards me and his mouth slightly open as he snored. I grinned at how wild his hair looked, the strands sticking up in every single direction. My heart tugged as I watched him sleep. Could this be what the rest of life would look like? Waking up next to him and feeling utter contentment? God, I hoped so. Moments like this made me forget everything else going on in my fucked up life.

Allowing the soul bond to guide me, I reached out and ran my hand through his hair, pushing it back off of his forehead before tracing a finger down his nose and lips. His mouth twitched and he slowly opened his eyes, and looked at me. I kept my hand on his cheek and met his sleepy eyed gaze.

Without breaking eye contact, he shifted until he was lying on his side facing me. He slid his palm under his cheek and just watched me. I saw something different in his eyes as he looked at me. I couldn't place it, but it almost looked like affection. I learned never to get my hopes up when it came to Yoongi but right then, in that moment, I let my doubts go and just felt.

Hesitantly, he reached out and grabbed the silk scrunchie from my hair and tugged on it, causing my curls to fall loose. I watched as he grabbed a few coils and spun them around his finger slowly. He then moved his finger up to my face and traced over my lips, just how I had done to him. My breath caught at his oh so gentle touch. This was incredibly dangerous for my heart.

LOVE ME HARD by Elley Duhé

I decided to damn the consequences as I leaned forward and softly pressed my lips to his. He immediately responded and started kissing me back. Feeling encouraged, I deepened the kiss and pressed myself forward until I forced Yoongi to roll over onto his back. I then climbed on top of him and grabbed a hold of both sides of his face as we continued to kiss. 

After a few moments, I pulled back for air and leaned my forehead against his, breathing deeply. He had moved his hands to my waist, and I felt his fingers dig into my hips. I leaned back to meet his gaze. The moment we locked eyes, a thousand words, thoughts, and emotions flowed between us. Neither of us spoke, and we didn't need to. Our bond spoke through us.

As if we were moving in a choreographed dance, Yoongi's hands immediately went to his shorts and he started to tug them down while I lifted up and slid my panties to the side. Fortunately, I only slept in a loose tank top and underwear. Once he was settled back down, I met his eyes as I slowly started to lower myself onto his throbbing shaft.

I let out a breathy moan as soon as his head started to enter me. Fuck, I forgot how big he was. I bit my lip and rocked back and forth slowly, feeling him enter me bit by bit. He was holding me steady, his hands grabbing onto my hips and helping me move back and forth. He was watching me closely, his eyes blazing as he saw me struggling to take him completely.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I was fully seated on top of him, his cock stretching me out almost painfully. I sat there for a moment, adjusting to him before I felt good enough to move. He let out a soft groan and clutched my hips harder, spurring me on. The angle at which he was hitting me was already too much and I let out a shameless moan as I began to roll my hips faster. I heard him curse under his breath and I closed my eyes in pleasure. While I was lost in my own world, he moved his right hand down my thigh and forced a finger under my panties. My eyes flew open and I whined as I felt him rubbing my clit.

I cried out feverishly, feeling my orgasm coming on fast and hard. Yoongi must've felt me tightening around him because he pressed down hard on my clit, causing my legs to tremble. I was panting and moaning, swirling my hips faster and faster as I chased my high. I yelped when Yoongi suddenly reached up and grabbed the front of my top and yanked me down until I was flush against his chest.

He held me firmly in place, locking his arms around my waist, and started to pound up into me. I moaned loudly as my orgasm started to hit me. Yoongi grabbed the back of my head and pressed his forehead to mine as he came with me. My toes curled as I felt his hot cum spurting inside of me and hitting my walls. He groaned, pressing himself deeper inside of me as the last of his own orgasm faded away. We clung to one another, breathing heavily as our bond sang in pleasure.

I felt absolutely euphoric. I never knew sex could feel this way. Was this what it felt like when you truly loved the other person? If I kept following that train of thought, I probably would've ended up in tears, but Yoongi suddenly surged up and flipped me over onto my back. I gasped and looked up at him, my heart absolutely coming to a undone at the sight above me.

"Good morning to you too, aein," he said in a gravelly voice before he leaned down to kiss me once more.

He pulled back and slowly slid out of me, causing me to wince. I felt our combined releases beginning to leak out of me and into my lopsided underwear.

Yoongi stood up and smirked down at me. "Keep those on today. It'll be a reminder of who you belong to."

I gulped and my cheeks flamed. He laughed as he grabbed a few clothes and then left the room.

Oh, Yoongi, I thought, I do belong to you. Wholeheartedly. But do you belong to me too?


After I finished showering, I walked into the kitchen to find Yoongi once again at the stove.

"You sure like to cook don't you?" I asked lightly as I went to grab a coffee cup.

He smiled. "I do. After years of feeding seven guys, it just comes naturally to me now."

I set my cup on the counter and considered him for a moment. I clutched the hem of my shirt nervously as I asked, "Do you think, would you maybe...could you teach me to make some of your favorite dishes?"

He turned to me, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Is that something that you'd like?" he asked.

I bobbed my head.

He slowly smiled. "Come here."

I nibbled my lip nervously and went to stand before him. He gently tugged me over to the stove in front of him and his arms came around me. He then leaned down and said into my ear, "Today we're making congee. It's one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast. Right now, all that is really left is to poach a few eggs into the mixture."

I nodded and reached for the carton of eggs on the counter, grabbing one. I made to crack it over the pot but Yoongi stopped me.

"Let me show you."

He put his hands on mine and moved the egg to the counter, softly cracking it on the hard surface. He then made us move the egg back over the pot and open it gently, allowing the egg to drop out. We repeated the action with three more eggs before Yoongi released my hands. He then dropped his face into my neck and placed the smallest of kisses right below my ear.

Shivers ran down my spine at the contact and I turned in his arms and looked up at him.

He was grinning down at me and I smiled shyly back up at him before stepping back and watching him finish breakfast.

After we were done eating, Yoongi turned to me.

"Hey, so...do you want to maybe watch a movie tonight?" he asked quietly.

I leaned my face into my palm and looked back at him. "I'd really love that, Yoongi."

He suppressed a grin and just nodded before clearing our plates.

Who was this sweet guy and where was Yoongi? I thought to myself as I tried to stop the butterflies in my stomach from bursting out of me.


I stepped out of the car in the underground parking garage at BigHit and smoothed my sweater dress down. The company had sent a car and driver for me so that I wouldn't be wandering into the front offices and getting photographed by Dispatch. They made me sound like an errant child and it rubbed me the wrong way. I inhaled deeply and made my way to the elevator.

I couldn't deny that being at the company made me incredibly nervous. I didn't know why but I just felt so uneasy when I had to be there. Almost like I was being evaluated and then judged unworthy.

The elevator dinged and I got out on the fifth floor, and headed to the records office. I showed my ID to the pinched faced clerk and she led me to a small waiting room with no windows. I sighed and sat down on the rough plastic chair, fiddling with the strap of my bag. The afterglow of that morning's activities had somewhat worn off and I was left feeling antsy. I just wanted to go back home and crawl into bed with Yoongi again.

He was probably somewhere here too. He had left before me and I assumed he was heading to the studio. If I hadn't seen him eating and sleeping with my own eyes, I would've thought the man never stopped working.

After what felt like hours, the grouchy clerk came back to me with a non-descript black shoulder bag.

"Inside you'll find the laptop and paperwork," she said, holding it out to me.

I nodded and thanked her, taking the bag. She inclined her head slightly before turning on her heel and walking away. I huffed out an annoyed breath and turned to go. But right as I was leaving the records office, Mr. Cha strode in.

I tensed up and grit my teeth at the sight of him. He was wearing a grey designer suit and had his hair styled back with way too much gel. I also noticed a couple of rings on his fingers, in addition to an overly large, ugly yellow gold watch. He looked every inch the sleazy manager that he was. I sidled past him, hoping he wouldn't notice me but of course I had no such luck.

"Oh, Ms. Randall. How lovely to see you here," he greeted me with a smirk.

I nodded at him, hoping to end the conversation before it started.

"I see you finally saw reason and signed the NDA and contract," he said mockingly.

Again, I only nodded.

He narrowed his eyes at me fractionally, annoyed that I wasn't engaging.

"You know what Ms. Randall, I'm so glad I ran into you. I was going to request a meeting with you about an important issue that has just come to my attention," he said with fake nicety. 

I pursed my lips and held on tighter to the straps of my two bags. "What do you want?" I asked lowly.

He cocked an eyebrow at me before holding his arm out. "Why don't you follow me to my office? This is a private matter, you see..." he said.

My eyes darted in the direction he was indicating. It seemed that there were plenty of people milling around so I wouldn't be totally alone with him, but I was still wary. My stupid curiosity was peaked though. What could he possibly have to discuss with me?

I nodded and he smiled crookedly at me as he led me to his office. We came to a large room, with a stately desk and several plush chairs. The interior was decorated with tons of expensive looking knick knacks and art pieces. It honestly looked a bit tacky to me.

I stepped further into the room and he closed the door behind me, pulling the shades down. My stomach immediately twisted and I started to feel more than just uneasy. This was not a good idea. I shouldn't've followed him so easily.

I turned and said, "You know what, I actually have to go. We can speak some other time, okay?"

I went towards the door but Mr. Cha reached down and roughly grabbed my upper arm.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere," he said menacingly.

My stomach fully dropped and I desperately tried to yank myself out of his grip.

"Let go!" I cried.

He snarled and dragged me away from the door, slamming me up against the wall. He towered over me, his eyes brimming with hostility. I could only stare back up at him in terror.

"Oh but Brina...it's really in your best interest to listen to what I have to say," he said evilly.

I froze. What...did he call me?

"Hmm did that get your attention? I bet it did. Are you going to be quiet and hear what I have to say?" he asked condescendingly. 

I nodded woodenly, unable to move.

"I thought so. Now, listen closely. It seems like you are keeping some secrets from us and Suga too, hmm?"

I sucked in a breath. What did he know?

"Yes, I know about your devious ways. I know all about how you manipulated the owner of In Line Dance Company back in the States. How you seduced him and then turned around and falsely accused him of domestic abuse and assault. But you didn't get away with it did you? You were afraid of getting found out so you dropped the charges and ran like a fucking coward."

Wha...what? Where did he get this information from?

"Are you panicking yet you little foreign bitch? You should be. You see, I'm not sure why the universe decided to give you Suga as a soulmate but we're going to rectify that error by cutting the bond and then you're going to disappear. I won't have you hanging around and sabotaging Suga and the company. Not while they're at the top of their success and earning more for BigHit than they ever have before," he hissed.

"What? B-ut we're lifemates! H-how can you separate us?" I asked shakily.

"Shh," he pressed a finger to my lips, "don't worry. I've found a highly experimental drug for you to take. It shouldn't harm Suga, just you. I actually heard it's quite painful for the one who initiates the cut. Or at least, that is what the test subjects said before they fell unconscious."

"I...won't take it! You can't force me to do such a thing!" I cried out indignantly.

Every Breath You Take by Chase Holfelder

His face darkened and he grabbed my hair, yanking my head to the side as he dug out his phone.

"You don't want to test me, bitch. You see, the poor man you thought you left behind is ready for payback. He sent me these to hold on to for collateral," he told me as he pulled up a photo and showed it to me.

I blinked through my tears of pain, squinting at the phone screen. As the image came into focus, I felt sick to my stomach. It was me...in a picture that Hunter had taken of me during one of his sadistic episodes.

Tears slowly gathered and dripped down my cheeks as I stared at the photo in misery. I couldn't believe he had these...

"Understand now? I won't hesitate to show these to Suga before I leak them. You don't want him to know what a dirty little slut you are, do you? Just think! Your friends will be so shocked! I wonder how the English school will feel about them being associated with a cheap American whore," he growled.

My chest heaved as I tried to keep myself from sobbing.

He let go of my hair and stepped back, straightening his sleeves. "I'll let you know when I have the drugs in hand. You better come when summoned, or else. And Brina, I think you know what will happen if you tell anyone about our little conversation, hmm?"

I nodded, wrapping my arms around my stomach.

He gave me a smarmy, toothy grin as he ran a hand down my arm. "Maybe I could be persuaded to help you on your way out of Suga's life. I have to say, even for an annoying little American bitch, you do look like a good fuck. Those pretty little photos certainly whetted my appetite. I'll even be generous and pay you. After all, I suppose even cheap whores deserve to be paid for their work."

My gut roiled with disgust but I kept myself from reacting so as to avoid provoking him further.

He released my arm and stepped back. "You should go. Enjoy your last few days living off of the spoils of Bangtan. We'll see each other soon."

I inched towards the door and wrenched it open, scurrying out as fast as I could.

I walked quickly towards the elevator and repeatedly punched the down button, wiping the tears off of my face with shaky hands. I had to get the fuck out of there before anyone saw me. My fight or flight was activated and I felt like running until I passed out.

As soon as I made it to the parking garage, I ran towards the car that I arrived in and flung myself into the backseat, slamming the door shut and locking it.

The driver looked at me strangely but started the car and began driving. I was breathing heavily, panic unfurling in my chest.

What was I going to do? How was I going to leave Yoongi? How the fuck did Hunter find me?

My phone pinged and I looked down at it blankly.

As if summoned, the devil himself appeared. 

I told you I'd see you soon. Didn't you miss me, dolly? Just a few more days until you're right back in my arms where you belong, my love.

I fought the urge to puke as I dropped my phone into my lap. Would I ever be free of him? Why was this happening to me?

I stewed in misery the entire ride to the dorm. When we arrived, I made my way up to the top floor and let myself into the apartment. I was met with silence, which I was equally grateful for and scared of. I didn't trust myself alone with my own thoughts. I stumbled to the couch and slumped down on it, dropping my face into my hands.

A few moments later, I heard the door open and someone enter. I slowly lifted my head and saw Tae come in. He stopped in his tracks and met my eyes, frowning.

"Jagi?" he asked softly.

I let out a sob and curled into myself on the couch, hiding my face from him.

He rushed over and squatted down in front of me, patting my head. "Jagi, what's wrong? Don't cry!"

I felt his arms come around me and I leaned into him, letting him console me. I cried into his neck, clinging to him as if my life depended on it.

He eased himself onto the couch, keeping a hold of me before he slid me onto his lap and rocked me back and forth.

"Shhh, it's okay jagi. I'm here. I won't leave you. I've got you," he whispered.

I stayed wrapped up in his arms, letting him console me. We were both so distracted that we didn't hear the door open once more.

"And what the fuck is going on here?"

I leaned back from Tae and met Yoongi's furious glare.

Oh, shit. 




praise me, i have given you another update in less than 72 hours! 

welp. it's happening! things are unravelling. 

only one of you got what the clue really was and what it meant. but they didn't put it in the comments heheh so good luck

and y'all thought i forgot about mr.  cha

Seven is coming! Are you ready for it? 

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